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#1222282 2016-11-07 8:23 PM
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Down to the wire, too close to call: Democrat Hillary Clinton, who in the past year has gone from inevitability to vulnerability at the hands of the popular Bernie Sanders to surprising weakness against the bombastic, divisive, unforced-error machine Donald Trump is still favoured to win what has become an incredible close race, according to late-game polls.

Between the corrupt media, the vagina voters, DNC voter fraud and the 47% who only care about free stuff, I suspect that the Hildebeast is going to make history as the first allegedly female president. But you can't count out Trump yet.

This could even end up like 2000, with court challenges, etc.

What say the rest of you? Putting aside your preferences, which are pretty much well documented, who do you think will win and by how much?

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Trump could still win and that makes me sad what it says about our country. How could he even be a viable candidate?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump could still win and that makes me sad what it says about our country. How could he even be a viable candidate?

I have some theories about that but, frankly, it would largely consist of relitigating the last 18 or so months of posts about this topic.

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One of three possibilities.

Hillary ekes out a slight win.

Trump ekes out a slight win.

Trump wins in a landslide.

In every scenario, Trump wins the popular vote.

The voter fraud deters me from making a conclusion. But one of those three.

Pariah #1222289 2016-11-07 10:14 PM
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Trump won't win in a landslide. Polls can be off but I don't think they've ever been that far off. btw, I would point out Pariah like the Russians see Trump as an instrument to weaken our country.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Polls can be off but I don't think they've ever been that far off.

Tell that to Hilldawg's 12 point lead being erased in the span of a few days.

Poll cake is a lie.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Putting aside your preferences, which are pretty much well documented, who do you think will win and by how much?

While it's obvious who I would like to win, Frau Hitlery begins the contest with over 240 guaranteed electoral votes, an easier path to 270, and it's a harder path to electoral victory for Trump.

If the polls are to be believed (and I don't) Hillary still has the advantage. But we all know the polls are weighted with a sampling of Democrats larger than their ratio of the population, and even if they could be trusted as unbiased and accurate, most battleground states are still within the +/-3% margin of error. So it's close enough to go either way.

Hillary still has far superior numbers of campaign volunteers, a far superior air-war of ads attacking Trump multiple times every hour on virtually every channel, a superior "get-out-the-vote" drive to get the politically uninformed herded out to vote for Hillary, and the (Democrat controlled) DHS is "monitoring" the electronic voting nationwide, to also push the vote in the DNC favor. Democrats also have a massive fraudulent machine of fake voter registrations, of the dead rising to vote (and documented cases of dead Republicans rising to vote Democrat!) rigging of election machines in Texas and elsewhere where Republicans advance-vote for Trump and watch their vote register on the screen in front of them for Hillary, Democrats double voting in multiple precincts, on and on.


I think Hillary wins by a narrow margin (to try and make the result look believable).

And I would be elated and pleasantly surprised if despite incredible media bias, despite Hillary buying off attorney general Loretta Lynch and FBI director James Comey to obstruct investigation, despite rigging of the DNC to leverage out Bernie Sanders , despite Hillary being fed questions in advance at 2 televised CNN presidential debates by Donna Brazile and Roland Martin, despite being incredibly out-spent and out-staffed by the Hillary campaign, despite establishment Republicans within his own party at every turn undermining Trump's campaign, it would be a truly inspiring and American story if Trump against all odds and corruption pulled out a victory.

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Trump a gross piece of shit that ran one of the most divisive campaigns is not inspiring. I think that even holds true inside the GOP.

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I'm still hoping for just enough of the popular vote to go to Johnson for there to be improved visibility for the Libertarian Party in subsequent elections. Johnson himself is obviously not an ideal candidate by any means (though given the competition this is damn near an ideal election for him to be in), but this could get the ball rolling at state and local levels for a greater presence for Libertarians, Greens, and other third-party and independent options. The mischief-loving part of me really wants a state or two to go to Johnson just to prevent either candidate from being first past the post; obviously we'd have an absolute shitstorm in the House and basically everywhere if that happened, but if that's what it takes to break the two-party inside-outside scam, I'll take it.


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If it went to the House, Trump would be handed the office with no regard to the popular vote.

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My hope is Clinton wins and Dems retake the senate. If the senate stays GOP I don't see any judges getting through much less a Supreme Court one.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
If it went to the House, Trump would be handed the office with no regard to the popular vote.

