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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
What you call nothing looks to be Bolton’s first hand account that confirms Trump withholding the foreign aid that congress passed for his own personal gain. The nation is watching what the GOP controlled Senate is doing. A trial without Bolton testifying would be a transparent sham.


We all know that no matter what Bolton says, Democrats will say Republicans are suppressing evidence and witnesses. No matter what Trump or Senate Republicans concede, Democrats will always come back with the talking points that it's not enough and the Republicans need to concede even more.

Your side had months to bring forward any witnesses they wanted, to make the case you allege in the House. But the Dems rushed it through the House without evidence.
Now they're because THEY (not Republicans) didn't make the case, and are trying to blame someone else.

Your side for 3 years has jumped at every half-baked liberal media "bombshell" revelation about Trump. Ohh, this time for sure, it'll be the silver bullet that kills Donald Trump! And every time, usually in less than a week the story is revealed to be completely false, and the media in their zeal to take down Trump ran with it before confirming the story.

John Bolton has revealed nothing. NOTHING! It is way premature to say this will take down Trump. This will end for Dems the same way it has every week for 3 years...

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You’re only lying to yourself at best WB. As I’ve said before more stuff will keep coming out. Trump isn’t going to be able to undue what has already leaked out of Bolton’s book. And voters will see Senate Republicans vote to have a true soviet styled trial with no witnesses.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You’re only lying to yourself at best WB. As I’ve said before more stuff will keep coming out. Trump isn’t going to be able to undue what has already leaked out of Bolton’s book. And voters will see Senate Republicans vote to have a true soviet styled trial with no witnesses.

Your constant allegation that I'm "lying" is itself a lying narrative. What I'm saying is absolutely right and supported 100% by the facts, and not "lying". The facts I've cited OVER AND OVER make clear the Democrats have no case, no evidence, absolutely none against Trump.
1) the July 25th Trump/Zelensky phone call transcript, very friendly, no pressure on Zelensky, no quid pro quo.
2) Zelensky's many post-call televised interviews where he confirms that it was a very friendly call, no pressure, no intimidation, no quid pro quo.
3) There was no interruption of aid to Ukraine, it was delayed for 7 weeks while the Trump administration verified Zelensky was not a corrupt leader giving only lip sevice to ending corruption. Aid was released Sept 11th, it was not due till Sept 30th. No delay.
4) Trump had requested (not demanded) that Zelensky do a press conference announcing a crackdown on Ukranian corruption, but U.S. aid to Ukraine was released without such a press conference occurring.

and further

5) Gordon Sondland said Trump (when Trump was asked if he was using his power to get something) angrily responded: "I don't want any quid pro quo, I just want Zelensky to do the right thing, what he promised to do."

and in the last 2 days:

6) Video of John Bolton from an August 27th interview (>>>BEFORE<<< this whole Ukraine/phone call Democrat hit-job began) where Bolton mentioned both calls and said of the July 25th call "It was a very friendly call" almost exactly what Trump himself has been saying since the biginning.
So even if Bolton said something negative about Trump/Ukraine now, it would be in contradiction of what he clearly said before. Bolton since then is clearly a disgruntled ex-employee who was fired by Trump, with a grudge motive to hurt Trump politically.

It's over, M E M. Impeachment failed to produce evidence in the House hearings, and House Democrats further wrecked their credibility by rushing a partisan impeachment vote in the House before Christmas without even bothering to do a proper investigation (in contrast to the 3 weeks of Dems' House impeachment, Republicans impeaching Clinton took a year in their House investigation, doing a proper and thorough investigation). And House Democrats are whining that the Senate should now do the proper investigation that the House failed to do!

There's no evidence. There's no case.
And every day the Democrats push this false narrative is another day their numbers drop in the polls. 51% polled now oppose impeachment. The only reason Democrats had support for impeachment in Nov-Dec 2019 is because Dems temporarily controlled a false narrative with selective leaks from closed-door hearings. Once the full and true evidence began to come out, the Democrats have been losing support for impeachment.

The Democrat leadership knows pushing impeachment is killing them. I've seen multiple reports that hearings could end as soon as Friday or Saturday. Tomorrow!

It's over.

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And by the way, your side prevented Republicans from attending closed-door hearings with their 18 witnesses. Republicans were deprived of seeing their first-hand testimony and body language. And were only given transcripts of testimony after-the-fact. And in some cases incomplete transcripts. In the case of intelligence community inspector general (I C IG) Michael Atkinson, the transcript of his testimony was never provided to Republicans. What are the Demcorats hiding?

After selectively leaking closed-door testimony they thought advantageous to the Democrat side, they have done their damnedest to hide anything advantageous exculpatory to Trump and the Republicans.

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They allowed republicans that were on those committee’s to be there and ask questions. They did not allow republicans to derail the hearings, and that is what they tried to do. We’ve been through that before so repeating purposely deceitful things like that accomplishes what exactly for you? Do you need to repeat the one sided trump talking points for yourself? The leaked stuff from Bolton’s book is clearly not nothing as you say. We know that not only from the leaks but Trump’s responses and Bolton not denying any of it. I don’t think Bolton is a magic bullet that will take Trump down in this impeachment “trial” but even if you don’t want acknowledge it Bolton is very much a first hand account on this. Not having him testify is a blatant cover up. Yeah Trump supporters don’t care, I get it. It is my hope that the rest of the nation does and vote the corruption out.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
They allowed republicans that were on those committee’s to be there and ask questions. They did not allow republicans to derail the hearings, and that is what they tried to do. We’ve been through that before so repeating purposely deceitful things like that accomplishes what exactly for you? Do you need to repeat the one sided trump talking points for yourself? The leaked stuff from Bolton’s book is clearly not nothing as you say. We know that not only from the leaks but Trump’s responses and Bolton not denying any of it. I don’t think Bolton is a magic bullet that will take Trump down in this impeachment “trial” but even if you don’t want acknowledge it Bolton is very much a first hand account on this. Not having him testify is a blatant cover up. Yeah Trump supporters don’t care, I get it. It is my hope that the rest of the nation does and vote the corruption out.

No, what you're saying is complete horseshit.
Republicans were NOT allowed to attend the closed-door hearings, and then had to wait several weeks in many cases to be forwarded the transcripts of testimony from the Dems.
And in the case of intelligence community inspector general (I C IG) Michael Atkinson, Republicans are still waiting for the transcript of his testimony. One can only assume there's something in that closed-door testimony that Schiff and the Democrats don't want Republicans to know.

