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Trump now says that Pima County, Arizona was the problem. The board fascist dutifully takes marching orders and prepares to mimic every dumb thing said or done by his orange messiah. I'm going ahead and calling him a fascist, freedom-hating asshat cultist just to get ahead of the game.

Wonder Doofus, you are fascist, freedom-hating asshat cultist!

Let the fascist cult gymnastics commence!

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The Trump worshipers have now become the crybaby, conspiracy theorists that they once made fun of.

County officials have outright denied the claims of voter fraud. They point out that both Republicans and Democrats were involved in counting Pima County’s ballots multiple times and the results were certified by officials representing both parties in the state.

“Pima County conducted a free, fair, secure, and accurate election. The results were publicly audited via hand count by the County’s Republican and Democratic parties, and the results were certified by the Pima County Board of Supervisors and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey,” said Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry in a statement about Trump’s claims.

"THoSe were nOT rEEl RePubliCAn's! ThOSE weRE AnTIFa PLAnts! S0ROS S0R0S!"

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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Originally Posted by Wonder Doofus
The real republicans are the ones that lick the orange spay tan off his testicles! I long for the day I am able to say that I am unquestionably a real republican!

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by W B, as scripted by Iggy
The real republicans are the ones that lick the orange spay tan off his testicles! I long for the day I am able to say that I am unquestionably a real republican!

Quoted, to preserve how mentally unhinged you are. Not to mention how foul and vulgar you are, with rather odd homosexual tendencies, in combination with your hatred-obsession with Donald Trump.

No need for me to further respond, your unhinged hatred and complete detachment from reality makes that unnecessary.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by iggy
Trump now says that Pima County, Arizona was the problem. The board fascist dutifully takes marching orders and prepares to mimic every dumb thing said or done by his orange messiah. I'm going ahead and calling him a fascist, freedom-hating asshat cultist just to get ahead of the game.

Wonder Doofus, you are fascist, freedom-hating asshat cultist!

Let the fascist cult gymnastics commence!

Also saved, for its unhinged hatred, and outright stupidity.

I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 with some hesitation, due to the fact that he had never previously held public office. But for decades, he DID run a 5 billion-dollar corporation that does business in at least 20 nations worldwide, he moved mountains to build construction projects in New York for decades that no one else could have built, he has been close friends and a political contributor and participant to both President Reagan and to President Clinton, as well as close friends with their families, he has been closely involved and a political contributor to Senators, House members, and state and city officials in New York. So prior to Nov 2016, Trump had, at least, the equivalent experience of the governor of a large state, and even international foreign policy experience with his businesses in other nations.

And during his term, he quickly surpassed expectations beyond my wildest dreams of what a president could accomplish. Lou Dobbs has repeatedly said that "Trump is the most transformative president since FDR."
And quantifiably, the most accomplished president in over 50 years.

Quantifiably. Not just my opinion or theirs. More accomplished than Obama or Clinton. More even than Reagan.

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From the Tucson hit-piece:

The claim follows the nearly year-long audit in Maricopa County that found President Joe Biden had won by slightly more votes than previously thought. Trump and Arizona Republicans had said for months that the taxpayer-funded audit would flip the election results in favor of Trump.

There are sedimentary layers of lies in this propaganda piece.

First off, IN A TINY PORTION of the Cyber-ninjas' forensic audit for Maricopa County, they count the votes as they were initially counted by Maricopa, and using their own counting methods, came to the approximate same number of votes.
But as the report goes on to say (if it were not deliberately misrepresented by this and other lying Democrat-loyalist media outlets) while those ballots were entered and similarly re-counted, THEY WERE INVALID VOTES THAT SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN COUNTED, such as :

* votes mailed out to people who had move out of state and were no longer Arizona residents qualified to vote. And since they were mailed to addresses they no longer lived at, who filled out and mailed in those ballots for Biden?

* There were about 9,000 more ballots returned than were mailed out. Where did those ballots (obviously fake) even come from? They should not have been counted.

* Over 23,000 ballots that listed a non-existent address, such as an abandoned buiilding or a vacant lot, where clearly no one was living. Those ballots should not have been counted.

Among other methods of voter fraud in Arizona's Nov 2020 election.

If this Tucson paper were interested in the truth, they would have said that over 55,000 ballots were cited as invalid by the forensic audit, within a larger cumulative total of about 250,000 were also not signature matched and showed irregularities of likely fraud, and should not have been counted.

So Biden's victory margin for Arizona was 10,457 votes, and even the lowest standard for declaring votes fraudulent would give Trump a victory margin of at least 5 times that 10,457 votes.

Those are the omitted facts.

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You can't even cite where they verbatim said that in the audit report because you know it is a fucking lie you read into it. Cite exactly versus reading into vague ideas of "suspect" or shut your fascist cult asshole. We're over you shitting all over this forum, cultist.

