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I don't know why M E M started a Trump and his cover-ups topic, when it is just a continuation of this topic:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

To answer MEM, what's provable to be a lie is that Trump is guilty of something. As I said prior, the Democrats have taken up the Soviet KGB approach of "show me the man, and I will give you the crime", where you target a man who is visibly not guilty of anything, but use all the powers of the state to peel away the layers of his life and find something, anything to imprison and/or destroy him. If Kafka were alive, he could write a novel about what has been done to Trump.
Is being done!

The fact is, there have been FOUR thorough investigations of Trump that have concluded proving no prosecutable wrongdoing by Trump:
  • 1. an FBI 9-month counter-intelligence investigation.
    Peter Strzok in his texts to Lisa Page said he was invited to join that investigation, but he was reluctant to join it, because he knew "There's no 'there' there."
    Presumably Strzok knew this because he had access to the FISA surveillance of the Trump officials being monitored.

    2. the concluded House Intelligence Committee investigation.
    Ended, finding no collusion, no conspiracy.

    3. the bipartisan Senate investigation. Concluded about a month before the Mueller report was released. Again, no evidence to warrant further investigation.


    4. the Mueller report. Again, purely Democrat collection of over 16 lawyers who virtually all were not only Democrats, but also 11 of the 16 were highly invested Democrat partisans and donors to the Obama and Hillary campaigns and broader DNC. One of whom, Jeannie Rhee, was appointed to the investigation directly from the Cinton Foundation, where ironically, her job was to protect Hillary Clinton from investigation and suppress FOIA requests. And Mueller appoints this partisan to his investigation? But even with this collection of Trump-hating partisans and a $35 million virtually unlimited budget to investigate, 500 witnesses deposed, 2,000 subpoenas issues, they found NOTHING, absolutely nothing. Only by partisan weaseliness did Mueller not find conclusions to absolutely say there is no evidence against Trump (as was Mueller's job to conclude one way or the other, highly unusual to say "well, here is the raw evidence, draw your own conclusions" to attorney general Barr).
    Barr, a highly respected lawyer for over 4 decades drew the conclusion: NO RUSSIA COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. And if there were any wrongdoing, it would have been found by the Mueller team of highly funded Democrat partisans.
    There's no 'there' there.

And because the Democrats have been exposed as liars, they are desperately creating a slanderfest of new allegations and new House investigations, desperately trying to open up Trump's banking and business record, praying there is something, ANYTHING, to rationalize Trump is guilty of something. (i.e., "show me the man, and I will give you the crime").

Frankly, I think if most people in America who were subjected to this level of scrutiny without reason, they would have been found guilty of a crime by now. That Trump hasn't speaks volumes about how remarkably clean he is, as a politician, as a businessman, as a billionaire.

I pretty much knew it was over in the weeks after the gun-parading televised midnight dog-and-pony-show raid of attorney Michael Cohen's various homes, offices and hotels. DOJ and U.S. Southern District of New York found a legalistic way to circumnavigate attorney-client privelege, to worm their way into Trump's attorney's most intimate records and secrets, and EVEN THERE they found nothing to incriminate Trump.
Only to incriminate Cohen.

And then Cohen the convicted perjurer tried to "compose and sing" a fronted lie about Trump's alleged involvement in conspiracy (with no evidence, only convicted perjurer Cohen's testimony), to try and reduce his sentence.
Even Cohen's crimes were pretty piddly stuff (fraudelent taxi medallions, to increase his taxi-business profits, perjury traps, and tape-recording clients, including Trump). Stuff that only a corrupt Mueller investigation and FBI would indict, in a desperate bid to extort "composed" confessions and smear Trump.

Likewise Pappadapoulos, likewise Roger Stone, likewise even greater reaches of malicious prosecution of Sam Clovis and Michael Caputo, where the FBI have interviewed every one of their business client and intimidated them away from these men, have bankrupted them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees while depriving them of an income to pay those legal fees, in a desperate bid to intimidate and bankrupt them into plea bargains for "crimes" of which FBI and Mueller know they are innocent.

And you, M E M, as a loyal partisan liberal zombie, cheer this on.

It's over, M E M. It's over.

