Riot declared in Oregon as anti-Trump demonstrators damage cars, buildings

Police in Portland, Ore. declared that a once peaceful protest was a riot after demonstrators were seen attacking drivers and committing acts of vandalism during their march against Donald Trump’s election Thursday night.

Portland police said at least 29 people were arrested in the riot and that more information would be given on the charges Friday morning.

According to KPTV, one driver had her windshield smashed and someone painted “Capitalism kills” on a nearby convenience store. Police declared the protest a riot at around 8:30 pm. A riot is a Class C felony in Oregon.

The state Department of Transportation briefly shut down Interstate 5 between the Marquan Bridge and the Fremont Bridge due to the demonstration. Parts of Interstate 84 were also temporarily closed.

Protesters in Portland’s Pearl District were breaking windows of several businesses and some were arming themselves with rocks from a construction site, police said...

hopefully allow people to come here to be a city where there is hope."

Anti-Trump demonstrations erupted across the U.S. for the second straight night. From Portland to Chicago to New York and parts in between drew a couple hundred people.

In New York City, a large group of demonstrators once again gathered outside Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue Thursday night. They chanted angry slogans and waved banners baring anti-Trump messages.

In Denver, protesters managed to shut down Interstate 25 near downtown Denver briefly Thursday night.

Denver police tweeted around 10 p.m. that demonstrators made their way onto the freeway and traffic was halted in the northbound and southbound lanes. Police say the interstate was reopened about half an hour later as the crowd moved back downtown.

Earlier protests in Denver, Boulder and Colorado Springs on Wednesday and Thursday went off peacefully.

In San Francisco's downtown, high-spirited high school students marched through, chanting "not my president" and holding signs urging a Donald Trump eviction. They waved rainbow banners and Mexican flags, as bystanders in the heavily Democratic city high-fived the marchers from the sidelines.

Hundreds of protesters demonstrated outside Trump Tower in Chicago and a growing group was getting into some shoving matches with police in Oakland, California.

Another protest was building in Los Angeles, where 28 people were arrested Wednesday for blocking traffic during a demonstration that also saw vandalism to some buildings and a news truck...

Remember when Romney lost in 2012 and there were protests and riots in major cities across America because they didn't like that Obama won, and called for his assassination?

Oh. Yeah. That's right! Republicans didn't like it, but were civil and respected the election result.
Even despite the IRS weaponized against Tea Party groups, and used to harass Tea Party and religious conservatives, with IRS audits, and targeted harassment by IRS, ATF, FBI, OSHA, EPA and other federal agencies, to intimidate and suppress Republican donor support and activism.

And even despite irregularities in many voting districts that voted 100% or more for Obama.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.