
Trump believes it, because the 2020 election was rigged, and I've cited extensive evidence to back that up, in multiple other topics.

Trump was winning until 3 AM on election night 2020 in every battleground state.
Then, in multiple states, Democrats tricked the Republican vote observers into going home, and then for the next 8 hours or so, BY THE WEIRDEST COINCIDENCE, WITH DEMOCRATS ONLY AND NO REPUBLICANS PRESENT, lo and behold, there was a sudden overwhelming shift in votes in favor of Biden, and Trump narrowly lost in 5 of the 6 states he was previously winning by a large margin !

In Atlanta, and in Detroit, Democrats were caught ON VIDEO SECURITY CAMERAS pulling out thousands of illegal votes, from hidden under tables and re-scanned repeatedly, the same votes, and smuggled in shifty-looking large bags in a Ryder truck with no chain of custody, to rig the election.

Joe "Mr Charisma" Biden got more black votes than Barack Obama. DOES THAT MAKE SENSE ?!? No, it doesn't.

Trump, who drew tens of thousands to every rally, lost to Biden, who couldn't draw 50 people to any of his rallies anywhere in the country, and mostly just stayed in his basement and didn't even campaign.

Trump won three times the counties that Biden did, Trump won more counties than Obama, but lost the election? DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?!? No, it doesn't.
But somehow Biden won only a few key districts and Democrat-controlled cities, but only after 3 AM when the Republican vote observers were sent home and there were no witnesses except election-rigging Democrats.
Using very similar dirty tactics in all 6 battleground states.

And Trump did nothing wrongover challenging the 2020 election, or on Jan 6th, other than pursue his legal options to contest the election, and just pressed Gov Brian Kemp to "do the right thing", to investigate to find uncounted votes Trump was certain existed, about 13,000 or so, that would decisively have given Georgia's electors to Trump. No doubt a call that any president in any close election would have made, and said pretty much exactly those words.
And again, the alternate electors in GA were no different than JFK's alternate electors in Hawaii. In Trump's case, not rammed through illegally in some kind of coup, but held in reserve if needed, if Georgi were called for Trump. The electors themselves have testified to that.

And proof of Gov. Brian Kemp's bias against Trump is he did not fire prosecutor Fani Willis and replace her with an undisputably fair prosecutor.
And Kemp also could close down the prison when Trump, Harrison Floyd and others were sent. But Kemp didn't, because he's a RINO Uni-party agent, with a bias and a malice against Trump.
As are Raffensperger and the Roger Ebert-looking guy (Gabriel Sterling). Who have financial ties to the Chinese, and to Dominion Voting Systems, as I detailed in previous posts over the last 2 years on the subject.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia#Disputes could immediately go out and

Apparently any LEGAL procedure by Trump to count the votes, is to these clods "inciting violence".
Except y'knoe, Trump didn't incite violence.

While ACTUAL violence was incited by Democrats all through 2020 by virtually every DEMOCRAT House and Senate member throughout 2020
( example: KAMALA HARRIS: "They're going to keep going right up until election day, they're not going to stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop."
Kamala Harris also paid into a legal fund to immediately bail out BLM/Antifa violent offenders, so they could immediately go out and toss more burning molotov cocktails in MORE police cars, burn MORE federal buildings, BURN MORE federal agents and employees in those buildings, loot and burn MORE retail businesses in 600 cities nationwide. )

You were saying something about inciting violence, M E M?

Sen. Chuck Schumer.
Rep. Maxine Waters.
Sen Cory Booker.
Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Rep. Cori Bush
Rep. Ayanna Pressley
former HHS secretary Robert Reich.
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.
New York Times bolshevik reporter Jennifer Rubin.

And many more Democrats. NOT ONE Democrat House member , Senator or other official condemned ANY violence. Quite the contrary, they cheered it on.
And I can easily produce a dozen quotes to evidence that, IN THEIR OWN VIDEOTAPED WORDS.
And I already have in multiple other topics here over the last 3 years.

Trump's oh-so-violent rhetoric:
"I know in a few minutes, you're all going to march over to the Capitol, to PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY voice your support..."

And Trump in text messages throughout the afternoon of Jan 6th on Twitter: "REMAIN PEACEFUL !"

Wow, what a violent guy. SO much more violence-inciting than... y'know... ALL the Democrats I just cited.
Literally ALL the Democrats endorsed violence, and NONE of them opposed it.
But Trump incited violence rolleyes
God, you're ridiculous. Only by complete misrepresentation of the facts can you even TRY to front that lying narrative.

At every turn, Trump tried to prevent violence.
1) he ordered up to 20,000 national guard troops to keep order (Schumer, Pelosi and DC mayor Muriel Bowser prevented that. WHY ARE THEY not held responsible for the violence on Jan 6th?
THEY are the ones who set it up to happen, that Trump tried to prevent.
These same DEMOCRATS also cheered on a whole summer of 600 cities looted and burned nationwide.
DEMOCRATS cheered on the attack on the White House that forced Secret Service to move then-President Trump off-site to a secure bunker.
DEMOCRATS cheered on burning of a presidential church right across the street from the White House.

And then these Democrats blamed Trump for walking across the street to that church after it was burned, forcing the media to show video footage of the war zone BLM and Antifa had turned several blocks around the White House lawn and church into. HOW DARE HE !! Expose the truth !!
Exposed the violence of the Democrat/left.
In May of 2020, it was nothing less than a Bolshevik revolution, and an ACTUAL assault on the White House, in which 50 Secret Service agents were injured.

And the Democrats' Jan 6th Select Committee had so much evidence of Trump's guilt that they... shredded and destroyed 50% of it, to prevent Trump from using the exculpatory evidence in their files to defend himself, in 4 simultaneous kangaroo-court trials.
Are you such a Democrat-Bolshevik zealot that you can't see how obviously corrupt the liars your side are ?!?

And yet despite all this evidence of ACTUAL Democrat incitement and endorsement of violence (really, from at least 2016 to present, over MANY years, beginning with inauguration day 2017, at the very latest), and... you accuse TRUMP of inciting violence ?!?
Despite that Trump was only leading peaceful protests, and legal challenge within the rule of law.
And the Democrats have incited, FOR YEARS, rampant ACTUAL violence and Bolshevik revolution nationwide.

Oh, the irony.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.