53% of voters want the investigations to stop. FOUR investigations that have exonerated Trump are more than enough. It is far more likely that the conspirators who tried to frame Trump will be prosecuted and go to prison.

The FBI inspector general's report should be moving things in that direction, toward indictments of corrupt FBI and DOJ officials, within the next week. Then your party's little Bolshevik revolution should be out of business.

Probably to hide that all the sourced evidence I presented in this topic still exists.

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Just pointing out, a month ago, the false meme sold by Democrats, was:
1) "fake border crisis" despite the overwhelming border crisis of illegal immigrants pouring over out Southern border, already exceeding 500,000 since January 1, 2019.
Just as a contrast, the entire population of my home city of Boca Raton, FL is about 100,000. If you include unincorporated suburban townships, maybe 150,000. It >>>IS<<< a crisis, and every American knows it (at least those who are not Democrat zombies who believe any liberal Newspeak that is fed to them.)

Then about 2 weeks ago, democrats started selling the meme
2) "Constitutional crisis", which was parrotted literally hundreds of times on all the liberal networks. Who all, no doubt, get their e-mailed talking-point marching orders from MediaMatters every day, so they can march in lockstep with the lying Democrat leadership, selling their false narrative.
Ironic, because as I've outlined repeatedly, Democrats are the Constitutional crisis, weaponizing the IRS, FBI, DOJ and FISA court against their political opposition, and using that illegally used power to try to prevent Trump's election, and failing that set up an "insurance policy" to depose and falsely imprison his closest staff.

Now this week, the Democrat leadership and their their loyal worker-drones in the liberal media are selling the meme of:
3) a Trump "cover-up", despite that FOUR investigations have disproven this lying narrative. To distract from what is actually happening, with the criminality of corrupt FBI and DOJ officials, key figures in the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaaign, and before it's over, key figures in the Obama administration, likely Obama himself.

There was an intelligence meeting on January 6th 2017 where intelligence heads Clapper(DNI), Brennan(CIA), and Comey(FBI) briefed incoming President Trump on the latest brief. After Clapper and Brennan left the meeting, Comey privately told Trump the first time about the Russia Dossier, that Comey described to Trump as "salacious" and unreliable. Many think Comey met with Trump privately to say this to intimidate Trump with it, and perhaps even to blackmail him. And also so once dislosed to Trump, it allowed Comey and others to leak it to the [liberal] media.

This "Russia Dossier" that Comey now described as salacious to Trump, had been used in the months prior as reliable "evidence" to submit four warrants to FISA judges, to spy on Trump officials and the broader campaign, on the Trump transition team, and on the seated Trump administration. Submitting false evidence to a federal judge is a prosecutable federal offense. The cover-up is by Comey and the Dems to save their asses, not by Trump.

Ann Coulter a long time ago said "If you want to know what the Democrats are up to, just look at what they're accusing Republicans of."
An axiom proven once again.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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A majority of Americans believe that congressional Democrats should drop their investigations into Russian election meddling in 2016 and move onto other matters, according to a CBS News poll released Wednesday.

About 53 percent of Americans say Congress should stop its Russia investigations, while 44 percent say the probes should continue. Similarly, 58 percent of Americans say they’ve heard enough about special counsel Robert Mueller’s conclusions, while 37 percent want to hear more.

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According to a survey conducted last week by the Detroit News and WDIV-TV, approximately 53 percent of Michigan voters are against the House launching impeachment proceedings, while 40 percent say they are in favor of the move. The poll states that 41 percent are “strongly” opposed to ousting President Trump and only 27 percent “strongly” support the measure.

Notably, 59 percent of independent voters in the Great Lakes State oppose impeachment.

The release of the Michigan poll comes days after a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll showed the majority of voters nationwide are against impeachment. “Of the 1,295 registered voters polled, only 37 percent support impeaching and removing President Trump from office. While 43 percent favor ‘no action,’ 60 percent of Democrat voters believe Trump should be impeached and removed altogether,” Breitbart News reported.

However, it is unlikely both Tlaib and Amash will heed voters on the issue.

Tlaib, who generated controversy for pledging, “We’re going to impeach the motherfucker” just hours after her swearing in as a freshman member of Congress, formally submitted an impeachment resolution in late March.

