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I haven’t taken a deep plunge into the indictment but enough where I understand why I see virtually no legal defense by his supporters. Years and years of trying to lock up whoever was the top democrat and here’s Trump being very guilty and stupidly so.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2023-08-22 7:41 PM. Reason: Changed title to avoid confusion between criminal indictments)

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Yeah, that's pretty much what I'd expect someone with a Trump-hating leftist ideology to say.
You keep telling yourself that.

The truth is, DOJ and FBI, on far more blatant examples of illegally stealing or retaining classified records, in the examples of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton (the latter of whom bleachbitted and destroyed over 30,000 federally subpoenaed records amid an FBI investigation !!
*AND* destroyed 7 cel phones with subpoenaed records) .
Bill Richardson (who smuggled out records in his pants), also destroying records.
John Kerry.
Joint Chiefs chairman Mike Millie, who ratted out military secrets to the Chinese, and promised to inform the Chinese if the U.S. was going to attack them. And he still wasn't even fired!
None of that warrants criminal indictment, or even a legitimate investigation.

But then --whiplash!!-- all of a sudden the FBI and DOJ MAKE UP new bogus charges to aggressively indict Trump. Just by the wildest coincidence, when he is by far surpassing every Republican primary candidate, and in recent polls beating Joe Biden by a good margin.

For those of us who aren't Democrat-Bolsheviks, this Trump indictment by FBI and DOJ is clearly election interference, and weaponizing of federal DOJ, FBI, intelligence and other federal agencies, to rig another election against Republicans.
Yet again.

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A DOJ (and subsidiary FBI) who donate an overwhelming 97% to Democrats, by the way.

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Hiding classified documents and lying and refusing to hand them over isn’t bogus. Trump deserves a fair trial but what I can tell from the evidence that’s a problem for him.

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Trump btw is the guy who regularly started his rallies with “lock her up” and pushed his Justice Department to go not only Clinton but also Biden. “Lock her up” became “lock him up”. Accusing the other side of what you’re actually doing sound familiar to you WB?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Hiding classified documents and lying and refusing to hand them over isn’t bogus. Trump deserves a fair trial but what I can tell from the evidence that’s a problem for him.

That might have the slightest credibility if DOJ and FBI had in over 30 years, pursued charges of espionage or top secret records violations against Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, on and on. Democrats (like their brethren in the 97% Democrat-donating FBI and DOJ) always seem to go completely free of investigation or prosecution, even in egregious cases of abuse and treason.
For example, Peter Strzok openly boasted he changed the wording of the statement James Comey wrote about Hillary Clinton's crimes eliminating the term "gross negligence" (which is a crime punishable by years in federal prison) to "extreme carelessness" (which is NOT a crime).
Strzok is a fanatic Democrat zealot.
Comey is a fanatic Democrat zealot.
And McCabe.
And Clinesmith.
I am he and he is me and we are all together. Against the Republicans.

By whatever illicit means. Which now includes "lawfare", the weaponization of the law against Republicans, burying them in groundless and frivolous lawsuits.
And conversely, protecting guilty as hell Democrats from any investigation or prosecution.

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Another treasonous example that occurs to me is during the post-1984 election period, where Reagan was negotiating a reduction of nuclear arms, and tensions, with the Soviet Union.

Ted Kennedy and the Democrats met secretly with the Russians, and encouraged them not to negotiate an agreement with the Reagan administration, that Democrats would give them a better deal later. Which endangered every American, and every human on the planet, just so Democrats in their mind could leverage some kind of short-term political advantage. To the detriment and destruction of the nation.

At every turn over decades, Democrats in political leadership position cynically think of only of how to leverage political power by the most vicious tactics available to them, NOT of the best interests of the American people. Whether they people in question are Democrat supporters who are white middle class, laborer working class, black, hispanic, gay, legal immigrants, illegal immigrants, whatever, Democrats look at them as disposable cannon fodder. Who will mindlessly vote Democrat NO MATTER WHAT the Democrat-Bolsheviks in power do.

It is an absolute fact that all these groups were better off under a Trump presidency than under any other presidency in 50 years, Democrat or Republican.
That is an absolute quantifiable fact. Lower unemployment, return of the industrial base to the United States that was previously offshored to southeast Asia (a feat Obama said Trump would have to "wave a magic wand to accomplish, but Trump did it), the highest ratio of home-ownership for blacks ever recorded, the lowest unemployment for blacks, hispanics, women and people under 25 ever recorded, re-built our military, re-negotiated trade agreements worldwide with virtually all our trading partners in the U.S. favor, secured the U.S. southern border and virtually stopped illegal immigration for the first time in over 40 years, vastly lowered the price of gas, and made the U.S. oil-independent and a net exporter of oil and natural gas for the first time in 71 years.
All of which Joe Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks were quick to destroy the moment they seized power in Jan 2021.

AGAIN: The ultimate goal of the Democrats, which many say openly, is to utterly destroy the Republican party ("to destroy it so completely it can never come back" --Jennifer Rubin, N Y Times) . To establish a Marxist/Socialist one-party system, to unleash authoritarian power over every aspect of Americans' lives, because y'know, our Constitutional republic is built on racist atrocities and inherently evil, so the sooner we abolish it and replace it with a Marxist/Socialist system the better, because it has no right to exist ( --Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar, Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren, on and on, pretty much the entire top shelf of the Democrat-Bolshevik party. )

They want to take away the children of Republican conservatives and have them raised by HHS appointed foster parents.
( --one of PBS's lead attorneys, who PBS initially tried to say was "misrepresented" by his video-recorded Project Veritas -interviewed remarks. And when that was blatantly untrue and didn't work, they reluctantly fired the attorney and gave lip service to not endording his ideology, despite that they did. )

Multiple other gay /trans / satanist / ultra-leftist Democrats (as revealed in their own publicly posted video statements, collected by the "libs of Tik-Tok"website, similarly expressed the idea that "We will take away your children" hijack them out from under you, indoctrinate them in your schools, and brainwash them to reject your ideology and turn on you.

Former Bill Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich, publicly stated that former Trump administration officials should be forced to confess their crimes in televised show trials along the lines of those that occurred in the Soviet Union and in Communist China. Which again underscores the hate and fanaticism of the Democrat-Left, and their allegiance to authoritarian communist ideas, as are virtually everyone who worked in the Bill Clinton administration, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton's state department and the Clinton Foundation, or the current Biden administration,
ALL SHARE a worship of Communist/Leftist radicals like the Soviet Union, Communist China, Castro's Cuba, Hugo Chavez's Venezuela, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the genocidal Che Gueverra, domestic radical Saul Alinsky (who both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama openly worshipped and proselytized their ideology to others. )

These are the regimes and genocidal people these Democrat leaders admire and emulate. How can you, M E M, or any other Democrat deny that the genocidal Marxist fanaticism they worship is EXACTLY what they plan to replace our Constitutional republic with?
Many Democrats and grassroots leftists have said exactly this, in their own videotaped and written words.

Which by the way, perfectly duplicates the talking points of the Chinese Communist government, and the Russian government, in the ideological disinformation they spread in the United States and Europe, to try to undermine and overthrow our Western governments.

The talking points YOUR SIDE, the Democrat-Bolsheviks, eagerly buy into and spread. Since the Vietnam war era, these hostile foreign governments have even secretly funded these Marxist front groups, such as the Black Panthers, the Students for a Democratic Society (of which the Obamas and the Clintons were active members) , and more recently Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the Open Borders movements.
So un-American, they are funded by hostile foreign governments.

The violent insurrectionists who burn cities and tear down national monuments, that the Democrat party doesn't criticize and openly ENDORSES. ( --A O-C again, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS, on and on, not one Democrat condemns these attacks on our country.)

NANCY PELOSI: "I don't care about statues..."

KAMALA HARRIS (on Antifa and BLM burning cities and looting 600 cities) : "They're going to keep up the pressure right until election day. They're not going to stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop..."
Kamala Harris also paid to a fund to bail out violent BLM/Antifa rioters, so they could quickly get out of jail and do even more damage.

And still you support them, and try to label the Republican-conservative and Trump people who would stop them, as if THEY are the ones who are evil and corrupt.

wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall

How can I make you see the obvious, and make you reject the Bolshevik fanatics you so loyally support?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump btw is the guy who regularly started his rallies with “lock her up” and pushed his Justice Department to go not only Clinton but also Biden. “Lock her up” became “lock him up”. Accusing the other side of what you’re actually doing sound familiar to you WB?

Except Trump didn't actually do it, or even attempt to investigate or jail Hillary Clinton.

Whereas the Democrat-Bolsheviks are really going for blood.

A few years ago, I looked up all the Watergate burglars and officials involved in the break-in and cover-up. Some only did a few days in jail, or two weeks in jail, some 6 months, some did 2 years, and the longest was Gordon Liddy who did about 7 and 1/2 years of a 20 year sentence (because he refused to cooperate with investigators or rat on anyone, and was thus given the maximum sentence. And it was actually Jimmy Carter who early in his presidency pardoned Godon Liddy, because his sentence was so disproportionately long relative to others involved.
President Carter also pardoned Liddy, the last still in jail, to put an end to the Watergate chapter of U.S. history, and let the entire nation move on.
I figured that that averaged out, the Watergate criminals served out an average of about 18 months in jail.

Compare that to the malicious prosecutions of Trump and other officials, where in each case (Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, George Pappadapoulos, Jerome Corsi, and Trump himself, among others) where in each case the DOJ and FBI maliciously prosecuted and stacked on charges way disproportionate to the crime, effectively trying to make each one serve a life sentence in jail. That is as vicious as it gets, way out of proportion to anything they are accused of. Often just process crimes, made up perjury traps, deliberately manufactured by the FBI.
Is that right, M E M.
Is that fair?

That was rhetorical. No, it absolutely is not.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Again not seeing an actual defense for what Trump is being charged with. You know in the courtroom that is what Trump will have to actually present. And I don’t honestly see how he does it looking at the indictment. But out of curiosity do you still feel Clinton should have been locked up? Did it bother you when Trump joined in with the chants? Or when he tried to get the DOJ to help him overturn the election after he lost?

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Wondy won't listen to reason. Hell, I don't expect he listens to much of anything with substance from the text wall screeds he posts.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Except Trump didn't actually do it, or even attempt to investigate or jail Hillary Clinton.

Whereas the Democrat-Bolsheviks are really going for blood.

Seriously, this is the most poignant thing you have ever posted. It was never serious to you. It was all a fucking game until your guy went overboard. Now, fuck accountability. Balls to the wall illegality from our political overlords lest someone has to bear responsibility for shit behavior while the other side is in office. Fuck you. You are everything you claim everyone you don't like to be. You are a horrible person and need a better fucking hobby, you deluded fanboy of the cult of politics.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Again not seeing an actual defense for what Trump is being charged with. You know in the courtroom that is what Trump will have to actually present. And I don’t honestly see how he does it looking at the indictment. But out of curiosity do you still feel Clinton should have been locked up? Did it bother you when Trump joined in with the chants? Or when he tried to get the DOJ to help him overturn the election after he lost?

I think Hillary Clinton is absolutely guilty of financing the "Russia Dossier" (which is to say, her campaign giving millions of dollars directly to Russian intelligence agents, EXACTLY the "Russia collusion" her campaign falsely accused Donald Trump and agents of his campaign and administration of being involved in.

In retrospect, it may have been wise of Trump (in 2017-2020 as president) not to have ordered his A.G. and DOJ to investigate Hillary. But certainly, Trump should have ordered a bipartisan independent special investigation into the Russia Dossier and election interference.

And with it investigate the DNC's part in funding the Russia Dossier, investigate the Obama administration's knowledge and participation (particularly the 7 who participated in an Oval Office meeting of Obama himself, then-V.P. Biden, Clapper, Comey, and the others, who plotted to set up and destroy Michael Flynn), and in the plot to frame Trump and others in his administration and top officials of the FBI, DOJ and CIA for "Russia collusion".

And to investigate Rep. Peter Schiff, and other Democrats in the House and Senate, for deliberately manipulating and selectively releasing documents, to knowingly create an APPEARANCE of guilt by Trump, to FALSELY scandalize and cripple his presidency, while these Democrat leaders ABSOLUTELY knew the evidence proved Trump and his staff innocent, way before those closed-hearing transcripts were finally released, first by DNI Richard Grenell, and then more completely by successor DNI John Ratcliffe.
Released transcripts that absolutely and unquestionably proved Trump's innocence
And absolutely proved the lies in the comments and testimony of Adam Schiff, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, and others, who all in CNN and MSNBC interviews said evidence showed Trump's guilt, but in closed hearing House testimony UNDER OATH said THE EXACT OPPOSITE, THAT THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OF TRUMP BEING GUILTY OF ANYTHING.
Period. The end.

That certainly warrants investigation and punishment. But in a way that is fully bipartisan and above board. My concern is, at this point the statute of limitations on many of these crimes has, or soon will, expire. And what Biden's A G Merrick Garland, his appointed hyper-partisan Democrat special prosecutor Jack Smith in the Trump case (who already has a history in the conviction of Republican governor Bob McDonnell overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in an 8-0 ruling (1 justice recused) for its malicious prosecution and witholding of exculpatory evidence), and the other deep-state loyal Democrat-appointed special investigator of Biden's illegally held classified records case , Robert Hur, which guarantees that Biden's vast possession of illegal records will be swept under the rug and forgotten.
Even as Trump is maliciously prosecuted on manufactured charges.

As usual, everything Democrats accuse Trump and the Republicans of (treason, partisanship, the weaponization of government, malicious prosecution) is exactly, EXACTLY what the Democrats are guilty of.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Wondy won't listen to reason. Hell, I don't expect he listens to much of anything with substance from the text wall screeds he posts.

Sorry that my citation of facts and reason destroys your lying narrative, and your malicious wish to undermine and destroy Trump on false evidence, and the one-sided hypocritical Democrat selective prosecution of Trump.
SEVEN YEARS and counting, of Democrat / deep state false accusations and manufactured scandals against Trump. There's no one else in American politics who has had to endure this kind of endless barrage of false accusations from a weaponized government.

Again: the most prominent legal and constitutional scholars, including Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, support what I am saying.
Not what you, in your unhinged Trump-hate cult, would like to believe.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Except Trump didn't actually do it, or even attempt to investigate or jail Hillary Clinton.

Whereas the Democrat-Bolsheviks are really going for blood.

Seriously, this is the most poignant thing you have ever posted. It was never serious to you. It was all a fucking game until your guy went overboard. Now, fuck accountability. Balls to the wall illegality from our political overlords lest someone has to bear responsibility for shit behavior while the other side is in office. Fuck you. You are everything you claim everyone you don't like to be. You are a horrible person and need a better fucking hobby, you deluded fanboy of the cult of politics.

My cited facts, your baseless and malicious insults.

Like a resident of Jonestown, eagerly drinking the Kool-Aid. And you're so deluded, there is absolutely no reasoning with you.

A Democrat-weaponized FBI and DOJ has been maliciously prosecuting Republicans since at least Senator Ted Stevens and Scooter Libby, and simultaneously giving a free pass and scuttling cases against Democrats like Lois Lerner and Hillary Clinton.
A fair FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton's e-mail unsecured server scandal, or of the plot by Democrats in the FBI, DOJ, Hillary Clinton campaign, Obama administration, and Biden administration to frame Trump, would pretty much bring down the entire Democrat federal infrastructure. FACT.

That is why from their perspective, Donald Trump absolutely has to be maliciously prosecuted and destroyed.
Would that you had the capacity to understand the facts right in front of you.

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Judicial Watch: Clinton Sock Drawer Audio Tape Case Exonerates Pres. Trump

One standard for Clinton and the Democrats, another for Donald Trump.

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I’m sure you’ve also read why Clinton was allowed to keep his own personal recordings with a historian under that law vs Trump taking government top secret documents and than lying and obstructing the efforts to retrieve them under the espionage law he’s been indicted for.

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Wondy, you are a deluded fuckbag. Give me Burisma tapes and I am absolutely on board with dragging Dementia Joe to court in shackles too. Yelling about tapes might exist means dick to me. Clinton on tape saying either one fucked over the National Archives or flashing classified material to others? Bury them under the fucking jail. But, until then, shut the fuck up you cynical douchebag. You have nothing but frothing invective and blind zealotry that covers your eyes to anything wrong done on your side. You are a braindead cultist asshole. Fuck off.

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Originally Posted by iggy
panic panic Wondy, you are a deluded fuckbag. Give me Burisma tapes and I am absolutely on board with dragging Dementia Joe to court in shackles too. Yelling about tapes might exist means dick to me. Clinton on tape saying either one fucked over the National Archives or flashing classified material to others? Bury them under the fucking jail. But, until then, shut the fuck up you cynical douchebag. You have nothing but frothing invective and blind zealotry that covers your eyes to anything wrong done on your side. You are a braindead cultist asshole. Fuck off. panic panic

No further response from me necessary.
You're an unhinged spiteful 6-year-old who somehow occasionally sneaks onto his mom's computer to post here.

There is OVERWHELMING evidence of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden's guilt, from the Hunter Biden laptop e-mail chains alone, and "10% to the Big Guy", and the e-mail overtures with Chinese, Russian and Ukraine officials. That a 97% Democrat-donating FBI has possessed and sat on SINCE DECEMBER 2019 !!
It is clear the FBI, or at least a large slice of the FBI, is on Team Democrat, and doing everything it can to suppress any investigation or prosecution of Democrat leaders. Despite OVERWHELMING evidence.
Instead, the FBI tries to intimidate and silence the computer shop owner who gave the FBI the laptop, tries to intimidate and silence a very reputable Tony Bobulinsky, while simultaneously maliciously prosecuting Trump and his advisors, on made-up-on-the-fly legal interpretations, and pure vitriol.

Making clear YOU are the "deluded fuckbag". With Tourette's Syndrome. Get help. Please.

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You believe in voter fraud in 2020 and ignore the evidence that differentiates Trump from Biden or Pence that is right in your face. I'm pretty sure posterity and the bots that trawl this forum are going to recognize who the delusional fuckbag is.

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BTW, again...I'm cool with charges being brought against Hunter. He, at best, is in a very grey area legally. There is still a whole bunch of dots between his deals and Joe that you guys are just insinuating the crap out of rather than connect. Need the tapes, the disappearing oligarchs, and all the other stuff you guys swear is out there but can't produce. I got Trump on tape being reckless with defense intelligence. Fuck you.

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[Linked Image from]

Oh I’m sure it only applies to their leader. What happened to personal responsibility? Trump is where he’s at because he lied and refused to hand over what wasn’t his. This wasn’t something the DOJ sprung on him. I see no republicans arguing that every President has a right to take whatever Top Secret files they want.

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Donnie Bone Spurs is now blaming Donatello, Raphael and the rest of the gang for his problems in life...

This entire mess seems too bizarre to be real. He has to be trolling at this point, at least I hope so.

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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Originally Posted by iggy
BTW, again...I'm cool with charges being brought against Hunter. He, at best, is in a very grey area legally. There is still a whole bunch of dots between his deals and Joe that you guys are just insinuating the crap out of rather than connect. Need the tapes, the disappearing oligarchs, and all the other stuff you guys swear is out there but can't produce. I got Trump on tape being reckless with defense intelligence. Fuck you.