Given the number of bridges he's burned and the number of representatives who still have 2018 to think about, I wouldn't be absolutely sure of that.


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They would pick Trump no matter what. To be fair dems would pick their own too.

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
I am forever a cuck who believes that like-minded cuck retards should be president.

In fact, I am so cucked that I'll attempt to vote my fellow cuck into office even though I know he has no chance of winning against the literal Satanist pedophile hag who will drag us into WW3, and that encouraging libertardian votes for him will take potential votes away from the one candidate that's most likely to beat her and be a better president to boot.

Cuckoldry is life.

Alright then.

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Stocks are falling through the floor. I wonder why......

.....Oh yeah, it's because the corporations' man in the White House, Hilldawg, might not actually make it there.

This is actually kinda funny to watch.

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Trump's odds of winning have suddenly risen from 13% a few weeks ago to 25% around the time of the Obamacare failure news and Comey's Anthony Weiner computer-crime prosecution announcement, to 55% with the most recent states announced to be won by Trump.

In the last 30 minutes they called Ohio for Trump, and North Carolina for Trump. And Florida is leaning toward Trump but not announced yet. Those are the major pieces Trump needed for the win.


They just announced Florida for Trump as I was typing this!

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It ain't over, but it's getting close!

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He won North Carolina and leads in Michigan and Wisconsin.

Absolute madman.

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If he snags Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, it's over.

Although, he doesn't necessarily need PA, it'll further enunciate Hilldawg's failure.

What's really great is that, after the election, there will be time to research the true extent of the voter fraud committed by Hillary's campaign, and the real numbers will be known, strengthening his majority mandate.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump a gross piece of shit that ran one of the most divisive campaigns is not inspiring. I think that even holds true inside the GOP.

TRUMP: " I want to make America great again, bring back factories and jobs from overseas, lower taxes [like JFK and Reagan did] to stimulate growth of businesses and jobs. I want to rebuild our military, negotiate better trade deals, help black America, restore law and order and support law enforcement, secure our borders and stop illegal immigration, defeat ISIS and require common-sense vetting of immigrants from radical Islamic nations [not all muslims],replace Obamacare with something that works and is affordable, and stop our rising debt before it reaches the danger point of 23 trillion."

HILLARY: "Look! Trump is scary! He's going to start a nuclear war! He's dangerous, unstable, you don't want someone like him holding the nuclear button. He mistreats women ! Oh ohhh, the children are watching!"
[Ignoring Bill Clinton's far more excessive and proven assaults, rapes and affairs with women, and ignoring that Hillary led the charge to threaten, smear and discredit these women, who Hillary knew to be telling the truth. And ignoring Hillary taking donations from radical muslim rogue nations that mistreat women, nations that endorse marital rape, wife-beating, and clitoral female circumcision. Islamic rogue nations buying Hillary's silence with tens of millions of bribe donations to her through the Clinton Foundation.
And (1) ignoring Hillary's treason and negligence in Benghazi.
Ignoring (2)how Hillary Clinton compromised national security EVERY DAY she was Secretary of State to the Russians and Chinese through her illegal e-mail server.
(3) Selling foreign access to the U.S. State Department through donations to the Clinton foundation,
And (4) promising "an open borders western hemisphere" to Clinton Foundation big-money donors in Brazil, the opposite (Saul Alinsky tactics) of what she was publicly saying about securing our borders and sovereignty. Four different kinds of treason. Count 'em. Three of those treasons under (Clinton-bought and obstructed) FBI investigation. ]

Which of these two candidates sounds more negative to you, M E M?

For all the $2 billion or so in carpet bombing negative ads by Frau Hitlery (far, FAR out-spending Trump), the American people seem to largely see through all HER negative campaigning.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Iowa was just called for Trump also.

Current electoral count:


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Upon finding out I voted for Johnson, and while panicking over the election results, someone rather snootily asked me "what are you going to tell your black friends tomorrow?"
I replied I'd probably just ask them whether or not they voted.


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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
If he snags Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, it's over.

Although, he doesn't necessarily need PA, it'll further enunciate Hilldawg's failure.

What's really great is that, after the election, there will be time to research the true extent of the voter fraud committed by Hillary's campaign, and the real numbers will be known, strengthening his majority mandate.

Yes, something that would be swept under the rug and buried if Frau Hitlery were to win.

