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#1229799 2019-09-27 10:35 PM
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So given recent events it's time for the unofficial Impeaching Trump thread. I don't take impeachment lightly but to me hearing Trump ask a foreign government to investigate his political rival crosses a line. Simply put if Obama had done this I would be very unhappy. Before the rough transcript of Trump's call was released I wasn't on the impeachment bandwagon even though I saw Trump being unfit and corrupt. With '20 right around the corner and him being voted out of office is going to the best form of impeachment. I also doubt enough republicans would actually vote for it no matter what. But Trump crossed a line that I think most people can see. It might feel better attacking the other side but it still doesn't change what Trump did.

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This shows a timeline of events and Trump lying

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This is, what, the fourth time the Democrats have tried to bring impeachment of Trump to the House for a vote?

And each time it blows up in their faces, and their partisan vindictiveness becomes clear, their lawless manipulation of the system to bring down Trump and enact their Bolshevik revolution by whatever deceit and abuse of power is available to them.


As we begin to understand the general outline of how the Schiff Dossier was assembled, we are now starting to get into the specifics. First discovered by researcher Stephen McIntyre, there is now evidence surfacing showing the ICIG recently created an entirely new ‘whistleblower complaint form’ that specifically allowed for the filing of complaints “heard from others“.

Prior to the current “whistleblower complaint” the Intelligence Community Inspector General did not accept whistle-blower claims without first hand knowledge. However, the ICIG revised the protocol in August 2019 allowing for the EXACT type of complaint now registered from the CIA whistleblower.

The IGIC revision was made at the same time HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff was tweeting in August about President Trump, Rudy Giuliani and holding back funding pending assistance with political opponents. Note the Date: (link)

The timing here is far too coincidental. This was a set-up.

Sean Davis from the Federalist is also hot on the trail.

  • Sean Davis – Between May 2018 and August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings. This raises questions about the intelligence community’s behavior regarding the August submission of a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump. The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.

    The brand new version of the whistleblower complaint form, which was not made public until after the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the complaint addressed to Congress were made public, eliminates the first-hand knowledge requirement and allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence and only “heard about [wrongdoing] from others.”

    The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed. (read more)

President Trump announced Joseph Macguire as the Acting ODNI on August 8th, 2019. (link) The CIA operative “whistle-blower” letter to Adam Schiff and Richard Burr was on August 12th (link). Immediately following this letter, the ICIG rules and requirements for “whistle-blowers” was modified, allowing hearsay complaints. On August 28th Adam Schiff begins tweeting about the construct of the complaint.

As Stephen McIntyre notes: “it appears almost certain that, subsequent to the CIA operative “WB” complaint, the DNI introduced a brand new Urgent Disclosure Form which offered a previously unavailable alternative to report allegations with no personal knowledge.”

The prior IGIC complaint form can be viewed via the Wayback Machine – SEE HERE and the new IGIC complaint form that allows hearsay can be compared HERE.

>>>The CIA whistleblower complaint is likely the VERY FIRST complaint allowed using the new IGIC protocol and standard.<<< Taken in combination with the timeline of the August 12th notification letter to Schiff and Burr and the Schiff tweet of August 28th, there’s little room for doubt this Ukraine whistleblower impeachment effort was pre-planned.

Additionally, this coordinated effort ties back-in Intelligence Community Inspector General, Michael K Atkinson.

The center of the Lawfare Alliance influence was/is the Department of Justice National Security Division, DOJ-NSD. It was the DOJ-NSD running the Main Justice side of the 2016 operations to support Operation Crossfire Hurricane and FBI agent Peter Strzok. It was also the DOJ-NSD where the sketchy legal theories around FARA [Foreign Agents Registration Act] violations (Sec. 901) originated.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) is Michael K Atkinson. ICIG Atkinson is the official who accepted the ridiculous premise of a hearsay ‘whistle-blower‘ complaint; an intelligence whistleblower who was “blowing-the-whistle” based on second hand information of a phone call without any direct personal knowledge, ie ‘hearsay‘.

Michael K Atkinson was previously the Senior Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General of the National Security Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ-NSD) in 2016. That makes Atkinson senior legal counsel to John Carlin and Mary McCord who were the former heads of the DOJ-NSD in 2016 when the stop Trump operation was underway.

[Irony Reminder: The DOJ-NSD was purposefully under no IG oversight. In 2015 the OIG requested oversight and it was Sally Yates who responded with a lengthy 58 page legal explanation saying, essentially, ‘nope – not allowed.’ (PDF HERE) All of the DOJ is subject to oversight, except the NSD.]

Put another way, Michael Atkinson was the lawyer for the same DOJ-NSD players who: (1) lied to the FISA court (Judge Rosemary Collyer) about the 80% non compliant NSA database abuse using FBI contractors; (2) filed the FISA application against Carter Page; and (3) used FARA violations as tools for political surveillance and political targeting.

Yes, that means Michael Atkinson was Senior Counsel for the DOJ-NSD, at the very epicenter of the political weaponization and FISA abuse.

Immediately after the Carter Page FISA warrant is approved, in the period where DOJ-NSD head John Carlin has given his notice of intent to leave but not yet left, inside those specific two weeks, the National Security Division of the DOJ tells the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) they have been breaking the law. The NSD specifically inform the court they are aware of contractors who have been using FISA 702(16)(17) database search queries to extract information on political candidates.

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz has looked into the FISA application used against U.S. Person Carter Page. Additionally, U.S. Attorney John Durham is said to be looking at the intelligence communities’ use of systems for spying and surveillance.

the DOJ-NSD exploitation of the NSA database, and/or DOJ-NSD FISA abuse, and/or DOJ-NSD FARA corruption were ever to reach sunlight, current ICIG Atkinson -as the lawyer for the process- would be under a lot of scrutiny for his involvement.

Yes, that gives current ICIG Michael Atkinson a strong and corrupt motive to participate with the Schiff/Lawfare impeachment objective.

Atkinson’s conflict-of-self-interest, and/or possible blackmail upon him by deep state actors who most certainly know his compromise, likely influenced his approach to this whistleblower complaint. That would explain why the Dept. of Justice Office of Legal Counsel so strongly rebuked Atkinson’s interpretation of his responsibility with the complaint.

In the Justice Department’s OLC opinion, they point out that Atkinson’s internal justification for accepting the whistleblower complaint was poor legal judgement. [See Here] I would say Atkinson’s decision is directly related to his own risk exposure:

Within a heavy propaganda report from the New York Times there are also details about the Intelligence Community Inspector General that show the tell-tale fingerprints of the ICIG supportive intent (emphasis mine):

  • […] Mr. Atkinson, a Trump appointee, nevertheless concluded that the allegations appeared to be credible and identified two layers of concern.

