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Tucker Carlson's commentary on Roger Stone's excessive midnight CNN-conveniently-filmed Seal-Team-6-style guns-flashing arrest.

Tucker Carlson: Is America safer now that Roger Stone was arrested? - Jan 25, 2019

Youtube has deleted more recent commentaries by Carlson on the Stone conviction and sentencing controversy.
But this one is as true as it was a year ago.

This part in particular rings true:
"There is a double standard. Some people skate, others are destroyed."
Guess which side Roger Stone is on?

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Ingraham: In Bloomberg's China cabinet -Feb 13, 2020

Bloomberg enriched himself by caving in to China. And a pawn of China, will use those billions to try and overthrow Trump. A presidency that absolutely sell us out to enslavement by China.

The blonde gir interviewing Bloomberg is Margaret Hoover, the great grandaughter of former president Herbert Hoover.

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Hannity: Dems wasting time, resources on more possible investigations
- Feb 13, 2020

A great comparison of Roger Stone's strained perjury conviction, compared to the DOZENS of Democrats, Attorney generals, FBI, DOJ and others that are not even investigated, let alone prosecuted or sentenced.
The hypocrisy and double-standard on full display.

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Democrats don't have any moderates left -- they are all hard-core leftists now

by Deroy Murdock

Pundits and political strategists have filled the airwaves with talk of “moderates” who will rescue Democrats from the ascendant Senator Bernie Sanders and his Vermont-style socialism. But the vaunted “moderate lane” lacks one thing: moderates.

Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, former mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., and the rapidly sinking former vice president Joe Biden are hard-core, big-government left-liberals. While they may not be full-blown socialists, the balderdash that they are even vaguely centrist is either desperately uninformed or deliberately dishonest.


Indeed, several legislative scorecards confirm this incredible fact: Sanders’s senatorial vote record repeatedly puts him to the right of Klobuchar and Biden!
•The Americans for Democratic Action awarded Sanders a 2018 Liberal Quotient of 100 percent — a perfect left-wing score.
The “moderate” Klobuchar tailgated Sanders with a 95 percent rating that year. But in 2017, Sanders scored a 95, with Klobuchar to his left at 100. Biden, for his part, earned an 80 percent Liberal Quotient in 2008, his final year in the Senate.
While not as far left as Klobuchar and Sanders, who both hit 100 that year, Biden was much closer to the liberal fast lane than to the middle of the road.

•The American Conservative Union bestowed on Sanders a 9 percent rating for 2018 and a lifetime measure of 6.78. Klobuchar was left of Sanders, with a 5 percent rating for that year and 4.70 across her Senate career.

In 2008, Sanders’s ACU rating was 8 percent, with a then-lifetime score of 6.44. Klobuchar took 16 percent, with a lifetime 10. Biden scored an all-the-way-left 0 percent, although his lifetime figure was a less extreme 12.67.

•The National Taxpayers Union gave Sanders a D and a score of 31 percent for 2018. While that evaluation might have made Milton Friedman weep, Klobuchar’s grades would have made him cry, cry, cry: She earned an F and just 16 percent — half of Sanders’s total, putting her, yet again, to Sanders’s left. In 2008, meanwhile, NTU gave Sanders a D and 18 percent, Klobuchar an F and 4 percent, and “moderate” Joe Biden an F and 2 percent.

The reputedly centrist Biden earned straights Fs on NTU’s report cards, from 1998 to 2008. Klobuchar repeated that feat, from 2007 to 2018. Across those same years, Sanders yielded nine F's, two D's, and an “n/a” for 2016, when he skipped Senate votes, campaigned for president, and was swindled by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee’s rigged system.
•The Club for Growth gave Sanders a 2018 score of 26 and a lifetime rating of 9. That year, Klobuchar earned a 5, matching her lifetime figure. In 2008, CFG awarded Sanders a 13 (lifetime 8), Klobuchar a 3 (lifetime 5), and Biden a 0, equal to his lifetime number.

Unlike the grizzled and grumpy Sanders — who honeymooned in the Soviet Union for 10 days in 1988 and praised Fidel Castro’s Cuban revolution — Biden, Klobuchar, and Buttigieg (who has no legislative votes to analyze), offer a moderate demeanor — notwithstanding their leftist records and proposals. But Democrat moderation is solely stylistic. As the Washington Post recently opined, “every major Democratic candidate is running on an agenda to the left of Mr. Obama’s.”

As the chart demonstrates, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts is, ideologically, Bernie Sanders’s twin sister.
Former New York City mayor and multibillionaire Michael Bloomberg has seconded the Left’s prescriptions — from aggressive gun control to anti-“global warming” orthodoxy, to robust rejection of his own mayoral law-enforcement practices [stop and frisk gun seizures from minorities].
These candidates advocate steep tax hikes, a new carbon levy, lavish federal spending programs, freebies for illegal aliens, subsidized abortion—on-demand, without apology, and until natural delivery — and truckloads more government intervention.

From Nevada to New Jersey, Democrats must decide over the next few months whether they want a practicing socialist to lead their party into the November 3 election. But even if primary voters just say “Nyet” to Bernie Sanders, Democrats will not choose a moderate nominee because no such creature currently is running for president of the United States.

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It goes without saying Trump and his propagandists are going to try to make the left look as radical as possible. Looking at an issue like health care though there is obviously a difference between candidates. Trump’s efforts have left more people without insurance. All the democrats are for increasing coverage true but there is a big difference between them. Sanders plan would entirely get rid of employer insurance for a government one. Klobuchar & Buttigieg on the other hand wouldn’t get rid of the old system but give people the option of a government one. Those are huge differences imho. And as Trump runs the deficit up with tax cuts for the wealthy he’s proposing cuts in Medicare and other safety net programs.

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And while I don’t see Pete Buttigieg being able to get the nomination, he has won enough now where he’s starting to get some attention from conservative propagandist’s like Limbaugh. It is gratifying to see a gay candidate do so well. We are still the country that elected an African American twice and a woman winning the popular vote in the last one.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It goes without saying Trump and his propagandists are going to try to make the left look as radical as possible.

If citing the quantifiable voting record of the Democrat candidates and their clear radicalism makes the messenger a "propagandist".
THAT is face-saving propaganda spin of the Democrat/Left.

And many of the groups cited in the article are Democrat/Left watch groups who track Democrat legislators' loyalty to the Democrat-progressive cause. In their eyes, not in that of "Trump propagandists" are these candidates at 100% loyalty or close to it, and are measurably to the Left of even Marxist "Democratic-Socialist" Bernie Sanders. Don't blame conservative reporters who accurately quote the Left's own count of these Senators' voting records.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Looking at an issue like health care though there is obviously a difference between candidates. Trump’s efforts have left more people without insurance.

Actually, the Democrats' own PRE-PLANNED implosion of Obamacare, in a scheme to replace it with single-payer/socialized healthcare is what has caused less people to be insured.
However I do blame both Trump and Republicans for not having come up with a healthcare plan of their own and a better alternative in the 10 years since Obamacare was passed into law by both houses and President Obama. Literally 10 years since 2010. 7 years since its implementation in 2013.
If I were president (or the Republican party before or during Trump's reign) I would send experts to study the 10 or 20 nations with the best healthcare plans in the world, and then come back and talk to healthcare experts in this country on how to customize that and refine it for the best healthcare program here. That Republicans haven't done so says to me that they just haven't made a priority of doing so.
Democrats don't care more about people because they implemented Obamacare, they created Obamacare as a means to implement centralized control over U.S. citizens. It's just a means of centralized control and power to cosolidate Democrat power and a permanent majority.

And Democrats deliberately set up a system in 2010 that was planned to fail (phase 1), to rationalize ending Obamacare at what was planned to be the beginning of President Hillary Clinton's reign, to bail it out with nationalized healthcare, what Dems wanted all along (phase 2!)
Deliberately planning a system that would cause millions of Americans to lose their private heathcare plans, while simultaneously orchestrating a crisis where millions more on Obamacare would lose their healthcare in a planned collapse, definitely does NOT show Democrats care more. It shows that Democrats deliberately deceived those who trusted them, and were betrayed. Or as Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber phrased it (caught on videotape) it "relies on the stupidity of the American voter".

And you can measure the American voter's lack of support of Obamacare, and the betrayal they feel, by how over 1,000 Democrat Senators, House members, and state and local Democrats have been voted out of office as a direct reaction and opposition to Obama's policy.
While I blame Republicans for not making priority of a better alternative, that doesn't mean there is popular support for Obamacare, or that Obamacare is or was working, before Trump or during Trump. Don't blame Trump for Obamacare's failure.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
All the democrats are for increasing coverage true but there is a big difference between them. Sanders plan would entirely get rid of employer insurance for [replacing it with?] a government one.
Klobuchar & Buttigieg on the other hand wouldn’t get rid of the old system but give people the option of a government one. Those are huge differences imho. And as Trump runs the deficit up with tax cuts for the wealthy he’s proposing cuts in Medicare and other safety net programs.

I trust the Democrats as far as I can throw a piano (i.e., not at all).
Democrats assure us they wouldn't do things ("if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan", not giving healthcare to illegal immigrants, ATF's Obama orchestrated "fast and furious" as a scheme for blaming gun retailerss and taking away 2nd Amendment gun rights, on and on) ...and once Democrats have conned the public into electing them, they do them anyway.

And with your alleged concern about debt: You again had no concern about debt while Obama was racking up annual deficits at well over $1 trillion a year. Obama racked up more debt in his 8 years thaan every previous president combined.

