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That wasn't what he said. He said if the evidence defends him fine. You however are bending over backwards for some nazi trash

Fair play!
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Well put Jason

No, it wasn't.

Jason Perkins basically said that when people agree with him, they can bash in heads.
And people who disagree with him should have no protection under the law, or even protection from bat-wielding thugs.

Mob rule. HIS mob.

Go ahead and give yourself a solid fist to the face to stand against fascism. #punchanazi*

*This is only because I'm not sure if it is legal to tell someone to kill his or her self on the internet any more.

Last edited by iggy; 2017-08-17 1:30 AM.
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And to think this started over Civil War statues (which weren't created until decades afterward during the rise of the Klan and Jim Crow laws butthat'snoneofmybusiness). I always thought that particular crowd was against participation trophies for losers...


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Buht muh hairytudge!

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 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
The "worst", "sickening" President Trump at 4:30 today:
"It's not just the one statue, they're taking down statues all over. We take down Robert E. Lee today... do we take down Washington tomorrow and Jefferson the next day?"

This is a ridiculous argument.

No, it's not. Because that is precisely where groups of the Left have said they would like to take it.

And I've seen multiple pundits across the airwaves raise the same question. AS I ALREADY SAID, Cultural Marxists want to undermine the foundations of our government. It is not a ridiculous argument, it is one endlessly fronted by the Left.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins

Two are Founding Fathers and American presidents. The other is a piece of shit who betrayed his country when he lead a war against it to preserve the slavery of an entire race.

This isn't a slippery slope. The difference is clear.

Then I think you don't know much about Robert E. Lee. Lee was a kind and honorable man, and an exceptional officer, who was torn between two heartfelt loyalties. As were millions in the Civil War. I'm not a Civil War enthusiast or a pro-Confederacy guy, but the Civil War documentaries I've seen about Robert E. Lee, he was a man of exceptional character. As was Irwin Rommel in the German army. Rommel served Hitler reluctantly, but finally participated in the Valkyrie coup against Hitler, and was forced to commit suicide to prevent further retribution by the Nazis against his family.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
REALITY CHECK: History is filled with men who did both good and bad. You don't erase the pillars of human civilization and take down their statues and erase them from history just because they had flaws and made some bad decisions.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
Right. Like those statues of Benedict Arnold and John Wilkes Booth all over the place.

Benedict Arnold attempted to betray the U.S. to the British out of a mixture of vanity and financial gain. His was the ultimate betrayal, by one of Washington's most trusted officers.

John Wilkes Booth likewise did nothing valiant before he snuck up behind a president and shot him in the back of the head.

And show me one traitor or assassin in all of history who has statues built in his honor. Your comparison is a non-sequitur.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins

But let's get to the nuts and bolts of this. No, deciding that it's not appropriate to commemorate villains is not the same as erasing them from history. Germany has zero statues of Hitler, but every German citizen knows who he was and what he did.

Wrong again. My father worked for IBM 25 years before he retired. One of the places we were sent in the 1960's was Stuttgart, Germany, for 2 years. My parents would travel both with and without us, and he said that every city and town had monuments with the names of all the men from the town who had died in World War II. These were soldiers who fought for their country, but one could argue (like slave-holders in the U.S., or Confederate soldiers) that they don't warrant a monument.

Granted, there aren't state monuments to Hitler. But Germany still honors those from that era who historically served their country. And Germany is a nation that was uniquely forced by their conquerors to be fully conscious of their national atrocities during the Nazi Era, and educate generations of future Germans in schools of these atrocities.
Read THE RAPE OF NANKING by Iris Chang, highlighting the atrocities in Japan during the same era. Atrocities that at least match the worst of the Nazis: genocide, human experiments, mass raping of women, "comfort women" (about 200,000 women from conquered nations conscripted into brutal service as sex slaves to service Japanese troops) very little of which most Japanese are aware of, their education of it is not required as it is for similar national crimes in Germany.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins

The truth is, even if the vast majority of these monuments weren't erected during the Jim Crow era to paint the Southern cause as just and white supremacy as legitimate, you still wouldn't have a point.

They're statues of generals and soldiers of the Civil War. One of them, a mass grave of Confederate soldiers, was created by Union soldiers who buried them. Despite that they were the enemy, the Union still honored them. The Civil War is unique in that the North and South were fighting their fellow Americans.

There's a bumper sticker I saw once, with a Confederate flag, that said "Heritage, not hate." I'm for displaying these monuments in added context, not tearing them down. In some cases maybe moving them to museums or private property.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Should we similarly tear down the statues of Martin Luther King and erase his holiday because he was a womanizer and adulterer, and on a few occasions advocated violence to advance his civil rights agenda?

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
Absolutely not, because calling slavery and treason the same as courting violence upon protestors for the greater goal of America finally seeing itself, which it did, would be a false equivalence and false equivalences are stupid.

So you openly advocate mob violence on people you disagree with?
You advocate lawlessness, so long as it is unleashed on people you don't like.
And that is different from advocating the lynching of blacks, or the lynching of white students working for civil rights in the early 1960's... how?

You embrace lawlessness, so long as it is lawlessness and violence against people you don't like. You find a context where lawlessness and violence is okay, so long as it isn't YOUR side that's attacked. Because in your subjective self-righteousness, the people you don't like are immoral and wrong, and therefore should have no free speech or protection under the law.
You've just voiced the same mentality of Nazi Germany against the Jews.
The same mentality as the Jim Crow South against blacks, only with the races reversed. Your brethren on the Left have ALREADY engaged in violence for years against people who aren't racist, but have simply expressed conservative views, and been subject to intimidation, silenced free speech, and violence, including Ann Coulter, Karl Rove, Trump supporters at rallies, Condoleezza Rice, and Milo Yianopoulos, among many others. At some point will anyone with a Republican/conservative view be subject to loss of free speech and/or violence, because opposition on the Left deems their views to be "hate speech"? That's already a prevalent mentality among liberals, that ANY Republican, or ANY Trump supporter is basically is an intolerant racist bigot who does not deserve free speech or protection from violence.

I got some heat a year or so ago from Iggy for saying "Republicans are the scapegoated Jews in Obama's Germany", but even after Obama, that is increasingly true in the mentality AND VIOLENT ACTIONS of the Left.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Regarding Jason Perkins' comment about there being conservative media too, we've been over this about a billion times. Conservative media is a very tiny drop in an ocean of liberal spin. As I cited from Bernard Goldberg's book BIAS, the media in every poll for at least 50 years self-identifies as at least 80% "liberal" or "very liberal". Only 7% identify as conservative.