    The first involved a possible violation of criminal law. Mr. Trump’s comments to Mr. Zelensky “could be viewed as soliciting a foreign campaign contribution in violation of the campaign-finance laws,” Mr. Atkinson wrote, according to the Justice Department memo. (read more)

Does the “foreign campaign contribution” angle sound familiar? It should, because that argument was used in the narrative around the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian Lobbyist Natalia Veselnitskaya. More specifically, just like FARA violations the overused “campaign contribution” narrative belongs to a specific network of characters, Lawfare.

The “Schiff Dossier”, aka “whistle-blower” complaint was a constructed effort of allied members within congress and the intelligence apparatus to renew the impeachment effort. The intelligence team, including the ICIG, changed the whistleblower form to allow the CIA to insert the Schiff Dossier, written by Lawfare.

The Soft-Coup effort continues…

Further, as reported on One America News all day today, the change of the "whistleblower form" to expand from first-person/eyewitness accounts only to third-person hearsay was JUST APPROVED. That approval had to be at a high level, most likely CIA director Gina Haspel. And very recently.
Gina Haspel, it turns out, was very close to former CIA director (and vocal Trump hater, and leftist/communisst) John Brennan. It turns out many of Haspel's closest assistants are former Brennan staffers, and one former Brennan staffer in particular came out of retirement to serve agaain in Haspel's CIA. Brennan is also thought to be the architect of the Russia Hoax that has kept Trump buried in investigation for almost 3 years.
So it's highly suspect --highly suspect-- that this whistleblower form was recently changed under cover of darkness by Haspel, and then as soon as the ink dries, the first whistleblower allegation under the new rules is President Trump himself!
Highly suspicious.

From the chosen successor of Russia Hoax architect Brennan and his closest deep state lieutenants, no less.

While Brennan still ran the CIA, Haspel was assingned to London, at the exact time Christopher Steelee and Fusion GPS were putting together the Russia Dossier to smear Trump.
And who else from the FBI was in London at the exact same time (an overseas assignment normally given to a lower-level FBI agent)?
Peter Strzok.

The plot thckens, doesn't it?

Ignoring all the above:
1) Who is Trump's "whistleblower" accuser?
2) What EXACTLY is Trump accused of doing?
3) What corroborating evidence is there of the unknown allegation Trump is accused of?

This is so clearly a set-up, and the Democrats are trying to rush this presidential coup along before the public realizes they've been bamboozled by the Democrats and the Deep State. AGAIN .

It's insane.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Also, the "whistleblower" report is intended to be used to report problems in the intelligence field (FBI, CIA, NSA, and others within the 17 total federal intelligence agencies). It was never intended to include launching reports on the President, who isn't even part of the intelligence field.

It's an unprecedented stretch to have a whistleblower report that doesn't have direct firsthand knowledge. JUST CHANGED.

And it's an unprecedented stretch to have that whistleblower system stretched to attack the president himself.

It's so obvious what the Democrats and his enemies in the bureaucratic Deep State system are trying to do. By any other name, it is a coup, a power grab, a scam, a hustle.

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i don't see how you can blame democrats for Trump asking a foreign country to investigate his political rival. Trump did that on his own. The whistleblower has given a lot of names but Trump's release of the rough transcript is what I think will end up fucking him in the end. It's very black and white that Trump asked the Ukrainian president to investigate Biden with his personal lawyer and Barr assisting. I do not for a minute think you would be okay if that had been Obama asking a foreign power to do that to a republican.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So given recent events it's time for the unofficial Impeaching Trump thread. I don't take impeachment lightly but to me hearing Trump ask a foreign government to investigate his political rival crosses a line.

Trump had a very routine conversation with Ukranian president Zelensky, where Trump demanded nothing, and asked "if you could..." for Zelensky to have his legal staff send what they knew about the Ukranian interference in the 2016 election, and Crowdstrike, and the corruption investigation of Hunter Biden. Which by the way, Zelensky, not Trump, first raised in their phone conversation.

No demands, no threats, no quid pro qquo, just a simple request for information. And in point of fact, information that the Ukranians had repeatedly offered for 3 years to a Hillary/Obama-loyalist deep state FBI/DOJ, that had repeatedly been ignored by an FBI/DOJ completely indifferent to investigating it.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Simply put if Obama had done this I would be very unhappy.


OBAMA [to Medvedev secretly]: "This is my last election, I can be much more flexible after the election..."

MEDVEDEV [eagerly!]: "I will transmit this information to Vladimir!"

Not to mention the threats in a letter to Ukraine from Senators Leahy, Menendez and Durbin, that made very clear that aid to Ukraine was completely dependent on cooperating with the Democrats to defame Trump in 2016.

Not to mention the Russia Dosssier funded by the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign, paying about $2 million dollars to Russian agents, two of whom were Russian intelligence chiefs.

What an amazing double-standard you have, M E M, to turn a complete blind eye to the blatant criminality and collaborative treason by your fellow Democrats.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Before the rough transcript of Trump's call was released I wasn't on the impeachment bandwagon even though I saw Trump being unfit and corrupt. With '20 right around the corner and him being voted out of office is going to the best form of impeachment. I also doubt enough republicans would actually vote for it no matter what. But Trump crossed a line that I think most people can see. It might feel better attacking the other side but it still doesn't change what Trump did.

Specifically WHAT ?!?!?
Nothing specific has been disclosed by the whistleblower. It is even clear he/she has no firsthand knowledge about Trump's call, only hearsay. Many Republican Senate and House members have said that when Trump 100% disclosed the minutes of his phone call, more was disclosed by Trump than could possibly hyave been known by the "whistleblower"! Period. The end.
There is nothing revealed that would suddenly warrant an impeachment trial, no new information.

The Democrat logic is: We hate Trump. We suport any contrivance that has a snowball's chance of deposing Trump.
But it doesn't. Not even all the Democrats in the House will support impeachment.
And even if it passed the House, the Senate has a majority of Republicans, who will never vote for impeachment. Not because Republicans have a corrupt partisan loyalty, but because there is no logical reason to impeach Trump. You can't even put into words a lucid thesis of what Trump is guilty of. Because it is a Democrat lie.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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The next presidential election is only a little over a year away. The fact that the Democrats are talking impeachment at this late date seems a tacit admission they can’t beat Trump at the ballot box

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I think given what was in the rough call transcript that was released, Trump's actions demand it. And considering that republicans control the Senate I don't understand your logic. To remove Trump from office it would require more than a couple republicans to vote with Dems.

And WB it is not routine for a president to ask a foreign power to specifically investigate his political rival while withholding military aid.

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Fact check-Were the whistleblower blower rules change?

Another conspiracy theory debunked.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Fact check-Were the whistleblower blower rules change?

Another conspiracy theory debunked.

Factcheck = Washington Post

Politifact = Tampa Tribune

Both are centerpieces of the Hate Trump (and really, Hate Republican) liberal media.

