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Second woman alleges that Joe Biden touched her inappropriately (Washington Post)

"Inappropriate touching" sounds like something the referee blows his whistle for during a football game.

There's no getting around Joseph Biden's odd behavior, going back almost his entire political career. I recall a few years ago Biden was massaging some biker chick while still Vice President, in some bar somehwere during a public appearance photo op.
There's an article I saw years ago that Biden deliberately makes female secret service agents protecting him uncomfortable, walking around nude or undressed, and making weird inappropriate remarks.

And the weird comments and groping of women extends even the daughters of other House and Senate members.
And his racist remarks about "you can't go to a 7-11 unless you're from India" remarks.
And opposing integration through bussing and other less enlightened remarks.

That said, the two women who have accused him have made it clear they are either Bernie Sanders supporters, or otherwise committed to a liberal-progressive political agenda of a woman or person of color as the presidential candidate.
So it's pretty clearly motivated, and directed at leveraging Biden out of the race. And I would be surprised at this point if he officially announced he is running, and would subject himself to even worse and escalating even more lascivious sexual allegations. He's 76 and wealthy, and I think he'd prefer to step aside and enjoy the good life, and not subject himself to a career-ender with that kind of disgrace.
There's also financial issues of Biden and his sons enriching themselves through insider deals and cushy jobs that are so obviously corporate financial kickbacks in exchange for Biden and his family advancing their agenda. I first became aware of the opening salvo of these in Michelle Malkin's 2010 book Culture of Corruption.

Again, something where I think Biden would prefer going out on a high note rather than have these facts be made known.
Either way, I'm enjoying the Democrat-on-Democrat fratricide. It's clear all this dirt on Biden is coming from the other DNC primary candidates. Lisa Booth said that her experience on running campaigns taught her that any political candidate of either party, before doing any opposition reseach on their competitors, should first do it on themselves.

Biden currently has the highest approval of any Democrat primary candidate, Sanders being the second highest, and all others far below that in the single digits. I think that's how Biden would prefer to go out, before the piranha in his own party take him down.

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By Felicia Sonmez and Elise Viebeck, Washington Post
April 1 at 8:32 PM

A former congressional aide to Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) says former vice president Joe Biden touched her inappropriately at a 2009 fundraiser, the second woman to make allegations against Biden in the past week.

Biden has long been known for his intimate physical style. But the appropriateness of his behavior toward women is coming under scrutiny as he nears an announcement on a potential 2020 presidential bid. Late last week, Lucy Flores, a former Nevada state legislator, penned an essay in which she said that Biden acted inappropriately toward her at a 2014 campaign event and made her feel uncomfortable.

In a statement Monday, the former congressional aide, Amy Lappos, said she was speaking out about her own experience because she was disappointed in the “ridiculously dismissive” way Democrats — including Biden — had responded to Flores’s account.

“Biden’s statement in response to Lucy’s article was not only disturbing, it was disgusting,” Lappos said. “I stand by Lucy and any woman with the courage to come forward regarding inappropriate behavior by men.”

In a comment Sunday on a “Connecticut Women in Politics” Facebook post that shared Flores’s story, Lappos said Biden “did something similar to me” at a Greenwich, Conn., fundraiser for Himes.

“I can speak from experience when I say it’s an incredibly uncomfortable situation and not at all acceptable,” Lappos wrote under the pseudonym “Alice Paul,” according to the Hartford Courant. “We need to hold our men to the same standards we hold all men.”

The “Alice Paul” account includes photos of Lappos and has pictures in common with Lappos’s personal Facebook account.

Lappos, 43, went on the record about the alleged incident in an interview Monday with the Courant. She said Biden, then 66, moved toward her while she was in the kitchen with several other volunteers at the private residence where the fundraiser was being held.

It wasn’t sexual, but he did grab me by the head,” she told the newspaper. “He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me. When he was pulling me in, I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth.”