Further (as I detailed earlier in the topic) the lying sack of shit that answers when called Adam Schiff unquestionably lied when asked about his knowledge of the whistleblower (a k a CIA analyst and former White House NSC staffer Eric Ciaramella).
Schiff lied and said no. It turns out Ciaramella went to Schiff's office for advice, and staffers in Schiff's office spent three weeks assisting Ciaramella in DRAFTING his whistleblower report! So it's an absolute lie that the first time Schiff heard about the report is when it was submitted.
Further, Rep. Schiff's office, if not Schiff himself, hand-picked Ciaramella's attorney for him and sent him to the attorney's office!
And finally, in the months leading up to the whistleblower/Ukraine report going public, Schiff's office hired TWO liberaal Democrat partisan members of the White House NSC staff, who worked closely with Eric Ciaramella and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, in the months leading up to the whistleblower report release! And they're all buddies!

Lo and behold, what an incredible set of coincidences!!
And sure, these folks would never never EVER engage in partisan Democrat scheming to benefit the Democrats...

LISA PAGE: Trump isn't going to be president, right? RIGHT?!?
PETER STRZOK: No. No, he won't. We will stop it.

Nope, not a chance...
And I'm the liar?
Seriously, M E M, what are you smoking?

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Fact check: White House counsel falsely claims Republicans weren’t allowed into closed hearings
From CNN's Daniel Dale
Calling the House’s impeachment inquiry unfair to the President, White House counsel Pat Cipollone made a false claim about the closed-door House committee hearings at which witnesses were initially questioned.

The hearings were held in a secure room known as a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or “SCIF.”

“Not even Mr. Schiff's Republican colleagues were allowed into the SCIF,” Cipollone said, referring to House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, who is also the Democrats’ lead impeachment manager.

Facts First: As Schiff noted in his response to Cipollone, the 48 Republican members of the three committees holding the closed-door hearings — Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight — were indeed allowed into the SCIF, and they were given equal time to question witnesses.

Schiff said he would not suggest “Mr. Cipollone would deliberately make a false statement,” but he said, “I will tell you this: He's mistaken. He's mistaken." He added that Republicans were not only allowed in but “more than that: they got the same time we did."

Cipollone might have been referring to an October stunt in which Republicans who were not members of any of the three committees, along with some Republicans who were members, stormed the room to make a political point; the non-members were not allowed to be there, and they eventually left after causing a delay. But the members were allowed to be full participants in the proceedings.”

This isn’t secret Or new info WB. You just keep pushing the lies though

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House Republicans demand transparency from Democrats' impeachment inquiry

Traanscribed from Fox News' 6PM Special Report evening news panel discussion, Oct 23, 2019:

REP. MATT GAETZ, R-FLA.: Behind those doors they intend to overturn the results of an American presidential election. We want to know what's going on.

REP. TED LIEU, D-CALIF.: They are trying to be disruptive because the facts are not on their side. The law is not on their side.

REP. MARK MEADOWS, R-N.C.: The fundamental question is a question of fairness, and especially on the most important vote that many members will take.

REP. ERIC SWALWELL, D-CALIF.: They are doing this because this is what the guilty do. Innocent people cooperate with investigations. Innocent people follow the rules of the House. People who are doing this are clearly doing it at the behest of the president.


BRET BAIER, ANCHOR: Dramatic images up on Capitol Hill today as House Republicans, I guess, took the advice of President Trump and decided to step up, and in this case tried to get into a hearing where there was a deposition of a deputy assistant secretary of defense, Laura Cooper, first career official to testify from the Pentagon. The DOD had tried to block Cooper from appearing before the deposition. The House Intel Committee issued a subpoena. She complied to testify. She had assumed responsibility for policy concerning Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, and western Balkans.

But the scene was these Republicans storming in, causing a big scene on Capitol Hill today. Let's bring in our panel, "Washington Post" columnist Marc Thiessen, Mara Liasson, national political correspondent for National Public Radio, Susan Ferrechio, Chief Congressional Correspondent for the "Washington Examiner," and Steve Hayes, editor of "The Dispatch."

Susan, first to you. The scene today kind of a little different up on Capitol Hill.

SUSAN FERRECHIO, "WASHINGTON EXAMINER": Right, although I will argue the case here that there has been building discontent. I'm not sure Trump is really behind all this. Republicans have become increasingly frustrated with being shut out of the process. Today you had a witness testify about spending security aid, an employee of the Defense Department, the assistant secretary, yet members of the Armed Service Committee were not in there. In fact they don't have access to the transcripts in this instance.

Now, this was a deposition, so the Democrats argue all depositions are handled this way. But the overarching argument against that is this is about the impeachment of the president of the United States. So you pull back the scope a little bit and look at it and say, why shouldn't this be open to the press? Why shouldn't it be open to the public? That is the case Republicans are making today, and they have been getting increasingly upset about it as the weeks have gone on and witness after witness has come and gone from the Capitol without any of them hearing it.

BAIER: What about that argument, Marc? Is that a powerful argument for Republicans to make? It's a process argument that is made in Washington, but there is substance that is being leaked out, but we are not really seeing the Q and A part of some of these depositions.

MARC THIESSEN, AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE: Americans care about fairness, so if the process is not fair, then of course it's an effective argument. Swalwell was just quoted on your show saying that guilty people don't behave this way. People who are interested in an impartial investigation aimed at finding the truth don't behave the way the Democrats are doing. And just in that example, the room they were storming the room was a SCIF, a secure compartmented facility that is designed for accepting classified information. Yesterday Bill Taylor testified there, and his testimony was leaked as cell phone photographs of his testimony out of this secure compartmented facility. It's ridiculous.

And on top of that, the Democrats criticized Donald Trump for putting the Zelensky transcript on a secure server that was reserved for highly classified information, yet they are using a secure compartmented facility to prevent people from being able to get access to the information that is being given in the deposition. It is total hypocrisy.

BAIER: Which is unclassified, we should point out.

THIESSEN: Yes, most of it is not classified. So why are they doing it in a SCIF? Have it in a hearing room.

In other words, House Democrats keep "secure" what they don't want known with closed-door testimony. And then they leak what is advantageous to Dems to their pals in the media, despite that it was in closed-door SCIF testimony!
And as I said, this testimony was back in October, and the transcript from intelligence community inspector general (I C I G) Michael Atkinson's testimony has >>>STILL<<< not been released to Republicans. Clearly revealing something behind closed doors the Democrats don't want Republicans to know.

The highlighted portions are by a Washington Exaaminer news reporter. It is and was common knowledge that Republican committee members were not permitted to hear testimony firsthand, and had to wait for transcripts long after.
Rep Lee Zeldin (R-NY) said that even when the transcripts were given to him 2 or 3 weeks later, they were incomplete, and he was deprived of being able to see the witnesses and observe their body language during questions firsthand.

Whatever liberal-controlled "Factcheck" and "Politifact" sites allege, it was and is common knowledge that Republican House members were excluded from testimony, and had to wait for testimony transcripts, usually several weeks after the actual closed-door testimony of witnesses. And in the case of Atkinsson's testimony, never received at all.