Last month, Amash became the first Republican on Capitol Hill to express support for impeachment. Citing special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on now-debunked collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia, the libertarian-leaning lawmaker has claimed the president is guilty of committing “impeachable offenses,” while Attorney General William Barr is responsible for misrepresenting the special counsel’s findings.

While over 50 House Democrats and several 2020 Democrat White House hopefuls say they support impeachment, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) continues to balk at the idea.

“Democrats can’t do it just with Democratic voters behind them. They need the independent voters behind them and, as Speaker Pelosi has pointed out, they have to make that case, but those voters are not there yet,” pollster Richard Czuba told the Detroit News.

And they never will be.

FOUR previous investigations have shown there is no case against Trump. Quite the opposite, all the evidence points to treasonous and criminal activity by deep state officials in the FBI and DOJ who rigged the investigation and falsified evidence. And exposed a conspiracy involving the Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC, who paid millions commissioning the "Russia Dossier" assembled directly from Russian state officials, through the Perkins-Coie law firm, Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS, and the discredited Christopher Steele.

The current House investigations by Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff are just a slanderfest, and a final desperate attempt to throw spaghetti against the wall in the desperate hope that something will stick. It won't.

And the more they talk about it, the more pissed off the American poeple get that the Democrats won't drop it. As the indictments are prepared for the people who framed Trump.

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MUSINGS OF AN ANGRY WEBMASTER (on the Nadler investigation and Democrat lawlessness)

A somewhat cranky and at times funny rant about the lying narrative of the Democrats, quoting Democrat public statements in the media, in their pursuit of removing Trump by whatever abuse of power available to them.

This part in particular hammered home the point:

That is a major problem for the CommuNazis. They counted on Mueller being able to overturn the election, but instead, the investigation, besides turning up nothing, also showed just how corrupt the Department of Justice has become. It wasn’t supposed to be that way.

  • “Tomorrow, we will be issuing document requests to over 60 different people and individuals from the White House to the Department of Justice, Donald Trump, Jr., [Trump Organization CFO] Allen Weisselberg, to begin the investigations to present the case to the American people about obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power,” Nadler, D-NY., said on ABC News’ “This Week.”

As usual, Nadler and the CommuNazis missed the target. The most corrupt administration in American History is no longer in office. If Nadler were at all interested in actual justice, abuse of power, corruption and Obstruction, he would have been leading the charge against Barack Obama and Eric Holder. As I recall, he was actively blocking Republican efforts to find out what was going on.

  • [Nadler, on ABC News' "This Week" program] He added that the goal of the probe was “to present the case to the American people about obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power.”

No, his goal is to overthrow the President of the United States for the crime of not being Felonia von Pantsuit. After everything the Democrats did to rig the election in her favor, Donald Trump still won. This sticks deeply in the craw of the Democrat Party. President Trump isn’t perfect, however, he is probably the only President in living memory who has worked to administer the government from within the Constitution and the laws passed by Congress.

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I don't think anybody calling the other side nazis is really worth much time. Congress has an oversight duty. Sorry if that makes the "lock her up" crowd upset that Trump's efforts to obstruct justice is being examined and exposed.

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He's clearly joking. When your side calls Trump or Republicans nazis, they're clearly not joking, they're trying to stoke rage, violence and complete intolerance of any conservative opinion, even simply wearing a MAGA hat supporting Trump.

Quite a few prominent Democrats, and even print and broadcast reporters have called Trump supporters, or even more broadly just Republicans "Nazis", or equally over the top, "racists".

In that last example, I'm hard pressed to name one liberal media outlet that didn't portray these Kentucky high school kids as racist bigots, quite a few of whom, nationally famous journalists and TV hosts, called for violence against these kids to the point that their school had to be closed for at least a week for security reasons.

As the rant-blog guy said, House Democrats' oversight at this point is pointless and malicious.
There have already been FOUR well-funded and extensive investigations. It is impossible for the House investigation at this point, having far less authority and reach than the previous Mueller special investigation, to possibly find more than the FOUR previous investigations that found no evidence.

Everyone knows at this point that the Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters, and Adam Schiff investigations are political theatre, to smear Trump and raise the slightest shadow of doubt for the politically uninformed to hurt Trump in 2020.
But the informed know that FOUR previous investigations have found no evidence to accuse or prosecute Trump.