That said, not eliminating deficits is my biggest disappointment with Trump. As I've said before, I think Trump couldn't get re-elected if he cut deficits in his first term, the Democrats would hypocritically demonize him for it.
I hope that is something Trump addresses in his second term, when he doesn't have to worry about re-election. Trump needed to accumulate accomplishments in his first term and gain popular support from that, which he has done, the most accomplisshed presidency in 50 years, before he use that political capital to take on debt reduction.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And while I don’t see Pete Buttigieg being able to get the nomination, he has won enough now where he’s starting to get some attention from conservative propagandist’s like Limbaugh. It is gratifying to see a gay candidate do so well. We are still the country that elected an African American twice and a woman winning the popular vote in the last one.

What ever haappened to Democrats who want their sons and daughters to be judged "by the content of their character and not the color of their skin"?

Democrats are divisively all about bean counting, tokenism and identity politics, and they for three decades have splintered the country along race and class lines, for their own short-term political gain.

And I love how racial/multicultural inclusiveness by Republicans is invisible to Democrats.

A few examples:

Clarence Thomas, black U.S. Supreme Court justice, appointed by G.H.W. Bush in 1991.

Jeane Kirkpatrick, first woman appointed U.S. ambassador to the U.N., 1981-1985, appointed by Ronald Reagan.

K.T. McFarland, assistant defense secretary appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1981.

Edward J. Perkins, a black man appointed U.S. ambassador to the U.N. (fired by Clinton as soon as Clinton was inaugurated in Jan 1993, replaced by Madeleine Albright). The third black man appointed ambassador, two previous black appointments under Jimmy Carter.

Nikki Haley, first woman and Sikh/Indian appointed U.S. ambassador to the U.N., and also first woman and Indian governor of South Carolina. Appointed by Trump, 2017-2018.

Kelly Craft, current woman U.S. ambassador to the U.N., appointed by Trump, 2019-present.

Colin Powell, first head of the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff. Under G.H.W. Bush.
Then appointed Secretary of State under George W. Bush, 2001-2004.

Condoleezza Rice, first black woman National Security Advisor, appointed by W. Bush, 2001-2004. Then in W. Bush's second term, Rice became the first black woman Secretary of State, replacing Powell.

Alberto Gonzales, first hispanic U.S. Attorney General, 2005-2007. Appointed by President George W. Bush.

And on the gay side:

Richard Grenell, current U.S. ambassador to Germany, 2018-present, aappointed by Trump.
And prior to that Grenell was U.S. spokesperson at the U.N. embassy.

I'm sure there are others I could list if I thought about it more.

Several conservative pundits are gay, that I see regularly on Fox News:

Tammy Bruce

Guy Benson

Again, it annoys me that these conservative/Republican minorities are invisible to Democrats and the liberal media.

And I notice that minorities just quietly serve in Republican administrations, and don't make a huge spectacle of their ethnicity or it being a first. They're closer to what I always envisioned with Star Trek (original series) in the future, where racial/ethnic differences weren't even noticed or discussed, they just quietly became one culture in the future.
Closer to Martin Luther King Jr's vision of being recognized by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

Whereas with Democrats, they're the race-conscious bean-counters, and they use it divisively. And make a freak-show of a minority being appointed, constantly bringing it up every day that they're minorities. Where it's not even about selecting someone competent, it's more a case of the person selected HAS to be black, or HAS to be hispanic, or HAS to be a woman, irregardless of competency.
Or gay, apparently.

Way back on the DC boards, circa 2000-2002, before we ever came here to RKMB to post, I cited an article that said ironically that while gays bemoan being a persecuted minority, at that time they were the highest earning demographic group in America.

It is becoming increasingly clear to me that Democrats, far from simply wanting equality for everyone, want to displace and crush white/conservative/Christian America.
And the terms "multicultural" and "diversity" are code words for squeezing out and de-platforming white/conservative/Christian America. And there are a multitude of examples to back that up.

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Uhm somebody from the party of Trump has very little credibility talking about character. Charity fraud, birtherism, massive amounts of adultery, lies and corruption are your values now. Rush Limbaugh’s are your heroes and the Roger Stone’s are the ones that you see as victims. Obama winning the popular vote along with the electoral was “razor thin” compared to Trump’s huge electoral college won that didn’t include the popular vote. We are now in the largest economic expansion in history. Most of it occurred under Obama.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Uhm somebody from the party of Trump has very little credibility talking about character. Charity fraud, birtherism, massive amounts of adultery, lies and corruption are your values now.

That's quite a cluster of Democrat propaganda to deconstruct.

[quote=M E M]quote=Matter-eater Man]Uhm somebody from the party of Trump has very little credibility talking about character. Charity fraud, birtherism, massive amounts of adultery, lies and corruption are your values now.

Most of that would describe the Clintons, the Kennedy family, or quite a few others in the Democrat party. Assuming all you allege about Trump is true, one can make mistakes and redeem themselves and be a better person going forward.

At the very least, Trump is not a treasonous America-hating cultural marxist radical who wants to "radically transform" America, who sees the Constitution as a "transitional document" that can be altered in pursuit of a socialist utopia to replace it. At least Trump is not a radical like the Democrat sackss of shit (which by the way includes every 2020 candidate who all raised their hand on a debate stage in support of these things: open borders, to de-criminalize illegal immigrants, to GIVE GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED HEALTHCARE to illegal immigrants, to allow convicted felons to vote from their jail cells, gun confiscation, de-criminalizing every single narcotic drug, the party of homelessness, the party of people pooping and shooting drugs in the street, the party of weaponizing federal agencies against their opponents. Yours is the party of Jim Crow, segregation, the Ku Klux Klan, and now the party of identity politics, polarization and race hustling, of de-Christianizing America, and late-term abortions.

And you have the audacity to talk about immorality?!?

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Rush Limbaugh’s are your heroes and the Roger Stone’s are the ones that you see as victims.

Rush Limbaugh has committed no crime or dishonor. I still recall in 1994 when Ronald Reagan sent a letter to Rush Limbaugh, telling Limbaugh that he had led the country as far as he could, and that he saw Limbaugh as the new spiritual leader of the Republican party. What a deep honor Limbaugh must have felt in that moment.
In addition to politics, Limbaugh is an industry innnovator who many others have acknowledged personally saved A.M. radio. And there created a platform for conservative thought that avenues like print news and broadcast television had been used to lock out conservative thought.

Limbaugh has nothing to apologize for.

Roger Stone, for all his flamboyance and bombast, is an author and political advisor for decades. The crimes alleged against him (like against Michael Flynn, George Papadaapoulos, Paul Manafort, and other still being persecuted by a Democrat-weaponized DOJ and FBI) are process crimes that otherwise never would have been prosecuted. Shakedowns by FBI/DOJ that they were forced to confess to under duress, process crimes, not ACTUAL crimes. Stone was bankrupted by litigation and then unable to further afford legsl defense forced to confess to lying, regarding an alleged crime by Trump that the Mueller special investigation team of 17 Trump-hating lawyers finally had to confess had no supporting evidence. So Stone was forced to confess to purjury about a crime that didn't happen.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Obama winning the popular vote along with the electoral was “razor thin” compared to Trump’s huge electoral college won that didn’t include the popular vote. We are now in the largest economic expansion in history. Most of it occurred under Obama.

Whether you like it or not, those are the rules of U.S. presidential elections, and Trump won by a landslide in electoral college votes. I LOVE how the assholes of the Democrat/Left went on and on about how Trump couldn't win electorally, the "blue wall" and all that crap, on and on for months about how there was no way Trump could win the electoral college.
Then election night, Trump won the electoral college, fair and square, by a landslide. And now all the assholes of the Democrat/Left can talk about is how Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.

Let me give you a review of why the electoral college exists: It exists to give proportional representation to all 50 states, so that a candidate can't just campaign in a few population centers like New York and Illinois and California and Texas to lock up the vote while ignoring the rest of the country.

The electoral college also assures that if there is corruption and millions of illegal votes in, say, California, where illegal immigrants can get a drivers license, and by cheecking a box with no verification tht they're not a citizen,can illegally vote. Millions of illegals.
Catherine Englebrecht and her organization studied illegal voting in just 28 of the 50 states and found 7 million illegal votes. Hillary Clinton's "popular vote victory" of 2.8 million votes could be achieved just in the corrupt state of California. Just the kind of state election corruption the electoral college was designed to prevent.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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In the Democrat debate last night, Bloomberg got absolutely killed. Not that there's any viable candidate to replace Bloomberg. Klobuchar, Buttigeig, Pocahantas, and all Sanders took heavy shrapnel too. Only Biden escaped any attacks, because he's sinking in the polls from self-inflicted wounds and no longer matters.

Sanders is the net winner who has no obstacle to the nomination, and that's good news, for the Trump campaign, and for the nation that will not have to risk living under Democrat Bolshevism from any of the above.

Bloomberg has spent over $450 million on his campaign at this early stage. Billionaire candidate Tom Steyer has also spent the second largest amount, and likewise gotten no traction for it.
As compared with Trump who spent $600 million total in 2016 (half of what Hillary Clinton spent) and still won.

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I was also thinking, of Trump's nickname for the height-challenged Bloomberg, "Mini-Mike". Which is an obvious reference to Mini-Me in the Austin Powers movies.

But beyond the height joke, Mini-Me is the servant of Dr. Evil. So who would be the master who pulls the puppet-strings for "Mini-Mike"?
I'm thinking this guy:

Bloomberg made his fortune, and continues to make billions annually, off his dealings with China. And he refuses to criticize China, and even denies that China is a dictatorship.

