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I've mentioned it in two other relevant topics, but it really warrants its own topic.

Ralph Northam could have either 1) taken ownership of the photo and apologized for it and asked forgiveness, or 2) resigned.

But instead he had an incredibly disingenuous press conference Sunday afternoon, where he said he never saw his own personal page in his own yearbook, that he never bought the yearbook, and didn't know who the two guys (one in painted minstrel blackface, the other in a KKK uniform, both smiling for the photo) in the photo were. Who would believe that?
Is there one person in this country who didn't personally select what went on their own yearbook page, and not know who was in the photos on their page? It's just completely unbelievable.

Then in the next sentence, Northam says Well, I wasn't in blackface in this photo, but I did paint my face black with shoe polish to dance like Michael Jackson in a dance contest. Has one other person in United States ever done that?!? And is that the same if not worse than being the blackfaced guy in the yearbook photo?
In last night's The Next Revolution (Sunday, Feb 3 2019), it was also revealed that Northam had suppressed in his 2017 campaign any photos of him with his black Leiutenant-Governor running mate, in an apparent attempt to boost his numbers with white Virginia voters by distancing himself from his black running mate.

Add to this that Northam during the 2017 campaign smeared his Republican opponent Ed Gillespie relentlessly as a white racist and never missed an opportunity to associate Gillespie with the racial events in Charlottesville. Northam the exposed racist, falsely slandered his Republican opponent as a racist.

And now....

Just today, it came out that Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax has been accused of sexual assault, and might not be able to replace Northam as a result. Although details have yet to be disclosed fully regarding that. One possible story is that the allegation originates from Northam. Either further evidence of his racism, or perhaps an attempt to poison his replacement so the Democrats will be less eager to replace Northam.

I still withhold judgement until all the facts are on the table, but I'm definitely enjoying the Democrat-on-Democrat fratricide, using the same unbelievsbly vicious tactics on each other that they've baselessly used on Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Donald Trump, Roy Moore and Brett Kavanaugh. Until the dust settles, I'll get another bowl of popcorn and enjoy the show. It was inevitable that the same vicious slander tactics they use on Republicans, they would eventually unleash on each other. The genie is out of the bottle.

I'm also amazed that, a week later, no reporter has gone through and interviewed all, or at least some, of Ralph Northam's high school, college, and med-school classmates, and former girlfriends and co-workers. Could it be that the overwhelmingly liberal media doesn't want to know? Somehow I think if the exposed racist were Governor Ron Desantis (R-FL) or Gov. Bian Kemp (R-GA) they'd be interviewing classmates and co-workers up the yingyang, in great eagerness to find something further incriminating.

So why not Ralph Northam's ? Gee, I can't imagine why.

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Justin Fairfax is being represented against his female accuser (who Fairfax allegedly assaulted in 2004) by the same lawyer who represented Christine Blasey-Ford. An ironic reversal of the situation where Blasey-Ford had to be believed without question by everyone. And now the DNC has the opposite view where a woman has to be discredited and silenced before she is even heard.

I believe it was Mike Huckabee who said that if Democrats didn't have double-standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.

Huckabee went against the Clinton machine in the 1980's and early 1990's, at a time where the Democrats did the same thing to Bill Clinton's accusers, including Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willie, and Paula Jones. Who the liberal media, in over 25 years, have never given a mainstream interview. But conversely have given maximum primetime coverage to every Republican accuser.

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I'm still wondering why no one has interviewed any of Gov Northam's high school or college or med-school classmates on any evidence of his racism, or co-workers and colleagues from his years of medical practice.

Likely because they don't want to know. Whereas if it were a Republican accused or racism, they'd want to give it maximum coverage and leave no stone unturned.

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Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring admitted to wearing blackface during a college party in 1980, the latest stunning, political bombshell to rock Richmond as the state’s embattled governor and lieutenant governor also find themselves embroiled in scandal.
In a lengthy statement on Wednesday, Herring, a Democrat, said he wore brown makeup and a wig in 1980 to look like a black rapper during a party as an undergraduate at the University of Virginia.


"In 1980, when I was a 19-year-old undergraduate in college, some friends suggested we attend a party dressed like rappers we listened to at the time, like Kurtis Blow, and perform a song,” Herring said. “It sounds ridiculous even now writing it. But because of our ignorance and glib attitudes – and because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others – we dressed up and put on wigs and brown makeup.”

Said Herring, "This was a onetime occurrence and I accept full responsibility for my conduct.”
Following his admission, Herring resigned Wednesday as co-chairman of the Democratic Attorneys General Association.
The revelation further roils the top levels of Virginia government.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax are already facing controversies, and Herring would be next in line to be governor after those two men. All three are Democrats.

Herring is among those who have called on Northam to resign after the discovery of a photo of someone in blackface and another in a KKK costume on his 1984 medical school yearbook page.

