Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
MEM screaming about Trump is pretty much everything this board is now.

I don't expect you to ever be fair g but WB is much more prolific in his "the Dems are all evil" posts. The headline I posted was all caps and I kept it as is. I thought Trump's joke was yet another glimpse of his character or lack of one to be specific.

To PROVE the current Democrat leadership is evil, one only has to point out their words and actions.

Democrats have no regard for law or justice, they are perfectly willing to destroy lives, and the nation itself, just to win a political victory.

Brett Kavanaugh for example, was completely innocent without a shred of lucid evidence against him. Yet NOT ONE Democrat Senator would vote to confirm him. The only Democrat vote for Kavanaugh was Senator Manchin of West Virginia, and that was only because his constituents were 80% for Kavanaugh's confirmation, and he could not be re-elected if he voted against. If it were even 55 or 60%, he would have voted with Schumer. And if Kavanaugh had not been confirmed (50-48), he would not even have been able to return to his circuit court judge position, his life, his legal career would have been ruined. He would not even have been able to return to coaching his daughters' soccer team. His life ruined on what are increasingly revealed as manufactured baseless charges. I hope that Feinstein, Ford, Swetnick and Ramirez all face perjury charges for their monstrous deceit in orchestratedly slandering Kavanaugh.

On the issue of immigration, whether DACA, or sanctuary cities, or this mob of 14,000 moving toward the U.S. border, Democrats support undermining our laws, letting in criminals who already commit hundreds of thousands of crimes in the U.S. annually, and kill or rape thousands of Americaans annually. Democrats have SUCH displayed compassion for illegals who break our laws to come here. But they have zero compassion for AMERICAN CITIZENS and LEGAL immigrants who are victimized by these illegals. They welcome the Vandals and Visigoths who would burn Rome. Just because some of them would register and vote Democrat in the short term, till Rome burns.

Election fraud.

Dismantling and crippling our military.

The Iran deal, giving our enemy the ability to build nukes within 10 years. And handing them 150 billion dollars for doing so! Money that Kerry, Obama and the Democrats knew as they signed and enacted the deal the Iranians will use to sponsor terrorism worldwide.

The Democrats' war on religious free speech, and on Christianity itself. It's not enough to legalize abortion, Democrats (under Obama) changed the rules to force Catholic churches, schools and hospitals to financially provide these services. Attempting to ban bibles from military bases, and declaring Christian beliefs "conduct unbecoming". Driving Christian photographers and bakeries out of business because they refuse to cater a gay wedding ceremony.

Those are just a few examples. There are many more.
But I'd say you cross the line into the realm of "evil" when your party openly declares war on Christianity. And the Democrat party is way beyond that.
We are, by the way, a Christian nation, and our U.S. Constitution (contract government) was patterned after the contract between God and Man in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. God's name is invoked 5 times in the U.S. Declaration of Independence. The Constitution is concluded "in the Year of Our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven."

Declaring war in Libya and causing the deaths of tens of thousands there, then not helping them rebuild, and allowing Al Qaida and ISIS to run wild and take over there, and across 40 other nations. Including four Americans murdered in Benghazi. And House Democrats suppressing all investigation of what actually happened.

Destabilizing a peace W. Bush secured in 2008-2009 at heavy cost in Iraq by Obama withdrawing all forces in Dec 2011, and Obama drawing a "red line" in Syria and not following through, both combined causing ISIS to explode across Iraq and Syria, slaughtering hundreds of thousands, de-stabilizing a region that should have remained secure after W. Bush secured it, and causing MILLIONS of refugees, many to the U.S., and even more so to Europe, destabilizing Europe.

I don't believe these are accidents. Barack Obama's core beliefs are 1) Cultural Marxism, 2) Anti-Colonialism and 3) Liberation theology, and these destructive actions are not merely bad policy decisions, but perfectly align with Obama's beliefs in destroying U.S. European international influence, and weakening western nations from within. And the millions of lives destroyed and suffering as a result are as nothing in the pursuit of their leftist/globalist/Cultural Marxist goals. The third-world abroad, ant the minorities and poor in our own nation that they make sucha show of caring about and protecting, are the cannon fodder they callously sacrifice in pursuit of their true hidden goals.

Evil, plain and simple.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.