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I also got a laugh out of his referring to Hillary as "Felonia von Pantsuit".

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You're trying to have it both ways on the nazi thing. It's not an okay thing when either side does it. You only say it's joking because it's not being aimed at your side.

And despite your partisan declarations of "everyone knows" I read the Mueller report that details Trump on multiple times trying obstruct justice. I get why the "lock her up" crowd wants it all to go away.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You're trying to have it both ways on the nazi thing. It's not an okay thing when either side does it. You only say it's joking because it's not being aimed at your side.

And despite your partisan declarations of "everyone knows" I read the Mueller report that details Trump on multiple times trying obstruct justice. I get why the "lock her up" crowd wants it all to go away.

Because it's obvious that conservatives calling "Communazis" is a joke. Whereas liberal protestors shouting down Ann Coulter or Yiannopoulos, or Karl Rove, or Condoleezza Rice or attacking conservatives in the street are dead serious, and truly dangerous.

And regarding the allegations against Trump in the Mueller report, there were 2 parts.
1) on the Russia collusion, Mueller found there was absolutely no basis for the charges.
2) on the "obstruction of justice", Mueller ultimately found there was no prosecutable case, but left a convoluted argument that no prosecutor has ever left in a written prosecution report, that there were 11 areas of "possible" obstruction, and left it to William Barr to ultimately judge whether any of the 11 cited cases amounted to obstruction and warranted prosecution. Barr with respect and seriousness reviewed it for 2 days despite the highly irregular nature of the report, and ultimately decided it was B.S. that didn't present a prosecutable case. And Rod Rosenstein (who I regard as a deep state RINO closeted Democrat who hates Trump and is one with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Ohr) also concurred that it didn't warrant prosecution.

The rest is just smoke and mirrors, and Democrat-partisan theatre.

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And regarding the "lock her up" thing, Republicans feel that way because they are outraged that the legal equivalent of 50 H-bombs have been dropped on Trump and his staff by FBI/DOJ, and despite >>>FAR<<< more evidence against Hillary Clinton, no one up to this point would even investigate it.

As I said in other topics, in the cases of Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Roger Stone, they were subject to midnight raids with 20 armed FBI agents at gunpoint in a televised show (CNN called in advance, on the scene waiting before the raid began!) THESE guys had to be raided at gunpoint, to allegedly prevent them from destroying evidence.
As contrasted with Hillary Clinton and her aides, who even after being issued subpoenas for records were given months to destroy 33,000 e-mails, bleach-bit destroy computer hard-drives, and smash multiple cel phones with a hammer. No penalty, no arrest, no indictment for blatantly destroying evidence and obstructing justice.

Or how Comey and others, in private texts, and even openly boasting in House and Senate testimony, openly boasted that they contemptuously broke the FBI rules of procedure, tricked Michael Flynn into seeing FBI investigators without an attorney (one of the FBI interviewers being Peter Strzok), and they knew in advance of interviewing Flynn due to prior FISA surveillance of him every word of his conversations with the Russian ambassador. There was no question they asked Flynn that they didn't know the answer to, its only purpose was to trick him into a perjury trap. And similarly manipulated and entrapped all the other Trump officials prosecuted, and gave them the maximum sentence possible for every minor charge, to intimdate them into accepting plea bargains.
As compared with treatment of Hillary Clinton and her aides. Where FBI didn't force them to testify under oath, gave them access to not one but multiple lawyers. In the case of Cheryl Mills who was also a suspect and a witness, allowed her to represent Hillary Clinton in her interview. And the interviews were not even recorded! A violation of FBI procedure. And not only were Cheryl Mills and Houma Abedin not deposed, for no logical reason or concession of information, they were given COMPLETE IMMUNITY! Almost guaranteeing the truth they knew will never be heard.

Those are just two examples of the obscene double standard applied Trump officials vs. Hillary Clinton officials.

Now that we have an attorney general who is truly interested in justice and equal protection under the law, Hillary Clinton and her staff will for the first time be subjected to the same legal standard and not a free pass.
As will the FBI and DOJ officials who sabotaged the Hillary Clinton investigation, while falsifying evidence to federal judges for FISA warrants used to stage a political coup against Trump officials. And indictments will follow.