My point is that there was a very tight lid on Republican access to firsthand testimony, where Democrats would only permit them to read testimony in transcripts after-the-fact. If they were permitted to read testimony before transcripts were given them weeks later, they would have to go in a special room with a Democrat standing with them watching them all the time. Even in cases where Judiciary committee member Republicans were permitted to attend they could not take notes, and Republican committee members of related committees like the Armed Services committee were not allowed to enter the SCIF and watch testimony.

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Whether the senators put the trial out of its misery this week or drag it on for months, the outcome is a foregone conclusion. Here are the eight big reasons Trump won impeachment.

by Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist
January 30, 2020

President Donald Trump will not be removed from office following his impeachment by the House of Representatives and a trial in the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has reportedly told colleagues they have the votes to finish things this week.

Whether the senators put the trial out of its misery this week or drag it on for months, the outcome is a foregone conclusion. Here are the eight big reasons why Trump won impeachment.

1. Trump Didn’t Commit An Impeachable Offense

It’s an obvious point, but the most important point.

Impeaching President Trump has been the stated goal of the Resistance since his inauguration. The main effort toward impeachment was through the investigation of a false and dangerous theory of treasonous collusion with Russia to steal the 2016 election.

Even with a limitless special counsel appointed to achieve that end, the Russia collusion hoax ended with not a single American found to have colluded with Russia, not to mention anyone close to Trump, or Trump himself. A mini-effort to get impeachment going — on the special counsel’s murky near-findings that Trump had objected too strenuously to being falsely accused of treason — also fell apart.

Other impeachment efforts for, among other things, mean tweets, went nowhere. With time running out, the Resistance cobbled together what was always a weak theory regarding a phone call with the Ukrainian president.

At first the alleged crime was supposed to be a campaign finance violation, then bribery, then extortion. It ended with two articles of impeachment, neither of an actual crime, and one [ contempt of Congress ] a more or less laughable claim that the president can’t use courts to defend his rights.

The other was a complicated argument regarding abuse of power that required not just hiding all exonerating evidence but the worst possible construction on what remained. It was such a weak argument that not a single Republican in the House fell for it and three Democrats declined to go along with their own party.

The range of opinion outside the Resistance about the phone call between world leaders ranges from it being, in Trump’s words, “perfect” to merely good or fine to not good. Resistance members tried to put forth the claim that the call was none of these things but impeachably bad. Even with the help of a compliant media, there is simply not enough consensus around this extreme viewpoint to justify even censure, much less bipartisan agreement toward impeachment, much less a removal from office.

Trump’s avoidance of a crime or any real break with public trust is the single biggest factor in his acquittal.

2. Terrible Decision-Making By House Democrats

With a histrionic media and political base spending the last few years demanding impeachment, House Democrats surely had hoped that President Trump would do something justifying an impeachment inquiry. They undoubtedly were not pleased when the best they had to work with was Trump asking for help investigating Ukraine’s known 2016 election meddling or investigation into Biden family corruption in Ukraine.

So they started with a weak hand. But they failed to follow a good process. They didn’t have the House authorize an impeachment inquiry until late in the process. This decision made it unlikely that the many early subpoenas they sought would be deemed valid by a court of law if contested.

They refused to have courts validate their subpoenas, refused to let the GOP call their own witnesses, and suppressed information that was not helpful to their impeachment cause. Of the 78 days of the impeachment proceedings, they denied the president any right to counsel or due process for 71 days of them.

In general, the procedure was rushed and information that could have helped them seem more credible was never sought or acquired.

3. Democrats Failed to Get a Single Republican on Board Their Impeachment Scheme

It is nothing short of amazing that not a single Republican member of Congress joined with Democrats in their impeachment effort. There are plenty of Republican members who either dislike or even loathe the president. But even they didn’t find the impeachment to be credible.

The Resistance was also failed by its NeverTrump wing. That wing had pushed Justin Amash to dramatically leave the Republican Party earlier last year. He published his op-ed as to why and promptly lost any sway with anyone other than the tiny NeverTrump movement.

NeverTrump has long demonstrated trouble with strategic thinking and impulse control, so following their advice and leaving the party in a snit was an unforced error. Had Amash stayed with the party, the Resistance in the media and Democratic Party would have been able to make much more use of him.

4. Inexplicable 1-Month Delay In Sending Impeachment to the Senate

A main argument in favor of impeaching President Trump was that the situation, whatever it was supposed to be that day, was so dire that it required his immediate removal from office. The House Democrats couldn’t afford to wait a matter of months until a new election would be held and Americans could decide whether the “perfect” phone call was in fact so bad that it required the first removal from office of an American president in history.

Impeachment and removal had to happen immediately, they claimed. But then after voting to impeach the president, perhaps sensing the problems caused by a weak case and hoping for more information to come to light, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi inexplicably sat on the articles for a month. It killed whatever momentum the Resistance had and made a mockery of the whole process.

5. The Defense Team Was Amazing

Instead of turning things over to the effective Republicans who had handled the impeachment process so well on the House side, President Trump instead opted to put together a powerhouse collection of attorneys uniquely suited to address an audience of senators and the American people.

Even among their class of politicians, senators have an extremely high view of themselves and their office. Every senator’s ego must be stroked. They don’t want to feel upstaged, spoken down to, or lectured.

Patrick Philbin, Trump’s deputy general counsel, exemplified the defense team’s deliberate choice to put in front of senators someone who had encyclopedic knowledge of the law and this particular case, someone not there to make a name for himself. Philbin’s humble and bookish demeanor was neither bombastic nor flamboyant as he calmly explained the facts of the case and their significance. The other members of the team were also well chosen to argue their points.

6. Grating and Juvenile House Managers

By contrast, House Democrats picked impeachment managers who seemed perfectly calibrated to annoy and grate on those handful of senators whose votes were up for grabs. Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler were the leaders of a group that repeated their highly partisan talking points and used hyperbolic and loaded language. The media loved it, but it went over like a lead balloon with the non-Resistance senators.

The House Democrats accused senators of being cowards who were complicit in a cover-up. They suggested that the senators were unable to vote properly because President Trump would put their heads on pikes if they didn’t vote to acquit. They refused to answer specific and direct questions about whether the whistleblower worked for Biden, was involved in any decisions regarding Burisma, or about his interaction with Schiff’s staff. Even the Washington Post — even the Washington Postgave Schiff four Pinocchios for lying about his staff’s secret collusion with the whistleblower.

At some point, the difference between the competent and highly skilled attorneys on the White House team and the bumbling and somewhat mediocre team of House managers was so pronounced it was almost embarrassing. It was as if one side belonged in front of the Supreme Court and the other failed to make the finals at a middle school debate tournament.