Last edited by iggy; 2021-10-17 3:48 PM.
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Your use of the term "fascist" is also inaccurate.

Fascism is an overzealous government that militaristically seizes power of the national government, and then weaponizes the branches of government against all dissenters.

That began with Obama's weaponization of the IRS leading up to the 2012 election, under Lois Lerner and John Koskinen, using the IRS to target, harass and audit grassroots organizers of their Republican opposition and large donors, leading up to the 2012 election. And passing on those Republicans' information to like-minded Democrat-Bolsheviks in the FBI, ATF, EPA, OSHA and other federal branches of law enforcement and regulation for further harassment and intimidation. Of leaders of Tea Party branches and religios conservative activist groups, and large donors like the owners of Gibson Guitars (shut down by the EPA by impounding the wood they used for decades in their guitars), and Frank Vandersloot (a business owner in Idaho, who donated $1 million to the Romney caampaign, and for that was subjected to IRS audits of his personal tax return AND his business tax return, that cost him $80,000 in court fees just to prove he was innocent of any allegations made.

Fascism is purging any members of the Republican party who so much as post their political support of Trump or other Republicans on Facebook or Twitter as "extremists" (while leaving in the military those who are Democrat radicals and openly express online their support for BLM, Antifa or Marxism). THAT is fascism.

Using the U.S. Postal Service and the NSA to surveil and weed out any officers in the military who express support for Trump or other Republican conservatives. THAT is fascism.

Biden issuing an executive order that mandates all federal employees and all businesses with more than 100 employees have to take Covid-19 vaccination to keep their jobs, or will be fired in a way that prevents them from keeping the benefits they have accumulated, from receiving their pensions, or even receiving unemployment while they look for a new job. THAT is fascism. And that is likewise targeted to weed out conservatives, who will be the majority refusing the vaccine, who will be replaced with leftists who will further consolidate absolute Democrat power over federal agencies, police, fire rescue, businesses, and every other sector, public and private. Many of them planned to be replaced with foreign nationals Biden is importing to further consolidate Democrat-fascist power.

On every level, it is the Democrats who are clearly the fascists, using the levers of government to target, intimidate, and harass their political opposition, and consolidate authoritarian one-party rule, that destroys the Constitutional checks and balances that have existed for over 200 years.
Whereas the Republicans are the party of free speech, of allowing dissent even by those who disagree with them. Whereas Democrats are trying to intimidate and smash any opposition, even within their own Democrat party, to their agenda.

Democrats are the party that has taken 600 people who protested on January 6 2021, over 90% of whom unwittingly went inside the Capitol building that day, and are only guilty of "trespassing" , and yet have been kept in jail for over 10 months, without trial, without communication.
The Democrat-weaponized FBI of zealots like James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe and Kevin Clinesmith, is the FBI that sent "at least 20" un-indicted co-conspirators (i.e., undercover FBI agents) into the crowd of over 100,000 Trump supporters that day, to pretend to be Trump supporters, push them into crimes they never planned, to share a hotel room with the leader of Oath Keepers and give him plans for attack that Oath Keepers did not follow. FBI agents, smashing things and committing violence, to trick Trump supporters into following them into rioting.

But again, of over 100,000 Trump supporters, only about 600 went inside the Capitol that day (many of them, ON VIDEO, welcomed in by police with doors held wide open for them) , 90% of them only "trespassing", and only about 60 involved in rioting, violence or vandalism.
And of that 60, "at least 20" were FBI agents provacateur. (As DOCUMENTED in the FBI's own reports as "un-indicted co-conspirators".)
And another 20 were John Earle Sullivan and his BLM /Antifa group. (As DOCUMENTED in their own self-incriminating videos on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and elsewhere on the internat.)
So that leaves maybe 20 ACTUAL Trump supporters involved in vandalism, theft, or actual violence.

So that is again the Democrat-fascist FBI and other branches of government, trying to trick and entrap Trump supporters into crimes they never planned to commit. To discredit and destroy their political opposition to the Democrats, abusing the agencies of government to do so. Liberal fascism, cultural Marxism, pure and simple, on full display.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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I noticed you dodged the point of the post, you cultist of orange doofus fascism. Cite where they say the votes are certifiably fraudulent or shut the fuck up, asshole.

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Originally Posted by iggy
You can't even cite where they verbatim said that in the audit report because you know it is a fucking lie you read into it. Cite exactly versus reading into vague ideas of "suspect" or shut your fascist cult asshole. We're over you shitting all over this forum, cultist.

Again, quoted to preserve your own unhinged fanaticism and infantile knee-jerk ranting of insults.
You just can't help yourself. That's just the piece of excrement you're wired to be, at every turn.