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Again I read the Mueller report and know what it says and doesn't. It describes multiple attempts by Trump to obstruct the investigation. Mueller made it clear they didn't even consider charging him because of departmental policy. Trump's attempts to decieve the country that Mueller's report was total exoneration for him isn't okay or acceptable. You can embrace his obvious and provable lies but that's partisanship and not patriotism.

And liberals get death threats too. Even pipe bombs. Kathy Griffin learned it was not okay to depict Trump with a severed head but conservatives that threatened Obama's life have been welcome guests at Trump's WH. The nazi thing isn't acceptable by claiming it's joking imho. Neither side is a different species. Principles like honesty and valor are shared ones. Some things are easy to recognize as garbage. This type of "joking" about nazis is that.

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And Clinton testified under oath for hours answering questions from partisan republicans. Compare that to the couple of questions Trump was allowed to provide in written form for the Mueller investigation. Lots of variations of "can't recall" at that.

Double standard indeed.

Hillary pressed Putin on human rights while Trump saw no reason not to believe Putin on Russia's election tampering. Oh and basic human rights is something Putin doesn't have to worry about Trump trying to push on him on that front.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Again I read the Mueller report and know what it says and doesn't. It describes multiple attempts by Trump to obstruct the investigation. Mueller made it clear they didn't even consider charging him because of departmental policy. Trump's attempts to decieve the country that Mueller's report was total exoneration for him isn't okay or acceptable. You can embrace his obvious and provable lies but that's partisanship and not patriotism.

And liberals get death threats too. Even pipe bombs. Kathy Griffin learned it was not okay to depict Trump with a severed head but conservatives that threatened Obama's life have been welcome guests at Trump's WH. The nazi thing isn't acceptable by claiming it's joking imho. Neither side is a different species. Principles like honesty and valor are shared ones. Some things are easy to recognize as garbage. This type of "joking" about nazis is that.

Multiple incidents where Trump was angry and considered firing Mueller from the special investigation or similar events, where Trump, often after heated arguments with his attorneys walked up to the line, but ultimately didn't cross and actually do it.
You can't convict a person because they thought about breaking the law, only when they ACTUALLY DO break the law.

Mueller listed 11 counts of "possible" obstruction of justice, and left it to Barr to decide if they crossed that line.
Barr reviewed them, and ruled theye did not.
Rosenstein (an anti-Trump partisan) also reviewed them and concurred, they did not.

Case closed.

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 Originally Posted By: M E M
conservatives that threatened Obama's life have been welcome guests at Trump's WH.

That's a lie. Ted Nugent bloviated and basically said "If Obama wants my guns, he can come and try to take them from me." At which a large crowd cheered. He was on stage.
That's a hell of a lot different from saying "I'm going to kill Barack Obama" or traveling to Obama's vicinity to make a serious attempt.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
The nazi thing isn't acceptable by claiming it's joking imho. Neither side is a different species.

As I said, when Democrat say it, there is hatred and violent attacks on Republicans, particularly Trump supporters. That is real danger.

When conservatives use phrases such as "CommunNazis" or "gay nazis" or "feminazis", they are making a humorous point about the irony of Democrat/Left PC warriors, who front as champions of equality and free speech, and yet violently try to silence anyone who disagrees with them. But unlike Democrat rhetoric about Republicans being Nazis, there is simply a mocking rolling-eyes dismissiveness of Democrat hypocrisy. Not an attempt to attack or silence them.

When you can show me a list like this, of clearly demonstrated violence at Trump supporters stoked by Democrat rhetoric...
...that would show a similar escalation of violence against Democrats based on "CommuNazis", then I'll take you seriously.
But it doesn't exist.
The violence, and the incendiary rhetoric that seriously calls for violence is all on the Democrat side, directed at Republicans.
And we see the clear result.
And there is absolutely no call by Democrats to tone down the rhetoric or stop the violence.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And Clinton testified under oath for hours answering questions from partisan republicans. Compare that to the couple of questions Trump was allowed to provide in written form for the Mueller investigation. Lots of variations of "can't recall" at that.

Double standard indeed.

Hillary pressed Putin on human rights while Trump saw no reason not to believe Putin on Russia's election tampering. Oh and basic human rights is something Putin doesn't have to worry about Trump trying to push on him on that front.

