Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Republican Lawmakers claim Jan 6 rioters were just friendly guys and girls
Hey, remember that January 6 attack on the Capitol? Was incited by Donald Trump, who sicced his supporters on the building in the hopes that they would overturn the 2020 election? Involved rioters savagely beating officers and chanting “hang Mike Pence”? Left multiple people dead, more than 100 injured, and caused depression and PTSD among law enforcement who were there, to say nothing of the ones who later committed suicide? Republican lawmakers claim to remember it but their memories appear to have taken a stop at Delusionville on the way to What the Actual Fuck Are You Talking About Town.

During a Wednesday hearing of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, many GOP lawmakers proudly rewrote history as part of the party’s official policy of blatantly lying about easily fact-checkable matters, especially ones that could make Trump look bad. Rep. Paul Gosar—a 2020 election truther whose own family members endorsed his opponent and appeared in an ad begging people not to vote for him—called the individuals who violently broke into the Capitol “peaceful patriots” and claimed that the Department of Justice is “harassing“ them. Amazingly, Gosar, who has described Joe Biden as an “illegitimate usurper,” claimed that “outright propaganda and lies are being used to unleash the national security state against law-abiding U.S. citizens, especially Trump voters.” He also described the killing of Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter who was shot by the Capitol Police while trying to break through the chamber as an “execut[ion].”

Then there was Rep. Ralph Norman who, like colleagues before him, cast doubt on the fact that the crowd that attacked the building was actually made up of Trump supporters, despite the fact that Trump had invited his supporters to D.C. for his “Stop the Steal” rally and then literally told them to march to the Capitol. (Also, there’s the minor matter of the fact that many people said they were acting on Trump’s orders.)

The most absurd statement, however, came from Rep. Andrew Clyde who said, out loud, in public: “Let me be clear, there was no insurrection and to call it an insurrection, in my opinion, is a bold-faced lie. Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures. You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”
Yes, just a normal tourist visit if normal tourist visits involve zip tie-toting tourists dragging officers down steps; shocking them with stun guns; smashing their heads with baseball bats, pipes, and flag poles; and causing concussions and at least one heart attack. Usually those sorts of tourists would be asked to leave the premises immediately by security, but apparently they’re alright in the f--ked-up alternative universe Clyde lives in. “

There is video surveillance footage that shows a majority of the 280 or so who were investigated by the FBI just wandered into the Capitol on Jan 6th, and were NOT involved in violence or riots.

It is also a fact that the overwhelming majority of people arrested for being inside the Capitol were arrested for "criminal trespass" or for "violating curfew", NOT for engaging in riots, vandalism or other violence. Out of over 100,000 Trump protesters present that day, less than 50 (of whom many were BLM/Antifa) were charged with violent offenses.

It is also a fact that "insurrection" has a specific definition, that the events of Jan 6th do not conform to :


1. an act or instance of open revolt against a civil authority or government
(from the old French insurrection, from Latin insurrectio, to rise up. )

Synonyms: rebellion, revolution, revolt, riot, mutiny, insurrection, uprising, coup d'atat, putsch

insurrection and uprising denote armed attempts to change authority.

So... as the actual definition clearly denotes, Democrats are clearly misusing the word, to exaggerate and misrepresent what actually occurred on January 6th.

As I've factually detailed, REPEATEDLY, in the Senate hearings on events of January 6th, Jill Sanborn, the FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism said in answer to Senators Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson that NOT ONE GUN WAS CONFISCATED ON JANUARY 6th in or around the Capitol or surrounding grounds in Washington. NOT ONE !

Out of over 100,000 protesters in Washington Square that day, out of 6,000 directly around the Capitol, out of 600 protestors who went inside the Capitol building (including Antifa/BLM, Boogaloos, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, 3 Percenters, definitely NOT all actual Trump supporters, John Earle Sullivan's group OPENLY BRAGGING, ON VIDEO POSTED TO TWITTER AND FACEBOOK they were PRETENDING in disguise to be Trump supporters, to either have Trump supporters blamed for their own violence, or trick some into joining them in violence), out of ALL these people, not one firearm was found and confiscated by the FBI.
As was verified by FBI assistant director Jill Sanborn herself.

So... how does one have an armed "insurrection", without any arms ?

It's a lie and a false narrative by the Democrats, and allied liberal media, and a few lying self-serving Republicans trying to capitalize on Trump's departure by joining the Democrats in kicking Trump down and slandering Trump as the alleged cause of riots that he clearly had nothing to do with.