7. Kavanaugh Smear Operations No Longer Work

Along with the delay of the articles of impeachment, the House managers deployed a slow drip of supposedly damaging information. First they put Lev Parnas out as a “bombshell” witness who would bring Trump down. Parnas is indicted for various crimes and is something of a hustler and influence peddler who worked his way through Washington and supposedly had some type of negative information about Trump.

While the argument that Rudy Guiliani shouldn’t have been working with him in any way has merit, it’s a difficult argument to make while walking hand-in-hand with the same individual. Senate Minority Leader [Chuck Schumer] went so far as to invite Parnas to be his guest at the trial, which made the scene look more like a circus than a deliberative effort.

Late this week, House Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel issued a press release saying that he had been given information from a disgruntled former employee of Trump’s [John Bolton] in mid-September to look into the firing of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, suggesting additional witnesses needed to be called. A good time to release this information — if it needed to be released, that is — would have been four months ago or during the House’s impeachment proceedings.

These tactics of deploying information late to create “bombshell” news stories are losing their effectiveness post-Kavanaugh. Republican senators — perhaps with the exception of Mitt Romney, who didn’t even learn this lesson after he was called a racist, hair-raping woman murderer during his presidential bid — are finally wising up to the operation played by the media and Democrats.

8. Media Malfeasance

The media always owned this impeachment process. Pelosi did her best to avoid impeachment but the media all but forced her into it. They championed it every step of the way and provided help, including the blocking of arguments against it.

For instance, although it’s fairly standard to name whistleblowers and to do journalism figuring out who key players are, many in the media decided to help Democrats keep from having to answer questions about his [Rep. Schiff's] role with the whistleblower. They steadfastly avoided looking into him and his motivations or how that might have affected the entire proceedings.

Each day provided evidence that the media didn’t just want Trump impeached and removed from office, but desperately wanted that. There are videos of scrums of reporters fighting with Republicans over their case, but none of them fighting with Democrats. Republican senators are hounded by reporters to pressure them to change their vote, but Democratic senators don’t receive the same treatment.

It didn’t help that in the midst of the circus, a CNN host [Don Lemon] and his panel were openly yukking it up about how Republicans are all stupid.


Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is a senior editor at The Federalist. She is Senior Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College and a Fox News contributor. Follow her on Twitter at @mzhemingway

It's over.

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I posted a long RealClearPolitics article on Eric Ciaramella earlier in the topic.

This article references that earlier article, and cites that multiple news sites and Republican Senate members, Republican House members, and multiple Trump officials have linked and reposted that RealClearPolitics article.

This article expands on what was known at the time of the RealClearPolitics Investigations article, with details learned since then. Foremost of which are whistleblower/Eric Ciaramella's intricate Democrat partisan-loyalist-ideological ties, his favor in the Obama administration, his direct employment for V P Joseph Biden, his ties to Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and the White House NSC office, and his through those contacts, to the office of Rep. Adam Schiff, WHO HELPED HIM DRAFT THE "WHISTLEBLOWER" COMPLAINT. And who even directed Ciaramella to his CIA-connected aid and Andrew Bakaj.
And then Schiff lied about that help.

Further, whistleblower/Ciaramella's "ties to Democrats, including Biden, Schiff, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of Intelligence James Clapper and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice".

Amazing how this "whistleblower" is tied to pretty much everyone in the intelligence community.
And in particular, to everyone who plotted and unleashed the disproven Trump/Russia "collusion" narrative!


Everyone realizes that if the whistleblower were beneficial to Trump or any Republican, liberal media reporters would expose his true identity within a day.
But because the false narrative hurts Trump and the Republicans as long as the true facts remain unknown, these same reporters are protecting Ciaramella's identity, under some nonexistent code of liberal journalistic ethics, to keep the lying narrative alive, leaving "the whistleblower" with some degree of plausible credibility to undermine Trump. Once Ciaramella's liberal ideology and partisanship are made known, that credibility will be gone.

As we've seen many times, no such "honor" or protection of journalistic ethics exists for sources that expose conservatives. Republicans know that they can't speak to reporters in confidence or "off the record" anymore. That protection only exists for Democrats.

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First impeachment trial that didn’t have witnesses. It was pretty much a given that republicans would use their majority to shield Trump’s corruption so no surprise that they didn’t want Bolton or others to testify. What an obvious sham. And you might not want to think about it but all that evidence and testimony will continue to come out. The sham trial may be ending soon but you would be very naive to think it’s far from over.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

House Republicans demand transparency from Democrats' impeachment inquiry

Traanscribed from Fox News' 6PM Special Report evening news panel discussion, Oct 23, 2019:

REP. MATT GAETZ, R-FLA.: Behind those doors they intend to overturn the results of an American presidential election. We want to know what's going on.

REP. TED LIEU, D-CALIF.: They are trying to be disruptive because the facts are not on their side. The law is not on their side.

REP. MARK MEADOWS, R-N.C.: The fundamental question is a question of fairness, and especially on the most important vote that many members will take.

REP. ERIC SWALWELL, D-CALIF.: They are doing this because this is what the guilty do. Innocent people cooperate with investigations. Innocent people follow the rules of the House. People who are doing this are clearly doing it at the behest of the president.


BRET BAIER, ANCHOR: Dramatic images up on Capitol Hill today as House Republicans, I guess, took the advice of President Trump and decided to step up, and in this case tried to get into a hearing where there was a deposition of a deputy assistant secretary of defense, Laura Cooper, first career official to testify from the Pentagon. The DOD had tried to block Cooper from appearing before the deposition. The House Intel Committee issued a subpoena. She complied to testify. She had assumed responsibility for policy concerning Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, and western Balkans.

But the scene was these Republicans storming in, causing a big scene on Capitol Hill today. Let's bring in our panel, "Washington Post" columnist Marc Thiessen, Mara Liasson, national political correspondent for National Public Radio, Susan Ferrechio, Chief Congressional Correspondent for the "Washington Examiner," and Steve Hayes, editor of "The Dispatch."

Susan, first to you. The scene today kind of a little different up on Capitol Hill.

SUSAN FERRECHIO, "WASHINGTON EXAMINER": Right, although I will argue the case here that there has been building discontent. I'm not sure Trump is really behind all this. Republicans have become increasingly frustrated with being shut out of the process. Today you had a witness testify about spending security aid, an employee of the Defense Department, the assistant secretary, yet members of the Armed Service Committee were not in there. In fact they don't have access to the transcripts in this instance.

Now, this was a deposition, so the Democrats argue all depositions are handled this way. But the overarching argument against that is this is about the impeachment of the president of the United States. So you pull back the scope a little bit and look at it and say, why shouldn't this be open to the press? Why shouldn't it be open to the public? That is the case Republicans are making today, and they have been getting increasingly upset about it as the weeks have gone on and witness after witness has come and gone from the Capitol without any of them hearing it.

