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#1236673 2022-11-08 9:56 PM
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here we come!

Expecting Reps to take the House and likely the Senate, but I'm not completely convinced that some of the candidates won't flame out like Angle and others did in 2010. It will be a narrow and rather non-wave win. Nothing will be done for two years. There will be plenty of investigations and hearings that go at least as nowhere as most Democrat ones have though. So...there's that waste of taxpayer dollars.

Can you really go from jaded to disappointed? That's the way I figure a lot of independents and swing voters are going to feel from 2022 to 2024.

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The most suspicious race is in Arizona, Kari Lake vs Katie Hobbs, where polls for a month have shown Kari Lake winning by a good margin. And Hobbs was ridiculously awful and incompetent in her debate and other public appearances. And then the voting machine problems today, and all of a sudden Hobbs is winning by 57% ?!?!

I haven't boasted about a coming Republican landslide, because the 2020 election should have been a landslide for Trump, but for all the detailed suspicious inconsistencies I cited, that election was clearly rigged.
And if they could rig 2020, they could rig 2022. Or at least rig it to give Republicans a trickle instead of a landslide. And I suspect, will save the more audacious election rigging for 2024.

There are still a lot of uncalled races tonight, but let's just start with the fact that Democrats are suspiciously doing a lot better on election night than the polls, and the trajectory of the polls that has increasingly favored Republicans up to election day, indicated they had any chance of doing.
As I write this, Republicans are still expected to take the House narrowly by a few seats, instead of by 25 seats as has been predicted for the last 3 weeks.
And the senate that should have been a Republican victory by 51 or 52 seats, or more, is on election night thinning to barely 50 or 51.
Highly suspicious.

I've also felt that Andrew McCarthy and Mitch McConnell and Ronna McDaniel (Romney's neice) have been tepid and undermined their own party in the months up to the election, and many pundits have said they (as establishment Republicans) were perfectly willing to remain House and Senate minority parties, rather than fund vigorous Trump / MAGA candidates who had a real shot of winning majorities in both houses, if these Republican leaders would only have given them GOP funding and support to win.

Same when Paul Ryan was House minority leader in 2018, when Ryan undermined both his party and Trump in the months up to 2018 election, doing very little to position his party to win. Tucker Carlson has been railing on McCarthy for years as a corrupt ineffective establishment Republican who doesn't defend the will of Republican voters. I was never pleased with McCarthy, and would prefer someone like Jim Jordan as House leader, with the vigor to actually win, and to carry out the will of Republican voters.
I didn't like or trust Ryan. I don't like or trust McCarthy.
And I trust Mitch McConnell even less.

As Laura Ingraham and guests have said over the last 2 weeks on her program, Republicans not only have to win decisively in the mid-term, they need to have the will to make vigorous change if they do win. Reform the FBI and DOJ, reform education and get rid of Critical Race Theory from education and our military, de-fund Democrats' planned expansion of 87,000 more IRS auditors who would harass taxpayers. Vigorously investigate the abuses of FBI and DOJ under Obama and Trump and Biden, and vigorously investigate and prosecute Obama , Trump and Biden officials who abused their power and broke the law, to deter those abuses of federal power from ever happening again.

I hoped for the best in this 2022 election, but I'm already disappointed, and I further question their will to do the right thing, even if Republicans have either narrow or large majorities after tonight.

Nothing crazy "right wing", just the will of the voters who elected them, who want border security and an end to illegal immigration, who DON'T want Republicans to cross the aisle and sign trillions in Democrat legislation that's causing hyperinflation, who want an energy-independent United States and a return to affordable fossil fuel like we had under Trump. Who want Republican leaders who will defend us, instead of establishment Republicans who just step aside at every turn so the marxist/socialist Democrat-Bolsheviks can turn us into an authoritarian one-party state and crush us.
Republican voters elected them to defend us, not to help the Democrats weaponize government against us, not to crush our constitutional republic, not to crush our national sovereignty and energy independence, not to crush our military from within, not to crush our history and our national monuments, not to to passively allow the Democrat Bolsheviks to replace it with a new authoritarian socialist order.

