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I bet wonder doofus called him a commie coward...

They really do eat their own.

Last edited by iggy; 2021-10-08 8:58 PM.
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Considering what the traitors had planned for Mike Pence of all people, this is not a surprise.

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As I said before, it's clear that Trump supporters on January 6th had the run of the Capitol on that day, and if they really wanted to kill or kidnap or violently attack anyone, every Capitol police officer to a man has said the police were completely unable to stop them.

The fact that they DIDN'T attack or kidnap or kill Vice President Pence or anyone else, when no one could have stopped them even if they tried, is testament to what a slander this accusation is of the Trump supporters who were there that day.
Whether the over 100,000 protesters that day who remained outside the Capitol building, or the 600 who went inside, often with police holding the doors open for them or escorting them inside, or posing in selfies with the protesters.
And again, of the 600 who went inside in any way, only roughly 60 were involved in any level of violence or vandalism.
And the FBI's own investigative reports document there were "at least 20" "un-indicted co-conspirator" FBI agents who were trying to stoke what little violence did occur,.

As were about 20 members of John Earle Sullivan's BLM/Antifa group who openly boasted in multiple videos they were disguised as Trump supporters and trying to frame them with their own violence and destruction, and hoped to trick Trump supporters into following them. I'd also add that the only person killed that day was Ashli Babbitt, and John Earle Sullivan and his group not only participated in setting up that shooting, but filmed it as well, and posted it all over the internet under the user-name "JAYDEN X".

So roughly 40 of the 60, the majority of the violence that day, if not all of it, was done and orchestrated by these fake Trump supporters, and there is considerable documentation of that.

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Originally Posted by iggy
I bet wonder doofus called him a commie coward...

They really do eat their own.

Vice is a clearly far-Left source, that is more interested in fronting a propaganda narrative than presenting anything that could seriously be considered actual news.

Lara Pendergast, deputy online editor at the UK magazine The Spectator argues that Vice News gets its strength and popularity by getting younger audiences to become more and more interested about international news in a way that traditional media has not. "Its videos may fail every rule in the BBC impartiality book, but they are brilliantly edited and, often, utterly compelling. Vice News has found young, fearless foreign correspondents to serve a youthful audience who are bored stiff by traditional outlets but are quite prepared to watch videos on their mobile phones."

"Vice's brand image marketing as an edgy, hip outlet have helped drive its popularity with young people", says media critic Charles Johnson. "Mainstream media is not trusted by a lot of people, and rightly so, so they [Vice] step in and fill in", he says. "People see a sense of fun behind it. Jon Stewart is very popular, but he's an entertainer. Vice is something similar."[23]

Rick Edmonds, media and business analyst at the Poynter Institute, critiques Vice News' reporting as "raw and tasteless sometimes" and more akin to personal essays than balanced journalism. Other critiques mention that its work is more affiliated with entertainment than hard-hitting news.[23]

In a 2013 opinion piece for U.S. News & World Report, editor of the New York-based Foreign Policy Association Robert Nolan, stated that Vice's North Korea reporting was "more Jackass TV series than journalism".[23][24]

And that's a critique from the equally far-Left biased Wikipedia!

What Vice describes from the first Democrat narrative line as a "sham audit" is widely recognized by visiting Republican legislators over the 8 months of the audit as very thorough and completely fail-safed through multiple layers of verification and inspection from tampering. And the gold-standard for how they will set up forensic election audits in their own states, in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
The only faults are due to Democrat and election board obstruction, where Cyber-Ninjas' audit was deprived of flash-drives, passwords and splunk-logs, leaving a gap in the the record because of Democrat-sabotaged missing records. But it also made clear that the Maricopa county election board didn't have access at any time to verify the election results themselves, and were forced to take the election results handed to them by Dominion Voting systems with no independent verification by the election board possible. Scouts' honor !

And the line that Cyber-Ninjas have "no previous experience handling such an operation" is another deception. NO ONE has ever handled an election audit like this before, because the situation has never existed before. But Cyber-Ninjas certainly have plenty of experience handling computer audits of fraud by many businesses and corporations.