The Hunter Biden laptop e-mails aren't "unconnected dots', they are a signed confession laying out every detail, with a time stamp.
And corroborated by a highly reputable Tony Bobulinskyt, by Devon Archer, and by others who participated in these e-mail chains.
The tapes and the oligarchs testifying would just be the icing on an already elaborately made legal cake.

Oh. And the financial records Rep. Comer has obtained from Ukraine, Romania, Kazakhstan, Russia and China, with more that clearly exists to be piled on later to further make the case.
Oh. And the whitstleblowers from FBI, IRS and other agencies talking to Republicans, about how from FBI, DOJ, IRS and every other agency, evidence against the Bidens is being suppressed and slow-walked to protect them. Right there in your face, if you would only look.

You stupid, spiteful pinhead.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
[Linked Image from]

Oh I’m sure it only applies to their leader. What happened to personal responsibility? Trump is where he’s at because he lied and refused to hand over what wasn’t his. This wasn’t something the DOJ sprung on him. I see no republicans arguing that every President has a right to take whatever Top Secret files they want.

A few boxes of Trump memorabilia, mostly newspaper clippings and photos, nothing clearly documented to be classified.

And even if there WERE classified files among his records, Trump as president had the ability to de-classify them.
And he did exactly so with all the Russia collusion documents, in his last 2 months in office, but Democrat Bolsheviks in the DOJ, FBI and State department stonewalled and delayed the order to declassify them until Trump was no longer president, and then they never obeyed his order to declassify after that, for purely partisan weaponization reasons. And to protect themselves from exposure and prosecution for their crimes.

Trump NEVER handled the documents himself as he left the White House. Others (both his staff, FBI, NARA records people and other federal agencies, and lawyers, packed the boxes and sent them to Mar A Lago.
NOT TRUMP HIMSELF. Do you understand that ?!?

The records were kept in secure locked wings of Mar A Lago after that, and Trump and his lawyers were in constant communication with the Biden-voting FBI and NARA-archivist-Democrats EVERY DAY.
And the grounds were further guarded by Secret Service at all times, as secure as if they were boxed and stored at the White House.

With any other former President or Vice President, FBI would have just contacted the former President or former VP's lawyers, arranged a time to take the records, and that would have been the end of it. No legal charges, no indictment, nothing.
And the cases of Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush, Barack Obama, Hillary Rodent Clinton, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, Joe Biden, Mike Pence and others such as Bill Richardson and Sandy Berger, the evidence of that point is clearly made. No convictions, no charges, despite egregious carelessness with classified documents left unguarded.
And in Hillary's case, destruction of tens of thousands of FBI-SUBPOENAED documents, bleach-bitted 20 times each, to make sure every last bit of self-incriminating evidence she destroyed was completely gone.
In the case of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation, hiding an abundance of crimes.

In the case of Barack Obama, the documents Trump kept are speculated to have proven that Obama, Biden, Hillary, Susan Rice, James Comey, John Brennan and others committed crimes in setting up the Iran Nuclear Deal. Records that would have been destroyed by the Democrat-Bolsheviks if Trump had not taken them when leaving the White House.

Records that also demonstrate these 7 top Oval Office Democrats' shared crime on Jan 5 2021, in together orchestrating the framing of Michael Flynn.

And the further crimes (in 2015-2016, and probably Obama's entire 8 years) of unmasking names of Trump officials, and God knows who else, to use FBI and CIA to do electronic surveillance and spy on them.
And to plot for over 5 years (2015-2020, and ongoing) to stage an intelligence community coup to either cripple or remove Trump as a candidate, and then to remove Trump as president, for daring to be elected. Who by the way, WAS THE CHOICE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in the 2016 election, despite the best attempts of Democrat-Bolshevik FBI, CIA and other deep state agents to rig that election as well.
Democrats just didn't anticipate how popular Trump was, and didn't rig the election enough to win in 2016. Trump is speculated to have kept records of these things, that he either de-classified or at least had the presidential power to, and to keep, just as every other recent president has. The difference is, Trump alone kept those records secure, while the others demonstrated a contempt for securing their classified records.
Pence never had any authorization to have classified records. NO CHARGES.
Bill Clinton, and classified records in his sock drawer.

Biden never had any authorization to possess classified records, and he kept them in a carelessly unsecured garage. AMONG AT LEAST FIVE other locations. At the U-Penn Biden Manchurian candidate presidential records center, Biden IN THAT ONE LOCATION ALONE had over 1,850 boxes of records.
Trump had less than 100 boxes at Mar A Lago.

In Biden's case, FBI just called Biden's lawyers, and gave them a few weeks to go though all the records, some of which classified records Biden has had since 1972, and NEVER had a legal right to possess. Let alone those in his unsecured garage. Or the over 1,850 boxes at the U-Penn center that is funded by over $20 million from the Chinese, and no doubt Chinese record keepers have stolen all that classified information. But Biden and his lawyers were given weeks to examine the records and report back to the FBI after cleaning them up, scout's honor, no criminal charges.
As contrasted with Trump, where his records were in locked rooms with Secret Service guarding them, no secrets given to the Chinese or Iranians, is raided by FBI agents brandishing AR-15's in a massive show of state force.
Hey, no double standard. None at all...

Iggy hyperventilates about how :
"Oooohh, it's somehow DIFFERENT with all these other presidents and non-presidents. You're just too simple minded and unwilling to read CNN and MSNBC's Bolshevik-party-line talking points of why it makes sense for ALL these others who never had the authority to have these documents in the first place, but Trump DID have the right. But somehow, if you would only read the Bolsehvik contrived talking points, you would understand that Trump is evil and wrong. Despite that Trump's opponents are all America-hating authoritarian lunatics, and despite them, Trump is actually trying to restore our constitutional republic. If only you would read the Bolshevik propaganda, it would all make sense !!"


Only if you've been drinking the Kool-Aid.
Which you clearly have.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
BTW, again...I'm cool with charges being brought against Hunter. He, at best, is in a very grey area legally. There is still a whole bunch of dots between his deals and Joe that you guys are just insinuating the crap out of rather than connect. Need the tapes, the disappearing oligarchs, and all the other stuff you guys swear is out there but can't produce. I got Trump on tape being reckless with defense intelligence. Fuck you.

The Hunter Biden laptop e-mails aren't "unconnected dots', they are a signed confession laying out every detail, with a time stamp.
And corroborated by a highly reputable Tony Bobulinskyt, by Devon Archer, and by others who participated in these e-mail chains.
The tapes and the oligarchs testifying would just be the icing on an already elaborately made legal cake.

Oh. And the financial records Rep. Comer has obtained from Ukraine, Romania, Kazakhstan, Russia and China, with more that clearly exists to be piled on later to further make the case.
Oh. And the whitstleblowers from FBI, IRS and other agencies talking to Republicans, about how from FBI, DOJ, IRS and every other agency, evidence against the Bidens is being suppressed and slow-walked to protect them. Right there in your face, if you would only look.

You stupid, spiteful pinhead.

Keep trying, bruh, but you're in a cult.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
BTW, again...I'm cool with charges being brought against Hunter. He, at best, is in a very grey area legally. There is still a whole bunch of dots between his deals and Joe that you guys are just insinuating the crap out of rather than connect. Need the tapes, the disappearing oligarchs, and all the other stuff you guys swear is out there but can't produce. I got Trump on tape being reckless with defense intelligence. Fuck you.

The Hunter Biden laptop e-mails aren't "unconnected dots', they are a signed confession laying out every detail, with a time stamp.
And corroborated by a highly reputable Tony Bobulinskyt, by Devon Archer, and by others who participated in these e-mail chains.
The tapes and the oligarchs testifying would just be the icing on an already elaborately made legal cake.

Oh. And the financial records Rep. Comer has obtained from Ukraine, Romania, Kazakhstan, Russia and China, with more that clearly exists to be piled on later to further make the case.
Oh. And the whitstleblowers from FBI, IRS and other agencies talking to Republicans, about how from FBI, DOJ, IRS and every other agency, evidence against the Bidens is being suppressed and slow-walked to protect them. Right there in your face, if you would only look.

You stupid, spiteful pinhead.

Keep trying, bruh, but you're in a cult.

Like I cited repeatedly, YOU'RE the cult member who suicidally trusts the political and media sources who habitually lie about everything, FOR YEARS, with no end in sight.


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Group trying to disbar lawyers who worked on Trump’s post-election lawsuits

Pure Bolshevism, to the core, from the Democratt-Left.

Alan Dershowitz identified it as McCarthyism from the Left, and said this "The 65 Project" group of hard-Left cancel culture lawyers is the most un-American group he has encountered, in 50 years of practicing law.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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If the lawyers acted unethically don’t they deserve being disbarred? From someone who supports getting rid of any gop elected official that was unwilling to help Trump in his failed attempt to steal the election how do you see it as Bolshevism and what you support as being anything better? Trump after he lost the election tried to get his DOJ to help him stay in power. Just say it was rigged and for Georgia it was find him enough votes to win. You’re not fooling anyone WB.

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Btw regarding your earlier post above that, unlike the others Trump fought the attempts to the documents. We know this because it was reported on as it happened. This wasn’t something that was sprung on him out of nowhere. Furthermore according to the indictment he lied and had documents moved in an effort to keep them. Some of his ex lawyers are witnesses. Do you understand why?

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

That certainly warrants investigation and punishment. But in a way that is fully bipartisan and above board. My concern is, at this point the statute of limitations on many of these crimes has, or soon will, expire. And what Biden's A G Merrick Garland, his appointed hyper-partisan Democrat special prosecutor Jack Smith in the Trump case (who already has a history in the conviction of Republican governor Bob McDonnell overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in a 9-0 ruling for its malicious prosecution and witholding of exculpatory evidence), and the other deep-state loyal Democrat-appointed special investigator of Biden's illegally held classified records case , Robert Hur, which guarantees that Biden's vast possession of illegal records will be swept under the rug and forgotten.
Even as Trump is maliciously prosecuted on manufactured charges.

As usual, everything Democrats accuse Trump and the Republicans of (treason, partisanship, the weaponization of government, malicious prosecution) is exactly, EXACTLY what the Democrats are guilty of.

A small correction: In the case of Jack Smith's conviction being overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, it was actually 8-0 with 1 judge recusing themself, not 9-0.
But in any case, a unanimous Supreme Court decision in overturning the conviction, due to egregious misconduct by Jack Smith. Only a hyper-partisan attorney general, with no respect for the law would appoint Jack Smith, with his clear partisan bias and ethical misconduct, to oversee a case involving the former president of the United States, and the current 2024 presidential frontrunner. It reeks of partisan bias, lack of ethics, and election interference.

And ruthless bolshevism.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
If the lawyers acted unethically don’t they deserve being disbarred? From someone who supports getting rid of any gop elected official that was unwilling to help Trump in his failed attempt to steal the election how do you see it as Bolshevism and what you support as being anything better? Trump after he lost the election tried to get his DOJ to help him stay in power. Just say it was rigged and for Georgia it was find him enough votes to win. You’re not fooling anyone WB.

But they DIDN'T do anything unethical in defending Trump, they just did their job, giving Trump legal representation and a fair trial.

They are just university law schools and state bar associations that are Democrat-majority, and abusing that power to harass and intimidate lawyers who defend Trump.

And as both Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley have said --two of the most highly acclaimed legal scholars in the country, both of whom are self-identified liberals as well-- it is downright un-American to intimidate and silence legal counsel and deny them Constitutional representation.
Alan Dershowitz calls it liberal McCarthyism, the push to silence and destroy anyone who sides with or even legally represents Trump.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
If the lawyers acted unethically don’t they deserve being disbarred? From someone who supports getting rid of any gop elected official that was unwilling to help Trump in his failed attempt to steal the election how do you see it as Bolshevism and what you support as being anything better? Trump after he lost the election tried to get his DOJ to help him stay in power. Just say it was rigged and for Georgia it was find him enough votes to win. You’re not fooling anyone WB.

But they DIDN'T do anything unethical in defending Trump, they just did their job, giving Trump representation and a fair trial.

It's just law bars that are Democrat-majority abusing their power to harass and intimidate lawyers who defend Trump.

And as both Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley have said --two of the most highly acclaimed legal scholars in the country, both of whom are self-identified liberals as well-- it is downright un-American to intimidate and silence legal counsel and deny them Constitutional representation.
Alan Dershowitz calls it liberal McCarthyism, the push to silence and destroy anyone who sides with or even legally represents Trump.

And by way, Trump didn't make any attempt to "STEAL" the 2020 election. He followed the Constitutional legal options he had, to challenge the BLATANTLY Democrat-rigged election. And your party and the overwhelmingly Democrat-Bolshevik media helped propagandize the false narrative that Trump "tried to steal the election, TO COVER UP THAT IT WAS THE DEMOCRATS WHO ACTUALLY SUCCESSFULLY STOLE THE ELECTION.

And your Democrat-Bolshevik party's tactics intimidated state and federal legislators and judges and the U.S. Supreme Court from rightly and lawfully overturning it. (Although justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito wanted to hear the case, but John Roberts wouldn't let the full U.S. Supreme Court hear it.)

We've been over this a billion times, and I've extensively linked evidence to prove that is the true situation.

And not just in one way, but in multiple ways, the Democrats rigged the election. From FBI getting the Hunter Biden laptop in December 2019 and burying it.
To former FBI agents such as James Baker using their new executive positions at Facebook, Twiiter, Google and other tech media giants to block sharing of the New York Post story on the Hunter Biden laptop from being viewed or shared (that ALONE in every poll shows rigged the election, 15% of Democrats say they would not have voted for Biden if they had known about the Hunter Biden laptop evidence)
And 51 Democrat/Deep Sate intelligence officials signing off on a letter , falsely saying (with not having even ;looked at Hunter Biden's laptop contents) that it "looks like Russia disinformation". KNOWING that narraive was unrue, KNOWING it was part of a propaganda campaign to help Biden win he election.

The election was also rigged by tens of thousands of people msteriously rising from the dead to vote Democrat.
And by Dominion voting machine rigging.
And by more people mysteriously voting Democrat in many counties than there were actual registered voters,.

And vote rigging evidenced by the VIDEOTAPED security camera footage of illegal votes brought into voting centers in Atlanta and Detroit.

Not to mention Trump was winning in every contested state up until 3 AM election night, at which point Republican vote observers were sent home, and Democrats from 3 AM to 8 AM counted votes all night completely unobserved, and --lo and behold!-- the voting mysteriously across 6 states took a dramatic and overwhelming turn in favor off Biden.

Not to mention that every other election (and I've followed every election closely since 1976) was decided the night of the election. In a blowout election like Reagan in 1980 and 1984, he results were called well before 10 PM.
In the case of a close election, one candidate was declared the winner by 2 or 3 on the morning.
Trump in 2016 was declared winner at about 3:40 AM.
And certainly by the morning-edition newspaper, the final count was known.

In 2020, the voting dragged on FOR WEEKS. Very suspicious.
In Venezuela (who also use Dominion voting machines) what they do all night is count the votes to see how far ahead the opponent is, so they can manufacture the votes to make their guy win by a narrow margin. That is EXACTLY what was done in the 2020 election. And because Trump won by the largest margin of any incumbent in U.S. election history in 2020, it took Democrats days and weeks to manufacture enough fake ballots to rig a narrow Biden victory.
Oddly, blacks in most parts of the country didn't vote the same way as blacks in a few key battleground regions, in a few key states, where against the pattern everywhere else nationwide, blacks voted in disproportionate overwhelming numbers for Biden.

Multiple streams of election fraud. All that, and more. I've posted links from many sources.

Col. Phil Waldron.
Mollie Hemingway.
Hearings [Youtube-linked] in every battleground state by Trump's lawyers and by technical authorities like Col. Phil Waldron and other white collar crime cyber/forensics experts. Tech business owners. Mathemeticians who showed the statistical impossibility of how uniform the voting was across all 50 states, that they saw as evidence voting was rigged by a computer algorithm in every state.

Would that you were interested in the facts. But all you care about is that your party, by whatever MULTIPLE illicit means, rigged a win.
From which Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks are trying to establish a one-party authoritarian government, and smash and imprison their political opponents. You are cheering the destruction of our Constitutional republic.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Btw regarding your earlier post above that, unlike the others Trump fought the attempts to the documents. We know this because it was reported on as it happened. This wasn’t something that was sprung on him out of nowhere. Furthermore according to the indictment he lied and had documents moved in an effort to keep them. Some of his ex lawyers are witnesses. Do you understand why?

As I said, Trump was in contact with the FBI and NARA records people every day by phone or in person. And by all accounts, it was a very friendly relationship on both sides. Trump complied with every request.
AT ANY TIME they could have come to Mar A Lago and taken the records, no arrest warrants, no raids, no indictments .
And in the cases of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Mike Pence and Joe Biden, there were far more egregious violations where the FBI **DID NOT** make raids or file indictments, and that clearly proves the bias against Trump by the 97% Democrat-donating DOJ and FBI made up of Peter Strzoks, Lisa Pages, Andrew McCabes, Bill Priestaps, James Bakers, James Comeys, and Kevin Clinesmiths.
In the case of each of these Democrats and Republicans with top secret records, there was far greater justification for raids, indictments, and prosecution.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, looking at the internal FBI text messages, the FBI and DOJ's 97% ratio of donating Democrat, their history of rigging cases against Republicans and scuttling cases against Democrats like Hillary Clinton or Lois Lerner, that you will EVER convince me this isn't evidence of blatant and overwhelming partisan FBI bias.
[Linked Image from]

( FBI lawyers in group text, immediately after Trump elected in Nov 2016 : )
[Linked Image from]
[Linked Image from]
And the next generation of Democrat/Deep State Bolsheviks, under A.G. Merrick Garland and FBI director Christopher Wray, who share the same rabid Democrat-zealot bias.

There it is, plain as day, so obvious, and you insultingly pretend that bias doesn't clearly exist. As if they are being fair to Trump. In the Manhattan case, in the Mar A Lago case, in the Atlanta Raffensperger phone call case, in each case DOJ and FBI, state attorney generals, district attorneys, and U.S. attorneys, Democrat-Bolshevik lawyers all, have to re-write the law, make up new conflations, federalize local cases that are not their jurisdiction, as has never been done before, to MAKE UP ways to indict Trump.

And they know it will not be successful, that these cases will be thrown out in court or at worst reversed on appeal. But they are gambling that the scandal will shave off just a few percentage points of Trump's 2024 election support, and they will say ANYTHING, do ANYTHING, break any laws and legal ethics, to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

That is what this is all about.

And the FBI and other federal agencies are really getting ugly now, because if Trump is re-elected with the greater knowledge that he didn't have 4 years ago of what they've been doing (FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, leadership of the Obama and Biden administrations, Hillary Clinton and all her aides) under a new Trump presidency this will all be exposed and prosecuted, and their Deep State /Democrat Bolshevik power will be gone.
And they will not only lose power, but for the first time in their lives face prosecution for the incredible hubris with which they have abused power, for at least 25 years.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
If the lawyers acted unethically don’t they deserve being disbarred? From someone who supports getting rid of any gop elected official that was unwilling to help Trump in his failed attempt to steal the election how do you see it as Bolshevism and what you support as being anything better? Trump after he lost the election tried to get his DOJ to help him stay in power. Just say it was rigged and for Georgia it was find him enough votes to win. You’re not fooling anyone WB.

But they DIDN'T do anything unethical in defending Trump, they just did their job, giving Trump representation and a fair trial.