As I've cited before, 75% of their "factchecks" target Republicans, and only 25% of the time do they factcheck Democrats, to have some semblance of balanced non-partisan scrutiny.
And I've read many, MANY "factchecks" where I know for certain that Trump or some other Republican was 100% accurate in their public statements, but the "factcheck" sites label it as "partially true" or "somewhat true" by straining to find some context that wasn't covered in the comments. When Trump or whoever answers questions at a press conference for 10 minutes, or even 45 minutes, it is impossible to cover every nuance in a brief answer, no matter how much one tries.
And Republicans --of course!-- are subject to far more scrutiny in their comments, whereas liberal statements are just accepted as true without challenge by liberal reporters and interviewers.

One comment I can recall by Trump was where he talked about islamic immigration to Sweden, that has resulted in a more than doubling of rape statistics there (roughly the time Trump made his "shithole nations" comment).
The liberal media and factcheckers labelled Trump ignorant and racist and "partly true" at best in his comments. Within a week, the true facts revealed that Trump's comments were 100% true.

And fuck the liberal "factcheckers". It is another attempt by the liberal media to hide behind a false veil of pseudo-objectivity, that they truly don't have. They are liberal media propagandists. And Snopes is another liberal apologist site. They are right sometimes, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: from the "factcheck"

In addition, the intelligence community's inspector general, Michael Atkinson, deemed the complaint an "urgent concern" that he was required by law to provide to the congressional intelligence committees. But [acting Director of Nationa Intelligence Joseph] Maguire refused to do so on the advice of the Justice Department, resulting in a standoff with Congress that ultimately resulted in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi backing a formal impeachment inquiry against Trump.

That lyingly glosses over quite a bit. DNI Maguire, having never received a "whistleblower" report anything like this one, consulted lawyers of the Justice Department to decide from an informed legal perspective how to handle the report. Together, Maguire and DOJ, while investigating the report themselves, ultimately decided that there was not enough substance or confirmed information beyond hearsay to submit the report to the Congressional committee.

This unprecedented "whistleblower report" is in truth a White House leak hiding behind a mask of pseudo-legitimacy. It is yet another attack on the president, and just the latest half-baked excuse to pursue a presidential impeachment that House Democrat radicals have been itching for since before Trump was even inaugurated in early 2017.

1) Who is Trump's "whistleblower" accuser?
2) What EXACTLY is Trump accused of doing?
3) What corroborating evidence is there of the unknown allegation Trump is accused of?

This is so clearly a set-up, and the Democrats are trying to rush this presidential coup along before the public realizes they've been bamboozled by the Democrats and the Deep State. AGAIN .

But it's too late. The public already knows what the Democrats are up to.

Nothing in the NBC News article explains 1) why the form was recently changed sometime in the last year, and why no one knows precisely when or who or why the form was changed, just in time to launch this attack on Trump with the new report form, 2) who within the CIA approved the changes, although it seems to have been approved at least partly by CIA director Gina Haspel herself, and 3) how Gina Haspel has ties with John Brennan, one of Trump's most vociferous critics, and is widely believed to be the architect of the Russia Hoax himself, 4) that several of Haspel's closest assistants are from Brennan's staff, one of whom came out of retirement to serve as Gina Haspel's assistant, 5) that Haspel was assigned to London with the CIA directly by Brennan in 2016, and that coincides with when Peter Strzok was in London assembling the Russia Dossier with Christopher Steele to falsely incriminate Trump.

It gives off an overpowering stench of Deep State anti-Trump corruption and conspiracy. There is no legitimacy whatsoever to this coup attempt.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Fact check-Were the whistleblower blower rules change?

Another conspiracy theory debunked.

Factcheck = Washington Post

Politifact = Tampa Tribune

Both are centerpieces of the Hate Trump (and really, Hate Republican) liberal media.

As I've cited before, 75% of their "factchecks" target Republicans, and only 25% of the time do they factcheck Democrats, to have some semblance of balanced non-partisan scrutiny.
And I've read many, MANY "factchecks" where I know for certain that Trump or some other Republican was 100% accurate in their public statements, but the "factcheck" sites label it as "partially true" or "somewhat true" by straining to find some context that wasn't covered in the comments. When Trump or whoever answers questions at a press conference for 10 minutes, or even 45 minutes, it is impossible to cover every nuance in a brief answer, no matter how much one tries.
And Republicans --of course!-- are subject to far more scrutiny in their comments, whereas liberal statements are just accepted as true without challence by liberal reporters and interviewers.

One comment I can recall by Trump was where he talked about islamic immigration to Sweden, that has resulted in a more than doubling of rape statistics there (roughly the time Trump made his "shithole nations" comment).
The liberal media and factcheckers labelled Trum ignorant and racist and "partly true" at best in his comments. Within a week, the true facts revealed that Trump's comments were 100% true.
And fuck the liberal "factcheckers". It is another attempt by the liberal media to hide behind a false veil of pseudo-objectivity, that they truly don't have. They are liberal media propagandists. And Snopes is another liberal apologist site. They are right sometimes, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

So you hate the folks that debunked a GOP conspiracy talking point. How should I feel about republicans that pushed the false conspiracy theory?

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You're barely lucid enough that I can even discern what you're saying, M E M. You're certainly not citing anything to back up your opinion.

It is a Democrat talking point (aided and widely propagandized by the liberal media) that the facts cited by Trump, Giuliaani and the Ukranian government are "just a conspiracy theory". Despite that the facts incriminate Rep. Adam Schiff, Vice President Biden and his son Hunter Biden as criminal liars, the liberal media and Democrat leadership refuse to acknowledge those facts.

And worse, Democrats try to front the Bolshevik-style narrative that it is Republicans who are fronting false information, rather than the Democrats who are propagandizing against the truth and knowingly spreading lies.

John Solomon of The Hill wrote an article citing all the deliberate misrepresentations by the Democrats, and sourcing the true facts your side likes to pretend don't exist.

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

by John Solomon, The Hill

Former Vice President Joe Biden, now a 2020 Democratic presidential contender, has locked into a specific story about the controversy in Ukraine.

He insists that, in spring 2016, he strong-armed Ukraine to fire its chief prosecutor solely because Biden believed that official was corrupt and inept, not because the Ukrainian was investigating a natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, that hired Biden's son, Hunter, into a lucrative job.

There’s just one problem.

Hundreds of pages of never-released memos and documents — many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles — conflict with Biden’s narrative.

And they raise the troubling prospect that U.S. officials may have painted a false picture in Ukraine that helped ease Burisma’s legal troubles and stop prosecutors’ plans to interview Hunter Biden during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

For instance, Burisma’s American legal representatives met with Ukrainian officials just days after Biden forced the firing of the country’s chief prosecutor and offered “an apology for dissemination of false information by U.S. representatives and public figures” about the Ukrainian prosecutors, according to the Ukrainian government’s official memo of the meeting. The effort to secure that meeting began the same day the prosecutor's firing was announced.

In addition, Burisma’s American team offered to introduce Ukrainian prosecutors to Obama administration officials to make amends, according to that memo and the American legal team’s internal emails.

The memos raise troubling questions:

1.) If the Ukraine prosecutor’s firing involved only his alleged corruption and ineptitude, why did Burisma's American legal team refer to those allegations as “false information?"