As I detailed at length elsewhere, Trump is imposing financial and military and oil/gas industry punishment on Putin like no other president has put on Russia. A few assuring words to Putin at a press conference in a gesture of diplomacy is insignificant, as contracted with the actions of Trump's opposition to Russia on the world stage. In Venezuela, in Ukraine, in Syria/Iraq, finaancial restrictions on Russia in western nations, providing oil to European nations that makes them no longer dependent on Russian oil, and the resultant plummet in Russian oil revenues.

Clinton wasn't tricked the way investigators were trying to trick Trump. Clinton was being very cocky and smugly bluffing his way through the deposition. He was treating it like a game. He was being evasive and arrogantly evading the truth, saying he didn't have sex with Lewinsky, and with a smirk avoiding that he did have oral sex, and manually stimulated Lewinsky's genitalia, and penetrate her with a cigar.
And as I recall, Clinton would have gotten away with that, but Lewinsky produced a semen-stained blue dress that proved he was lying, perjuring himself under oath, and perjured himself against what he'd testified in the Paula Jones case. Which is why Clinton settled for $900,000.
And was censured, and disbarred as a lawyer, and paid an additional $60,000 fine.

A huge difference from the case with Trump. Clinton was actually guilty, defiantly guilty.
Trump they are just trying to entrap with any technicality they can manufacture.

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I recalled answering your previous allegations agaisnt Ted Nugent's alleged threats and looked them up. Here's the quoted remarks, and my response to them:

Nugent's rhetoric doesn't even come close to that off Democrat political leaders and celebrities on the Left.

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Back on topic, here's a site that lists examples of the extensive ties between DOJ officials, Fusion GPS, the news media, and others in the conspiracy to destroy Trump. Particularly among DOJ officials, it should be enough to get them fired for conspiracy and conflict of interest.

It uses face-recognition technology to match these individuals to photos together. As one example, the Ohrs and other DOJ officials on vacations together with executives of Fusion GPS !
Or together for journalism awards ceremonies with Jake Tapper and the like. A lot of these people recommend each other for awards, ironically "journalistic excellence" for coverage where they deliberately misrepresented the true facts, to turn their reporting into a weapon to attack Trump.

Where they deny any association, these photos manifest a deeply incestuous relationship between them.

I hope Barr and U.S. attorney Durham are watching.

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Actually was speaking of Hillary for testifying under oath. We both know Trump's problem isn't that he would be tricked into lying. He lies all the time but is well aware that if he did it under oath there would be actual consequences for it. Trump just isn't capable of doing the hours of testimony like Hillary did.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually was speaking of Hillary for testifying under oath. We both know Trump's problem isn't that he would be tricked into lying. He lies all the time but is well aware that if he did it under oath there would be actual consequences for it. Trump just isn't capable of doing the hours of testimony like Hillary did.

Well since you mentioned FBI/DOJ investigating Hillary, that perfectly makes my point

1) they wanted Trump to testify under oath
2) Hillary was interviewed for far more evidence-based crimes. And yet she wasn't forced to be interviewed under oath. And FBI didn't even record the interview!

That just make the double-standard and FBI/Mueller desire to catch Trump in a perjury trap crystal clear, right there.

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She testified for hours under oath, lol. You can keep spinning the partisan crap but I have a hard time believing that even you can't be aware how weak an excuse it sounds for not testifying under oath. You certainly would never accept that nonsense from a democrat. And since you don't consider Trump's attempts at obstruction detailed in the Mueller report as evidence, I really don't know what you mean by "more evidence based crimes" Apparently evidence does not matter if it reveals Trump's lies and obstruction.

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Hillary has appeared before Congress under oath. When interviewed by the FBI before the election, she was not under oath, and the proceedings were not recorded.

AGAIN regarding Trump's alleged obstruction: Mueller's report listed 11 cases of "possible" obstruction of justice, and left it to Barr to judge whether it rose to the level of actual obstruction.
Barr said no.
Rosenstein said no.
If Mueller's report had said Trump committed obstruction, Democrats wouldn't be having such a hissy fit about the report, and CNN and MSNBC who lied to their viewers for 2 years wouldn't have lost 50% of their audience now because they reported something that turned out not to be true.