That is what the Democrat/Left has been writing about doing for decades (the Frankfurt School, the sixties revolution, Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals, Cloward and Piven Strategy, Bill and Hillary Clinton's radical reforms, for a while stopped in the 1994 election. Barack Obama's openly stated goal to "radically transform America", and his Democrat-partisaan weaponization of federal agencies during his presidency, of IRS, FBI, DOJ, CIA, ATF, OSHA and even the military leadership. These are not speculations, these are what the Democrat/Left has planned for decades, and what they have visibly actually done.
And if the Republicans will not push back and stop it, who will?
My concern is, no one.
Even after the 2020 election steal, there was no will among the party-controlling Republican establishment to prevent a steal from happening again, and my concern is, this stalled and dissolved "Red wave" is the result".

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Or, and just hear me out, Orange Doofus flavored GOP is as popular outside of deep red America as Defund the Police is outside of San Francisco and the most blue districts of Portland, Oregon.

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I can concede that there are House districts that are clearly not conservative enough for a Trump / MAGA candidate to win, at least not as they campaigned this year.
But there were also many previously deep blue regions that flipped red last night, some after 40 years or more in previous Democrat hands.

I think everyone can agree that the polls were way off, and not at all representative of what actually happened on election night.

Zeldin should have won in New York, over Hochul.
In spite of McConnell pouring millions into funding RINO Murkowski, Tschibaka won in Alaska.
Katie Hobbs should not have had a prayer's chance in Hell against Kari Lake in Arizona. (currently 50.3% Hobbes, 49.7% Lake, less than 30,000 votes apart)
Hershel Walker should have beaten Rafael Warnock. (currently tied at 49% each, likely will go to a run-off election)
Oz should CERTAINLY have beaten incompetent cro-magnon chimp Fetterman.
There were many races that were very close losses by Republicans, and narrow wins.
And others both ways, both Democrats and Republicans, in incredible blowouts, by completely unpredicted huge margins.

This election was all over the place, with no clear pattern, and that's what makes me think that many of these deep blue regions (Arizona in particular, for example) had rigged elections. All the same regions that had rigged elections in 2020. Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada. Some I think Democrats cheated and inflated their totals with fake votes, but not enough to win.

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Currently, the day after the House elections, Democrats have 174 confirmed seats, Republicans 200 confirmed seats.
With 51 House races still too close to call.

In the Senate, Democrats have 48 confirmed Senate seats, and Republicans 48 confirmed Senate seats.
With 4 Senate races still too close to call.

Normally, in any election prior to 2020, all these races would have been called by now. But Democrats have changed the rules to help themselves rig elections, permitting mail-in ballots after the election date, permitting votes post-dated after the election, and other tricks. If early voting begins 2 or 3 weeks before election day in every state, every vote should damn well be received and counted well before election day, and not one vote accepted after election day should be valid. These are Hugo Chaves-style campaign laws.

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“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
--Joseph Stalin

There is some controversy over whether this quote was verifiably attributed to Stalin. But whether Stalin said it in exactly these words, he certainly governed with this philosophy. As do the many Marxist Leftist globalists worldwide who admire and emulate Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Chaves and the like. Which includes a large slice of the Democrat party. As I've quoted repeatedly.

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Within the last 30 minutes, Ron Johnson was called the winner in the Wisconsin Senate race, 50.5% for Johnson, 49.5% for Mandela Barnes.
And as lunatic as Mandela Barnes is, it should never have even been close. The Democrats brought in $100 million in almost all out-of-state funding to prop up Mandela Barnes.

To give some perspective, in the 2000 presidential race between Bush and Gore, the two candidates spent about $50 million each on thir campaigns nationwide. AND THAT was considered obscenely high unprecedented campaign funding. And that's what raised the push for campaign finance reform, and the McCain/Feingold bill, which just brought in even more exponentially higher campaign funding each new cycle.
That's when the Democrat party was taken over by George Soros funded groups (2004) and the far left.
As the head of boasted in an e-mail during the 2004 election: "We bought the Democrat party. We own it."