2.) If the firing had nothing to do with the Burisma case, as Biden has adamantly claimed, why would Burisma’s American lawyers contact the replacement prosecutor within hours of the termination and urgently seek a meeting in Ukraine to discuss the case?

Ukrainian prosecutors say they have tried to get this information to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) since the summer of 2018, fearing it might be evidence of possible violations of U.S. ethics laws. First, they hired a former federal prosecutor to bring the information to the U.S. attorney in New York, who, they say, showed no interest. Then, the Ukrainians reached out to President Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky, told Trump in July that he plans to launch his own wide-ranging investigation into what happened with the Bidens and Burisma.

“I’m knowledgeable about the situation,” Zelensky told Trump, asking the American president to forward any evidence he might know about. "The issue of the investigation of the case is actually the issue of making sure to restore the honesty so we will take care of that and will work on the investigation of the case.”

Biden has faced scrutiny since December 2015, when the New York Times published a story noting that Burisma hired Hunter Biden just weeks after the vice president was asked by President Obama to oversee U.S.-Ukraine relations. That story also alerted Biden’s office that Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had an active investigation of Burisma and its founder.

Documents I obtained this year detail an effort to change the narrative after the [New York] Times story about Hunter Biden, with the help of the Obama State Department.

Hunter Biden’s American business partner in Burisma, Devon Archer, texted a colleague two days after the Times story about a strategy to counter the “new wave of scrutiny” and stated that he and Hunter Biden had just met at the State Department. The text suggested there was about to be a new “USAID project the embassy is announcing with us” and that it was “perfect for us to move forward now with momentum.”

I have sued the State Department for any records related to that meeting. The reason is simple: There is both a public interest and an ethics question to knowing if Hunter Biden and his team sought State’s assistance while his father was vice president.

The controversy ignited anew earlier this year when I disclosed that Joe Biden admitted during a 2018 videotaped speech that, as vice president in March 2016, he threatened to cancel $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, to pressure Ukraine’s then-President Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin. [Who was fired by the Ukranian president within 6 hours of the threat.]

At the time, Shokin’s office was investigating Burisma. Shokin told me he was making plans to question Hunter Biden about $3 million in fees that Biden and his partner, Archer, collected from Burisma through their American firm. Documents seized by the FBI in an unrelated case confirm the payments, which in many months totaled more than $166,000.

Some media outlets have reported that, at the time Joe Biden forced the firing in March 2016, there were no open investigations. Those reports are wrong. A British-based investigation of Burisma's owner was closed down in early 2015 on a technicality when a deadline for documents was not met. But the Ukraine Prosecutor General's office still had two open inquiries in March 2016, according to the official case file provided me. One of those cases involved taxes; the other, allegations of corruption. Burisma announced the cases against it were not closed and settled until January 2017.

After I first reported it in a column, the New York Times and ABC News published similar stories confirming my reporting.

Joe Biden has since responded that he forced Shokin’s firing over concerns about corruption and ineptitude, which he claims were widely shared by Western allies, and that it had nothing to do with the Burisma investigation.

Some of the new documents I obtained call that claim into question.

In a newly sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, Shokin testified that when he was fired in March 2016, he was told the reason was that Biden was unhappy about the Burisma investigation. “The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors,” Shokin testified.

“On several occasions President Poroshenko asked me to have a look at the case against Burisma and consider the possibility of winding down the investigative actions in respect of this company but I refused to close this investigation,” Shokin added.

Shokin certainly would have reason to hold a grudge over his firing. But his account is supported by documents from Burisma’s legal team in America, which appeared to be moving into Ukraine with intensity as Biden’s effort to fire Shokin picked up steam.

Burisma’s own accounting records show that it paid tens of thousands of dollars while Hunter Biden served on the board of an American lobbying and public relations firm, Blue Star Strategies, run by Sally Painter and Karen Tramontano, who both served in President Bill Clinton’s administration.

Just days before Biden forced Shokin’s firing, Painter met with the No. 2 official at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington and asked to meet officials in Kiev around the same time that Joe Biden visited there. Ukrainian embassy employee Oksana Shulyar emailed Painter afterward: “With regards to the meetings in Kiev, I suggest that you wait until the next week when there is an expected vote of the government’s reshuffle.”

Ukraine’s Washington embassy confirmed the conversations between Shulyar and Painter but said the reference to a shakeup in Ukrainian government was not specifically referring to Shokin’s firing or anything to do with Burisma.

Painter then asked one of the Ukraine embassy’s workers to open the door for meetings with Ukraine’s prosecutors about the Burisma investigation, the memos show. Eventually, Blue Star would pay that Ukrainian official money for his help with the prosecutor's office.

At the time, Blue Star worked in concert with an American criminal defense lawyer, John Buretta, who was hired by Burisma to help address the case in Ukraine. The case was settled in January 2017 for a few million dollars in fines for alleged tax issues.

Buretta, Painter, Tramontano, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s campaign have not responded to numerous calls and emails seeking comment.

On March 29, 2016, the day Shokin’s firing was announced, Buretta asked to speak with Yuriy Sevruk, the prosecutor named to temporarily replace Shokin, but was turned down, the memos show.

Blue Star, using the Ukrainian embassy worker it had hired, eventually scored a meeting with Sevruk on April 6, 2016, a week after Shokin’s firing. Buretta, Tramontano and Painter attended that meeting in Kiev, according to Blue Star’s memos.

Sevruk memorialized the meeting in a government memo that the general prosecutor’s office provided to me, stating that the three Americans offered an apology for the “false” narrative that had been provided by U.S. officials about Shokin being corrupt and inept.

“They realized that the information disseminated in the U.S. was incorrect and that they would facilitate my visit to the U.S. for the purpose of delivering the true information to the State Department management,” the memo stated.

The memo also quoted the Americans as saying they knew Shokin pursued an aggressive corruption investigation against Burisma’s owner, only to be thwarted by British allies: “These individuals noted that they had been aware that the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine had implemented all required steps for prosecution … and that he was released by the British court due to the underperformance of the British law enforcement agencies.”

The memo provides a vastly different portrayal of Shokin than Biden's. And its contents are partially backed by subsequent emails from Blue Star and Buretta that confirm the offer to bring Ukrainian authorities to meet the Obama administration in Washington.

For instance, Tramontano wrote the Ukrainian prosecution team on April 16, 2016, saying U.S. Justice Department officials, including top international prosecutor Bruce Swartz, might be willing to meet. “The reforms are not known to the US Justice Department and it would be useful for the Prosecutor General to meet officials in the US and share this information directly,” she wrote.

Buretta sent a similar email to the Ukrainians, writing that “I think you would find it productive to meet with DOJ officials in Washington” and providing contact information for Swartz. “I would be happy to help,” added Buretta, a former senior DOJ official.

Burisma, Buretta and Blue Star continued throughout 2016 to try to resolve the open issues in Ukraine, and memos recount various contacts with the State Department and the U.S. embassy in Kiev seeking help in getting the Burisma case resolved.