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Originally Posted by wonder doofus

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by W B (as scripted by Iggy)

Which is your infantile way of saying you are utterly immune to the facts in front of you.

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Or, you know, you're in a fucking death cult that will destroy a nation for power...kind of like you accuse the world in your way of being. I'd have more respect for you if you just embraced it and quit trying to deflect your dedication to bullshit on the world around you.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Or, you know, you're in a fucking death cult that will destroy a nation for power...kind of like you accuse the world in your way of being. I'd have more respect for you if you just embraced it and quit trying to deflect your dedication to bullshit on the world around you.

Uh... It's Biden and the Democrats who ended the Keystone XL pipeline, and ended drilling on government and adjacent lands, that has created an artificial scarcity of oil and gas, that has caused the price of gas to roughly double, and projected to go even higher, possibly $5.50 a gallon by the end of the year. That is causing inflation in prices, as every business has to add that cost into the new prices of their products. (While re-starting the Russian Nordstream 2 pipeline that will make Europe dependent on Russian oil, and subject to Russian blackmail, thus expanding Russian power.)

It's Biden and the Democrats who caused the collapse of Afghanistan, gave the terrorist Taliban a military and airforce larger than that of Australia, and gave China $3 trillion in mineral resources to exploit, the very same mineral resources the U.S. will need for battery-powered electric cars, cel phones and everything else. That we will need even more, if Biden and his Bolshevik puppetmasters are successful in destroying the fossil fuel industry. And that will make us even more dependent on, and at the mercy of, China.

Further, it's Biden's weakness (if not outright treasonous sellout to China for hundreds of millions in bag-man payoffs through Hunter Biden) that has China running dozens of military planes daily over Taiwan, in preparation for a Taiwan invasion. Since Taiwan provides about 85% of the computer chips for U.S. tech businesses, that would instantly bring this country to its knees. And Biden is saying nothing, doing nothing to stop it.

Biden is allowing the worst flood of illegals across our southern border, estimated to reach at least 2 million by year's end. And these are people who attacking Mexican police, U.S. Border Patrol and civilians as they enter, what will they do once inside the U.S., criminals, drug cartel members, human traffickers, murderers, rapists. People who would never previously have thought about coming here are now flooding in. Amid a Covid-19-caused halt in construction of new homes and apartments, compounded now by a huge spike in the cost of homebuilding materials, this 2 million will cause a huge rise in the price opf homes and rentals everywhere in the country. 2 million more criminals to further burden our thinning de-funded police, 2 million more people flooding our court system, 2 million more people flooding our doctors and hospitals, 2 million more people siphoning off resources for welfare and food banks that should be going to U.S. citizens. 2 million more potential identity theives. Whit Biden and his puppetmasters doing nothing to stop it. This is already destructive to our culture, and it is positioned to get much worse.

It is Biden who is advancing trillions in new spending and printing of dollars, that threatens to collapse the U.S. dollar and turn us into another Venezuela or Cuba.

On EVERY front, Biden is weakening and destroying our nation. And the polls reflect the growing fear of Americans as even independents and Democrats awaken to that reality.

And you have the audacity to say that Trump and Republicans, who just 10 months ago had created the strongest economy in over 50 years, the lowest unemployment, the strongest military, the best trade deals ever negotiates with all our foreign trading partners worldwide, the most secure southern border since Eisenhower, the highest rising wages, Trump who made the U.S. oil independent and a net exporter of oil for the first time in 70 years... all the things piece-of-shit Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks destroyed within 6 months... you have the audacity to say that Trump is a "death cult that will destroy a nation for power" ?!?
You are delusional to what the obvious true facts really are.
Trump brought this country back from the abyss, and made us stronger than we've been in 50 years.
And Biden has destroyed the country, destroyed everything Trump re-built, and further moved us toward bankruptcy and authoritarian one-party Marxist rule, with Democrat-Bolsheviks so filled with hate that they openly fantasize about genocide of their political opposition.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Yes, clearly ending a pipeline that was barely functional and on life support for nearly ten years is what drove gas prices up and not the world emerging from a pandemic that shut large parts of it down and is now yearning for fuel to get moving again.

