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#1228232 2019-02-08 6:40 AM
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A favorable news piece on her life up to entering politics:

Interesting to see a favorable POV of her, and why people see her positively as a native of the Bronx, and who certainly sacrificed to help out her family.

They kind of leave out the part about her being a marxist and a member of the Democrat Socialists of America.

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A little counter-perspective from the Washington Times. Her critics include Joseph Lieberman, Chris Coons, and local for me, Alcee Hastings. All express concerns about her socialist lurch to the far-Left that alienates Democrat moderates, and it goes without saying, the rest of America.

I think she gets a lot of media attention just because she's young and pretty. Despite that she's an airhead who proposes dangerous policy and doesn't understand the issues. But over time, she will increasingly surround herself with competent advisors, who will help her to increasingly appear more competent and moderate than she truly is.

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Ocasio-Cortez denies dark-money allegations in FEC complaint: ‘There is no violation’

The FEC complaint asserts that Chakrabarti [Ocasio-Cortez's campaign manager] established two PACs, the Brand New Congress PAC and Justice Democrats PAC, and then systematically transferred more than $885,000 in contributions received by those PACs to the Brand New Campaign LLC and the Brand New Congress LLC -- companies that, unlike PACs, are exempt from reporting all of their significant expenditures. The PACs claimed the payments were for "strategic consulting."

Although large financial transfers from PACs to LLCs are not necessarily improper, the complaint argues that the goal of the "extensive" scheme was seemingly to illegally dodge detailed legal reporting requirements of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, which are designed to track campaign expenditures.

Critics said the arrangement appears unusual and should be probed.

"It sounds to a lot of people like that’s a way to skirt the campaign finance laws in this country," former Utah GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz said on Fox News' "America's Newsroom." "And the FEC and the other regulators need to get in there and find out where was this money going – was it going to people’s pockets? Was it legitimate or not?”

In a nutshell, Ocasio-Cortez took funds (about $885,000) from one PAC she controlled, and put the funds in another LLC she owns. Both of which she has total control of. Apparently the only reason to move the funds is because she can use the funds in the new account without as much disclosure of how she spends it.

In many ways similar to how Hillary illegally set up a private e-mail server, rather than the far more secure SteteDepartment.gove website, so that she could avoid having her e-mail communications (i.e., Hillary's secret selling of State Department access to foreign governments, in exchange for hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation) subject to disclosure in state records.

Ocasio-Cortes at the least has a lot of days in court ahead of her, and potentially some jail time. It's amazing how Democrats always posture about open government and accountability, and then turn out to be the most evasive of open government for themselves, with the most to hide. And when you're a constitutional republic-wrecking Bolshevik posing as a champion of freedom, you have a lot to hide. Some animals are more equal than others.

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Complaint alleging massive campaign finance violations prompts a denial from Ocasio-Cortez (Washington Examiner)

by Becket Adams, 3-5-2019

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has some explaining to do, and I don't think a simple denial will cut it.

The freshman congresswoman’s top aide, Saikat Chakrabarti, reportedly funneled more than $1 million through political action committees he founded into two private companies he owns, according to a new investigative report by the Washington Examiner’s Alana Goodman.

“Chakrabarti's companies appear to have been set up for the sole purpose of obscuring how the political donations were used,” Goodman reports, citing a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission by the watchdog group the National Legal and Policy Center. The “arrangement skirted reporting requirements and may have violated the $5,000 limit on contributions from federal PACs to candidates.”

“PACs are required to disclose how and when funds are spent, including for expenditures such as advertisements, fundraising emails, donations to candidates, and payments for events and to vendors,” Goodman wrote. “The private companies to which Chakrabarti transferred the money from the PACs are not subject to these requirements.”

Ocasio-Cortez responded to the report Tuesday by asserting simply that “ there is no violation.” For a lawmaker whose path to Congress was paved with a promise to elevate the ethics of Washington, D.C., she’s going to have to do better than that to explain how it’s kosher for her campaign-manager-turned-chief-of-staff to shuffle money through his PACs into his own private companies, whence it allegedly benefited other campaigns.

The Campaign Legal Center’s director, Adav Noti, himself a former FEC lawyer, told the Examiner that Chakrabarti's arrangement is definitely unusual. He also suggested that it might have been done with an eye toward obscuring how the money changes hands.