And the Democrats have gotten increasingly more Bolshevik extremist every 2 years each election since. (One might even say progressively more extremist.)

In all the contested elections this year, the Democrats have spent 60 to 100 million in each state to fund Democrat Senate challengers against Ron Johnson in Wisconsin, Hershel Walker in Georgia, Marco Rubio in Florida, And Oz in Pennsylvania, and the rest. Virtually ALL in donations from out of state, often untraceable dark money. Out-spending Republicans by 5 or 10 to one.
These are not a free and fair elections, these are by any other name a coup, an end run around Constitutional rules, a Bolshevik overthrow, or at least the attempt at one, partially successful.
But the beauty is, despite being enormously outgunned, in many cases the Republicans won anyway. In many cases by huge margins.

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The attempted narrative is that Trump "MAGA" hardline conservative candidates lost. But in a fair race, they would have won. Dick Morris gave the example of Bolduc running in New Hampshire, who campaigned with $ 2 million to spend. But his Democrat opponent, incumbent Maggie Hassan, had over 20 million to campaign with, out-spending Bolduc more than 10 to 1. Imagine if Mitch McConnell had sent just 1 million more in RNC funds to support Bolduc's race. Or if Bolduc and Hassan had been evenly matched in funding.

It's not MAGA or Trump that lost that race, it's being overwhelmingly out-spent, and Bolduc being carpet-bombed to the ground. In combination with not receiving enough support from McConnell and the mainstream of the GOP.

Sen. Ron Johnson in the Wisconsin race is another example. Johnson narrowly won, despite being similarly vastly outmatched in funding. In a race that should have not even been close, should have been an easy victory for Johnson. Even when you have a winning message and a better record, it's difficult to win when you are massively outspent, and bombarded and slandered with endless negative campaign ads, that many don't even have the ability to respond to.

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One of the great triumphs of this election is, it's probably the last we'll ever see of Beto O'Rourke, or Stacey Abrams. Both have consistently lost multiple races, in spite of their incendiary divisive rhetoric and adoration from the liberal media. If only Kamala Harris and Joe Biden could similarly have slithered off quietly into oblivion.

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I'm completely with Mark Levin in his quoted comment. There's something seriously wrong with our election system, that Fetterman could have ever won a Senate election.

Mark R. Levin
Something is very broken in our country when several million people vote to make Fetterman a U.S. senator.

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Wow! I actually agree with that statement too. I'm just blown away by your and Levin's inability to look in the mirror and recognize the broken thing is you.

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Personal insults. Gee, I'm so shocked.

Fetterman's victory has to do with 3 weeks of building a mountain of fake mail-in ballots with early voting, that the Republicans who voted on election day could not overcome. Because Oz voters' same-day votes were real, and the mail-in ballots were not.
It also has to do with people who blindly vote Democrat, no matter what.

And that Fetterman had the Democrat machine campaigning for him, outspending Oz's campaign several times over.

A trend going back multiple elections. I cited back in 2008 that Obama partly won because the amount spent on campaign ads for him in many key regions out-spent McCain by more than 8 to 1.

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So much crying that Pennsylvania chose a Clarence Carter fan over your preferred candidate...cry harder.

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Originally Posted by iggy
So much crying that Pennsylvania chose a Clarence Carter fan over your preferred candidate...cry harder.

I don't know that I was crying, it's just a waste of a Senate seat. And actually a hilarious spectacle, of just how low the Democrat party will go, both the Democrat Pennsylvania voters, and the corrupt Democrat party machine that propped Fetterman up and kept him as a candidate.

Frankly, Dr Oz, while a highly accomplished physician and surgeon and talk show host, with a number of highly successful businesses (and therefore a proven administrator), is a guy just a few years ago who vocally supported Obama and Biden, who very recently became a Republican, and therefore is questionable how well he would represent conservatism as senator. But as I said in a previous post, the same could be said of Kari Lake. And of Trump himself, who in 2015 switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican about a week before he announced his presidential candidacy.

