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Updated as it develops:

Another manufactured incident of "white racist violence". I actually waited until Smollett's bogus narrative fell apart and he was arrested today, before making a topic for it. But the incident was suspicious from the very start, where he was visible on surveillance cameras and his alleged attackers were not, and then he refused to let Chicago police look at the contents of his cel phone.

Now there are confessions of his two accomplices. And video surveillance of the two purchasing the supplies for their staged "racist" attack on Smollett.
And that Smollett paid them $3,500 to stage the attack on him, presumably so the publicity would compel the network to pay him more for his television role, that was up to that point being phased out.

There are two stories beyond Smollett's crime itself.
1) The consistent need for liberals to manufacture incidents to stoke hatred against white America as "racist", and against Trump and his supporters in particular.

2) The consistent deceitfulness of the liberal media, that is more obsessed with creating and perpetuating false narratives that support their liberal ideology, than in actually reporting the news. With this and other incidents, that eagerly try to conform reality into supporting their preconceived biases (i.e., that Trump is an evil racist spreading hate, and that Trump's influence is causing a spike in white supremacist violence toward minorities.)

Not even shocking at this point, just more par for the course.

This, on top of the manufactured Indigenous Peoples March manufactured "white racist" incident barely a month ago. The media and the Democrat/Left were exposed as shameless liars in that incident as well.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Jussie Smollett is under arrest, in custody of Chicago police

“Empire” actor Jussie Smollett is under arrest and in the "custody of detectives" Thursday morning, Chicago police Chief Communications Officer Anthony Guglielmi said.

Smollett, who had felony criminal charges approved against him Wednesday, turned himself in to police, authorities said.
Smollett was charged just hours after he was "officially classified as a suspect in a criminal investigation" for allegedly "filing a false police report" in connection with his Jan. 29 attack claims, police said. The Cook County State's Attorney's Office approved the "Disorderly Conduct / Filing a False Police Report" charges.

Smollett's attorneys Todd Pugh and Victor Henderson told Fox News Wednesday, “Like any other citizen, Mr. Smollett enjoys the presumption of innocence, particularly when there has been an investigation like this one where information, both true and false, has been repeatedly leaked. Given these circumstances, we intend to conduct a thorough investigation and to mount an aggressive defense."

In a statement to Fox News on Wednesday, 20th Century Fox Television, which produces "Empire," and Fox Entertainment, said they had "no comment at this time."

Smollett, who is openly gay and black, reported that on Jan. 29, he was attacked by two masked men as he was walking home from a Subway restaurant. He claimed that the men shouted racial and anti-gay slurs at him, poured a substance on him, threw a rope around his neck and shouted, "This is MAGA country!"

Investigators combed through surveillance video from the area where Smollett claimed he was attacked but officials were unsuccessful in locating footage of the beating. They did find and release images of two people they said they wanted to question.

Two individuals who were questioned about the alleged crime were arrested, police told Fox News on Friday. Although police did not elaborate on what crime was potentially committed, they said the individuals were not charged. Authorities had considered them to be suspects, however, according to Guglielmi at the time.

The two men — whom police identified only as Nigerian brothers — were picked up at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport last Wednesday and taken into custody after returning from Nigeria after police learned that at least one of the men worked on "Empire," Guglielmi said. He did not know what the man's job was on the television drama, he said.


Guglielmi confirmed that a search warrant was executed at the Chicago apartment where the men lived but did not have any information about exactly what police found.
On Friday evening, Guglielmi tweeted that "due to new evidence" obtained through questioning, the individuals "were released without charging."

The following day, police said Smollett was no longer considered a victim in their investigation. Police earlier said that the "trajectory of the investigation" shifted and that they wanted to conduct another interview with Smollett about the alleged hate crime.
The police department on Tuesday also rejected a tip they said they'd received about the case earlier that day.

"CPD has confirmed that a tip this morning about a sighting at the residential towers of individuals involved in this alleged incident is unfounded as it was not supported by video evidence obtained by detectives," Guglielmi tweeted.

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That's on top of slanderers like Christine Blasey-Ford, Julie Swetnick, Deborah Ramirez, and Judy Munro-Leighton, who should all face prosecution for their perjury and an attempt to destroy Brett Kavanaugh's life.

Hopefully with William Barr as attorney general, there will be an aggressive prosecution of these slaanderous manufactured incidents. Only when there is a heavy price paid will there be a deterrant to future incidents.