Lappos worked as an aide to Himes from January 2009 to November 2016, primarily as a constituent services representative and grants coordinator, according to Legistorm, a congressional research firm. Her LinkedIn page lists her as the owner of Moma Grants, a freelance grant-writing service.

A Biden spokesman referred The Washington Post to a statement the former vice president issued on Sunday, in which Biden said he had offered “countless handshakes, hugs, expressions of affection, support and comfort” during his years in public life,“and not once — never — did I believe I acted inappropriately.”

A Himes spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

The news comes days after Flores said in her piece for New York magazine’s The Cut that Biden approached her from behind during a 2014 campaign rally, placed his hands on her shoulders, moved closer to her and planted a “big slow kiss” on the back of her head. She said Sunday that his behavior had made her feel “powerless” and “like I couldn’t move.”

It also comes as Biden is under increasing pressure from women’s rights groups, prominent African American leaders and other supporters of Anita Hill to acknowledge his responsibility for his handling of the 1991 confirmation hearing of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee when the hearing took place; he recently sparked a backlash when he said he regretted that he “couldn’t come up with a way to get [Hill] the kind of hearing she deserved.”

In her statement Monday, Lappos said she believes referring to Biden’s behavior as “simply affection” or “grandpa-like” or “friendly” is “part of the problem.”

“Uninvited affection is not okay. Objectifying women is not okay. Men who invade a woman’s personal space, touch women inappropriately, sexually harass women and feed rape culture have no place in a position of power,” she said.

She called on Biden and the other Democratic men running for the White House to “step aside and support one of the many talented and qualified women running.”

Lappos told the Hartford Courant she did not report the alleged 2009 incident at the time because “he was the vice president. I was a nobody.” She said she believed Biden’s behavior had crossed a line of “decency” and “respect.”

The $1,000-per-ticket fundraiser took place Oct. 5, 2009, at the Greenwich, Conn., home of Ron Moelis, an affordable-housing developer. The event was covered for the Stamford Advocate by Neil Vigdor, the reporter who broke the story about Lappos’s allegations on Monday for the Courant.

and especially:

Her personal Facebook page prominently displays a black-and-white photo of five female Democratic presidential candidates: Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Kamala D. Harris (Calif.), Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) and Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii). The photo was posted on Feb. 21.

A day before her allegations were covered by the Courant, Lappos commented on Biden on Facebook, republishing text that criticized his performance during past presidential bids, along with the performance of other male presidential candidates in past elections.

“THIS- elect women already. Geeze,” she wrote.

Which is all too telling about her motives for making the allegation against Biden.

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I was thinking that this follows the pattern of how Democrats orchestrate sexual allegations against a Republican. And again, it's kind of satisfying to see Democrats unleash this kind of viciousness against their own.

First there was one lone allegation.
A few days later when Biden didn't fold, a second allegation.

Now a few days later today, two more women make slightly escalating allegations against Biden the same day. Probably a week from now if Biden doesn't withdraw, the pile-on will begin, with multiple women making far more incriminating allegations.

I still think they are being more velvet-gloved about it with Biden, with a Republican they would make a more immediate attempt to destroy him ((as in the examples of Brett Kavanaugh, Roy Moore, Donald Trump, and Herman Cain). But it's a warning from those in his own party, that this is just the opening salvo. Biden can either get out now, or they can completely destroy him.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Funny how nobody cared about these allegations when they were occurring... and this guy was literally a heartbeat away from the presidency

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I think the media ls pro democrat so of course they're not call attention to what one of their guys are doing.

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Yeah, while Biden was Obama's V.P. for 8 years they didn't want to criticize him, despite the abundant creepy examples on video being out there all that time.

Now that Biden is one of many 2020 potential primary candidates, the liberal media want to knock him out of the running to make room for someone less white and more "progressive" (i.e., far-left).
The fact that Biden is the highest-polling by far in the Democrat field speaks of how lackluster the Democrat primary field is. Kicking Biden down won't make any of these maniacs any more electable.