"None of that makes any sense," said Noti. "I can't even begin to disentangle that. They're either confused, or they're trying to conceal something."

"It does seem like there's something amiss. I can only think of really two likely possibilities for this sort of pattern of disbursements," he added. "One is the scam PAC possibility — they're really just paying themselves, and they’re concealing it by using the LLC. The other is that there’s actually another recipient, that the money is going to the LLC and then being disbursed in some other way that they want to conceal."

The thing that gets me is that Ocasio-Cortez was sworn into office only 61 days ago. Yet, her office already looks like a black hole of ethically dubious behavior. Remember: This FEC complaint isn’t even the first shoe to drop. During the 2018 election, her campaign made several payments to Brand New Congress LLC for “strategic consulting,” and then Brand New Congress PAC made payouts to her boyfriend, Riley Roberts, who was billed as a “marketing consultant,” according to Federal Election Commission filings compiled by GOP operative Luke Thompson.

As if that weren’t already strange enough, both the LLC and the PAC were co-founded by Chakrabarti. These are the same organizations that he reportedly used to funnel cash into his private companies. Then, there's the questionable issue of the congresswoman giving her boyfriend a dot-gov email address. These addresses are reserved only for House staff, though they are given out on occasion to the spouses of elected members of Congress. Roberts is neither.

For a candidate who came to Washington on the promise of transparency and a high standard of ethical behavior, Ocasio-Cortez has wasted no time falling far from that ideal.

From the perspective of a former FEC lawyer who now works for the political watchdog group who exposed the irregularities of Ocasio-Cortez's campaign finances, this editorial clarifies the irregularities of the case in question.

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Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (Mr Reagan again)

Man, I love this guy!
With humor, he intelligently deconstructs Ocasio-Cortez's insane rhetoric. Many Republican pundits say they welcome her comments, because they are so destructive within the Democrat party.
And alienate and drive away any moderate support for the Democrats.

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The latest is Ocasio-Cortez comparing Border Patrol detention areas to Nazi concentration camps.

Gee, why do I hate Democrats?

1) These illegals (i.e. people who entered out country ILLEGALLY) are often treated better than U.S. citizens.

2) These illegals were not taken in the middle of the night by storm troopers against their will. They chose to enter this country, illegally, and are remarkably well provided for under the circumstances.

3) They are held for a maximum of about 21 days before being released into the United States, where they are free to kill, rob, rape and engage in other crimes with no vetting. And to spread diseases that have become epidemic across the United States, after previously being eradicated for decades.

It's all about hating America, and destroying what we've been for over 200 years, to radically transform us into something else: A non-white marxist utopia that crushes U.S. sovereignty and welcomes globalism.

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Goddamn Democrats!

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She's a hired actress, with two political strategists writing all her material, and she still sounds like an airhead.
Just imagine how vapid she would sound without them scripting her.

G-man, that cartoon you posted makes me imagine Lloyd Bentsen on a debate stage with her saying "I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. And believe me Alexandra O-C, you're no Jack Kennedy." The hammer and sicle in her acronym was a nice touch.

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God, I love it!



President Trump squared off with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and four of her progressive freshman members on Twitter Sunday, and told them to go back to their countries of origin to fix the corruption plaguing those nations before they lecture the United States.

In the tweet, Trump referred to them as "progressive Democratic Congresswomen" whose home countries are collapsing from corruption and said they should return home to aid those who are suffering.

He also said their departure would please Nancy Pelosi and suggested she would even cover the cost of their travel.

Trump's tweets prompted a backlash from several members of Congress, including Pelosi and Michigan's Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

The Speaker of the House responded to Trump's tweet shortly thereafter and said the issue was not about policy but about race, claiming the president wants to "make America white again."
She also called Trump's comments xenophobic and asked for an end to all ICE raids, in favor of bipartisan immigration reform.

New York congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez flipped the script on Trump in her Twitter reply and blamed him for the corruption and lawlessness at the southern border and accused him of purposely instilling fear while being driven by anger.

Meanwhile, Tlaib tweeted out a call for impeachment in response to Trump's comments and said he represents the real crisis, not the immigration issues on the southern border.

