
klinton said:

Wonder Boy said:
The Bible teaches not to look for war, to use peaceful means whenever possible, but to defend your nation (particularly in the Old Testament, to defend Israel )

If the Bible did not allow for military service, then Israel would never have become a nation, in Biblical times or presently.

I agree. But a lot of things changed between the Old Testament and the new. There were things that were no longer advocated, or in fact discouraged. This was one of them.

I disagree.

The core teaching of the New Testament --of Christ-- is free will.
The freedom to choose or reject Christianity, as one observes its evidence, history and values.

The only thing the New Testament (i.e., Jesus) rejects is empty ritual that bypasses true faith. He rejects empty ceremony that projects the appearance of faith in God, but is not true faith.

Jesus doesn't discourage Jewish rituals, he only says that it is possible to have faith, and not practice those Old Testament traditions and rituals.
But God looks favorably on those who practice those rituals as a manifestation of true faith. And not just the appearance of faith.

You speak presumptuously and innacurately, with a lack of knowledge of Biblical scripture and customs.


klinton said:

This isn't a 'game'...Just a discussion. There are many things that can be read out of the Bible, and debated. But Jesus insitence on peace is not open to debate...It's undeniable.

No, it's not.
Jesus taught peace and forgiveness, but not the way you imply, that would castrate Christians of the ability to have a political opinion, or to politically preserve their lifestyle from changes in the law that intrude on the free practice of their religion, and thus ability to serve God.
Or even to serve in the military, and defend their nation.

To say Jesus insists on peace in all circumstances is your uninformed and presumptuous opinion.


klinton said:

The fact that you are so indoctrinated by church teachings to think otherwise is unsettling.

That is a really uncivil and sleazy attempt of yours to smear me, and it assumes a lot.

My Biblical opinion comes from reading the Bible, and various scholarly writings that give added understanding to the historic and symbolic context of the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic my NIV and King James (both English language) translations are derived from.

Your opinions, on the other hand, are derived solely from your uninformed opinions, your gay lifestyle, and your pathetic attempts to change Biblical scripture that clearly condemns homosexuality, so as to rationalize your gay lifestyle is not in contradiction with the Bible, and smear anyone who points out the Biblical standard which clearly has the most strenuous condemnation of homosexuality, an act grouped (in both the Old and New Testaments) with adultery, murder, and blasphemy.

And with that, I'd rather not respond to your posts to this topic anymore.

You launched an attack on me, and I defended myself. I'd rather not waste my time continuing to respond to your poisonous rhetoric.


klinton said:

And the difference between defending one's country and hunting down your enemies is a large one indeed. There is no Christian justification for the crusades.

To a degree there is, specifically driving invading Muslims out of Europe.

But as I said in the prior topic, I don't pretend that the Crusades were a theologically Christian act, and said that at that time the average person in Europe did not have access to scripture, to see what the Bible truly said.

But again, Biblical or not Biblical, I give people license to defend themselves from invaders, and insure they are not invaded again.

If you want to continue this discussion, please do so without me.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.