See also:

And beginning with the 2008 election, Tim Groseclose, college professor and author of the book LEFT TURN on media bias, cites that an overwhelming 93% of Washington-based reporters supported Obama.

More recently, a media study showed that 93% of all stories on both CNN and NBC on President Trump are negative. To say nothing of the only slightly less negative ratio of negative coverage on the other networks. That is an overwhelming bombardment on Trump every day.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
First, I've noticed you brand a lot of information that comes from liberal outlets as inaccurate because the outlets are liberal, but don't do the same for books from Fox pundits, conservative websites, and so forth.

There's not any point to that. It's not very surprising. But it is always very interesting.

I certainly do that with liberal hit pieces that cite anonymous sources, and there are many examples of false stories in just the last year from the likes of the New York Times and Washington Post, and broadcast liberal media like CNN and NBC, where these stories were quickly proven false (i.e., Fake News).

What I cited above is a researched sourced study by Harvard. Definitely not what I would call right wing media. All the more shocking because it is corroborated by Harvard, and not Media Research Center.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
Second, are you talking about journalists? The only polls I could find that upheld that 7% number you gave were polls of journalists themselves, and while I could go on and on about how polls that ask people about their own political leanings don't actually prove anything, I'd rather bring attention to the fact that the vast majority of journalists in those polls self-identified as independent or "other."

I've been clear many times in citing that. It is journalists themselves who self-identify as 80% liberal, and 7% conservative.

And increasingly, journalists in more recent polls identify as "independent" out of self-consciousness that they are admitting their bias if they honestly say "liberal". But in the last election, it was revealed BY DONATIONS TO CAMPAIGNS their overwhelming bias by these ratios remains.
Likewise among FBI, State Department, IRS and other federal agencies that are attacking and leaking on Trump.
Likewise college professors.
Likewise NEA unionized teachers.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E Perkins
To get to that 80% number, you'd have to label everyone who self identified as an independent a liberal and everyone who self-identified as a Democrat as "very liberal." Is that what you're doing?

80% identify as either "liberal" or very liberal". That's what I've cited, on multiple occasions. Cited from BIAS by Bernard Goldberg.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
Third, JESUS H.! Even Fox News can't love Trump. I knew even they were talking about his gaffes--I've watched way more Fox News than I care to admit--but they still can't come up positive, even as they try to spin his shit as something other than shit.

That's overstating it. Fox News's coverage is cited above in that giant graph as 52% negative/48% positive. Unlike the other networks, they have a balanced representation of both sides regarding Trump and other issues.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
Maybe when he actually does something right, he'll get in the green, at least at Fox News. I mean, I think the overall effect of his handling of North Korea has been positive, but that was more of a "crazy meets crazy with a bigger army" kinda thing.

That's just pure snarky opinion, with nothing to back it up.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
AGAIN: Trump has condemned violence on both sides.

And again, not good enough. When you're dealing with a hate group, you should call it out by name, instead of giving them the wink and the nod they need to believe you're on their side.

Again, that's your snarky subjective opinion, with nothing to back it up. Trump condemned both sides who engaged in violence in the Charlottesville protests.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins

Also, you maybe condemn racism itself because that's bad too.

I definitely condemn racism. But apparently you don't recognize that racism is a two-way street. In the realm of Political Correctness, only whites are accountable, and minority racism and violence toward whites is invisible, not held accountable, virtually unreported by the [liberal] media, and not held accountable by law enforcement and courts.
And is approved of with a "Good." from you, because racists (or really, any Republican you disagree with) are not entitled to free speech or protection from violence under the law. Because (in your subjective opinion) you're morally right, and anyone who disagrees with you is a bigot and morally wrong.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Unlike Obama who >>>>NEVER<<<< condemned Black Lives Matter, and who even invited the Black Lives Matter leadership to the White House after they were killing cops, Trump >>>DID<<< condemn white supremacist violence, and >>>DID NOT<<<< similarly give legitimacy to white supremacists.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
You said the stuff about BLM before. I responded to it before. I won't even bother doing it again. But I will say that insisting that he did not give the white supremacists legitimacy doesn't make it so.

Trump condemned the supremacist protestors' violence and their racist views repeatedly, what more do you want? It just galls you that he holds the Left to the same standard and condemns them too. Trump said both sides came with helmets and shields and baseball bats, and engaged in violence. How much more fair could he be in his condemnation?

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
Most people see his three remarks as a showing of support.

And by that you mean: most partisan liberals like yourself. There is absolutely nothing Trump could say that would be satisfactory to you and other Democrats. You will always spin it negatively, no matter how right he is.

Many members of his own party see them as support. Members of the president's staff see them as support.

Many like McCain and Graham WHO SIDED AGAINST TRUMP IN THE 2016 ELECTION (i.e., opposing Republican Establishment, or Never-Trumpers )have condemned Trump's response. There are Republicans who never supported Trump, and criticize him at every opportunity. This is another opportunity.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
The racists themselves see them as support.

This is quantifiably not true, or half true at best. David Duke and others have repeatedly condemned Trump for "abandoning his supporters" (i.e., them). Duke has been intermittent with praise and condemnation of Trump's comments about Charlottesville, when he feels it serves him, not Trump.
But you can't control who supports you. I recall the Black Panthers, Palestinian Authority, and even Al Qaida supported Obama. And I recall the liberal media reacted very differently (i.e., with selective omission and absolute silence) to those endorsements.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins, quting Duke?
“Thank you President Trump for your honesty & courage to tell the truth.” If David Duke likes what's coming out of your mouth, there's an extremely good chance you're on the wrong side.

There's an extremely good chance Duke is self-serving, irregardless of Trump.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
It is a fact that BOTH sides came to the Charlottesville protests with helmets and clubs, and both have a share of blame in the violence. I don't support either the white supremacist dipshits, or the "Antifa" dipshits (who are as fascist and violent as what they claim to oppose). But unlike M E M, Mr. Jason Perkins, and the liberal media, I do hold both sides to the same standard.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
Damn right I don't. I don't think fighting for the plight of Nazis, klansmen, and white supremacists is the same as fighting against them.