It's just law bars that are Democrat-majority abusing their power to harass and intimidate lawyers who defend Trump.

And as both Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley have said --two of the most highly acclaimed legal scholars in the country, both of whom are self-identified liberals as well-- it is downright un-American to intimidate and silence legal counsel and deny them Constitutional representation.
Alan Dershowitz calls it liberal McCarthyism, the push to silence and destroy anyone who sides with or even legally represents Trump.

Again you actively support getting rid of any republicans that were not going along with Trump’s attempt to steal the election. This includes Trump’s attempt to have the DOJ call the election corrupt and calls to various state GOP officials in his attempt to pressure them to just find enough votes for him to win. You are guilty of exactly what you accuse the other side of doing. You have made it patently clear you don’t mind abuses of power as long as it’s for Trump. That said I wouldn’t hold it against any Trump lawyer that was just doing their job and working within the legal ethical bounds.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Btw regarding your earlier post above that, unlike the others Trump fought the attempts to the documents. We know this because it was reported on as it happened. This wasn’t something that was sprung on him out of nowhere. Furthermore according to the indictment he lied and had documents moved in an effort to keep them. Some of his ex lawyers are witnesses. Do you understand why?

As I said, Trump was in contact with the FBI and NARA records people every day by phone or in person. And by all accounts, it was a very frindly relationship on both sides. Trump complied with every request.
AT ANY TIME they could have come to Mar A Lago and taken the records, no arrest warrants, no raids, no indictments .
And in the cases of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Mike Pence and Joe Biden, there were far more egregious violations where the FBI *DID NOT* file raids or indictments, and that clearly proves the bias against Trump by the 97% Democrat-donating FBI made up of Peter Strzoks, Lisa Pages, Andrew McCabes, Bill Priestaps, James Bakers, James Comeys, and Kevin Clinesmiths, there was far greater justification for raids, indictments, and prosecution.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, looking at their internal FBI messages, the FBI and DOJ's 97% ratio of donating Democrat, their history of rigging cases against Republicans and scuttling cases against Democrats like Hillary Clinton or Lois Lerner, that you will EVER convince me this isn't evidence of blatant and overwhelming partisan FBI bias.

There it is, plain as day, so obvious, and you insultingly pretend that bias doesn't clearly exist. As if they are being fair to Trump. In the Manhattan case, in the Mar A Lago case, in the Atlanta phone call case, they have to re-write the law, make up new conflations, federalize local cases that are not their jurisdiction, as has never been done before, to MAKE UP ways to indict Trump.
And they know it will not be successful, that these cases will be thrown out in court or at worst reversed on appeal. But they are gambling that the scandal will shave off just a few percentage points of Trump's election support, and they will say ANYTHING, do ANYTHING, break any laws and legal ethics, to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

That is what this is all about.

And the FBI and other federal agencies are really getting ugly now, because if Trump is re-elected with the greater knowledge that he didn't have 4 years ago of what they've been doing (FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, leadership of the Obama and Biden administrations, of Hillary Clinton and all her aides) under a new Trump presidency this will all be exposed and prosecuted, and their Deep State /Democrat Bolshevik power will be gone.
And they will not only lose power, but for the first time in their lives face prosecution for the incredible hubris with which they have abused power, for at least 25 years.

I don’t know how you can say by all accounts it was going well. Part of the evidence is some of Trump’s own lawyers with details of how he was trying to keep the classified documents from being taken. Using a lawyer to facilitate a crime isn’t always protected under attorney client privilege smile And yes no doubt if Trump was able to get back in I’m sure he would be getting all the Trump loyalists in that he could. Republicans and Independents can mull that over as we head towards the 2024 election.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Btw regarding your earlier post above that, unlike the others Trump fought the attempts to the documents. We know this because it was reported on as it happened. This wasn’t something that was sprung on him out of nowhere. Furthermore according to the indictment he lied and had documents moved in an effort to keep them. Some of his ex lawyers are witnesses. Do you understand why?

As I said, Trump was in contact with the FBI and NARA records people every day by phone or in person. And by all accounts, it was a very frindly relationship on both sides. Trump complied with every request.
AT ANY TIME they could have come to Mar A Lago and taken the records, no arrest warrants, no raids, no indictments .
And in the cases of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Mike Pence and Joe Biden, there were far more egregious violations where the FBI *DID NOT* file raids or indictments, and that clearly proves the bias against Trump by the 97% Democrat-donating FBI made up of Peter Strzoks, Lisa Pages, Andrew McCabes, Bill Priestaps, James Bakers, James Comeys, and Kevin Clinesmiths, there was far greater justification for raids, indictments, and prosecution.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, looking at their internal FBI messages, the FBI and DOJ's 97% ratio of donating Democrat, their history of rigging cases against Republicans and scuttling cases against Democrats like Hillary Clinton or Lois Lerner, that you will EVER convince me this isn't evidence of blatant and overwhelming partisan FBI bias.

There it is, plain as day, so obvious, and you insultingly pretend that bias doesn't clearly exist. As if they are being fair to Trump. In the Manhattan case, in the Mar A Lago case, in the Atlanta phone call case, they have to re-write the law, make up new conflations, federalize local cases that are not their jurisdiction, as has never been done before, to MAKE UP ways to indict Trump.
And they know it will not be successful, that these cases will be thrown out in court or at worst reversed on appeal. But they are gambling that the scandal will shave off just a few percentage points of Trump's election support, and they will say ANYTHING, do ANYTHING, break any laws and legal ethics, to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

That is what this is all about.

And the FBI and other federal agencies are really getting ugly now, because if Trump is re-elected with the greater knowledge that he didn't have 4 years ago of what they've been doing (FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, leadership of the Obama and Biden administrations, of Hillary Clinton and all her aides) under a new Trump presidency this will all be exposed and prosecuted, and their Deep State /Democrat Bolshevik power will be gone.
And they will not only lose power, but for the first time in their lives face prosecution for the incredible hubris with which they have abused power, for at least 25 years.

I don’t know how you can say by all accounts it was going well. Part of the evidence is some of Trump’s own lawyers with details of how he was trying to keep the classified documents from being taken. Using a lawyer to facilitate a crime isn’t always protected under attorney client privilege smile And yes no doubt if Trump was able to get back in I’m sure he would be getting all the Trump loyalists in that he could. Republicans and Independents can mull that over as we head towards the 2024 election.

You ALMOST told the truth there.

They violated Trump's constitutional rights to executive privelege with his presidential advisors, and violated Trump's attorney-client privilege by shaking down his lawyers and threatening them with prosecution if they wouldn't violate the attorney-client privelege and testify against Trump. They have multiple times invaded Trump's homes and offices on fishing expeditions to find anything, ANYTHING they can use against Trump.

But they have found nothing, and therefore are pursuing indictments in multiple states as a "Plan B" to take him out, that even the best legal scholars, including Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley who both identify as liberals and not Trump supporters, but EVEN THEY say these cases against Trump are contrived and violate constitutional rights, and twist the law into corrupt authoritarian pretzels in a desperate attempt to indict Trump with something. That all these cases against Trump are doomed to fail, and even the lawyers filing them know it, but their only true intent is to smear Trump and shave a few percentage points off his national support, in a desperate bid to lower Trump's popularity just enough to rig the 2024 election.

It is outrageously unfair for FBI and Democrat-Bolshevik U.S. attorneys and local district attorneys to (at the clear bidding of Biden and his puppetmasters in the White House) charge a former president and Biden's current opposition for 2024 on the most specious and unlawful of charges.
It is clearly not about any real crimes, it is just about "get Trump" and damaging him politically, and intimidating his supporters. Each new indictment is just further proof of the absurd use of federal power, to persecute an innocent man, so his Democrat-Bolshevik opposition can win. And each new indictment actually galvanizes Trump's support.

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I'm sure a look through the wayback machine will show you shitting on Turley during the Bush/Obama eras, but--here you are--sucking him off in the present because he now says what you want to hear. You're in a cult.

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Originally Posted by iggy
I'm sure a look through the wayback machine will show you shitting on Turley during the Bush/Obama eras, but--here you are--sucking him off in the present because he now says what you want to hear. You're in a cult.

I'll bet your mom used to wash your mouth out with soap a lot.
What a vulgar, unpleasant person you are. Your parents must be so proud. rolleyes

Actually, Whomod and a few others used to quote Turley and Dershowitz in Iraq war topics, citing the Patriot Act, and aspects of the Iraq War such as waterboarding prisoners, or indefinite incarceration in Guantanamo Bay as unconstitutional.
On the Patriot Act, I agreed, that it was an unnecessary new set of laws, that the existing laws if they were enforced should have been enough, that the Patriot Act was unneccesary.
I don't recall ever attacking either of Dershowitz or Turley, even though I disagreed with some of their views. They were, regardless of my disagreement, among the most respected constitution and legal scholars in the country.

But it is nice that they see things my way on the Trump issues, and on abuse of federal agencies to target Trump and Republicans.

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Says the guy whose presence here is based on vitriolic hatred for those different from him...

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And are they really on the same page as you WB? Most legal experts I’ve read including the ones that conservatives favor seem to agree Trump is in trouble on this indictment. Even if he was targeted as you allege that still doesn’t make the crime go away plus the lying and obstruction to the investigators. A long time ago it would have surprised me that the supposed party of law and order would be okay with that but yeah I get it that loyalty to Trump above all else reigns supreme but outside in the real world in a court room that being above the law entitlement isn’t an actual legal defense.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
And are they really on the same page as you WB? Most legal experts I’ve read including the ones that conservatives favor seem to agree Trump is in trouble on this indictment. Even if he was targeted as you allege that still doesn’t make the crime go away plus the lying and obstruction to the investigators. A long time ago it would have surprised me that the supposed party of law and order would be okay with that but yeah I get it that loyalty to Trump above all else reigns supreme but outside in the real world in a court room that being above the law entitlement isn’t an actual legal defense.

In the examples of the two most prominent legal experts I often quote, Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, they say the charges against Trump are frivolous and will eventually be removed by appeal, or the charges dismissed long before they ever get to that stage.
That the only reason they exist is to shave off a few percentage points of Trump's support in the court of public opinion.
But that they are frivolous and have absolutely no basis in ACTUAL court.

And the ones saying otherwise are Democrat partisans, who are the same people who for the last 7 years, with EVERY NEW HALF-BAKED ALLEGATION, each time in wishful thinking say "This is the smoking gun that will destroy Trump's presidency". And usually within days, each new narrative is proven false, and on a number of occasions, news reporters and producers, or FBI agents, are either fired or quietly resign.

As I point out over and over, these are not actual charges against Trump, they are political contrivances DISGUISED as law, manufacturing wild new interpretations of the law to even charge Trump with anything. And if you and the Democrat-Bolsheviks had any sense of conscience or shame, you would be deeply alarmed by the authoritarian weaponized abuse of power, directed not only at Trump, at his advisors, but also at the American people. Because if they ever succeed in destroying and/or imprisoning Trump, they will be using those same abuses of power to come after every one of us, INCLUDING every Democrat who isn't on ever ideologicl point their particular brand of Democrat-Bolshevik.

Just ask Tulsi Gabbard, Kirstyn Sinema and Joe Manchin, and RFK Jr., Elon Musk, and other formerly exalted Democrat loyalists to the parfty for decades such as Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley. When they publicly disagreed with the Democrat-Bolshevik party line on one issue, Democrats wanted to take away their law degrees and their chair positions at universities! Wanted to criminally charge them.
THAT is how evil and fanatical the Democrat-Bolsheviks are.
Any Democrat who is a legal scholar, or prominent political leader, or respected authority in the medical community, or in the black community, in the gay community, in Planned Parenthood, it doesn't matter how many decades they were loyal Democrats (or even still are on many issues) the moment they dissent from Democrat-Bolshevik orthodoxy, they HAVE to be discredited, purged and destroyed.

It should deeply disturb you that your own Democrat party is declaring war on the Constitution and rule of law, in an authoritarian effort to destroy any opposition and create a fanatical one-party system. "Law" as Democrats exercise it in recent years, is just a lawless weapon to be twisted in service of destroying their opposition. But if successful, the moment they were to crush Trump and the Republicans, they will be coming to purge you and every liberal who isn't an ideologically pure enough Democrat-Bolshevik.

Be careful what you wish for.

Originally Posted by Iggy
Says the guy whose presence here is based on vitriolic hatred for those different from him...

Once again, you seem unable to distill your spiteful vitriol into even a lucid sentence.

I post here on a number of subjects, and love these boards, whereas your previous posts for years have contempt for them, and make clear you're only here to troll on me. And you constantly make up fake quotes for me, because that is the only way you can allege the baseless crazy stuff you allege.
It's ironic that I simply identify the ACTUAL criminals and Democrat-Bolsheviks who are filled with hate, trying to destroy me and people like me, hate-filled Bolsheviks who have stated their violent intent and ambitions to purge Republicans over and over, in their own public comments I've cited and quoted here repeatedly. From Biden, Kamala Harris, Obama, Shumer, Pelosi, Hakkim Jeffries, on down.
But then in incredible irony, you allege that I'm the one who is filled with "vitriolic hatred for those different", when all I do is point out the Stalinist/Maoist hatred and intolerance of the fanatical Democrat/ Left.
QUOTED, chapter and verse, from their own videotaped public statements.

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More charges added as it appears Trump tried deleting some evidence.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I have largely boxed myself in from listening to reason.

A few changes of words and this sounds like the same groundless bullshit that leftists say about "ACTUAL criminals and Republican-Fascists!" You are just the red side of the same bullshit coin, you hypocritical douchebag.

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Wondy's commies everywhere delusion increases by one as another Trump appointed judge succumbs to threats of violence or something equally delusional and dismisses Trump's defamation suit against CNN. So many "best people" letting Wondy down.

Last edited by iggy; 2023-07-30 9:02 PM.
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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I have largely boxed myself in from listening to reason.

A few changes of words and this sounds like the same groundless bullshit that leftists say about "ACTUAL criminals and Republican-Fascists!" You are just the red side of the same bullshit coin, you hypocritical douchebag.

More of your fishing, using fake made-up quotes of me. Because that's all you've got.

Just another Bolshevik North Carolina junior college professor, who intolerantly tries to slander and destroy anyone who disagrees with him.
You've already admitted you discriminate against your students the same way. You are a loathesome piece of human garbage, who should have his tenure taken away and be disgraced.

Originally Posted by iggy
Wondy's commies everywhere delusion increases by one as another Trump appointed judge succumbs to threats of violence or something equally delusional and dismisses Trump's defamation suit against CNN. So many "best people" letting Wondy down.

I've cited and sourced my assertions at every turn. Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, and the bulk of those serving in their White House staffs. Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, Robert Reich, Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren, and pretty much every Beltway Democrat. A O-C, Ayanna Pressley, Cory Booker, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush.
Quoted over and over, in their own words.
Bolsheviks, openly seeking an authoritarian (Democrat) one-party system.
Outlaw free speech.
Stack the Supreme Court.
Federalize elections.
Shut down conservative media.
Weaponize DOJ and FBI and IRS against their political opponents.

They openly worship the Soviet Union, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, the Sandinistas, Hugo Chavez and other communitsts. Saul Alinsky. Che Gueverra. These are their heroes, who, for example, Ron Bloom, Van Jones, Anita Dunn, and Mark Lloyd openly quoted EVEN WHILE SERVING in the Obama White House.
Barack Obama worked in his years after college for ACORN, teaching (as a "community organizer", Saul Alinsky's euphemistic phrase for marxist street agitator) Saul Alinsky's RULES FOR RADICALS to classrooms of ACORN activists. A co-worker at ACORN described Barack Obama as "the unchallenged master of Alinsky tactics".

How many times do I have to post it?

I don't have to speculate, these Democrats openly say it themselves. Democrats who identify as Cultural Marxists, socialist Progressives, Democrat Socialists, or are openly Communist.
As in the case of Adolf Hitler telegraphing his intentions in 1926 with Mein Kampf, 15 years before he actually did it, Democrat-Bolsheviks are similarly flat-out telling you their intentions in every press conference, interview, speech and book. WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE THEM ?

Likely you, as a Bolshevik yourself, just lie to obfuscate the truth.

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On why you desperately try to discredit Trump.

On why you desperately try to discredit me.

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Or, we call you crazy...because you're fucking crazy.

Because, again, your same logic works the other demonize and desperately try to discredit any and everything on the left. Why? Could it be that you are doing exactly that you hate about others?Fuck. You still think I'm a commie even though, on the whole, I've voted for more Republicans and Libertarians than Democrats.

I disagree with a lot on the left. And, fully concede that the left lacks critical nuance on a lot of those social issues you yammer on about. My problem isn't the whole of the left or the right though. It is the reactionary douchebags on both sides, like yourself, that are engaging in an escalating game of stupidity with each other for what you'd like to believe is to be the guiding hand of this the expense of this country and what it stands for. Fuck you and them.

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Apparently a witness has flipped his testimony.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Or, we call you crazy...because you're fucking crazy.

Because, again, your same logic works the other demonize and desperately try to discredit any and everything on the left. Why? Could it be that you are doing exactly that you hate about others? Fuck. You still think I'm a commie even though, on the whole, I've voted for more Republicans and Libertarians than Democrats.

That really strains credibility, because in 12 years, I've never NEVER heard you say one kind or supportive word about ANY Republican offered as a candidate.

Unless it was one like Ron Paul who was barely in the race, and had no chance of winning.
Or Republicans who attack Trump and other Republicans, and diminish support of any Republican candidate who could win.

You began to show your true colors when you supported the "Occupy Wall Street" movement in 2011 or so, that was an overt Marxist movement to de-stabilize the United States.
I've never seen you offer a single word of condemnation of Black Lives Matter, or Antifa, or Saul Alinsky tactics, or for that matter ANY DEMOCRAT, no matter how Bolsshevik-extreme the Democrat rhetoric. NEVER.
O any condemnation by you of Obama, or Biden. Quite the contrary, as I recall you said you voted for the Democrat ticket in each of those elections.
And more recently, you demonstrated your absolute far-Left craziness in saying you support open borders and the flood of illegal immigrants coming into the country.

So... you're a fucking liar. Just like always.

I fail to see that you've supported ANYTHING Republican/conservative in the 12-plus years you've been posting here.
You're a liar.

And I don't "demonize" Democrats and the Left, I expose them for what they are, in their sourced and linked STATED political views in their public speeches, interviews, books and articles.
I don't slander them, I reveal them for what they are, IN THEIR OWN WORDS.

They are Leftist radicals who want to silence their conservative opposition.
Democrats fantasize about violence against conservatives, and cheer on ACTUAL violent attacks, or at best are silent when these attacks occur, never condemn them. Project Veritas has exposed them in many video recordings over many years, whether they are officials in the Obama white house, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Bernie Sanders campaign, or in the offices of many other Senate and House members or candidates. I've posted dozens, if not hundreds, of articles and videos to confirm the evidence of that.

Democrats have PLAINLY SAID they want to crush the Republican party so it can never come back.
Democrats have PLAINLY SAID they are "Democrat socialists", or just plain socialists, or even outright marxists.
Democrats have PLAINLY SAID they want to kill conservatives, or put them in Gulags, or force them (Soviet/Maoist-like) to give televised confessions. That they want to prevent Trump officials from ever being able to get another job. They push to disbar any lawyers (Rudy Giuliani) who support Trump or legally challenge the 2020 election integrity.
Democrats want to take away conservatives' children and put them in HHS homes with liberal foster parents, to indoctrinate the children in "the right way of thinking".