Corey Booker, Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren, Kamala Harris, all the rest, are in the very low single digits. The only other that even comes close to Biden is Bernie Sanders, another 77 year old white guy.
And I'd lay money that the same group unleashing these attacks on Biden will have the long knives out for Sanders once Biden is knocked out of the running.

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Creepy Uncle Joe

"Do any of these women look comfortable?"


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Amazingly, Joe Biden remains the most popular in the polls among Democrat voters, and actually widened his lead among the now-20 Democrat primary rivals for 2020.

I think that is a reflection of how crazy-insane the public statements of his rivals are, rather than Biden's own electability. Bernie Sanders said in the last week that death-row inmates should be able to vote! Buttegeig keeps ranting at Vice President Pence, and Pence in a very friendly way says nice things in return, essentially flicking Buttegeig away like the gnat he is. "Beto O'Rourke for all his millions spent on campaigning, gets no traction. And Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Elizabet Warren and all the rest endorce both reparations for blacks, and open borders.

Whoever among these maniacs gets the nomination, they'll still get slaughtered by a landslide in the general election.

The only appeal of Biden is that he's relatively less insane, and has appeal to white voters that on the surface compares to Trump's blue-collar appeal. But ultimately, why would these voters reach for a Trump-LITE when they can have an actual Trump? Trump who is overseeing an unprecedented economic boom, the best economy in 50 years.

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An example of liberal media bias, in contrast to the media's eagerness to convict conservative/Republicans like Brett Kavanaugh, Herman Cain, Roy Moore, Clarence Thomas and Donald Trump without a trial, is the media's reluctance even 20-plus years after the fact to acknowledge and report the abundantly proven allegations against Bill Clinton.

I just ran across this Newsbusters blog post about CNN reporter Alisyn Camerota (who I actually used to enjoy when she was on Fox News for about 10 years).


And Bill Clinton Is Demanding A Recount

MRC Newsbusters (Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias) says CNN’s AnchorBimbo Alisyn Camerota actually seemed shocked 14 women could make claims against Disgraced DemocRAT Ex Pant-Dropper-in-Chief Bill Clinton. Proving she hasn’t done her homework on one of the biggest stories of the day, an astonished Alisyn chimed in, “Is that right? Fourteen.” Listen to the shock and incredulity in Alisyn’s voice.

If Alisyn had consulted CNN’s own files, maybe she wouldn’t have been so shocked. The Starr report includes Monica Lewinsky’s testimony that Clinton personally told her that “he had had hundreds of affairs” before the age of 40. And Dick Morris is on record saying Clinton had “hundreds of women” just during his time in the White House. Whatever the precise number, does Camerota assume that Bill Clinton conducted himself in a manner befitting the President of the United States?

Here’s The Blower’s List of Bill Clinton’s “Ignored Accusers”
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) – rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen – rape – quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely – “forced himself on her, biting, bruising her”
Kathleen Willey (WH) – sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) – sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) – sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) – sexual assault
Cristy Zercher – unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) – unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas – unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 – seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky – quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers – quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning – post incident character assault
Sally Perdue – post incident threats
Betty Dalton – rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder – apologetic note scanned

Do you think Kneepad Liberal CNN AnchorBimbo Alisyn Camerota would’ve volunteered for BJ Duty at the White House to get her own name on that list?

Although even as a hardline conservative, who clearly sides against the liberal media and Democrats' vicious antics, this partisan post gave me uneasy pause. It foams at the mouth with meaness and insults, and I'm not comfortable with anyone, even someone I largely agree with, gloatingly calling any woman a "bimbo" or speculating that she'd be "on her knees" for "BJ duty to get her own name on that list."

That's precisely the level of insults, namecalling and sexual insinuation I despise from the Democrat/Left. And whoever wrote this at Newsbusters should be ashamed of themselves. It's more than enough to say Camerota is partisanly in denial about the facts regarding Bill Clinton's well-documented predatory sexual behavior.