BAIER: What about that argument, Marc? Is that a powerful argument for Republicans to make? It's a process argument that is made in Washington, but there is substance that is being leaked out, but we are not really seeing the Q and A part of some of these depositions.

MARC THIESSEN, AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE: Americans care about fairness, so if the process is not fair, then of course it's an effective argument. Swalwell was just quoted on your show saying that guilty people don't behave this way. People who are interested in an impartial investigation aimed at finding the truth don't behave the way the Democrats are doing. And just in that example, the room they were storming the room was a SCIF, a secure compartmented facility that is designed for accepting classified information. Yesterday Bill Taylor testified there, and his testimony was leaked as cell phone photographs of his testimony out of this secure compartmented facility. It's ridiculous.

And on top of that, the Democrats criticized Donald Trump for putting the Zelensky transcript on a secure server that was reserved for highly classified information, yet they are using a secure compartmented facility to prevent people from being able to get access to the information that is being given in the deposition. It is total hypocrisy.

BAIER: Which is unclassified, we should point out.

THIESSEN: Yes, most of it is not classified. So why are they doing it in a SCIF? Have it in a hearing room.

In other words, House Democrats keep "secure" what they don't want known with closed-door testimony. And then they leak what is advantageous to Dems to their pals in the media, despite that it was in closed-door SCIF testimony!
And as I said, this testimony was back in October, and the transcript from intelligence community inspector general (I C I G) Michael Atkinson's testimony has >>>STILL<<< not been released to Republicans. Clearly revealing something behind closed doors the Democrats don't want Republicans to know.

The highlighted portions are by a Washington Exaaminer news reporter. It is and was common knowledge that Republican committee members were not permitted to hear testimony firsthand, and had to wait for transcripts long after.
Rep Lee Zeldin (R-NY) said that even when the transcripts were given to him 2 or 3 weeks later, they were incomplete, and he was deprived of being able to see the witnesses and observe their body language during questions firsthand.

Whatever liberal-controlled "Factcheck" and "Politifact" sites allege, it was and is common knowledge that Republican House members were excluded from testimony, and had to wait for testimony transcripts, usually several weeks after the actual closed-door testimony of witnesses. And in the case of Atkinsson's testimony, never received at all.

My point is that there was a very tight lid on Republican access to firsthand testimony, where Democrats would only permit them to read testimony in transcripts after-the-fact. If they were permitted to read testimony before transcripts were given them weeks later, they would have to go in a special room with a Democrat standing with them watching them all the time. Even in cases where Judiciary committee member Republicans were permitted to attend they could not take notes, and Republican committee members of related committees like the Armed Services committee were not allowed to enter the SCIF and watch testimony.

But republicans on those 3 committees were allowed to attend the hearings and ask questions. In fact the transcripts show they were asking almost the same amount of questions. Yes democrats didn’t allow the republicans to run the hearings off the rails. That didn’t stop republicans from trying and now even in the senate trial republicans kept witnesses from testifying. One republican’s reasoning was that the House actually proved their charges against Trump and didn’t need to hear anymore. He will vote to acquit though.

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First impeachment trial that didn’t have witnesses. It was pretty much a given that republicans would use their majority to shield Trump’s corruption so no surprise that they didn’t want Bolton or others to testify.

Too bad the search function only goes back nine years. It would be fun to read what MEM thought of Bolton's penchant for honesty during the Bush administration.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
First impeachment trial that didn’t have witnesses. It was pretty much a given that republicans would use their majority to shield Trump’s corruption so no surprise that they didn’t want Bolton or others to testify. What an obvious sham. And you might not want to think about it but all that evidence and testimony will continue to come out. The sham trial may be ending soon but you would be very naive to think it’s far from over.

Now who's lying, M E M?

In the Clinton impeachment, the Republican-majority House conducted impeachment hearings for a year and certainly had testimony from a number of witnesses. When it was handed over to the Senate, there were no further witnesses.
Just like Senate hearings for Trump impeachment. The simple fact is, the Democrats were in such a rush to impeach Trump, for P.R./lying narrative reasons, that House Democrats didn't do their job and build a case for impeachment! And even if they spent a year like in the Clinton case, there just isn't evidence of anything Trump did wrong. If it existed, the Democrat partisans of the Mueller team, with unlimited authority and funding to investigate, would have found it.

A review:

Richard Nixon impeachment: A special investigation found Nixon guilty of ACTUAL CRIMES.

Bill Clinton impeachment: A special investigation found Clinton guilty of ACTUAL CRIMES.

Donald Trump: A special investigation found Trump guilty of NO CRIMES, NONE!
And that is where it should have ended. But for pure slanderous narrative reasons, Democrats pushed impeachment without evidence. And Democrats, just because they have a majority and could do it, corruptly rubber-stamped an impeachment in the House. And then Pelosi self-consciously clung to the vote and wouldn't give it to the Senate, KNOWING they hadn't made a case for impeachment. And even the "articles of impeachment" were bogus charges, not actual crimes.

If the Republican Senate majority agreed to see another hundred witnesses, or even a thousand witnesses, Democrats would still say the Republicans are corrupt and hiding the truth. No matter what the evidence.

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I wasn’t ever a Bolton fan but he doesn’t strike me as somebody who would tell big lies to sell books. And unlike Trump he’s volunteered to testify under oath. Does it seem odd to you that everyone that has been willing to testify under oath have a similar story that Trump withheld the foreign aid for his own benefit? Did you ever think Bolton was dishonest?

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
First impeachment trial that didn’t have witnesses. It was pretty much a given that republicans would use their majority to shield Trump’s corruption so no surprise that they didn’t want Bolton or others to testify. What an obvious sham. And you might not want to think about it but all that evidence and testimony will continue to come out. The sham trial may be ending soon but you would be very naive to think it’s far from over.

Now who's lying, M E M?

In the Clinton impeaachment, the Republican-majority House conducted impeachment hearings for a year and certainly had testimony from a number of witnesses. When it was handed over to the Senate, there were no further witnesses. Just like Senate hearings for Trump impeachment. The simple fact is, the Democrats were in such a rush to impeach Trump, for P.R./lying narrative reasons, that House Democrats didn't do their job!

A review:

Richard Nixon impeachment: A special investigation found Nixon guilty of ACTUAL CRIMES.

Bill Clinton impeachment: A special investigation found Clinton guilty of ACTUAL CRIMES.

Donald Trump: A special investigation found Trump guilty of NO CRIMES, NONE!
And that is where it should have ended. But for pure slanderous narrative reasons, Democrats pushed impeachment without evidence. And Democrats, just because they have a majority and could do it, corruptly rubber-stamped an impeachment in the House. And then Pelosi self-consciously clung to the vote and wouldn't give it to the Senate, KNOWING they hadn't made a case for impeachment. And even the "articles of impeachment" were bogus charges, not actual crimes.