You're not just in a cult. You're in a fucking stupid one.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Yes, clearly ending a pipeline that was barely functional and on life support for nearly ten years is what drove gas prices up and not the world emerging from a pandemic that shut large parts of it down and is now yearning for fuel to get moving again.

You're not just in a cult. You're in a fucking stupid one.

Your 6-year old sandbox insults are not facts. The fact that gas prices spiked within weeks of Biden's executive order to end the pipeline puts the lie to what you're trying to allege. And the fact that Canada will just sell that oil to China indicates that pipeline was and remains profitable and vital.
Now Biden is begging OPEC nations to increase production (nations that by the way are far less environmentally safe in their oil production than the United States) to fill the void for oil we desperately need. They snubbed Biden. As of this writing, we are dependent on the generosity of Russia to provide that oil.

AGAIN: We were oil-independent and a net exporter of oil for the first time in 70 years thanks to Trump. Under Biden, we are vulnerable and at the mercy of hostile nations. And it took Biden less than 6 months to collapse everything that was working in this country, at its best in 50 years. And Biden and the Democrats are now turning us 180 degrees in the opposite direction, putting us on a fast-track to becoming Venezuela, or worse.
I'll remind you that the average person in Venezuela has lost about 30 pounds because they can't afford food, and what food there is has become chronically poorly distributed and difficult to purchase. Comparable to lines for bread and other essentials in the Soviet Union.

Or comparable to the Chinese cultural revolution that starved 30 million of its citizens to death in about 4 years. Look now at the shortages of everything that is already occurring in this country, because Biden's policies have created a scarcity of workers to move shipped good on docks, and a shortages of truckers to move them from ports to stores. How much more so when Biden's insane vaccine layoffs fully happen, not just to laborers in private businesses, but also 30% less police, 30% less hospital doctors and nurses, 30% less emergency medical technicians, 30% less prison guards, 30% less soldiers in our military, 30% less Border Patrol guards. Further burdened by literally millions of aggressive criminal illegal immigrants pouring into the country.

Delusional pieces of shit like you voted for this insanity, and are cheering it on, oblivious to what is really happening.


  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by wonder cultist
Cultist screed.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Your 6-year old sandbox insults are not facts. The fact that gas prices spiked within weeks of Biden's executive order to end the pipeline puts the lie to what you're trying to allege. And the fact that Canada will just sell that oil to China indicates that pipeline was and remains profitable and vital.
Now Biden is begging OPEC nations to increase production (nations that by the way are far less environmentally safe in their oil production than the United States) to fill the void for oil we desperately need. They snubbed Biden. As of this writing, we are dependent on the generosity of Russia to provide that oil.

AGAIN: We were oil-independent and a net exporter of oil for the first time in 70 years thanks to Trump. Under Biden, we are vulnerable and at the mercy of hostile nations. And it took Biden less than 6 months to collapse everything that was working in this country, at its best in 50 years. And Biden and the Democrats are now turning us 180 degrees in the opposite direction, putting us on a fast-track to becoming Venezuela, or worse.
I'll remind you that the average person in Venezuela has lost about 30 pounds because they can't afford food, and what food there is has become chronically poorly distributed and difficult to purchase. Comparable to lines for bread and other essentials in the Soviet Union.

Or comparable to the Chinese cultural revolution that starved 30 million of its citizens to death in about 4 years. Look now at the shortages of everything that is already occurring in this country, because Biden's policies have created a scarcity of workers to move shipped good on docks, and a shortages of truckers to move them from ports to stores. How much more so when Biden's insane vaccine layoffs fully happen, not just to laborers in private businesses, but also 30% less police, 30% less hospital doctors and nurses, 30% less emergency medical technicians, 30% less prison guards, 30% less soldiers in our military, 30% less Border Patrol guards. Further burdened by literally millions of aggressive criminal illegal immigrants pouring into the country.

Delusional pieces of shit like you voted for this insanity, and are cheering it on, oblivious to what is really happening.


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