In the case of Smollett, it could have stoked riots in cities all over the U.S.

And it aint' over yet. That could still happen. Over a manufactured incident.

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Another Hollywood tard waiting attention

"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who

"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson

I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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Yeah, it's not hard to make the liberal media leap at phantoms and destroy themselves.
You'd think they'd learn after awhile.

Jussie Smollett DESTROYED by Captain KIRK (Star Trek Parody)

In the future, they understand that CNN is fake news.

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But Jussie Smollet's injecting race and politics to boost his declining acting career is part of a larger Hollywood undercurrent:

Brie Larson is Ruining Marvel (Re: the upcoming Captain Marvel movie)

I thought this was a great commentary on the larger trend among Hollywood elites, that are driving away their fanbase by ramming their liberal views down the throats of their prospective viewers, alienating half their market. People watch entertainemnt to be entertained, not to be preached to about social justice and identity politics.
And basically told if they're white or male (the majority of the fanbase!) they're not welcome.

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Smollett, of course, was acquitted yesterday for clearly corrupt reasons.

Jussie Smollett bombshell pits Obama chiefs of staff against one another

[Chciago mayor Rahm] Emanuel is now considering suing the actor [Smollett] to recoup some of the money the city wasted on its investigation. The Chicago mayor says he wants to recoup close to $150,000 in funds that were spent on the Smollett case, after all charges against the “Empire” actor were dropped following 16 hours of community service and an agreement to forfeit his $10,000 bond.

Meanwhile, the former first lady’s {Michelle Obama's] chief of staff[Tina Tchen] has been quietly advocating for the troubled actor behind the scenes.

According to a report in the Chicago Sun-Times, Tchen reached out to Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx just days after Smollett reported the alleged attack.

“I wanted to give you a call on behalf of Jussie Smollett and family who I know. They have concerns about the investigation,” Tchen wrote in a text message to Foxx. The Chicago lawyer also gave Foxx’s number to a relative of Smollett’s who was concerned about the Chicago police’s handling of the investigation, and hoped to have the case handed over to the FBI.

Foxx – who later recused herself from Smollett’s case due to her contact with the family – took the concerns to Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson.

“They had no doubt about the quality of the investigation, but believed that the FBI would have a tighter lid on the information,” Foxx told the Sun-Times, adding that Johnson was originally receptive to the idea.

Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, however, said that while the FBI was involved in the investigation from the start, Chicago police never considered handing the case over to federal investigators.

A black U.S. attorney (Foxx) texting with black former first lady's chioef of staff (Tchen), negotiating away the prosecution of Smollett by Chicago police and city prosecuting attorneys. One liberal-progressive hand washes the other.

And even mayor Rahm Emmanuel and the Chigago police are furious about the release of Smollett with charges dropped. As I understand it, there were 18 murders in Chicago that Smollet's choreographed "racial attack" distracted resources from, and even his forfeighting his $10,000 bail to the city doesn't comensate even 10% of the $150,000 cost of investigating his publicity stunt fake crime. Smollett didn't even apologize, and despite overwhelming evidence against him, is still fronting the blatantly false narrative that he was the victim of a racial attack!

The guy is completely shameless, and in that, is the perfect grievance-industry social justice warrior of the Democrat/Left.

Meanwhile Nicholas Sandman is getting death threats in Kentucky for just respectfully smiling when a Native American polital agitator beat a drum in his face while black radicals hurled racial epitethets and insults at him and his friends as they left a March For Life rally.
Yeah, that's fair...

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Jussie Smollett has all the privileges of fake oppression

Oppression is the new "privilege." There is no surer demonstration of that fact than Jussie Smollett having all charges against him dropped in Chicago, even as he unapologetically maintains his ridiculous claim that he was assaulted by Trump supporters for being gay and black.

The office of Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx said Tuesday that it had let go of Smollett, who had been indicted on 16 felony counts, “after reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett's volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his [$10,000] bond to the City of Chicago.”

TMZ said that it was unable to find any record of “volunteer service” by Smollett.

This would be laughable if it weren’t so depressing. Smollett’s story was that he was jumped by two men who, although masked, were identifiable as white from the eye holes. He said they called him "faggot" and and said, “This is MAGA country” while punching him and kicking him in the back while he was on the ground.

Police said that the “attackers” were actually two brothers who knew Smollett. They admitted to having been paid by the actor to fake the incident. Smollett’s lawyer on Tuesday affirmed that it was the two brothers who “attacked” Smollett. They’re black, not white. And Smollett knew them as his fitness trainers.