Ocasio-Cortez, who is Puerto Rican, was born in the Bronx, New York, and raised in suburban Westchester County. [ undisclosed in the article: Puerto Rico, while a U.S. territory, is an impoverisshed and politically corrupt state, as evidenced by indictments in the last week over government officvials stealing hurricane relief funds. --WB]

Pressley, the first African-American woman elected to represent Massachusetts, was born in Cincinnati. [ undisclosed in the article: while American, she is a cultural marxist liberal-progressive America-hater in the mold of Obama, from the poorest blackest inner city districts of Chicago, and later Boston, a "community organizer", and the neighborhoods she is from are corrupt Democrat-controlled third-world hellholes within the United States --WB]

Tlaib, who along with Omar became one of the first two Muslim women ever elected to Congress, was born in Detroit. [ undisclosed in the article: Tlaib's family are recent immigrants from Palestine, and Ilhan Omar, the most loathesome of the bunch, is from a family of recent immigrants from Somalia -WB].

Omar is the first Somali native elected to the House and despite being born in Somalia, she spent much of her childhood in a Kenyan refugee camp as a civil war tore her country apart. She is the only one of the four not to be born on U.S. soil.

Omar was the third Congresswoman to reply to the controversy and said Trump has been corrupted with ineptitude. She also said he's stoking hate through white nationalism and told his opponents to fight his hate with diversity.
The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) also condemned Trump's comments and issued a statement through their National Executive Director Nihad Awad:

"Trump's latest racist tweets echo the bigoted shouts of 'go back where you came from' heard daily by American Muslim women and children, immigrants and members of other minority communities across our nation. It is sad to see the occupant of the Oval Office transition from empowering and encouraging racist taunts to actually using them himself," Awad said. "If Trump shouted the same thing at a Muslim woman wearing hijab in a Walmart, he might be arrested."

Omar has fundraised for CAIR, the influential civil rights group for Muslims. CAIR has been condemned by conservatives, who say the group unfairly labels its critics Islamophobic.


Pressley was the last of the four to respond and said Trump represents racism, while she and her congressional cohort represent "democracy." She also said they won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

Michigan Rep. Justin Amash, who said he is leaving the GOP due to Trump's policies and was the only Republican to call for his impeachment, also weighed in on the debate and called the president a disgusting racist.

Matt Wolking the deputy director of communications for Trump's 2020 reelection campaign, got in on the action as well and said the media was already mischaracterizing the president's comments.

"Anyone who says the president told members of Congress to go back to where they came from is lying," he wrote on Twitter. "He told them to “Then come back and show us how it is done.”

Last week Pelosi was caught in a public feud with her four progressive freshman members: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. Ocasio-Cortez had been publicly acrimonious in her responses to Pelosi and accused the speaker of giving her busy work to keep her quiet and out of the way.

On Sunday, the Washington Post's Global opinions editor Karen Attiah blamed Pelosi for Trump's comments and said her harsh criticism of her own members gave the president an opening to attack.

Trump is often less than eloquent while making his point, while still functionally getting his point across.
But in this Twitter post he perfectly eviscerated these four freshman congresswomen, as members who hate America and relentlessly harp on how evil, unequal and racist America is. And that if they really hate it that much, they come from the most corrupt and brutal nations on earth (Rashida Tlaib from Palestine, Ilhan Omar from Somalia, Ocasio-Cortez from a dysfunctional Puerto Rico) and since they hate America so much, they should go back to the hellhole nations they came from and reform them. And that he's sure Nancy Pelosi would be more than glad to arrange the VISAs for them!

I'm paraphrasing only slightly, but that's the gist of it.

Trump's post, of course, raised a hissy-fit among the America-hating Democrat Left, pissing off all the right people. And certainly among Trump's political base (including me) never said truer words about these vile Leftist demagogues.

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Donald J. Trump@RealDonaldTrump

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly......

5:27 AM - 14 Jul 2019

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how....

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Weird how Fox News quoted word for word, every last bit of vitriol, in all the angry Democrat/Left responses to President Trump, but didn't quote what Trump initially said.

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I think Trump is very good at choosing the right words that excite a chunk of his base. I'm all to familiar with racist pieces of shits telling non-white people that they can go back to their own country. Seen it in action but never thought I would hear a President say it.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think Trump is very good at choosing the right words that excite a chunk of his base. I'm all to familiar with racist pieces of shits telling non-white people that they can go back to their own country. Seen it in action but never thought I would hear a President say it.

Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez, and Ilhan Omar are non-white people whose families were admitted into this country as refugees, out of great generosity of the United States. People who once rescued, trash the country that rescued them. Pressley from what I've observed is just African-American, but still manifests a hostile separate identity and political animus toward white America.

Trump isn't lashing out at all people of color, Trump is only directing his comments at those who hate this country and incessantly label it as evil, unfair, racist, and misogynist. Trump is only saying of THOSE PARTICULAR America-hating Leftist immigrants (race unspecified), that if they don't like the U.S. 1) they should leave, and 2) they should look at the U.S. as certainly a better and far fairer and less corrupt place than the nations they came from.

And by the way, Nancy Pelosi's unimaginative incendiary remark that Trump "wants to make America white again":
U.S. immigration over at least the last 20 years admits an average of 1.1 million legal green-card immigrants per year, nearly equal to the total immigration annually of all the world's other nations combined.
Of that 1.1 million legal green-card immigrants annually, only 18% of immigrants to the U.S. are white.
It 's not. That is lying propaganda, and an incendiary smear of Trump.

In point of fact, in Trump's first year, the U.S. actually let in 1.3 million legal greencard immigrants.
And needless to say, over a million illegals each year, thanks to the nation-threatening obstruction of Democrats, to prevent securing our borders.
Tom Homan, the director of ICE till June 2018, and who has served 35 years on border security, working his way up from a frontline border guard, said that in his service under 6 presidents, Trump is the very first who is serious and committed to actually securing the border from illegal immigrants.

Democrats are lying demagogues, and their goals are anything but securing the border.

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You can try to use bs rationalization WB but like I said I've seen the "go back to your own country " used by racists over the years. Telling your fellow countrymen to go back to their own countries isn't defensible. America is their country too and instead of civilly challenging different opinions our president went with a racist retort. That isn't loving your country either.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You can try to use bs rationalization WB but like I said I've seen the "go back to your own country " used by racists over the years. Telling your fellow countrymen to go back to their own countries isn't defensible. America is their country too and instead of civilly challenging different opinions our president went with a racist retort. That isn't loving your country either.

"Go back to your own country" is not necessarily racist. It's a statement of someone who doesn't assimilate, and in the case of these four women in the House, who despise America. If that is how they feel and their first loyalty is somewhere else, then by all means they should go to the place their loyalty is with, whether that is Palestine, Puerto Rico, Somalia, Russia, the U.K., France, Latin America, India, China, Pakistan, the Middle East or wherever.

There is no mention of skin color in that statement, it is simply a matter of those who value being here, and those who belong somewhere else. And many immigrants have historically and continue to contribute greatly to the United States. Those who love this country and contribute to its success as a nation. Dinesh D'Souza, for example. There is much that D'Souza says that would be considered jingoist and racist if a white person said the same thing, about the merits and superiority of European culture, and the net positive legacy of European colonialism.

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I think it's pretty apparent who is actually hating half their country.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think it's pretty apparent who is actually hating half their country.

Yeah. The Democrats.
They portray anyone who doesn't agree 100% with their point of view as racist, bigoted, homophobic, misogynist, etc.

Democrats are completely intolerant of any views that they disagree with. If a Republican/conservative hears views they disagree with, they politely disagree and present the facts for their own dissenting views.
Democrats increasingly want to shut down any speech they disagree with as "hate speech".
CNN won't even have people on their network anymore who disagree scientifically with global warming and can present the facts to support that view!

Democrats increasingly side with muslims in anti-Israel and Antisemitic views, even a principal (a high school in my own city just today, Spanish River High School in Boca Raton) pushing holocaust denial being taught in his school!

My U.S. Representative Ted Deutch (D-FL, district 22), despite being Jewish himself and overtly pro-Israel, supports Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and that crowd of Israel haters.

As I've pointed out repeatedly, Democrats have shouted down and threatened violence to prevent conservative speakers such as Ann Coulter, Karl Rove, Yiannopoulos, Condoleezza Rice and others. They won't even allow them to be graduation commencement speakers!

On top of that, the intolerant anger and violence of the Democrat/Left, literally hundreds of attacks.