In the case of Hillary Clinton, there are considerable financial records for her pay-to-play selling of State Department access in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations in the neighnorhood of $150 million.
Plus enormous speaking fees for both Bill and Hillary.
Plus her private e-mail server that compromised national securrity and violated State Department laws for e-mail communication.
Plus approving the Uranium One deal in exchange for more exhorbitant speaking fees in Russia.
In addition to 33,000 e-mails deleted, bleachbitted computer drives, and cel phones smashed with a hammer to hide supoenaed records from the FBI and other investigators. Much more evidence than there is against Trump.

If not for some fraudulently obtained FISA warrants, there would be no case at all against Trump and his officials. And I'm still wondering why every last bit of that evidence at this point hasn't been thrown out of court by the deceived judges who approved those FISA warrants.

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Btw I didn't lie about Ted Nugent. He has called for Obama to be hung and after calling Obama a piece of shit, said he could suck on his machine guns. Maybe it's mental illness but that's somebody that Trump welcomed in the WH. Again you make excuses for unacceptable behavior and threats here but give wide condemnation if it's a political opportunity.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Btw I didn't lie about Ted Nugent. He has called for Obama to be hung and after calling Obama a piece of shit, said he could suck on his machine guns. Maybe it's mental illness but that's somebody that Trump welcomed in the WH. Again you make excuses for unacceptable behavior and threats here but give wide condemnation if it's a political opportunity.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I recalled answering your previous allegations agaisnt Ted Nugent's alleged threats and looked them up. Here's the quoted remarks, and my response to them:

Nugent's rhetoric doesn't even come close to that of Democrat political leaders and celebrities on the Left.

There were a lot of back-and-forth posts above, perhaps you missed this one.

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You can't justify Nugent 's rants nor do I believe you would be okay with them if they were aimed at Trump. There's Kathy Griffin defenders that do the same thing you're doing. Both crossed the line imho.

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As I said, Ted Nugent never talked about coming after Obama or other Democrats. His comments were of a "if they want to take away my guns, I'll fight them to my dying breath" variety. His comments were always defensive rather than offensive. And I quoted EXACTLY what he said above.

There's nothing from Nugent comparable to fantasizing about severing Obama's head and holding it up as a trophy.
There's nothing comparable to Madonna saying regarding Trump, "I've fantasized a lot about blowing up the White House."
There's nothing by Nugent comparable to Johnny Depp talking about Trump, "It's been a long time since an actor killed a president [referencing John Wilkes Booth] and maybe it's time."
There's nothing by Nugent comparable to the actors in the Alexander Hamilton play, stabbing Trump to death in effigy as a character in the play, and the statements of the actors publicly beyond the play.

I've cited Ted Nugent's exact words above. Show me what you think in there is "the same" as the extreme violent rhetoric of the Democrat/Left. There isn't, there's no comparison possible.

Show me also where Trump has done anything comparable to President Obama inviting Al Sharpton and Black Lives Matter leaders to the White House, in precisely the period Black Lives Matter were killing cops in cities nationwide. Add to that Obama in photos hanging out and laughing with Louis Farrakhan (photos taken and known of in 2008, hidden and finally released after Obama finished his 8 years as president. Amazing how the liberal media never mentions them.)
The only thing that could possibly come close is if Trump invited David Duke and white supremacist leaders to the White House. Which you may recall never happened.

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Tomorrow is a big day regarding the Mueller special investigation, where Mueller will spend several hours in front of a House committee answering questions. There is no damning new evidence against Trump that Mueller can reveal beyond his report, but questioning can expose a lot of the deception and abuse of power in how the special investigation was formed to partisanly frame Trump:

* How fraudulent information was used to obtain FISA warrants fraudulently by DOJ/FBI, to illegally spy on the Trump administration.

* How the FBI paid contract foreign agents (i.e., "assets") to entrap, infiltrate and further spy on the Trump campaign and incoming administration.

* How the FBI conspired through Stefan Halpern (another FBI asset and infiltrator of the Trump campaign) to send Carter Page and George Pappadapoulos to other countries and use other nations' intelligence services to do surveillance on them overseas, surveillance that would be illegal to do in the United States.

* Asking Mueller how he selected Weissmann to be the lead prosecutor for the investigation, despite Weissmann's long history of deceitful and unethical legal practices, for which many of his convictions have been overturned by the Supreme Court.