Police in February laid out a damning case against Smollett, including a timeline with video evidence that they were certain proved Smollett had staged the attack and that he did so with the intention of never being caught.

The state’s attorney's office is corrupted. A report in the Chicago Sun-Times two weeks ago almost predicted that Smollett’s case would end with this sort of sham.

The report said that Kim Foxx had phone conversations with one of Smollett’s relatives about the investigation into the staged attack. Thereafter, Foxx, for unknown reasons, told the relative that she intended to ask police superintendent Eddie Johnson to turn the investigation over to the FBI.

“OMG this would be a huge victory,” Smollett’s relative replied.

Foxx recused herself from the investigation Feb. 13, the same day as her last conversation with the relative, according to the Times.

Foxx had intervened in the investigation on behalf of Smollett's relative. Did she also recuse herself because she knew that the case would safely conclude in the hands of her deputy, Joseph Magats, with dropped charges? To paraphrase CNN’s Brian Stelter: We’ll never know!

Smollett is black and gay and he knows that claiming oppression based on those traits alone is enough to get ahead in America today. He faked his attack because he knows that’s the game: Claim you’ve been victimized by the privileged. And now he’s going to get away with it the very same way.

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Jussie Smollet Proves The Criminal Justice System Bends for the Privelkeged and Powerful

Acting on behalf of the Smollett camp, attorney Tina Tchen [Michelle Obama's chief of staff] reached out to [state attorney Kim] Foxx after Smollett's arrest to get her to drop the case and punt it over to the FBI. Crooked fixers masquerading as lawyers make immoral requests all the time, but Tchen is no mere Michael Cohen. She's BFF's with Rahm Emmanuel's wife and former chief of staff for none other than First Lady Michelle Obama. Not only did Foxx attempt to comply with this request, lobbying Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson to drop the case, but she and Tchen began their machinations weeks before formal charges were even filed against Smollett. In essence, Foxx worked overtime to corrupt a criminal investigation, setting the stage for higher-ups to give Smollett a pass nearly a fortnight before she officially " recused" herself. Foxx's meddling perturbed the police so badly that the police union's president notified the Justice Department to investigate her conduct.

It strikes me that is very close to how the FBI/DOJ investigation of Hillary Clinton was corrupted.


More than four weeks elapsed between the night Smollett alleged that two MAGA-hatted Trump supporters attacked him — that's backwoods Chicago for you! — and the day of his arrest. In January and February of this year, as police spent time investigating Smollett's hoax, there were 44 homicides, 214 shootings, and 253 shooting victims in the city of Chicago. In the specific interval of time between Smollett's hoax and arrest, 20 people in Chicago were murdered. That was time the police could have spent protecting Dejon Irving, a 1-year-old black boy shot in the head by a Chicago gang member, or Ninaa Edwards, who died at the hands of fatal domestic violence. Instead, thanks to Smollett's lies, law enforcement spent that time investigating a person who didn't even exist.

To make matters worse, the overwhelming majority of Chicago's homicide victims are black. In the past 365 days, nearly 60 percent of victims were black, more than 8-in-10 were men, and almost all were young. You want to bet that any of those victims' families can get the Obama bros to phone up Foxx to rig the law for them? I doubt it.

Smollett put people in danger with his lies, but Foxx's culpability is even greater. The criminal justice system exists as much to punish individual criminals as it does to deter potential ones, and by setting the stage for Smollett to escape justice, Foxx is not only encouraging future hoaxers but corroding the rights of actual victims to be believed.

The real cost of Smollett's crimes, against the backdrop of the other crimes committed in Chicago over that period, the lives lost, the resources wasted that could have been used elsewhere. And the corruption involved.

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Chicago police unions call for Cook County State's Attorney Kimberly Foxx to resign

Police groups from in and around Chicago called Thursday for Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx to step down, saying at a news conference they no longer had confidence in her ability to competently execute her duties in office.

The Chicago Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) and associations of police chiefs throughout Cook County voted to call for Foxx to resign, but they cautioned it was not only due to the Jussie Smollett case that has rocked the Windy City.

“This is not just about the Jussie Smollett case, which undermined the public confidence and law enforcement’s faith in Cook County criminal justice system…this is about many cases that have gone un-prosecuted or had charges reduced, especially assaults against police officers,” said Chicago FOP President Kevin Graham.

The FOP has requested a federal investigation into her conduct, Graham added.