Democrats have PLAINLY SAID they want to rig the Senate (making Washington DC and Puerto Rico into states, with 2 senators each) to give Democrats an insurmountable permanent Senate majority.
Democrats want to stack the U S Supreme Court, strangle conservative opinion on the Court by expanding the number of justices and filling all the new positions with leftists, to eclipse and smother the conservatives on the court and make the USSC just a rubber stamp for liberal policy. (Which by the way, is what FDR wanted to do in the 1930's, but was stopped by Democrats of conscience who would not let it happen).

Democrats want to nationalize presidential elections, so that individual states have no say, and only the ruling (Democrat) party has control, so that only the ruling (Democrat) party could even challenge election integrity and have a recount.

Facts that you, like the vicious lying shithead you are, selectively ignore.

Originally Posted by Iggy
I disagree with a lot on the left. And, fully concede that the left lacks critical nuance on a lot of those social issues you yammer on about. My problem isn't the whole of the left or the right though. It is the reactionary douchebags on both sides, like yourself, that are engaging in an escalating game of stupidity with each other for what you'd like to believe is to be the guiding hand of this the expense of this country and what it stands for. Fuck you and them.

That's a bunch of gobbledygook that says nothing clearly.
Your posts over the last 12 years say otherwise of what you advocate, that you support the most crazy and far-left radical protests , and nationally de-stabilizing radical Leftist pushes.

CRYSTAL CLEAR IN YOUR POSTS: You support Occupy Wall Street, and the flood of illegals across our border.
ALSO CRYSTAL CLEAR: You feign support for Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul, but spit venom at every Republican conservative who advocates a Ron Paul-type paleo-conservative or Reagan-conservative agenda.
I am not an extremist, I am a Reagan conservative, whether it is re-labelled as the Tea Party, or the Freedom Caucus, or as a constitutional conservative, or just plain "conservative".
For you to label me as extreme, you would have to label Reagan as extremist. Because his presidency, and its legacy torch carried on by Pat Buchanan, Tucker Carlson and others, is what I support.

My politics have not grown more radical or extreme, they are just slandered and LABELLED as "extrreme" by CNN, MSNBC, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries... and malicious pieces of excrement like you.

"Reactionary" is a movement that rejects the extremes of liberal/progressivism/socialism/marxism, that advocates going back to a more pragmatic and stable social system.
This is what Ronald Reagan campaigned on and implemented in 1980 and the 8 years after.
Was Ronald Reagan "extreme"?
Reagan created the most stable, happy and prosperous time of my 60 years.
And that accomplishment was only exceeded by the 4 years of Donald Trump, who surpassed even Reagan. That is clearly not "extremism".

Quantifiably, the most accomplished president in over 50 years.

At least it's clear to anyone who is not an evasive deceitful closeted Marxist/Leftist.
As is CRYSTAL clear in what you've posted here for 12 years.

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WB you’re just proving his point. You see democrats as evil instead of fellow countrymen who really want pretty much the same thing most everyone wants.

That said, Trump chose to have this indictment. He not only took classified documents but than fought and lied, tried to hide them and than tried to destroy evidence. I’m probably missing more but what an idiot. This could have easily been not a thing.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
WB you’re just proving his point. You see democrats as evil instead of fellow countrymen who really want pretty much the same thing most everyone wants.

That said, Trump chose to have this indictment. He not only took classified documents but than fought and lied, tried to hide them and than tried to destroy evidence. I’m probably missing more but what an idiot. This could have easily been not a thing.

That's total B.S.

I see Democrats (and not ALL Democrats, but those in leadership who are orchestrating all this) as evil because IN THEIR OWN WORDS, SOURCED AND QUOTED, they are Cultural Marxist lunatics who are destroying the United States.

I see them as evil, BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL, in the marxists they admire and emulate, in their Marxist ideology, and in what they do based on that ideology.
I've posted literally thousands of linked articles and videos, to PROVE that.

For example, I'm talking about specifically the Clintons and the Obamas and those in their White House inner circles. About Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and the whole "squad", Hakeem Jeffries (tied to racist black militants), Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer (one of the most vicious propagandist infighters and liars in the DNC), and all the others funded by George Soros, who are overtly and in their own words trying to overthrow the United States.
Pretty much every Democrat Senator and House member is part of it, no House or Senate member ever dissents and opposes these Cultural Marxist power grabs, which is to say they endorse and are a willing part of what is occurring.
AND AGAIN: Democrats' goal is to overthrow the United States and create an authoritarian one-party system, where anyone who disagrees will be persecuted, silenced and put in jail. How in your revisionist brain can you even PRETEND that isn't authoritarian Bolshevik terror?
What happened to former President Bolsanaro in Brazil, who he Brazilian leftist party in power are moving to destroy and imprison over made up charges, is now happening to Trump and his advisors, and even his lawyers!

Nationalizing elections under one-party control.
Stacking the Supreme Court with liberal Bolshevik judges.
Creating fake new states in DC and Puerto Rico, to create a permanent Democrat majority in the Senate.
And now, arresting and jailing Trump/Republican officials, to intimidate Republican legisslators and grassroots Republicans into silence.

How much more obvious can the Democrat party's evil be? And yet you still rationalize it and defend it.
Your Democrat-Bolshevik party is doing in the U.S. what only used to occur in places like Russia, China, Brazil, Pakistan, Cuba and Venezuela.

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Seriously, get help.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Seriously, get help.

Says the Tourettes-syndrome profanity and personal insult guy with no impulse control.

Again: my cited and sourced facts vs. your unhinged insults.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
WB you’re just proving his point. You see democrats as evil instead of fellow countrymen who really want pretty much the same thing most everyone wants.

That said, Trump chose to have this indictment. He not only took classified documents but than fought and lied, tried to hide them and than tried to destroy evidence. I’m probably missing more but what an idiot. This could have easily been not a thing.

That's total B.S.

I see Democrats …..

It’s not bs WB. You can play pretend all you want but Trump did take classified materials and then stupidly fought and lied about it when the government tried getting them back. Now apparently there is one of his guys saying he was asked to destroy security footage. And I remember one of the few things you were upset about Trump was that he didn’t go after Hillary after he was elected. You’re not offering anything that resembles principles WB

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The appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel is being challenged as unconstitutional.

Former Attorney General Ed Meese and two constitutional scholars argue that Smith lacks the authority to represent the United States in the Supreme Court due to his appointment violating the “Appointments Clause” of the Constitution.

They contend that only Congress can create federal offices, and Smith’s position has not been authorized by Congress. (Trending: Judge Announces Historic Ruling In Jeffrey Epstein Case)

They assert that Smith, if considered an “officer” with significant authority, should have been nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

The argument suggests that if accepted, it could lead to the dismissal of all of Smith’s prosecutions, including those against Donald Trump.
The amicus brief further argues, “Even if one somehow thinks that existing statutes authorize appointment of stand-alone special counsels with the full power of a U.S. Attorney, Smith was not properly appointed to such an ‘office.’”

“Improperly appointed, he has no more authority to represent the United States in this Court than Bryce Harper, Taylor Swift, or Jeff Bezos,” they write.

The case is United States v. Trump, No. 23-624 in the Supreme Court of the United States.

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Trump people always looking for a loophole.

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The U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, are NOT a "loophole".
Except to authoritarian Democrat-Bolsheviks who wants to overthrow and destroy the United States, and turn it into a Marxist/Socialist one-party authoritarian Democrat state.

I've quoted over and over the Marxist-Bolshevik intentions of virtually everyone in the Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations, and virtually all the prominent Democrat Senate and House members. If you don't see the evil on full display in their words, Youtube-linked, quoted from their own writings and speeches and interviews, caught on video by Fox News, New York Post, Newsmax, OAN, Project Veritas, and other conservative News, and even by many liberal journalists I've cited, then i is because you refuse to see it, or admit to the obvious.
Or you are a liar, who only PRETENDS you don't know what the Democrat leadership are actually about, said in their own words.

Democrat leaders have stated their intent as clearly as Adolf Hitler stated his intentions in Mein Kampf.

If you don't see Democrats' true intentions, it is because you are in denial about what Democrats truly have openly stated what they intend to do to this country.
What they have increasingly been ACTUALLY DOING the last 16 years, begun under Soros, Obama, and the Democrat-Bolsheviks placed in FBI, DOJ, CIA, DHS and other federal agencies.

Look at what they are doing to the 1,100 January 6th prisoners, held in terrible conditions without trial or prosecution for 3 years, imprisoned wuh no due process, no trial, no conviction.

Look at an unarmed Ashli Babbit who they killed, and possibly 3 other Trump protesters on January 6th (with fragile health, who while peacefully standing outside the Capitol in a passive crowd, were hit repeatedly wih concussion grenades until they died from the trauma), without so much as an investigation.

Look at the same FBI unleashed on PTA protesters to woke indoctrination of their children.
What the FBI is similarly doing without justification to peaceful Christian pro-life activists.
6 AM raids on families who just peacefully exerted their Constitutional right to petition their government. Intimidated. Silenced.

And even more incredibly, what FBI did (beginning in 2016-2017) to spy on, frame, and file illegal FISA warrants to spy on everyone in the entire Trump campaign, and then continued the same surveillance ON THE INAUGURATED TRUMP WHITE HOUSE ADMINISTRATION, FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR.
In the posts above and many more in other topics, I've shown images in my above text messages from insside the FBI by Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Priestap and other FBI employees. It was clearly not because Trump or any in his administration committed any crime they were surveilled, what these FBI supervisors did was abuse their power to spy on, do opposition research on, frame for crimes, cripple and depose AN ELECTED PRESIDENT AND HIS WHITE HOUSE STAFF.

FACT. Proven beyond any question.

And you try to say what I have PROVEN, is just "B.S."
What YOU SAY is a lie and B.S., I have PROVEN, sourced and linked, that facts of everything I've said.

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Yeah, no evidence whatsoever... rolleyes

Only if you are willfully blind. Or a liar.

Plus "the TWITTER FILES" released by Elon Musk, that again all alone could have rigged he 2020 election, as I detailed in posts above.
On and on, the evidence you try to pretend doesn't exist.

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There’s federal law that just didn’t come into play that allows for the department of justice to make appointments. And yes just like when Trump lost the election he looked for a loophole to stay in power. I think the nation deserves to see all this “evidence “ in a court of law. It’s pretty clear the real game plan is to avoid that at all costs by Trump and supporters. Just like counting votes was a problem once Trump knew he couldn’t win that way. You can get pretend righteous all you want WB. You love a political party not a country.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
There’s federal law that just didn’t come into play that allows for the department of justice to make appointments. And yes just like when Trump lost the election he looked for a loophole to stay in power. I think the nation deserves to see all this “evidence “ in a court of law. It’s pretty clear the real game plan is to avoid that at all costs by Trump and supporters. Just like counting votes was a problem once Trump knew he couldn’t win that way. You can get pretend righteous all you want WB. You love a political party not a country.

Trump didn't "look for a loophole" regarding the rigged 2020 election of Biden, he FOLLOWED THE CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL PROCESS TO LEGALLY DISPUTE the 2020 election.
No military coup, no assassinations, no seizure of government buildings, NO GUNS, nohing illegal.

NAME something Trump did in 2020 that was illegal.
You can't.
You just lyingly say "Trump tried to steal he election", or "Trump is a threat to democracy", with absolutely nothing to back it up.
Democrat narrative, with no basis in fact.

Trump did not start an "insurrection" on Jan 6th,the polar opposite, Trump issued an executive order for 20,000 troops TO PREVENT any rioting or violence on Jan 6th.
An order that DC mayor Bowser, speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Sen. Chuck Schumer deliberately scuttled to enable rioting, **NOT** Trump.
Neither Trump or anyone else was arrested, tried or convicted for insurrection. That is just pure Democrat narrative, with nothing to back it up.

Likewise, any presidential cabinet appointment allows a president to select a person, but then that nominee is subject to Senate approval.
As Meese argues in his legal brief.

And it is the Democrats who since at least FDR and Truman are the party that is pro-Stalin, pro-communist, pro-socialist, that has allowed Russian / communist spies to infiltrate our government and steal national secrets, including atomic weapons.
It is THE DEMOCRATS (the Clintons, the Obamas, and their entire administrations, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, A O-C and the "Squad", on and on, pretty much every Democrat Senate and House member, pretty much every Clinton, Obama and Biden white house staffer) who worship Marxist dictators, Stalin, Castro, the Communist Chinese, Mao, Castro, Che Gueverra, Hugo Chaves, on down. Many Democrat OPENLY SAY they would like to have the absolute control the Chinese communist system enjoys. And they are well on their way.

It is DEMOCRATS who are contemptuous of the United States, see us as a racist country that built its wealth by exploiting other nations and people of color.
It is the DEMOCRATS who undermine U.S. national security at every turn, and are apologetic and ashamed of what the rest of us know to be an exceptional nation, and Democrats like Obama who openly show conttemptt for the fact we are an exceptional nation. Immigrants, both legal and illegal, come here because they know opportunities exist here like nowhere else in he world, whether you are white, black, hispanic, asian, or whatever.
It is DEMOCRATS who are unbelieving in and contemptuous of our country, its history, and its heroes, who they label as racist, and try to tear down their statues and rewrite its history in a way that favorss Marxist overthrow of the country.
It is THE DEMOCRATS who side with and fund Antifa and Black Lives Matter (both Marxist groups dedicated to he Marxist overthrow and collapse of the United States. The DEMOCRATS who side with and are funded by George Soros and other globalists also working to de-stabilize and overthrow the United States, the Openb Borders movement, and whatever else weaakens the United States.

And you love the Democrat-Bolshevik party rather than the United States.

I don't "pretend righteous", I know this is a great country, that your vicious Democrat-Bolshevik party is trying to undermine and destroy. They've done a damn good job of crippling it in less than three years.

And with the January 6th arrests and attempts to prosecute Trump, and prevent him from being on the ballot in Colorado, Maine and other states, it is YOUR PARTY, THE DEMOCRATS who are shredding the Constitution, intimidating peaceful protesters from exerting their right to petition their government, holding Jan 6 protesters prisoners for years under terrible conditions, without legal representation, without trial, without ever being convicted.

And YOU, the Marxist-Bolshevik, have the audacity to allege that I'm the one who puts party over country. You, the Democrat-Bolshevik, who cheers on his party as it shreds the Constitution and all our protected rights.

Oh, the irony.

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Yup lots of irony with your pretense. You watched Jan 6 happen. I saw how you responded. No horror over Trump supporters beating on the Capitol police. Your sympathy is for those that were doing the beating and the ones cheering them on. No disappointment or questioning why Trump didn’t ask his people to leave until after one of them got shot. It’s okay with you that he spent that time trying to delay the process while his people mobbed law enforcement . You have no desire or expectation of Trump to bring all his lies into court and have them proven. You’ve proven that if counting the votes doesn’t keep your loser in power it’s okay to have republicans throw out their state’s election results and pick your guy. I can go on but the end result is you support Trump no matter what principle gets in the way.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Yup lots of irony with your pretense. You watched Jan 6 happen. I saw how you responded. No horror over Trump supporters beating on the Capitol police. Your sympathy is for those that were doing the beating and the ones cheering them on. No disappointment or questioning why Trump didn’t ask his people to leave until after one of them got shot. It’s okay with you that he spent that time trying to delay the process while his people mobbed law enforcement . You have no desire or expectation of Trump to bring all his lies into court and have them proven. You’ve proven that if counting the votes doesn’t keep your loser in power it’s okay to have republicans throw out their state’s election results and pick your guy. I can go on but the end result is you support Trump no matter what principle gets in the way.

Because from the beginning, I saw the video footage of Jan 6th, I heard what the "Trump supporters" were saying and doing (revealed to be false-flag agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters) who did not speak or behave as Trump supporters have at any previous event, before or since. As I said immediately after, their behavior and tactics were more in the pattern of BLM protesters, at many other previous BLM riot attacks in cities nationwide.

And as I sourced and linked in many above posts, I was proven right :

20 FBI agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
20 DHS agents, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
10 undercover DC Metro police officers, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
A least 20 Antifa, led by John Earle Sullivan, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.

Out of about 600 Trump supporters who entered the Capitol that day (most of them invited in, BY POLICE), only about 60 either broke windows, committed vandalism or clashed with police.
And I would lay money that virtually all of that 60 are false-flag federal agents or Antifa, FRAMING Trump supporters for what these false-flag agents themselves actually did.

And many of those who led ACTUAL Trump supporters to the Capitol and pushed them to go inside or riot (Ray Epps, and many others unidentified, despite FBI having photos of them, because CLEARLY they are federal agents), somehow escaped identification and arrest by FBI.
Even as over 1200 ACTUAL Trump supporters have been arrested and jailed indefinitely in terrible conditions, for what? TRESPASSING? The federal agents and Anifa who commited the violence and vandalism TO FRAME Trump supporters are free, mos of them never even identified and arrested.
And Merrick Garland wans to arrest another 1,000 who were ouside and near he Capitol building in 2024, over 3 years later. FOR WHAT ?!? For pure political propaganda reasons **NOT** for any actual crimes.

750 of these ACTUAL Trump supporter trespassers have signed plea deals that include exaggerated charges like "obstructing a federal proceeding" under duress, **NOT** because they committed an actual crime, just to end their imprisonment, just so they can return to their families and jobs, and avoid foreclosure of their homes.
Again, look for the 2 Newsmax documentaries Day of Outrage, and "Shame of a Nation" to see who these people are, how they have been set up for purely political propaganda reasons, framed and mistreated, intimidated and forced to sign false confessions, and otherwise deliberately been destroyed for no reason, by Merrick Garland's SS in the DOJ and FBI.
These are literally the tacics of Hitler and the SS (and Stalin, and Mao) to terrorize and intimidate your political opposittion into shutting down and surrendering.
There are many ner-identical similarities to the Democrat January 6h narrative, and the Nazis' 1933 burning of the Reichstag.

Even the violence of Oath Keepers and other non-Trump conservative groups, have proven to be false-flag events planned by undercover FBI agents. The head of Oath Keepers shared a hotel room unknowingly with an undercover FBI agent, an agent brought the battle plan for violence on Jan 6h, that Oath Keepers DID NOT follow. It was a set-up, a trap. One of many federal traps that day.

It resembles the fake FBI frame job regarding the alleged Gov. Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping in Michigan, where 12 of the 15 people involved were FBI agents !!!!
Including the person who provided the plan for the kidnapping, and another undercover agent provided a van for the job. A complete fake event.
And the FBI supervisor from THAT fiasco, instead of being demoted or fired by FBI as he should have been, is the one FBI sent to supervise FBI surveillance and operations on Jan 6th.
An entire agency of James Comeys, Andrew McCabes, and Peter Strzoks.

Over and over, I have posted videos of false-flag "Trump supporters" smashing windows, where ACTUAL Trump supporters stopped them and pulled them away from the windows.

