Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
[Linked Image from media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com]

Oh I’m sure it only applies to their leader. What happened to personal responsibility? Trump is where he’s at because he lied and refused to hand over what wasn’t his. This wasn’t something the DOJ sprung on him. I see no republicans arguing that every President has a right to take whatever Top Secret files they want.

A few boxes of Trump memorabilia, mostly newspaper clippings and photos, nothing clearly documented to be classified.

And even if there WERE classified files among his records, Trump as president had the ability to de-classify them.
And he did exactly so with all the Russia collusion documents, in his last 2 months in office, but Democrat Bolsheviks in the DOJ, FBI and State department stonewalled and delayed the order to declassify them until Trump was no longer president, and then they never obeyed his order to declassify after that, for purely partisan weaponization reasons. And to protect themselves from exposure and prosecution for their crimes.

Trump NEVER handled the documents himself as he left the White House. Others (both his staff, FBI, NARA records people and other federal agencies, and lawyers, packed the boxes and sent them to Mar A Lago.
NOT TRUMP HIMSELF. Do you understand that ?!?

The records were kept in secure locked wings of Mar A Lago after that, and Trump and his lawyers were in constant communication with the Biden-voting FBI and NARA-archivist-Democrats EVERY DAY.
And the grounds were further guarded by Secret Service at all times, as secure as if they were boxed and stored at the White House.

With any other former President or Vice President, FBI would have just contacted the former President or former VP's lawyers, arranged a time to take the records, and that would have been the end of it. No legal charges, no indictment, nothing.
And the cases of Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush, Barack Obama, Hillary Rodent Clinton, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, Joe Biden, Mike Pence and others such as Bill Richardson and Sandy Berger, the evidence of that point is clearly made. No convictions, no charges, despite egregious carelessness with classified documents left unguarded.
And in Hillary's case, destruction of tens of thousands of FBI-SUBPOENAED documents, bleach-bitted 20 times each, to make sure every last bit of self-incriminating evidence she destroyed was completely gone.
In the case of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation, hiding an abundance of crimes.

In the case of Barack Obama, the documents Trump kept are speculated to have proven that Obama, Biden, Hillary, Susan Rice, James Comey, John Brennan and others committed crimes in setting up the Iran Nuclear Deal. Records that would have been destroyed by the Democrat-Bolsheviks if Trump had not taken them when leaving the White House.

Records that also demonstrate these 7 top Oval Office Democrats' shared crime on Jan 5 2021, in together orchestrating the framing of Michael Flynn.

And the further crimes (in 2015-2016, and probably Obama's entire 8 years) of unmasking names of Trump officials, and God knows who else, to use FBI and CIA to do electronic surveillance and spy on them.
And to plot for over 5 years (2015-2020, and ongoing) to stage an intelligence community coup to either cripple or remove Trump as a candidate, and then to remove Trump as president, for daring to be elected. Who by the way, WAS THE CHOICE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in the 2016 election, despite the best attempts of Democrat-Bolshevik FBI, CIA and other deep state agents to rig that election as well.
Democrats just didn't anticipate how popular Trump was, and didn't rig the election enough to win in 2016. Trump is speculated to have kept records of these things, that he either de-classified or at least had the presidential power to, and to keep, just as every other recent president has. The difference is, Trump alone kept those records secure, while the others demonstrated a contempt for securing their classified records.
Pence never had any authorization to have classified records. NO CHARGES.
Bill Clinton, and classified records in his sock drawer.

Biden never had any authorization to possess classified records, and he kept them in a carelessly unsecured garage. AMONG AT LEAST FIVE other locations. At the U-Penn Biden Manchurian candidate presidential records center, Biden IN THAT ONE LOCATION ALONE had over 1,850 boxes of records.
Trump had less than 100 boxes at Mar A Lago.

In Biden's case, FBI just called Biden's lawyers, and gave them a few weeks to go though all the records, some of which classified records Biden has had since 1972, and NEVER had a legal right to possess. Let alone those in his unsecured garage. Or the over 1,850 boxes at the U-Penn center that is funded by over $20 million from the Chinese, and no doubt Chinese record keepers have stolen all that classified information. But Biden and his lawyers were given weeks to examine the records and report back to the FBI after cleaning them up, scout's honor, no criminal charges.
As contrasted with Trump, where his records were in locked rooms with Secret Service guarding them, no secrets given to the Chinese or Iranians, is raided by FBI agents brandishing AR-15's in a massive show of state force.
Hey, no double standard. None at all...

Iggy hyperventilates about how :
"Oooohh, it's somehow DIFFERENT with all these other presidents and non-presidents. You're just too simple minded and unwilling to read CNN and MSNBC's Bolshevik-party-line talking points of why it makes sense for ALL these others who never had the authority to have these documents in the first place, but Trump DID have the right. But somehow, if you would only read the Bolsehvik contrived talking points, you would understand that Trump is evil and wrong. Despite that Trump's opponents are all America-hating authoritarian lunatics, and despite them, Trump is actually trying to restore our constitutional republic. If only you would read the Bolshevik propaganda, it would all make sense !!"


Only if you've been drinking the Kool-Aid.
Which you clearly have.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.