But it does give some insight into the relative media silence on the Biden front, given the reluctance and outright denial of proven sexual indiscretions of Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, RFK, JFK, LBJ, FDR and other prominent Democrats. No such reservation to give conerage to every half-baked rumor about Republicans like Herman Cain, Roy Moore, or Donald Trump. None of the same rules of professionalism and confirmation apply to Republicans.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Creepy Uncle Joe

"Do any of these women look comfortable?"


Three years ago to the day.
Further proof the 2020 election was rigged. There's no way a majority of voters selected this buffoon.
The REAL election result was visible at 3AM on election night, before the Democrat Bolshevik machine began cranking out millions of fraudulent votes every day for over a week, AFTER the actual election.

Up till 3AM, Trump was winning in all 6 of the contested states.
There is video footage of the vote rigging in 2 of the states (Georgia, and Michigan).
Have you ever, in 50 years, seen an election where 7 states did not report the election results by the morning after the election?
Where they withheld their individual state election results for up to 2 weeks or more? SEVEN states?
And yet even the 7th one, North Carolina, where Trump's margin of victory was never in question, did not report election results for 8 days. They kept North Carolina in reserve, in case they needed to "find" more votes to give Biden an election victory.

This video is still hilarious. But also all-too-truthful, in what was known early on about the buffoon-in-chief.
And in restrospect, prophetic about his incompetence and the damage he would do to the country after January 20 2021, and the world, in just 15 months in office.

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Interesting how, like Bill Clinton's accusers, Wikipedia and the liberal media are eager to find any excuse to instantly dismiss Tara Reade's account, despite that the above video shows Biden over many years and many decades groping women, AND LITTLE GIRLS in the exact same creepy way.

And the liberal media simply don't even mention that Biden routinely groped the wives and girlfriends of Secret Service agents during the Obama/Biden White House years. To the point that one agent confronted Biden and got fired, and that many other agents, knowing what to expect at these dinner events from Biden, stopped inviting their wives and girlfriends to White House dinners.
Or does the media mention that Biden would swim and walk around naked, to deliberately make female Secret Service agents assigned to protect him uncomfortable.

None of these women (either Bill Clinton's accusers, or Joe Biden's accusers) have ever been interviewed by the major network news channels. They're invisible to the media.
But the slightest and most specious allegation about Trump, the same media pounce on it like catnip. From lunatic E.Jean Carroll (who can' even remember exactly when or where she was allegedly assaulted), to Miss America contestants who were not even assaulted but say "he just looked a me creepy."

Hey, no double-standard, none whatsoever... rolleyes

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Hey, no double-standard, none whatsoever... rolleyes

Fair play!
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Fact, that the liberal media, Democrat party, social media, and even Google, try to suppress.

Just like suppression of Biden's other accusers. And Bill Clinton's, and Ted Kennedy's, and LBJ's and JFK's and ... well, you get the idea.
When was the last time that Tara Reade, or Kathleen Willie, or Paula Jones, ever got the same mainstream tell-all interviews or national liberal media coverage as do coverage of Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas or other Republicans' accusers?
Oh yeah, that's right. NEVER.

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As New York Post cites...

Feds reportedly raid Project Veritas-linked apartments over Ashley Biden’s diary

  • Nov. 5 2021

    On Nov. 4, 2021. Federal agents raided two New York addresses Thursday linked to conservative outlet Project Veritas as part of a probe into the apparent theft of President Biden’s daughter’s diary, a report said.
    The feds executed search warrants at a Midtown Manhattan apartment, where longtime Veritas operative Spencer Meads lives, and at an address in Westchester County, the New York Times reported.

