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Even the liberal media is acknowledging that this massive a wave of refugees in a "caravan" doesn't just happen. It requires logistical support to feed and transport these people.

And while mostly men under the age of 35, they calculatedly pushed women and children to the front of the line as a human shield, to push through the Honduran/Mexican border. And seriously injured at least four Mexican police officers in the process. Criminals just lawlessly seizing an opportunity to get in illegally, injuring police to get what they want, with no regard for the rule of law.
Who thinks these people would be good for our country?

And if this wave gets through, how many more waves after?

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By Daniel John Sobieski

Just in time for the midterms, another "spontaneous" migration from Central America began with a bevy of allegedly oppressed and downtrodden Hondurans leading the way. Pressured by a threat from President Trump to cut aid to Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador if the caravan is not stopped, some moves by these governments have been made. Yet evidence exists that these migrations are not spontaneous, with both of the governments in question encouraging them as a political and economic safety valve and a source of foreign currency, financed in part by foreign leftists with connections to George Soros.

As Fox News's Laura Ingraham noted in a tweet, this is not a walk in a national park, but an expensive and arduous journey:

Who is funding the migrant "caravan"? Each migrant's passage can cost as much as $7K each. Per capita income in Honduras is $2.3 K.

It is doubtful that such sums came from college funds. Evidence of Soros funding of an earlier "spontaneous" migration have been found among the tentacles of support that flow from his Open Society group coffers:

Leftist billionaire George Soros is funding the well-organized anti-Trump migrant caravan invasion from Central America that has been hitting the United States-Mexico border in defiance of immigration enforcement.

Several major ultra-liberal foundations and corporations have supported the asylum-seeking migrant caravans, and Soros' funding has been tied to several groups that have spearheaded the "refugee" invasion coalition – also dubbed "the Soros Express."

"The caravan is organized by a group called Pueblo Sin Fronteras, [but] the effort is supported by the coalition CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, which includes Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLIN), the American Immigration Council (AIC), the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services (RICELS) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) – thus the acronym CARA," WND reported. "At least three of the four groups are funded by George Soros' Open Society Foundation."

The hands of the Honduran government are not clean in these efforts. Among the alleged asylum-seekers parked on the U.S. border is a contingent of Hondurans, allegedly fleeing persecution, poverty, crime, and oppression. If that is the case, why is the Honduran government helping them, driving them northward under orders given to the Honduran ambassador, who is helping and escorting them?

Leaders of a caravan of Central American migrants traveling toward the United States through Mexico have repeatedly accused the Honduran government of corruption and with failing to address the poverty, crime and economic conditions forcing families to flee by the thousands.

So it shocked some observers when the Honduran ambassador joined the migrants protesting outside the Honduran embassy in Mexico City on Wednesday, and then accepted their invitation to walk 9 miles to a migrant shelter.

"I have been ordered by my government to support the Honduran migrants traveling with the caravan. There are about 200 Hondurans who we will help out with paperwork and whatever is necessary," Alden Rivera Montes, the Honduran ambassador to Mexico, told El Universal.

Ordered by my government? Why is the country whose oppression they are allegedly fleeing helping them leave? The answer is remittances, the money sent back home by so-called "migrants." Asylum is in large part a colossal scam designed to provide Latin American countries with a political and economic safety valve and a cash cow of foreign exchange. In 2017, remittances sent back to Honduras totaled $4.33 billion and make up a significant part of the Honduran economy:

Within the span of a few short decades, migrants have become an essential engine of economic support for Honduras. Remittances comprised 17 percent of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2011, according to World Bank estimates, the second largest share of any country in Latin America or the Caribbean. As such, Honduran emigrants have tremendous significance for the country's economy and for the sustenance of many otherwise impoverished communities and families.

Talk about a trade imbalance. We import alleged asylum-seekers and other illegal aliens, and they send home billions sucked out of a benevolent U.S. government and economy. We have an economy that has some 7.3 million jobs going unfilled because of a shortage of skilled workers. Judging from photos of the latest caravan, one would suggest a paucity of welders, pipefitters, electricians, and long-haul truck-drivers.

Inner-city blacks have long asked which country they get to go to to escape violence and poverty. Although President Trump is succeeding in fighting crime and increasing job opportunities in our urban areas, much remains to be done. We do not need to be importing low-wage and low-skilled competitors to American citizens to drive down poor workers' wages. Inner-city residents have long asked, where's our sanctuary?

Unlike the children of Central America, arriving en masse, the children of Chicago, facing conditions every bit as horrible, have no border to cross to seek asylum or refuge.

"Do something for our children," said one of the protesters in a video posted at the blog Rebel Pundit. "Have the same love for these young people like you got for the ones across the border, and you want to save them."

A woman, identified only as Elaine, explained the plight of inner-city Baltimore residents on Laura Ingraham's radio show: "My children cannot play outside. I cannot take my trash out without locking the door – it's awful. Who is going to give us anything? Where can I get asylum? Where can I get refugee status?"

Where, indeed? Perhaps this side of a border wall Democrats oppose in favor of sanctuary cities and Medicare for illegal aliens. If any of the alleged asylum-seekers want to learn a trade – how about a crash course in border wall construction? Build it, and they won't come.

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MS-13's Active Members Are Laughing At Trump's Crackdown (Vice News)

It's a clickbait title. A better title would be "who these Central American fuckers really are" : MS-13. Who make it clear they have killed people. But they want to be admitted into the United States, either legally or illegally. So they can victimize more people in the U.S.

To hell with that.

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Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham both tonight had very good information on the cost of illegal immigration, and of children born to illegals in the U.S. and entitled to U.S. citizenship at birth despite their illegals status.

As Buchanan also partly cited in his book STATE OF EMERGENCY in 2006, illegal children are roughly 10% of all births in the U.S. (Buchanan cites in 2006 the estimate of roughly 300,000 of 3 million U.S. births annually.) That it bankrupts hospitals when immigrants are given medical care they cannot afford for the births other care, and that at that time (2006) it had bankrupted 10 hospitals in California. Probably a lot more by now.
And that when the children turn 21, they can sponsor their parents and entire extended family for immigration to the U.S. And that even as a newborn infant, they qualify their illegal immigrant parents for welfare to care for them.