Talk about your Manchurian candidate who would kowtow to Chinese interests!

In addition to Bloomberg's stated desire to take away Americans' guns, to let old people die as a cost-cutting approach to healthcare, and other authoritarian views.

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Tucker Carlson: Bloomberg paid to be humiliated -Feb 20, 2020

Laura Ingraham: Why Bloomberg is failing

Hannity: Bloomberg had worst debate performance I've ever seen

Hannity I think did the best job of quoting from across the liberal print and broadcast media, to show that even Democrats, and their even further-Left brethren in the liberal media, saw Bloomberg's performance and that of the other Democrat 2020 candidates onstage as a collossal failure. That it's not just Republican or Fox News spin, that's what liberals are reporting as well.

Also self-incriminating, that none of the 2020 Democrat candidates respects the will of Democrat primary voters and won't accept Bernie Sanders as their candidate, and endorse a brokered convention, where the Politburo inside the elite of their party should select the candidate, rather than Democrat voters. Borrowing from Orwell, some animals are more equal than others, it seems.

The same Politburo elite who want to do away with the electoral college.

They don't believe in freedom or democracy, they only believe in whatever assures their own political supremacy. And in that they reveal themselves not to be believers in our constitutional republic, or even in socialism, or Bernie Sanders' self-proclaimed "democratic socialism" (whatever in hell that made-up term means). They only believe in whatever twisting of the rules allows them to gain power. And in that, if there was any doubt before, they prove themselves one in spirit with Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Hugo Chaves... all praised, by the way, by Bernie Sanders.

And you're kidding yourself if you think the rest of the 2020 Democrt field wouldn't enact the same centrist authoritarion America-hating Bolshevik policy. The party of Bernie Sanders is also the same ideology with a slightly different face as Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigeig, Joseph Biden (saying not even a month ago that DACA kids are "more American than most U.S. citizens"), and one in spirit with cultural marxists Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Barack and Michelle Obama (look at their own words quoted in their DiscoverTheNetworks listings linked above.)
And the other America-hating marxist wack jobs in the DNC such as Stacy Abrams, Cory Booker, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar (none more undeniably anti-American!), Rashida Tlaib, Claire McKaskell (once fronting as a moderate, now spewing her venom on MSNBC), Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, and the rest of their evil brood.

It is only by self-delusion and by ignorance of their party's own rhetoric that Democrat voters could imagine these people and many others in their party actually represent their interests. They delude themselves that the Democrat party regards them as more than useful idiots to advance their own agenda, to be later cast aside, in their destruction of the United States, code-phrased "radical transformation", according to their barely-hidden ideology.
They regard the United States as an evil unfair racist place, and want to transform us into a socialist utopia, in the model of socialist Europe as their standard, and certainly make no secret of their admiration of far more radical socialist/marxist states than that. Rather than admiration of the Constitutional republic we are, that they believe is immoral and doesn't deserve to exist.

An American republic Democrats believe so immoral that they labor to abolish celebration of holidays in honor to, and tear down monuments to, such for Washington or Jefferson, or for Columbus. What more proof do you need that these people despise and want to destroy this country, destroy every last vestige of its memory and previous existence?
What could be more America-hating than that?

These are the maniacs we've seen campaigning for the last year. The ones who who can barely restrain themselves and keep the appearance of being moderate, as they labor to get their Trojan horse inside the gate, to destroy us. To destroy even those who would elect them.

These aren't new tactics, but both the Clintons and the Obamas had the Alinsky trained discretion to hide their true intentions until after elected:
 Originally Posted By: Hillary Clinton (in a secret closed meeting with Clinton Foundation investors

And more recently Obama publicly advised the 2020 candidates to not discuss their radical intentions until after the election (again, Alinsky tactics of infiltration). Because their special brand of evil succeeds best under cover of darkness.

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On Saturday, immediately after he came in third in the South Carolina primary (the only state he even made the slightest showing in the polls), Tom Steyer ended his campaign.

Last night, Pete Buttegeig suspended his campaign.

And now Amy Klobuchar just announced she is ending her campaign.

And both have endorsed Biden.
Right after Biden in South Carolina got a first place finish of 49%, with Sanders finishing at a distant second with 19%. The ONLY state Biden has won, and not come in 3rd or worse.

It appears that the lesser players are clearing the moderate side of the field to give Biden a snowball's chance in hell of beating Sanders for the Democrat nomination. The only other DNC contenders remaining at this point being Mike Bloomberg, Elizabeth Warren, and Tulsi Gabbard. All of whom would not secure our Southern border, would de-criminalize illegal immigrants, and would provide government-subsidized healthcare to illegals (thus incentivizing millions more to come.)
So... even the so-called "moderate" Democrats left in the primary race are, in fact, radicals.

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The last great hope of the Democrat party:

"Everyone be sure to vote on Super Thursday!"

"I'm here to announce my candidacy for the United States Senate!"

"I love little kids bouncing on my lap."

Biden's confrontation with the dreaded swimming pool thug Corn-Pop!

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Biden: "Obama has a big stick. I promise you! I PROMISE YOU!"

Even when the audience was lauging, he was utterly clueless to what they were laughing at.

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Well, today is Super Tuesday.
(For some of the candidates, Super Thursday!)

It just seems really creepy to me that not only do 3 candidates get out of the primary a day or two before the biggest primary they've all been staying in the race for, and spent millions of dollars on campaign ads to win. And then, not only do they drop out right before Super Tuesday, but then Buttigeig, Klobuchar and an out-of-the-woodwork Beto O'Rourke ALL suddenly endorse Biden.

I seriously doubt all, or even one of these candidates, actually believe in Joe Biden. There clearly was some trading of favors and promises down the line from Biden or the DNC, for each to join a united front in support of Biden (obviously, in a bid to shut out Bernie Sanders). None of these would I describe as centrists who logically would align with Biden. Let alone the fact that he's an incoherent tongue-tied bufoon, with no logical rationale or lucid agenda to even run for president. But all these figures from the center/far-Left suddenly endorse him?

And then you have Elizabeth Warren of the unapologetically far-Left to divide the Sanders-wing's vote from the marxist-Left side, while the center-Left aligns against him from the other side.

And it's just too creepy how all these candidates of far-flung ideologies.... suddenly endorse the failing candidacy of Biden?!?

Sanders is expected to clean up across most states tonight. Even if Biden does halfway decent tonight, I see him losing confidence quickly, because there really aren't any more Clyburn endorsements or South Carolinas to keep Biden afloat. I see Biden's candidacy collapsing, as it was already before South Carolina threw him a lifeline. And after Biden, there's nothing left but Sanders, a fading Pocahantas campaign, and Bloomberg.

And that's where I see it ending, with either Sanders and/or Bloomberg. Because only Bloomberg has the financial resources to take on Trump in the general election with unlimited resources. It's certainly no secret that Bloomberg has spent exhorbitant amounts of his own money to hire the brightest and the best for his campaign.
Well, the most expensive anyway.
But I think with the resources Bloomberg has, even with the errors made so far, his campaign will continue to learn from mistakes, refine and improve into a formidable machine. And Bloomberg is the only Democrat candidate with a record as New York mayor to have the credibility and executive experience to compete with Trump.

I think in the end the DNC will turn to Bloomberg as their only option.

It's funny how Trump played in his rally speech last night with the bizarre and sudden embrace of Joe Biden by the other candidates, saying "clearly there was a deal made", and that the Democrats should be investigated for "quid pro quo".

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It just seems really creepy to me that not only do 3 candidates get out of the primary a day or two before the biggest primary they've all been staying in the race for, and spent millions of dollars on campaign ads to win. And then, not only do they drop out right before Super Tuesday, but then Buttigeig, Klobuchar and an out-of-the-woodwork Beto O'Rourke ALL suddenly endorse Biden.

I seriously doubt all, or even one of these candidates, actually believe in Joe Biden. There clearly was some trading of favors and promises down the line from Biden or the DNC, for each to join a united front in support of Biden (obviously, in a bid to shut out Bernie Sanders). None of these would I describe as centrists who logically would align with Biden. Let alone the fact that he's an incoherent tongue-tied bufoon, with no logical rationale or lucid agenda to even run for president. But all these figures from the center/far-Left suddenly endorse him?

It says a lot about the current state of the Democrat party that Joe Biden is somehow considered a "moderate."

That being said, it's not really all that creepy that other candidates are dropping out to endorse him. The ones you mention certainly had internal polling that showed they couldn't win and they in all likelihood figured it was better to cut a deal now to help stop socialist Sanders. That's SOP in any campaign season.

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Standard operating procedure?
To some degree, I guess the backroom deals are standard political practice. But there's never been an overnight surrender of all opposition, combined with ALL OF THEM suddenly endorsing the frontrunner. And a very weak frontrunner at that, with no clear agenda or vigor to really succeed against Trump.

Biden had an unexpected very good showing last night. But that's not because Biden or his campaign put together a good message or organization to make it happen. It was pretty much a victory by default, where all opposition collapsed and got out of the way, and Biden was the only one left.
And even Elizabeth Warren who remains in the race helped to split the far-Left vote to further assure Biden a victory, despite his own inadequate campaign. Rep. Ilhan Omar said as much after the election. Without Warren, Sanders would have won Minnesota.

And then Bloomberg, astonishingly, got out of the race today! So there goes the safety net, there's no one else left when Biden inevitably flounders. I think Bloomberg should have stayed in, because Dems are now all-in for Biden, and this is not going to work out well for them.