Just days before Trump took office, Burisma announced it had resolved all of its legal issues. And Buretta gave an interview in Ukraine about how he helped navigate the issues.

Today, two questions remain.

One is whether it was ethically improper or even illegal for Biden to intervene to fire the prosecutor handling Burisma’s case, given his son’s interests. That is one that requires more investigation and the expertise of lawyers.

The second is whether Biden has given the American people an honest accounting of what happened. The new documents I obtained raise serious doubts about his story’s credibility. And that’s an issue that needs to be resolved by voters.


John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist whose work over the years has exposed U.S. and FBI intelligence failures before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal scientists’ misuse of foster children and veterans in drug experiments, and numerous cases of political corruption. He serves as an investigative columnist and executive vice president for video at The Hill. Follow him on Twitter @jsolomonReports.

John Solomon's prior columns:

Just one big happy family of Clinton and Obama administration lawyers, politicians, and their sons and step sons, enrriching themselves on deals in Ukraine and China, almost immediately after Obama appointed Biden to oversee business development in these nations.
And just the slightest coincidence that Obama's son, recently fired from the military, with no experience in the energy industry or in Ukrainian business, is suddenly appointed on the board of the energy company Burisma Holdings. Hunter Biden doesn't even speaak their language, but received between $50,000 and $81,000 a month, sometimes as high as $150,000 per month, for... well, no one can quite discern precisely what work Hunter Biden did for these payments. Aside from being the son of the Vice President who controlled U.S. aid to Ukraine.

And again, just the slightest coincidence, when Hunter Biden was about to be investigated in the summer of 2016, Joseph Biden (through officials in the State Department) found out his son was about to be investigated and interviewed by Ukranian prosecutor Shokin, and Biden gave the Ukranian president a threat of witholding a billion dollars in U.S. aid that Ukraine desperately needed, if Shokin were not fired within 6 hours before Biden's flight. And... "son of a bitch! He got fired..."

Nope, move along, nothing to see here...

What's obscene is even when some of the media actually report the truth, the liberal media flies cover for the Bolshevik Dems and buries that truth as "a disproven conspiracy theory" and right wing propaganda.
Truly incredible, and scary.

I think if and when the Democrats ever regain the presidency, It'll be like the movie Red Dawn, with all Republicans de-platformed, disarmed, denied employment, and put in "re-education camps." Or just killed in the streets like Jews in Nazi Germany. The Bolshevik Democrats have already voiced that intent, abundantly.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Sean Davis: Intel Community IG ‘Straight Up Refused’ To Answer Why They Changed The Rules

September 30, 2019 By The Federalist Staff

On Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” Monday, Sean Davis explained the corruption within the intelligence community. Over the course of the past year, the intel community eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers must provide firsthand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings in order to file a complaint.

“The changes to eliminate the requirement for firsthand information in whistleblower complaints happened between May 2018 and August 2019. … When we asked the DNI and the IC IG for information on who changed it, when, and why, they straight up refused to answer that question,” Davis said.
Davis also talked about a possible collaboration between Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and the intelligence community.

On Aug. 28, Schiff tweeted information from the whistleblower complaint before it was made available to Congress in September.

Schiff is exposed for the liar he is, and headed for an ass-pounding.

A shorter article, based on Davis' full column on the subject:

Lawmakers in both chambers wrote to the Intelligence Community Inspector General on Monday demanding answers about why his office secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblower complaints contain first-hand evidence.

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A Politico article that revealed the truth, before the collective liberal media coordinated on their ubiquitous anti-Trump Newspeak narrative:

Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.



Donald Trump wasn’t the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet bloc country.

Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia. But they were far less concerted or centrally directed than Russia’s alleged hacking and dissemination of Democratic emails.

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine. Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.

Yet Politico’s investigation found evidence of Ukrainian government involvement in the race that appears to strain diplomatic protocol dictating that governments refrain from engaging in one another’s elections.

Russia’s meddling has sparked outrage from the American body politic. The U.S. intelligence community undertook the rare move of publicizing its findings on the matter, and President Barack Obama took several steps to officially retaliate, while members of Congress continue pushing for more investigations into the hacking and a harder line against Russia, which was already viewed in Washington as America’s leading foreign adversary.

Ukraine, on the other hand, has traditionally enjoyed strong relations with U.S. administrations. Its officials worry that could change under Trump, whose team has privately expressed sentiments ranging from ambivalence to deep skepticism about Poroshenko’s regime, while sounding unusually friendly notes about Putin’s regime.

Poroshenko is scrambling to alter that dynamic, recently signing a $50,000-a-month contract with a well-connected GOP-linked Washington lobbying firm to set up meetings with U.S. government officials “to strengthen U.S.-Ukrainian relations.”

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort (pictured) and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort (pictured) and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation. | Getty

Revelations about Ukraine’s anti-Trump efforts could further set back those efforts.

“Things seem to be going from bad to worse for Ukraine,” said David A. Merkel, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council who helped oversee U.S. relations with Russia and Ukraine while working in George W. Bush’s State Department and National Security Council.

Merkel, who has served as an election observer in Ukrainian presidential elections dating back to 1993, noted there’s some irony in Ukraine and Russia taking opposite sides in the 2016 presidential race, given that past Ukrainian elections were widely viewed in Washington’s foreign policy community as proxy wars between the U.S. and Russia.

“Now, it seems that a U.S. election may have been seen as a surrogate battle by those in Kiev and Moscow,” Merkel said.


The Ukrainian antipathy for Trump’s team — and alignment with Clinton’s — can be traced back to late 2013. That’s when the country’s president, Viktor Yanukovych, whom Manafort had been advising, abruptly backed out of a European Union pact linked to anti-corruption reforms. Instead, Yanukovych entered into a multibillion-dollar bailout agreement with Russia, sparking protests across Ukraine and prompting Yanukovych to flee the country to Russia under Putin’s protection.

In the ensuing crisis, Russian troops moved into the Ukrainian territory of Crimea, and Manafort dropped off the radar.

Manafort’s work for Yanukovych caught the attention of a veteran Democratic operative named Alexandra Chalupa, who had worked in the White House Office of Public Liaison during the Clinton administration. Chalupa went on to work as a staffer, then as a consultant, for Democratic National Committee. The DNC paid her $412,000 from 2004 to June 2016, according to Federal Election Commission records, though she also was paid by other clients during that time, including Democratic campaigns and the DNC’s arm for engaging expatriate Democrats around the world.

A daughter of Ukrainian immigrants who maintains strong ties to the Ukrainian-American diaspora and the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, Chalupa, a lawyer by training, in 2014 was doing pro bono work for another client interested in the Ukrainian crisis and began researching Manafort’s role in Yanukovych’s rise, as well as his ties to the pro-Russian oligarchs who funded Yanukovych’s political party.