Ingraham cites that the estimate held since 2000 of 12 million illegals in the U.S. is now considered vastly below the actual number, now estimated at roughly 22 million illegals in the U.S. (and I think even that estimate is too low, actually more in the range of 40 million illegals in the U.S.)
And based on that higher 22 million number of illegals, the number of illegal births are estimated at 400,000 to 600,000 a year, at an estimated annual cost to taxpaying U.S. citizens of 2.4 billion annually.

The total cost of all illegal immigration annually is now estimated at $136 billion.

Donald Trump (consistent with his 2016 campaign rhetoric) today proposed either a Constitutional amendment/law or (secondary option) an executive order that children born to women illegally in this country will no longer be entitled to U.S. citizenship at birth.

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If you want to enter the U.S. and become a loyal U.S. citizen, why would you march in under a foreign flag?

These are not "immigrants" or "refugees". They are lawless invaders.
Marching toward our border in the thousands.

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  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Tearing down border fences, throwing rocks and broken glass aat Mexican police, severely injuring at least four.

Moving lawlessly and injuring anyone who gets in their way, will they behave any more lawfully when entering the United States?
We all know the answer to that.

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Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen warned Sunday that the illegal immigrant caravan heading toward the U.S. could be exploited by cartels that control most of the illegal flow of people through Latin America.

Ms. Nielsen also praised the efforts of Mexico and Central American governments she said are working with the U.S. to try to contain the caravan, rather than enable it.

While some among the once-5,000 member caravan have given up and returned to Honduras, local reports say about 2,000 people have barged into Mexico and vow to press on to the U.S., defying the will of the Mexican and American governments.

Warnings of a get-tough policy from U.S. officials have done little to deter the migrants, who for years have seen relatives and neighbors easily jump the border to enter the U.S. with little consequence. The ease of entering is a selling point for the cartels, who control the drug and human smuggling routes into the U.S. and require payment of a “mafia fee” just to cross the U.S.-Mexico boundary line.

Court records show that fee typically runs from $1,000 to $2,000. That doesn’t include thousands of dollars in other fees that cover foot guides, drivers, stash houses and the rest of the illegal journey.

“While we closely monitor the caravan crisis, we must remain mindful of the transnational criminal organizations and other criminals that prey on the vulnerabilities of those undertaking the irregular migration journey,” [DHS secretary] Nielsen said in a statement Sunday.

She also repeated U.S. backing for the governments who have tried, under threats from President Trump, to stem the flow.

“We fully support the efforts of Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico, as they seek to address this critical situation and ensure a safer and more secure region,” the secretary said.

Mr. Trump has said he would pull U.S. foreign assistance from Central American countries and would “seal” the border, including nixing the free trade agreement he’s finalizing with Mexico, unless those nations find ways to halt the caravan.

He has also said he will deploy the U.S. military — a step beyond the National Guard troops he previously asked be sent to the border.

Mexican authorities had attempted to keep the caravan in Guatemala, processing people individually to enter either to claim asylum or to get a visitor visa. But thousands of migrants decided not to wait and burst through fencing or paid to be ferried across the river into Mexico, circumventing the border guards.

The caravan began a week ago in Honduras. The Associated Press reported that Guatemalan officials calculate some 5,400 people had entered their country from Honduras since the caravan began. Perhaps 2,000 have returned home.

Two other contributing factors:

1) The governments in Honduras, Guatamala and El Salvador love illegal immigration to the United States from their countries, because once in the U.S., they send money to relatives in their native countries, that injects billions into their economy. Trump needs to create a deterrant to this.

2) In addition to Soros/Leftist international support, these caravans are also organized by Leftist groups within nations like Guatamala and Honduras. One of their goals is to stoke anger of the United States so we will cut off foreign aid, which will cripple the internal economy of these countries, and in rough economic times the radical left in these countries have a better chance of being elected and consolidating power over these nations.

Some things Trump could do is intervene to improve the economies in these countries, to disincentivize them from leaving and coming to the U.S.
While simultaneously cracking down hard and deporting illegal immigration. I'd like to see an order that no more illegals willbe accepted at the border until further notice. We already have a backlog of 750,000 illegas in the couyntry awaiting their trial dates for asylum/refugee status. Trump could simply say until that backlog is processed, we will accept and consider no more.

Another option I thought of is U.S. military and border security could cross the border and intercept illegals 1 to 10 miles into the Mexican side of the border (as the U.S. has done on several other occasions). If Mexican law enforcement cannot/will not stop them, the U.S. has every right to go in and do the job ourselves.
U.S. focrces could just hit the mob of 7,000 with several square miles of tear gas to immobilize them, handcuff or bind them all, and take them back by plane or helicopter and drop them on the beach of their native countries. If they do not make it to the U.S. border, they are not entitled to asylum consideration, and can just be shipped right back to Central America. And fatigue from the long trip, combined with being tear-gassed, would be a disincentive to them ever trying again.
I also would like each of them captured, bound, fingerprinted and given unfavorable status if they ever try to enter the country by legal means later, with their passport/I.D. and fingerprints in the U.S. ICE/Border Guard database system. Anyone who would smash border gates, beat up Mexican police, and try to break into our country illegally should never be considered as a potential immigrant to the U.S., given their violence and disregard for our laws.

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At least 100 members of the migrant caravan travelling through Mexico in an attempt to reach the United States have been kidnapped by the Zetas cartel, according to human rights officials in the country.

Fleeing gang violence and threats back home in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, thousands of the migrants travelling en masse reached Mexico City on Monday and Tuesday.
But reports have emerged that a number of members, including children, have gone missing from the group. They are suspected of having fallen prey to criminal gangs, who abduct migrants in order to extort their family members.

Human rights activists and officials in the southern states of Oaxaca and Veracruz, across which the massive group of Central American migrants have trekked over the last few weeks, say that at least 100 were kidnapped in the state of Puebla and allegedly handed over to the Zetas gang.
Arturo Peimbert, the human rights ombudsman in Oaxaca, told local media that the migrants were offered rides by fruit trucks, which they took despite warnings not to, and after getting onto the trucks found themselves locked in.

“The testimonies I have heard [of those who managed to escape] was that many of those migrants were handed over to organised crime near the Federal Police base in Puebla," Mr Peimbert related.
The ombudsman said that promises from the state government of Veracruz to provide transport to the migrants to get them to Mexico City were later retracted, creating a sense of desperation among many in the group.