"It is no longer possible for Governor Northam to lead our Commonwealth and it is time for him to step down," Herring said over the weekend.

Fairfax, next in line to be governor, has been accused of sexual misconduct, which he denies. The Washington Post reported that Fairfax and the woman met in Boston at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and she accused him of a "sexual encounter that began with consensual kissing and ended with a forced act that left her crying and shaken.”

In a new statement Wednesday, Fairfax continued to deny wrongdoing, but said "while this allegation has been both surprising and hurtful, I also recognize that no one makes charges of this kind lightly, and I take it and this situation very seriously.”

Fairfax reiterated his denial, saying he had a “consensual encounter with the woman who made the allegation” when he was an unmarried law student.


“At no time did she express to me any discomfort or concern about our interactions, neither during that encounter, nor during the months following it, when she stayed in touch with me, nor the past fifteen years," Fairfax said. "She in no way indicated that anything that had happened between us made her uncomfortable.”

Fairfax added, “These are unprecedented and difficult times. We have the opportunity to prove ourselves worthy of the challenge and come together. I look forward to continuing my work to unify the Commonwealth.”

Virginia's Democratic Party declined to comment on the latest developments. When asked for comment, a spokesman told Fox News: "We're not taking any calls right now."

Man, what is wrong with these people?

I'm not the most culturally sensitive guy, but it would never occur to me to show up at a party in blackface. And now it's not only the VA governor, but also the second and third in line who are now mired in scandal. At least the AG had the decency to resign and get on with his life.

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Beginning in February 2019, it emerged that [Democrat] Governor Ralph Northam and [Democrat] Attorney General Mark Herring had both donned blackface during their young adulthood in the 1980s, while [Democrat] Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax had multiple sexual assault allegations raised against him.

Given the racially charged nature of these scandals, national media focused attention on Virginia's complicated history with race,[1] from being a corner of the Atlantic slave trade triangle to being the Capital of the Confederacy to Monument Avenue to Massive Resistance[2] to Douglas Wilder (the first Black Governor of any state in the union)[3] to voting for Barack Obama in 2008.

After the first full week in February, Northam and Herring were both adamant in their refusal to resign, while Democrat Patrick Hope indicated he was initiating impeachment proceedings against Fairfax. This opened up the possibility that two white men who openly admitted they had donned blackface would maintain their terms while an African American man would face impeachment and removal for unproven accusations. Given the optics of this situation, many leaders in Virginia softened their stances on resignation for any of the three state-wide elected officials as of February 11, 2019

So it looks like they'll all just at this point try to bluff their way through the scandal.

Gee, why do people hate politicians?

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Of course the line of succession from Governor Ralph Northam would be

2) Lt Governor Justin Fairfax (D)

3) Attorney General Mark Herring (D)

followed by:

4) Speaker of the House Kirk Cox (R), who apparently hasn't worn blackface or a Klan robe, or raped anyone.


Tommy Norment (R), the current Virginia state Senate Majority Leader, well...

In February 2019 it was revealed that Norment was an editor of the 1968 Virginia Military Institute yearbook that showed students in Ku Klux Klan attire, blackface, and listed them with racially offensive nicknames, which came to light in the context of the 2019 Virginia political crisis.[7]

Former students of his at William and Mary in the 2010s accuse Norment of teaching racist material and making racist and transphobic statements in class.[8]

This Feb 2nd article from the Washington Post details the scandal at the beginning, when everyone was willing to ask for Gov. Noethaam's resignation, including Nancy Pelosi and many other Democrats. Now when Lt Gov. Fairfax and Mark Herring are similarly tarnished and would clear the path for a Republican... not so much! Those calls are diminishing.

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I ran across this alleged photo of Bill and Hillary in blackface at a party, and googled it to see the backstory. And Snopes has apparently de-bunked it:

I agree that this looks to be more 1980's and thus the couple in the photo are too young to actually be Bill and Hillary, who would have been this age in the 1968-1973 period. But I'd still like to have the true identity of those in the photo made known. It shouldn't be that hard.

Also the Snopes piece doesn't cite any solid facts to dispute the blackface photo is the Clintons, just their opinion. But I'm inclined, even as a hardcore Hillary hater, to agree with Snopes' opinion.

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Who Snopes the Snopes-ers? Apparently this lady does. Hers is conjecture as well, but she makes a more lucid argument than Snopes'.
As opposed to Snopes' instant attempt to de-bunk the photo, as the defensive branch of the DNC/liberal media that they truly are.

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And back on topic, just pointing out we're entering the 7th week and neither Governor Northam or Lt. Gov. Fairfax have resigned.
No further pressure from the DNC or the liberal media to do so.

Corruption and a double-standard are alive and strong in the DNC, as evidenced by the ongoing state of politics in Virginia.