And as I cited (and as Newsmax haas extensively covered) the four Democrat poster-boy Capitol police officers who testified in Jan 6th hearings (I posted the full 3-hours of video above ) were clearly Democrat partisans long before Jan 6th, as self-incriminated by their own social media posts.
Michael Fanone talked about the Republican party "needs to be cut out like a cancer".
Harry Dunn posted rabid anti-Trump venom, and photos of himself at BLM protests, wearing BLM clothing.
And these Democrat partisans laughably read scripts written for them in Jan 6th Committee hearings, that were CLEARLY written for them, in vocabulary words CLEARLY not their own, THAT THEY REPEATEDLY IN THEIR SCRIPTED TESTIMONY COULD NOT EVEN READ AND PRONOUNCE !

And by the way, NONE of these officers who play for outrage and sympathy showed ANY visible injuries on January 6th or the days after. They each took a day or two off, but as many ACTUAL police officers have cited in interviews, who have ACTUALLY been injured in similar riot control, if you have a concussion or other significant injury, you're not back on duty in a day or two, you're out of work for at least 10 days or 2 weeks.
I had a slip--and-fall injury to my head about 2 years ago, that I was initially not alarmed about, but may have been a minor concussion, and I felt swelling in my head that made me nervous for about 3 weeks. I was just about to see a doctor when it finally went away. The point being, mine was a minor injury relative to what these 4 officers alleged on Jan 6th, and they were not feeling it so badly that they missed more than a day or two, the bare minimum to allege injury, for purely political reasons. Staged martyrs for the "insurrection".

And we've been over and over AND OVER the timeline of January 6th,.
Trump acted in a timely manner, encouraged "peaceful and patriotic" protest throughout the day, both in his 12 noon speech, and in social media posts every 20 or 30 minutes throughout the afternoon. There was confusion and unconfirmed reports for a few hours regardiing the Capitol protests. When it was confirmed, that a handful of rioters breached the Capitol , Trump took about 90 minutes to compose, videotape and post a message urging his ACTUAL supporters to end their protest at the Capitol and go home, and even Capitol police who manage protest crowds there every day, were surprised how quickly the crowd left at Trump's instruction.

And AGAIN: As contrasted with 600 ciies burned and looted by BLM and Anifa insurrectionists throughout 2020, whole blocks burned to the ground in each of these 600 cities, over 2,000 police injured nationwide, 40 people murdered by BLM rioters, including a black former police captain, about 3 billion dollars in estimated damage, entire stores and businesses and jobs permanently destroyed forever, the White House lawn and perimeter fence turned into a war zone and destroyed in what could only be described as a military seige by BLM, 50 Secret Service agents injured here, a historic church across the street burned, thousands of businesses and jobs gone forever, and in your naive Minneapolis, 5 SQUARE MILES of businesses burned to the ground. Most of hat will never come back, some of it will have to be rebuilt. Police stations burned. Federal buildings burned. All by BLM and Antifa.

In contrast, at.... panic THE JANUARY 6th INSURRECTION ON THE CAPITOL panic ... there were... a few windows broken, no permanent destruction or loss of property, and about 3 hours later, the House / Senate join session came back in he exact same room and finalized the 2020 electoral vote count.

But guess which 600 cities of war-zone level destruction you ignore and have no problem with ?
And guess which Jan 6th minor event your side lyingly hyper-exaggerates, and portrays as if it were worse than the U.S. Civil War, worse than the bombing of Pearl Harbor, worse than the 9/11 atacks that killed abut 3,000 people ? How much do you hate this country, M E M, that you would front this narrative garbage? Defending BLM and Antifa (and the Democrat Bolsheviks who use them as their brownshirt storm troopers, to intimidate and ruin lives of their political opposition), ignoring ACTUAL violence by the Left, while falsely demonizing Trump supporters who did nothing more than stand around at a rally and wave a Trump flag.

Trump has absolutely nothing to be held responsible for.

It is actually FBI, DHS, and DC Metro/Capitol police who should be held accountable, who killed Ashli Babbitt.
And also unprovoked fired concussion grenades into PEACEFUL crowds of Trump supporters just standing around with flags OUTSIDE the Capitol building, police (who are probably Democrat partisans) pointlessly creating chaos amid peaceful demonstators by firing concussion grenades and tear gas into people just standing there.
And the repeated trauma is what likely caused Roseanne Boyland (age 34), Kevin Greeson (age 55), and Benjamin Philips (age 50) to unnecessarily die from previously diagnosed health conditions. That's FOUR PEOPLE who died because of Capitol police excessive force.
And of course officer Brian Sicknick, who died of a stroke, according to the coroner's report and to Sicknick's own brother. Falsely portrayed as being killed by Trump supporters, in muliple dissproven narratives, first with a fire extinguisher (disproven) , then with bear spray (also disproven), but he report says natural causes and no chemicals found, and yet Democrat-Bolsheviks still front ttha lying narrative, despite that it has been disproven. While overlooking the CLEAR murder by Lt. Michael Byrd of an unarmed Ashli Babbitt, and no investigation of he concussion grenades that arguably led to the deaths of 3 oher rump supporters, who the officers were who fired them, and why.

It is also Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Muriel Bowser and the Democrat machine who are ACTUALLY responsible, who obstructed then-president Trump's executive order for up to 20,000 National Guard, that should have been deployed in Washington Square on Jan 6th, and prevented ANY possible chaos or violence on Jan 6th.
It is these Democrats who are DIRECTLY responsible for what happened that day NOT Donald Trump. You always conveniently omit that part.

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Trump watched the violence and waited hours to ask his people to leave. He instead tried using it to pressure his loyalists to delay and stop the certification. You can’t get around that WB.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump watched the violence and waited hours to ask his people to leave. He instead tried using it to pressure his loyalists to delay and stop the certification. You can’t get around that WB.

Asked and answered a billion times, M E M.
Sourced and linked evidence, what ACTUALLY happened.
As opposed to your contrived and demonstrated false narrative.

See the abundant evidence in my above posts. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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The latest Robert Hur report, released Thursday night, and Joe Biden's press conference meltdown immediately after, have now set the precedent for Trump's legal team to file to have the case against Trump over the Mar A Lago documents dismissed.

Basically, if there is no prosecution against Joe Biden for far more egregious stealing of documents, and storing many for up to 50 years in his garage next to his Corvette, completely unsecured and vulnerable to theft, then (in the name of equal justice and equal prosecution under the law) you can't maliciously just go after Trump alone, while ignoring the case against Joe Biden.
And while ignoring the case against Bill Clinton and the classified documents he kept in his sock drawer...
And also ignoring the case against Hillary Clinton for compromising national security with her illegal private server for 4 entire years...
And ignoring the case against V P Mike Pence for his illegally held classified documents....
And several other Clinton officials who stuffed documents down heir pants and illegally took them out of a secure area, wihout any prosecution.

By all appearances, Trump is the ONLY person who has ever been prosecuted over posession of classified documents.
So much for equal justice under he law.

There's also an argument that's been made by several in the last 2 days: That if Biden is too incompetent to be tried despite overwhelming evidence against him, that he illegally kept classified documents he never could legally possess as a Senaor and VP, and put national security at risk, then (1) he is also too incompetent to be president. Or (2) if he is competent enough to be president, then he is competent enough to stand trial.
It's one or the other.
Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) is leading the charge on a 25th Amendment push to remove Joe Biden as President based on this.

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A key difference is how Trump obstructed and lied. The others complied while Trump was moving classified documents around so they couldn’t be retrieved. Proving that he willfully was breaking the law above a reasonable doubt is pretty easy at this point.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
A key difference is how Trump obstructed and lied. The others complied while Trump was moving classified documents around so they couldn’t be retrieved. Proving that he willfully was breaking the law above a reasonable doubt is pretty easy at this point.

That's just a lying Democrat talking point.

Trump and his lawyers were in contact wih the FBI every day by phone or in person, prior to the Mar A Lago raid, and very friendly and cordial in their daily conversations, regarding records at Mar A Lago. If at any time FBI or National Archives or whoever wanted those records, they could have just made a phone call and arranged a time with Trump's lawyers to surrender the records.

Instead, FBI very suddenly without notice or warning, staged a midnight raid on Mar A Lago, calling CNN to be here in advance of course, wih FBI agents posturing tough and brandishing AR-15 rifles for the media cameras, when FBI could have just called Trump's lawyers and had the records surrendered.
Same as the Paul Manafort FBI raid.
Same as the Michael Flynn FBI raid.
Same as the Michael Cohen FBI raid.
Same as the George Papadapoulos FBI raid.
Same as the Roger Stone FBI raid.
In every case, they could have just made a phone call and asked them surrender and appear at an arranged time with their lawyer.

But instead the 97% Democrat FBI and DOJ in each case staged a dramatic and completely unnecessary mignight raid and arrest, at a great expense to taxpayers. In a show of force and humiliation.

No such raid on Hillary Clinton about the Clinton Foundation selling access to the U.S. State Department she was head of, in exchange for over $ 100 million in donations, or raided over Hillary's illegal private e-mail server, used to conceal the evidence of that Clinton Foundation/State Department pay-to-play corruption from appearing in her official federal records as secretary of state.

1) Roger Stone and other Trump officials, who shredded ZERO document : Maximum FBI force used in their raids and arrests, every time.

2) Hillary Clinton and her staff, who destroyed and bleach-bitted over 30,000 documents, computers and cel phones, ALREADY SUBPOENAED BY THE FBI WHEN HILLARY AND HER STAFF DESTROYED THEM : No FBI force, no FBI raids, no handcuffs or leg irons, no FBI frogmen swimming up in Hillary's waterfront back yard, not even recording Hillary's FBI inerview deposition, precisely so she could not possibly be sprung in a trap with perjury charges later for the slightest contradiction in her testimony, the way Trump and EVERY ONE of his FBI-raided staff were. Double standard, up the wazoo.

There was no lack of cooperation or "obstruction" by Trump over Mar A Lago, that was just a manufactured allegation by a Democrat weaponized DOJ and FBI, to smear Trump. In a way FBI never did with Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sandy Berger, Barack Obama, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, regarding classified documents, or anything else..
Where are THEIR midnight raids by FBI ?!? And on far more evidence of actual crimes. As compared with MANUFACTURED fake crimes by FBI of Trump and his officials.
That's the obscentitty : the FBI won't prosecute actual crimes by Hillary, Biden and other Democrats. But at the exact same FBI manufactures fake cases to maliciously prosecute Trump and his officials to the hilt.

FBI hid Hunter Biden's laptop for over a year, as long as they could.
FBI obstructed and protected Hillary Clinton from any prosecution, on muliple charges, deliberately scuttling abundant evidence in the cases, over Benghazi, over the Clinton Foundation corruption, and over Hillary's illegal private email sever that compromised national security.
FBI refuses to inerview Tony Bobulinsky and other impecdable wittnesses against Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.
FBI scuttled the case against Lois Lerner and Koskinen over weaponization of he IRS against Republican donors and Tea Party groups.

Bu tha same FBI will sentence Trump to 700 years in prison, if he took an extra 10 minutes to surrender classified documens he kept behind padlocked doors at Mar A Lago, with Secret Service agents constantly patrolling the halls. ( While Biden kept classified documentts for up to 50 years in a crumbing cardboard box for up to 50 years in he garage next to his Corvette, compleely unguarded, that he never had any logical reason to view or possess outside a classified SCIF room.

Oh yeah, that all makes perfect sense.

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Nope WB. Trump’s only chance here is to delay the trial and if he wins the election he makes it go away. You know this. And you can bs all you want. I’m not wasting time on liars who know they are lying.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Nope WB. Trump’s only chance here is to delay the trial and if he wins the election he makes it go away. You know this. And you can bs all you want. I’m not wasting time on liars who know they are lying.

I'm not lying, you are.

It's a bogus allegaion against Trump, brought by a corrupt and fanatically Democrat prosecutor, in front of a carefully judge-shopped Democrat judge, in a jury-pool venue that is overwhelmingly Democrat, all carefully pre-planned by the Democrat-Bolsheviks in Biden's DOJ and FBI, coordinating all 4 cases, where Democrat juries and judges have pre-decided to find Trump guilty, no maer wha he evidence. And the judges in these cases are maliciously excluding evidence that would prove Trump's innocence. It's so obvious, and even legal scholars like Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz and Andrew Napolittano are citing eamples of this every day, in the egregious bias of these judges and juries.

The cases in front of these judges and juries aren't being decided on weight of the evidence, they're clearly being decifded on :
"panicHATE TRUMPpanic".

The end.

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You have proven yourself to me WB and what you truly value. It’s all partisan propaganda.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You have proven yourself to me WB and what you truly value. It’s all partisan propaganda.

Gee, that's funny, I don't see any sourced facts you cited, to contest MY cited, sourced and verifiable facts.

That would be the proof that YOU are the one lying, not me.
Democrat-Bolsheviks are rigging the U.S. justice system, using it to corruptly try and destroy Donald Trump's candidacy, so they can complete the destruction of our Constiutional republic, and finish building an authoriarian one-party Marxist/Socialist uttopia to replace it.

And I've cited a billion examples of their corrupt destruction of the rule of law they are using to destroy our country, and to maliciously attack their Trump/Republican political opposition.:
  • Imprisonment of about 1,300 innocent protesers in he wake of he Jan 6h protests. And Merrick Garland wants to arrest 1,000 more !!
  • FBI infiltrating churches and labelling conservative Christians as dangerous domestic terrorists.
  • FBI going to PTA meetings and taking license plae numbers of parents who object to woke indoctrination of their children in schools, targeting hem for intimidation, harassment and arrest.
  • Same thing, arresting peaceful pro-life protesters, with AR-!5's rifles drawn, and red-dot laser sights on their heads.
  • Legislating 87,000 more IRS agents, to target their Republican opposition.
  • Democratss using Lois Lerner and the IRS, targeting Tea Party and defense-of-marrriage religious groups like Franklin Graham, and large donors to the Republican party like Frank Vandersloot to expensive audits. Harassing Republicans donors and key organizers, to intimidate tthem into receiving less support, to consolidate power of a one-party Democrat-Bolshevik system.
  • The Democrat -weaponized FBI falsifying FISA surveillance warrants to do surveillance on pretty much every person in the Donald Trump 2016 campaign, and then continued that surveillance on the inaugurated Trump administration.
  • Sending moles and fake "Russian assets" to multiple people in Trump's campaign, including Donald Trump Jr., George Pappadapoulos, and Michael Caputo, to try and entrap them into taking fake illegal classified Hillary Clinton e-mails offered, for which they could have been arrested. But these Trump official refused and instead reported these offers to the FBI (who sent these "assets" into Trump's campaign as bait, to entrap them), and FBI was in fact disappointed these Trump officials didn't take he bait.
  • FBI agents deliberately creating false media narratives of "Russia collusion" (now disproven) to try and destroy Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Weaponizing the FBI, FISA court, CIA and other federal agencies, to help Hillary Clinton win, to rig the election for her.

On and on.

And even Democrats doing the same thing to Democrats who get in their way. Wikileaks e-mails released right before the 2016 Democrat National Convention, that revealed then-chair Debbie Wasserman birch-cunt Schultz openly plotting in email chains with other Democrat leaders how to destroy Bernie Sanders' campaign, to clear the way for heir annointed Hillary Clinton. After being forced to resign, Schultz was hired immediately by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Corrupion unashamedly on full display.

Or the Democrat inner circle's attacks on Rep.Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) who also got in their way.

Or Biden's current refusal to give Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., despite repeated requests by him for protection. Despite that his uncle (JFK) and faher (RFK) were both assassinated as a president, and as a presidential candidate. Your party is evil. Pure and simple. Democrat-Bolsheviks.

Democrats, the party of socialism and outright unashamed Marxism.
The party of BLM, Antifa and other violence, as a standard weapon of intimidation and violence by the Democrat party.
The party that aligns wih the Chinese, and is unquestionably the party that is deliberately de-stabilizing and destroying this country from within the Biden adminisrtation itself, and for 8 years before that the Obama administration.
The party of Critical Race Theory, the 1619 project, and otherwise hating and destroying America from within.
The party of open borders.

Across the board, your party is evil. Those are just the examples I can immediately cite from recent memory. Your party is evil.

What I'm citing is not "lies" and "propaganda" it is quite simply the easily verifiable truth.

Whether Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Robert Reich, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Alexaandria Ocasio-Corez, Ilhan Omar, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Chuck Schumer, Na=ncy Pelosi, you name it. They are corrupt to the core and openly marxist-radical (or at least gladly aliign with and enable marxist /leftisst radicalism) as can be verified by reading the facts of any of their histories, either as individuals or groups.


[Linked Image from]

Evil and treasonous. They don't even try to hide it anymore.

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Trump vs Biden doc cases

There’s been plenty of coverage on Trump trying to keep classified documentsthat even involve having a worker move them to avoid being taken. Biden would already be impeached by his own party if he did that.

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CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax
United States Intelligence Community targeted 26 Trump advisors for foreign spy agencies to “reverse target” and “bump”

FEB 13, 2024

Last year, John Durham, a special prosecutor for the Department of Justice (DOJ), concluded that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should never have opened its investigation of alleged collusion by then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and Russia in late July of 2016.

Now, multiple credible sources tell Public and Racket that the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors long before the summer of 2016.

The new information fills many gaps in our understanding of the Russia collusion hoax and is supported by testimony already in the public record.

Until now, the official story has been that the FBI’s investigation began after Australian intelligence officials told US officials that a Trump aide had boasted to an Australian diplomat that Russia had damning material about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

In truth, the US IC asked the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance to surveil Trump’s associates and share the intelligence they acquired with US agencies, say sources close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HSPCI) investigation. The Five Eyes nations are the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

After Public and Racket had been told that President Barack Obama’s CIA Director, John Brennan, had identified 26 Trump associates for the Five Eyes to target, a source confirmed that the IC had “identified [them] as people to ‘bump,’ or make contact with or manipulate. They were targets of our own IC and law enforcement — targets for collection and misinformation.”

Unknown details about the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign and raw intelligence related to the IC’s surveillance of the Trump campaign are in a 10-inch binder that Trump ordered to be declassified at the very end of his term, sources told Public and Racket.

If the top-secret documents exist proving these charges, they are potentially proof that multiple US intelligence officials broke laws against spying and election interference.

The weaaponizaion of the intelligence community by Democrat-Bolsheviks, to set up and frame Donald Trump.

And then the raid on Mar a Lago to grab back the documents proving i, and cover it up.

As exclusively reported by some very high profile award-winning journalists.

And Shellenberger, interviewed by Jesse Watters, said hat Trump de-classified the missing folder in the last 2 months of his presidency, but Naional Archives and FBI just stonewalled and left the documents classified and unreleased. That Trump took the records with him o Mar A Lago --WITH THE THE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF FBI AND NATIONAL ARCHIVES, AND PACKAGED AND MOVED TO MAR A LAGO BY NATIONAL ARCHIVES AGENTS THEMSELVES, NOT BY TRUMP OR HIS STAFF.

And when Trump had the evidence that documented and proved the intelligence community's targeting of 26 Trump staffers, the Mar A Lago raid by FBI was to recover and hide hat evidence forever, to cover up corrupt weaponization of FBI, CIA and other intelligence community agents against Donald Trump's 2016 campaign and 2017-2020 White House, and ulimately weaponized by extension weaponized on the American people, against their chosen elected president, and the will of the people. But the Praetorian Guard did everything they could from 2016-2020 to prevent his election, to cripple his presidency when elected, and overthrow his presidency. And then rigged the 2020 election to deprive him, and the people, of wha SHOULD have been Trump's second term.
Up until 3 AM on election night in Nov 2020, Trump was winning by large margins in all 7 of the contested states. ONLY when the Republican vote observers were tricked ino going home and Democtrats were the only ones in the room all night counting votes, did that lead suspiciously disappear in the space of about 8 hours. And the rigging of a Biden victory continued FOR WEEKS with more and more illegal mail-in ballots added to the total.