Numbering more than 4,000 now, the Central Americans have been trekking steadily from their home countries in hot, unsanitary conditions in an attempt to reach Mexico’s shared border with the United States and ask for asylum.
In Mexico City, they have been given shelter and other humanitarian help by the city government.

For years, organised crime has preyed on migrants passing through Mexico, from taxing them to use established routes to kidnapping them and imprisoning them in safehouses.
They then ring their relatives either at home or those already living in the US to demand payment in return for their release.

The size of the group of migrants currently passing through Mexico has brought renewed attention and interest to the plight of those fleeing violence and gangs back home.
Donald Trump, the US president, has ramped up his anti-immigrant rhetoric as the migrant groups approaches the US border.

This week, he told the migrants to “turn back now, because you’re not getting in,” and has pledged to send some 15,000 extra troops to the border to protect Americans.

Once again posing the question: Who are the cruel ones? The ones who would deny them entry as illegals? Or the Leftist/progressives who encourage these people to make the trip, thus putting them in danger? Allowing the first waves to come in just encourages more waves of people to make the trip and suffer the same kinds of abuse.

And I repeat: human rights organizations estimate that 60 to 80% of the young girls who make this trip are raped and sexually abused. Some are abducted and forced into human slavery as prostitutes. Border guards interviewed say they find "morning after pill" or birth control pills among these girls' carried belongings, given by their parents knowing in advance what they will endure. If we let this wave in, it just encourages tens of thousands more to make the trip and endure the same abuse.

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The first of several "caravans" arrived much sooner than the liberal media predicted, at the gates of Tijuana, about 3,500 of them. With about 10,000 in following caravans on the way.

DHS has identified about 500 of them that are known criminals. Out of just 3,500, that ratio is pretty frigging high.

Piss me off.
I don't know why border patrol doesn't use tear gas, or rubber bullets, or flash-bang grenades, or a water cannon to make this scum scurry like rats back to the Mexican side. It really infuriates me these jerks are able to just sit there on the wall waving their arms and defy border guards. The U.S. military or border patrol should have pounded them with tear gas 1 to 10 miles inside the Mexican sside of the border, loaded them on helicopters, and dropped them right back on the beaches of Honduras and Guatemala. These are criminal thugs, even the ones who have not yet committed crimes, in their intent to rush our borders and attempt to overwhelm border guards to gain entry to the U.S.

As lawless thugs who are not even trying to obey the laws of asylum, they should not be given the consideration for asylum. If they are apprehended before they reach the border, they are not entitled to that.
And the U.S. at least twice in the last century has done such apprehensions on the Mexican side. If the Mexicans cannot secure their own borders, we have every right to do that.

Maybe the solution is a few thousand U.S. citizens with BB guns, who could just painfully hit them with BB's over and over, like being stung 100 times by bees, until they retreat.

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The only thing the Democrat/Left support is using half-measures that will not prevent illegals from entering the United States.

When these people are smashing down gates and injuring people coming from Guatemala into Mexico, throwing bottles and rocks at police in Mexico and now again at the U.S. border, attacking U.S. Border Patrol, and in addition raping women and girls in illegal caravans at a rate of 60 to 80%.
Invading under Honduran and Guatemalan flags (the flags of the countries they are allegedly fleeing persecution of).

And openly conspiring, often on camera with reporters, to rush the border en masse in an attempt to overwhelm Border Patrol, in every way manifesting a corrupt and criminal nature, I don't see how anyone can support or sympathize that these are "good people" who would be good citizens who would respect our laws if permitted to enter. Quite the opposite, they manifest they are corrupt to the core.

And more:

It scares me that a near 50% minority of Americans (Democrats, of course, the party of treason!) support and sympathize with these illegal Vandals and Visigoths at our gate.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compares migrants to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany

Using non-lethal riot control methods to contain illegal criminals from overwhelming Border Patrol.

Yeah, just like the Nazis

These fuckers can be glad I'm not in charge. They are invaders, pure and simple. I think tear gas, pepper-spray and tasers are enough to do the job of pushing them back, but if gunfire were necessary to stop these invaders I would endorse it.
And whether pepper spray or lethal force, a degree of pain followed by immediate deportation to their nation of origin would be a powerful deterrant to stop the next wave from even thinking about another caravan to rush our border.

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Laura Ingram's program last night did an exceptional job of deconstructing first how the liberal media has lied about the caravan for roughly 2 months, and then detailed what is really happening on the border, interviewing several border guards.

Hannity's program also gave a good overview.

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Pat Buchanan in his book on illegal immigration State Of Emegency cites the health threat of illegal immigrants entering our country by the millions.

That is certainly on display among the illegals in Tijuana right now.


by Lukas Mikelionis and Griff Jenkins, Fox News

Migrants who came with the caravan are suffering from respiratory infections, tuberculosis, chickenpox and other serious health issues, Tijuana's Health Department warned on Thursday morning.
The spokesman told Fox News that out of 6,000 migrants currently residing in the city, over a third of them (2,267) are being treated for health-related issues.
  • over 60% have respiratory infections,
  • three confirmed cases of tuberculosis,
  • four cases of HIV/AIDS
  • four separate cases of chickenpox, the spokesman said.
  • At least 101 migrants have lice and
  • multiple instances of skin infections, the department’s data shows.

There’s also a threat of Hepatitis outbreak due to unsanitary conditions, the spokesman said. The thousands of migrants are being sheltered at the Benito Juarez Sports Complex near the San Ysidro U.S.-Mexico Port of Entry, despite the place being capable of providing for 1,000 people.
The location also has only 35 portable bathrooms. A sign reading “No Spitting” was put up, as coughing and spitting by migrants are rampant in the shelter.

Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum said Tuesday that the city has enough money to assist the migrants only for a few more days, with the city saying it’s spending around $30,000 a day.
“We won’t compromise the resources of the residents of Tijuana,” Gastelum said during a press conference. “We won’t raise taxes tomorrow to pay for today’s problem.”

Amid the problems and dire living conditions, some migrants are reportedly self-deporting. Approximately 80 self-deported Tuesday while another 98 were deported by Mexican immigration officials for their involvement in Sunday’s demonstrations that turned violent.
Others have chosen to accept offers of temporary work and asylum from Mexico, yet most still remain committed to entering the U.S.



What is just within these 6,000 illegals alone is a national epidemic waiting to happen. And there are millions more already her. And illegally slipping into the country every day.