There was an incident of Antifa violence in Spokane Washington yesterday, where one Antifa guy used an automatic rifle on police, and he had to be shot to death. Antifa lionizes him as a martyr and calls for more violent Antifa attacks.
CNN and the other liberal networks won't condemn Antifa's attack. Instead openly praise Antifa.
NOT ONE of the 25 Democrat presidential 2020 candidates will condemn the attack. Who is the party of hate?
The shooter's rhetoric as he shot up the ICE facility was pretty much what verbatim Rep. Ocasio-Cortez has said in recent weeks: that ICE agents are racist and like Nazis, that ICE detention of illegals is cruel and comparable to nazi concentration camps, etc.

(In point of fact, ICE agents due to deprivation of funds by a Democrat-controlled Congress have inadequate funds and supplies, and bring in food, clothing and toys for detained illegal children paid for out of their own salaries. Yes! Just like the Nazis! Democrats really do a disservice to these caring and selfless agents, extending kindness to illegals in detention NOT given by the Democrat leadership. )

The hate is all on the Democrat side. Republicans are willing to have a dialogue, the Democrats are not. And far beyond that, the Democrat/Left tries to intimidate into silence their Republican opposition. THAT, my friend, is hating half the country.

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You are the one attacking a whole party, roughly half the country. Try rereading your own posts, I don't think I'm mistaken to see a lot of hate from you. Trump's "go back to your own countries " wasn't said out of love or an attempt to unite the country. Trump is doing exactly what you're accusing democrats of.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You are the one attacking a whole party, roughly half the country. Try rereading your own posts, I don't think I'm mistaken to see a lot of hate from you. Trump's "go back to your own countries " wasn't said out of love or an attempt to unite the country. Trump is doing exactly what you're accusing democrats of.

You are trying to turn this around into a personal attack on me, to hide the true hate and radicalism, and violence, of your own party.

I am not voicing hate. I'm citing specific examples of the hate, intimidation and violence in the Democrat party.

You're desperately trying to evade that fact: Democrats are the ones who act with utter intolerance and hate toward views they don't agree with. And all too often, VIOLENCE.

Democrats attack Republican authors, public speakers, and current/former political leaders at booksignings, at public lectures, and at university appearances, and in many cases are so violent that events are cancelled or shut down. There is absolutely nothing I or any other Republican has said or done that even comes close to that level of "hate" in the other direction.

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Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez topic:

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man, 7-15-2019
You are the one attacking a whole party, roughly half the country. Try rereading your own posts, I don't think I'm mistaken to see a lot of hate from you. Trump's "go back to your own countries " wasn't said out of love or an attempt to unite the country. Trump is doing exactly what you're accusing democrats of.

Melania Trump topic (one of literally hundreds by M E M that I could cite as examples) :

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The 2nd trophy wife always has a rougher time, lol. I don't bear any bad will to her compared to the animosity some republicans have shown to Michelle and really stopped paying attention to Melania after her "I don't care" jacket. After letting that fat ugly orange turd crawl on her enough to produce a child I think she really didn't need to make a jacket statement. It's pretty apparent that she doesn't care.


And unintentional comedy.

Your comments display a level of personal hatred I couldn't begin to compete with.

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Cruz: Freshman Dems are radical and extreme with a troubling history from July 16, 2019 on Fox & Friends.

Senator Ted Cruz discusses the radicallism of Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Pressley and Ilhan Omar.
I like the term of Senator John Kennedy (R-LA), who nicknamed them "the four horsewomen of the Apocalypse".

Cruz also comments on the monopoly of Google, that is far larger and more powerful than A T & T, and far larger than Standard Oil, when those vast empires were broken up.
I think Google, Youtube, Facebook, Instragram, Twitter and other liberal-dominated internet and social media giants are the only threat left to Trump's 2020 re-election. As they currently exist, they are attempting an Orwellian suppression of the conservative half of the two-party dialogue.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You are the one attacking a whole party, roughly half the country. Try rereading your own posts, I don't think I'm mistaken to see a lot of hate from you. Trump's "go back to your own countries " wasn't said out of love or an attempt to unite the country. Trump is doing exactly what you're accusing democrats of.

You are trying to turn this around into a personal attack on me, to hide the true hate and radicalism, and violence, of your own party.

I am not voicing hate. I'm citing specific examples of the hate, intimidation and violence in the Democrat party.

You're desperately trying to evade that fact: Democrats are the ones who act with utter intolerance and hate toward views they don't agree with. And all too often, VIOLENCE.