So I wasn't such a huge fan of Oz that I feel any need to "cry" about it.
If there were a Republican in the same position as Fetterman, who had a stroke and was that incoherent, Republicans would pull him and run someone else. That the Democrats are that unprincipled, and would still run him for office, and a Democrats who would still VOTE FOR a guy with the mental ability of an eggplant, is almost worth it in how low it manifests the Democrat party to be.

Likewise with Joe Biden. That the Democrat party has stooped this low twice in less than 2 years. And that Democrat voters went along with it, twice. That's almost worth it, just to show what a bottom-feeding morally bankrupt absolutely unprincipled party the Democrats have become. Although there's been a similar corrupt lack of principles on display through FDR, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden, for damn near 90 years now.

Oh, and Woodrow Wilson was a racist who undid all the post-Civil War protections for black America and removed blacks from government jobs, shut down newspapers and jailed political opponents, twisted the meaning of the Constitution and our national purpose, putting us on the path of being an interventionist nation for "defending democracy" in nations worldwide instead of just defending our own hemisphere and nation and avoiding foreign entanglements , as was our original national mission. Wilson started the Federal Reserve and federal income taxes (all government costs up till then were paid for by tariffs on imported foreign goods, no federal income taxes for citizens till then, "progressive" income tax introduced) and started the nation on its path of national decline.
Expanded by FDR and the others I mentioned. It was FDR who vastly expanded government spending and using "earmarks" of federal spending to buy off politicians and states in future elections. And FDR who tried to completely stack the U.S. Supreme Court, but those with a conscience in his own party were disgusted by the attempt and prevented it. Clearly, the current Democrat leadership are not that principled.

So.. yeah, it's outrageous that Fetterman could be run by the Democrats, and even further beyond the pale that Fetterman could actually win (either by rigged mail-in ballots, or by a large number of completely unprincipled Democrat voters), but he's one Senate legislator of 100.
Unlike our corrupt idiot president who has the power to unleash 87,000 more IRS agents, or start a war in Ukraine, or start a nuclear war, or destroy our energy independence, or enslave us to China, with pretty much just the stroke of a pen. Or weaponize the DOJ and FBI against his political opposition.
So I'm keeping it in perspective. And it's still possible that Republicans could still end up with a 51-seat Senate majority. Without Fetterman.

And regardless, Fetterman is a badge of shame the Democrats will be wearing for a very long time. I suspect his election will boomerang and inflict buyers' remorse on the Democrats who voted for him, just like Biden has.

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Following up on my above comment about Democrats outspending Republicans by 5 or10 to one...

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, May 19, 2018
I don't think we ever discussed it before, but Trump spent roughly half of what Hillary did in the 2016 election, and still beat her by a wide margin.


by Jacob Pramuk, Staff Reporter
Wed, 9 Nov 2016

Donald Trump threw out campaign spending conventions as he stormed his way to the American presidency.

The businessman racked up 278 electoral votes as of Wednesday morning, versus 228 for Clinton, with three states still not called by NBC News.

Trump did so with thin traditional campaign spending. His chaotic and often divisive campaign drew constant eyeballs, earning him billions of dollars in free media and allowing him to spend comparatively little on television ads and ground operations.

His campaign committee spent about $238.9 million through mid-October, compared with $450.6 million by Clinton's. That equals about $859,538 spent per Trump electoral vote, versus about $1.97 million spent per Clinton electoral vote.

Those numbers do not include spending from Oct. 20 to Election Day.

While Trump's campaign increased its spending on television ads in its final election push, it still used the traditional outreach tool much less than Clinton's did. As of late October, Clinton spent's campaign spent about $141.7 million on ads, compared with $58.8 million for Trump's campaign, according to NBC News.

That disparity extended to campaign payrolls. For example, Clinton's campaign had about 800 people on payroll at the end of August, versus about 130 for Trump's. Democrats often have larger ground operations than Republicans.

Still, it wasn't just Clinton who heavily outspent Trump. He shelled out much less money than other recent nominees, as well.

Through mid-October 2012, the campaigns of President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney spent $630.8 million and $360.7 million, respectively.

