Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
“Thank God no one is accusing us of interfering in the U.S. elections anymore," Putin said at an economic forum in Moscow, according to the Associated Press. "Now they’re accusing Ukraine.”

So that would be your party, the Democrats, doing the propagandist bidding of Vladimir Putin?

I think your smart enough and aware of current events to know how silly your being there. Just this Sunday I watched Wallace on his show ask senator Kennedy about the Russia/Ukraine election interference stuff and Kennedy went with a "we don't know" answer on it. Our intelligence as Chris Wallace brought up does know though. Because it's embarrassing though to Trump we get republicans parroting Russian troll farms garbage.

Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana, yes.

And he said we (the nation, the media, FBI/CIA intelligence, the Washington elite) don't know, because WE DON'T KNOW!
He laid out several possible scenarios, within the parameters of what is known. Kennedy is one of my favorite Senators because of his common sense approach and witty colloquialisms.

As Sen. Kennedy and others have said, the true goal of the Russians with their interference in 2016 was to undermine confidence in the elections, no matter which party won the election.
And the Democrats are advancing that Russian goal EVERY DAY since Trump won the election.

The Mueller report (and a 10-month FBI counter-intelligence investigation, and a House investigation, and a Senate investigation, preceding the final Mueller report) ALL said there was no Trump/Russia collusion, and that Russia for all their efforts did not affect the outcome of the election. In point of fact, the Russians' intercepted communications show that they thought Hillary Clinton would win, and they were preparing to launch attacks on her credibility and undermine her as president.
THAT's how much the Russians orchestrated a Trump victory. They couldn't even predict accurately who the winner would be.

As Tucker Carlson said, the Russians spent about $100,000 on internet ads, about what a typical local auto dealership spends annually on advertising. And even with those ads, a viewer had to click on the ad to even see the Russian propaganda. Against a $2 billion Hillary Clinton campaign that outspent even Trump's campaign by a ratio of 2-to-1, that $100,000 was insignificant.

What has been significant is the 3 years of House/Senate Democrats and the allied 93% anti-Trump media selling the Russians' propaganda talking points every day for 3 years since before Trump was inaugurated. And then incredibly, blaming Trump for causing the lack of public confidence in our system.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.