If the Republican Senate majority agreed to see another hundred witnesses, or even a thousand witnesses, Democrats would still say the Republicans are corrupt and hiding the truth. No matter what the evidence.

Republicans just voted yesterday to block witnesses so it’s a fact WB that Republicans kept witnesses out for the first time. Clinton and Nixon both had them. Furthermore given what has leaked out from Bolton’s book, republicans blocked some pretty damning evidence. In the short term your party managed to shield a corrupt president. Long term I think there might be a big price to pay.

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I see Rubio also went with Trump being guilty but was voting against witnesses and for acquittal.

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It's so frustrating with you and the Dems, M E M, because you want to imprison Trump and throw away the key for the slightest ambiguity in a July 25th phone cal.
And yet simultaneously, you want to look the other way and not even investigate, let alone convict, Democrats for crimes that are 100 times worse and more obvious.

Joseph Biden, pimping his son to the Ukranians and the Chinese, getting him a job for which Hunter Biden (just dishonorably disscharged from the military for smoking crack) was infinitely unqualified. That's on top of similar unqualified high-paying jobs for MBNA and Amtrak, who at the time were large donors and beneficiaries from then-Senator Joseph Biden (a k a, "the Senator from MBNA").

Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server, that compromised U.S. national security every day she was secretary of state.
This you have no problem with.

Hillary Clinton and her staff deleting and bleachbitting 33,000 self-incriminating emails, and smashing computers, and smashing cel-phones, that were ALL supoenaed by the FBI and House/Senate investigators at the time, for several months. Michael Cohen and Michael Flynn and Roger Stone the FBI seized at gunpoint to allegedly prevent them from destroying evidence, with more armed officers than were used to kill Bin Laden. But Hillary and her corrupt staff were given free reign for months to destroy tens of thousands of documents.
This you have no problem with.

The Clinton Foundation making hundreds of millions of dollars in donations from hostile and brutal rogue nations, taking huge donations in exchange for selling them access and cooperation from Hillary Clinton's U.S. state department.
This you have no problem with.

Hillary Clinton while secretary of state ignoring multiple pleas for months from Benghazi state department staff, begging her for more security. Despite two bombing attempts in those months, one of them leaving a huge 6-foot wide hole in the perimiter wall around the embassy.
This you have no problem with.

And then Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration lying to cover up that negligence, that got four Benghazi embassy and CIA staffers killed. And if for CIA military staffers didn't disobey orders to stand down and instead AGAINST ORDERS staged a rescue, that death total would have included the 40 embassy staff that they rescued, rescuing them at the cost of their own lives. No thanks to Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration. WE STILL HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHERE HILLARY CLINTON OR OBAMA WERE THE DURING THE HOURS OF THE BENGHAZI ATTACK. In any case, they sat on their hands and did nothing to save those at the Benghazi embassy. AND THEN MADE UP A FAKE NARRATIVE THAT THEY TOLD FOR 6 WEEKS, THAT IT WASN'T AN AL QAIDA ATTACK, WHEN THEY KNEW IT TRULY WAS. We know this now, AFTER THE 2012 ELECTION, only because of Hillary Clinton's e-mails to the Libyan government and to daughter Chelsea Clinton that clearly said it was an Al Qaida attack.
But they lied to narrowly win the 2012 election.
And got a lot of people killed.
This you have no problem with.

But when Donald Trump makes a July 25th phone call with the Ukranian president, and in a friendly way asks Zelensky to cooperate in sharing documentation of corruption of Burisma and Hunter Biden, who multiple officials in the preceding Obama government had warned and raised flags about, corruption that Trump was perfectly within his presidential power to investigate... this you have a problem with. Whereas none of the other stuff you think even warrants investigation.

And despite every partisan attempt of your Bolshevik party in the last 3-plus years to abuse state power and rig every investigation, Trump has been found not guilty, because he did nothing wrong.

For me, justice will only be served when the Bolsheviks who rigged the investigation and tried to slander and destroy Trump are brought to justice, and THEMSELVES go to jail:

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
James Comey.
Andrew McCabe.
Bruce and Nellie Ohr.
John Brennan.
James Clapper.
Eric Ciaramella.
And maany others in FBI and DOJ.

And for their part in ACTUAL purchase of information from foreign governments, including from 2 Russian intelligence chiefs, Hillary Clinton and multiple members of her campaign staff and the DNC, who paid millions to foreign officiaals through Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele.

And for orchestrating abuse by FBI, CIA and other branches of government to issue multiple falsely obtained FISA warrants, and infiltrating/entrapping/planting bait for Trump officials, Barack Obama and several of his chief advisors who sat in on the meetings with FBI and CIA officials, surveillance of a presidential campaign that only a president could approve, should go to jail. They were briefed and gave approval all along.
(LISA PAGE, text to Strzok: "POTUS wants to know everything we are working on." )

To jail.

These are the people who staged a coup against an elected president, and have engaged in illegitimate scheme after illegitimate scheme (deliberately sabotaging the FBI Hillary Clinton e-mails investigation, opening a 10-month FBI investigation of Trump based on deliberately false evidence just to hurt his campaign, deliberately falsifying illegal FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, baiting traps with FBI-hired "assets" to smear Trump officials, leaking documents to create a Mueller special investigation by illicit means, and when those all failed manufacturing a Ukraine narrative through an anonymous "whistleblower" to open a new false narrative and investigation) ALL to remove Trump by any illicit and pseudo-legal means.

I also think Adam Schiff, for his falsifying of evidence and abusing his position, should possibly face criminal charges. To be investigated by Congress and removed from office at the very least. Devin Nunes was falsely accused and investigated for far less.

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As I’ve noted even republican senators are saying the House proved what is being charged in the impeachment but don’t think it rises to the level of removal. I get the politics involved with blocking the witnesses to shield Trump’s corruption but it still leaves us with a very apparent sham trial. That is frustrating but I think we’ll have a better result with the upcoming election with America impeaching him by electing someone better.

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Collins also thought trump was guilty but will vote to acquit.

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And just like that, around 4:30 PM this afternoon, it was over:

Senate acquits Trump on abuse of power, obstruction of Congress charges

The Senate overwhelmingly acquitted President Trump on both articles of impeachment against him Wednesday afternoon following a brief trial, in a historic rejection of Democrats' claims that the president's Ukraine dealings and handling of congressional subpoenas merited his immediate removal from office.

Several Congressional Democrats, speaking to Fox News, were dejected on Capitol Hill late Wednesday, even as they said they hoped to weaponize the acquittal votes by several moderate Republicans in swing states.