* Asking Mueller how he selected 17 very partisan Democrats for his special investigation, and not one Republican, 11 of them highly ideologically invested large Democrat campaign donors, one of them Jeannie Rhee, hired directly from the Clinton Foundation, where rather than expose Clinton, her job was to (as a loyal partisan Democrat) suppress Clinton records from FOIA requests and help cover up illicit Clinton activities and crimes. Polar opposite her job with the Mueller investigation.

Sean Hannity last night gave a good overview of FBI/DOJ/Deep State/Democrat crimes, hypocrisy and abuse of power, regarding investigation and fabrication of evidence against Trump:

Hannity, 7/22/2019, Monday

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One Republican congressman, Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) to Mueller in hearings today:
"The President is definitely not above the law. And damn sure shouldn't be below the law, where this second volume of your report puts him."

A reference to the lying Democrat talking point mantra the last few weeks, that "Trump is above the law", and allegedly evading justice only because he is president (when in truth there is no evidence against him to verify the "collusion" and "obstruction" allegations, as concluded by FOUR investigations, including the Mueller report.)

And also reference to Mueller saying, in the speech announcing the Mueller report months ago, that he "cannot certify Trump's innocence", where in truth it was never Mueller's job to certify Trump's innocence.
As special prosecutor, it was only Mueller's job deteermine if there was a case to prosecute Trump, and there was not a case Mueller could make against Trump. Despite Mueller's twisting of the law in his 448 page report. The U.S. legal standard is innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent. And Trump should be no exception to that standard.

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Mueller really destroyed himself in the hearings yesterday, and I think this is the end of the Mueller-led push for Trump impeachment.

Even before the Mueller hearings yesterday, independent-voters believing evidence warrants impeachment hearings dropped from 27% to 22% from June to July, among independents.
And then Mueller's incompetent performance in the hearings yesterday further lowers the crediblility of Mueller and House Democrats pushing for impeachment.

Further beyond that, the partisanship of Mueller and FBI/DOJ investigators falsifying evidence and vindictively pushing criminaal prosecution for Trump officials, while simultaneously at every turn giving a free pass to Hillary Clinton officials for the same false or erroneous statements. And FBI and DOJ prior to that deliberately falsifying evidence to obtain FISA surveillance warrants to spy on Trump officials.
FBI inspector general Horowitz, and U.S. attorney Durham will release their reports and calls for indictments of those framing Trump over the next few months. And it will be they, not Trump officials, who will be going to jail.

And perfectly timed to inflict maximum damage to the Democrats who lyingly called for Trump's impeachment for over 2 years now, based on false evidence. Damage they have done to themselves, as we move into the 2020 election. Perfect!

Those bombs the Democrats set will keep going off in their faces, right up till election day. Even the likes of Bill Maher and Michael Moore are railing on the lying Dems, and telling them at this point to "STFU" already.

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Just a reminder of how rampant the Democrat partisanship was among the FBI investigators, these extensive samplings of their internal text messages, showing they were deeply invested in Hillary Clinton winning in 2016, and their deep hatred not only for Trump, but also for tens of millions of his supporters:

THESE were the people trusted to conduct a neutral investigation of the facts. Not just Strzok and Page, but at least 2 other lawyers were in key positions in the FBI Hillary Clinton e-mail server investigation, the 9-month FBI Trump intelligence investigation, and were lawyers working up till Feb 2018 in the Mueller special investigation team!
The only reason they were taken off the Mueller team is because their known extreme partisanship was made public and undeniable in their FOIA'd internal text messages. If there were the slightest plausible deniability, these Democrat partisan fanatics would have remained on the Mueller probe.

"Vive le resistance!"
Oh, no, these guys wouldn't do anything to corrupt an FBI investigation!

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) confronted Mueller about this during House hearings yesterday, that Mueller had selected these rabid Hillary partisans for his special investigation team.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Mueller came off like Uncle Leo from Seinfeld in that hearing

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I guess by that you mean questionably senile, and not in full control of his senses and reasoning ability. But in the Seinfeld episode where he was shoplifting, Uncle Leo was pretending to be senile to avoid prosecution.

Well.. okay, maybe that parallel holds up.

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