Super Tuesday results: Where the 2020 Democratic candidates stand

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Chris Stirewalt:
"What the Democrats need to do is declare Biden has coronavirus, put him in a hermetically sealed tube, and keep him away from the stage at all costs."


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To some degree, I guess the backroom deals are standard political practice. But there's never been an overnight surrender of all opposition, combined with ALL OF THEM suddenly endorsing the frontrunner. And a very weak frontrunner at that, with no clear agenda or vigor to really succeed against Trump.

It makes sense if the party is worried that Bernie will so tarnish the "Democrat brand" that they could lose the House, whereas Biden would (even if he loses to Trump) allow them to keep the House.

There's also the subterfuge angle. They're all basically democratic socialists, but only Bernie admits it. Running old Joe allows them to keep up the illusion.

Trust me. I've been involved in campaigns. Sometimes it's not a question of "who will win" but a question of "who will do the least damage to our party".

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You kind of make my point for me, I'm not sure where we disagee.
Demonstrate to me how Bernie Sanders is more "radical" and tarnishing the Democrat brand than any of the other maniacs running in 2020.

As I've cited quite a few times, there is absolutely no difference between "moderate" Joseph Biden and all the other pedal-to-the-floor hardcore Bosheviks who were on the debate stage with him for the last 8 months or so.

Every single 2020 Democrat hand when asked by a debate moderator, including Joseph Biden, went up in support of :
  • * De-criminalizing illegal immigrants, turning it into a misdemeanor, or possibly with no penalty whatsoever

    * Government-funded free HEALTHCARE for illegal immigrants

    * post-birth infanticide

    * the "green new deal" that would bankrupt the country, and do nothing to really fight pollution, that overwhelmingly comes from countries like China, India, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea, whereas the liberal-demonized U.S. is actually already complying with environmental standards more than any other nation on earth.

    * banning fracking, and simultaneously eliminating 1) recently established U.S. oil independence, and 2) millions of high-paying jobs, with no alternative energy source to replace it.

    * Abolishing ICE, thus incentivising a tsunami of new illegal immigrants, and crimes committed against U.S. citizens without penalty.

    * abolishing the Electoral College, to assure voter fraud and a permanent majority by Democrats

    * stacking the U S Supreme Court, to eclipse conservative justices with liberal activist judges who have no respect for Constitutional law, just whatever unconstitutional contrivances suit their own agenda. As comments by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsberg make clear, that Biden or ANY Democrat primary candidate makes clear they would enable.

    * the complete denial by all the Democrat candidates that there even is a border crisis, that they describe as a "conspiracy theory" and a "hoax" by President Trump (reality check: there were over 1.2 million illegal immigrants who entered in 2019, even with Trump's vigorous efforts to reduce and contain it)

    * Federal reparations for blacks (again, every hand on stage went up, every Democrat in the debates supported reparations)

    * they would make Washington DC a state with electoral votes. Despite that the creation of Washington DC was precisely to have a capital independent from all other states, that did *NOT* have electoral votes! (again, for corrupt Democrat advantage reasons to help establish a permanent Democrat electoral majority, as Washington DC is close to 100% black, and overwhelmingly liberal. )

    * Make Puerto Rico a state. For the same corrupt reasons as Washington DC. Despite that Puerto Rico will not accept English as its primary language to qualify for statehood. Just because it would help create a permanent Democrat majority.

    * Would lower the voting age to 16. Again just because it would create a Democrat advantage, and despite that 16 year olds don't know their own ass from a hole in the ground.

    * Let incarcerated felons vote from prison! How inssane are these people?

    * and ultimately, to let illegal immigrants vote, just because it would give a permanent majority to Democrats. Even Democrats who don't openly endorse this more secretively support it by labelling it "restrictive" and "racist" to verify voters are citizens before letting them vote.

Even the "moderate" Democrats, including Biden, who don't openly endorse all the above, have not objected to these things, and either deliberately or through purposefully weak enforcement of the law, would allow these things to happen, to consolidate Democrat power.

And Biden is a potted plant who would enable these maniacs with his vacant smile, the benign face of their Bolshevik revolution. It was not Biden who negotiated for the other 2020 candidates to drop out. The radicals running his campaign arranged that. And these cunning authoritarian hand-wringers, not Biden, are the ones who would be running the country if Biden won, not Biden himself.

It absolutely terrifies me that these maniacs could ever gain power, whether 2020, 2024, 2028, or 2050. The moment they gain control, ever, this Constitutional republic ends, and their ideological purge begins.

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Glad to see a Biden surge and it does look like he will be the Democratic nominee. Trump tried to knock him out early and ended up getting impeached for it. Now Joe can beat him in November. Even with Trump trying to prop up Sanders campaign he was still underperforming his 2016 numbers so while I don’t see Sanders stopping just yet, now that support around one moderate candidate has become the consolidated I see Sanders not seeing a revolution building for him. He might get a bump from Warren dropping out but I didn’t see her whole base being all Bernie brother’s oriented.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Biden had an unexpected very good showing last night. But that's not because Biden or his campaign put together a good message or organization to make it happen. It was pretty much a victory by default, where all opposition collapsed and got out of the way, and Biden was the only one left.
And even Elizabeth Warren who remains in the race helped to split the far-Left vote to further assure Biden a victory, despite his own inadequate campaign. Rep. Ilhan Omar said as much after the election. Without Warren, Sanders would have won Minnesota.

And then Bloomberg, astonishingly, got out of the race today! So there goes the safety net, there's no one else left when Biden inevitably flounders. I think Bloomberg should have stayed in, because Dems are now all-in for Biden, and this is not going to work out well for them.

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This has obviously upset Trump voters.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
This has obviously upset Trump voters.

How so?

Trump voters are laughing. It's very possible the inevitably gaffe-prone Biden will destroy himself in less than 2 weeks. In the last week Biden has announced "I'm here to announce my candidacy for the United States Senate".
At another event Biden announced on stage he couldn't tell the difference between his own wife and his sister, and then later called Chris Wallace "Chuck" [Todd?] during a Fox News Sunday interview. Just to name a few.

And "Barack America" hasn't endorsed him yet.

But Biden has been endorsed by James Comey, Susan Rice, Mike Bloomberg, Pete Buttigeig, Amy Klobuchar, Rep. Clyburn and a few others. So it's pretty clear he has the Deep State behind him, to feed endless cash into his campaign, and pull his marionette stringss. It's pretty clear they, not Biden, will be running things in the absurdly hypothetical scenario that Biden ever won.

How corrupt are you that you would endorse that, M E M?

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Tucker: Democrats pin their hopes on gaffe-prone Joe Biden - Monday, March 2, 2020 (on the eve of Super Tuesday)


Good luck with that.

Happy "Super Thursday", everyone!

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As Lothar pointed out in another topic, it's increasingly looking like Joe Biden in 2020 will be the sacrificial Democrat lamb, to be eaten up by Trump in November.

I foresee huge problems before Biden ever makes it to the DNC convention. And maybe a brokered convention where the Democrats are forced to pick another Hail-Mary alternative before November.

Today it was reported that Biden handlers only allow him to speak for 7 minutes at a time on the campaign stump. And that Biden's staff in the next debate want both candidates seated, because Biden apparently has trouble even standing for prolonged periods. It's all very "Weekend at Biden's".

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I’m betting Biden has more than a chance of beating Trump in November. I also think Biden will also have to fight after winning the election too. We already know Trump will say anything and use all his power to try to stay in office. Once upon a time I would have discounted that as something even the GOP wouldn’t support. I think we all know better now.

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We all know that Trump is in charge, and won because he had a clear vision for the nation he has followed through on, that has exceeded even a Trump supporter like me's wildest expectations. No president has kept his promises as completely as Trump has. Only two other political leaders have come close.
One was Ronald Reagan.
And though not a president, House Speaker Newt Gingrich after the 1994 election.

Biden has no vision for the country, and is campaigning as a "moderate", but is in truth every ounce as radical as those who ran against him: open borders, de-criminalizing illegal immigration, government subsidized healthcare for illegals, green new deal, on and on. What is moderate about Biden, other than the slogan?

And further, Biden is so weak-minded at this point that the radicals in his party will dominate him rather than the reverse. It's a formula for disaster.

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And then there was one...


Within the last hour, Sanders ended his campaign, with Biden the last man standing on the Democrat side.

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Just to clarify exactly who Bernie Sanders is, that the liberal media will never disclose:
Sanders, Bernie

Bernard “Bernie” Sanders was born in Brooklyn, New York on September 8, 1941, to Polish immigrants of Jewish descent. After attending Brooklyn College for one year, he transferred to the University of Chicago (UC) and earned a bachelor's degree in political science in 1964. At UC, Sanders joined the Young Peoples Socialist League (youth wing of the Socialist Party USA) as well as the Congress of Racial Equality and the Student Peace Union. He also was an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; participated in an American Friends Service Committee project at a California psychiatric hospital; and worked briefly (as an organizer) for the United Packinghouse Workers Union (UPWU), which, like all the CIO unions, had a number of influential Communists among its ranks. At that time, UPWU was under investigation by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

After college, in 1963, Sanders lived and worked for a number of months in an Israeli kibbutz known as Kibbutz Sha'ar Ha'amakim (KSH), which was co-founded by Aharon Cohen, an Arabist who was a harsh critic of Israeli policy and was arrested for spying for the Soviet Union in the 1950s. The founders of KSH referred to Joseph Stalin as the "Sun of the Nations," and a red flag was flown at outdoor events held at the kibbutz. Sanders stayed at KSH as a guest of the Zionist-Marxist youth movement Hashomer Hatzair (HH), which pledged its allegiance to the Soviet Union; some left-wing groups described HH as Leninist and even Stalinist. HH made it plain that its cooperation with Zionists was a temporary expedient designed to help pave the way for a socialist revolution; that it viewed Israel's independence as a transitional phase in the development of a bi-national socialist state which would ultimately end Israel's existence as a Jewish entity.

