Originally Posted By: PJP
I'm back!!!

Welcome back, PJP.
And your wife too!

It goes way beyond Obamacare, the nation-destroying stuff Obama has been doing since day one.

I can't believe Obama still has 39% support. The incredible acts of treason his administration routinely commits that the liberal media and DNC voters just shrug off and ignore.
The quotable Marxists in his administration that Democrats just ignore! These people despise this country, and their actions manifest that contempt, as does their consistent circumnavigation of the rule of law.

As I've been saying for years, Obama has been borrowing over a trillion a year every year of his presidency. And now that the Republicans gave him a tax raise that would bring it down to 700 billion, Obamacare is kicking in to bring it right back over a trillion.
In addition to printing roughly 3 trillion at this point, quadrupling the money supply, that will inevitably create hyperinflation and collapse our economy.

And now he's appointing Yellin as FEDERAL RESERVE chairman, who will print even more unbacked dollars and continue, if not accelerate, the problem.
Would that Romney could have been elected in the nick of time to avert this in 2012. I'm not optimistic this economy can be sustained until 2016.