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Your reputation makes any accusations against me value free. Trump never brought any credible evidence into court that would have altered Biden’s huge win. Instead he just gave his followers accusations, lies and anger while he tried to steal the election with multiple slates of fake electors. Your support for all of it shows who you are WB.

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He is what he accuses everyone else to be...a partisan wack-job hack!

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Son of Anarchist
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Originally Posted by iggy
He is what he accuses everyone else to be...a partisan wack-job hack!

Hey iggy! How have you been?

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Been great, SOM! How are things on the other side of the Pacific?

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As shitty as it has always been, like the rest of the world. But personally, I'm great.

It's great that people are coming back to the RKMBs, on a Trump thread, at that. I've been lurking for the past year or so, not really finding any reason to post anything when all I see is just Wonder Boy and MEM trading barbs, but even MEM seems to have dropped out.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Your reputation makes any accusations against me value free. Trump never brought any credible evidence into court that would have altered Biden’s huge win. Instead he just gave his followers accusations, lies and anger while he tried to steal the election with multiple slates of fake electors. Your support for all of it shows who you are WB.

My "reputation" is for many years to post facts and linked sources to back up what I'm saying.
While all you have is insults, slanders, and fake narratives.
My sourced facts, your Democrat-Bolshevik deceitful tactics.

And Trump's lawyers brought PLENTY of evidence to court, hundreds of witnesses, hundreds of sworn affidavits from these witnesses, but Clinton- and Obama-appointed judges refused to hear it in court. They in some cases said the cases "lack standing" as a way to sidestep having to hear the evidence.

And as I've said repeatedly, there were also Republican judges who were also part of the corrupt uni-party, or a second group of judges who are afraid of getting the same personal destruction as Rudy Giuliani or Alan Dershowitz, where they can likewise be investigated, indicted by he 65 Project, and bankrupted by legal fees fighting the lawfare cases against them. So hey just choose to step out of the way and abandon Trump and his supporters to the Democrat-Bolshevik wolves.. It's just easier and safer. But it is NOT justice, or "de-bunked". Not even close.

What all this shows is that, unlike you, I can think for myself and see through the propaganda, and not just suck on the propaganda nipple of what CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, and the rest of the shamelessly deceitful leftist media narrative YOU are feeding yourself on.

Originally Posted by Iggy
He is what he accuses everyone else to be...a partisan wack-job hack!

All you have is insuls, never any facts to back it up. I cite and source facts, and explain exactly why you and M E M are the partisan wack jobs.

You have a rigged 2020 election.
Three years of visibly false Covid-19 narratives.
The Twitter Files showing how the Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed by George Orwell's Google, Facebook, Twitter and Insagram.

Multiple FBI and DOJ deliberately false investigations of Trump for "Russia collusion" that even Strzok and Page in their FBI texts say they knew from the start there was "No 'there' there." a

A fake Mueller Report, where (as detailed by John Solomon, at JustTheNews) they (Strzok and Page) knew the Russia collusion charges against Trump were absolutely false by February or March of 2017 at the latest. Bu the Mueller team dragged on the investigation till way past the Nov 2018 election, until July 2019, to influence and damage the Republicans in the Nov 2018 election. They finally released their report in July 2019. From a partisan Mueller team of entirely Democrat lawyers, over 10 of them large donors to the Democrat party, one who came directly from the Clinton foundaion, and early on, Trump-hating conspirators Peer Strzok and Lisa Page were part of the Mueller team. There was NOT ONE Republican on that investigative team.

But hey, NOT AT ALL partisan against Trump, right Iggy? Perfectly fine.
And within 2 weeks of the dissastrous Mueller report, an even more disastrous (for Democrats) Senate hearing of Mueller, about a report he (Biden-like, just a puppet) CLEARLY did not write himself or have any familiarity with to answer questions about. It was Democrat-Bolshevik Andrew Weissmann who actually wrote the Mueller report, that a feeble Mueller could not have written himself, and in hearings was clueless to discuss.