We've also already established that it is Democrats who are the fascists who are using government to intimidate and destroy their political opposition, and Democrats who are trying to establish permanent authoritarian (Marxxist) one-party rule. It is Democrats like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Karen Bass, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, on down, almost the entire Democrat-Bolshevik party, who worship Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Che Gueverra, Castro, Saul Alinsky and other power-grabbing marxist radicals.
Not only admire, but emulate their tactics in their own attempts to seize absolute power in the U.S.

That's not a "lie" that is what I've seen said in interviews by the leaders of the audit themselves. I saw Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan outline these details just this afternoon on OAN's program Weekly Briefing, interviewed by Christina Bobb. So once again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Just wishful thinking and pure slander on your part.

Maricopa County forensic election audit report, as posted on their own website

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Originally Posted by iggy
I noticed you dodged the point of the post, you cultist of orange doofus fascism. Cite where they say the votes are certifiably fraudulent or shut the fuck up, asshole.

Are you 12 years old?
That is the level of intelligence of what I see in what you post.

And again, there is no evidence you can cite that Trump or his supporters are "fascist".
But plenty of evidence that you and the Democrat-Bolsheviks you support are in fact the true fascists. Which I have already cited just a sampling of.

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Fraudulent votes is used zero times in their own fucking report, you fascist piece of shit. You read into what you want it to say because you are a fucking cultist. Again, you can't cite shit because you take cultist directives from your orange messiah and his cult leaders like the Soros morons you screed about on the regular. Fuck you, you fascist piece of shit. To quote Willy Wonka, "You lose. You have nothing."

Fucktard cultist bitch, go die in a fucking fire with your unproven bullshit alternative facts. No one likes you here. You killed the fucking board. And, you probably come here to vent your spleen because you've also alienated most all IRL friends and family. Fuck you, you fascist piece of shit. Go fucking die.

I have nothing but contempt for you. No pity. MEM, at least, tried to have that. You are nothing but a fascist turd that deserves to rot in history's dustbin, you fucking braindead loser cultist. Fuck you.

My entire point of coming around here is nothing more than reminding you of reality because I can tell by the screeds you go into that it fucking hurts.

Deal with it, cultist.

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The most important line of your precious audit:

"Actual results in other environments may vary."

They know it all means shit other than getting some taxpayer funds, you fuckheaded cultist.

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Other than that all the conclusions show no proof of anything being found that was claimed in the original case. It is all made up, but you are a fucking cultist asshole and so you don't believe it. You lose. Again and again and again. Like your orange turd-god. Fuck you, you fascist moron.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Other than that all the conclusions show no proof of anything being found that was claimed in the original case. It is all made up, but you are a fucking cultist asshole and so you don't believe it. You lose. Again and again and again. Like your orange turd-god. Fuck you, you fascist moron.

Originally Posted by iggy
The most important line of your precious audit:

"Actual results in other environments may vary."

They know it all means shit other than getting some taxpayer funds, you fuckheaded cultist.
Originally Posted by iggy
Fraudulent votes is used zero times in their own fucking report, you fascist piece of shit. You read into what you want it to say because you are a fucking cultist. Again, you can't cite shit because you take cultist directives from your orange messiah and his cult leaders like the Soros morons you screed about on the regular. Fuck you, you fascist piece of shit. To quote Willy Wonka, "You lose. You have nothing."

Fucktard cultist bitch, go die in a fucking fire with your unproven bullshit alternative facts. No one likes you here. You killed the fucking board. And, you probably come here to vent your spleen because you've also alienated most all IRL friends and family. Fuck you, you fascist piece of shit. Go fucking die.

I have nothing but contempt for you. No pity. MEM, at least, tried to have that. You are nothing but a fascist turd that deserves to rot in history's dustbin, you fucking braindead loser cultist. Fuck you.

My entire point of coming around here is nothing more than reminding you of reality because I can tell by the screeds you go into that it fucking hurts.

Deal with it, cultist.

A lot of words and namecalling that add up to exactly this:


You're just a troll piece of shit who's looking for a bite.

I tried reason and sourced information, but no matter how many links and sourced information I provide, I just get more infantile namecalling and defiance. You don't provide any facts or counter-information, all you basically say is "in my opinion this LOOKS untrue."

All the jerking around and lawsuits and withheld flash-drives and splunk logs, and missing passwords, and the fact that Maricopa County's election board couldn't even independently verify their reported election results from Nov 3rd 2020. They took Dominion's reported election tabulation results on scout's honor, with no independent verification.

All these things, that I SOURCED AND LINKED, are highly suspicious, and they found votes that violated election law of over 55,000, that add up to 4 or 5 times Biden's margin of victory.

Thanks for playing. Dipshit.

