Al Gore is not the first candidate to LEGALLY lose with the popular vote, to a candidate who won the electoral vote. That is what the electoral vote is supposed to do, so that smaller states are not rendered eclipsed and unrepresented by a few large states like New York, Florida, California and Texas. You dementedly say that as if the electoral college were somehow illegal.
Those are the rules!

Gore finally conceded AFTER he tried to only do re-counts in the districts that favored him, and deceitfully tried to exclude districts and military absentee ballots that favored W. Bush.
AFTER he tanked the stock market and cost many middle class Americans their savings.
It should also be pointed out that the liberal media falsely called Florida for Al Gore (unprecedentedly BEFORE THE POLLS CLOSED), and did not correct the error until AFTER the polls closed, suppressing (by comparison to the previous 1996 and 1992 Florida turnout) Republican turnout by between 10,000 and 37,000 votes, that would have decisively given the state to W. Bush, way beyond any need for a re-count.

If Trump loses, the DNC itself has been complicit with the liberal media in doing every trick in the book to rig the election. John Harwood, the New York Times and Politico have coordinated with the Hillary Clinton campaign, have given the Clinton campaign the ability to approve articles or prevent them from being published.

Donna Brazile fed a debate question verbatim from CNN to the Hillary Clinton campaign, so that when the same question was asked verbatim she was completely prepared for it.

Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have had illegal meetings with Loretta Lynch, have corruptly influenced FBI director James Comey not to prosecute despite overwhelming evidence.

And the entire DNC leadership (as revealed in the WikiLeaks exposure of DNC internal e-mails) had contempt for Bernie Sanders and conspired at every turn to destroy his candidacy. When all this was revealed and DNC chairperson Debbie Wasserman bitch-cunt Schultz was forced to resign, she was immediately re-hired to the highest position in the Hillary Clinton campaign. Far from Hillary Clinton criticizing Wasserman-Schultz's lack of ethics, Hillary Clinton basically said Well done, my faithful and evil servant.

And the same DNC and liberal media have likewise coordinated against Trump. PROVEN, thanks to WikiLeaks.

The very worst you can allege about Donald Trump, still only alleged and not proven, pales beside the even worse (and largely proven!) sexual allegations against Bill Clinton. He paid Paula Jones $850,000 in a settlement. He is alleged, way beyond groping, to have raped Juanita Broaddrick. Likewise Kathleen Willey. And Hillary Clinton was part of the attack machine to destroy them, slander them, and to intimidate them into silence. Including some others who died in very mysterious circumstances the Clintons may have had killed.

You can say that Bill Clinton's sexual liasons are irrelevant because he is not running for President, Hillary is. But (1) she personally took part in the slanderous destruction and intimidation of these women Hillary knew to be telling the truth, and (2) Hillary has vowed to make Bill Clinton a centerpiece of her administration if elected. So Bill Clinton remains very relevant to the discussion.

That's not even including Whitewater, the Rose Law Firm, Hillary's insider trading where she made a 100-fold fortune on her very first investment while first lady of Arkansas, Travelgate, Filegate, and so many other scandals from the 1970's to 2001. Let alone the four different types of treason she's been involved with in the Clinton Foundation and as Secretary of State, and the myriad transgressions revealed by WikiLeaks.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.