Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Powerful, wealthy people commit crimes all the time. And I would point to Trump and Rudy as being "vicious, unprincipled and scorched earth" instead.

That's because you're a Media Matters-level far-left liberal partisan, who grazes daily on the lying leftist-media propaganda that is fed to you, because despite the facts otherwise, you desperately want to believe that Trump and Republicans are evil.
When it is in truth your side (Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Anita Dunn, Ron Bloom, Mark Lloyd, Cass Sunstein, Strobe Talbott, Bernie Sanders...) that openly worships truly evil Bolshevik radicals like Mao Tse Tung, Che Gueverra, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chaves, Saul Alinsky, William Ayers and Frank Marshall Davis, and has repeatedly criminally acted on that Bolshevik ideology to circumnavigate Constitutional freedoms and checks and balances and free elections, to seize power by liberal-fascist undemocratic means.

The truth is, with the microscope Donald Trump has been under for 3 years, it's astonishing that the Democrat/Left hasn't been able to manufacture even a false case against him. The fact that obessive investigation of Trump has NOT revealed any crimes or scandals despite the best and most vindictive efforts, reveals Trump to be more clean than you would like to believe. That If you or I were subjected to the same scrutiny, they would have found some technicality or perjury trap to imprison us and destroy us a long time ago.

On Wednesday (Nov 27th) on Lou Dobbs, K.T. McFarland (who also served as an assistant defense secretary under the Reagan and G.H.W. Bush administrations, and briefly served in the early weeks of Trump's presidency for Flynn), discussed how she was approached by two FBI agents in a very similar way that Michael Flynn was destroyed.
"Oh, you don't need a lawyer..." the FBI agents said.
"Oh, you don't need access to Defense Department files to refresh your memory, we just have a few simple questions for you..."

PERJURY TRAP questions.

Lucky for her, she went out and got the very best lawyer she could before answering, to avoid being similarly entrapped, deceived, smeared and criminally charged, just as Flynn was. As she put it, if she hadn't gotten that lawyer and protected herself from manufactured charges, she would "be wearing an orange jump suit now."

Just as Flynn is.

There is absolutely no reason Flynn should be in jail now, was tricked into a perjury trap by the FBI, tricked into not consulting a lawyer, he was shaken down and bankrupted, forced to mortgage his house to pay for his legal defense, and then the FBI threatened to indict and imprison his son as well, if he didn't finally take the plea.

And his new attorney Sydney Powell is well on her way to having that plea thrown out and freeing Flynn. I would like to see Comey, McCabe, Weissmann, and Strzok subjected to the same treatment for their abuse of the system, imprisoning an innocent man, many innocent men, just to get a political victory and hurt Trump. That whole corrupt self-serving top floor of the FBI belongs in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

And those FBI abuses go back to at least the Enron, Arthur Andersen, Martha Stewart, Scooter Libby and IRS/Lois Lerner cases. Let the punishment fit the crime. For imprisoning people these FBI officials knew to be innocent, hiding exculpatory evidence, shaking down the innocent (Republicans) and deliberately sabotaging the cases and setting free the guilty (Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton), these bastards belong in jail. Jail for crimes they actually committed, vs. imprisoning people they knew to be innocent just to get a conviction. That would still not even be letting the punishment fit the crime. Far more merciful that what they unleashed on the executives of Arthur Andersen and Enron, some of whom, innocent men, they caused to die in prison for crimes they didn't commit. Convictions overturned unanimously 9-0 by the U.S. Supreme Court.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

After all who is preaching that one side hates America? Who is fighting like hell to stop any investigation into their actions into Ukraine? Documents and testimony that you would think an innocent party would want released is being blocked by Trump.

Your side is accusing Trump and Republicans of "hate", ironically as the Democrats themselves stoke hate at Trump and his supporters.

And I've cited at length the evidence that Democrats are more loyal to globalism than the United States, and that Democrats undermine securing our borders, undermine stopping illegal immigration, undermine national security.
And Democrats are the party of attacking our nation's founders, our history, calling America racist and inherently unfair (Bernie Sanders, Michelle Obama, Stacy Abrams, Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to name just a few examples).
And Democrats are the party that tried to de-fund our troops on the battlefield in Iraq in 2006 to force W. Bush to bring them home.
The party of John Kerry, who threw his Vietnam medals (or someone else's it turned out, for pure anti-American show) who falsely called Vietnam war veterans rapists and war criminals.
The party of Senator Dick Durbin (D-MI) calling U.S. soldiers in Iraq "comparable to Nazi storm troopers, Soviet Gulags and the Pol Pot regime."
The party that hates police.
The party that frees cop-killers.
The Party of Senator Ted Kennedy, who met with the Russians in 1987 and tried to convince them not to make a nuclear arms reduction agreement with Reagan.
The party that was warned about the threat of communist infiltrators in the 1940's, who ignored that advice, and allowed the Russians to infiltrate our government and steal the technology to make a nuclear bomb.

You tell me, M E M: Which party hates America based on that overwhelming evidence?

Trump is cooperating with investigators and hiding less behind executive privelege than either Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton before him. Where Trump is exercising executive privelege, he is protecting the office of the presidency itself, so as not to set a precedent that will cripple future presidents.

You hold an incredible double-standard, M E M. There is no crime that Trump is indicted for, or even specifically charged with (as compared to the Nixon and Clinton impeachments, who special investigations showed both guilty of actual crimes, Mueller's report on Trump did not).
The Democrats are indulging in a Stalinist-like trial, where the Democrat-contrived rules don't even allow Trump to properly defend himself. It's all a show for the Democrat base, to smear Trump.
But while the Democrat and Republican bases haven't moved politically, the independents polled have gone from 48% in support of impeachment to 34%, a double digit majority now [b]opposing[/i] impeachment. It's over, and moderate Democrats are looking for an exit ramp.
I doubt at this point that Pelosi will even hold a House vote for impeachment. The blatant unfairness of these hearings has blown up in the Dems' faces, and I think, assured Trump's re-election.

But Trump's inevitable re-election was always in place, this was just the Dems' desperate attempt to do a hail-Mary to block it, to smear Trump and lower his numbers just enough to prevent his re-election. It failed, and it backfired. And Democrats will now even more assuredly lose, as they richly deserve to.

Democrats have played their last vicious and desperate hand. To the division and detriment of the nation. I have never been so enraged by the overt deceit, malice, and politics of personal destruction of the Democrats. From Brett Kavanaugh to Nicholas Sandmann, to this. I wouldn't risk going to jail to do it, but these malicious Democrats, stoking division just for their short-term gain, destroying the country and the rule of law, deserve a death like Hitler or Mussolini or Benedict Arnold. Killed in the streets. I would be delighted to turn on Fox or CNN and see that someone else had made them die screaming. What the Democrats have done is so vile, so divisive, so treasonous, that is the punishment they truly deserve.

But I'll settle for them being voted out of office, and ceasing to have any majorities. That will be sufficient.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.