Originally Posted by iggy
You throw Bolshevik around like you accuse others of doing with Nazi, child.

"Bolshevik" is a precise and accurate term I use to describe the current Democrat leadership. I've been posting here for 20 years now, and it's not a term I used to describe Democrats until a few years into the Obama administration, around 2010. There is nothing hyperbolic in the comparison, the Democrats and the Soviet Bolsheviks they admire are in both ideology and actions the same.

Almost the entire Democrat party worships the thuggish Bolshevik tactics of the likes of Che Gueverra, Saul Alinsky, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Stalin, Mao and other brutal authoritarian marxist leaders. I've quoted these Democrats at length in previous topics, repeatedly: the Clintons themselves, the Bidens themselves, and Obama appointees such as Mark Lloyd, Anita Dunn, Ron Bloom, Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett and others. They OPENLY QUOTE Mao Tse Tung favorably. They praise Boshevik tactics as "very effective, and a good model to follow".

What is Bolshevism? It's authoritarian one-party totalitarian rule, that rises to power by slandering, intimidating and violently crushing all political opposition, even within their own party. That is precisely what the Democrats are doing. And that's not a surprise, when you see how they openly adore and quote Bolshevik/Marxist leaders and propagandists.

Both Bill and Hillary Clinton travelled to and lived in the Soviet Union in their college years, openly praised marxist/Soviet ideology, and its strong-arm Bolshevik tactics. Openly sided with the Soviets against the U.S.'s Vietnam war, openly led anti-U.S. protests. And only Bill Clinton ever made any pretense of being a moderate, while Hillary Clinton pushed him to be more hard-Left every step of the way.

Likewise Bernie Sanders, who spent his Honeymoon in the Soviet Union, openly praised the Soviet system, adoringly praised the Castro Cuba government, praised the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, the Maoist government in China. The only government Sanders could find nothing positive to say about in 5 decades is the U.S. capitalist system. Bernie Sanders had a SOVIET FLAG ON THE WALL OF HIS OFFICE, for the entire 10 years he was mayor of Wilmington, VT, before he moved on to higher office as a Senator.

Barack Obama is a cultural marxist, who used to teach Saul Alinsky rules for radicals tactics to "community organizers" (i.e., trained marxist street agitators) for ACORN after he graduated college, and was regarded by others at ACORN as the unchallenged master of Alinsky tactics. Mentored in his college years by Frank Marshall Davis, a marxist and open Stalinist who spent his entire adult life under FBI surveillance. Barack Obama was a protege of William Ayers of the Weather Underground. Obama was an apostle of Derrick Bell and his Critical Race Theory writings, and (on VIDEO) once introduced Bell enthusiastically at a public lecture in Boston. He is the son of Barack Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham, both America-hating cultural marxists and anti-Colonialists. Obama's first political fundraiser was hosted in Ayers' home. And his administration was filled to the brim with marxist radicals. Michelle Obama as well is a white hating cultural marxist and racist, who, among many incendiary remarks, said "I'm as integrated as I ever want to be."

Elizabeth Warren, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Pete Buttegeig, Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, Cori Bush, to a person within the Democrat party, they are all marxist-Bolshevik to the core, and endorse the core Bolshevik tactics of intimidation and violence to achieve their political goals.

They all endorse ( H.R 1 and S.B. 1) legislation so their Bolshevik party can exercise absolute power over elections, to the exclusion of state governments, to the exclusion of even the minority party to challenge elections. They are purging our military and federal law enforcement agencies of Republican officials, labelling them "extremists" to remove them and exclude any representation by those might oppose their Bolshevik takeover. And even the "moderates" like Joe Manchin and Kirstyn Sinema might object to certain legislation, but never attack the overall rhetoric or violence of their fellow members, or even that of BLM and Antifa.

Yes, the Democrats are Bolshevik, to the core. And describing them with a term for the ideology and tactics they openly emulate and believe in is not the slightest bit hyperbolic, it is just accurate.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.