Originally Posted by Captain Sammitch
Shit, dude, I didn't change the subject line (though I also didn't think to change it back), but I'm sorry to hear that. Though I'm quite certain your loved one was an infinitely better human being than Rush Limbaugh.

And that's because you knew him personally?

From what I've seen, Rush was a very generous person, generous with both his charitable donations, and with his time mentoring and helping those he knew. Certainly in his broadcasts, he comes across as a very optimistic guy with a great sense of humor. He had a 30 minute TV show in 1993-1994 that I used to enjoy. His 3-hour radio show was not something I ever had as much interest in. But I had a friend who ran a Carvel ice cream store, and he'd play it all day while he was working alone preparing large amounts of ice cream pastries for hospitals and nursing home clients, and I'd often listen in on Rush's show when I visited.

It's been pointed out that AM radio was a dying industry when Rush Limbaugh's show began in 1988, and his show quickly spread to be syndicated on 300 stations nationwide, and spawned imitators that made (and remains) the dominant programming format on AM radio, and quite a bit of FM. And likely what also gave rise to Fox News, Newsmax and OAN cable news channels. So that there is now, if not equal time to the unashamedly liberal propaganda on the "mainstream" networks, at least some ratio of conservative factual counter-information and opinion available. And with the further level of vitriol from Democrats that escalated after 2000, even more so after 2008, and even more so after 2016, these conservative radio and TV outlets have become oasis islands of sanity, amid a vast ocean of shameless Orwellian Newspeak liberal propaganda.

That is Rush Limbaugh's legacy. I loved in 1994 when Reagan wrote Limbaugh a letter he read on the air, where Reagan wrote that Limbaugh had replaced him as the voice of conservatism in America. And remained the leading voice for 27 more years. And before Rush Limbaugh died, built an expanding infrastructure of conservative news and opinion to carry on what he started.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.