Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
WB when you post stuff like this..."Democrats have played their last vicious and desperate hand. To the division and detriment of the nation. I have never been so enraged by the overt deceit, malice, and politics of personal destruction of the Democrats. From Brett Kavanaugh to Nicholas Sandmann, to this. I wouldn't risk going to jail to do it, but these malicious Democrats, stoking division just for their short-term gain, destroying the country and the rule of law, deserve a death like Hitler or Mussolini or Benedict Arnold. Killed in the streets. I would be delighted to turn on Fox or CNN and see that someone else had made them die screaming. What the Democrats have done is so vile, so divisive, so treasonous, that is the punishment they truly deserve.
and than go on about an entire political party having all the hate just simply isn't credible. Nor is Trump cooperating with the impeachment inquiry. The documents and testimony that I think we both know wouldn't clear him but further damn him he's illegally withholding. Trump is earning his impeachment.

I stand by what I said. My words are not hate, they are a reaction to OVER A DECADE of unrelenting hate by Democrats.

Again, Trump is hiding less behind executive privelege than either Nixon or Bill Clinton. But there are some things that he has to withold, to protect the confidentiality of the inner workings of the White House. Otherwise he would show his hand and lose the ability to wage high-stakes negotiations with other countries.

Show me another president who unclassified personal communications like the Trump/Zelensky July 25th phone call. No president EVER!

And a second earlier phone call released in full after that. You and other maniacs on the Left read evil intent into everything Trump says or does, and absolutely refuse to give him credit for anything, despite that he is quantifiably the most effective president in over 50 years on a wide span of issues.

What did Obama do in 8 years? Virtually nothing. Obamacare, that's it. And even with that, the Democrats had to cheat to get it passed. And even with that, a majority of Democrats who voted for it have been removed from office. And Republicans gained over 1,000 seats in federal and state elections since then.
On top of that, Obama is the king of racial demagoguery, and across the board in poll after poll, his 8 years are seen as the time when racial division escalated in the U.S.
Obama was elected as a racial healer, the "post-racial" president, who instead threw acid on the wounds, and ripped this country open along race and class lines.

Obama failed on every front, whereas Trump is succeeding, the most effective president in over 50 years. So the Democrats rely on hate and smear tactics to try and hide his success. But despite over 3 years of 93% negative coverage (according to Media Research Center, that reached 96% anti-Trump liberal propaganda during the impeachment hearings) Trump is still polling with greater support than Obama. Under Obama, the news media were the wind at Obama's back. Under Trump, the media are enemy agents trying to destroy Trump at every turn with whatever made up "unnamed source" or unconfirmed half-baked rumor thay can summon, no matter how many times it blows up in their faces, no matter how many times they destroy their own credibility by doing so.

So... if I'm angry and I would like to see the Democrats see retribution, it is a reaction to the unrelenting hate and pure evil of the Democrats. They are a threat to the country, and certainly, to their Republican opposition. It is not "hate" to react to a Democrat threat, and want to see it eliminated.


And that's not even a current or complete list. When Republicans can't even speak at colleges or booksignings without being silenced or openly attacked, when Democrat leadership in cities like Portland Berkeley or L.A. or Washington D.C. makes police just stand in the sidelines and not give protection to Republicans when they are violently attacked, when high school kids are attacked just for wearing a MAGA hat in multiple cities nationwide, when it's a career-ender just to identify as a conservative as a college professor, a teacher, a news reporter, and actor, a Hollywood tv or film writer or director, it is not "hate" to vocally respond to that. It is a reaction to unrelenting Democrat hate and intolerance, and Democrat intimdation and violence. FACT.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.