Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Well if you're good with Trump asking a foreign country to investigate his political rivals than we have different definitions of what corruption truly is.

Well, as said above...

 Originally Posted By: M E M
...or pressing a foreign country to try to dig up dirt on his political rival you think those are not obvious double standards?

 Originally Posted By: WB
You are using the Moscow Central Committee tactic of repeating a lie so often that it takes on the appearance of being true.

As I said, the evidence is that Joseph Biden did that, intimidating the Ukranian president into firing his attorney general, by threatening to withold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Ukraine if he didn't, and Biden OPENLY BOASTED ABOUT DOING SO, ON CAMERA.

Likewise as I listed above, where >>>DEMOCRAT<<< Senators Menendez, Leahy and Durbin sent a threatening letter to the Ukranian government for compromising information about Trump before the 2016 election.

And let it not be forgotten that the Hillary Clinton campaign >>>AND<<< the DNC paid millions to Glenn Simpson/Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele (a former British foreign agent), to get dirt for their Russia Dossier directly from Russian agents, two of them high-level Russian intelligence officials, for which the Democrats paid MILLIONS to Russian officials.

It's absolutely amazing that you can allege this stuff about Trump, when ALL the evidence is there to show Democrats clearly did with a clear paper and money trail and plenty of witnesses, what they allege with mere smoke and mirrors about Trump.

You seem immune to those facts.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
The democrats are gathering the evidence and testimony in the best way to prevent witnesses from aligning stories. When their done gathering the facts the inquiry will become public.

No. The Democrats are hiding testimony, and with smoke and mirrors and selective leaks of testimony outside of its full context, creating a deliberate false narrative about Trump. While simultaneously avoiding any equal justice against far more blatant abuses by Democrats. As in the examples of what I just posted above.
Democrats and Republicans should be held to the same standard, not weaponizing justice by Democrats to destroy Republicans, just to gain power.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Given how team Trump operates I think their being smart. I've been reading the bits of testimony and it's more than just Trump asking Ukraine to investigate Biden. It looks like they have him on withholding the foreign aid money to try to help him beat Biden in '20.

The full transcript of the phone call between Trump and Zelensky says otherwise. There was no misconduct by Trump.
Multiple televised interviews of Ukranian president Zelenskyy say otherwise. There was no misconduct by Trump.

Multiple deposed witnesses by House Democrats (behind closed doors, to manipulate their testimony, but the truth comes out anyway) also demonstrate there was no misconduct by Trump.
Democrats cling to the slightest illusion, crafted by misdirection and false context to imply otherwise. There is no misconduct by Trump.

The beauty of it is, everything Democrats accuse Trump of, is what Democrats themselves have done. But Democrats corruptly protect their own from prosecution or even from investigation. The double standard of Democrats is just incredible.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.