Obama's campaign also spent about $593.9 million through mid-October 2008. Sen. John McCain's 2008 campaign actually spent less than Trump, about $216.8 million through mid-October.

If anyone recalls, I cited the NY Times after the 2008 election, that Obama outspent McCain in key battleground regions at rates of 4-to-1, and in some areas 8-to-1 or more.

Yet Trump spent far less than Hillary in 2016, and by smartly placing his resources, achieved a landslide electoral victory.

It seems like "Orange Doofus" knew how to run a more successful campaign in 2016, while spending less.
As opposed to the current Republican leadership, who apparently don't.

As Tucker Carlson said the night after the election on Nov 9th (linked above), Andrew McCarthy, Mitch McConnell and Rhonna McDaniel were given hundreds of millions of dollars to paint the map red, and they didn't. And if they had that much to plan victory with and couldn't, they should be replaced by people who can.

If the media are about 92% hyper-partisan Democrat-zealot Democrat activists PRETENDING to be neutral media reporters griunding their elbow into the scale, the Republicans need to find a way to circumnavigate that, as Trump did.

If the Democrats control and rig the state voting systems, as they have in the state systems in 2020 of Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia, then Republicans have to find a way to match and circumvent that, to reach parity with Democrats in future elections. Pretending there isn't a problem, and Republican elected leaders being too afraid of being called an "election denier" to fix it, isn't going to make the problem go away.
Now here we are with the same result in 2022. All the same states are manifesting the same crooked manipulation of the vote, and slow-walking the ballot count to try and find a way to cheat and allow the Democrat to win. If Republicans don't use every ounce of their power and vigor to challenge this corrupt system with the small gains they make in the Nov 2022 elections, nothing will change in 2024 either.

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Dude, you and Trump sound as deranged with your "rigged election" shit as Abrams sounds about "voter suppression." Get it through your thick skull: Orange Doofus is toxic and his last minute "it's all about me" show reminded people of why they shouldn't vote for the likes of Masters and Laxalt. As for the wait for results, read the fucking election rules, you fucking rube.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Dude, you and Trump sound as deranged with your "rigged election" shit as Abrams sounds about "voter suppression." Get it through your thick skull: Orange Doofus is toxic and his last minute "it's all about me" show reminded people of why they shouldn't vote for the likes of Masters and Laxalt. As for the wait for results, read the fucking election rules, you fucking rube.

For almost a day you were keeping your Tourrette's Syndrome and angry childish insults in check. Too bad it couldn't last. You fucking rube.

I don't see where Trump is the same issue as Laxalt and Blake Masters. They're three separate people, with three different personal styles, campaigning with priority given to different issues. The only relation to Trump is that he endorsed them, because they aren't Marxists or establishment Republicans, and want to truly represent and protect the people who elect them. Border security, stop illegal immigration, supporting law enforcement, 2nd Amendment rights.

And I've literally posted hundreds of links to sourced evidence of foul play in the 2020 election.

And over the last 20 years, links to many other forms of Democrat election fraud, in the millions of fake votes each cycle, over the longer haul. Not to mention Democrats using federal agencies like the FBI and IRS to attack their political opposition, going back to Obama, Clinton, LBJ, JFK, and FDR. And before those agencies were formed, by other forms of authoritarianism under Woodrow Wilson.

Oh, and by the way...

[Linked Image from]


[Linked Image from]

Plus thousands of affidavits by deposed witnesses to election fraud by the DNC and Dominion voting systems, in multiple states. Plus the hearings held by state House and Senate members in the 6 contested states. Plus multiple court rulings and judges in multiple states (and yes, there were some that went against Trump and the Republicans, but many also validated and gave legitimacy to election fraud charges.)

Plus multiple former military information warfare and cyber-security experts like Col. Phil Waldron who testified, and other private-sector computer forensics and cyber-security experts, including those who warned Texas not to purchase Dominion voting machines (on their recommendation, Texas didn't), and tried to also warn other states, and warn DHS, the Federal Elections Commission, the FBI and other agencies, all of whom they testiified ignored warnings and seemed to actually want election fraud to happen. Gee, why would FBI not act to protect elections?