I don't, and I don't apologize for that.

I addressed this above. You endorse lawlessness and mob violence, so long as it's your mob that comes out on top.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
And I'm guessing none of the brave men and women who fought on the right side in World War II do either.

I cited in a topic 2 years ago on the Confederate Flag (covering similar politics of what Confederate monuments and history represent) before that military units in W W II fought under the banner of the Confederate flag (cited from Wikipedia Confederate Flag).

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
The only difference I can possibly see is if Antifa attacked first. Do you have any solid evidence that shows they did?

I posted multiple videos showing the white supremacist demonstrators marching down the street, and being swarmed multiple times unprovoked by Antifa protestors who vastly outnumbered them.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
When I watched the coverage, I only ever saw about 200 at most white supremacist protestors, vastly outnumbered by thousands of "Antifa" (anti-fascist) counter-protestors.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins

I can't find any legit source that gives a count of the people on both sides, and, frankly, your eyes aren't unbiased sources, but I'd be thrilled to find out that the anti-racists outnumbered the racists by that much.

The video I posted is an unbiased source. It is a record of what actually happened.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Some white supremacists there I saw interviewed were belligerent and clearly wanted to kick some ass. Others I saw interviewed said they were carrying weapons "just in case" to protect themselves if attacked. And they knew going in they would be vastly outnumbered.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
Are you alluding to the idea that the white supremacists were calmer and less violent than the counter-protestors, or that there was a lower number of violent white supremacists there? Are you saying that there weren't any Antifa protesters there who carried weapons 'just in case"? If so, I'd like to see your evidence of that.

You just completely manufactured those ideas. I said what is quoted above, loud and clear.

I saw interviews on Fox of supremacists who said "I've got this [packing handgun in holster], just in case." Since there were no shots fired, he obviously, despite everything, had the restraint not to use it.

The footage I saw (and youtube linked) shows Antifa brandishing clubs and running at the white supremacist marchers. I said both sides had belligerents who came to kick some ass. But in the video, it shows Antifa saying "Here they come!" about the supremacist marchers, and ambushing them when they got them in position.

Similarly, when police drove the supremacists from the area they LEGALLY PETITIONED to be at, and police drove them right into the wielding Antifa mob waiting to ambush them.

Draw your own conclusions. The math isn't hard.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
AGAIN: Trump NEVER in any way supported the white supremacists, has been more critical of violence on both sides, than Obama ever was less than a year ago of even greater violence by Black Lives Matter, which he NEVER condemned, never questioned the legitimacy of the rhetoric that led to the shootings, in multiple cities.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
He [Trump?] supported them when he [Trump?] was asked if he {Trump?]condemned the white supremacists and chose to walk out of the room instead.

AGAIN: In your subjective opinion. Trump made a public statement and clearly condemned the white supremacist message, and violence by both sides.
At some point Trump (or Obama before him) has to end a press conference, and only declined to repeat what he had already said.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
He supported white supremacists when he gave moral equivalence to klansmen and BLM, as you have.


Founded by Marxist revolutionaries in 2013, Black Lives Matter (BLM) depicts the United States as a nation awash in racism, sexism, and homophobia, and openly promotes the murder of white police officers. Demonstrators at BLM events routinely: smear white police as trigger-happy bigots who are intent upon killing innocent, unarmed black males; taunt, and direct obscenities at, uniformed police officers who are on duty; throw rocks at police and threaten to kill them; and celebrate in the streets when a police officer is killed. Some examples of BLM's racist and incendiary rhetoric:
•At a December 2014 BLM rally in New York City, marchers chanted in unison: "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now."
•At a BLM march in August 2015, protesters chanted : “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.” (“Pigs” was a reference to police officers, and "blanket" was a reference to body bags.)
•On a BLM-affiliated radio program the following month, the hosts laughed at the recent assassination of a white Texas deputy; boasted that blacks were like lions who could prevail in a “race war” against whites; happily predicted that "we will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before"; and declared that "It's open season on killing white people and crackas.”
•In November 2015, a group of approximately 150 BLM protesters shouting "Black Lives Matter," stormed Dartmouth University's library, screaming, “Fu** you, you filthy white fu**s!," "Fu** you and your comfort!," and "Fu** you, you racist sh**!”
•In July 2016, a BLM activist speaking to a CNN reporter shouted: "The less white babies on this planet, the less of you [white adults] we got! I hope they kill all the white babies! Kill 'em all right now! Kill 'em! Kill your grandkids! Kill yourself! Coffin, bitch! Go lay in a coffin! Kill yourself!"

At all BLM events, demonstrators invoke the words that the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, convicted cop-killer, and longtime fugitive Assata Shakur once wrote in a letter titled “To My People”: “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.” (The fourth line was drawn from the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.) In Shakur's original letter, she described herself as a “Black revolutionary” who had “declared war on the rich who prosper on our poverty, the politicians who lie to us with smiling faces, and all the mindless, heart-less robots [police] who protect them and their property.”

Another figure greatly admired by BLM is Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown, who in the 1960s was renowned for threatening that blacks would "burn America down," and for urging blacks to murder "honkies." In the spring of 2000, Al-Amin shot two black law-enforcement officers in downtown Atlanta, killing one of them. ....

I see a lot of rhetoric there that is identical to the Ku Klux Klan: eagerly anticipating a race war on whites, wanting to exterminate whites, virulently hate-filled racist rhetoric.

They are identical in rhetoric. Clearly!
The difference only exists in your partisan mind.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
He [Trump] supported them[Charlottesville protestors?] when, after insisting that others must call radical Islamic terrorism by its name, he had to be pressured into reading a denouncement of the KKK "and other hate groups" off a piece of paper.

Did you even watch either press conference I posted of Trump's reaction to Charlottesville?
He made some prepared remarks, but he certainly condemned the supremacist protestors repeatedly and in his own words. It again just galls you that he held the opposing Antifa side's violence to the same condemnation.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
He supported them when he used the same speech to tout employment numbers.

Good God. You want him to stop all the nation's business just to acknowledge some belligerents went at each other in Charlottesville with sticks?
That is not reasonable.

And I think that is precisely the goal of the Left and the liberal media, every day they are trying to create distractions and side issues, to take President Trump off message and one day further away from enacting any reforms.