As I've cited before:

1) Detailed in intercepted communications by the FBI, DHS, NYPD and Capitol police, these fringe groups (NOT Trump supporters) planned their attacks on social media up to 4 weeks BEFORE Jan 6th. They were clearly not "incited" by Trump, they planned their attacks in advance, and planned to use the Trump protests as cover for their own plans..

2) The timeline doesn't match up for the Democrat narrative of "Trump-incited" riots in the Capitol. On Jan 6th, Trump spoke from 12 noon to 1:11 PM, the earliest riot attacks began about 12:40 PM. Where Trump spoke in front of the White House, it takes about 46 minutes to walk from there to the Capitol building. And one has to walk, there is no mobile transportation. That means when the first attacks began, a person who was outside at the White House where Trump gave his speech WOULD HAVE TO HAVE LEFT 5 MINUTES BEFORE TRUMP EVER BEGAN SPEAKING to bee at the Capitol at the time riots began !
It was also pointed out that there was no possible reception to have watched the speech on cel phones from elsewhere, as there was no reception.
This again proves it is a lie to blame Trump for events of Jan 6th.

3) In his Jan 6th speech, Trump urged his supporters to "PEACEFULLY and patriotically" walk over to the Capitol and express their support for the Republican Senators and Representatives opposing the electoral certification, Republicans who were pushing for 2 weeks of joint-session televised debate of the evidence of fraud. There was nothing inciting in Trump's speech, he encouraged his supporters to peacefully "fight" for their cause, as hundreds of other political leaders, both Democrat and Republican have said in political speeches , for years, on those same Washington protest grounds.

4) Trump throughout the day, about once an hour, posted on Twitter for his supporters to protest "peacefully". When rioters finally reached the inside joint session chambers inside the Capitol, Trump prepared a statement on video expressing that he appreciated the protests on his behalf by his supporters, that he understood their frustration and agreed we were wronged, but that there was no purpose in continuing to protest that day, and in the interest of peace to immediately go home. WHICH THEY DID.

5) There was a Democrat/liberal media false narrative of "5 PEOPLE KILLED BY RACIST WHITE SUPREMACIST TRUMP SUPPORTERS". That was PROVEN to be false. All who died were Trump supporters, 3 deaths by heart attack or stroke, 1 drug overdose, and 1 Trump supporter ( Ashli Babbitt) shot for no good reason by a still un-named Capitol police officer, VIDEOTAPED, FROM TWO SEPARATE ANGLES, in a clear case of excessive force.

6) There was a lying narrative of "WHITE RACIST TRUMP SUPPORTERS KILLED A CAPITOL POLICE OFFICER". From the very first day, officer Brian Sicknick's brother told reporters that Brian Sicknick had died of a stroke, NOT an attack by protesters.
But the media still deliberately sold the narrative that Sicknick was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher.
When that narrative fell apart, the liberal media clung to a second false narrative that Sicknick was sprayed with mace or bear spray or some other chemical. But there was security camera footage of Sicknick every second of the hours he was clashing with protesters, and Sicknick was NEVER sprayed with anything.
Finally, 3 months later, long after that false narrative had been disproven, the New York Times finally admitted they had reported inaccurately the cause of Sicknick's death.
And some weeks after that, a politically motivated clearly Democrat coroner's office, over 3 months after Sicknick's body HAD BEEN CREMATED, revealed the actual cause of death (BY STROKE, AS HIS BROTHER SAID TO REPORTERS THE FIRST DAY) was, in fact a stroke, with no violence occurring or contributing to Sicknick's death. A prognosis they delayed to support and prolong the liberal narrative.

7) It is also an absolute fact that the IRS, FBI, DOJ, FISA court, OSHA, EPA, ATF, NSA, CIA and just last week the USPS postal inspector's office, among other federal agencies, have been weaponized against Tea Party, Trump supporters, and other Republican conservatives, and are in the process of purging anyone who is even a Republican conservative from the U.S. military.

So it is not Rep. Andrew Clyde who is delusional or "lives in an alternate universe" it is the vicious fucking liars in the Democrat party and the Bolshevik-Left liberal media who are creating an alternate universe, who sold what is now PROVEN to be a false narrative.
Those are the facts, and they are verifiable. Unlike your lying narrative.

And Vanity Fair, by the way, is a hyper-partisan woke/Left media source. If that wasn't abundantly obvious in their above quoted hit piece. They can be counted on to rabidly attack Republicans every time, on every issue. Now they are attacking Rep. Andrew Clyde. Gee, what a shock.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.