The close quarters and rampant flu infection among these people is already something of a punishment in suffering for their illegally smashing their way into Mexico, throwing rocks and glass bottles at Mexican and U.S. border police, and plotting to rush our border to slip in illegally.
Things are going to get a lot worse for them when the $30,000 a day to provide for them dries up. I hope they regret their choice, and before it ends, they all "self-deport" back to their countries of origin.

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Tammi Bruce made a fantastic point on the 9PM program The Next Revolution, a more populist-centered show on Fox: the Democrats had absolutely no problem giving $150 billion to the Iranians in Obama's "Iran Deal", that allowed the Iranians (until Trump shredded the agreement) to obtain nuclear weapons with the missiles to carry them within 10 years, as well as likely using the 150 billion to wage terrorism worldwide, and at least as likely, for the Iranians to use it to fund war directly against the U.S. and kill U.S. soldiers and civilians.

But the Democrats who had no problem giving $150 billion to the Iranians, among our most fanatical enemies, can't bring themselves to provide even $5 billion for Trump to secure our southern border and build a wall.

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CIS STUDY: 63% of non-citizens in U.S. are on welfare:

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Meeting of Trump, Pelosi and Schumer, December 11th:

Elsewhere I saw someone make the great point that Democrats had absolutely no problem giving Iran $150 billion, but they can't even allow $5 billion to secure our southern border (let alone the 25 billion total to fully fund the border wall).

Body language analysis of the meeting:


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The systematic rape of women and young girls by the coyotes who move them across Mexico and the U.S. border.

This is the system that Democrats like Schumer, Pelosi and Rep. Luis Gutierrez endorse by refusing to secure the border.

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I love how consistently liberal (and therefore pro-illegals) Wikipedia tosses in (under the headline MILITARIZED BORDER RAPES) this with no supporting confirmed incidents or statistics to be U.S. Border Patrol raping these women, rather than the coyotes and drug cartels that transport these women illegally. All three numbered "sources" are actually one source, clearly some far-left "women's studies" group.

Slandering Border Patrol without a shred of evidence.

This much is verified by several well-known human rights groups:


The newspaper La Jornada surveyed women attempting to migrate while they were in Mexican border cities. 30% said coyotes forced them to have sex as payment.[21]

The United Nations estimated that among women crossing without husbands or families, as many as 70% were victims of some form of abuse.[5]

At the time of the Amnesty International report, the non-profit estimated "as many as six in 10 women and girl migrants experience sexual violence during the journey."[1] It cites a 2006 study of already-detained migrant women in which 23 of 90 reported experiencing violence, with 13 saying the perpetrator was a state official.[1] The researchers involved believed actual numbers were likely higher.[1]

According to a report by Splinter News, as many as 80% of women and girls coming to the United States from Central America are sexually assaulted.[3]

Michelle Brané of the Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children told Tucson Weekly that "nonprofit groups and even the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement ... estimate that the vast majority of women and female children encounter some sort of sexual assault en route to the United States," and that "it's become the norm, and in many cases with female children, they just assume that there's been some sort of incident."[5]

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Two programs tonight that have great information and statistics on the border crisis, from ICE officials:

Lou Dobbs, Dec 26, 2018, Wednesday (guest hosted by David Asman)

Hannity, Dec 26, 2018 (guest hosted by Jason Chaffitz

While the lying cocksmokers on CNN and MSNBC divert from the true issue and propagandize (Ohhh, ohhh!!) what an outrage and shame it is that ICE killed a 7 and 8 year old girl in the last week.
In contrast, the above two linked programs give the full context that these kids were extremely sick when taken in custody. And the more recent boy who died on Christmas eve was with his father the entire time, and was offered medical help that was initially declined multiple times because he did not appear ill, even to his father. That ICE doctors checked on him multiple times and he did not seem to need medical attention, when he suddenly developed a fever of 103 and slipped into a coma and never revived. That ICE did everything they could to provide for the boy, but he had some weird illness that defied normal treatment. And ultimately, the boy would have died more quickly if he was not in ICE custody getting the very best medical care (at taxpayer expense).

ALSO IMPORTANT: This kid had some weird fatal disease. If he had successfully gotten into the U.S. undetected, he could have spread this disease to many other people.
And as we saw with the caravan of 6,000 a few weeks ago, about two thirds were diagnosed with some highly contagious respiratory flu virus, and a smaller ratio of about 5% had various dangerous illnesses such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, and HIV. These people who enter illegally are a health threat to legal citizens and residentss of the United States. And that's just a slice of the 1.5 million illegals who successfully enter our country every year undetected.

Further, it's infuriating that ICE is blamed for the deaths of these 2 children, who again, arrived with these contagious and hard to diagnose illnesses, despite the best efforts to care for them.
And as former head of ICE and former frontline Border Patrol agent Thomas Homan says, the partisan liars at CNN and MSNBC fail to see that there are thousands of illegals who are saved and would otherwise die if not for the actions of Border Patrol and ICE. People who would be murdered or raped by the coyotes who transport them across the border (AGAIN: human rights groups estimate 60 to 80% of women and girls are raped, and many kidnapped into forced prostitution), murder them because they turn out mid-journey to be unable to pay the price of being transported. Who are either killed or left to die because they are injured and can no longer walk with the group.
These THOUSANDS of illegals are rescued by Border Patrol, who would otherwise die. Many at great risk to Border Patrol themselves to save them. Many border guards have been killed. And many of these Border Guard detention stations have been quarantined for lice, tuberculosis, hepatitis and other illnesses, including guards who have become sick in the process of incarcerating them, just doing their jobs.

The deliberately incendiary slanders of the Democrat/Left and liberal news propagandists of Border Patrol/ICE, and of our military and our police are deeply infuriating.

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Trying to spin dead kids now, glad I gave this place a pass for Christmas.

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I gave it a break over Christmas too, M E M.

But those are the facts, that you try to spin as "spinning dead kids".
Those are the facts, much as you'd like to ignore them. The U.S. Border Guard saves the lives of thousands of illegals from the criminal traffickers that your party enables. As I cited above, the drug cartels now make 33% of their profits off human trafficking, a practice that your party's obstruction keeps in business.