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Mail in ballots in most states if not all couldn’t even begin to be counted until polls closed. Democrats like myself voted heavily that way due to Covid. It’s no surprise that Biden won. Trump had previously lost the popular vote to Hillary and that was with the FBI re-opening the case for her emails right before that election. Your proof is all accusations that wouldn’t pass muster in a court of law. Trump’s plan was to use republican controlled state legislatures to decide to keep their loser in power despite any laws to the contrary. The toady he wasn’t able to get in place at the DOJ planned on using our own military on all the cities to try to quell any unrest.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Mail in ballots in most states if not all couldn’t even begin to be counted until polls closed. Democrats like myself voted heavily that way due to Covid. It’s no surprise that Biden won. Trump had previously lost the popular vote to Hillary and that was with the FBI re-opening the case for her emails right before that election. Your proof is all accusations that wouldn’t pass muster in a court of law. Trump’s plan was to use republican controlled state legislatures to decide to keep their loser in power despite any laws to the contrary. The toady he wasn’t able to get in place at the DOJ planned on using our own military on all the cities to try to quell any unrest.

It's a pure and simple fact that in every presidential election I've been old enough to observe and understand (since 1976) , you knew by at the latest 6 AM after election night what the result was.
In 1976, the election winner (Jimmy Carter) was announced before 10 PM.
Likewise 1980 and 1984.
As I recall, in 1988, 1992 and 1996 the result was also known before midnight.
In 2000, it was around 2 or 3 AM when that close election was called for Bush (even though, like Trump in 2016, Al Gore's team in 2000 contested the election in three re-counts over about 5 weeks. And further, multiple newspapers financed their own privately funded 2000 re-count over the following months. But we still knew before 6 AM who the announced winner was.
2008 and 2012 were decided much earlier for Obama, well before midnight.
And then in 2016, in a closer election (and where liberal-media networks were reluctant and delayed calling states for Trump, way past when they should have already been called) Trump was announced by the media as the winner about 3:40 AM.

Contrasted with that, 40YEARS of prior elections, the 2020 election was not called for 4 days until the following Saturday.
And there were STILL ballots being added to Biden's fake total for weeks after that!

Following your assertion that mail-in ballots delayed the 2020 final count in a reasonable exception due to the Covid pandemic... NO.

Mail-in ballots have been used for decades in U.S. elections, and the rule is they have to be mailed early, and arrive by the election date.

But Democrats manipulated and rigged unreasonable and UNAUTHORIZED un-Constitutional ways that mail-in ballots could be counted, way past election day on Nov 3 2020.

In Pennsylvania, such a change requires votes in the state's House and Senate legislatures, followed by it being approved in a statewide popular vote before election voting law could be changed.
But the Pennsylvania Secretary of State drafted an executive order to extend receipt of mail-in ballots for, if I recall, 10 days past election day and still be counted.
then the Democrat governor of Pennsylvania then also signed off on that order, again completely bypassing the Pennsylvania state constitution's legal procedure to allow such egregious mail-in ballots. For that reason, Pennsylvania's electoral votes for 2000 should not be counted in he presidential election at all.
There were similar unconstitutional manipulations in the other 6 contested states.

But the main problem was the suppression of Republican vote observers after 3AM on election night, in multiple states.
Where they either forced Republican observers out of the vote counting, so they could not observe, or sent Republican observers home so Democrats could cheat and rig votes all night long
After Democrat election officials in all 6 states each said everyone was to go home, that everyone would come back and resume vote counting in the morning. But the Democrat counters stayed, and they cheated, all night long. Which coincides with a sudden huge spike in votes counted in Biden's favor at exactly that point, a sharp change from the entire period before the Republican vote counters were forced to leave. That exact moment, Biden got a huge spike in votes. WOW, WHAT A WILD COINCIDENCE !

As I've cited in this and many other posts and links elsewhere...

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

"The Deep Rig" -documentary, 1 hour, 46 minues

A documentary that cites multiple investigators, computer forensics experts, former military and intelligence field experts on CIA, NSA and communist-orchestrated insurrections used to overthrow foreign governments. All were asked to investigate insurrections by Antifa, and v,erify security of state voting machines, hired to investigate various threads of suspicious activity, taking them on a trail that led them to Dominion voting systems, and other NGO pseudo-grassroots insurrectionist participants in the 2020 presidential election.

The same methods the CIA and other intelligence agencies have used to undermine and overthrow foreign governments worldwide since 1945, these same intelligence agencies are now using to rig the last few elections here in the U.S..
As well as the 2000 BLM riots nationwide in roughly 600 cities, and the open borders movement. It mentions that George Soros and other marxist/socialist and globalist groups and billionaires are funding these NGO groups with enormous amounts of dark-money cash, as are the Russian and Chinese governments. To de-stabilize, weaken and overthrow the United States.
And the Democrat-Bolsheviks are all on board with this.

There is OVERWHELMING evidence of election fraud on Nov 3 2020. That is being selectively ignored by Democrat-partisan wack jobs, and those AFRAID of Democrat-partisan wack jobs.
But the evidence is there, overwhelmingly.

In 2000, the Republicans had no problem consenting to legal procedure and allowed multiple re-counts, in front of the world media.
U.S. election law REQUIRES that the ballots and all electronic voting materials be preserved for precisely such a recount, available for recount BY LAW , on demand. That gives assurance of the election result, by having its integrity assured and confirmed, by the party that lost.

But unlike 2000, the Democrats call anyone insurrectionist and "undermining Democracy panic" if they EVEN ASK for verification of the ballots, that BY LAW should be available for precisely such a recount, at any time.
And on top of that, in many districts Democrat-controlled election centers have wiped the electronic storage of ballots, and shredded the paper ballots, and began doing so in the weeks almost immediately after the 2020 election. So no re-count or verification was even possible, even immediately after the election.
What happened to legally protecting them for 22 months?!?
On top of everything else, that is a further suspicious action by Democrat officials, that even further undermines credibility of the 2020 election.

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So much overwhelming evidence that wasn’t ever brought into court! Lots of debunked lies you refuse to accept. Pennsylvania for example had 39 percent of its population vote by mail in ballot in 2020 compared to 4 percent in 2016. The state Supreme Court allowed a 3 day extension to count those votes that were mailed before the election. As you might remember Trump was blocking money for the post office because of the expected surge in mail in voting that he knew would benefit Biden. Why shocked that it took more time to count? And these states were not under sole control of democrats. And people like Pence, Cheney, Kemp, Barr and many more are hardly democrats. You lie and keep repeating them.

Trump enjoyed the same ability to contest the results as democrats. Trump can even lie as he does about voter fraud. Like the 3 hour gap. The problem is he had no legal way of staying in power after losing and then pursued a conspiracy to defraud the country.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
So much overwhelming evidence that wasn’t ever brought into court! Lots of debunked lies you refuse to accept. Pennsylvania for example had 39 percent of its population vote by mail in ballot in 2020 compared to 4 percent in 2016. The state Supreme Court allowed a 3 day extension to count those votes that were mailed before the election. As you might remember Trump was blocking money for the post office because of the expected surge in mail in voting that he knew would benefit Biden. Why shocked that it took more time to count? And these states were not under sole control of democrats. And people like Pence, Cheney, Kemp, Barr and many more are hardly democrats. You lie and keep repeating them.

Trump enjoyed the same ability to contest the results as democrats. Trump can even lie as he does about voter fraud. Like the 3 hour gap. The problem is he had no legal way of staying in power after losing and then pursued a conspiracy to defraud the country.

You can't "de-bunk" what you refuse to even hear in a court room, or investigate. There was no investigation, so how can it possibly be "de-bunked"?

There was no FBI investigation of election fraud, they just simply refused to even look at it.
But that same FBI
1) investigated a bunch of people on a highway who waved Trump flags in moving pickup trucks around a Biden campaign bus
2) sent a squad of FBI agents to investigate a "noose" that was alleged to be hung in a black race car driver's garage as some kind of racist message or threat (it turned out to just be a pull handle that had been used for at least a decade to pull down the garage door for many white drivers prior to him.
3) FBI sent a squad of FBI agents to investigate the Jusse Smollett alleged "MAGA" beating/ lynching (where Smollett hired two black guys from Nigeria to disguise themselves as Trump supporters, and Smollett paid them for it with a personal check! And the two idiot black guys were also on video surveillance in several stores shown buying their MAGA/Trump gear.

You tell me: Which was of infinitely more importance to the nation for the FBI to investigate, these 3 piddly incidents... or investigating election fraud in the 2020 election?
Even for a Democrat zealot like yourself, who eagerly consumes every drop of the mental baby-food your Democrat-Bolshevik party spoon-feeds you, EVEN YOU have to see that it was of dire importance that even if there truly was no election fraud in 2020, it was of extreme importance for FBI to fully investigate and disprove any possibility that election fraud had occurred in 2020, for the roughly 50% of America polled that absolutely believe the election was rigged.
And those numbers have only increased over the last 3 years, due to the highly suspect lack of election accountability.
Saying it's "de-bunked", and actually investigating and de-bunking it are two very different things.

In 2000, there were multiple re-counts, and then a private re-count funded by several major newspapers, such as the Miami Herald and New York Times. Those who distrusted the 2000 result were persuaded by the multiple re-counts, and the availability of the election data, for both public and private audit.

Not so 2 decades later in 2020.
Unbelievably not so, INFURIATINGLY NOT SO, regarding the 2020 sham election.

That there is absolutely no curiosity by FBI or DOJ, no curiosity by the mainstream media, by the courts, appellate courts, state supreme courts or U.S. supreme court (although Alito and Thomas and possibly other justices wanted to hear he case, but were blocked by John Roberts). Despite abundant evidence of election fraud by the computer forensics experts, cyber-war and information war / counter-insurrection military experts, and others in the video I just cited.

As well as many others I've cited in dozens of other articles and videos here over the last 3 years: former U.S. attorneys, former assistant directors of DOJ and FBI, and election executives, election volunteers, constitutional lawyers, mathemeticians and statisticians, tech business owners and others I've sourced and quoted over the last 3 years. As well as sworn witnesses of election fraud who gave signed affidavits to Rudy Giuliani and Trump's other lawyers. Signed statements, under penalty of perjury if they had lied, who volunteered in multiple 2020 election centers, many with decades of election volunteer experience, and even contract employees for Dominion. Postal workers who witnessed election fraud and forged ballots, and witnessed against postal managers who forced them to submit mail-in ballots for [Democrat] maanagers to illegaally backdate invalid ballots, to illegally let them be counted. 18-wheeler truckloads of illegal ballots transported across state lines. And rather than investigate or "debunk" , FBI agents were instead sent only to intimidate and silence the witnesses, to make them withdraw their affidavitts, uninvestigated.
ALL OF THIS cries out for investigation.

And insultingly, it has just been ignored.
That to me is the proof that the election CAN'T withstand the slightest scrutiny of an election re-count. That's why Democrat election supervisors shredded the ballots and blanked out the computer information.

ERIC COOMER, DOMINION VICE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR OF SYSTEMS SECURITY: A member of Antifa, who posted endless years of ranting posts of his intense hate for Trump and for Republicans in general: "Trump isn't going to win, I made fucking sure of that."
And as mentioned in the video, he downloaded software about 3 AM on election night observed by election workers, to make "fucking sure".

And you think none of this warrants the slightest investigation?!?
None of this has been "de-bunked". To de-bunk, you have to actually investigate.

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You’re just repeating debunked lies as facts. Trump had more recounts in 2020 than there were in 2000. But he knew counting votes wouldn’t keep him in power so he tried staying in power by having multiple sets of fake electors replace the real ones. And Dominion actually had FOX pay a huge sum for its lies. And they have more lawsuits. If you actually believed the lies you like repeating I would think you would have an issue with Trump trying to delay the Jack Smith case. You know it’s all bullshit that won’t stand in up in court. Trump had all these years and resources to bring any evidence into court and he didn’t. Now it’s a game of trying to win another election and then avoid justice by using his power to not have a trial. I see no expectation from you or other maga’s for Trump to actually bring evidence into court and win on the merits.

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You’re just repeating debunked lies as facts. Trump had more recounts in 2020 than there were in 2000. But he knew counting votes wouldn’t keep him in power so he tried staying in power by having multiple sets of fake electors replace the real ones. And Dominion actually had FOX pay a huge sum for its lies. And they have more lawsuits. If you actually believed the lies you like repeating I would think you would have an issue with Trump trying to delay the Jack Smith case. You know it’s all bullshit that won’t stand in up in court. Trump had all these years and resources to bring any evidence into court and he didn’t. Now it’s a game of trying to win another election and then avoid justice by using his power to not have a trial. I see no expectation from you or other maga’s for Trump to actually bring evidence into court and win on the merits.

We all know delusional douchebag needs to accept this, but we also all know that he won't. Good on you for trying though!

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You’re just repeating debunked lies as facts. Trump had more recounts in 2020 than there were in 2000. But he knew counting votes wouldn’t keep him in power so he tried staying in power by having multiple sets of fake electors replace the real ones. And Dominion actually had FOX pay a huge sum for its lies. And they have more lawsuits. If you actually believed the lies you like repeating I would think you would have an issue with Trump trying to delay the Jack Smith case. You know it’s all bullshit that won’t stand in up in court. Trump had all these years and resources to bring any evidence into court and he didn’t. Now it’s a game of trying to win another election and then avoid justice by using his power to not have a trial. I see no expectation from you or other maga’s for Trump to actually bring evidence into court and win on the merits.

Ignoring Iggy's pointless ignorant dickhead insults, you still make no honest point, M E M.
And you pack a ton of lies into every sentence of your one short paragraph.

1) As I already said, while Trump demanded re-counts in all the 6 contested states, that re-count mostly never happened, because Democrat election supervisors in those states obstructed it.
ONLY in Maricopa county was there something resembling a full re-count, and even there Dominion officials refused to surrender the passwords to permit a complete re-count. And the local Maricopa election executtives, not even having access o their own passwords, had to take Dominion's word for the result, and CLEARLY were never able to verify it independently themselves, or ever even tried to.
(As compared to Florida in the 2000 election, where a full re-count was done of the entire state, THREE TIMES in front of the global media. Despite every attempt by Gore and the Democrats to rig the 2000 Florida re-counts, attempting to only re-count the counties where Gore/Democrats were likely to gain votes, and attempting to exclude overseas military ballots that they knew favored Bush and the Republicans. )
So as thorough as the 2020 Maricopa County re-count was, the Democrats there never allowed a full re-count, obstructed and blanked out the voter memory of computers and flash drives.
And that's as close to a "full re-count" that Democrats permitted in any of the 6 contested states.
And nationwide, Democrats (required by federal law to hold for re-count 22 months all paper and electronic ballots and voter machines) instead shredded the ballots and wiped the systems that would have allowed a REAL re-count.
And you somehow defend the indefensible, and pretend, and front the narrative that it was the "most secure election ever". It was NOT.

2) It wasn't Bush in 2000 who got all the recounts. It was Democrats who demanded recount after recount, and wanted to count forever, and wanted to do so until they got a count that went for Gore, so they could throw doubt on the THREE previous counts that each time found Bush the winner in 2000. And finally the U.S. Supreme Court (after the Democrat-leaning Florida state supreme court refused to, prior to that, TWICE) the U S S C finally said okay, that's 3 re-counts, that's enough, and declared W. Bush the winner.

3) Re: your saying "But he [Trump] knew counting votes wouldn’t keep him in power so he tried staying in power by having multiple sets of fake electors replace the real ones. "
That is very science fictional wishful thinking on your part, that ignores the facts. Going back to a least the 1960 JFK election, presidents have had alternative sets of electors picked, just in case in a close contest for a state they turned out to declare JFK in 1960 (or Trump in 2020) the winner. You imply dishonesty about Trump's clear intent for alternate electors, for doing exactly what JFK and other Democrats have done, in many previous elections. Another false Demorat narrative, to demonize Trump.

4) Re: your saying; " And Dominion actually had FOX pay a huge sum for its lies. "
That again is dishonest spin.
Fox News didn't "lie", they chose to end the case and make a cash settlement, rather than prolong the legal expense in court, and open themselves up to discovery of all their internal e-mails and texts about internal Fox matters unrelated to the case, that could reveal a lot Fox didn't want known about their internal communications and strategy. As I discussed before regarding this case (and you lied about) Fox News is a $ 20 billion company, and they made a settlement with Dominion for less than 1 billion, or less than 5% of their total worth.

Frankly I'm not the fan of Fox News that I once was, for reasons previously stated, but still, they are not guilty of what you accuse them of.
They didn't lose, they made a settlement, CHOSE to end the case, that is not the same thing as being guilty of anything. Fox just agreed not to continue saying Dominion rigged the election, and made a partial cash settlement to Dominion as part of the deal. Dominion wanted Maria Bartiromo, Judge Jeannine Pirro, and Lou Dobbs fired. Fox only agreed to fire Lou Dobbs, the others are stilll at Fox.

5) Re your saying : "If you actually believed the lies you like repeating I would think you would have an issue with Trump trying to delay the Jack Smith case."
The "Lies I keep repeating" are the truth, and I've repeatedly sourced and linked to the FACTS that prove them true, you liar (trying to PORTRAY ME as a liar).

It's not Trump who is delaying the case, it is proven Democrat partisan hack Jack Smith (banished to The Hague in Europe for his past partisan legal failures and abuses) that is trying to FAST TRACK the case, for purely political reasons, to give political advantage to Democrats in the 2024 election.
In his eagerness to indict and complete a trial of Trump in a rigged Democrat prosecution, with a rigged judge-shopped Democrat-partisan judge, before an over 90% Democrat jury venue, in an attempt to fast-track and get a rigged Democrat political verdict before the 2024 election. And do so before a less Democrat-partisan higher appellate or Supreme Court can reverse that verdict, that would not happen ttill AFTER the 2024 election.
WHAT THE CONSTITUTION SAYS is that Trump (as the accused) is entitled to a speedy trial, but it does NOT entitle the state (in prosecutor Jack Smith) to a speedy trial. Jack Smith has an army of DOJ lawyers to help fast-track the case, and worked on the Trump case in secrecy for years, before they finally dropped an indictment on an unsuspecting Trump. While Trump and his smaller legal team need more time to examine all the evidence, to make a case in Trump's defense. That Jack Smith fast-tracking the case is intended to prevent, or at least make Trump's lawyers less prepared for. Add to that how DOJ and FBI and leftist groups are intimidating and indicting any lawyers who defend Trump, so that few lawyers are willing to even defend Trump.
Trump is living a real-world version of Kafka's The Trial

6) Re: your saying: "You know it’s all bullshit that won’t stand in up in court. Trump had all these years and resources to bring any evidence into court and he didn’t. Now it’s a game of trying to win another election and then avoid justice by using his power to not have a trial.BLA BLA BLA"
For all your attempts to portray it otherwise, I know everything that YOU are saying is "bullshit", spoon-fed to you by George Orwell's CNN and MSNBC. It is a Democrat-Bolshevik NARRATIVE about Trump, NOT the truth.
And your side has been trying without success for 9 YEARS to manufacture muliple lying narrative slanders and bogus federal and state investigations to destroy Trump.
But Trump has proven to be far more honest in his personal life and business records than you and the Democrat-weaponized DOJ and FBI could have ever dreamed.