In an interview this month, Chalupa told Politico she had developed a network of sources in Kiev and Washington, including investigative journalists, government officials and private intelligence operatives. While her consulting work at the DNC this past election cycle centered on mobilizing ethnic communities — including Ukrainian-Americans — she said that, when Trump’s unlikely presidential campaign began surging in late 2015, she began focusing more on the research, and expanded it to include Trump’s ties to Russia, as well.

She occasionally shared her findings with officials from the DNC and Clinton’s campaign, Chalupa said. In January 2016 — months before Manafort had taken any role in Trump’s campaign — Chalupa told a senior DNC official that, when it came to Trump’s campaign, “I felt there was a Russia connection,” Chalupa recalled. “And that, if there was, that we can expect Paul Manafort to be involved in this election,” said Chalupa, who at the time also was warning leaders in the Ukrainian-American community that Manafort was “Putin’s political brain for manipulating U.S. foreign policy and elections.”

She said she shared her concern with Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.S., Valeriy Chaly, and one of his top aides, Oksana Shulyar, during a March 2016 meeting at the Ukrainian Embassy. According to someone briefed on the meeting, Chaly said that Manafort was very much on his radar, but that he wasn’t particularly concerned about the operative’s ties to Trump since he didn’t believe Trump stood much of a chance of winning the GOP nomination, let alone the presidency.

That was not an uncommon view at the time, and, perhaps as a result, Trump’s ties to Russia — let alone Manafort’s — were not the subject of much attention.
That all started to change just four days after Chalupa’s meeting at the embassy, when it was reported that Trump had in fact hired Manafort, suggesting that Chalupa may have been on to something. She quickly found herself in high demand. The day after Manafort’s hiring was revealed, she briefed the DNC’s communications staff on Manafort, Trump and their ties to Russia, according to an operative familiar with the situation.

A former DNC staffer described the exchange as an “informal conversation,” saying “‘briefing’ makes it sound way too formal,” and adding, “We were not directing or driving her work on this.” Yet, the former DNC staffer and the operative familiar with the situation agreed that with the DNC’s encouragement, Chalupa asked embassy staff to try to arrange an interview in which Poroshenko might discuss Manafort’s ties to Yanukovych.

While the embassy declined that request, officials there became “helpful” in Chalupa’s efforts, she said, explaining that she traded information and leads with them. “If I asked a question, they would provide guidance, or if there was someone I needed to follow up with.” But she stressed, “There were no documents given, nothing like that.”

Chalupa said the embassy also worked directly with reporters researching Trump, Manafort and Russia to point them in the right directions. She added, though, “they were being very protective and not speaking to the press as much as they should have. I think they were being careful because their situation was that they had to be very, very careful because they could not pick sides. It’s a political issue, and they didn’t want to get involved politically because they couldn’t.”

Shulyar vehemently denied working with reporters or with Chalupa on anything related to Trump or Manafort, explaining “we were stormed by many reporters to comment on this subject, but our clear and adamant position was not to give any comment [and] not to interfere into the campaign affairs.”

Both Shulyar and Chalupa said the purpose of their initial meeting was to organize a June reception at the embassy to promote Ukraine. According to the embassy’s website, the event highlighted female Ukrainian leaders, featuring speeches by Ukrainian parliamentarian Hanna Hopko, who discussed “Ukraine’s fight against the Russian aggression in Donbas,” and longtime Hillary Clinton confidante Melanne Verveer, who worked for Clinton in the State Department and was a vocal surrogate during the presidential campaign.

Shulyar said her work with Chalupa “didn’t involve the campaign,” and she specifically stressed that “We have never worked to research and disseminate damaging information about Donald Trump and Paul Manafort.”
But Andrii Telizhenko, who worked as a political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy under Shulyar, said she instructed him to help Chalupa research connections between Trump, Manafort and Russia. “Oksana said that if I had any information, or knew other people who did, then I should contact Chalupa,” recalled Telizhenko, who is now a political consultant in Kiev. “They were coordinating an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa,” he said, adding “Oksana was keeping it all quiet,” but “the embassy worked very closely with” Chalupa.

In fact, sources familiar with the effort say that Shulyar specifically called Telizhenko into a meeting with Chalupa to provide an update on an American media outlet’s ongoing investigation into Manafort.

Telizhenko recalled that Chalupa told him and Shulyar that, “If we can get enough information on Paul [Manafort] or Trump’s involvement with Russia, she can get a hearing in Congress by September.”

Chalupa confirmed that, a week after Manafort’s hiring was announced, she discussed the possibility of a congressional investigation with a foreign policy legislative assistant in the office of Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), who co-chairs the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus. But, Chalupa said, “It didn’t go anywhere.”

Asked about the effort, the Kaptur legislative assistant called it a “touchy subject” in an internal email to colleagues that was accidentally forwarded to Politico.

Kaptur’s office later emailed an official statement explaining that the lawmaker is backing a bill to create an independent commission to investigate “possible outside interference in our elections.” The office added “at this time, the evidence related to this matter points to Russia, but Congresswoman Kaptur is concerned with any evidence of foreign entities interfering in our elections.”


Almost as quickly as Chalupa’s efforts attracted the attention of the Ukrainian Embassy and Democrats, she also found herself the subject of some unwanted attention from overseas.

Within a few weeks of her initial meeting at the embassy with Shulyar and Chaly, Chalupa on April 20 received the first of what became a series of messages from the administrators of her private Yahoo email account, warning her that “state-sponsored actors” were trying to hack into her emails.

She kept up her crusade, appearing on a panel a week after the initial hacking message to discuss her research on Manafort with a group of Ukrainian investigative journalists gathered at the Library of Congress for a program sponsored by a U.S. congressional agency called the Open World Leadership Center.

Center spokeswoman Maura Shelden stressed that her group is nonpartisan and ensures “that our delegations hear from both sides of the aisle, receiving bipartisan information.” She said the Ukrainian journalists in subsequent days met with Republican officials in North Carolina and elsewhere. And she said that, before the Library of Congress event, “Open World’s program manager for Ukraine did contact Chalupa to advise her that Open World is a nonpartisan agency of the Congress.”
Chalupa, though, indicated in an email that was later hacked and released by WikiLeaks that the Open World Leadership Center “put me on the program to speak specifically about Paul Manafort.”

In the email, which was sent in early May to then-DNC communications director Luis Miranda, Chalupa noted that she had extended an invitation to the Library of Congress forum to veteran Washington investigative reporter Michael Isikoff. Two days before the event, he had published a story for Yahoo News revealing the unraveling of a $26 million deal between Manafort and a Russian oligarch related to a telecommunications venture in Ukraine. And Chalupa wrote in the email she’d been “working with for the past few weeks” with Isikoff “and connected him to the Ukrainians” at the event.

Isikoff, who accompanied Chalupa to a reception at the Ukrainian Embassy immediately after the Library of Congress event, declined to comment.

