Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
i think the accusations against Ellison will cost him his election. It certainly would finish him off as ever being considered for a lifetime appointment like the Supreme Court. Here's where we're different again, I'm not calling his accuser a liar automatically like you do when there's a republican to protect. Nor attacking the press for reporting on it.

As G-man partly just said, the difference is that the Republican leadership (unlike me, for my clearly stated reasons above) are willing to give Ford a chance to be heard and reserving judgement until she tells her side.

In contrast, the Democrat leadership WON'T EVEN LISTEN to Keith Ellison's ex-girlfriend's abuse allegations, and are pretending they don't exist. Likewise the Democrat-aligned liberal media. They won't even allow the issue to be debated.
And likewise the Democrat leadership and liberal media wouldn't (and still won't) listen to Bill Clinton's accusers, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willie and Juanita Broaddrick. To this day, 40 years later, no hearings, no expressions of sympathy or overtures that they should be believed, no televised interviews, from either the Democrat leadership, or from the liberal media.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.