And just a week or two after that, Democrats unleashed the "whistleblower report" about Trump's phone call to a just-inauguraed President Zelenskyy in Ukraine. And Democrats rushed out their new false narrative, and fast-tracked an impeachment of Trump in Jan 2020, that House Democrats all eagerly voted for impeachment on, despite the call being de-classified and released by Trump himself, PROVING he did nothing wrong in his call with Zelenskyy.

It was in fact Hillary Clinton and her campaign, and the DNC, boh of whom ACTUALLY colluded with the Russians (hiring Perkins-Coie law firm, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired former British MI-6 agent Christopher Steele, who using Clinton / DNC - provided cash, bought the salacious Trump info directly from Russian intelligence agents. RUSSIA COLLUSION ANYONE? )

And likewise Joe Biden who ALSO ACTUALLY DID the Russia collusion Donald Trump was only falsely accused of, when Hunter Biden and Joe Biden took millionsin payoff from Burisma, and then Biden threatened then-Ukraine president Poroshenko that if he didn't fire the prosecutor (Shokin) investigating Burisma and the Bidens, that Joe Biden would take away $1 billion in foreign aid from Ukraine.
JOE BIDEN: "well son of a bitch... he fired him."
That Biden openly boasted about doing at a CFR meetign a few months later.

A flashing neon "INFLUENCE PEDDLING" on Poroshenko by Biden, but... It's a Democrat, so the FBI doesn't care.

And FBI actually buried the Hunter Biden laptop till a year later, AFTER the Nov 2020 election, and even then FBI only acknowledged it after that pesky Delaware computer repair shop guy finally went to House Republicans, after he FBI stonewalled the promised investigation for a year. FBI would have hidden the laptop contents forever, if they could get away with it. As a matter of fact, as I recall, it was the repair shop guy and the House Republicans who released the contents, while the FBI still alleges the laptop they have is "missing" or otherwise will not release it for some contrived reason. House and Senate Republicans ask FBI about it, and just get jerked around by FBI, who refuse to provide any information.

I is IN SPITE OF the FBI, not because of FBI, that the media and the public know the contents of the Huner Biden laptop. Plus confirmation by former Burisma officials, by Shokin, and by Hunter Biden's business associates such as Tony Bubulinsky and Devin Archer, who were in the Hunter Biden email chans, and have verified they are Hunter's actual emails.

And the FBI spied on New York Post reporter Miranda Devine through her FISA-surveiled phone calls with Rudy Giuliani and other Trump officials, according to Miranda Devine herself and Giuliani, so a spying FBI knew exacly when to compose and release their 51-signature letter from so-called intelligence officials (none of who ever actually saw the Biden laptop contents), but eagerly labelled it with the "looks like Russian disinformation" narrative, using former FBI and CIA officials (like James Baker) who were secretly still serving FBI in private-sector executive positions in Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Instagram, where they could help FBI and CIA suppress the lapttop and have it blocked on social media. As was the New York Post's social media accounts. (again: See Elon Musk and Mat Taibbi's " Twitter Files"

So once again.... EVERYTHING Democrats merely slander Republicans to be doing, turns out to be what Democrats are ACTUALLY DOING THEMSELVES.
But hey, no investigation, no indicment, no prosecution or even the possibility of a conviction or jail time. FBI is flying cover for Democrats. After all, these are DEMOCRATS, FBI does't prosecute them !
No, for Democrats they scuttle the evidence, and avoid recording their depositions, so they can' be found guilty of perjury later.
But in the cases of Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, George Pappadaapoulos, Roger Stone and other Trump Republicans, these same FBI deep state agents lay a minefield of perjury traps, to frame Trump officials for manufactured perjury, so they can still convict them and force them into plea bargains when they haven't actually committed any crime.
Protect Democrats from any prosecution.
Maliciously prosecute Republicans.
Yeah, that's fair...

Then you have a CIA where Gina Haspel signs an order to change CIA /NSC 'whistleblower" rules, that for the very first time suddenly allowed a whisleblower to accuse he President, altered JUST ONE MONTH BEFORE such a mysterious whistleblower report was filed against Trump. And very oddly, no one seems to know who put the alteration paper that allowed it on Gina Haspel's desk.
And partisan sheep like Iggy and M E M ask no questions because.... Hate Trump. Get Trump, any way possible, and screw the Constituttion, NO PROBLEM.