HH founder Ya'akov Hazan described the USSR as a second homeland, and in 1953 he lamented “the terrible tragedy that has befallen the nations of the Soviet Union, the world proletariat and all of progressive mankind, upon the death of the great leader and extolled commander, Josef Vissarionovich Stalin.” “We lower our flag in grief in memory of the great revolutionary fighter, architect of socialist construction, and leader of the world's peace movement,” Hazan added. “His huge historical achievements will guide generations in their march towards the reign of socialism and communism the world over.” In a similar vein, Eliezer Hacohen, one of HH's ideological leaders, called Marxism “the key to renewing our spiritual creativity.” (Another individual who gravitated to an HH kibbutz as a young man was Noam Chomsky.)

Following his time at Kibbutz Sha'ar Ha'amakim, Sanders moved to Vermont where he worked variously as a carpenter, filmmaker, writer, and researcher. In 1964 he married a young woman named Deborah Sanders; the marriage lasted only until 1966. Over the next few years, Sanders worked variously as a psychiatric-hospital aide and a Head Start preschool teacher in New York; as a Department of Taxes employee in Vermont; and as a staffer for a nonprofit organization called the Bread and Law Task Force, where he registered people for food stamps. In 1969 he fathered a child out-of-wedlock.

In the 1960s as well, Sanders, a self-identified pacifist, applied for conscientious objector status in order to avoid military service. His application was eventually rejected, but by that time he was too old to be drafted.

In 1971 Sanders joined the Liberty Union Party (LUP), which strongly opposed the Vietnam War, called for the nationalization of all U.S. banks, and advocated a government takeover of all private utility companies.

That summer, Sanders went to live briefly on a hippie commune in northeast Vermont called Myrtle Hill Farm. According to the Washington Free Beacon: "Sanders came to the farm while researching an article on natural childbirth for the Liberty Union's party organ, Movement. Interest in alternative medicine was strong among members of the counterculture as part of their wider suspicion of modern science, which was associated with the sterility of hospitals and the destruction of war." In his piece, Sanders criticized traditional methods where "infants were bottle fed on assembly line schedules designed by assembly line doctors in order to prepare them for assembly line society." "All of life is one and if we want to know, for example, how our nation can napalm children in Vietnam—AND NOT CARE—it is necessary to go well beyond 'politics,'" he wrote. In her 2016 book We Are As Gods, author Kate Daloz writes that Sanders spent a great deal of his time at Myrtle Hill in “endless political discussion” rather than doing any work, a habit that annoyed many of the commune's other residents. For example, writes Daloz, one resident, a man named Craig, “resented feeling like he had to pull others out of Bernie’s orbit if any work was going to get accomplished that day.” Consequently, “When Bernie had stayed for Myrtle’s allotted three days, Craig politely requested that he move on.”

Sanders made unsuccessful runs for the U.S. Senate in 1972 and 1974, and for Governor of Vermont in 1976—all on the LUP ticket. Sanders's LUP platform called for the nationalization of all U.S. banks, public ownership of all utilities, and the establishment of a worker-controlled federal government. According to the Guardian, a press release from his 1974 campaign stated that as a means of addressing the problem of rising energy prices, Sanders advocated “the public takeover of all privately owned electric companies in Vermont.” it stated. The Guardian noted, as a qualifier, that "[t]he press release ... is annotated and could be a draft."

In the mid-1970s, Sanders spent about two years as an amateur historian and film-maker, selling educational film strips to schools in New England. Sanders also became the head of the American People’s History Society, which journalist Paul Sperry has described as “an organ for Marxist propaganda.” “There,” writes Sperry, “[Sanders] produced a glowing documentary on the life of socialist revolutionary Eugene Debs, who was jailed for espionage during the Red Scare and hailed by the Bolsheviks as 'America’s greatest Marxist.' This subversive hero of Sanders, denounced even by liberal Democrats as a 'traitor,' bashed 'the barons of Wall Street' and hailed the 'triumphant' Bolshevik revolution in Russia.” Debs also ran six times for U.S. president on the Socialist Party ticket. (To this day, Sanders continues to hang a portrait of Debs on a wall inside his Senate office.)

After resigning from LUP in 1979, Sanders became a political Independent. In 1981 he was elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont, by a margin of just 10 votes. He was subsequently re-elected three times and served as mayor until 1989.

Sanders created some controversy when he hung a Soviet flag in his mayoral office, in honor of Burlington's Soviet sister city, Yaroslavl, located some 160 miles northeast of Moscow. During his tenure as mayor, Sanders placed restrictions on the property rights of landlords, set price controls, and raised local property taxes in order to fund communal land trusts. Further, he named Burlington's city softball team the “People’s Republic of Burlington,” and its minor league baseball team the “Vermont Reds.” Local business owners, meanwhile, distributed fliers asserting that Sanders “does not believe in free enterprise.”

According to an Accuracy In Media report, Sanders during the 1980s "collaborated with Soviet and East German 'peace committees'" whose aim was "to stop President Reagan’s deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe.” Indeed, he “openly joined the Soviets’ 'nuclear freeze' campaign to undercut Reagan’s military build-up.”

In 1985 Sanders traveled to Managua, Nicaragua to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the rise to power of Daniel Ortega and his Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government.
In a letter which he addressed to the people of Nicaragua, Sanders denounced the anti-Communist activities of the Reagan administration, which he said was under the control of corporate interests. Assuring the Nicaraguans that Americans were “fair minded people” who had more to offer “than the bombs and economic sabotage” promoted by President Reagan, he declared: “In the long run, I am certain that you will win, and that your heroic revolution against the Somoza dictatorship will be maintained and strengthened.”

Following his trip to Nicaragua, Sanders penned a letter to the White House indicating that Ortega would be willing to meet with Reagan to negotiate a resolution to the conflict. The mayor also sought to enlist the help of former president Jimmy Carter, telling him that the people of Nicaragua were very fond of him (Carter). Sanders even invited Ortega to visit Burlington, though the Nicaraguan president declined.

Also in the aftermath of his trip to Nicaragua, Sanders praised the living conditions under that country's Communist regime:
•"No one denies that they are building health clinics. Health care in Nicaragua is now free.... Infant mortality has been greatly reduced."
•"[The Nicaraguan government is] giving, for the first time in their lives, real land to farmers, so that they can have something that they grow. Nobody denies that they are making significant progress."
•"Sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country [like Nicaragua] is because people are lining up for food [e.g., bread lines]. That's a good thing. In other countries, people don't line up for food. The rich get the food, and the poor starve to death."

By no means was Sanders's trip to Nicaragua his only trek to a Communist country. He also visited Fidel Castro's Cuba in the 1980s and had a friendly meeting with the mayor of Havana.

In an August 8, 1985 interview on a Vermont government-access television station, Sanders discussed his recent trip to Nicaragua and drew parallels between the Castro and Ortega regimes. "In 1961," he said, "[America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world, that all the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated the kids, gave them health care, totally transformed the society. You know, not to say Fidel Castro and Cuba are perfect -- they are certainly not -- but just because Ronald Reagan dislikes these people does not mean to say that the people in their own nations feel the same way. So they expected this tremendous uprising in Cuba; it never came. And if they are expecting a tremendous uprising in Nicaragua, they are very, very, very mistaken." (For video of this 1985 interview, click here.)

During the same interview, Sanders also stated that he "was impressed" with Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, a Catholic priest whom Pope John Paul II had barred from celebrating Mass because Brockmann had defied a church rule forbidding priests from holding government jobs. “If this guy is the foreign minister of a 'terrorist nation,' then they should get another foreign minister, because he is a very gentle, very loving man,” said Sanders.
Moreover, Sanders characterized Daniel Ortega as “an impressive guy” while criticizing then-U.S. President Ronald Reagan. “The Sandinista government, in my view, has more support among the Nicaraguan people, substantially more support, than Ronald Reagan has among the American people,” said Sanders. “If President Reagan thinks that any time a government comes along, which in its wisdom, rightly or wrongly, is doing the best for its people, he has the right to overthrow that government, you're going to be at war not only with all of Latin America, but with the entire Third World.” (For video of this 1985 interview, click here.)

In 1986 Sanders ran unsuccessfully for Governor of Vermont, and two years later he made a failed bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

When Sanders in 1988 married his wife, Jane, the couple honeymooned in Yaroslavl, Russia. In an interview with that city's mayor, Alexander Riabkov, Sanders acknowledged that housing and health care were “significantly better” in the U.S. than in the Soviet Union, but added that “the cost of both services is much, much, higher in the United States.”

In November 1989 Sanders addressed the national conference of the U.S. Peace Council, a Communist Party USA front whose members were committed to advancing “the triumph of Soviet power in the U.S.” The event focused on how to “end the Cold War” and “fund human needs.” Fellow speakers included such notables as Leslie Cagan, John Conyers, and Manning Marable.