"We all knew how this was going,” one senior House Democratic source told Fox News. “But everyone’s depressed. Especially because of Iowa," where the first-in-the-nation caucuses have been plagued by mismanagement.

Another Democratic source also said that impeachment “went as well as it could go.” There was significant consternation among House Democrats about heading down the impeachment road at all over the summer, Fox News is told, but Democratic leaders felt they had to get in front of the impeachment movement and embrace it – or they may have been steamrolled by the progressive wing of the party.

In the final vote, all Democratic senators supported convicting the president of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, including swing-vote moderate Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., and Doug Jones, D-Ala.

The only party defection was on the abuse of power charge from Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, who declared hours before the final vote that Trump had engaged in as "destructive an attack on the oath of office and our Constitution as I can imagine." Romney voted not guilty on the obstruction charge.

By a final vote of 52-48 against conviction on the abuse of power charge and 53-47 against conviction on the obstruction charge, the Senate fell far short of the two-thirds, 67-vote supermajority needed to convict and remove the president. Swing-vote Republican senators -- including Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee -- voted to acquit on both counts.

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Clinton enjoyed higher approval during his impeachment

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The trial might be over but you have to know after the Bolton leaks that more evidence will keep rolling out. In the short term Trump has a reprieve thanks to his party (and it really is his) blocking evidence but that isn’t going to last. And of course his pettiness won’t allow him not to go after Romney and maybe even all the others that were at least honest about him being guilty but still voted to acquit.

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by Jonathan Turley, editorial, in The Hill
February 5, 2020

The House has its share of infamies, great and small, real and symbolic, and has been the scene of personal infamies from brawls to canings. But the conduct of Speaker Nancy Pelosi(D-Calif.) at the State of the Union address this week will go down as a day of infamy for the chamber as an institution. It has long been a tradition for House Speakers to remain stoic and neutral in listening to the address. However, Pelosi seemed to be intent on mocking President Trump from behind his back with sophomoric facial grimaces and head shaking, culminating in her ripping up a copy of his address.

Her drop the mic moment will have a lasting impact on the House. While many will celebrate her trolling of the president, she tore up something far more important than a speech. Pelosi has shredded decades of tradition, decorum and civility that the nation could use now more than ever. The House Speaker is more than a political partisan, particularly when carrying out functions such as the State of the Union address. A president appears in the House as a guest of both chambers of Congress. The House Speaker represents not her party or herself but the entirety of the chamber. At that moment, she must transcend her own political ambitions and loyalties.

Tensions for this address were high. The House impeachment managers sat as a group in front of the president as a reminder of the ongoing trial. That can be excused as a silent but pointed message from the Democrats. Trump hardly covered himself with glory by not shaking hands with Pelosi. I also strongly disliked elements of his address which bordered on “check under your seat” moments, and the awarding of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh with the Presidential Medal of Freedom inside the House gallery like a Mardi Gras bead toss. However, if Trump made the State of the Union look like Oprah, then Pelosi made it look like Jerry Springer.

What followed was an utter disgrace. First, Pelosi dropped the traditional greeting before the start of the address, “Members of Congress, I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the president of the United States.” Instead, she simply announced, “Members of Congress, the president of the United States.” It was extremely petty and profoundly inappropriate. Putting aside the fact that this is not her tradition, but that of the House, it is no excuse to note that the president was impeached.

Such an indignity was not imposed on President Clinton during his own impeachment proceeding, and anyone respecting due process would note that Trump has been accused, not convicted, at this point in the constitutional process. Pelosi proceeded to repeatedly shake her head, mouth words to others, and visibly disagree with the address. It was like some distempered distracting performance art behind the president.

My revulsion over this has nothing to do with impeachment. Ten years ago, I wrote a column denouncing Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito for mouthing the words “not true” when President Obama used his address to criticize the court for its decision in the Citizens United case. I considered his response to be a disgrace and wrote a column criticizing Chief Justice John Roberts for not publicly chastising Alito for breach of tradition. Instead, Roberts seemed to defend Alito in criticizing Obama for his “very troubling” language and saying that it was unfair to criticize the court when the justices, “according to the requirements of protocol,” have “to sit there expressionless.” That was not unfair. That was being judicious.

I also wrote a column denouncing Republican Rep. Joe Wilson (S.C.), who shouted “you lie!” at Obama during his State of the Union address in 2009. Wilson should have been severely sanctioned for that breach. When I wrote those columns, I had never imagined that a House Speaker would engage in conduct far in excess of those controversies. After all, House Speakers often have been required to sit through addresses they despised from presidents of the opposing party. The House Speaker is third in line of succession to the presidency and the representative of the chamber as a whole. She is not some Sinéad O’Connor ripping up a photograph of the pope on "Saturday Night Live" while shouting aloud “fight the real enemy!”

Pelosi, like her predecessors, is supposed to remain stone-faced during the address even if the president leaves her personally enraged. Indeed, House Speakers have been the authority who kept other members in silent deference and respect, if not to the president, then to the office. However, Pelosi appeared to goad the mob, like a high schooler making mad little faces behind the school principal at an assembly. It worked, as members protested and interrupted Trump. Pelosi became another Democratic leader, little more than a twitching embodiment of this age of rage.

This is not to suggest that the House has always listened to its better angels. More than 180 years ago, a confrontation between Democratic Rep. Jonathan Cilley (Maine) and Whig Rep. William Graves (Ky.) led to a duel over what Graves viewed as a slight on the House floor. In February 1838, the two decided to meet in Maryland for a duel with rifles, and Graves killed Cilley after both missed each other twice. In response, the House quickly pushed forward antidueling legislation in Congress.

Pelosi has demolished decades of tradition with this poorly considered moment. Of course, many will celebrate her conduct and be thrilled by the insult to Trump. However, even those of us who disagree with his policies should consider what Pelosi destroyed in her moment of rage. She shredded the pretense of governing with civility and dignity in the House. Notably, she did not wait to rip up her copy of the speech until after she left the House floor. Pelosi wanted to do it at the end of the speech, in front of the camera, with the president still in the chamber.

That act was more important to Pelosi than preserving the tradition of her office. In doing so, she forfeited the right to occupy that office. If Pelosi cannot maintain the dignity and neutrality of her office at the State of the Union, she should resign as the Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law for George Washington University and served as the last lead counsel during a Senate impeachment trial. He testified as a witness expert in the House Judiciary Committee hearing during the impeachment inquiry of President Trump.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Clinton enjoyed higher approval during his impeachment

With the wind of the 80% liberal media at his back.

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Not sure what SOTU has to do with this topic? You don’t really have much credibility if you support Trump’s corruption but can’t handle some sheets of paper being torn, lol

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Props to Romney btw. I think I can still hear Trump jr crying for his head

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The trial might be over but you have to know after the Bolton leaks that more evidence will keep rolling out. In the short term Trump has a reprieve thanks to his party (and it really is his) blocking evidence but that isn’t going to last. And of course his pettiness won’t allow him not to go after Romney and maybe even all the others that were at least honest about him being guilty but still voted to acquit.