The clearly fake January 6th narrative, with at least 70 Antifa, DC Metro, DHS and FBI undercover agents DISGUISED AS Trump supporters in the crowd that day, that Jill Sanborn and Christopher Wray in testimony "CANNOT SAY" were not the actual instigators or perpetrators of the violence that occurred on Jan 6th, TO FRAME Trump and his supporters.

And now 4 simultaneous indictments of Trump on bogus charges, in four different parts of the country, by rabidly anti-Trump Democrat prosecutors, prosecutors who jury-shopped when to drop the indicttments, to have them assigned to rabidly Anti-Trump judges, and get the cases in venue districts where jury pools and grand juries are upwards of 90% rabidly anti-Trump as well.

And none of this registers to you as the slightest bit unusual, unconstitutional and unfair.

But yeah, sure, I'm the wack job, Iggy, NOT YOU, right? rolleyes
Any sane person looking at these facts sees them very differently than you and M E M do.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Son of Mxy
As shitty as it has always been, like the rest of the world. But personally, I'm great.

It's great that people are coming back to the RKMBs, on a Trump thread, at that. I've been lurking for the past year or so, not really finding any reason to post anything when all I see is just Wonder Boy and MEM trading barbs, but even MEM seems to have dropped out.

Good to have you back, Son of Mxy. I often miss your wordplay and one-line zingers that lighten things up here amid more serious discussions.

I joke around too sometimes, but you have a rare talent a it.

On the subject of posters coming back, I'd like to see a poster-phoenix by Pariah, G-man, and (dare I say it?) WBAM.

There's at least two dozen others who made these boards fun that I'd like to see back. I always liked that his place, even at its peak, was a small community of about 20 to 40 posters at any given time (plus a lot of fun alts) and I'd love to see these boards come back. 20 to 40 new posters, or just bringing a percentage of the old ones back. That wouldn't be such a hard lift.

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Exclusive: ‘Trump Employee 5,’ who unknowingly helped move classified documents, speaks out

This is a key difference with the others that had classified materials. There’s evidence that Trump on multiple occasions tried to keep these by moving them to evade investigators. The only way he gets out of it is make the trial go away or self pardon.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Exclusive: ‘Trump Employee 5,’ who unknowingly helped move classified documents, speaks out

This is a key difference with the others that had classified materials. There’s evidence that Trump on multiple occasions tried to keep these by moving them to evade investigators. The only way he gets out of it is make the trial go away or self pardon.

That's just the piddly false narrative the liberal media, especially MSNBC and CNN are hyperventilating about, desperately trying to front a new narrative, because.

1) the Fani Willis and Nathan Wade case is falling apart. These two prosecutors are the more likely ones to be disbarred and go to jail, not Trump.

2) the Jack Smith case is falling apart

3) the Leticia James case is falling apart


4) the E. Jean Carroll case is temporarily making Trump pay damages, but the prosecutor is so visibly corrupt, the judge is so visibly corrupt, and E. Jean Carroll herself is so off-the-rails crazy that there is NO WAY that case is not reversed on appeal.

So... the onslaught of cases that was supposed to destroy Trump's candidacy, has instead rallied public support to Trump so he is now leading, mostly by large margins, in the polls nattionwide, and in 6 of the 7 battleground states.
Thanks, Democrats !

You know who is demonstrably REALLY corrupt, M E M?
Every one of the prosecutors accusing Trump of corruption. Man, you just can't make this stuff up.

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“ That's just the piddly false narrative the liberal media, especially MSNBC and CNN are hyperventilating about, desperately trying to front a new narrative, because.”

This is the type of argument you use when you can’t refute the evidence followed by some maga memes. It’s not a new narrative either beyond the witness coming out publicly btw. It’s also not the only evidence that Trump was moving the files in an effort to avoid handing them over. Your win here is that you prove over over again that you are a waste of time and you got me to waste some.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“ That's just the piddly false narrative the liberal media, especially MSNBC and CNN are hyperventilating about, desperately trying to front a new narrative, because.”

This is the type of argument you use when you can’t refute the evidence followed by some maga memes. It’s not a new narrative either beyond the witness coming out publicly btw. It’s also not the only evidence that Trump was moving the files in an effort to avoid handing them over. Your win here is that you prove over over again that you are a waste of time and you got me to waste some.