Chalupa further indicated in her hacked May email to the DNC that she had additional sensitive information about Manafort that she intended to share “offline” with Miranda and DNC research director Lauren Dillon, including “a big Trump component you and Lauren need to be aware of that will hit in next few weeks and something I’m working on you should be aware of.” Explaining that she didn’t feel comfortable sharing the intel over email, Chalupa attached a screenshot of a warning from Yahoo administrators about “state-sponsored” hacking on her account, explaining, “Since I started digging into Manafort these messages have been a daily occurrence on my yahoo account despite changing my password often.”

Dillon and Miranda declined to comment.

A DNC official stressed that Chalupa was a consultant paid to do outreach for the party’s political department, not a researcher. She undertook her investigations into Trump, Manafort and Russia on her own, and the party did not incorporate her findings in its dossiers on the subjects, the official said, stressing that the DNC had been building robust research books on Trump and his ties to Russia long before Chalupa began sounding alarms.

Nonetheless, Chalupa’s hacked email reportedly escalated concerns among top party officials, hardening their conclusion that Russia likely was behind the cyber intrusions with which the party was only then beginning to grapple.

Chalupa left the DNC after the Democratic convention in late July to focus fulltime on her research into Manafort, Trump and Russia. She said she provided off-the-record information and guidance to “a lot of journalists” working on stories related to Manafort and Trump’s Russia connections, despite what she described as escalating harassment.

About a month-and-a-half after Chalupa first started receiving hacking alerts, someone broke into her car outside the Northwest Washington home where she lives with her husband and three young daughters, she said. They “rampaged it, basically, but didn’t take anything valuable — left money, sunglasses, $1,200 worth of golf clubs,” she said, explaining she didn’t file a police report after that incident because she didn’t connect it to her research and the hacking.

But by the time a similar vehicle break-in occurred involving two family cars, she was convinced that it was a Russia-linked intimidation campaign. The police report on the latter break-in noted that “both vehicles were unlocked by an unknown person and the interior was ransacked, with papers and the garage openers scattered throughout the cars. Nothing was taken from the vehicles.”

Then, early in the morning on another day, a woman “wearing white flowers in her hair” tried to break into her family’s home at 1:30 a.m., Chalupa said. Shulyar told Chalupa that the mysterious incident bore some of the hallmarks of intimidation campaigns used against foreigners in Russia, according to Chalupa.

“This is something that they do to U.S. diplomats, they do it to Ukrainians. Like, this is how they operate. They break into people’s homes. They harass people. They’re theatrical about it,” Chalupa said. “They must have seen when I was writing to the DNC staff, outlining who Manafort was, pulling articles, saying why it was significant, and painting the bigger picture.”

In a Yahoo News story naming Chalupa as one of 16 “ordinary people” who “shaped the 2016 election,” Isikoff wrote that after Chalupa left the DNC, FBI agents investigating the hacking questioned her and examined her laptop and smartphone.

Chalupa this month told Politico that, as her research and role in the election started becoming more public, she began receiving death threats, along with continued alerts of state-sponsored hacking. But she said, “None of this has scared me off.”


While it’s not uncommon for outside operatives to serve as intermediaries between governments and reporters, one of the more damaging Russia-related stories for the Trump campaign — and certainly for Manafort — can be traced more directly to the Ukrainian government.

Documents released by an independent Ukrainian government agency — and publicized by a parliamentarian — appeared to show $12.7 million in cash payments that were earmarked for Manafort by the Russia-aligned party of the deposed former president, Yanukovych.

The New York Times, in the August story revealing the ledgers’ existence, reported that the payments earmarked for Manafort were “a focus” of an investigation by Ukrainian anti-corruption officials, while CNN reported days later that the FBI was pursuing an overlapping inquiry.

Clinton’s campaign seized on the story to advance Democrats’ argument that Trump’s campaign was closely linked to Russia. The ledger represented “more troubling connections between Donald Trump’s team and pro-Kremlin elements in Ukraine,” Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, said in a statement. He demanded that Trump “disclose campaign chair Paul Manafort’s and all other campaign employees’ and advisers’ ties to Russian or pro-Kremlin entities, including whether any of Trump’s employees or advisers are currently representing and or being paid by them.”

former Ukrainian investigative journalist and current parliamentarian named Serhiy Leshchenko, who was elected in 2014 as part of Poroshenko’s party, held a news conference to highlight the ledgers, and to urge Ukrainian and American law enforcement to aggressively investigate Manafort.

“I believe and understand the basis of these payments are totally against the law — we have the proof from these books,” Leshchenko said during the news conference, which attracted international media coverage. “If Mr. Manafort denies any allegations, I think he has to be interrogated into this case and prove his position that he was not involved in any misconduct on the territory of Ukraine,” Leshchenko added.

Manafort denied receiving any off-books cash from Yanukovych’s Party of Regions, and said that he had never been contacted about the ledger by Ukrainian or American investigators, later telling POLITICO “I was just caught in the crossfire.”

According to a series of memos reportedly compiled for Trump’s opponents by a former British intelligence agent, Yanukovych, in a secret meeting with Putin on the day after the Times published its report, admitted that he had authorized “substantial kickback payments to Manafort.” But according to the report, which was published Tuesday by BuzzFeed but remains unverified. Yanukovych assured Putin “that there was no documentary trail left behind which could provide clear evidence of this” — an alleged statement that seemed to implicitly question the authenticity of the ledger.

The scrutiny around the ledgers — combined with that from other stories about his Ukraine work — proved too much, and he stepped down from the Trump campaign less than a week after the Times story.

At the time, Leshchenko suggested that his motivation was partly to undermine Trump. “For me, it was important to show not only the corruption aspect, but that he is [a] pro-Russian candidate who can break the geopolitical balance in the world,” Leshchenko told the Financial Times about two weeks after his news conference. The newspaper noted that Trump’s candidacy had spurred “Kiev’s wider political leadership to do something they would never have attempted before: intervene, however indirectly, in a U.S. election,” and the story quoted Leshchenko asserting that the majority of Ukraine’s politicians are “on Hillary Clinton’s side.”

But by this month, Leshchenko was seeking to recast his motivation, telling Politico, “I didn’t care who won the U.S. elections. This was a decision for the American voters to decide.” His goal in highlighting the ledgers, he said was “to raise these issues on a political level and emphasize the importance of the investigation.”

In a series of answers provided to Politico, a spokesman for Poroshenko distanced his administration from both Leshchenko’s efforts and those of the agency that reLeshchenko Leshchenko leased the ledgers, The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine. It was created in 2014 as a condition for Ukraine to receive aid from the U.S. and the European Union, and it signed an evidence-sharing agreement with the FBI in late June — less than a month and a half before it released the ledgers.

The bureau is “fully independent,” the Poroshenko spokesman said, adding that when it came to the presidential administration there was “no targeted action against Manafort.” He added “as to Serhiy Leshchenko, he positions himself as a representative of internal opposition in the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko’s faction, despite [the fact that] he belongs to the faction,” the spokesman said, adding, “it was about him personally who pushed [the anti-corruption bureau] to proceed with investigation on Manafort.”