With every new attempt by the Democrat-Bolshevik side to manufacture yet another new slander of Trump, it is increasingly clear to a majority of voters that the Democrats and their 97% Democrat-zealot FBI/DOJ agents are the ones who are lying, and weaponizing government just to destroy Trump, just because he is a political obstacle to their keeping power.
NO OTHER REASON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

7) Trump has ALREADY been found innocent of multiple accusations, investigations, impeachments, and a fake NSC "whistleblower" report (that was in truth an amalgam of TWO people, Eric Ciaramela, and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, further secretly aided by Adam Schiff and lawyers organized in Schiff's office, and further cooked up by CIA and DOJ lawyers, to allege Trump made an inappropriate phone call withthe then- just-elected President Zelenskyy in Ukraine. Trump disproved the allegation by releasing the actual phone call, THAT PROVED Democrats' faked accusation was the actual lie.
And meanwhile, Joe Biden, who truly DID do EXACTLY what Trump was accused of, and Biden openly boasted about threatening to withold over $1 billion in U.S. economic aid from Ukraine, if the then president of Ukraine (president Petro Poroshenko, prior to Zelenskyy) didn't fire the Ukrianian attorney general invesigating Burisma (and Hunter Biden)..
Trump was innocent and falsely accused. Biden is actually guilty of exactly the same crime, and openly gloated about it, ON VIDEO, at a CFR meeting, and yet has never been accused, indicted or prosecuted by he 97% Democrat-loyalist DOJ / FBI.

What I see is that Trump has been falsely accused and set up by the Deep State / Democrat-Bolsheviks FOR 9 YEARS, and has over and over proven himself innocent against malicious false charges. For 9 years.
And each new accusation is seen by the American public through the prism of 9 years of previous false accusations, increasingly perceived as made just to try and destroy Trump, for no reason other than he is not part of the Democrat- Bolshevik revolution.

As I said before, a U.S. attorney, Brett Tolman said on Newsmax that this is highly unusual, to have four state and federal cases against ONE PERSON, all at the same time, WHILE HE IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, no less.
The U.S. attorney said that the usual procedure is to let the person be tried for ONE case, and let the other cases be held in reserve, if the person is not found guilty in the first case. And only then hit them with another case, if the first case fails to get a guilty verdict.
NO ONE has ever been charged the way Trump is, not Al Capone, not Osama Bin Ladin, not John Gotti.
Only Trump.
Whatever serves the revolution, right M E M?

Your side makes up the rules as they go so they can abuse the law. And you, being a lawless partisan-Democrat-Bolshevik, are perfectly okay with that. It doesn't bother you in the slightest that FBI over and over for 9 years has violated their own agency procedures at every turn to maliciously attack Trump, send fake Russian assets into the Trump campaign to try and entrap them, send fake moles into the Trump campaign to inform on Trump officials or offer them bait that would have them arrested for crimes.

How an FBI lawyer (Kevin Clinesmith) faked documentation for FOUR fake FISA warrants against Carter Page.
And through surveillance of Carter Page, FBI surveillance (three calls deep of surveillance, on every caller) did surveillance on the entire Trump campaign for 6 months, and then continued another 6 months of FBI surveillance on the entire Trump presidential White House !!!

ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF DEMOCRAT-RIGGED FBI AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM: The perjury trap set for General Michael Flynn, to prevent Flynn in early 2017 from ferreting out the Democrat-Bolshevik corruption in FBI, CIA and the rest of the intelligence community, Obama/Biden's corrupt and illegal Iran nuclear deal, and abuse of intelligence agencies for ostensibly Obama's enire 8 years, to spy on and "unmask" hundreds if not thousands of Republican leaders. That FBI weaponizattion by McCabe, Strzok, erc., cost Flynn 6 million dollars in legal fees, and further forced Flynn to mortgage his home to pay for his legal defense, before being forced by his secretly Democrat-embedded law firm (Perkins-Coie) to take a plea bargain for a crime he was innocent of.

ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE DEMOCRAT-WEAPONIZED FBI: Lisa Page and Peter Strzok openly texting about using their FBI leadership positions to rig the 2016 election.

[Linked Image from]

ALL this corruption you ignore, just so you can maliciously accuse Trump, and cheer on the Democrat-Bolshevik state manufacturing charges to put him, this innocent man, in jail.

YOU are the one who ignores all evidence.
Otherwise you would realize that it is YOU who is so full of shit., M E M.
Wake the hell up.

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Your reputation makes any accusations against me value free. Trump never brought any credible evidence into court that would have altered Biden’s huge win. Instead he just gave his followers accusations, lies and anger while he tried to steal the election with multiple slates of fake electors. Your support for all of it shows who you are WB.

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He is what he accuses everyone else to be...a partisan wack-job hack!

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Originally Posted by iggy
He is what he accuses everyone else to be...a partisan wack-job hack!

Hey iggy! How have you been?

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Been great, SOM! How are things on the other side of the Pacific?

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As shitty as it has always been, like the rest of the world. But personally, I'm great.

It's great that people are coming back to the RKMBs, on a Trump thread, at that. I've been lurking for the past year or so, not really finding any reason to post anything when all I see is just Wonder Boy and MEM trading barbs, but even MEM seems to have dropped out.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Your reputation makes any accusations against me value free. Trump never brought any credible evidence into court that would have altered Biden’s huge win. Instead he just gave his followers accusations, lies and anger while he tried to steal the election with multiple slates of fake electors. Your support for all of it shows who you are WB.

My "reputation" is for many years to post facts and linked sources to back up what I'm saying.
While all you have is insults, slanders, and fake narratives.
My sourced facts, your Democrat-Bolshevik deceitful tactics.

And Trump's lawyers brought PLENTY of evidence to court, hundreds of witnesses, hundreds of sworn affidavits from these witnesses, but Clinton- and Obama-appointed judges refused to hear it in court. They in some cases said the cases "lack standing" as a way to sidestep having to hear the evidence.

And as I've said repeatedly, there were also Republican judges who were also part of the corrupt uni-party, or a second group of judges who are afraid of getting the same personal destruction as Rudy Giuliani or Alan Dershowitz, where they can likewise be investigated, indicted by he 65 Project, and bankrupted by legal fees fighting the lawfare cases against them. So hey just choose to step out of the way and abandon Trump and his supporters to the Democrat-Bolshevik wolves.. It's just easier and safer. But it is NOT justice, or "de-bunked". Not even close.

What all this shows is that, unlike you, I can think for myself and see through the propaganda, and not just suck on the propaganda nipple of what CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, and the rest of the shamelessly deceitful leftist media narrative YOU are feeding yourself on.

Originally Posted by Iggy
He is what he accuses everyone else to be...a partisan wack-job hack!

All you have is insuls, never any facts to back it up. I cite and source facts, and explain exactly why you and M E M are the partisan wack jobs.

You have a rigged 2020 election.
Three years of visibly false Covid-19 narratives.
The Twitter Files showing how the Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed by George Orwell's Google, Facebook, Twitter and Insagram.

Multiple FBI and DOJ deliberately false investigations of Trump for "Russia collusion" that even Strzok and Page in their FBI texts say they knew from the start there was "No 'there' there." a

A fake Mueller Report, where (as detailed by John Solomon, at JustTheNews) they (Strzok and Page) knew the Russia collusion charges against Trump were absolutely false by February or March of 2017 at the latest. Bu the Mueller team dragged on the investigation till way past the Nov 2018 election, until July 2019, to influence and damage the Republicans in the Nov 2018 election. They finally released their report in July 2019. From a partisan Mueller team of entirely Democrat lawyers, over 10 of them large donors to the Democrat party, one who came directly from the Clinton foundaion, and early on, Trump-hating conspirators Peer Strzok and Lisa Page were part of the Mueller team. There was NOT ONE Republican on that investigative team.

But hey, NOT AT ALL partisan against Trump, right Iggy? Perfectly fine.
And within 2 weeks of the dissastrous Mueller report, an even more disastrous (for Democrats) Senate hearing of Mueller, about a report he (Biden-like, just a puppet) CLEARLY did not write himself or have any familiarity with to answer questions about. It was Democrat-Bolshevik Andrew Weissmann who actually wrote the Mueller report, that a feeble Mueller could not have written himself, and in hearings was clueless to discuss.

And just a week or two after that, Democrats unleashed the "whistleblower report" about Trump's phone call to a just-inauguraed President Zelenskyy in Ukraine. And Democrats rushed out their new false narrative, and fast-tracked an impeachment of Trump in Jan 2020, that House Democrats all eagerly voted for impeachment on, despite the call being de-classified and released by Trump himself, PROVING he did nothing wrong in his call with Zelenskyy.

It was in fact Hillary Clinton and her campaign, and the DNC, boh of whom ACTUALLY colluded with the Russians (hiring Perkins-Coie law firm, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired former British MI-6 agent Christopher Steele, who using Clinton / DNC - provided cash, bought the salacious Trump info directly from Russian intelligence agents. RUSSIA COLLUSION ANYONE? )

And likewise Joe Biden who ALSO ACTUALLY DID the Russia collusion Donald Trump was only falsely accused of, when Hunter Biden and Joe Biden took millionsin payoff from Burisma, and then Biden threatened then-Ukraine president Poroshenko that if he didn't fire the prosecutor (Shokin) investigating Burisma and the Bidens, that Joe Biden would take away $1 billion in foreign aid from Ukraine.
JOE BIDEN: "well son of a bitch... he fired him."
That Biden openly boasted about doing at a CFR meetign a few months later.

A flashing neon "INFLUENCE PEDDLING" on Poroshenko by Biden, but... It's a Democrat, so the FBI doesn't care.

And FBI actually buried the Hunter Biden laptop till a year later, AFTER the Nov 2020 election, and even then FBI only acknowledged it after that pesky Delaware computer repair shop guy finally went to House Republicans, after he FBI stonewalled the promised investigation for a year. FBI would have hidden the laptop contents forever, if they could get away with it. As a matter of fact, as I recall, it was the repair shop guy and the House Republicans who released the contents, while the FBI still alleges the laptop they have is "missing" or otherwise will not release it for some contrived reason. House and Senate Republicans ask FBI about it, and just get jerked around by FBI, who refuse to provide any information.

I is IN SPITE OF the FBI, not because of FBI, that the media and the public know the contents of the Huner Biden laptop. Plus confirmation by former Burisma officials, by Shokin, and by Hunter Biden's business associates such as Tony Bubulinsky and Devin Archer, who were in the Hunter Biden email chans, and have verified they are Hunter's actual emails.

And the FBI spied on New York Post reporter Miranda Devine through her FISA-surveiled phone calls with Rudy Giuliani and other Trump officials, according to Miranda Devine herself and Giuliani, so a spying FBI knew exacly when to compose and release their 51-signature letter from so-called intelligence officials (none of who ever actually saw the Biden laptop contents), but eagerly labelled it with the "looks like Russian disinformation" narrative, using former FBI and CIA officials (like James Baker) who were secretly still serving FBI in private-sector executive positions in Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Instagram, where they could help FBI and CIA suppress the lapttop and have it blocked on social media. As was the New York Post's social media accounts. (again: See Elon Musk and Mat Taibbi's " Twitter Files"

So once again.... EVERYTHING Democrats merely slander Republicans to be doing, turns out to be what Democrats are ACTUALLY DOING THEMSELVES.
But hey, no investigation, no indicment, no prosecution or even the possibility of a conviction or jail time. FBI is flying cover for Democrats. After all, these are DEMOCRATS, FBI does't prosecute them !
No, for Democrats they scuttle the evidence, and avoid recording their depositions, so they can' be found guilty of perjury later.
But in the cases of Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, George Pappadaapoulos, Roger Stone and other Trump Republicans, these same FBI deep state agents lay a minefield of perjury traps, to frame Trump officials for manufactured perjury, so they can still convict them and force them into plea bargains when they haven't actually committed any crime.
Protect Democrats from any prosecution.
Maliciously prosecute Republicans.
Yeah, that's fair...

Then you have a CIA where Gina Haspel signs an order to change CIA /NSC 'whistleblower" rules, that for the very first time suddenly allowed a whisleblower to accuse he President, altered JUST ONE MONTH BEFORE such a mysterious whistleblower report was filed against Trump. And very oddly, no one seems to know who put the alteration paper that allowed it on Gina Haspel's desk.
And partisan sheep like Iggy and M E M ask no questions because.... Hate Trump. Get Trump, any way possible, and screw the Constituttion, NO PROBLEM.

The clearly fake January 6th narrative, with at least 70 Antifa, DC Metro, DHS and FBI undercover agents DISGUISED AS Trump supporters in the crowd that day, that Jill Sanborn and Christopher Wray in testimony "CANNOT SAY" were not the actual instigators or perpetrators of the violence that occurred on Jan 6th, TO FRAME Trump and his supporters.

And now 4 simultaneous indictments of Trump on bogus charges, in four different parts of the country, by rabidly anti-Trump Democrat prosecutors, prosecutors who jury-shopped when to drop the indicttments, to have them assigned to rabidly Anti-Trump judges, and get the cases in venue districts where jury pools and grand juries are upwards of 90% rabidly anti-Trump as well.

And none of this registers to you as the slightest bit unusual, unconstitutional and unfair.

But yeah, sure, I'm the wack job, Iggy, NOT YOU, right? rolleyes
Any sane person looking at these facts sees them very differently than you and M E M do.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Son of Mxy
As shitty as it has always been, like the rest of the world. But personally, I'm great.

It's great that people are coming back to the RKMBs, on a Trump thread, at that. I've been lurking for the past year or so, not really finding any reason to post anything when all I see is just Wonder Boy and MEM trading barbs, but even MEM seems to have dropped out.

Good to have you back, Son of Mxy. I often miss your wordplay and one-line zingers that lighten things up here amid more serious discussions.

I joke around too sometimes, but you have a rare talent a it.

On the subject of posters coming back, I'd like to see a poster-phoenix by Pariah, G-man, and (dare I say it?) WBAM.

There's at least two dozen others who made these boards fun that I'd like to see back. I always liked that his place, even at its peak, was a small community of about 20 to 40 posters at any given time (plus a lot of fun alts) and I'd love to see these boards come back. 20 to 40 new posters, or just bringing a percentage of the old ones back. That wouldn't be such a hard lift.

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Exclusive: ‘Trump Employee 5,’ who unknowingly helped move classified documents, speaks out

This is a key difference with the others that had classified materials. There’s evidence that Trump on multiple occasions tried to keep these by moving them to evade investigators. The only way he gets out of it is make the trial go away or self pardon.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Exclusive: ‘Trump Employee 5,’ who unknowingly helped move classified documents, speaks out

This is a key difference with the others that had classified materials. There’s evidence that Trump on multiple occasions tried to keep these by moving them to evade investigators. The only way he gets out of it is make the trial go away or self pardon.

That's just the piddly false narrative the liberal media, especially MSNBC and CNN are hyperventilating about, desperately trying to front a new narrative, because.

1) the Fani Willis and Nathan Wade case is falling apart. These two prosecutors are the more likely ones to be disbarred and go to jail, not Trump.

2) the Jack Smith case is falling apart

3) the Leticia James case is falling apart


4) the E. Jean Carroll case is temporarily making Trump pay damages, but the prosecutor is so visibly corrupt, the judge is so visibly corrupt, and E. Jean Carroll herself is so off-the-rails crazy that there is NO WAY that case is not reversed on appeal.

So... the onslaught of cases that was supposed to destroy Trump's candidacy, has instead rallied public support to Trump so he is now leading, mostly by large margins, in the polls nattionwide, and in 6 of the 7 battleground states.
Thanks, Democrats !

You know who is demonstrably REALLY corrupt, M E M?
Every one of the prosecutors accusing Trump of corruption. Man, you just can't make this stuff up.

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“ That's just the piddly false narrative the liberal media, especially MSNBC and CNN are hyperventilating about, desperately trying to front a new narrative, because.”

This is the type of argument you use when you can’t refute the evidence followed by some maga memes. It’s not a new narrative either beyond the witness coming out publicly btw. It’s also not the only evidence that Trump was moving the files in an effort to avoid handing them over. Your win here is that you prove over over again that you are a waste of time and you got me to waste some.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“ That's just the piddly false narrative the liberal media, especially MSNBC and CNN are hyperventilating about, desperately trying to front a new narrative, because.”

This is the type of argument you use when you can’t refute the evidence followed by some maga memes. It’s not a new narrative either beyond the witness coming out publicly btw. It’s also not the only evidence that Trump was moving the files in an effort to avoid handing them over. Your win here is that you prove over over again that you are a waste of time and you got me to waste some.

It's a piddly story interviewing a guy who doesn't know anything, who moved a few boxes for Trump, and didn't even know what the boxes contained.

So ultimately, the Democrat/liberal media narrative hyperventilating about this alleged "revelation" by this guy who just moved a few boxes tells us nothing.
Just like every other Democrat narrative for the last 9 years, each fronting to be the "bombshell" revelation that would destroy Trump's presidency or political campaign. Each turning out to be a big nothing, many of which flipped the other way and blew up in Democrats' and the liberal media's faces.

The bottom line is...

1) The boxes taken from the White House were loaded by National Archives and Secret Service agents, NOT by Trump himself or his White House staff.
The boxes were stored securely by Secret Service agents behind locked doors at Mar A Lago, with Secret Service agents patrolling the outside halls at all times.
And Trump had the authority to have the records as a current and former president. Just like every other president, and other White House executive NOT indicted over the last 30 years.
Only Trump is singled out to be framed and maliciously prosecuted on made-up charges.

2) After taking records from the White House on Jan 20 2021, Trump and his lawyers were in literally daily communication with the National Archives and FBI EVERY DAY ,and communicated with these agencies in a very friendly and cordial way, right up to the point that Merrick Garland and his FBI ambushed Trump and the Mar A Lago staff with a sudden evening raid, that was completely unnecessary.
Trump's lawyers made clear that FBI could have come and taken the records at any time, all they had to do was ask, at any time. And the frontline FBI agents who were communicating every day with Trump's lawyers were as astonished by the sudden raid as Trump and his lawyers were.
It was all a deep state / Democrat trick, a staged unnecessary event.

( Meanwhile, Joe Biden had unauthorized illegal top secret records going back 50 years, with loose top secret Biden documents in at least EIGHT unsecured locations from his 36 years as Senator, from his 8 years as vice president, that he NEVER had any presidential authority to have in his possession outside a SCIFF.
And these compromised top secret records were accessible in wide open crumbling boxes in an unsecured garage, right next to Biden's Corvette, open to Hunter Biden (who regularly did financial transactions with what Hunter himself described in a boasting text as "The head of China's fucking spy agency").
THIS is the guy with easy access to the top secret documents in Joe Biden's garage.