Just as no voter fraud has been prosecuted during Obama's 8 years. The Democrats, Obama and Hillary in particular, want the election fraud, because it helps them win elections.

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Georgia was just called for Trump (on Fox).


I flipped over to CNN. They're wildly speculating all the paths to victory where Hillary can still win.
They're calling it :

Deuling realities!

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Wisconsin for Trump as well!

Waiting for Pennsylvania and Michigan results.

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Interesting how CNN is reluctant to call so many states for Trump that FOX already called 30 minutes ago.

They finally just called Georgia for Trump.
David Axelrod, of all people, is saying "This is a primal scream" by the voters "saying they are not satisfied by the status quo."

CNN's updated total:

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Upon finding out I voted for Johnson, and while panicking over the election results, someone rather snootily asked me "what are you going to tell your black friends tomorrow?"
I replied I'd probably just ask them whether or not they voted.

Odds are--if they voted--they voted for Trump.

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Fox has been shut down on YouTube. And CNN has no sound.

I think they're pissed.

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Upon finding out I voted for Johnson, and while panicking over the election results, someone rather snootily asked me "what are you going to tell your black friends tomorrow?"
I replied I'd probably just ask them whether or not they voted.

Odds are--if they voted--they voted for Trump.

That's exactly what my wife told me. The media and DNC was so sure they could just make black voters forget how they fucked Bernie over. Kind of a racist assumption if you ask me.


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Yeah, they're looking pretty sad on CNN. I have sound for them, maybe it's your local cable.

They're talking about Dems at Hillary HQ starting to cry as reality is setting in.

They don't seem to care much how happy they must be at Trump's election HQ.

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They're saying on Fox that Hillary has to get every remaining state now to win.

Boy, how the worm has turned!

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Yeah, they're looking pretty sad on CNN. I have sound for them, maybe it's your local cable.

Not on TV. On YT.

They're talking about Dems at Hillary HQ starting to cry as reality is setting in.

They don't seem to care much how happy they must be at Trump's election HQ.

I can't wait to saltmine Megan McCain's radio show. I hate that bitch with a passion, and she hates Donald Trump. Then, of course, there's Maddow. Oh my goodness--THE SALT!!

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Georgia was just called for Trump (on Fox).


I flipped over to CNN. They're wildly speculating all the paths to victory where Hillary can still win.
They're calling it :

Deuling realities!

30 minutes later, and CNN still hasn't put all Trump's victories on the electoral map. Gee, I wonder who these guys voted for. Just possibly part of the 96% of reporters who donated to the Hillary campaign.
Still wildly speculating how Hillary can yet pull it out.


Meanwhile, Trump has pulled ahead in Pennsylvania.

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Trump ahead (but still uncalled) in PA, NH and MI.

What a pleasure it will be not to hear Frau Hitlery's shrieking harpy voice for the next 4 or 8 years.

The Republic lives!

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Trump ahead in Utah as well, by about 100,000 votes.

CNN still hasn't updated their electoral count, still showing...
TRUMP 238 hour later!

Chris Wallace on Fox is saying Trump will have a rare opportunity with Republican control of the Presidency, House and Senate.
(The Democrat vision of taking the Senate tonight is now long gone.)

Also looking forward to Alec Baldwin, Rosie O'Donnell and about 30 other Hollywood elites leaving the country, as they vowed to, if Trump were elected. That alone is good for America.

The Dow is down 830 points. I honestly thought Trump was being overly optimistic when for the last week on the stump he predicted "another Brexit" on election night. But now we're seeing it happen!

The AP's updating electoral map also isn't eager to declare Trump's electoral victories either, which they list as currently

But at least they still show the states leaning toward Trump, if not called. But they seem eager to post electoral updates for Hillary, even as they "cautiously" withhold judgement on Trump's.

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Oh my goodness. These tweets from salty democrats are DELICIOUS. I'd post them if I weren't on my phone.

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On what site, Pariah?

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Hey, has anyone heard from MEM?


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If Trump wins all the states he is currently leading in, with those electoral college votes added to the current cautious 244 count:

WISCONSIN (10 electorals)

That would bring Trump to a final count of 308 electoral votes, with Hillary finishing at 230. The least sure victory for Trump is New Hampshire, where Trump is leading by just about 800 votes.

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Hey, has anyone heard from MEM?


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