Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You deciding that IRS visits to the WH means something nefarious was being done hardly makes it true. Russia meeting at the Trump tower anyone? That even involved evolving stories from the Trumps. Your problem is I do know the facts and one of them is that Trump didn't pursue a criminal case. If there was a there there you know he would have. Defunding the IRS in response btw makes sense how?

NOT Russia "meeting at Trump Tower".

You don't have the facts, and you're either maliciously lying or brainwashed by MediaMatters. My impression is you want to believe the lies, and are willingly brainwashed.

Of the 20 or so FBI and DOJ people who were ACTUALLY colluding and in conspiracy against Trump and rigging the Hillary investigation, most of those deep state conspirators have either been fired, or resigned before they could be fired. They are facing indictment and jail time. You are delusional to assert otherwise. That all supports the case that Trump was set up.

Despite corrupt officials in both the Democrat and Republican leadership, despite the attempts by vicious partisan deep state agents like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Loretta Lynch and Sally Yates, despite the attempt to sweep it all under the rug by new FBI director Christopher Wray to try and preserve the reputation of a corrupt FBI leadership (his golfing buddies) even the Inspector General in their own agency is unearthing the evidence of their guilt.

A Fusion GPS and FBI "asset" named Natalia Veselnitskaya lied and misrepresented herself to get the meeting with Trump Jr. (NOT a Russian agent, a fake Russian agent sent by Fusion GPS and the FBI to try and ensnare and trap Trump officials).
She met with Fusion GPS before her Trump Tower meeting, and she met with Fusion GPS after her meeting. And there was no business transacted between her and Trump Jr. A few minutes in, he saw she had misrepresnted herself and ended the meeting.

If the four federal investigations, including the Mueller report didn't already make that CRYSTAL clear.

And what Rep. Adam Schiff did in a recorded phone call, getting pranked by two actual Russians, where he was eager to get any dirt he could on Trump, writing down everything said on the phone by two high school kids, and trying to set up more meetings with them (he actually called them back repeatedly --recorded!-- before he realized they weren't really going to give him Russian dirt on Trump, Schiff not knowing and clueless that he was being played. That was actual attempted "Russia collusion"... BY A DEMOCRAT.

Why do you deliberately lie and try to shave and misrepresent the facts?
There is no Trump/Russia collusion.
FOUR investigations: 1) a 9-month FBI intelligence investigation, 2) a House investigation, 3) a Senate investigation, and 4)the Mueller special investigation, ALL concluded there is absolutely no evidence of Trump/Russia collusion.

Everything you try to accuse Trump of doing, Hillary Clinton, the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and key staffers in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, and DNI, HAVE ACTUALLY PROVABLY DONE.

The IRS is a weaponized arm of the Democrats, and has been since JFK, LBJ and Bill Clinton were president, auditing and harassing the Dems' political opponents. It has to be reformed.
Weaponized yet again by Obama in 2012, to narrowly win the election with 51%, by crippling his opposition's ability to organize and fundraise.

See the Spectator article , "The Union that Runs the IRS", in the linked topic above.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Israel was all set to let them visit as they have let other critics in the past but did what our President asked them to do. The next time you want to bs about free speech I will now know how it really isn't a principle of yours. If Trump doesn't like it I know you will support him over a democratic principle. And this was about him. Even the conservative lobby group for Israel recognizes this.

Israel DID OFFER to let Rashida Tlaib enter to visit her 90-something grandmother. And when Israel eased their restrictions against travel into Israel by rabid propagantists like Tlaib and Omar (laws that precede Trump's presidency) SHE (not Trump), SHE declined to enter.

It was all a political show by Tlaib, to beg Israel to let her enter, get them to concede, and then grandstand and slap the invitation back in Israel's face. I don't know how you blame Trump for HER CHOICE not to travel to Israel, as she had permission to.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.