Dominion shared office space with Soros-backed leftist groups, and ALL Dominion employees on social media manifested themselves to be ultra far left, enthusiatically supported BLM, Antifa, and some even worked previously for the Clinton Foundation. Oh yeah, these people have NO reason to undermine neutral and fair elections, and to instead make the election favor the Democrats. (Dominion security systems head Eric Coomer: "Trump won't win, I made fucking sure of that." ) And once the public became aware of their leftist bias, every Dominion employee scrubbed their social media accounts of evidence.

Add to that the evidence of Democrat bias and plotting against Trump inside the FBI and DOJ.
And also the January 5 2017 oval office meeting of Obama, Biden and the 5 other most powerful cabinet members in the Obama administration, where they plotted the framing and destruction of Michael Flynn. Or the many Democrat partisan hate-filled texts between Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith and many other heads of the FBI.
(LISA PAGE: Trump isn't going to become president... right? RIGHT?!?
STRZOK: No. No he won't. We will stop it.)

But yeah... there's ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF Democrats are rigging elections...

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Man, that's a whole wall of text to say, "I can't mentally handle my political beliefs being less popular than inflation." You do you though...

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Originally Posted by iggy
Man, that's a whole wall of text to say, "I can't mentally handle my political beliefs being less popular than inflation." You do you though...

No, asshole, that's a whole wall of INVESTIGATION and EVIDENCE that the 2020 and 2022 elections, and multiple other elections, have been rigged and stolen by Democrats.

Witnesses, evidence, and a consistent pattern where Republicans win, and then because of Democrat-controlled election vote counting, the process is dragged out, and at the last minute Democrats pull fake ballots out of a magic hat and allege the Democrat opponent narrowly won.

The irregularities are beyond belief. In any European election these things would not be permitted.
If any other country did what the Democrats are consistently doing, our State Department and the U.N. would call it a rigged and unfair election.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
panic panic panic panic panic

They are telling you what you want to hear, you psycho hoser. Crime waves are more popular than your politics. Fact.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy (fake-scripted again by Iggy, because that tired schtick is all he's got)
panic panic panic panic panic

They are telling you what you want to hear, you psycho hoser. Crime waves are more popular than your politics. Fact.

The sourced evidence speaks for itself, despite your infantile insults and B.S.
You can't win the debate, so, like the defiant child you are, you just lash out at what you can't debate logically.

Thank you for again proving me right , proving what a lying malicious piece of human garbage you are.

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The evidence is weak innuendo, loser. Enjoy costing the GOP a red wave against crime, inflation, and an elderly dementia patient beholden to China. You earned this!

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Originally Posted by iggy
The evidence is weak innuendo, loser. Enjoy costing the GOP a red wave against crime, inflation, and an elderly dementia patient beholden to China. You earned this!

Wow. I think even an 8 year old could have written a more articulate post.

Originally Posted by Iggy
cry panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc. cry panic

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You, Dinesh, and Mollie have nothing but innuendo and salty tears. Cope.

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Originally Posted by iggy
You, Dinesh, and Mollie have nothing but innuendo and salty tears. Cope.

Says a hate-filled moron, who has probably never seriously weighed the evidence they've presented.

Because you're an unhinged, petty, spiteful moron.
Seek psychological counseling. Seriously.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
You, Dinesh, and Mollie have nothing but innuendo and salty tears. Cope.

Says a hate-filled moron, who has probably never seriously weighed the evidence they've presented.

Because you're an unhinged, petty, spiteful moron.
Seek psychological counseling. Seriously.

Ha! Loser can't cope with being a loser. Sad!

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
You, Dinesh, and Mollie have nothing but innuendo and salty tears. Cope.

Says a hate-filled moron, who has probably never seriously weighed the evidence they've presented.

Because you're an unhinged, petty, spiteful moron.
Seek psychological counseling. Seriously.

Ha! Loser can't cope with being a loser. Sad!

translated from the language the infants speak on Planet Iggy:

Originally Posted by Iggy
panic panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopyface. Fuck you, fuck your mother, asshat, doofuss, loser, salty tears, cope, etc, etc.