Choosing not to seek re-election to a fifth term as mayor, Sanders spent 1989-90 working as a lecturer at Hamilton College in upstate New York and the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

By 1990 Sanders was a leading member of Jesse Jackson's National Rainbow Coalition, and he ran successfully for Congress as a socialist, representing Vermont's single at-large congressional district. In his campaign, Sanders was supported by the Communist author and journalist I.F. Stone.

In 1991, Sanders founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus along with fellow House members Tom Andrews, Peter DeFazio, Ron Dellums, Lane Evans, and Maxine Waters.

During the 1990s, Sanders participated multiple times in the Socialist Scholars Conferences that were held annually in New York City.

During each year of the Bill Clinton administration—starting in 1993, shortly after the first al-Qaeda attack on the World Trade Center, Sanders introduced legislation to cut the U.S. intelligence budget sight unseen. He justified this approach by noting that “the Soviet Union no longer exists,” and that such concerns as “massive unemployment,” “low wages,” “homelessness,” “hungry children,” and “the collapse of our educational system” represented “maybe a stronger danger [than foreign terrorists] for our national security.”

Sanders was a vocal critic of the Patriot Act, the anti-terrorism bill passed in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, as an assault on civil liberties.

In 2006 Sanders co-sponsored a resolution by Rep. John Conyers to impeach President Bush on grounds that he had led the United States into an illegal and immoral war in Iraq.

In November 2006 Sanders ran successfully for a seat in the U.S. Senate. Then-Senator Barack Obama, whom Sanders described as “one of the great leaders” of that legislative body, campaigned enthusiastically on Sanders's behalf. When a Washington Post reporter asked Sanders just prior to the election: “Are you now or have you ever been a Socialist?” Sanders replied, “Yeah. I wouldn’t deny it. Not for one second. I’m a democratic Socialist.”

In 2007 Senator Sanders and Rep. Maurice Hinchey together introduced the Media Ownership Reform Act, which was designed to tightly restrict the number of radio stations that any firm could own. It also sought to resurrect the so-called “Fairness Doctrine”—a measure that, if passed, would greatly diminish the influence of conservative talk radio.

Sanders has long maintained that “global warming/climate change” not only threatens “the fate of the entire planet,” but is caused chiefly by human industrial activity and must be curbed by means of legislation strictly limiting carbon emissions.

In 2007 Sanders and Senator Barbara Boxer proposed the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act, which, according to an MIT study, would have imposed on U.S. taxpayers a yearly financial burden of more than $4,500 per family, purportedly to check climate change.

In February 2010 Sanders likened climate-change skeptics to people who had disregarded the Nazi threat prior to WWII: “During that period of Nazism and fascism's growth … there were people in this country and in the British parliament who said, 'Don't worry! Hitler's not real! It'll disappear!'”

Accusing “big business” of being “willing to destroy the planet for short-term profits,” Sanders in 2013 said that “global warming is a far more serious problem than al Qaeda.”
Stating unequivocally that “the scientific community is unanimous” in its belief that “the planet is warming up,” Sanders the following year declared that the “debate is over” and emphasized the importance of “transform[ing] our energy systems away from fossil fuels.”

In an August 2011 op-ed decrying income inequality in America, Sanders wrote: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger. Who's the banana republic now?”

In September 2011, Sanders was the first U.S. Senator to support the anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street movement, lauding its activists for focusing a “spotlight” on the need for “real Wall Street reform.”

In March 2013, Sanders and fellow Senator Tom Harkin together introduced a bill to tax Wall Street speculators. “Both the economic crisis and the deficit crisis are a direct result of the greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior on Wall Street,” said Sanders.

On April 29, 2015, Sanders announced that he was running for the Democratic Party's 2016 presidential nomination, citing economic inequality, climate change, and the Citizens United Supreme Court decision as issues of particular concern to him.

In May 2015, Sanders told CNBC interviewer John Harwood that he was in favor of dramatically raising the marginal tax rate on America's highest earners.
“[When] radical socialist Dwight D. Eisenhower was president,” Sanders said sarcastically, “I think the highest marginal tax rate was something like 90 percent.” When Harwood asked whether Sanders thought that was too high, the senator replied: “No. What I think is obscene, and what frightens me is, again, when you have the top one-tenth of one percent owning almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 [percent]. Does anybody think that is the kind of economy this country should have?” Notably, in 2014 Sanders paid $27,653 in federal income taxes -- an effective federal tax rate of 13.5 percent.

In his first public speech as a presidential candidate in Burlington, Vermont, Sanders in May 2015 broadly laid out the major planks of his campaign's agenda:
•He declared that financial inequality "is immoral, it is bad economics, it is unsustainable."
•Vowing to send "a message to the billionaire class," he said: "[Y]ou can't have huge tax breaks [for the rich] while children in this country go hungry ... while there are massive unmet needs on every corner.... Your greed has got to end.... You cannot take advantage of all the benefits of America if you refuse to accept your responsibilities."
•He pledged to enact "a tax system that is fair and progressive, which tells the wealthiest individuals and the largest corporations that they are going to begin to pay their fair share."
•Claiming that "the current federal [hourly] minimum wage of $7.25 is a starvation wage and must be raised ... to $15.00 an hour." (Yet Sanders himself was only paying his office interns $12 per hour.)
•He described the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) as a "modest" step in the direction of rightfully forcing the U.S. to "join the rest of the industrialized world and guarantee health care to all as a right." "And we must do it through a Medicare-for-all, single payer health plan," he explained.
•He called for "pay equity for women workers," and "paid sick leave and guaranteed vacation time for every worker in this country."
•Describing the rising costs of a college education as "insane," he vowed to "fight to make tuition in public colleges and universities free, as well as substantially lower interest rates on student loans."
•He pledged to "expand Social Security benefits" and mandate "a universal pre-K system for all the children of this country."
•Asserting that "there is nothing more important" than fighting global warming, he said: "The debate is over. The scientific community has spoken in a virtually unanimous voice. Climate change is real, it is caused by human activity, and it is already causing devastating problems in our country and throughout the world." He elaborated that in the absence of government intervention, America would inevitably see "more drought, more famine, more rising sea level, more floods, more ocean acidification, [and] more extreme weather disturbances," he elaborated, in the absence of government intervention.
•He called for the government to use taxpayer dollars to rebuild America's "crumbling infrastructure" by repairing "our roads, our bridges, our water systems, our rail and airports." Sanders added he would begin this process by working to advance, in the Senate, a five-year, $1 trillion bill that he himself had proposed, claiming that it "would create and maintain 13 million good paying jobs."

In September 2015, Sanders's presidential campaign received the support of the former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, who wrote: "I believe that among the Sanders supporters there are thousands who are dissatisfied, who are disgruntled, but who do not have a coherent left analysis, who therefore are open to our ideas as they weren’t before they got involved in the Sanders surge.... So, why don’t we joi[n] a Sanders local campaign or go to a mass rally?... We could have lists of places and projects where anarchists and others are working with people in projects that are using anarchist and community participatory ideas and vision. Places where Bernie supporters might get involved once they knew about them."

In 2015 as well, Sanders enthusiastically supported the nuclear deal that the Obama administration negotiated with Iran—an agreement allowing the terrorist regime in Tehran to inspect its own Parchin nuclear weapons research site, conduct uranium enrichment, build advanced centrifuges, purchase ballistic missiles, fund terrorism, and have a near-zero breakout time to a nuclear bomb approximately a decade down the road. Notwithstanding these undeniable realities about an accord that would inevitably make Israel vulnerable to an attack by the one nation whose government had candidly vowed to wipe the Jewish state off the face of the earth, Sanders saw the deal as “the best way forward if we are to accomplish what we all want to accomplish — that is making certain that Iran does not acquire a nuclear weapon.”

In a September 14, 2015 campaign appearance at Liberty University, Sanders was asked: "If you were elected president, what would you do to bring healing and resolution to the issue of racism in our country?" His reply made it clear that he viewed racism as a trait found chiefly in white people:

"... I would hope and I believe that every person in this room today understands that it is unacceptable to judge people, to discriminate against people, based on the color of their skin. And I would also say that as a nation, the truth is, that a nation which in many ways was created—and I’m sorry to have to say this—from way back on racist principles. That’s a fact. We have come a long way as a nation. Now I know, my guess is probably not everybody here is an admirer or a voter for Barack Obama. But the point is, that in 2008, this country took a huge step forward ... in voting for a candidate based on his ideas and not the color of his skin.... We all know to what degree racism remains alive in this country. [Sanders then cited a recent incident where a white South Carolina man had shot and killed nine black members of a church.] And I cannot understand, for the life of me, how there can be hundreds of groups in this country, whose sole reason for existence is to promote hatred [against] African Americans or gays or Jews or immigrants or anybody that is different from us.... [L]et us be clear, that when you have unarmed African Americans shot by police officers -- something which has been going on for years -- That is also institutional racism and cries out for reform."

In a September 18, 2015 appearance on CBS This Morning, Sanders discussed his plan to raise taxes on the wealthy; to provide free public college tuition for all Americans; to provide 12 weeks of paid family leave and paid vacation time for all workers; to “create universal health care for every man, woman and child”; to put private health insurance companies “out of business”; and to require “the wealthiest people in this country who are doing phenomenally well” -- along with “large corporations that are making billions of dollars in profits” -- to “start paying their fair share of taxes.” Following are some highlights of his exchange with co-hosts Norah O'Donnell and Vinita Nair:
•O'Donnell asked, "Would that mean taxing the wealthiest Americans at 90 percent, as you’ve suggested in the past?"
Sanders replied, "No, I don't think you have to go up to 90%, but you can remember that under people like Dwight David Eisenhower [under whom the top tax rate was approximately 90 percent], we had a tax system that was far more progressive than it [is] today.... But we will come up with some very specific ideas."

