
Jason E. Perkins said:

Wonder Boy said:

Jason E. Perkins said:

Wonder Boy said:
You know, Jason, I don't doubt that you have another perspective on the issue, and I actually looked forward to seeing your counter-perspective to my views, explaining why you think I'm wrong, from your perspective.

I don't need to. Although he chose to word it in a different manner than I would have, Karl made some very good points that covered much of the same ground any post from me would have.

Plus, I fear you're too far gone. You're too entrenched in sound bites and ignorance for me to reach you. I don't have the time or the patience to spend hours educating you on the counter-perspective. You don't even know the facts. Start there then maybe we'll talk. Or maybe I'll get bored. Until then, a flip remark is all you get.

You know, that's funny.

I only get my racial perception from "soundbytes and ignorance" ?

Gee, that's funny, because I could have sworn I quoted sections from several books I read on the subject, and didn't just draw my opinion from soundbytes. Any soundbytes, actually. Show me where I quoted soundbytes.

You're right. What you've said so far is covered by the ignorance part. Just because it's from a book, doesn't make it an informed opinion, especially when those facts have been proven wrong or inconsequential time and time again.

Perhaps it's your own ignorance?

Basically, you've said that no matter how researched and documented, no matter what the source, you have the answers, and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.
More than wrong: ignorant.
You have all the answers, your knowledge is superior on the issue to anyone else's. Because you were born black.

Well, there are many black americans, and many foreign-born black U.S. citizens who disagree with you, and many of them have publicly spoken and written on the subject to say you're dead wrong.

Okay, fine. I'm white, let's assume that disqualifies my opinion. What about them?


Jason E. Perkins said:

Wonder Boy said:
And while you voice pretty near the maximum dismissive contempt for my conservative opinion, I've done my best to listen to what you have to say

Not really.

You've quoted the same "fact" said the same thing in threads past, a fact you yourself tout. I've shown that they mean nothing. You don't respond when I do. Instead, you bring up the very same "facts" again. Doesn't sound like you're really listening.

That's total bullshit on your part.

HERE's my last response to the previous topic, where I voice openness to further considering your perspective, but question by what factual documentation you consider your black-liberal-spin statistics as somehow superior to the U.S. Department of Justice statistics of black criminal arrests and convictions.

I remained open to your opinion. You're the one who walked away, and didn't offer documentation to support your views.


Jason E. Perkins said:

Wonder Boy said:
What makes you so damned sure you've got an inside track to "the facts"? I could be equally dismissive of you as being "deeply entrenced" in liberal propaganda, if I so chose to.

Because I've actually researched. I've looked at both sides and questioned what's said. Believe me, I've researched this particular topic more than you could ever dream. And I know when someone is using dated facts that prove nothing. And I know that means you haven't actually done any research passed those books that support the ideals you already hold.

If you have, then tell me what the other side of the discussion has to say. Refute the other side instead of quoting information that was debased as soon as it came out. Because when I bring anything up, you ignore it completely.

I've read articles as I've found them, representing both sides of the issue, and not found the black-liberal perspective you advocate to be credible.
The black liberal opposition's argument is always that the statistics for crime, education, etc., somehow always misrepresent black criminality, education, etc. And yet they somehow accurately reflect the status of every other racial demographic group.

What you voice is more of a conspiracy theory-- of deliberate misrepresentation of arrest and conviction records, to keep blacks from being accurately represented --than a documented credible argument.

As I've said before, even black police officers look at black suspects with more scrutiny. That's not "prejudice". That's experience, based on reality of who the criminals consistently are.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.