And then they have the audacity to blame the Border Guard that are saving the lives of the people your DNC/Bolshevik party is killing.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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The newspaper La Jornada surveyed women attempting to migrate while they were in Mexican border cities. 30% said coyotes forced them to have sex as payment.[21]

The United Nations estimated that among women crossing without husbands or families, as many as 70% were victims of some form of abuse.[5]

At the time of the Amnesty International report, the non-profit estimated "as many as six in 10 women and girl migrants experience sexual violence during the journey."[1] It cites a 2006 study of already-detained migrant women in which 23 of 90 reported experiencing violence, with 13 saying the perpetrator was a state official.[1] The researchers involved believed actual numbers were likely higher.[1]

According to a report by Splinter News, as many as 80% of women and girls coming to the United States from Central America are sexually assaulted.[3]

Michelle Brané of the Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children told Tucson Weekly that "nonprofit groups and even the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement ... estimate that the vast majority of women and female children encounter some sort of sexual assault en route to the United States," and that "it's become the norm, and in many cases with female children, they just assume that there's been some sort of incident."[5]

Sexual assault enabled by your DNC/Bolshevik party, for its own sinister purposes.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Yes you spun the dead kid. Happy new year WB, see you next year

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yes you spun the dead kid. Happy new year WB, see you next year

No. I un-spun what the Democrats and liberal media is spinning with the dead kid.
I corrected their lying emotionally exploitative propaganda with the true facts.

It's 3 days till new years eve, so I expect we'll talk here again before then, but if not, hope you have a pleasant holiday, and see you next year.

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On Lou Dobbs tonight, he reported that the World Bank disclosed that $53.4 billion in wire transfers have moved from the U.S. to Mexico and Central America in the last year, that is a new record over what was transferred in previous years.

It's clear what the incentive is for Mexico and Central American governments, in permitting and even encouraging both legal and illegal immigration to the U.S.: it generates an ongoing annual flow of cash back to the country of origin, year after year.
And conversely, that is 50 billion or so that leaves the U.S. every year and ceases to re-circulate and grow our economy. It shrinks our economy, and now grows theirs. Likewise the 500 billion annual trade deficit with China alone, as well as cash wire transferred by immigrants of every country, transferred from the U.S. to nations worldwwide.

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A 2016 article on the subject, demonstrating an exodus of billions in wire transfers by immigrants (legal and illegal) to foreign countries is not a new problem.

The Challenge of Tracking Money Sent to Other Countries From Illegal Immigrants

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Revealed: How immigrants in America are sending $120 BILLION to their struggling families back home (Daily Mail, U.K., Jan 31, 2013)

Migrants working in the United States sent a staggering $120 billion back to their families last year, it was revealed today.

The amount of money being sent by migrants across the entire world reached $530 billion last year, making it a larger economy than Iran or Argentina, the data from the World Bank showed.

This worldwide figure has tripled in the last ten years and is now three times bigger than the total aid budgets given by countries around the world. It has sparked debate whether this so-called remittance money could be a viable alternative to relying on help from other governments.

In the United States last year, more than $120 billion was sent by workers to families abroad - making it the largest sender of remittances in the world. More than $23 billion went to Mexico, $13.45 billion to China, $10.84 billion to India and $10 billion to the Philippines, among other recipients.

In 2011, the World Bank estimated that U.S. remittances alone reached $110.8 billion, which was more than 80 per cent of the size of the total amount of cash flow ($132 billion).

It is little surprise as the US is home to the largest number of migrants from developing countries; there are 42.8 million immigrants in the country, making up around 14 per cent of the population.

By contrast, 2.4 million Americans live oversees, with largest populations in Mexico, Canada and Puerto Rico, and just $5.1 billion sent back in to the country, data shared on The Guardian showed.

The data showed that the biggest beneficiaries included India and China, which each received more than $60 billion, followed by the Philippines ($24 billion), Mexico ($24 billion) and Nigeria ($21 billion).

World Bank officials believe the amount they donate could be billions more because not all cash is sent through banks and money transfer companies on which the figures are based.

A number of countries have set up initiatives to manage the cash flow, including the Rwandan government, which saw much of its aid cut last year over claims it was helping rebels i neighboring Democratic of Congo.

As a result, it has asked all Rwandans living abroad to contribute to a new 'solidarity fund' to make up the difference. However, migrants are complaining they are being charged more than 20 per cent in transfer fees as companies scramble to exploit the ever-growing market.

For smaller economies across the world, remittances make up massive proportions of national income. For example, Tajikistan receives the equivalent of 47 per cent of its GDP from workers abroad, while Liberia receives the equivalent of 31 per cent.

Showing just how many families in Liberia are on money from relatives abroad, 18 per cent of people surveyed in Gallup polls said they take in remittances, with as many as 27 per cent of families receiving money in urban areas.

For dozens of developing countries, such as Bangladesh, Guatemala, Mexico and Senegal, remittances are worth more than the aid they receive from the other states.

Some countries both send and receive massive remittances; Bangladesh received over $12bn in remittances in 2011 - about 11 per cent of its GDP - while migrants in Bangladesh, for example, are estimated to have sent over $3.7bn to India in 2011.

Across the world, there are more than 214 million migrants, which would make it the fifth most-populated country after China, India, America and Indonesia.

Remittances from western Europe have weakened since the financial crisis, which has affected money going to sub-Saharan Africa, eastern Europe and central Asia.

But across the world, the total sum is rising as the value of money from Russia and the Gulf countries increases with high oil prices, and beneficiaries are mostly neighbouring former Soviet states, including Tajikista, Armenia and Georgia.

In the United Kingdom, which sent $23 billion out of the country, the government's shadow minister for international development, Rushanara Ali, who was born in Bangladesh, believes the UK government should try to harness migrant money to complement aid spending.

'I've never heard someone with an origin in another country not feel a sense of obligation or a sense of contribution,' she told The Guardian. 'There will always be pressure on budgets. The time is ripe for coming up with new ideas on how diaspora communities can make a difference.'

This was the only article that answered my larger question, of the estimated total "remittances" to foreign countries from the U.S.
Along with some idea of same drain from nations worldwide by immigrants.

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When I see the Democrat dismissiveness and snark in reaction to murder of Americans like this by illegals, it's infuriating the arrogance of these Democrats, and their deliberately incendiary rhetoric.