Democrats attack Republican authors, public speakers, and current/former political leaders at booksignings, at public lectures, and at university appearances, and in many cases are so violent that events are cancelled or shut down. There is absolutely nothing I or any other Republican has said or done that even comes close to that level of "hate" in the other direction.

Oh that's a bunch of bs. That occurs on both sides and unlike the lying orange turd, Ocasio-Cortez has actually confronted somebody that called a republican a moron at one of her events. Trump on the other hand in his dishonest "go back to your own country" attacks pauses to let his supporters chant "send her back". He's told some really nasty lies in his attacks on the four, why is that acceptable to you? Michelle Obama has it right when she says it's not my America and it's not yours but it's our America. And what did I get wrong about you attacking a whole party? When you say broadly attack democrats or liberals you do realize that includes me btw.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You are the one attacking a whole party, roughly half the country. Try rereading your own posts, I don't think I'm mistaken to see a lot of hate from you. Trump's "go back to your own countries " wasn't said out of love or an attempt to unite the country. Trump is doing exactly what you're accusing democrats of.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You are trying to turn this around into a personal attack on me, to hide the true hate and radicalism, and violence, of your own party.
I am not voicing hate. I'm citing specific examples of the hate, intimidation and violence in the Democrat party.

You're desperately trying to evade that fact: Democrats are the ones who act with utter intolerance and hate toward views they don't agree with. And all too often, VIOLENCE.

Democrats attack Republican authors, public speakers, and current/former political leaders at booksignings, at public lectures, and at university appearances, and in many cases are so violent that events are cancelled or shut down. There is absolutely nothing I or any other Republican has said or done that even comes close to that level of "hate" in the other direction.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Oh that's a bunch of bs. That occurs on both sides and unlike the lying orange turd, Ocasio-Cortez has actually confronted somebody that called a republican a moron at one of her events. Trump on the other hand in his dishonest "go back to your own country" attacks pauses to let his supporters chant "send her back". He's told some really nasty lies in his attacks on the four, why is that acceptable to you? Michelle Obama has it right when she says it's not my America and it's not yours but it's our America. And what did I get wrong about you attacking a whole party? When you say broadly attack democrats or liberals you do realize that includes me btw.

Somehow I missed this when you posted it earlier. It's not "B.S.", I cited and sourced and quoted to back up everything I've said. Ther emay be a few conservatives who have engaged in similar attacks, but they are overwhelmingly Democrat attacks on Trump supporters and other Republicans like Karl Rove, Ann Coulter, Yiannopoulos, Condoleezza Rice, etc. You don't see Republicans shouting down or intimidating Democrats. You don't see (Breitbart link above) hundreds of attacks on Democrats for something so simple as a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat or T-shirt, where to simply openly support Trump is an invitation to be attacked.

So "Republicans do it too" just doesn't accurately describe it. All the hate, all the vitriol, all the shout-downs, the politically motivated attacks, are overwhelmingly from the Democrat side. There is nothing from the Republican leadership equivalent to compare to:
1) Rep Maxine Waters' call to drive Trump supporters from any public restaurant, store or gas station, to (on video, above) "Get in their faces, step into them, create a crowd, and let them know they are not welcome." To basically intimidate anyone from wanting to servee in a Trump administration.
2) Hillary Clinton, asked about the violence she and other Democrats are stoking: "There will be peace when we regain power."
3) Cory Booker's comments, similarly calling for intolerance and uncivility.
4) Kamala Harris, also wishign for violence about Trump and what she'd like to do to him, only half jokingly.
5) Joseph Biden, multiple times saying how he'd like to give Trump a beat-down.
6) Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of her Bolshevik wing, essentially saying that Trump supporters, and even ICE, Border Patrol and other police engaged arresting illegal criminals and other criminals, are basically comparable to Nazis, and that you aren't polite to a Nazi, you punch them in the face, violently attack them, intimidate them from speaking publicly and otherwise de-platform them. That is the polar opposite of Constitutional free speech.

And there is nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING comparable, either from the Republican leadership, or from grassroots Republicans.

Your fellow Democrats are the party of hate, intolerance and Bolsshevik revolution, and there is nothing even slightly comparable on the Republican side. You can't accuse me of "hate" for simply pointing out the hate that is overwhelmingly on the Democrat side.