I don't fault Trump for quietly not allowing them to derail him from enacting things more important to most Americans. If he is re-elected, it will be because he creates jobs and prosperity, not because he made a PC verbal stand on Charlottesville. Liberals and the media will NEVER NEVER be satisfied with any position Trump voices.

There are multiple examples where Obama said virtually the same thing in a similar situation, and was not subject to the same criticism by the Democrat/Left and the liberal media (which are really one and the same).

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
He[Trump] supported them when he said there were very fine people on the side that shouted "Jews will not replace us!"

I actually thought the torchlight white supremacist protestors were saying "YOU will not replace us."
I saw stories today that verify it was "JEWS".

And you are absolutely insane if you truly believe that Trump supports that message.

Trump said that AMONG the protestors, some were white racists, and some were there advocating a "heritage, not hate" preservation of the Robert E. Lee statue and other Confederate historic monuments, who were NOT racists.

In the Confederate flag topic a few years ago, I even cited a group of blacks who advocated preservation of Confederate monuments.

You seem incapable of processing the idea that someone can advocate preservation of monuments without being a racist. And you extend that same intolerant "defending free speech=racism" conflation to Trump, no matter how much he condemns the racist message, and racist-motivated violence.

I happen to like having a president who holds all protestor violence in condemnation, on all sides. Unlike Obama who chose sides in what a black historian Thomas Sowell called a "revenge/payback society" instead of the post-racial society Obama was elected to reign in. Obama took us backward into an ugly place, and polls on the widespread perception of a decline in race relations under Obama overwhelmingly confirm that.

The Left wants one-sided justice. The rest of America wants equal protection (and equal punishment) under the law. I hope Trump can reverse the descent into lawlessness that you endorse.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That wasn't what he said. He said if the evidence defends him fine. You however are bending over backwards for some nazi trash

No, I'm not. I'm defending the rule of law, and the right to free speech, even free speech we don't like.

I'm confident that if the peaceful demonstration/dialogue were permitted, these neo-KKK white supremacists would lose in the open exchange of ideas. Denying them speech and beating them up in Charlottesville gives them martyrdom, and demonstrates the Antifa side are as thuggish and wrong as the supremacists.

If the Antifa side had simply limited themselves to a dialogue, they would have handily won. I don't defend anyone who marches with supremacist/Nazi flags and symbols. The white supremacist demonstrators lost all credibility at this point for me. They are as mired in hate ideology as the Black Lives Matter movement.

But ultimately, all this is about smearing Trump and conflating him with racist extremists.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Well put Jason

No, it wasn't.

Jason Perkins basically said that when people agree with him, they can bash in heads.
And people who disagree with him should have no protection under the law, or even protection from bat-wielding thugs.

Mob rule. HIS mob.

Go ahead and give yourself a solid fist to the face to stand against fascism. #punchanazi*

*This is only because I'm not sure if it is legal to tell someone to kill his or her self on the internet any more.

You're a petty vindictive schmuck.
And you prove it every time you post.
End of story.

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
And to think this started over Civil War statues (which weren't created until decades afterward during the rise of the Klan and Jim Crow laws but that'snoneofmybusiness). I always thought that particular crowd was against participation trophies for losers...

I don't know the specific dates these statues and other monuments were erected.

The Ku Klux Klan for most of its existence was in the tens of thousands. It reached a membership in the millions only for a brief time, in the early 1920's after World War I, due to:
1) White factory workers had gone of to war in Europe, and were replaced by black labor and immigrants who filled their jobs in factories and worked for lower wages. When the white men came back from the war, factory owners didn't want to give them back their jobs.
2) a huge surge in annual immigration that likewise was displacing and pricing out white workers

The KKK quickly declined in membership because of 1) scandal involving their leadership that swiftly delegitimized them, and 2) a lowering of annual immigration to 200,000-300,000 immigrants a year (that was previous to that over 1 million a year), a policy that lasted until 1965.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That wasn't what he said. He said if the evidence defends him fine. You however are bending over backwards for some nazi trash

No, I'm not. I'm defending the rule of law, and the right to free speech, even free speech we don't like.

I'm confident that if the peaceful demonstration/dialogue were permitted, these neo-KKK white supremacists would lose in the open exchange of ideas. Denying them speech and beating them up in Charlottesville gives them martyrdom, and demonstrates the Antifa side are as thuggish and wrong as the supremacists.

If the Antifa side had simply limited themselves to a dialogue, they would have handily won. I don't defend anyone who marches with supremacist/Nazi flags and symbols. The white supremacist demonstrators lost all credibility at this point for me. They are as mired in hate ideology as the Black Lives Matter movement.

But ultimately, all this is about smearing Trump and conflating him with racist extremists.

Here you're giving a false equivalence to the two sides again. Black Lives Matter isn't about racial superiority. The side you have been bending over backwards for does. And you know Jason Perkins, he's never been a mob rules guy but because it suits your needs you accuse him of that despite what he's said. On the other hand you're confident that the white supremacists would have been peaceful if nobody stood up to them. That's overly generous given their actions Friday night before the rally. And for those "fine folk" that were at a rally full of KKK, neo nazis and white supremacists, maybe they need to take a look in the mirror. The good guys don't draw that crowd

Fair play!
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CNN: Robert E. Lee's great-great grandson OK with Confederate statues coming down

By Polo Sandoval and Darran Simon, CNN

The great-great grandson of Gen. Robert E. Lee condemned last weekend's violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, and said it might be "appropriate" for Confederate statues to be exhibited in a museum.

"Eventually, someone is going to have to make a decision, and if that's the local lawmaker, so be it. But we have to be able to have that conversation without all of the hatred and the violence. And if they choose to take those statues down, fine," Robert E. Lee V, 54, of Washington DC, told CNN.

"Maybe it's appropriate to have them in museums or to put them in some sort of historical context in that regard," he added.
Gen. Robert E. Lee's bronze statue in Charlottesville was at the center of violent clashes last weekend between white supremacists -- who converged on a park once bearing Lee's name to oppose a plan to remove the statue -- and counterprotesters.

One counterprotester, Heather Heyer, 32, was killed and 19 others were injured when James Alex Fields Jr., 20, allegedly rammed his car into a group demonstrating against the "Unite the Right" rally. Fields is charged with second-degree murder, three counts of malicious wounding and failure to stop in an accident that resulted in death.
A memorial service was held on Wednesday for Heyer, a Charlottesville paralegal.

