Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I'm seeing politically motivated accusations and even one republican talking points that has been debunked WB. Accusations are fine but eventually your party will have to have some real evidence. And remember things can get as bad as having Scooter Libby type obstucting an investigation and that wouldn't mean necessarally mean all that much trouble for the White House.

Btw the Supreme Court decision was probably the true catalyst for the IRS situation. These political groups don't deserve a special tax break and should be scrutinized. The scandal there was that it appears that wasn't done equally.

As for the 157 visit meme as noted previously it's based on flawed math and the Bush appointtee's actual visits end up being much less. Something closer to single digits. The number of visits actually doesn't matter though does it?

M E M, you have a remarkable talent for slice-and-dicing the truth, and repackaging it into liberal-progressive talking points. The sad part is, I don't think you're a dupe, but that you instead KNOW that what you say is a lie, and yet you are fully willing to sell that lie in the service of the political machine you support.

The Republican investigation has not been "debunked", in point of fact they have been rright about many things. What Clapper and NSA officials said before Congress (after the Ed Snowden leaks) alleging it was fantasy and exaggerated capability, turned out not even a month later to be absolutely true.
That the NSA has the ability to spy on people, even the President's communications.
Secret warrant-authorizing courts, with no accountability and no paperwork!
Not to mention the abuses of the IRS, auditing, harassing conservative opponents of Obama and the DNC. And even leaking their confidential IRS information to other agencies like DEA, ATF, FBI, and OSHA, for further harassment. Even giving their information to liberal political groups as opposition research!
Or Fast-and-Furious.
Or Benghazi.
Or betraying Israel, Poland and Czech Republic.
Or the intrusions on freedom in Obamacare.
Or the intrusions on freedom in the way Obamacare was passed (buying Senate votes with billions in taxpayer dollars, against a public that opposed it by 53%, vocally!

The fact that you can eve try to write that off as "just Republican talking points" is unbelievably deceitful.
This is deadly serious, and you're still flying Obama talking-points- cover as they shred the Constitution.

And regarding the 157 visits by Shulman to the White House, maybe only a fraction of those visits he didn't acually show for. But that's not proven. Let's say Shulman was only there for half --78-- of those scheduled. That would still be 77 more visits to the White House than his predecessor.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.