Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think it was a given that the trump was never going to concede. At this point though making it a democrat vs republican thing is shattered as the Supreme Court is firmly under conservative control. What you have is a pos that lost and instead of putting country first will continue the tantrum and lies. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a major rise in right wing terrorism thanks to sore loser trump.

In over 4 years, did DEMOCRATS ever concede that Trump had won the 2016 election, M E M?

Instead they tried ever deceitful, unlawful and criminal abuse of power to initiate multiple coups on Trump. Opening FBI counter-intelligence investigations, and a Mueller investigation, based on falsified and "salacious" (then-FBI director James Comey's own words in describing the "Russia dossier" in a meeting with Trump in Jan 2017, even as Comey and his fellow criminals used that same Hillary Clinton/DNC-funded hit piece Russia Dossier as the basis for FOUR consecutive FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Every last one of those in the FBI and DOJ who moved forward those FISA warrants and investigations should be in jail.)

In contrast to that open criminality and deceit by Democrats, Donald Trump and his lawyers are just pursuing their legal options.

And in further context, Al Gore and his[/b[ legal team took 37 days to pursure their legal options and concede in 2000. That was with Florida, one state, in contest.

How much more justified is Donald Trump in contesting the 2020 election, with clear multiple streams of election fraud, [b]consistent orchestrated Democrat election fraud
, across at least 7 contested states, and further involving international espionage against the United States, with Dominion voting systems out of Venezuela, and sending voter information to Dominion computer facilities in Farnkfurt Germany and Barcelona, Spain, for further alteration of election data on their computers.
China, Russia and Iran have also had a hand in campaign funding the Democrats' campaignh war chest and get-out-the-vote drives, as have Mark Zuckerberg, and George Soros and his huge web of front organizations. Now that the election is perceived as over by Democrats, the liberal media is finally revealing what they wouldn't disclose during the campaign, and even blocked conservatives an even journalists from discussing on Facebook and Twitter, and blocked in Google searches. The suppression of information alone influenced millions of votes, beyond the cheating. Guiliani has cited all this, and over $300 million in "dark money" that was funneled into the Biden campaign from sources unclear.

People who voted for Trump are threatened and intimidated, and leftists from Jennifer Rubin and Tom Friedman and others in the liberal media, to sitting Democrat U.S. Senators and Congress members, openly talk about purging former Trump officials and Trump voters and supporters, so that they "never rise up again".
Republican officials at the federal, state and local level are threatened and intimidated from supporting Trump while he contests the election.
Whistleblower witnessess are intimindated for coming forward, threatened with losing their jobs and violence toward them and their families.
Trump lawyers have been threatened and left the case because of that intimidation.
U.S. Supreme Court Justices are intimidated from supporting Trump.

As I quoted in the Breitbart article above about international election observers and what they consider suppression of a free and fair election, it's ironic that this Nov 3rd election fits all the criteria of what those international criteria would laabel a corrupted and unfair election.
Even with all this intimidation and dark money, the Democrats still had to rig the election to win.

And the piece of shit Democrats celebrate the outcome regardless, just because their guy Biden, by whatever corrupt means, won the election. That's like celebrating the victory of Lenin and Staalin in 1917, or Castro in 1959, or (using the same electronic voting system!) Hugo Chavez. Democrats are corrupt to the core, and shameless about it.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.