It's a piddly story interviewing a guy who doesn't know anything, who moved a few boxes for Trump, and didn't even know what the boxes contained.

So ultimately, the Democrat/liberal media narrative hyperventilating about this alleged "revelation" by this guy who just moved a few boxes tells us nothing.
Just like every other Democrat narrative for the last 9 years, each fronting to be the "bombshell" revelation that would destroy Trump's presidency or political campaign. Each turning out to be a big nothing, many of which flipped the other way and blew up in Democrats' and the liberal media's faces.

The bottom line is...

1) The boxes taken from the White House were loaded by National Archives and Secret Service agents, NOT by Trump himself or his White House staff.
The boxes were stored securely by Secret Service agents behind locked doors at Mar A Lago, with Secret Service agents patrolling the outside halls at all times.
And Trump had the authority to have the records as a current and former president. Just like every other president, and other White House executive NOT indicted over the last 30 years.
Only Trump is singled out to be framed and maliciously prosecuted on made-up charges.

2) After taking records from the White House on Jan 20 2021, Trump and his lawyers were in literally daily communication with the National Archives and FBI EVERY DAY ,and communicated with these agencies in a very friendly and cordial way, right up to the point that Merrick Garland and his FBI ambushed Trump and the Mar A Lago staff with a sudden evening raid, that was completely unnecessary.
Trump's lawyers made clear that FBI could have come and taken the records at any time, all they had to do was ask, at any time. And the frontline FBI agents who were communicating every day with Trump's lawyers were as astonished by the sudden raid as Trump and his lawyers were.
It was all a deep state / Democrat trick, a staged unnecessary event.

( Meanwhile, Joe Biden had unauthorized illegal top secret records going back 50 years, with loose top secret Biden documents in at least EIGHT unsecured locations from his 36 years as Senator, from his 8 years as vice president, that he NEVER had any presidential authority to have in his possession outside a SCIFF.
And these compromised top secret records were accessible in wide open crumbling boxes in an unsecured garage, right next to Biden's Corvette, open to Hunter Biden (who regularly did financial transactions with what Hunter himself described in a boasting text as "The head of China's fucking spy agency").
THIS is the guy with easy access to the top secret documents in Joe Biden's garage.

And at the U Penn Biden center, and at multiple Biden mansion estates and offices, and other university archives, NONE of which were secure. And the U Penn archives were funded about $25-plus million by the Chinese communist government, and probably crawling with Chinese spies. Documents that could very well have been given to the Chinese Communist Party either directly by the Bidens, or by being purposely left in unsecure storage for the Chinese to access.
In exchange for the MILLIONS both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden received from the Chinese, in a treasonous sale of U.S. government secrets, giving "elite capture" rewards to Joe and Hunter from the Chinese government, who wire-transferred cash to a total of 9 Biden family members' bank accounts. )

But conveniently, Biden can't be prosecuted, by Merrick Garland and Joe Biden's DOJ.
While these same Democrat-Bolsheviks indict the living hell out of Trump, and portray him as dangerous with top secret records. rolleyes

3) Literally, every other President for over 30 years, and many other White House officials who were not former Presidents, have gotten a free pass on far worse and egregious carelessness with top secret records: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Barack Obama, Mike Pence, Joe Biden and many before them.
But ONLY Donald Trump, of all these, in over 30 years, is singled out for prosecution.

Particularly in Democrats' cases, FBI and DOJ find jaw-dropping ways to violate their own rules of investigation protocol, to scuttle the cases and prevent Democrats from ever being indicted, or even have their depositions recorded when interviewed by FBI.
While this same (97% Democrat) FBI simultaneously mine the landscape with perjury traps for Republicans like Roger Stone, Peter Navarro, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, K.T. McFarland, Jorge Pappadapoulos, and of course Trump himself.

Hey, no double standard, NONE AT ALL !

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Sure if you ignore all the evidence to the contrary. The win for Trump would be getting back in office and having no trial. That’s the justice you want.

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I just posted the evidence.

Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Mike Pence, many others, are undeniably guilty of keeping top secret records that they NEVER had Presidential authority to have outside of a SCIFF.

But only Trump is being maliciously prosecuted.
And all these others, who actually ARE undeniably guilty, with a huge stack of evidence against them, are given a free pass by FBI, while Trump is prosecuted to the hilt on made-up charges.

Hillary Clinton is undeniably guilty with her private server. But despite the laws she clearly violated ("gross negligence" for openers) , James Comey in 2016 announced with no authority that "no reasonable person" would prosecute her. Right after Comey just previously cited all the overwhelming evidence available to prosecute her.
Many FBI agents left work early and walked out of the FBI headquarters building in disgust that day.

Same thing with Robert Hur about 2 weeks ago. Hur cited all the overwhelming undeniable evidence to prosecute Joe Biden. Then Hur said, but we won't prosecute him, because he's a nice old man with a bad memory.

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False narrative. You claim Trump cooperated but the evidence shows he’s done exactly the opposite. Biden actually did cooperate. Biden’s people notified the government when documents were found. He did a long session with Hur answering questions for over 5 hours and there wasn’t the attempt to hide and move documents to avoid handling them over. There isn’t even a pretense of wanting a trial for Trump so he can exonerate himself by his followers. You guys know.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
False narrative. You claim Trump cooperated but the evidence shows he’s done exactly the opposite. Biden actually did cooperate. Biden’s people notified the government when documents were found. He did a long session with Hur answering questions for over 5 hours and there wasn’t the attempt to hide and move documents to avoid handling them over. There isn’t even a pretense of wanting a trial for Trump so he can exonerate himself by his followers. You guys know.


EVERYTHING that I said about all the other people who did the same or far worse over top secret records, who NEVER had the clearance Trump did, is absolutely true.

And Trump and his staff absolutely DID communicate every day in a cordial and friendly way with the FBI, that FBI could come any time and pick up the records.
It is a false narrative to say that an FBI raid on Mar A Lago was ever necessary.
As I said, even the FBI liason agents who were in daily contact with Trump and his lawyers at Mar A Lago were astonished by that very sudden, unnecessary and pure narrative / pure theatrics raid.
That FBI called CNN and the liberal media in advance to do live video coverage of.
EVERYONE but Trump got advance notice of the raid.

Same as the Paul Manafort raid.
Same as the Michael Flynn raid.
Same as he Michael Cohen raids (midnight raids on his home, office, and hotel where he was staying).
Same as the Roger Stone raid.
Same as he Peter Navarro raid when he was arrested at the airport, an old man escorted out in leg irons and subjected to a cavity search. And Navarro lived right across the street from FBI headquarters. All he needed was a phone call to appear. The rest was just heatrics, intimidation, and deliberate humiliation.

All that was pure theatrics, ANY of these men could have been given a phone call, and be counted on to appear at an appointed time at FBI headquarters with their lawyer.

And meanwhile, polar opposite, the FBI merely notified Hillary Clinton and her staff of a subpoena for her records for investigation, no arrests, no seizures, no midnight raids, and FBI gave Hillary and her aides 3 months to destroy 35,000 documents. WHO WAS MORE DESERVING OF A RAID ?!?

It's pretty clear that YOUR side has the false narrative, whereas FBI, the Democrat leadership and the news media are knowingly giving false accusation to Trump and his staffers, just to polittically damage him for Nov 2024. The only real reason.

FBI, conversely, knew Biden had classified records everywhere, and gave Biden and his lawyers roughly a year to go through them (i.e., bury the evidence) with no raids, no indictments.
Even at this stage, there is only accusations against Trump.
As contrasted with MOUNTAINS of evidence against Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Mike Pence, and many others. That FBI, DOJ, and the liberal media pretends doesn't exist.
It is a FACT that Trump and his lawyers were in daily and friendly contact with FBI and the National Archives, and while they had not surrendered the Mar A Lago records, Trump and his lawyers repeatedly made clear they could arrange for FBI to pick up the records there at any time.
But instead DOJ/ FBI gave Trump a shiv in the back and pulled a midnight raid, just for the CNN cameras.

Completely unnecessary, a vicious FBI/Democrat political trick.

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