The Charlottesville City Council had earlier voted to rechristen two parks named for Confederate generals and remove Lee's statue from the park once known as Lee Park. A few months ago, the park was renamed Emancipation Park. The statue's removal is on hold pending litigation.
Lee, who works as an athletic director at a Virginia school, called Saturday's incidents "senseless" and "sad" for his family.
"Those sorts of acts on Saturday, that's just not to be tolerated," he said. "We feel strongly that Gen. Lee would never ever stand for that sort of violence."
"We just want people to know that the Lee family just really wants to send their best to the people in Charlottesville," Lee added.

Descendant of Jefferson Davis: 'Let's move it'

Bertram Hayes-Davis, great-great-grandson of the Confederate president, Jefferson Davis told CNN's Don Lemon that such statues should be moved to a museum if "that's offensive to a large majority of the public."
"In a public place, if it is offensive and people are taking issue with it, let's move it. Let's put it somewhere where historically it fits with the area around it so you can have people come to see it, who want to understand that history and that individual."
A Jefferson Davis statue stands inside the National Statuary Hall, at the US Capitol, among other Confederate leaders including Lee.

When asked whether the Davis statue belonged there, Hayes-Davis said, "I think that they were placed there for a reason," as he listed Davis' various accomplishments and positions he held.
"I think you have to look at the entire individual before you make a decision whether they belong at the Capitol of the United States or not."
Hayes-Davis said he understood why people are upset by Confederate symbols including the flag.
"The Confederate battle flag, in my estimation, has been hijacked by that group of racist individuals and should be in a museum which indicates it's a military flag and not a flag of the Confederate States of America," he said.

Questions over Confederate symbolism

The 2015 massacre of nine black parishioners at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina by a self-described white supremacist, who prosecutors said posed for photos with the Confederate battle flag, sparked a debate over Confederate symbols.
A handful of Confederate statues have since come down -- most notably four monuments in New Orleans, including one of Lee. Saturday's violence in Charlottesville has spurred more cities to begin the process of removing symbols of the Confederacy from public places.

In a statement, the Lee family said the life of the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia "was about duty, honor and country."
"At the end of the Civil War, he implored the nation to come together to heal our wounds and to move forward to become a more unified nation," the statement said. "He never would have tolerated the hateful words and violent actions of white supremacists, the KKK, or neo-Nazis."
Lee told CNN that his family members are proud of their lineage, but they don't let it define their lives.
"It's a part of our life but it's not going to be a major focus of our life," he told CNN. "But in saying that, his shadow is a large one and one we're proud of. But when it brings us to situations which occurred on Saturday, that gives us great pause."

CNN's Julian Cummings and Madison Park contributed to this report.

Last edited by Captain Sammitch; 2017-08-17 12:25 PM.


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CNN: Actually, Robert E. Lee was against erecting Confederate memorials

By Chris Boyette, CNN

There's been much controversy in Charlottesville and beyond about preserving monuments to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. But if you had a chance to ask the guy, he'd most likely say, no thanks.

Based on his writings, Lee was not a fan of statues honoring Civil War generals, fearing they might "keep open the sores of war."
According to historian Jonathan Horn, Lee was often consulted in his lifetime about proposals to erect monuments to Confederate Gen. Stonewall Jackson and others.
In a 1866 letter to fellow Confederate Gen. Thomas L. Rosser, Lee wrote, "As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated, my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt ... would have the effect of ... continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Three years later, Lee was invited to a meeting of Union and Confederate officers to mark the placing of a memorial honoring those who took part in the battle of Gettysburg.
"I think it wiser not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered," he wrote in a letter declining the invitation.
But that didn't stop civic and heritage groups from erecting numerous monuments to Lee, commander of the Confederate armies during the Civil War, after his death in 1870.
Now, however, most of those memorials are under fire by those who see them as symbols of America's dark legacy of slavery.
Lee himself was a complex and polarizing figure. In an 1856 letter to his wife, he called slavery "a moral & political evil." But Lee also was a slaveholder, and in the same letter he wrote, "The painful discipline they (blacks) are undergoing is necessary for their instruction as a race."
In May, amid controversy, a statue of Lee was removed from its pedestal in a New Orleans square. And officials in Charlottesville, Virginia, voted earlier this year to remove a bronze statue of Lee from a city park, prompting protests by white nationalist groups that turned deadly last weekend.
A similar debate is underway in Richmond, Virginia, where monuments to Lee and other Civil War figures tower over a prominent avenue.
Such conflict over Civil War symbols, some 150 years after the war ended, makes Lee look prescient.
"Lee feared that these reminders of the past would preserve fierce passions for the future," wrote Horn, author of a Lee biography titled "The Man Who Would Not Be Washington" and a former White House presidential speechwriter.

"Such emotions threatened his vision for speedy reconciliation," Horn added last year in an opinion piece for CNN. "As he saw it, bridging a divided country justified abridging history in places."
Lee's great-great grandson might agree.
"We have to be able to have that conversation (about symbols of the Confederacy) without all of the hatred and the violence," Robert E. Lee V told CNN this week. "And if they choose to take those statues down, fine. Maybe it's appropriate to have them in museums or to put them in some sort of historical context in that regard."

CNN's Polo Sandoval and Sarah Jorgensen contributed to this report.


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That's a well-written and persuasive article.

Who could persuade those who wish to preserve the monuments better, than the one for whom the statue at the center of the controversy in Charlottesville was raised to commemorate!

I do agree with former governor Mike Huckabee, though, that in cities where a majority support keeping the monuments, they should stay in place. And in cities where a majority oppose them, they could be moved elsewhere, off government property.

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 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
The "worst", "sickening" President Trump at 4:30 today:
"It's not just the one statue, they're taking down statues all over. We take down Robert E. Lee today... do we take down Washington tomorrow and Jefferson the next day?"

This is a ridiculous argument.

Welp....that didn't take long:

Chicago Pastor Demands Washington Name be Removed from Park Because of Slavery Ties

'Hamilton' Star, Maybe Washington, Jefferson Statues Should Come Down

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Yeah you can always find somebody making an argument for anything.

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And every time some conservative brings up a slippery slope argument, the libtards poopoo it. And within a few years, sure enough, they're actually using it.