    The website, run by James O’Keefe, did not publish excerpts from Ashley Biden’s diary, but another conservative website ran dozens of handwritten pages from it on Oct. 24, 2020, ahead of the presidential election, according to the report.
    The website claimed at the time it obtained the diary from a whistleblower at another news organization that refused to publish information from it.

    Project Veritas claimed it knew the whereabouts of the actual diary and that the whistleblower had an audio recording of Ashley admitting it belonged to her.

    Jill Biden, Ashley Biden and Joe Biden
    Jill Biden, Ashley Biden and Joe Biden. The DOJ began investigating the matter after a Biden family member reported a number of Ashley Biden’s belongings had been stolen in a burglary.
    The Department of Justice began investigating the matter after a Biden family rep reported a number of Ashley’s belongings had been stolen in a burglary, the Times reported.

    In a statement, O’Keefe claimed journalists from the outfit were being targeted despite doing their jobs “lawfully and honestly.”

    “The FBI took materials of current, and former, Veritas journalists despite the fact that our legal team previously contacted the Department of Justice and voluntarily conveyed unassailable facts that demonstrate Project Veritas’ lack of involvement in criminal activity and/or criminal intent,” O’Keefe said.

    Federal agents executed a search warrant at the Midtown Manhattan apartment of longtime Veritas operative Spencer Meads (right, pictured with James O’Keefe).
    “Like any reporter, we regularly deal with the receipt of source information and take steps to verify its authenticity, legality, and newsworthiness. Our efforts were the stuff of responsible, ethical journalism and we are in no doubt that Project Veritas acted properly at each and every step,” he added.

    In the statement, O’Keefe acknowledged the outfit received a grand jury subpoena — and questioned how the Times found out about the raid, despite the Justice Department requesting Project Veritas keep the investigation secret.
    “We do not know how The New York Times was aware of the execution of a search warrant at our reporter’s home, or the subject matter of the search warrant, as a Grand Jury investigation is secret,” O’Keefe wrote.

    FBI agents and Manhattan federal prosecutors who investigate public corruption are leading the probe, according to the Times. A spokesperson for the Southern District of New York declined to comment about the raid [being leaked in advance by SDNY to the New York Times, while Project Veritas, the subject of the raid, simultaneously remained uninformed].

    James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas did not publish excerpts from Ashley Biden’s diary, but another conservative website did.
    A spokesperson for the New York FBI said they could not confirm the Times story, but confirmed agents “performed a law enforcement activity” at Meads’ address.
    No one answered the door at the address on East 35th Street Friday afternoon.

    Project Veritas is a controversial media outlet that rose to prominence among conservatives by pulling off undercover sting operations on Democratic groups and mainstream media organizations.
    They’ve targeted Planned Parenthood, the advocacy group ACORN, labor unions and news organizations such as CNN and the New York Times with their undercover operations.

    In 2017, The Washington Post exposed a plot by Project Veritas employees who were attempting to give the newspaper a fake story about Georgia Senate candidate Roy Moore, who had been dogged by sexual misconduct allegations.

... the liberal media narrative do NOT discuss the actual contents of Ashley Biden's diary, exposing her father as a sexual predator who messed her up and put her on the path to sex addiction aat a young age.
But instead spin the narrative to exclusively discuss the alleged criminality of t[b]hose who found the diary and sold it [b] to media outlets.

And none of hem even quesion he authoritarian weaponization of FBI to arrest reporters for Project Verittas, who actually were ethical and didn't publish the conens of he diary. Arrestting them was just authoritarian misdirection by he Biden Whie House, to use FBI to intimidate them, and intimidae anyone else who would EVEN THINK about investigating and reporting the verifiable factss aboutt Joe Biden sex abuse, or any oher Biden corrupion.
he people (like M E M) who whined endlessly about presidents W. Bush or Donald Trump allegedly suppressing freedom of the press, are absolutely silent about the endless authoritarian power-grabs by Joe Biden's and Barack Obama's administrations.
Becaause the media are shamelessly and completely on board Team Democrat.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.

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