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The Ingraham Angle 1/10/19 | Laura Ingraham Fox News Breaking January 10, 2019

Pierce Corcoran's parents interviewed by Laura Ingraham. Also hard-hitting, Rep Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) cites that no Democrat politician attended officer Singh's funeral, who was likewise shot to death by a Mexican illegal immigrant with extensive ties to gangs. The killer was attempting to flee back to Mexico when arrested.

Yeah, there's no illegal immigration crisis...

For a little more perspective, 90% of the outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal immigrants. Just like Singh's killer, they murder someone, and to evade arrest flee back across the border to Mexico.

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Sheriff blames sanctuary law for California officer’s death

SAN FRANCISCO (Associated Press) — A suspected drunken driver accused of killing a California police officer who pulled him over was captured Friday as he tried to flee back to Mexico, where he lived before illegally crossing into the U.S., authorities said.

The sheriff leading the investigation blamed California's sanctuary law for preventing local authorities from reporting Gustavo Perez Arriaga to U.S. immigration officials for two previous drunken driving arrests. If he had been deported, the sheriff said, Cpl. Ronil Singh of the tiny Newman Police Department would still be alive.

"We can't ignore the fact that this could have been preventable," Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson told reporters, asking why the state was "providing sanctuary for criminals (and) gang members. It's a conversation we need to have."

Following a statewide manhunt, Perez Arriaga was arrested on a murder warrant in a house near Bakersfield, about 200 miles (320 kilometers) southeast of where Singh was shot Wednesday.

As a SWAT team prepared to raid the house, Perez Arriaga came out with his hands up and surrendered. He was sent north in the slain officer's handcuffs, Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood said.

Perez Arriaga crossed the border in Arizona several years ago and had worked a variety of jobs as a laborer, including at several dairies. The 33-year-old Mexico native had gang affiliations and multiple Facebook pages with different names, Christianson said.

The shooting came amid an intense political fight over immigration, with President Donald Trump and congressional Democrats at odds over funding for a border wall that has forced a partial government shutdown.

Trump tweeted about Singh's killing Thursday, saying it was "time to get tough on Border Security. Build the Wall!"

Security. Build the Wall!"

California's sanctuary law limits cooperation between local authorities and U.S. immigration officials and has drawn scorn from the Trump administration. It includes more than 800 exceptions for violent crimes and felonies and bars police from asking people about their citizenship status.

Former state Sen. Kevin de Leon, the Democrat who wrote the legislation, said it's unfair to blame the law for the officer's death.

Christianson, who was at a meeting with Trump and slams California's law in a video posted by the White House in May, said the measure prohibited his department from sharing Perez Arriaga's gang ties, "other active warrants" and past DUI arrests with federal immigration authorities. He didn't give details on the other warrants.

That suggests law enforcement could have apprehended Perez Arriaga previously, de Leon said.

(more at link)

A criminal illegal immigrant who should have never been here and has a history of arrests and criminal activity in the U.S., who could have been arrested if not for laws that prevent local authorities from cooperating with ICE, was allowed to kill an immigrant who entered the country legally and did everything right. You know the liberal media and the Dems don't want this story reported. It doesn't fit their "white racist" meme of "wanting to keep brown people out".

Not one piece of shit Democrat attended Singh's funeral. Not Obama. Not Hillary. Not Bernie Sanders. Not any local California Democrats. Infuriating.

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And in case anyone forgot...

Four years now. And Democrats continue to obstruct all attempts to protect Americans.

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I tried to find statistics for the annual numbers murders//deaths caused annuaally by illegal immigrants. After wading through a lot of Trump-obsessed liberal propaganda railing on a number Trump cited at a rally, I found it highly suspect that while saying Trump is wrong in what he cites, they never say what the actual statistics are. Here are a few that answer that question:

Bottom line:

Taking the data only from these five states, and assuming that each person incarcerated for a homicide-related offense is responsible for only one death, yields 5,400 people killed by illegal aliens.

In only 5 states tabulated.



Another report earlier this year estimated the annual cost of illegal immigrants to the U.S. at $136 billion per year. A tiny fraction of the $5 billion Trump is holding out for in the current shutdown. And even the total $25 billion Trump wants for the southern border wall is a tiny fraction of one year's annual cost. To say nothing of the cost saved in human lives at the hands of illegals.

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I just ran again across this politifact article on the liberal media deception a few months back, regarding the photos of illegal-immigrant kids in cages:

Where the liberal media was bemoaning the "cruelty" of Trump, using photos of kids in cages, but using photos from 2014 when Obama, not Trump, was president!

Once again demonstrating that what is unforgivable sin if it were Trump (but wasn't) is perfectly OK and not even news if Obama or some other Democrat does the exact same thing.

I've never seen a Politifact on Trump where they verified Trump's remarks as 100% true with no qualifiers, and didn't struggle for some context where it could be slanted as partially untrue.

I'd like to see some exposure of the cruelty of Democrat policies that let 60 to 80% of women and children illegally crossing to be sexually abused. A border guard official I saw in the news 2 days ago said that about 2,000 illegals a day are coming across. And that's just the ones they capture. So of just the ones they capture conservatively say 1,000 are women and children, and at the lowest estimate 60% are sexually abused. That's at least 600 rapes a day, times 365 days, that's at least 219,000 rapes a year that Democrats encouraging these illegals to cross are causing. Add to that those murdered, those who are abducted into human slavery/prostitution, deaths in the desert and other murders, along with the tens of thousands of U.S. citizens victimized by rapitsts, murderers, drunk drivers, gang members, burglaries and other crimes committed by a ratio of the illegals brought in.

There was a story two days ago about a mother whose son was murdered by an illegal (i.e., due to Democrats' open-borders policy), and she wanted to come to Pelosi's office with a jar of her son's ashes, and Pelosi wouldn't even meet with her. Talk about cruelty.

Sabine Durden offered to bring her dead son’s ashes to show House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer the consequence of not securing the southern border.

Durden was responding to a proposal Trump 2020 presidential campaign manager Brad Pascale made to Pelosi and Schumer.

“Would Nancy, Chuck and their friends in the media have the courage to look an angel mom in the eyes and lecture them about a wall being “immoral”?” Pascale wrote Wednesday. “Democrats need to stop putting politics ahead of the safety of American citizens.

“I would volunteer and bring my sons ashes for a simple show and tell because clearly they don’t want to understand anything else,” legal German immigrant Sabine Durden wrote Wednesday.

