Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Off topic but if it helps I do believe history shifts out the garbage who try to build their greatness by trying to tear down others. Trump will likely be impeached on the facts. More will come out to further damn him. He won't be able to block all that evidence forever and we know enough already.

In other news not surprisingly Trump passes on having lawyers at the inquiry to participate.

If simply citing the facts is "tearing down others".

As opposed to the daily salvo of insults and hysterical Nixon/Watergate comparisons on MSNBC and CNN and NBC.
Or their calling Trump or anyone who supports him "a child".
Or saying that reports written by Trump or Republican House members "must have been written in crayon".

Those are all pure insults, without the slightest citing or sourcing of facts. Lying narrative, the Democrat specialty.

And regarding Trump not having lawyers at the event, it's because House Democrats have not set up anything resembling fairness or equal protection under the law, or impartial due process, in their partisan show trial.
As I've cited repeatedly, in both the Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton impeachment proceedings, the opposition party in both previous impeachment cases bent over backward to make sure the impeachment process was beyond question impartial, open and fair. And that the impartialness, and bipartisan consensus of the process, was highly visible to the American public.
As were the Special investigation reports in the Nixon and Clinton cases, that showed clear criminal action on which to pursue impeachment.
The Mueller report DID NOT, showed no crime by Trump to justify an impeachment process. The Stalinist standard, begin with the Democrat desire for impeachment, and manufacture a crime to rationalize it.

In the Trump case, Democrats have been highly partisan, have never made any effort to be non-partisan, and have unashamedly made that partisan bias visible beyond question.
The Republican House members and the president's attorneys were NOT able to call witnesses, NOT able to cross-examine, NOT able to present exculpatory evidence, in anything even slightly resembling fair and impartial process. It is precisely that unfairness that has made Trump's White House and attorneys uncooperative.

On the plus side, it has galvanized Republicans, and made Trump's re-election even more assured. The more Democrats pursue this, the more it hurts them politically.
As I said, this deeply angers me, as it clearly angers tens of millions of other Republicans and Independents. I truly want their blood for what they've maliciously done to the country. But I'll settle for their crushing defeat and heavy losses in both houses of congress in November 2020.

Nothing could convince me more of the deep anti-Americanism of the Democrats, of their deceitfulness, of their viciousness, of their eagerness to overthrow our Constitution in pursuit of mob rule. And of their Bolshevik lust to steamroll over and destroy anyone, anything, even the country itself, that gets in their way. They are the Bolsheviks, the Maoists, Che Guevarra, Hugo Chavez, and the Jacobinists of the French Revolution all rolled into one.

And going back to the Obama administration (where admiration for this long line of communist revolutionaries and their bloody scorched-earth tactics, exulted by multiple Obama staffers) was the first tell of what was coming, the natural outgrowth of what we are seeing now:

"We agree with Mao that capitalism is a sham, and that power is mostly administered at the barrell of a gun", said Ron Bloom, one of Obama's Czars.

"Vive Le resistance!", said Peter Strzok and Lisa Page's FBI insurrectionist comrade [name redacted, at least initially]. Who participated in most of the oh-so-neutral Hillary Clinton and Trump federal investigations. ["Name Redacted"] and and Strzok, Page and like-minded insurrectionist brethren were attorneys appointed to the Mueller investigation. And their lying talking points have picked up and repeated daily by their "La Revolucion" brethren in the 93% anti-Trump liberal-Newspeak media. Also supported in FBI, in NSC, in DOJ, in State Department, in IRS.

"Viva La revolucion!" We are seeing that America-hating revolution on display every day. I expect to be disappointed by DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz's report. But I hope with "la revolucion"'s decline already, that John Durham's report is a death blow to the Democrat/Marxist revolution and their allies in the Deep State, that have already had a huge loss of public support in recent weeks.

And really, steadily been exposed and weakened over the last 3 years.

And by the way...


... more evidence of the deceit at the conspiratorial core of the Democrats' lying impeachment case.