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    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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A few days ago, Tucker Carlson had a segment about Ocasio-Cortez and her ideological pals, indoctrinating kids based on nothing, that the "world will end in 12 years if we don't act radically to stop global warming". Carlson has had many segments to show interviewing meteorologists, scientists and other climate experts that there is absolutely no science to back that up that "12 years" number.

But in Carlson's more recent segment a few nights ago, he covered how terrified a lot of these indoctrinated kids are, how they really believe it, and many of them are doped up on anxiety drugs to deal with the stress these fears are causing them.

And just tonight at the end of his show, he showed this clip from an Ocasio-Cortez public appearance where a freaked out girl was saying: "It's not enough! We're not doing enough! Even if we kill all the Russians it's not enough to stop global warming! We only have 12 years! We need to start eating our babies!..."

Carlson/Hannity 10-3-2019, Thurdsay: "URGENT BREAKING NEWS!!!"

Whether she is pranking Ocasio-Cortez or is a sincere true believer in Ocasio-Cortez's golbal warming imminent armageddon drivel, she reflects the fears of the Ocasio-Cortez indoctrinated.

Trump already tweeted about it, and Ocasio-Cortez responded.

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Apparently a proTrump group is taking credit for it WB. Pretty disgusting tactic imho

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Apparently a proTrump group is taking credit for it WB. Pretty disgusting tactic imho

Because it exposes liberal insanity?

They didn't deceive, they quickly took credit for their publicity stunt.

It's interesting that Ocasio-Cortez, even when she thought this girl was a serious supporter, never outright said that "eating babies" was a crazy way to deal with the threat of global warming. Ocasio-Cortez never said: Well, obviously we don't condone that as a way to battle global warming, but yes, global warming is a serious threat that needs to be dealt with. She didn't in any way distance herself from such an extreme suggestion of cannibalism, and in not doing so Ocasio-Cortez exposed her own fanaticism.

Democrats like Barack Obama and Al Gore fly on private jets, have huge wasteful mansions, and in Obama's case, is in the process of purchasing a $14 million oceanfront home, so clearly the Democratss are not serious about a "global warming threat" they are terrifying their followers about. This staged event widens discussion of this liberal propaganda.
And I have to say, this girl was as convincing as she was hilarious. Tucker Carlson (in the clip I linked above at the end of his show when it broke, before he handed off to Hannity) rightly called it as an activist stunt and a punking, that it turned out to be.

Fox News has reported it was someone associated with a guy named Lyndon Larouche. Larouche began as a communist, before he became a far-right borderline fascist with a small but fiercely loyal cult following. He ran for president in 1980 and 1984 if I recall.


The activist ranting about "we need to start eating babies" was mimmicking the extremist rhetoric of actual panic-stricken Green New Deal high school and college activists.
As I cited a few days ago, they are so panic-stricken by Democrat rhetoric on the subject, in many cases from Ocasio-Cortez herself, that the world "only has 12 years left" that they need to be prescribed anti-anxiety drugs.

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My bro Glenn Back and his co-host field it pretty well.

Crazy, or 'genius' troll? AOC voter wants to 'eat babies' and children to save the planet


It's hilarious, no matter how many times you watch it.

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So planting somebody and saying things they don't believe is not being deceptive in your opinion? You're talking about eating babies not because AOC has those views but because some group from the right staged a stunt. If her views are so extreme why indulge in such bizarre and horrid deceptions? Is this really something Tucker and Hannity spend much time on?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So planting somebody and saying things they don't believe is not being deceptive in your opinion? You're talking about eating babies not because AOC has those views but because some group from the right staged a stunt. If her views are so extreme why indulge in such bizarre and horrid deceptions? Is this really something Tucker and Hannity spend much time on?

I watched the video. It was obviously a stunt to anyone with half a brain in their head.

Unfortunately she doesn’t have that. So she stood there with a deer in the headlight look, stammering and terrified that she might offend one of her psycho woke constituencies.

She’s a complete numbskull.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So planting somebody and saying things they don't believe is not being deceptive in your opinion? You're talking about eating babies not because AOC has those views but because some group from the right staged a stunt. If her views are so extreme why indulge in such bizarre and horrid deceptions? Is this really something Tucker and Hannity spend much time on?

If you'd watched the Glenn Beck clip I posted above, they explained that it's performance art.
And within 24 hours, the Larouche activists were taking credit for it. I fail to see how this was deceptive, no one tried to hide their intent, beyond getting the media to take a bite at it.