Durden’s son Dominic Durden came to the U.S. with his family in 1992, at the age of ten. He was a 911 dispatcher for the Riverside Sheriff’s Department and had dreams of becoming a Police helicopter pilot. He received awards posthumously for his extensive community involvement and volunteerism.

An illegal alien driving without a license and with two prior DUI convictions slammed into Dominic Durden and his motorcycle in July 2012, killing the young man. The offender spent just 35 days in jail for killing Dominic.

Sabine Durden carries the ashes of her only child with her in remembrance.

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Acosta Confronted by Angel Moms at White House After Tense Exchange With Trump
Trump tells CNN reporter to ask mothers if he's manufacturing border crisis

February 15, 2019 12:45 pm

Angel Moms confronted CNN correspondent Jim Acosta at the White House on Friday, leading him to briefly interview one after President Donald Trump told him to ask the mothers if he was truly manufacturing a border crisis.

Trump invited the Angel Moms to his announcement that he had declared a national emergency to secure money to build a southern border wall, after failing to get adequate funding from Congress for it.

Acosta, a strident critic of the president, said before the event Trump was using anti-immigration "mythology" as part of his case to build the wall and also said the Angel Moms' presence there was part of an effort of "trying to drum up some emotional energy on this occasion." He also mentioned their children were "allegedly" killed by illegal immigrants.

At the press conference, he asked Trump if he was concocting an emergency and cited data showing illegal immigrants commit crime at a lower rate than native-born Americans. Trump told Acosta he had an agenda and called him "fake news." He also told him to ask the Angel Moms whether it was truly an emergency.

Finally, Acosta interviewed one mother whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant.

"I'm standing in front of these Angel Moms who came to the Rose Garden today to testify to what they've been through in terms of their ordeals, dealing with crime in this country and the undocumented immigrants that were responsible for the crimes that took away their loved ones," Acosta said.

"In terms of all of us here at CNN, our hearts go out to them. There is no attempt whatsoever to diminish what they've gone through or take away what they've gone through," Acosta said, stipulating his question was about the data behind Trump's declaration of an emergency.

A woman who said she was a legal immigrant held a photo of her deceased son and declared Trump "completely correct on this issue" while speaking with Acosta.

"My family came through the right channels, and this is my only son, who was murdered by a previously deported illegal alien," she said. "We need to secure our borders to protect American citizens. President Trump is completely correct on this issue. We need to protect this country."

In the studio, anchor Kate Bolduan reiterated CNN's coverage wasn't about diminishing anyone's pain, but rather about the constitutionality of Trump's emergency declaration.

Acosta has become a household name for his frequent spats with the White House and Trump himself.

He is writing a book about his experiences covering Trump called The Enemy of the People: A Dangerous Time to Tell the Truth in America. Acosta so dislikes Trump's rhetoric about the media that he once suggested on-air that reporters should make bumper stickers and signs and chant "We are not the enemy of the people" on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Acosta is a poster-boy for the partisan liberal media. More than CNN anchors like Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper who are arguably opinion editorialists and moderators, Acosta fronts to be an objective/neutral reporter. I liked how both Trump and these greiving moms whose children were murdered by illegals, hammered home the lie that Acosta attempts to front as "objective news".

Regardless, in spite of the liberal media bias and the obstructionist Democrat leadership, Trump has finally done what was necessary to begin building the wall and securing the border. And by doing so, is fulfilling the last of his 2016 campaign promises.

And the fact that every last Democrat has, pre-2016, made public comments that are virtually identical to what Trump has said about securing the border. Making clear the Democrat hypoocrisy, and that the only reason Dems don't want the wall is because Trump is for it, and because it will give Trump a political victory. There is no logic beyond that to the Democrat obstruction.

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NYT: “The Senate on Thursday easily voted to overturn President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the southwestern border, delivering a bipartisan rebuke to what lawmakers in both parties deemed executive overreach by a president determined to build his border wall over Congress’s objections. The 59-41 vote on the House-passed measures set up the first veto of Mr. Trump’s presidency. It was not overwhelming enough to override Mr. Trump’s promised veto, but Congress has now voted to block a presidential emergency declaration for the first time — and on one of the core promises that animated Mr. Trump’s political rise, the vow to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. In an attempt to limit defections ahead of the vote, Mr. Trump had sought to frame the vote publicly as not only a declaration of support for his border security policies but a sign of personal loyalty.”

The twelve Republicans who voted to block Trump - The Hill: “Here is the list of the GOP senators who voted against Trump on the emergency declaration: Sen. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), Sen. Roy Blunt (Mo.), Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), Sen. Mike Lee (Utah), Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), Sen. Rob Portman (Ohio), Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), Sen. Pat Toomey (Pa.) and Sen. Roger Wicker (Miss.).”

This week Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano explains the constitutional powers of Congress when it comes to national emergencies: "The act itself fails to define what constitutes an emergency, but the courts – as is their job where a law is ambiguous – have generally defined an emergency as a sudden and imminent threat to life, liberty and property that cannot be addressed by the exercise of ordinary government powers. … President Donald Trump, in his recent declaration of national emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border, ordered the departments of Defense and Homeland Security to spend unused but unauthorized money in their budgets on building a 55-mile steel barrier – ‘a big, beautiful wall’ -- along a portion of that border. Because Congress has expressly and explicitly declined to authorize the funds for the construction of such a barrier, we have a constitutional conflict on our hands.”

What bothers me most is the 12 Republican Senators who voted against their own president, but it's clear Trump can veto this and continue with securing the border. Something the establisshment in both parties doesn't seem to want.
Against the national interest, against the will of the people, and against the president of their own party.

The reason we have a U.S. Constitution and a President (as opposed to the preceding Articles of Confederation) is so we have an executive who can take quick and decisive action in the case of a national emergency. Which is precisely what President Trump is doing, despite all opposition and obstruction.

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The 12 GOP Senators Who Voted Against Trump's National Emergency Declaration


By Dan Cadman, March 20, 2019

As most readers know, enough Republican senators (12 of them, in a closely divided chamber in which they hold the majority by the tips of their fingers) voted with Democrats in both the House and Senate to force to President Trump's desk for signature, a congressional measure whose effect would have been to eviscerate his own immigration emergency declaration.

Virtually every one of the senators who joined the Democrats spoke at one point or another about "principles" and the need to oppose presidential overreach. But one wonders: Why were those principles not so clearly on display during the breathtaking presidential overreaches of the Obama administration? For instance, when he sidestepped congressional treaty oversight with his "Iran deal" and gave the mullahs billions of dollars in cash — much of it on pallets of used money of various currencies air-freighted in the middle of the night?