Assuming this board even exist in 10 years I guarantee you'll be on here telling us how we're all racist if we don't want to see statues of the founding fathers torn down.

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Hypotheticals of course are just that. 10 years ago I never thought I would see a republican President get the David Dukes out there so happy.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Hypotheticals of course are just that. 10 years ago I never thought I would see a republican President get the David Dukes out there so happy.

Then you have a short memory. Because Reagan got similar endorsements from racist groups, that Reagan similarly quickly rejected and disowned.
The difference now is that the media back then kept some veneer of impartial objectivity, and wasn't quite as zealous about smearing a Republican president, and overtly acting as a PR wing of the Democrats.

A president can't control who endorses them, and who considers their agenda closer to their own than the opposition. But it can be used to selectively smear them, or be given a free pass.

When Obama was endorsed by the likes of Communist Party USA, or the Black Panthers, or Palestinian Authority, or Al Qaida, the 80% liberal media selectively did not cover that. In the case of Trump, they give it disproportionate coverage, and use it as a weapon to bring him down.

First off...

 Originally Posted By: WP Corker article:

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who has been one of the most outspoken GOP Trump critics in Congress...

...this is not someone who ever gave Trump a chance, and is opportunistically using a moment of selective media-driven controversy to further twist the rusty knife in Trump's back.

Looking at Bob Corker's record, there is no indication he was ever a supporter or someone who gave Trump a fair chance. If he had criticism of Trump, the place to do it is to meet with the president privately and offer his suggestions to move the agenda in the right direction, not go to the 80% liberal media (and 93% among Washington-based reporters) and undermine both Trump and his entire party.

As is obvious, Trump is a reformer who seeks to break the system of both Establishment Republicans and Establishment Democrats who have a first loyalty to themselves and not the nation or its people. Trump is trying to reform the lobbyist system that enriches both sides at the expense of the national interest, and these Republicans would rather see Trump and the GOP fail, and would prefer to advance the Democrats than allow Trump to succeed in draining their bipartisan swamp.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yeah you can always find somebody making an argument for anything.

CNN Commentator Calls for Washington/Jefferson Statues to Come Down

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WB, Trump first pretended he didn't know who David Duke was. For somebody who is quick to attack somebody's character, Trump struggled to call him out. It took him 3 hours to call out the Barcelona terror attacks but when a neo nazi runs over a crowd he needs days to get the facts. It's so bad it's left poor g arguing about hypotheticals to attack liberals.

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When it actually starts happening, it's no longer a hypothetical.

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Like nazis becoming just another part of the right?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Like nazis becoming just another part of the right?

That's a lying bastard's assertion.

How does every member of the right's complete scorn for these white supremacist protestors in Charlottesville possibly make them "become just another part of the right" ?

A few reminders for you of a few Democrats who have come closer to the racist protestors in Charlottesville:
  • Robert Byrd (who Hillary Clinton described as her greatest mentor, and who eulogized his political career lovingly).

    Bill Clinton, who also had a racist mentor, and both Bill and Hillary were until a nanosecond ago big Confederate "Southern Heritage" advocates.

    Bill Clinton again, speaking about Barack Obama in late 2008, trying to get Ted Kennedy to endorse Hillary instead: "A few years ago he [Obama] would have been bringing us coffee."

    Harry Reid in 2008 on Obama: Obama is a desireable black candidate "because he doesn't speak ethnic black dialect that would be offensive to white voters".

    And as I detailed in a prior topic, Lyndon Baines Johnson, who gloated as he passed civil rights legislation in 1964: "I'll have niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years!"

You want to tell me again who the Nazis are a part of, M E M?

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Hannity on his program cited the incredible dishonesty of this Democrat/liberal media narrative (narrative, as compared to the factual truth). The associated press and other mainstream /liberal media sources, reported that they observed BOTH SIDES initiating violence. And when you consider the white supremacist protestors were about 200, against a crowd of thousands, I really doubt they'd want to initiate anything, being so outnumbered.

From the Washington Post lying propaganda piece you linked:

HEYER'S MOTHER: "And I’m not talking to the president now. I’m sorry. After what he said about my child. It’s not that I saw somebody else’s tweets about him. I saw an actual clip of him at a press conference equating the protesters, like Ms. Heyer, with the KKK and the white supremacists [that, too, is an absolute lie !--WB]. …You can’t wash this one away by shaking my hand and saying, ‘I’m sorry.’

and in the next paragraph:

On Monday, after Trump had read aloud a string of words that did call out white supremacy by name and denounced racism as evil, Bro (Heyer's mother] released a statement thanking Trump for his comments. The next day, Trump held his now-infamous news conference, at which he reverted to blaming “both sides” for the racial violence and claimed that the white supremacists and Nazis had been treated “unfairly” by the media, conspicuously avoiding unambiguous condemnation of them. After watching the clip of Trump — and it’s key that she watched the video, which vividly displayed the depravity and stubborn megalomania coursing through his remarks — Bro now has rescinded her thanks and won’t take his call.

Which is still vicious editorialized slanting that hides behind the face of being objective "news".
It's not.
It's incredibly presumptuous and dishonest coverage.

Donald Trump >>>DID<<<< condemn violence on both sides, even in the later meeting where he allegedly "reverted". It is objectively true what Trump said, that BOTH SIDES came with clubs and helmets and initiated violence.
In the second press conference, Trump chastised the media for suppressing the violence (some of which I youtubed here) of Antifa and the other protestors. Trump ALWAYS criticized both sides for the violence, but clearly and absolutely condemned the white supremacist rhetoric/ideology and said there was no place for them in the United States.

While some of the article contradicts itself and partly reveals Trump's real position disowning and rebuking the racist rhetoric, alleging Trump supports or in any way is reluctant to condemn the racists is an absolute lie.

This lying mother is the equivalent of Trump's Cindy Sheehan, a victim mom that no matter how dishonest her statements, it would be called a foul by the media if Trump responded or criticized her. She's demented.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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The clear battle plan of Democrats and the liberal media:

Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi, or anti-Semitic. The association will, after enough repetition, become "fact" in the public mind.
--Moscow Central Committee, 1943

Despite that there are actual Nazis, Trump has condemned them, unequivocally. He has only said that those opposing them were also initiating violence and were as much to blame. But the false narrative that Trump won't condemn the white supremacists (which is blatantly untrue) is repeated over and over, until it becomes "fact" in the public mind. At least enough of the public mind to hurt Trump politically.

