Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Please cite where the Trumps have divested themselves from their business? I googled this just yesterday and Trump hasn't done what all other previous presidents have done in the past to divest himself from his business.


President-elect Donald Trump is separating himself from his far-flung global business empire by transferring all assets into a trust and putting his two sons, Eric and Donald Jr., in charge, a Trump lawyer said on Wednesday.

Along with plans to hire an ethics adviser, Trump is taking the steps to avoid inevitable questions about a potential conflict of interest between his businesses and the office of the presidency, although his lawyer insisted he was not required to take them.

Republican Trump, who is to be sworn in on Jan. 20, has been under pressure to take these steps before he moves into the White House.

Trump operates a variety of golf resorts and hotels around the world. The lawyer, who spoke to a small group of reporters on condition of anonymity, said all profits generated at Trump‘s hotels by foreign governments will be donated to the U.S. Treasury.

Trump is to resign from all positions he holds with Trump Organization entities, and his daughter, Ivanka, is to have no further involvement with management authority in the group.

Ivanka Trump is the wife of Jared Kushner, who Trump has appointed to a senior advisory role in the White House.

The Trump Organization will not enter any new deals while Trump is president, according to the lawyer.

Since Trump sold all his stocks last year, the Trump trust is to hold only liquid assets such as cash and business operating assets, the lawyer said.

Many ethics experts had urged Trump to completely divest or set up a blind trust for his assets. The lawyer said Trump opted against these steps because it was not a realistic possibility.

Trump was aided in setting up the trust by lawyer Fred Fielding, a former White House counsel to Republican presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.

Interviews are being conducted in the search for an ethics adviser for the trust, the lawyer said.

“The written approval of the ethics adviser will be required for new deals, actions and transactions that could potentially raise ethics or conflict of interests concerns,” the lawyer said.

Trump has terminated all pending business deals to clear the way for becoming president. His access to information about his businesses will be sharply limited, the lawyer said.

The moratorium on new deals does not apply to contracts that are entered into by the Trump Organization and its affiliates in the ordinary course of business.
Remaining debt will stay in place and will be dealt with during the ordinary course of business, the lawyer said.

Wow. That took me all of... 2 minutes.

Trump was putting in place an ethical way to set aside his businesses, even before he was inaaugurated. And considering his personal wealth at that time was roughly $4 billion in property, cash and other assets, that is quite a task to try and set aside altogether.

Compare that to the unethical practices of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden, and Biden's brother who also secured deals based on the influence of his brother while Joe Biden was still vice president.
That's quite a double standard you have there, M E M.
Trump is under suspicion while endeavoring to do everything ethically. And when Democrats are guilty of insider trading and securing lucrative positions for their relatives by bribery and intimidation and abusing their government position, you don't even think that warrants the slightest investigation.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
...And when you spend time here defending Trump's decision to have the G-7 at his own resort...

Again, visibly and above board, AT COST! Trump wanted his facilities used because they were beyond dispute the nicest ones in the region for the G-7 event.

But to avoid the slightest possible appearance of impropriety, and to deprive the Democratss and liberal media of lying talking points they could twist it into, he cancelled the use of his Doral hotel for the event.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
...or pressing a foreign country to try to dig up dirt on his political rival you think those are not obvious double standards?

You are using the Moscow Central Committee tactic of repeating a lie so often that it takes on the appearance of being true.

As I said, the evidence is that Joseph Biden did that, intimidating the Ukranian president into firing his attorney general, by threatening to withold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Ukraine if he didn't, and Biden OPENLY BOASTED ABOUT DOING SO, ON CAMERA.

Likewise as I listed above, where >>>DEMOCRAT<<< Senators Menendez, Leahy and Durbin sent a threatening letter to the Ukranian government for compromising information about Trump before the 2016 election.

And let it not be forgotten that the Hillary Clinton campaign >>>AND<<< the DNC paid millions to Glenn Simpson/Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele (a former British foreign agent), to get dirt for their Russia Dossier directly from Russian agents, two of them high-level Russian intelligence officials, for which the Democrats paid MILLIONS to Russian officials.

It's absolutely amazing that you can allege this stuff about Trump, when ALL the evidence is there to show Democrats clearly did with a clear paper and money trail and plenty of witnesses, what they allege with mere smoke and mirrors about Trump.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.