Adding insult to injury, according to the Los Angeles Times, "The money came from a little-known fund administered by the Treasury Department for settling litigation claims. The so-called Judgment Fund is taxpayer money Congress has permanently approved in the event it's needed, allowing the president to bypass direct congressional approval to make a settlement." (Emphasis added.) Note that the intent of the fund was settling of claims for litigation against the Iranian regime due to its past engagement in, or support of, terrorism that cost Americans their lives, not for giving money to Iran.

And where were their principles when the Obama administration initiated its constitutionally dubious "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" (DACA) amnesty without benefit of a single statute authorizing such action, unlike the laws undergirding this president's emergency declaration, which can be found in at least two places: the National Emergencies Act and the language embedded in Section 103(a)(10) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Considered in this light, the senators' claims of standing on principle seem suspiciously thin.

Needless to say, the president vetoed the action (see here and here). At this juncture it's seen as safe from future congressional action, meaning that the emergency declaration will stand — provided, that is, that the usual gang of anti-declaration progressives and open-borders advocates don't find a conveniently activist judge to declare the declaration a violation of the law or the Constitution. Or find that it's an impermissible exercise of power, or that it hides hidden racist-xenophobic motives, or maybe that they just don't like it and therefore order an injunction despite the fact that what we have here is fundamentally a dispute between the political branches over exactly what differing individuals consider an "emergency". This is an area in which the supposedly non-political judicial branch should fear to tread, but we crossed that Rubicon and entered the era of governmental rule by jurists a long time ago.

It was a bitter pill for folks like me to see Republicans line up to defeat the president on a matter so important, something that so fundamentally defines our nation's sovereignty, or loss thereof, because when you lose control of your border, you lose control of your country and therefore of your destiny and that of your progeny.
That's one of the disturbing things about the so-called "conservative" movement, whose banner Republicans purport to fly. It's chock-a-block full of people who for various reasons oppose immigration control and, at least on this one issue, entertain ideas that very closely mirror, by end-result if not motive, those of open-borders advocates.

Making my point stronger is this: In the last Congress, despite a Republican majority in both chambers of Congress, no significant immigration control or enforcement legislation of any kind was enacted. Why? Because under the arcane rules of the Senate it takes 60 votes, not a simple majority, to see a bill pass that chamber (presuming it also passed the House) and be presented for enactment into law by presidential signature.

In other words, these 12 Senate Republicans had no problem joining the minority Democrats to make up that 60-vote margin to try to defeat the president's immigration emergency declaration. And Senate Republicans have never been able to either persuade enough Democrats to join them in meaningful immigration control measures or, alternately, on their own kill the filibuster and cloture rules that make this anti-democratic (small "d" there) 60-vote rule a requirement.

I was curious about the immigration views of the 12, so I went to NumbersUSA, an organization that issues "score cards" to all representatives and senators based on their immigration voting records. Here's what I found:

  • Republican Senators Voting Against Emergency Declaration, with Immigration Score Card Grade (recent, and overall career) :

    Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN)....... F-, ..... C
    Sen. Roy Blunt (Missouri).......... F-,..... B+
    Sen. Susan Collins (Maine)........ F-,..... D+
    Sen. Mike Lee (Utah)................ A+,..... B+
    Sen. Jerry Moran (Kansas)........ F-, ..... A-
    Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)..... F-,..... D
    Sen. Rand Paul (Kentucky)......... A+,..... B+
    Sen. Rob Portman (Ohio)........... F-, ..... B
    Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah)........... F-,..... F-
    Sen. Marco Rubio (Florida)........ A+,..... C-
    Sen. Pat Toomey (PA).............. A+,..... B
    Sen. Roger Wicker (Mississippi).. D,...... B+

The results of the table aren't really much of a surprise: For the most part, these senators all have abysmal records where immigration control measures are concerned. I am surprised, though, by the four senators described as having A+ grades on recent voting records.

While I respect NumbersUSA, I cannot credit the recent A+ (nor even the career C-) assigned to Marco Rubio who, where immigration is concerned, appears to change his principles as quickly as he changes his shirts. Remember his ardent support for the mass amnesty of the infamous "Gang of Eight" legislation? Rubio was, in fact, one of the “gang”, and I've seen nothing substantive change in recent years other than a kind of faux contrition after being beaten so badly during his failed presidential run, and nearly losing his Senate seat in his re-run bid, all because of his immigration views.
Toomey, too, was soft on the Gang of Eight legislation. Although in the end he voted against it, he wavered so significantly on the matter that he was targeted as part of a select group of potential deciding votes, and as recently as November 2017, endorsed a broad-based amnesty for alien "Dreamers" and DACA recipients, even as he admitted that doing so might lead to a new influx of illegal border-crossers.

That leaves the other two A+ recipients, Rand Paul and Mike Lee. Paul is idiosyncratic and hard to characterize. Though he has been known to flirt with organizations outspoken in their advocacy for amnesty and open-ended cheap labor programs, he voted against the Gang of Eight and has in the past acknowledged that the border is "lawless". Why, then, he fails to see the legitimate need for an emergency declaration is a puzzle. Sen. Lee has perhaps been the most consistent in opposing amnesties and endorsing border security. This makes his vote against the emergency declaration as enigmatic as Paul's.

So there you have it, the full round-up. Of the 12 senators, eight of them have recent track records that resulted in NumbersUSA assigning them failing grades when it comes to any kind of support for meaningful immigration enforcement, and at least two of the four who have A+ grades are, in fact, squishy in their support of immigration enforcement and against amnesties. No wonder they didn't support the emergency declaration. It's pretty clear that for at least 10 of the 12, their votes had little or nothing to do with high-minded constitutional "principles".

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A list of illegal immigrant crimes, compiled by Rep. Steve King (R-IA):

Just a sampling, far from a complete list of illegal immigrant crimes that Democrat obstruction has caused.

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It's infuriating how Democrat obstruction now doesn't even allow deportation of illegals. They surrender, knowing they will be permitted to stay, probably telling their friends and relatives how to do it too, using social media after getting in.

An estimated 750 million people worldwide, more than twice the U.S. population (327 million), would like to move here. Are we supposed to let them all in?

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