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Wow! Former Rep. Allen West just appeared on Judge Jeanine, and pointed out that George Soros (a Hungarian Jew, who sold out other Jews to the Nazis during WW II) is a Democrat who funds Code Pink, Media Matters,, Center For American Progress, and literally hundreds of leftist groups, that the Democrat/Left/liberal media voice no objection to, even as they rail on Civil War monuments, and talk now about wanting to tear down the monuments to Washington, Jefferson and other national founders.

As usual, when the Left does it, it's perfectly okay, it doesn't even warrant a mention, despite the incredible hypocrisy. But a different standard is held for everyone else.


There's an exaggerated claim that Soros was an SS officer who more directly processed Jews. Snopes (a liberal propaganda site, disguised as an objective political rumor debunker site) likes to leave it there and say that it's absolutely false.

But another site, however grudgingly, admits this much is true

George Soros, born in 1930, was ages 9-14 when WWII was going on in Europe. Sensing real trouble coming, his father decided to split his family up and bought them all forged papers, in the hopes that they could hide their true Jewish identity, and if they were not all in one place, the odds of some of them surviving increased.

Soros's father then bribed an official in Budapest to take in George, with the backstory being that he was this official's Christian god-son. The official in question was in charge of cleaning up after Jews were sent off to camps; he would come in and take all their valuables, and as part of maintaining his cover, young George Soros assisted in this.

Soros also describes 1944, one of the years he was doing this, as "one of the best years of my life."

Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2017-08-20 12:54 AM. Reason: link and quote added

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Wow some more:

And just two weeks after Election Day [of Trump in 2016], on November 22, Soros’s Open Society Foundations announced a “$10 Million Initiative to Confront Hate.” This new money spigot will expedite funding to organizations combatting the “harsh rhetoric and policy proposals” of Donald Trump “during the 2016 presidential campaign that drew on racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTI, and other forms of hate.” Which means, of course, that there will be ample funding for the “anti-hate” protesters who will be demonstrating (and likely rioting) on Inauguration Day, while spewing obscene and hateful remarks, burning Trump in effigy and carrying facsimilies of his head around on pikes (as they did in the November melees).

Preaching "anti-hate" while burning Trump in effigy....


[transcript, 60 Minutes interview of Soros: ]
  • KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.

    Mr. SOROS: Yes. Yes.

    KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.

    Mr. SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.

    KROFT: I mean, that's — that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?

    Mr. SOROS: Not — not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don't — you don't see the connection. But it wasit created no — no problem at all.

    KROFT: No feeling of guilt?

    Mr. SOROS: No.

    KROFT: For example that, 'I'm Jewish and here I am, watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I should be there.' None of that?

    Mr. SOROS: Well, of course I c — I could be on the other side or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away. But there was no sense that I shouldn't be there, because that was — well, actually, in a funny way, it's just like in markets — that if I weren't there — of course, I wasn't doing it, but somebody else would — would — would be taking it away anyhow. And it was the — whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator, the property was being taken away. So the — I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt.

No sense of guilt then and none now. Neither does this Nazi collaborator suffer from any sense of guilt over smearing opponents with false charges of fascism or neo-Naziism, or funding groups that do the same. Nor does he suffer any qualms of conscience over crashing whole national economies and national currencies (Malaysia, Thailand, Britian), causing untold devastation and suffering for millions of people. Besides, a few million dollars in grants to activist NGOs and media groups usually suffices to repair any of the PR damage done by his predatory practices.

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Great, and very funny at many points, commentary by Rush Limbaugh. The absurdity of the liberal media conflating the Islamic bombing/car attack in Barcelona, Spain as "possibly being inspired" by the white supremacists in Charlottesville, VA !

He also discusses the push to remove Civil War monuments as part of a larger Cultural Marxist attempt to discredit the United States as unworthy at its ideological core of being defended and preserved, to pave the way for replacing it with a socialist/globalist utopia.

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A week after the clash in Charlottesville, a "free speech rally" was held in Boston, by conservatives.

Counter-protesters dwarf far-right marchers at Boston rally

According to Molly Line of Fox News, there were about40,000 protestors total, that she speculated were "100 free speech protestors, and 39,900 liberal/Antifa types."

Even in the PBS footage above, there were no visible "white supremacist/white nationalist" flags or symbols. Boston police (unlike Charlottesville) kept the protest groups apart.

Another interesting take:

Boston Free Speech Rally: What The News did NOT Cover.

It's hard to hear, because the larger Antifa/liberal crowd is trying to silence the free speech they are trying to exercise.

And here's CBS news portraying it as "white nationalist":

Boston Rival Rallies: Thousands march against hate speech

Clearly favoring the left side, they cite Trump's Twitter post calling the Antifa/Left "agitators", as if Trump were making it up. But I believe the Boston police themselves would likewise call the many Antifa they restrained and the 20 that they had to arrest "agitators" as well.

Here's Molly Line giving an overview of the protests:

Boston rally for free speech, Molly Line reporting (Fox and Friends)

Is it just me, or is this the most objective coverage of the mainstream network coverage shown here?

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Here's a female reporter for Infowars (Alex Jones) at the Charlottesville demonstrations, Another view of the police pushing the Alt-right guys out. She details how the Antifa crowd pelts the white nationalists in bags of urine mixed with other stuff. She asks some white nationalists what it is, and they matter-of-factly tell her. They also describe carrying their own riot gear so they can protect themselves if the police don't, and again, it seems like a routine expectation that the police at protest marches won't protect them in city after city, so they have to protect themselves. She was clearly afraid and wanted to leave, but the police wouldn't let her, and she had to walk out into Antifa from the safe area, same as the supremacists.

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Charlottesville, Va. protest...what really went down (Douglas M. Ducote Sr. )

...a retired law enforcement officer, giving the very best commentary and overview of the Charlottesville rioting. And how it manifests a similar recurring free speech problem in Berkeley, Ferguson MO, Baltimore MD, New Orleans LA, and other major cities.

He also explains why veterans and retired law enforcement would still march in a rally with those among them who were overtly white supremacist: they were there to try and keep the peace. But they too were pushed by police out of the LEGALLY PERMITTED safe zone, and to take their chances walking a gauntlet through a violent armed Antifa mob for miles to their cars, with absolutely no protection from the police.