•O'Donnell asked how Sanders proposed to pay for "free health care for everybody, college for everybody, [and] paid leave."
Sanders replied: "This is what we would do. If you want tuition-free public colleges and universities, which I believe we will have a tax on Wall Street speculation, which will more than pay for that. We will end the fact that profitable corporations, in some cases, in America today, pay zero in federal taxes because they stash their money in the Cayman Islands and in Bermuda."

•Nair pointed out that The Wall Street Journal had estimated that all of Sanders's proposed programs would cost $18 trillion to implement.
Sanders replied: "But what The Wall Street Journal said, and we responded to, it is that that included 15 billion dollars for [a] national health care program. What they forgot to say is that you would not be paying, and businesses would not be paying, for private health insurance. So, in other words, right now if you're paying $12,000 a year for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, you would not be paying that. In fact, every study indicates that we pay more per capita for healthcare than any nation on earth. We would lower that cost."

•O'Donnell said, "You're calling for a single payer health care system but your home state of Vermont tried that in 2011 and the Democratic governor has said we can't afford it and rolled it back. Your own state can't even carry it through. How is America going to do it?:
Sanders replied, "Because every other country in the world, in one way or another, does it."

O'Donnell then asked, "Then why couldn’t Vermont figure it out?"
Sanders responded: "Well, you’ll have to ask the Governor for that. I'm not the Governor of the state of Vermont, but you can ask the conservative prime minister of Canada how they have a single-payer health care system. You can ask every other major country on Earth how they guarantee health care to all of their people with far less cost per capita than we do in the United States."
•Sanders said: "Thirty million people [in America] today have zero health insurance, and millions more are underinsured. No one debates that fact. What the story is, how can you create universal health care for every man, woman and child and do it in a cost effective way? Other countries do it. The United States of America can do it. Now, I know the private insurance companies don't like this idea. We’re going to put them out of business. And the drug companies that are ripping off the American people and charging us the highest prices in the world don't like the idea. Tough luck."

During a Democratic presidential debate on November 14, 2015 -- in the aftermath of the horrific ISIS terror attacks that had killed well over 100 people in Paris the day before -- Sanders was asked if he still thought (as he had indicated on numerous prior occasions) that climate change was the biggest threat facing the world.
He replied: “Climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism and if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you’re going to see countries all over the world ... struggling over limited amounts of water and land to grow their crops and you’re going to see all kinds of conflict."
Sanders then proceeded to explain how this was already playing out with the Paris attacks: “Well, what happens in, say, Syria … is that when you have drought, when people can’t grow their crops, they’re going to migrate into cities. And when people migrate into cities and they don’t have jobs, there’s going to be a lot more instability, a lot more unemployment, and people will be subject to the types of propaganda that al Qaeda and ISIS are using right now. So, where you have discontent, where you have instability, that’s where problems arise, and certainly, without a doubt, climate change will lead to that.”

In a November 15, 2015 interview on CBS's Face the Nation, Sanders doubled down on his claim, saying: “If we are going to see an increase in drought and flood and extreme weather disturbances as a result of climate change, what that means is that peoples all over the world are going to be fighting over limited natural resources. If there is not enough water, if there is not enough land to grow your crops, then you’re going to see migrants of people fighting over land that will sustain them, and that will lead to international conflict.”

In February 2016, while Sanders -- who had long identified as an Independent rather than as a Democrat -- was still in the thick of a hard-fought battle for the Democratic presidential nomination, he told a New Hampshire town hall meeting: "Of course I am a Democrat and running for the Democratic nomination."
In an interview two months later on Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect, host Mark Halperin asked Sanders's campaign manager Jeff Weaver if the senator planned to stay in the Democratic Party even if he failed to become its nominee.
Weaver replied: “Well, he is a Democrat, he said he’s a Democrat and he’s gonna be supporting the Democratic nominee, whoever that is.” “But he’s a member of the Democratic Party now for life?” Halperin pressed.
“Yes, he is,” said Weaver. But when Sanders was asked whether he still identified as a Democrat in an April 2017 interview on MSNBC, the senator replied: "No, I'm an Independent."

In early April 2016, Sanders's presidential campaign hired a young woman named Simone Zimmerman as its national Jewish outreach coordinator.
According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz: “During the 2014 Gaza war, Zimmerman was one of the leaders of a group of young Jews that held regular protest vigils outside the offices of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, reading the names of Palestinians and Israelis killed in the conflict. She opposes Israel’s occupation, wants Hillel to allow participation by groups that support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions [BDS] movement against Israel, is against Jewish federation funding for Israeli projects in the West Bank, and wrote favorably of the efforts of Jewish Voice for Peace, a pro-BDS group, to get 'international corporations to stop profiting off human rights abuses.'”
“We’re paying attention to what’s happening in Israel — and we are angry,” Zimmerman wrote in a February 2016 column about her fellow millennials.
“The hypocrisy of expecting feel-good social justice projects to offset millennials’ deep outrage at the grave injustices committed by the Jewish state is almost too much to bear. No public relations trick can save Israel’s image. The problem isn’t with the hasbara. The problem is nearly 50 years of occupation. The problem is rampant racism in Israeli society. The problem is attacks on human rights defenders by extremists and by the state. The problem is a Jewish establishment that ignores or justifies all of this.”

On April 13, 2016, the Sanders campaign suspended Zimmerman from her position after the Washington Free Beacon reported that on March 3, 2015, she had written an expletive-laden Facebook post denouncing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a mass-murderer: “Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative asshole.... Fuck you, Bibi … you sanctioned the murder of over 2,000 people this summer.”
At a later date, Zimmerman edited the Facebook post, replacing “asshole” with “politician” and “Fuck you” with “shame on you.”

During a May 2016 town hall meeting in Puerto Rico, Sanders stated that he wanted President Obama to pardon the 73-year-old convicted Puerto Rican terrorist Oscar López Rivera, who had been imprisoned in the U.S. since 1981.
As The New York Post explained: "López Rivera was a founder of the FALN (Fuerza Armadas de Liberacion Nacional, Spanish for Armed Forces of National Liberation), which waged a violent campaign for Puerto Rican independence.
[He] was arrested in Chicago in May 1981 and was convicted of trying to overthrow the U.S. government, seditious conspiracy to destroy federal property, armed robbery, weapons violations, and interstate transportation of stolen property."
Said Sanders: “Oscar López Rivera is one of the longest-serving political prisoners in history — 34 years, longer than Nelson Mandela. We are talking about a Vietnam War veteran who was awarded a Bronze Star. I say to President Obama — let him out!”
Moreover, Sanders promised that “I will pardon him” if elected president.

In a June 2016 press conference in California, Sanders stated unequivocally that he would ban fracking if he were elected president:
"I hope very much that Monterey County will continue the momentum that makes it clear that fracking is not safe, is not what we want for our kids. If elected president, we will not need state-by-state, county-by-county action, because we are going to ban fracking in 50 states in this country.... I would hope the Democratic Party makes it clear that it has the guts to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and tell them that their short-term profits are not more important than the health of our children or the future of our planet."

Sanders invited Paul Bustinduy, the Secretary of International Relations of the Spanish far-left political party Podemos -- which belongs to a leftist coalition called United We Can (UWC) -- as his guest at the July 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
The historian and scholar Ronald Radosh notes that UWC: (a) "models itself on the Marxist Greek party Syiriza which brought the Greek economy to near total collapse," and (b) is "composed of old Communists, Trotskyists, independent revolutionaries, Basque and Catalan nationalists, leftist urban intellectuals and former supporters of the Socialist Party annoyed at what they perceive as its continuing compromises."
Describing Podemos, meanwhile, as "blatantly anti-Semitic," Radosh writes: "In Madrid the [Podemos] Party’s affiliate is called Ahora Madrid. The head of Madrid’s department of culture, Guiller Zapata, who is a [Podemos] member, tweeted: ‘How do you fit five million Jews in a SEAT 600? [a version of the Fiat car of the same name] Answer: In an ashtray.’ ... Podemos is so anti-Israel, that it defends publication of a notorious anti-Semitic Spanish magazine, El Jueves [which once published a cartoon] about Israel, using the symbols of Hitler’s SS to indicate that Israel is composed of Nazis." As further evidence of its anti-Semitism, Podemos supports the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, a Hamas-inspired initiative that aims to use various forms of public protest, economic pressure, and court rulings to advance the Hamas agenda of permanently destroying Israel as a Jewish nation-state.

In August 2016, Sanders purchased a seasonal waterfront home on Lake Champlain in Vermont, for $575,000. He already owned a row house on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, and a home in Burlington, Vermont. Notwithstanding the fact that he owns three homes, Sanders has consistently articulated his belief that the luxuries of wealthy people should be limited -- or at least taxed at a very high rate. In April 2017, for instance, the senator tweeted: "How many yachts do billionaires need? How many cars do they need? Give us a break. You can't have it all."

All told, Sanders earned more than $1 million in 2016. That total included: (a) his $174,000 Senate salary; (b) a $795,000 advance for his book, Our Revolution; (c) another $63,750 for his forthcoming book, Bernie Sanders’ Guide to Political Revolution; and $6,735 in royalties for his 1997 memoir, Outsider in the House.