1) the Democrat corruption in Chicago, and
2) the Democrat corruption in Virginia, and
3) the corruption and hypocrisy in Washington with House Democrats who wanted privacy for Bill Clinton with the Starr report, but now want every last detail released by attorney general Barr, not after reading the report and a legal review, right away, NOW, the lawlessness and corruption of the DNC, and of their brethren flying cover for them in the liberal media (who have been proven wrong over and over) are on full display.

I frankly don't know how one Democrat in this country can support or defend them with a straight face.

Meanwhile, Trump is accomplishing more than any president since at least FDR, rebuilding our military, securing the border, re-negotiating trade deals, the lowest unemployment in 50 years... in spite of Democrat corruption.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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The police cm footage of Smollet wearing a noose around the police station casually, like it was a necktie. "Well, I just wanted you guys to see it..." Not suspicious at all. U.S. attorney Kim Foxx is also under investigation now.

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During a public statement, Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said, "Allegations against Mr. Smollett are shameful and if proven, they are an affront to the people of Chicago who embraced him as a neighbor and respected him as a role model... We stand behind the work of our detectives."[73]

It was reported that a former Obama era aide, a Chicago attorney, Tina Tchen, who served as former first lady Michelle Obama's chief of staff, and others were contacted to try to convince them to "Reach out to FBI to ask that they take over the investigation" in lieu of the Chicago Police Department, which was agreed upon. A Smollett family member responded, "Omg this would be a huge victory."[74] In text messages, Foxx told an unknown person who contacted her through Tchen, that she "spoke to the superintendent" and was "trying to figure out logistics".[73]

Commentators have compared the alleged incident to the Tawana Brawley rape allegations and other racial hoaxes

Further proof that the Obamas are corrupt and race-baiters themselves.

Gee, why did America become more racially divided during the Obama years?

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Michelle Obama's ex-top aide texted the Jussie Smollett prosecutor early in the case. Some want that investigated (CNN)

Perhaps text messages stored in a special file with Peter Strzok and Lisa Page's missing texts.

If texts were found involving the Obamas influencing Kim Foxx through Michelle Obama's chief of staff, that would be consistent with the way Obama influenced the FBI sabotaging the case against Hillary Clinton, and orchestrating the conspiracy to FISA-surveil and frame Donald Trump. (Strzok and Page text: "POTUS wants to know everything we're doing.")

The Obama/Democrat culture of corruption.

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And despite being disproven, CNN and MSNBC are still whipping up racial division, alleging the incident still happened?
Wow. Why do people call it "fake news"?
I suggest a new network slogan: CNN: All the news we can manufacture, that conforms to our lying ideological agenda.

The most untrustworthy name in news!

Tucker Carlson on his show Tuesday night cited 5 other racial incidents alleged by blacks involving a noose in recent years, beyond the Jussie Smollet incident. Not one of them turned out to be true. But the divisive lying narative created lives on, long past exposure of the true facts.

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Almost 3 years later....

Sean Hannity, Dec 9, 2021, the Jussie Smollett verdict

...Jussie Smollett was convicted last night on 5 of the 6 charges against him.

Can we all agree this guy is a scumbag who deserves it?
The judge will sentence him later. He's completely remorseless, and is perfectly content to exploit racial tensions and the BLM movement and start a race war, just to advance his career, which should be over at this point. The story he told was so absurd that it should have been picked apart and disproven by the news media immediately the night it broke. But because it fit the America-hating white racist narrative the liberal media wants to sell, the media and Democrat leaders, including Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Oprah, Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Corey Booker, Maxine Waters, on down all went with the narrative and bemoaned the terrible state of racism in America, and "We're with you Jussie !"
I haven't heard a single one of them retract their remarks anywhere.

Given Smollett's remorselessness, and his willingness to create racial hatred and violence nationwide for his own benefit, given his elaborate plans and dress rehearsals of the faked racial attack, given his selling the "I really was attacked" narrative throughout the entire trial when he should have just pleaded guilty and taken a plea, given that it wasted valuable police resources at the cost of about $120,000 and about 10,000 police man hours investigating his hoax, I hope the judge gives him 5 consecutive sentences (about 20 years) rather than 5 concurrent sentences (about 3 years), to make a lesson out of him, to deter future fake "white racist" attacks, and there have been quite a few of them.

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And giving the subject all the seriousness it deserves, Greg Gutfeld and his panel have a little fun with it:

Gutfeld: we all saw this coming - Dec 10 2021

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