And at the U Penn Biden center, and at multiple Biden mansion estates and offices, and other university archives, NONE of which were secure. And the U Penn archives were funded about $25-plus million by the Chinese communist government, and probably crawling with Chinese spies. Documents that could very well have been given to the Chinese Communist Party either directly by the Bidens, or by being purposely left in unsecure storage for the Chinese to access.
In exchange for the MILLIONS both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden received from the Chinese, in a treasonous sale of U.S. government secrets, giving "elite capture" rewards to Joe and Hunter from the Chinese government, who wire-transferred cash to a total of 9 Biden family members' bank accounts. )

But conveniently, Biden can't be prosecuted, by Merrick Garland and Joe Biden's DOJ.
While these same Democrat-Bolsheviks indict the living hell out of Trump, and portray him as dangerous with top secret records. rolleyes

3) Literally, every other President for over 30 years, and many other White House officials who were not former Presidents, have gotten a free pass on far worse and egregious carelessness with top secret records: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Barack Obama, Mike Pence, Joe Biden and many before them.
But ONLY Donald Trump, of all these, in over 30 years, is singled out for prosecution.

Particularly in Democrats' cases, FBI and DOJ find jaw-dropping ways to violate their own rules of investigation protocol, to scuttle the cases and prevent Democrats from ever being indicted, or even have their depositions recorded when interviewed by FBI.
While this same (97% Democrat) FBI simultaneously mine the landscape with perjury traps for Republicans like Roger Stone, Peter Navarro, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, K.T. McFarland, Jorge Pappadapoulos, and of course Trump himself.

Hey, no double standard, NONE AT ALL !

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Sure if you ignore all the evidence to the contrary. The win for Trump would be getting back in office and having no trial. That’s the justice you want.

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I just posted the evidence.

Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Mike Pence, many others, are undeniably guilty of keeping top secret records that they NEVER had Presidential authority to have outside of a SCIFF.

But only Trump is being maliciously prosecuted.
And all these others, who actually ARE undeniably guilty, with a huge stack of evidence against them, are given a free pass by FBI, while Trump is prosecuted to the hilt on made-up charges.

Hillary Clinton is undeniably guilty with her private server. But despite the laws she clearly violated ("gross negligence" for openers) , James Comey in 2016 announced with no authority that "no reasonable person" would prosecute her. Right after Comey just previously cited all the overwhelming evidence available to prosecute her.
Many FBI agents left work early and walked out of the FBI headquarters building in disgust that day.

Same thing with Robert Hur about 2 weeks ago. Hur cited all the overwhelming undeniable evidence to prosecute Joe Biden. Then Hur said, but we won't prosecute him, because he's a nice old man with a bad memory.

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False narrative. You claim Trump cooperated but the evidence shows he’s done exactly the opposite. Biden actually did cooperate. Biden’s people notified the government when documents were found. He did a long session with Hur answering questions for over 5 hours and there wasn’t the attempt to hide and move documents to avoid handling them over. There isn’t even a pretense of wanting a trial for Trump so he can exonerate himself by his followers. You guys know.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
False narrative. You claim Trump cooperated but the evidence shows he’s done exactly the opposite. Biden actually did cooperate. Biden’s people notified the government when documents were found. He did a long session with Hur answering questions for over 5 hours and there wasn’t the attempt to hide and move documents to avoid handling them over. There isn’t even a pretense of wanting a trial for Trump so he can exonerate himself by his followers. You guys know.


EVERYTHING that I said about all the other people who did the same or far worse over top secret records, who NEVER had the clearance Trump did, is absolutely true.

And Trump and his staff absolutely DID communicate every day in a cordial and friendly way with the FBI, that FBI could come any time and pick up the records.
It is a false narrative to say that an FBI raid on Mar A Lago was ever necessary.
As I said, even the FBI liason agents who were in daily contact with Trump and his lawyers at Mar A Lago were astonished by that very sudden, unnecessary and pure narrative / pure theatrics raid.
That FBI called CNN and the liberal media in advance to do live video coverage of.
EVERYONE but Trump got advance notice of the raid.

Same as the Paul Manafort raid.
Same as the Michael Flynn raid.
Same as he Michael Cohen raids (midnight raids on his home, office, and hotel where he was staying).
Same as the Roger Stone raid.
Same as he Peter Navarro raid when he was arrested at the airport, an old man escorted out in leg irons and subjected to a cavity search. And Navarro lived right across the street from FBI headquarters. All he needed was a phone call to appear. The rest was just heatrics, intimidation, and deliberate humiliation.

All that was pure theatrics, ANY of these men could have been given a phone call, and be counted on to appear at an appointed time at FBI headquarters with their lawyer.

And meanwhile, polar opposite, the FBI merely notified Hillary Clinton and her staff of a subpoena for her records for investigation, no arrests, no seizures, no midnight raids, and FBI gave Hillary and her aides 3 months to destroy 35,000 documents. WHO WAS MORE DESERVING OF A RAID ?!?

It's pretty clear that YOUR side has the false narrative, whereas FBI, the Democrat leadership and the news media are knowingly giving false accusation to Trump and his staffers, just to polittically damage him for Nov 2024. The only real reason.

FBI, conversely, knew Biden had classified records everywhere, and gave Biden and his lawyers roughly a year to go through them (i.e., bury the evidence) with no raids, no indictments.
Even at this stage, there is only accusations against Trump.
As contrasted with MOUNTAINS of evidence against Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Mike Pence, and many others. That FBI, DOJ, and the liberal media pretends doesn't exist.
It is a FACT that Trump and his lawyers were in daily and friendly contact with FBI and the National Archives, and while they had not surrendered the Mar A Lago records, Trump and his lawyers repeatedly made clear they could arrange for FBI to pick up the records there at any time.
But instead DOJ/ FBI gave Trump a shiv in the back and pulled a midnight raid, just for the CNN cameras.

Completely unnecessary, a vicious FBI/Democrat political trick.

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Biden and the Democrats, trying to pull an Alexei Navalny on Donald Trump :


  • House Democrats have introduced a bill that would strip Secret Service protection from convicted felons sentenced to prison, a move directly targeting former President Trump who is currently on criminal trial in New York City for alleged hush money payments made during the 2016 election campaign and faces several other cases which could land him behind bars.

    Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., the former chair of the now disbanded Jan. 6 congressional committee, introduced legislation that would automatically nix Secret Service protection for those who have been convicted of a federal or state felony that carries a minimum one-year prison term.

    The proposed bill is provocatively called theThe proposed bill, Thompson says, would avoid such complications with incarcerating former President Trump should he be ordered to serve jail time.

    "Therefore, it is necessary for us to be prepared and update the law so the American people can be assured that protective status does not translate into special treatment—and that those who are sentenced to prison will indeed serve the time required of them," Thompson said.

    It would also address suggestions that any potential conviction of Trump would likely result in some form of home confinement rather than prison time, given his Secret Service protection.

    "This bill would remove the potential for conflicting lines of authority within prisons and allow judges to weigh the sentencing of individuals without having to factor in the logistical concerns of convicts with Secret Service protection," the document states.
    "Unfortunately, current law doesn’t anticipate how Secret Service protection would impact the felony prison sentence of a protectee—even a former President," Thompson said in a statement.

    "It is regrettable that it has come to this, but this previously unthought-of scenario could become our reality."

    A so-called "fact sheet" accompanying Thompson’s statement notes that Trump is facing an "unprecedented 91 felony charges in federal and state courts" which have "created a new exigency that Congress must address to ensure Secret Service protection does not interfere with the criminal judicial process and the administration of justice."

    The one-page document also states that the bill would apply to former President Trump should he be convicted of a felony, as well as to all Secret Service protectees convicted and sentenced under felony charges.

    It notes that current law does not contemplate how Secret Service security would be administered to a protectee serving jail time and it therefore may pose logistical difficulties for both the Secret Service and prison authorities.

    The proposed bill, Thompson says, would avoid such complications with incarcerating former President Trump should he be ordered to serve jail time.

    "Therefore, it is necessary for us to be prepared and update the law so the American people can be assured that protective status does not translate into special treatment—and that those who are sentenced to prison will indeed serve the time required of them," Thompson said.

    It would also address suggestions that any potential conviction of Trump would likely result in some form of home confinement rather than prison time, given his Secret Service protection.

    "This bill would remove the potential for conflicting lines of authority within prisons and allow judges to weigh the sentencing of individuals without having to factor in the logistical concerns of convicts with Secret Service protection," the document states.

Maybe instead of the "Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act, they could instead call it the SHANK TRUMP TO DEATH IN PRISON SO BIDEN CAN WIN act.

That would at least be a more truthful name for what they're doing.

That's on top of Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC fantasizing about Biden ordering a drone strike on Mar A Lago to kill Trump (no disciplinary action by MSNBC for ha, no one day off the air over that. PERFECLY FINE !
And similar calls for Trump's assasination by the harpies on The View, Madonna, Johnny Depp, and many others.

To review the many attempts to destroy Trump, in a political, if not literal, execution:

1) The FBI counyer-intelligence "Russia Collusion" investigation. Based on a DNC and Hillary Clinton Campaign-funded "Russia dossier", sourced from funding of boh the DNC and Hillary campaign, paid through Perkins-Coie law firm, to Fusion GPS, to former MI-6 agent (and Trump-hater) Christopher Steele, and from there payments made directly to Russian intelligence agents.
So... ironically, investigating Trump for Russia collusion, they find that DEMOCRATS THEMSELVES are the ones making million-dollar payments to Russian agents. But despite what they acually found showing guilt of Hillary and he Democrats, they still won't prosecute Hillary Clinton or other Democrats, for ACTUAL Russia collusion.
AND they still are desperately trying to find a way to indict and imprison Trump on fake made up charges. While giving a free pass to ACTUAL CRIMES by the Democrats.
This "FBI counter-intelligence investtigaiton", with Peter Strzok and Lisa Page on the investigaive team, was ended because there was no evidence of such a crime, because there was no crime by Trump, it never happened.

2) a House investigation of Trump for Russia collusion. Also closed because there was absoluely no evidence.
3) A Senate Russia collusion investigation. Again, closed for a complete lack of evidence to rationalize continuing it.

4) the Mueller special investtigation, made up entirely of Democrat partisans, for a time including Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, until their incriminating e-mails were discovered :
PAGE: Trump isn't going to become presiden, right? RIGHT ?!?
Strzok: No. No he won't. We will stop it.

The Mueller investigation formed in Feb 2017, and they knew by March 2017 there was no evidence of any crime. But these Dem parttisan lawyers stretched the investigation until July 2019, so as to smear Trump and the Republicans with an air of pending investigation throughout the 2018 mid-term election.
Mueller released his report finally in July-Augus 2019, and it was embarassing, the lack of proof of anything, and the incompetence of Mueller.
Democrats tried to keep the Mueller investigation alive with further Senate hearings, but that was even more embarassing for Democrats, as Mueller was completely unprepared and looked senile (he true writer of the "Mueller Report" was Andrew Weissmann.

5) A week later afer Mueller hearings, Democrats immediaely launched the fake "whistleblower report", with a whiplash sudden change in CIA rules that was nano-seconds ago signed off by the new CIA director, Gina Haspel, and to this day no one knows (or will identify who) put the memo on Haspel's desk to change policy. So for the first time an intelligence officer could suddenly accuse and trigger investigation of the president of the United States .
Wow, isn't THAT convenient.
ONE WEEK after the Mueller report ended.
And it turned out to not even be an actual whistleblower, but an amalgam of two Democrat /Leftist agents, Eric Ciaramela in the CIA (staying over for two years or so in the National Security Council, brought over to NSC by Obama, before Obama left office), and Col. Alexander Vindman of NSC. The fake "whistleblower report" was further drafted in the office of Rep. Adam Schiff, and with the aid of a roundtable of Democrat/Left lawyers in the CIA.
All culminating in fake legal action based on made-up contortions of just-made-up new law, so Democrats could rush a PR-stunt fake impeachment in Jan 2020.
But the full impeachment ultimately failed.

6) The FBI-orchestrated fake "January 6th insurrecttion" narrative (created to disract with a counter-narrative, away from the ACTUAL Democrat-led insurrection in 600 looted and burned cities nationwide, during the George Floyd/ Black Lives Matter riots, that Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and almost every other elected Democrat endorsed and cheered on. )
The second impeachment also failed, but Democrat got heir desired narrative, that the House voted for his impeachment, even though again, the Senate did not actually impeach Trump.

7) the fake Soviet-style "January 6th select committee" show trial, that virtually no one nationwide even tuned in or cared to watch. And of those who did watch, they plainly saw it was a one-sided partisan-scripted fake event by Democrats.
And when Democrats lost the House majority, they instantly began shredding most of the documents of their fake "investigation", so the Republicans would not be able to review it and see how fabricated their "evidence" was. THAT is how phony and fake their invesigation truly was.

8) the attempt to label Trump as a Civil War variety 14th amendment "insurrectionist", who several Democrat secretaries of state hijacked, in a push to remove Trump from their Nov 2024 election ballot.
But overturned as unconstitutional by higher courts. Another failed attempt by Democrats.

9) Leading up to the Mar A Lago raid, and the current onslaught of 5 simultaneous indictments and trials of Trump in 5 courts nationwide at the same time. If anyone thinks this is legitimate legal action against Trump, against ANYONE I challenge them to name ANY person in U.S legal history who has faced 5 simultaneous indictments and trials, on frivolous made-up charges no less, in the unique batch of cases unleased on Trump, while he is still running for president.
Unleashed PRECISELY BECAUSE he is running for president. And winning in the polls.
And all indicments dropped down on him in the weeks just after Trump announced he would run in Nov 2024.
As I cited from U.S. atorney Brett Tolman before, Tolman said that among local, state and federal prosecutors, it is customary for them to coordinate and select ONE case to prosecute from them, the one determined to be the best case to prosecute. And keep the others in reserve, to be tried if the first case does not result in conviction. To drop two, three or five cases simultaneously, is unheard of, and unique only to Trump, demonstrating how weaponized, partisan and thirsty for Trump's blood hey are, in the Democrat-controlled FBI and DOJ.

Not Al Capone, not the 19 hijackers from 9-11-2001, not Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, not Osama Bin Ladin, not John Gotti, NO ONE has ever been subjected to these kind of simultaneous indictments, as Trump now has.

Plus indictments of employees of Trump's construction company, employees of Mar A Lago, indictments of former Trump White House staffers, indictments of Trump family members, to bury them in legal bills on made-up charges, and to intimidate them, and intimidate anyone else, from supporting Trump.

And the beauty of it is... these authoritarian Democrat-Bolsheviks are still consistently losing in the polls. Even afer all that :

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Trump would have been screwed if this had been allowed to go to trial before the election. The amount of evidence is just stunning. He didn’t just have classified evidence but actively lied and moved it around to try to keep it!

As for getting rid of secret service protection, I don’t think that’s a good idea. It certainly wouldn’t have a chance of passing either. Former Presidents no matter the crimes committed need to be protected no matter how we feel about them. While I believe nobody should be above the law and as things are now normal incarceration just wouldn’t work for ex presidents, it’s in the country’s best interests to protect them no matter what.

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brutally Kamphausened
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump would have been screwed if this had been allowed to go to trial before the election. The amount of evidence is just stunning. He didn’t just have classified evidence but actively lied and moved it around to try to keep it!

As for getting rid of secret service protection, I don’t think that’s a good idea. It certainly wouldn’t have a chance of passing either. Former Presidents no matter the crimes committed need to be protected no matter how we feel about them. While I believe nobody should be above the law and as things are now normal incarceration just wouldn’t work for ex presidents, it’s in the country’s best interests to protect them no matter what.

Which is the real purpose for Democrats, isn't it?

Democrats can't beat Trump in the election, so they are trying to knee-cap him with phony made-up "lawfare" charges, to falsely smear him before an election.
NOT because Trump actually did anything wrong, but just to smear him, to cripple him before the elecion.

But Trump is still rising in the polls, because voters are onto the Democrats deceiful abuse an weaponization of lawfare.
It is a case of the Democrat-Bolsheviks crying wolf once too often, and he public no longer believes them. LOOK at the list of investigations, false indictmens and false impeachments.
NINE STRAIGHT YEARS of relenless false accusations against Trump. Every one of them eventually proven false and without evidence, and often filed only for openly partisan reasons.

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Uhm 2020 showed democrats did beat Trump. And polls after Trump became a convicted felon don’t show him rising that I’ve seen. After 2016 polls have been notoriously off when it comes to Trump. He’s never won the popular vote and the midterm results didn’t see a big red wave that everyone was expecting. I certainly wouldn’t assume anything

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brutally Kamphausened
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Uhm 2020 showed democrats did beat Trump. And polls after Trump became a convicted felon don’t show him rising that I’ve seen. After 2016 polls have been notoriously off when it comes to Trump. He’s never won the popular vote and the midterm results didn’t see a big red wave that everyone was expecting. I certainly wouldn’t assume anything

No. We've been over this many times.

Trump was winning on election night 2020 in all 7 battleground states, some by margins of 400,000 or 600,000 with 80% of the votes already counted.
I think two (Georgia and Arizona) by less than 10,000 votes. Up until about 3 AM Trump was winning in a landslide.

Then Democrat-city election supervisors tossed the canard that they were going to stop counting votes for the night, and resume in the morning. Tricking the Republican vote observers to all go home. And then when it was just Democrats in the room, they began wholesale cheating, and lo and behold there was a sudden and dramatic rise in votes for Biden.
The strategy of this is, as in other authoritarian nations worldwide ( many of their elections done with similar Dominion or Smartmatic computer voting machines) is to stop the vote count (officially) and (secretly) count how far ahead Trump is, and then manufacture the fake votes for Biden, to orchestrate a narrow victory for Biden.
Or in other nations, whoever the Bolshevik candidate of choice is predetermined to win.

THAT's how Biden "won" the election.
By visibly cheating.

Video in Atlanta shows how, after a fake water-main break (a trick to instruct Republican observers into going home) the remaining Democrat cheaters pulled hidden boxes of fake votes from under a table and began adding them into the count as soon as Republicans left. And lo and behold, there was a sudden sharp spike of almost exclusively Biden votes. And another 250-pound black woman began running the same batch of votes through the scanning machine over and over, adding the same votes into the count over and over.

Security video outside the Detroit voting center shows a variation of he same thing: a Ryder truck pulling up after 3 AM with garbage bags full of fake votes with no chain of custody, unloaded and taken inside to add to the count. And miracle of miracles, another sudden shift in the voting pattern, a sudden overwhelming spike in votes for Biden.

And in Wisconsin, where police officers were used to eject republican vote counters for alleged Covid distancing violations. And when the Republicans didn't fully leave, but continued observing as best they could through large glass windows overlooking the vote counting room, Democrats vote counters covered the observers' window with cardboard boxes to obscure their view of the ballots counted. And golly gee whiz... ANOTHER huge spike in votes for Biden, that overcame Trump's massive lead, and gave the state to Biden.

Maricopa County in Arizona had missing flash drives and security breaches of their election computers .
As did Philadelphia.
As did Atlanta.

Eric Coomer, Vice president of security for Dominion Voting Systems, on his social media was a rabid Trump hater. And someone tracked Coomer to a Skype Anttifa group conference call. One concerned Antifa guy in that 2020 conference call, weeks before the election, voiced concern Trump would win.
To which Coomer replied, "Trump won't win, I made fucking sure of that."

All just mere coincidence, right M E M?

No. the election was rigged.

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Yes and it’s all been debunked many times over. Trump and his goons tried and failed to steal 2020. Recounts even done by partisans and cherry picking only confirmed Biden’s win. Trump lost in court over and over again. Dominion however so far has taken Fox to court and got a big pile of money. Now Trump is basically employing delay tactics to avoid court. He lost and exposed how quickly you are willing to not count votes and how you truly don’t value democracy. You can win every time that way WB.

Fair play!
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