"You know America's a great country because even those who say they hate it refuse to leave"
--Charlie Kirk, on Hannity tonight.

Victor Davis Hanson also made great points on the same Hannity program, about:
* how this country has admitted 50 million immigrants over the last 50 years, more immigrants than the other nations of the world combined have admitted,
* that millions more enter illegally because they see the nation as such a desireable place to be.
* And the attacks by the Left on our founders such as Washington and Jefferson, that ignore their accomplishments that far surpass that of thier critics.

Ironically, as the rest of us celebrate July 4th:
* Colin Kaepernick and Nike are outlawing their own shoes designed with a Betsy Ross flag as "racist" and celebrating a racist history,
* and the city of Charlottesville, VA, Jefferson's home town, is discontinuing annual celebration of Jefferson's birthday. Jefferson, the man who drafted our Declaration of Independence, the man who was president, vice president and secretary of state, the man who doubled the size of our nation with the Louisiana Purchase, and the man who while owning slaves, set in motion the ideals that freed those slaves. As well as freeing his own slaves.

Charlie Kirk further makes the point that the students who spit on returning soldiers during the Vietnam war, who waved North Vietnamese and Soviet/Chinese flags, are the ones teaching at colleges nationwide as tenured professors now, running the rabidly anti-American education system, and running the mainstream liberal news media, leading the charge to delegitimize our nation's history and right to exist.

By the way, one of those of the 1960's Left, who has praised communist governments in Russia, China, Cuba, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and yet never has anything good to say about the U.S., who had a Soviet flag on the wall of his mayor's office for ten years in Burlinton, Vermont to manifest his solidarity with the Soviets, is now one of the leading Democrat candidates, Bernie Sanders.

see also the DiscoverTheNetworks listings for Barack and Michelle Obama.
Likewise Bill and Hillary Clinton.
And any of the current 25 Democrat primary candidates.
And even the second tier of potential Democrat candidates below them, such as race-baiting America-haters Stacy Abrams and Andrew Gillum.

The Ward Churchills, the William Ayers's, the Howard Zinns are propagandizing us toward rejecting the values that made us a great nation. And the DNC is the party of the Cultural Marxist insurrection.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.