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Roughly 5 months later, not a word of outrage from Democrats that these guys are still in office.
Not a word about further investigation.

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Has anyone here NOT selected precisely what went on their yearbook page?
If anyone did post any photos or anything else on your page, would you not have screamed bloody murder at the time so that everyone in school, certainly the administration and your closest friends, knew that anything printed in error was not yours or done with your consent?

It doesn't pass credibility that Northam didn't select that photo, and that neither he or his classmates interviewed could identify who was in the photo.
Add to that, how Northam initially apologized for the photo and admitted he was in the photo, and just didn't specify whether he was the Klansman or the blackface in the photo.
And further, that he admitted on another occassion dressing up in blackface as Michael Jackson, and only due to his wife's good sense restraining him, did Northam not go into a dance imitation of Michael Jackson at the press conference!

The Republicans still insist on his resignation.

The Democrats... absolute silence. And by not condemning Northam and the second and third in line for the Governor succession, Democrats in Virginia and nationwide endorse racism and date rape among their own. No ethics, just whatever keeps them in power.

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Six months later, and black-face/KKK robed Northam remains governor, not a peep from the Democrat leadership, in Virginia, Capitol Hill or nationwide.

Likewise Fairfax and the sexual allegations from multiple women.

Even more astonishing, how Democrats make racist allegations against Trump, even as they give a total free pass to the hard evidence in front of them about Northam and Fairfax. And the mayor of San Diego (courtesy of CA A G Kamala Harris), and Bill Clinton, and multiple political figures of the Kennedy family, and Gerry Studds, and so many others.
And huge Democrat donors and campaign bundlers like Harvey Weinstein and Jeff Epstein. Where Dems ironically ignore their vast Democrat ties and how the Democrats receiving their donations knew about their vile behavior for decades, and now pretend they didn't.
And even more incredibly in the case of Epstein, that while they ignore the Democrat connection, they strain to make it a sexual scandal about Trump!
Just incredible. Your Newspeak liberal media at work.

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Just pointing out, the Democrat leadership and liberal media have engaged in a joint propaganda campaign to label Trump a racist for the last week over the El Paso shooting, lyingly alleging Trump has engaged in "racist" attacks on hispanics, and is thus responsible for the shooter's massacre.
Despite that the shooter in his manifesto and online posts is a radical environmentalist who opposes ALL immigration, and actually wanted to lower the U.S. population for environmental protection reasons. That the shooter actually criticized Trump for allowing LEGAL merit-based immigration,
And that Trump has never made sweeping racist comments about ALL hispanics, or all immigrants, only illegal immigrants.

And meanwhile, a feeding frenzy of Democrats like...

Beto O'Rourke,
Julian Castro(and Republican-donor-"doxing" brother Joaquin Castro),
Diane Feinstein,
Nancy Pelosi,
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez,
Rashida Tlaib,
Al Green,
Veronica Escobar (who replaced Beto O'Rourke for the El Paso district)

...who all get out the long knives to call Donald Trump a hispanic-hating racist, based on no spoken words by Trump that exist to be quoted have given up any call whatsoever to remove blackface/KKK-robed Governor Ralph Northam in Virginia.
Or his date-raping Lieutenant Governor Fairfax.
Or his other admitted blackface-wearing third in the succession line.

There is hypocrisy running wild on the Democrat side.
And utter shamelessness.
Would that the liberal media would call them on it.

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Justin Trudeau blames privileged upbringing for wearing blackface as new video as third racist incident emerges

Man... you just can't make this stuff up.
Liberal hypocrisy again, on full display.
Tucker Carlson had a fantastic commentary tonight, comparing Trudeau to the likes of Ralph Northam, and how Democrats and the liberal media either selectively ignore or excuse the unexcusable. And conversely, how they call for the blood of Megyn Kelly or Trump no metter how sincerely they apologize for the slightest identity politics insensitivity.

I find it amazing that the Democrat/Left eats this crap up and actually believes it, as their side lies to them over and over. And that virtually no one is watching CNN or MSNBC any more.
Or reading the New York Times lying narrative about Brett Kavanaugh...

How do these morons not realize they're being lied to?

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And by the way, closing on a year now, and no further calls from the Democrats, or from the liberal media propping them up, for investigation or removal of Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia, nor for removal or the slightest investigation of his date-rapist Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax.
Social justice and the purge of racists, misogynists, homophobes, date-rapists and what-not, clearly only is a selective outrage, one that is only applied to Republicans. Harvey Weinstein (large Democrat donor and personal friend of Hillary Clinton), Jussie Smollett, Jeffrey Epstein (large Democrat political donor), and Ed Buck (large Democrat political donor), all commit outrage after outrage and pretty much have to set the nation on fire to get noticed by the liberal media. In several cases, the liberal media is still flying cover for them.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.

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