There have been many similar pranks, such as one I recall about 15 years ago, where a bunch of protestors were picketing Barney the Dinosaur for having Satanic messages, and 24 hours later, the group took credit for completely making it up, after the story had been picked up by local and national news networks nationwide.
Their point was to expose how easy it was to make a sensational and completely false story go viral across hundreds of stations nationwide, completely unconfirmed. Any one of those stations could have checked the factss, but didn't. That's the point.

The "world is going to end in 12 years" Democrat narative is likewise given exposure nationwide completely unconfirmed for the last year. All this performance protestor did was mimic the liberal rhetoric, and expose how easy it is to advance this factless narrative without any media scrutiny. She also expressed the fear that liberal "only 12 years" narrative is instilling in a lot of liberal true believers.

It's a much more intelligent and resonant heckling of their Democrat opposition, than say, shouting down Ann Coulter or Ben Shapiro or Condoleezza Rice, or tossing glitter on Newt Gingrich. This took up about 1 minute of Ocasio-Cortez's town hall meeting, vs. the complete shutdown of conservative speech, and violence against conservatives expressing their free speech and Trump support, where rather than a dialogue, Democrats use slander, intimidation and violence to shut down any opinions they disagree with.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I watched the video. It was obviously a stunt to anyone with half a brain in their head.

Unfortunately she[Ocasio-Cortez] doesn’t have that. So she stood there with a deer in the headlight look, stammering and terrified that she might offend one of her psycho woke constituencies.

She’s a complete numbskull.

Anyone with the slightest intelligence would have smiled and said, well, we obviously don't advocate something as extreme as cannibalism, but yes, we need to do everything we can to reverse global warming. But instead Ocasio-Cortez couldn't bring herself to condemn even this extremism.

Just as a month or so ago, Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib and Omar couldn't bring themselves to condemn the attack on an ICE facility in Portland, Oregon by an Antifa guy. A guy who during the attack was ranting almost verbatim Ocasio-Cortez's poisonous rhetoric about how ICE facilities were comparaable to Nazi concentration camps.
Because whatever advances their Bolshevik revolution, whatever slander, violence, intimidation, they're for it. But they don't want to comment or take credit for it. And she is responsible for it.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Well I've seen her speak up at a town hall when somebody was calling some republican names. And in the case of the lady from the far right who wants to eat babies Cortez was tweeted asking the GOP to be sensitive to the lady who had obviously had mental illness issues. Seems like a reasonable conclusion. Why would she assume it would be a plant from the far right? And wouldn't it be more sensible to debate her policies instead of these character attacks?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Well I've seen her speak up at a town hall when somebody was calling some republican names. And in the case of the lady from the far right who wants to eat babies Cortez was tweeted asking the GOP to be sensitive to the lady who had obviously had mental illness issues. Seems like a reasonable conclusion. Why would she assume it would be a plant from the far right? And wouldn't it be more sensible to debate her policies instead of these character attacks?

Her inability to shut down somebody who floated an insane idea is a discussion of her policies.

And the man who calls Trump a piece of shit on a regular basis has no business bemoaning character attacks.

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Trump of course would never call somebody from his party out at one of his rallies like she did. He slings the shit himself. I'm just pointing out that from AOC's tweets afterwards that she thought the lady was mentally ill and was still concerned about her. Given what the far right wacko was saying about eating babies that actually sounded like a rational guess. It just seems like if this is where conservatives are at on attacking AOC instead of her policies that she supports it looks lame. It's just the 3 of us G for the most part, I'm just being honest here.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump of course would never call somebody from his party out at one of his rallies like she did. He slings the shit himself. I'm just pointing out that from AOC's tweets afterwards that she thought the lady was mentally ill and was still concerned about her. Given what the far right wacko was saying about eating babies that actually sounded like a rational guess. It just seems like if this is where conservatives are at on attacking AOC instead of her policies that she supports it looks lame. It's just the 3 of us G for the most part, I'm just being honest here.

“ButTrump” in no way disproves my criticisms of her.

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You brought up Trump in the previous post. Your criticism is that she should have known that the person saying crazy things about eating babies was a plant. I honestly don't see that but if you feel that way it's not really something to prove or disprove.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You brought up Trump in the previous post.

Only as an illustration of your tendency to engage in character attacks.

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