During the January 2017 Senate confirmation hearing for Georgia Republican Rep. Tom Price, who was President-elect Donald Trump's nominee for Health and Human Services Secretary, Sanders and Price had the following exchange:

Sanders: “The United States of America is the only major country on earth that does not guarantee healthcare to all people as a right. Canada does it. Every major country in Europe does it. Do you believe healthcare is a right for all Americans whether they’re rich or they’re poor? Should people, because they are Americans, be able to go to the doctor when they need to go into a hospital because they are Americans?”

Price: “Yes we are a compassionate society –”

Sanders (interrupting): “No, we are not a compassionate society in terms of poor and working people. Our record is worse than virtually any other country on earth, and half of our senior workers have nothing set aside for retirement, so I don’t think compared to other countries we are particularly compassionate. But my question is in Canada all people have the right to get healthcare. Do you believe we should move in that direction?”

Price: “If you want to talk about other countries' healthcare systems there are consequences to the decisions they made just as there are consequences to the decisions that we’ve made. I believe, and I look forward to working with you, that every single American has access to the highest quality care and coverage that is possible.”

Sanders: “'Has access to' does not mean they are guaranteed healthcare. I can have access to buying a 10 million dollar home but I don’t have the money to do that.”

In a March 2017 letter, Sanders asked David Friedman, whom President Donald Trump had nominated for the post of U.S. Ambassador to Israel, whether he would support the idea of diverting "a portion" of the $38 billion which the United States had earmarked as aid to Israel over the ensuing ten years, and sending it instead to the Hamas-led government of the Gaza Strip -- to "facilitate a much greater flow of humanitarian and reconstruction materials" to that region. Israel Nation News, however, pointed out that historically, "Hamas has taken most of the aid monies it receives to strengthen its fighting capability." Also in his letter to Friedman, Sanders asked the ambassador whether he thought that the tax-exempt status of groups raising funds for Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria should be revoked, so as to help "end the flow of donations to illegal settlements."

On March 18, 2017, Sanders posted a Twitter message denouncing America for its alleged indifference to the needs of poor people: "We are living in a nation which worships wealth rather than caring for the poor. I don't think that is the nation we should be living in."

In a speech he delivered at a February 2017 conference hosted by J Street, Sanders called for an end to Israel's “50-year occupation” of “Palestinian territories,” suggesting that “its daily restrictions on the political and civil liberties of the Palestinian people runs contrary to fundamental American values.” In addition, Sanders likened the Palestinians who had fled their homes shortly before Israel's establishment in 1948, to Native Americans. “Like our own country, the founding of Israel involved the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people already living there, the Palestinian people,” he said. “Over 700,000 people were made refugees.”

In 2017, Senator Sanders's wife, Jane Sanders, became the subject of an FBI investigation. The probe centered around a 2010 deal in which Mrs. Sanders, who at the time was the president of Burlington College, secured a $6.7 million loan from People’s United Bank and used the money to purchase a 33-acre lakefront campus for the school. But as the news website VT Digger explains, the deal was illegitimate:
“Jane Sanders ... overstated donation amounts in a bank application for [the loan].... She told People’s United Bank in 2010 that the college had $2.6 million in pledged donations to support the purchase of the ... property. The college, however, received only $676,000 in actual donations from 2010 through 2014, according to figures provided by Burlington College. Two people whose pledges are listed as confirmed in the loan agreement told VTDigger that their personal financial records show their pledges were overstated. Neither was aware the pledges were used [by Mrs. Sanders] to secure the loan.” For example, a separate VT Digger report says that Mrs. Sanders "appears to have counted [Corinne Bove] Maietta’s bequest as a cash gift that was available as collateral to finance the land deal. The 2010 loan agreement says 'CBM' pledged $1 million to the school over five years in increments of $150,000, with a final payment of $100,000 in year six." Maietta told reporters that she was incredulous that Burlington College would try to use her bequest to secure a bank loan. “You can’t borrow money on the future,” she said. “That doesn’t exist.”

When Senator Sanders was asked in June 2017 about the allegations against his wife, he replied: "My wife is about the most honest person I know. When she came to that college [Burlington], it was failing financially and academically. When she left it, it was in better shape than it had ever been.... All that I will tell you now ... it is a sad state of affairs in America, not only when we have politicians being destroyed ... but when you go after ... people's wives. That is pretty pathetic...."

In June 2017, Sanders had a contentious exchange with Russell Vought, President Donald Trump’s nominee to be Deputy Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget. As National Review noted, Sanders was "imposing a religious test for public office, in direct violation of Article VI of the United States Constitution." Below is a transcript of the Sanders-Vought exchange:

Sanders: Let me get to this issue that has bothered me and bothered many other people. And that is in the piece that I referred to that you wrote for the publication called Resurgent. You wrote, “Muslims do not simply have a deficient theology. They do not know God because they have rejected Jesus Christ, His Son, and they stand condemned.” Do you believe that that statement is Islamophobic?

Vought: Absolutely not, Senator. I’m a Christian, and I believe in a Christian set of principles based on my faith. That post, as I stated in the questionnaire to this committee, was to defend my alma mater, Wheaton College, a Christian school that has a statement of faith that includes the centrality of Jesus Christ for salvation, and . . .

Sanders: I apologize. Forgive me, we just don’t have a lot of time. Do you believe people in the Muslim religion stand condemned? Is that your view?

Vought: Again, Senator, I’m a Christian, and I wrote that piece in accordance with the statement of faith at Wheaton College.

Sanders: I understand that. I don’t know how many Muslims there are in America. Maybe a couple million. Are you suggesting that all those people stand condemned? What about Jews? Do they stand condemned too?

Vought: Senator, I’m a Christian . . .

Sanders (shouting): I understand you are a Christian, but this country are made of people who are not just — I understand that Christianity is the majority religion, but there are other people of different religions in this country and around the world. In your judgment, do you think that people who are not Christians are going to be condemned?

Vought: Thank you for probing on that question. As a Christian, I believe that all individuals are made in the image of God and are worthy of dignity and respect regardless of their religious beliefs. I believe that as a Christian that’s how I should treat all individuals . . .

Sanders: You think your statement that you put into that publication, they do not know God because they rejected Jesus Christ, His Son, and they stand condemned, do you think that’s respectful of other religions?

Vought: Senator, I wrote a post based on being a Christian and attending a Christian school that has a statement of faith that speaks clearly in regard to the centrality of Jesus Christ in salvation.

Sanders: I would simply say, Mr. Chairman, that this nominee is really not someone who this country is supposed to be about.

Over the years, Bernie Sanders's political campaigns have received strong support from such organizations as the AFL-CIO, the American Association for Justice, the Backbone Campaign, the Council for a Livable World, the Democratic Socialists of America, and Peace Action.

Sanders is a strong supporter of the Apollo Alliance, a coalition of environmentalists and big labor that wants the federal government to take over America's energy industry.

Although Sanders is officially listed as an Independent, he caucuses with the Democrats and votes with them nearly 100% of the time.

Likewise Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Van Jones, Joseph Biden and so many others of the Democrat/Left are never vetted by the media, despite the facts right in front of them to report.

It was funny when Ted Cruz announced his candidacy in 2016 and was more heavily investigated in his first 24 hours as a candidate than Barack Obama was in the entire 10 years of his candidacy and then presidency, and still has never been vetted.

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Five days later, last night, Bernie Sanders endorses Joe Biden in a rather uncomfortable conference video between the two.

Then today, Barack Obama finally and half-heartedly endorses Joseph Biden as candidate.

Republican conservative Matt Schlapp described it as "yet another example of Barack Obama leading from behind."
And an endorsement that will not gain Biden a single vote.

Barack Obama's glowing endorsement a year ago when Biden first announced his candidacy (if I recall, April 25 2019):
"You don't have to do this, Joe..."

And then there's the recent sexual allegations against Joseph Biden from 1993 by a former staffer. Innocent until proven guilty and all that, but reaction of the New York Times, of the collective liberal media, of the Democrat leadership, and of Biden himself is largely ignoring the allegations rather than answer them. And when they give it any attention, are completely dismissive of accuser Tara Reade. What a sharp contrast against, say, Brett Kavanaugh, whose now-discredited accusers they were so eager to believe, based on no investigation or facts.
Democrat hypocrisy, piled on high.

This is not going to end well for Biden or the DNC. You already see Democrats fly-casting for a lifeline, such as recruiting Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a replacement. One can smell the desperation, there's nothing even remotely resembling enthusiasm for Biden as a candidate.

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I’m sure republicans would have preferred Obama endorsing Biden earlier but strategically it would have been stupid doing it before Sanders was still in. And it’s pretty evident that Obama and Biden actually like each other.

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"You don't have to do this, Joe..."

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Where is that quote from?

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by Mike Brest, Washington Times
August 16, 2019

Former President Barack Obama reportedly told his former Vice President Joe Biden that he didn't "have to" run for president in 2020.
“You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t,” Obama told Biden earlier this year, according to The New York Times.

Their report goes on to say that Obama quietly tried to convince his vice president to sit out of the 2016 presidential race, arguing that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had a better chance to build upon his eight years as president. He was also worried about Biden's state of mind following the death of his son, Beau.
In response to Obama telling him he didn't have to run, Biden, who believes he would've beaten President Trump in 2016, said that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't take this opportunity the second time around.

Since then though, Obama has quietly chided Biden, saying that his advisers and inner circle are "too old and out of touch with the current political climate," The Times' report added.
Obama met with two of Biden's advisers in March and told them regardless of the outcome of the election, the most important thing was that Biden doesn't “embarrass himself” or “damage his legacy."

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