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You can't show in the official audit report where they said shit about that because they did not say it officially. That's why it carries little weight. You just heard it from the ordained pastors of the church of your orange doofus messiah and accept it as fact. You are a sad loser that needs to find meaning in being a political bottom feeder conspiracy theorist. It is sad, dude, but--more importantly--it is fucking stupid and you should feel stupid.

Last edited by iggy; 2021-10-17 9:45 PM.
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Originally Posted by iggy
You can't show in the official audit report where they said shit about that because they did not say it officially. That's why it carries little weight. You just heard it from the ordained pastors of the church of your orange doofus messiah and accept it as fact. You are a sad loser that needs to find meaning in being a political bottom feeder conspiracy theorist. It is sad, dude, but--more importantly--it is fucking stupid and you should feel stupid.

I posted a PDF of the complete report !
They said that approximately 57,000 votes clearly violated election rules, that they were people who had moved away and no longer lived in the state, false names with fake addresses, on and on. NOT eligible to vote, PERIOD. Votes that should not have been counted, that are 5 times Biden's victory margin. You make up fake contexts that don't exist.

BLA BLA BLA doofus, BLA BLA BLA orahge man bad, BLA BLA BLA profanity and more insults.


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They don't even pinpoint which votes, you ass. They could be for Trump, write-ins, or anything else. They could be fine, but Cyber Ninjas erred in flagging them (something Cyber Ninjas say themselves in the report, asshat). He lost. Get over it, you cultist moron.

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Here is a nice little tweet quoting from Francis Fukuyama nailing your ass years ago for what you are.

Last edited by iggy; 2021-10-17 10:06 PM.
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Originally Posted by iggy
They don't even pinpoint which votes, you ass. They could be for Trump, write-ins, or anything else. They could be fine, but Cyber Ninjas erred in flagging them (something Cyber Ninjas say themselves in the report, asshat). He lost. Get over it, you cultist moron.

We both know they are Democrat votes, the voter fraud in every county, in every state, is ALWAYS overwhelmingly Democrat.

"BLA BLA BLA cultist, BLA BLA BLA moron, asshat, etc. etc. panic panic "

Your posts are worthless. The report says the 57,000 cited votes were unlawful and should not have been counted, and were 5 times Biden's victory margin.
And they referred it to the Arizona attorney general, for further investigation and prosecution, to subpoena the election information that was denied to the election auditors: flash drives, passwords, keys, splunk logs. That with subpoenas and legal authority, the Arizona AG can demand.

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You are in a fucking cult of boredom at liberal democracy's success, you vile failure in need of struggle.

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Once again, you say they "have to be." No the fuck they don't. He lost, clown. Deal with it.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Here is a nice little tweet quoting from Francis Fukuyama nailing your ass years ago for what you are.

This square hole to your square peg is going to be getting a lot of traction because it explain you to perfection, you cultist clown.

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Originally Posted by Iggy
cry panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc. cry panic

Originally Posted by WB
My cited evidence, vs. your easily disproven lies. The sources I've cited are telling the facts.

The liberal media you guys cite have been proven to be liars over and over.
They OPENLY BOAST that factual journalism "is over-rated", and that their job is to prop up the Democrat narrative and slander Trump any way they can.

How many times do I have to beat you morons over the head with the facts:

Award-winning old-school journalist Sharyl Attkiisson, citing an hour of examples of anti-Trump/anti-Republican media bias

Your unhinged liberal cultism is put on display by the facts you ignore, even as you try to perpetuate another false narrative, that conservatives and other independent thinkers are "cultists" for rejecting the clearly false narrative and exhibiting critical thinking.
But you cling to liberal media lies, even after the ethics and credibility of your mainstream liberal sources have been PROVEN discredited liars, dozens of times over.
And openly say they are proud to be liars, for your Deep State/Democrat cult.

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Dude, keep trying. You're the one angrily trying to get back at "the internet troll." You play yourself to keep from dealing with your cultism. It's laughably stupid and you deserve all the suffering you put yourself through. Go fuck yourself.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Dude, keep trying. You're the one angrily trying to get back at "the internet troll." You play yourself to keep from dealing with your cultism. It's laughably stupid and you deserve all the suffering you put yourself through. Go fuck yourself.

Yet another round of your....

Originally Posted by Iggy
cry panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc. cry panic

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You can't help yourself. That's how devoted you are to not having the cult challenged.

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Originally Posted by iggy
You can't help yourself. That's how devoted you are to not having the cult challenged.

Yet another round of your...

Originally Posted by Iggy
cry panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc. cry panic

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Look at the sad man that alienated an entire board act like everyone else is the problem.

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Yet another round of your...

Originally Posted by Iggy
cry panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc. cry panic

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