And you have to know that will be another Lucy-holding-the-football that will end badly for you and end in disappointment.

It was the Democrats rigging the House impeachment investigation that allowed this to fraudulently go this far. It should have been dismissed a long time ago. The American people see what is going on, and they will neuter what's left of Democrat power in the November election.

First, Michael Cohen was the silver bullet that was going to kill Trump's presidency. How did that work out?

Michael Flynn was the guy who was going to flip and destroy Trump's presidency. How did that work out?

Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, George Papadapoulos, Carter Page, Michael Caputo, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort. All of whom Democrats and the liberal media were orgasming all over themselves anticipating these guys were going to plea bargain and expose Trump, whether "singing" or "composing".
How did those work out?

Despite that many of these former Trump staffers are still having their lives ruined by a vindictive DOJ and FBI, they never turned on Trump (except the failed effort of Michael Cohen, who tried to make stuff up to save himself and was exposed as a liar.)

Then there was the Mueller investigation. No really, this is it, THIS IS THE SILVER BULLET!! Despite being forged in Comey fraud, despite the Mueller team being made up of 17 Democrat partisans, 11 of the 17 being large Democrat/Obama/Hillary campaign donors and blatant true-believer partisan liberals, EVEN THEY could not discover or manufacture the false evidence to bring down Trump.

And when that failed, the Democrat-partisan CIA, NSC, Alex Vindman, Eric Ciaramella and the Democrat House just moved on to their next takedown scheme.

So, yeah... you go on believing after far greater powers going after Trump, that somehow Bolton is now the silver bullet that will bring down Trump.

Bolton is another Mitt Romney or Scaramucci, with a grudge. Trying to capitalize by smearing Trump. Bolton will feed his catnip to the liberal media, feed the rumor mill and cheap headlines for a while. But he has no substance. prepare to be disappointed.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will celebrate the most accomplished president in at least 50 years.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Not sure what SOTU has to do with this topic? You don’t really have much credibility if you support Trump’s corruption but can’t handle some sheets of paper being torn, lol

Because the Democrat sour grapes over the impeachment has spilled over into Pelosi's antics at the State Of The Union address.

The lack of impulse-control is an outgrowth of the vicious Bolshevik tactics they have unleashed on Trump and Republicans for much more than the 4 years they've been trying to destroy Trump. The lawlessness, slander, threat of violence, and actual violence of your Bolshevik party.

They just can't help themselves.
Or maybe that are just so drunk with power at this point that they think they can get away with it.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Does Bolton strike you as someone who would lie under oath over a grudge? And I don’t see it as magic bullets but proper oversight. It’s not like your party wanting to investigate Hillary over and over plus whoever Trump is worried about having to face in an election.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Props to Romney btw. I think I can still hear Trump jr crying for his head

Romney is a self-serving traitor with an axe to grind. Trump doesn't have to do anything. The voters of Utah will not re-elect Romney. He just ended what was left of his political career.

Romney wasn't right or serving any higher purpose. It was a petty vindictive act against Trump, much like McCain's vindictive vote against Obamacare. With that act Romney destroyed himself.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Does Bolton strike you as someone who would lie under oath over a grudge? And I don’t see it as magic bullets but proper oversight. It’s not like your party wanting to investigate Hillary over and over plus whoever Trump is worried about having to face in an election.

But he hasn't given testimony under oath, has he?
And Bolton hasn't even done interviews on any network, that indicates to me he doesn't want the truth known. It's highly suspicious that the allegation came out, with no actual quotation or cited facts, within days of the release of his book. That tells me that Bolton wanted these allegations leaked for publicity purposes, and that there have been no interviews shows he doesn't want to disclose the truth.
Also suspicious that it was liberal partisan Alexander Vindman's twin brother (ALSO employed at the NSC) who approved Bolton's book for release. One of the partisans who could have leaked its alleged contents.

And Ive seen interviews with plenty of people close to Bolton in government over the decades in that same week. A week ago he had friends, now he doesn't. That answers your question. What Bolton is doing is not honest or right.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Props to Romney btw. I think I can still hear Trump jr crying for his head

Romney is a self-serving traitor with an axe to grind. Trump doesn't have to do anything. The voters of Utah will not re-elect Romney. He just ended what was left of his political career.

Romney wasn't right or serving any higher purpose. It was a petty vindictive act against Trump, much like McCain's vindictive vote against Obamacare. With that act Romney destroyed himself.

Uhm how is Romney being self serving? Reading what he said about Trump’s guilt he made it pretty clear that he was going to pay for doing the right thing. Trump is well known for petty attacks even after the other person has died. Romney knows he’s probably committed political suicide but he was willing to vote his conscience.

Fair play!
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Props to Romney btw. I think I can still hear Trump jr crying for his head

Romney is a self-serving traitor with an axe to grind. Trump doesn't have to do anything. The voters of Utah will not re-elect Romney. He just ended what was left of his political career.

Romney wasn't right or serving any higher purpose. It was a petty vindictive act against Trump, much like McCain's vindictive vote against Obamacare. With that act Romney destroyed himself.

Uhm how is Romney being self serving? Reading what he said about Trump’s guilt he made it pretty clear that he was going to pay for doing the right thing. Trump is well known for petty attacks even after the other person has died. Romney knows he’s probably committed political suicide but he was willing to vote his conscience.

Romney clearly has a vendetta against Trump. I think Romney did it with the arrogance that he could pull this off and still recover within 6 years and get re-elected. He won't. The blowback was way beyond what he expected. Laura Ingraham had an excellent opening editorial on it tonight.

If Romney had supported Trump initially, and now he was breaking away to "do the right thing" I'd believe it. But Romney has shived Trump in the back at every turn for 4 years.
Even after Trump interviewed him for a cabinet position!
Even after Trump, at Romney's request, flew to Utah to campaign for his Senate election! Right after winning, Romney stabbed him in the back. AGAIN.
I'm a guy who supported Romney strongly in 2012, and felt like he was a moderate who could bring both sides together. But I've seen with both Romney and McCain that no matter how moderate, Dems will demonize even the most moderate and bipartisan Republican. Right wing! Racist! Warmonger!! Evil white guy! White Privelege! Crazy! Likewise W. Bush. Likewise Trump. Any Republican president or candidate will get the same treatment. It's not just Trump. And on top of that, Romney has demonstrated his chameleonlike lack of principle. And vindictiveness toward Trump.

And once Romney has outlived his usefuness as a weapon against Trump, House/Senate Democrats and the liberal media will again turn on Romney. It will be a short honeymoon.

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