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Keep crying as Trump drags the party to hell...

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Originally Posted by iggy
Keep crying as Trump drags the party to hell...

Keep crying about my alleged crying.

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You have multiple harangues in multiple threads about an innuendo filled accusation of voter fraud because your candidates suck. Yes, that's crying.

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Orange Doofus seemingly costs GOP Senate as Cortez-Masto passes Laxalt with latest count report. CNN already projecting win as FoxNews talks about plane crash.

Last edited by iggy; 2022-11-12 10:42 PM. Reason: Autocorrect
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Fox calls it for Cortez-Masto. Trumpers lose GOP the Senate. Pick turds, like they did when they took over the Tea Party, that flame out in the general.

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Originally Posted by iggy
You have multiple harangues in multiple threads about an innuendo filled accusation of voter fraud because your candidates suck. Yes, that's crying.

Actually, only the the Nov 2022 mid-term election topic I created, and the only other places I commented is this topic YOU created (because you apparently couldn't hyperventilate in the Mid-Term topic I already created) and then in several other topics where YOU raised the issue and I just responded. Dipshit.

While I went out and had a life, you sat here and made multiple posts over the last few hours to gloat and try to shit-stir while I was away.
I came home about 35 minutes ago and saw Fox in an after-commercial newsbrief said the Fox "election desk" just called the election for incumbent Democrat Senator Catherine Cortez-Masto, and against Republican challenger Adam Laxalt. That was about 9:45 PM tonight, and I'm posting this at 10:25 PM (for some reason RKMB is time-stamping posts with a time I don't recognize.)

Originally Posted by Iggy
YAY! I support Democrat-Bolshevism and the destruction of America!
I also support ballot harvesting, fake mail-in ballots, and whatever methods of cheating the Democrats use.
Whatever serves the Revolution !

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Dude, you've whored yourself for the big lie since 2020.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Dude, you've whored yourself for the big lie since 2020.

No, you're a liar with no serious point or supporting facts. There is abundant evidence of 2020 election fraud, and really, fraud in every election by Democrats, in topics going back here for roughly 20 years, cited and linked by abundant sources, and not just by me.

Al Franken stole his election to become Senator.
Martha McSally lost to Kirsten Sinema because the election was rigged and prolonged, until fake ballots pushed Sinema over the top.
True The Vote has been tracking election fraud and fake registrations for at least 15 years.

There's a world of facts out there, outside your liberal bubble, if you had the integrity to actually look at them, instead of gloating for the authoritarian liars who are trying to destroy this country.
You indoctrinated moron.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I'm not angry and deflecting. You are!


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Originally Posted by Iggy
panic panic Insults, anger and profanity-laden hyperventilating.

But WB is the one angry and deflecting. No really, he is! HE IS !! panic panic


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Likes: 24 broken over Lake flaming out that all he can muster is a mimic post. To loosely quote DeSantis, "Look at the fucking scoreboard, loser." :D

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Originally Posted by iggy broken over Lake flaming out that all he can muster is a mimic post. To loosely quote DeSantis, "Look at the fucking scoreboard, loser." :D

It's hilarious you complain about me making a "mimic post" of you.
That's pretty much the only game in your piddly bag of tricks.

And by the way, Republicans have a majority now in the House.
They'll be de-funding Democrat-Bolshevik over-reaches, and launching investigations of Democrat corruption on the Southern Border, in Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, the Democrat weaponization of the FBI, DOJ and IRS, and many other corruptions the House Democrats have protected from investigation. Democrats also won't be able to rubber-stamp more trillions in legislation now.
I'm not 100% behind the current Republican leadership, but it's a great comfort for the entire nation that the Democrat-Bolsheviks no longer hold all the power.
And as Mark Levin detailed, the 2024 field looks even better for the Republicans, especially for Trump-conservative Republicans, who will replace RINOs with actual conservatives who truly represent the voters.

nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana
nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana
nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana

Cry harder, loser.

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Or, you've been licked and are just too dumb to realize it. Levin is another person whose sole purpose is to make money by telling you what you want to hear.

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