Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Nunes is just a Trump toady though. And while she served under Obama she had a long career under republicans too. Trump of course can replace diplomats but this looks like it was because she did fight corruption. You might want to read up on those Guilliani associates that were just arrested for funneling foreign money into GOP campaigns. And while Trump claims he doesn't know them, they say they knew him. If he has the facts on his side why is he trying to block them?

Rep. Devin Nunez is a United States congessman, and has almost singlehandedly unearthed much of what we know about the Russia Hoax coup by high level agents in the FBI, DOJ, CIA and NSA. Far from a "toady", he has put himself at risk politically for the country, and revealed factually provable conspiracy by Democrat/Deep State elements to try and sabotage/slander/destroy the 2016 Trump campaign, and several more pseudo-legal coups against Trump to cripple or remove him as president.

Nunez had false charges against him as House committee chair in 2018, and after about 9 months was completely exonerated of the slanders. Accusations that were quite clearly intended to delay investigation of FBI and DOJ crimes and deceit, also delaying until Democrats won in the mid-term, and Nunez no longer was (ceasing to be with the majority party after 2018) Nunez after the 2018 election no longer had the powers once exonerated, no longer the House majority party, to fully pursue investigation.

If it were not for Nunez, we would know virtually nothing of these abuses of power by the heads of federal agencies. A conspiracy that exceeds even Watergate in its bid to seize power and remove an elected president. Beyond Trump, they are still ruining the lives and bankrupting innocent men like Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Michael Flynn, Michael Caputo, Carter Page and George Pappadapoulos, among others. FBI and DOJ manufacturing false evidence to obtain FISA warrants, planted evidence, entrapping innocent men, extorting confessions, and witholding exculpatory evidence.

And no, it doesn't look like Yovanovich was fighting corruption. She ordered Ukranian officials not to investigate several Democrat allies. Multiple people both in the State Department and in the the Ukranian government say she was partisanly for Obama, made many comments hostile to Trump, comments hostile toward Zelensky and his government, and not a trustworthy ambassador.

If Trump was "trying to hide something" why did he fully disclose his phone call transcripted conversation with Zelenskyy? A move absolutely unprecedented in presidential history. A move that makes any foreign leader reluctant to speak candidly with ANY future U.S. president, knowing their words can be made public despite any assurances of privacy. And even that is not enough, and nothing ever will be, for the lying Democrats.
The goal of the treasonous Democrats is to destroy Trump any way they can, even if it undermines and destroys the nation itself.

You ignore the incredible number of times the lying partisan media has declared --almost every week!-- a new scandal, assuring us this time we have the evidence against Trump, this time he'll beimpeached, each time the story has fallen apart and proven to be falsified evidence by the Democrats, by deep state officials, by the liberal media, or falsified in collaboration by all three.

By the weirdest of coincidences, all this scandal has been unleashed to incriminate Giulinani and to incriminate Barr, just when they were on the brink of concluding their investigations and going public with their evidence. Just by the oddest coincidence. The motive is clear: the Democrats, Deep State and lying Newspeak liberal media are trying to smear the messengers, in advance of their releasing the evidence.
Or as Giuliani has said in the last few days, the Dems and media are "trying to kill the messenger".

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.