Charlottesville, from this perspective, is manifestation of a much larger problem: The weaponizing of government to suppress free speech, by witholding law enforcement protection from one political side, while letting the other side run wild on them. That involves 1) government (all Democrat in Charlottesville), 2) local police, and 3) message-control of a complicit news media.

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Another video about the driver who killed the girl, that again at least explores the possibility that he could have been attacked and trying to get away before killed in his car.

Again, his personal violent history and Hitler obsession doesn't help his credibility. But innocent until proven guilty. And I haven't yet seen a continuous video that shows the entire buildup to the impact.

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One last one, an apparent 20/20 report profiling both two white supremacist/Alt-Right leaders and their movement, and two Antifa leaders and their movement.

Who are the white nationalists and Antifa: Part 1 ( ABC News, 20/20 )

It has two additional parts 2 and 3, that are about another 10 minutes, and another 6 minutes.

The guy with the beard to me looks like a comic store owner!

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Again, from the crowd of establishment "Never Trumpers" who were predisposed to attack Trump and destroy his candidacy and presidency from the get-go.

Trump is a champion of reforms they will do anything to prevent. That is the real issue behind their attacks on him.

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That is how you rationalize any criticism to Trump imho. Reguardless you can't keep painting this as just the Dems being political. That clearly isn't so with members of his own party having some serious criticisms of Trump. And who's criticism does count? Was all yours for any democrats be dismissed the same way? The standard you apply isn't an equal one.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That is how you rationalize any criticism to Trump imho. Regardless you can't keep painting this as just the Dems being political. That clearly isn't so with members of his own party having some serious criticisms of Trump.

The Dems just kneejerk reject everything Trump proposes, and lyingly accuse him of things they know to be false.

The branch of Establishment Republicans likewise have ulterior motives, and attack Trump to leverage their own agenda (what they are trying to do I can barely speculate. Because without Trump the Republicans achieve nothing, and only serve to hurt their own re-election chances by obstructing any meaningful reforms.)

But yeah, I have to agree it isn't "Just the Democrats" to some degree. But even so, the Republicans still side with Trump on many issues, even as they attack him for ulterior reasons on others.

Conversely, for example, the Democrats accused Republicans of obstruction in 2009-2010, after Obama's Stimulus bill had failed to create jobs. So they proposed a "Stimulus 2" bill. Which was widely unpopular with voters. They focus-group tested different names, and lyingly re-named it a "Jobs bill" because "jobs" focus-tested the best with their sampling. But still no traction in getting it passed.
Dem leaders blamed "Republican obstructionism", so Mitch McConnell went on the Senate floor and said "Hey, if Democrats want to put this up for a vote, let's vote on it!" But as the liberal media on PBS reported, Harry Reid said there were "other priorities" and tabled the bill.
ONLY ON FOX NEWS was it reported that the Democrats (prior to Nov 2010) had overwhelming majorities in both houses, and could have passed the bill without a single Republican vote. But they blamed Republicans. The Fox News story also reported that the bill was unpopular even in many Democrat districts, and that Democrats didn't ram it through because it would have resulted in many of them not getting re-elected if they HAD used their majorities to vote for it without the GOP.

In the case of Trump, as I've said before, he is essentially an independent elected on the GOP ticket, and therefore has resistance from the party leadership on both sides. That doesn't make the Democrat partisanship less contemptible.

I believe I've been very clear in my criticism as well of the anti-Trump obstructionism within the GOP.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
And who's criticism does count? Was all yours for any democrats be dismissed the same way? The standard you apply isn't an equal one.

See above. I think it is.

When I think news or pundit sources are fair and informative, I cite them.

When I think news or pundit sources are partisan and/or pure lies, I cite that, often with sources proving its false assertions.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Like nazis becoming just another part of the right?

That's a lying bastard's assertion.

How does every member of the right's complete scorn for these white supremacist protestors in Charlottesville possibly make them "become just another part of the right" ?

A few reminders for you of a few Democrats who have come closer to the racist protestors in Charlottesville:
  • Robert Byrd (who Hillary Clinton described as her greatest mentor, and who eulogized his political career lovingly).

    Bill Clinton, who also had a racist mentor, and both Bill and Hillary were until a nanosecond ago big Confederate "Southern Heritage" advocates.

    Bill Clinton again, speaking about Barack Obama in late 2008, trying to get Ted Kennedy to endorse Hillary instead: "A few years ago he [Obama] would have been bringing us coffee."

    Harry Reid in 2008 on Obama: Obama is a desireable black candidate "because he doesn't speak ethnic black dialect that would be offensive to white voters".

    And as I detailed in a prior topic, Lyndon Baines Johnson, who gloated as he passed civil rights legislation in 1964: "I'll have niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years!"

You want to tell me again who the Nazis are a part of, M E M?

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Just what is it that you think the "RiNOs" are obstructing Trumpertino on at this point, man? Are they keeping him from magically winding back the clock to the 19th century and making coal great again, ignoring the preexisting shift in energy infrastructure resulting in reduced demand and, oh yeah, the sweeping automation eliminating the need for most mining jobs? Is a guy whose personal indiscretions have easily resulted in double-digit unplanned pregnancies going to hit the brakes on abortion, without providing sustainable solutions for women's healthcare and irrespective of the abhorrent limitation of civil liberties? Is an inner circle of industrialists whose business model is primarily contingent on cheap, expendable labor really going to shut our borders against migrant workers... and the critically-needed supply of, say, H1B physicians needed to fill critical doctor shortfalls in mostly red rural counties?

I hear this overriding theme of how Trump is somehow our last line of defense against globalism. Being angry about globalism is like being angry about a tornado. Shake your fist and unleash as much profanity as you like, that sumbitch is comin' through with or without your approval. And yeah, it has the potential to completely reshape what we thought was our way of life. But guess what? What we thought was our way of life - the old paradigms of education, 'career' employment, vocational segmentation, and yes, our hallowed 'demographics' - was already obsolete and inadequate, or globalism would never have gained its momentum in the first place. Is the fear of something that'll happen anyway with no regard to anyone's sentiments worth hanging onto a guy with no political leadership acumen, with no redeemable character traits pertinent to the office, with no sustainable plan for even the immediate future? Or does it all just wrap around to tribalism, to the all-important "us vs. them" and the alleged barbarians at the notional gates?


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