But an operative who has worked extensively in Ukraine, including as an adviser to Poroshenko, said it was highly unlikely that either Leshchenko or the anti-corruption bureau would have pushed the issue without at least tacit approval from Poroshenko or his closest allies.

“It was something that Poroshenko was probably aware of and could have stopped if he wanted to,” said the operative.

And, almost immediately after Trump’s stunning victory over Clinton, questions began mounting about the investigations into the ledgers — and the ledgers themselves.

An official with the anti-corruption bureau told a Ukrainian newspaper, “Mr. Manafort does not have a role in this case.”

And, while the anti-corruption bureau told Politico late last month that a “general investigation [is] still ongoing” of the ledger, it said Manafort is not a target of the investigation. “As he is not the Ukrainian citizen, [the anti-corruption bureau] by the law couldn’t investigate him personally,” the bureau said in a statement.

Some Poroshenko critics have gone further, suggesting that the bureau is backing away from investigating because the ledgers might have been doctored or even forged.

Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, a Ukrainian former diplomat who served as the country’s head of security under Poroshenko but is now affiliated with a leading opponent of Poroshenko, said it was fishy that “only one part of the black ledger appeared.” He asked, “Where is the handwriting analysis?” and said it was “crazy” to announce an investigation based on the ledgers. He met last month in Washington with Trump allies, and said, “of course they all recognize that our [anti-corruption bureau] intervened in the presidential campaign.”

And in an interview this week, Manafort, who re-emerged as an informal advisor to Trump after Election Day, suggested that the ledgers were inauthentic and called their publication “a politically motivated false attack on me. My role as a paid consultant was public. There was nothing off the books, but the way that this was presented tried to make it look shady.”

He added that he felt particularly wronged by efforts to cast his work in Ukraine as pro-Russian, arguing “all my efforts were focused on helping Ukraine move into Europe and the West.” He specifically cited his work on denuclearizing the country and on the European Union trade and political pact that Yanukovych spurned before fleeing to Russia. “In no case was I ever involved in anything that would be contrary to U.S. interests,” Manafort said.

Yet Russia seemed to come to the defense of Manafort and Trump last month, when a spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry charged that the Ukrainian government used the ledgers as a political weapon.

“Ukraine seriously complicated the work of Trump’s election campaign headquarters by planting information according to which Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chairman, allegedly accepted money from Ukrainian oligarchs,” Maria Zakharova said at a news briefing, according to a transcript of her remarks posted on the Foreign Ministry’s website. “All of you have heard this remarkable story,” she told assembled reporters.


Beyond any efforts to sabotage Trump, Ukrainian officials didn’t exactly extend a hand of friendship to the GOP nominee during the campaign.

The ambassador, Chaly, penned an op-ed for The Hill, in which he chastised Trump for a confusing series of statements in which the GOP candidate at one point expressed a willingness to consider recognizing Russia’s annexation of the Ukrainian territory of Crimea as legitimate. The op-ed made some in the embassy uneasy, sources said.

“That was like too close for comfort, even for them,” said Chalupa. “That was something that was as risky as they were going to be.”

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk warned on Facebook that Trump had “challenged the very values of the free world.”

Ukraine’s minister of internal affairs, Arsen Avakov, piled on, trashing Trump on Twitter in July as a “clown” and asserting that Trump is “an even bigger danger to the US than terrorism.”

Avakov, in a Facebook post, lashed out at Trump for his confusing Crimea comments, calling the assessment the “diagnosis of a dangerous misfit,” according to a translated screenshot featured in one media report, though he later deleted the post. He called Trump “dangerous for Ukraine and the US” and noted that Manafort worked with Yanukovych when the former Ukrainian leader “fled to Russia through Crimea. Where would Manafort lead Trump?”

The Trump-Ukraine relationship grew even more fraught in September with reports that the GOP nominee had snubbed Poroshenko on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where the Ukrainian president tried to meet both major party candidates, but scored only a meeting with Clinton.

Telizhenko, the former embassy staffer, said that, during the primaries, Chaly, the country’s ambassador in Washington, had actually instructed the embassy not to reach out to Trump’s campaign, even as it was engaging with those of Clinton and Trump’s leading GOP rival, Ted Cruz.

“We had an order not to talk to the Trump team, because he was critical of Ukraine and the government and his critical position on Crimea and the conflict,” said Telizhenko. “I was yelled at when I proposed to talk to Trump,” he said, adding, “The ambassador said not to get involved — Hillary is going to win.”

This account was confirmed by Nalyvaichenko, the former diplomat and security chief now affiliated with a Poroshenko opponent, who said, “The Ukrainian authorities closed all doors and windows — this is from the Ukrainian side.” He called the strategy “bad and short-sighted.”

Andriy Artemenko, a Ukrainian parliamentarian associated with a conservative opposition party, did meet with Trump’s team during the campaign and said he personally offered to set up similar meetings for Chaly but was rebuffed.

“It was clear that they were supporting Hillary Clinton’s candidacy,” Artemenko said. “They did everything from organizing meetings with the Clinton team, to publicly supporting her, to criticizing Trump. … I think that they simply didn’t meet because they thought that Hillary would win.”

Shulyar rejected the characterizations that the embassy had a ban on interacting with Trump, instead explaining that it “had different diplomats assigned for dealing with different teams tailoring the content and messaging. So it was not an instruction to abstain from the engagement but rather an internal discipline for diplomats not to get involved into a field she or he was not assigned to, but where another colleague was involved.”

And she pointed out that Chaly traveled to the GOP convention in Cleveland in late July and met with members of Trump’s foreign policy team “to highlight the importance of Ukraine and the support of it by the U.S.”
Despite the outreach, Trump’s campaign in Cleveland gutted a proposed amendment to the Republican Party platform that called for the U.S. to provide “lethal defensive weapons” for Ukraine to defend itself against Russian incursion, backers of the measure charged.

The outreach ramped up after Trump’s victory. Shulyar pointed out that Poroshenko was among the first foreign leaders to call to congratulate Trump. And she said that, since Election Day, Chaly has met with close Trump allies, including Sens. Jeff Sessions, Trump’s nominee for attorney general, and Bob Corker, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, while the ambassador accompanied Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, Ukraine’s vice prime minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration, to a round of Washington meetings with Rep. Tom Marino (R-Pa.), an early Trump backer, and Jim DeMint, president of The Heritage Foundation, which played a prominent role in Trump’s transition.


Many Ukrainian officials and operatives and their American allies see Trump’s inauguration this month as an existential threat to the country, made worse, they admit, by the dissemination of the secret ledger, the antagonistic social media posts and the perception that the embassy meddled against — or at least shut out — Trump.

“It’s really bad. The [Poroshenko] administration right now is trying to re-coordinate communications,” said Telizhenko, adding, “The Trump organization doesn’t want to talk to our administration at all.”

During Nalyvaichenko’s trip to Washington last month, he detected lingering ill will toward Ukraine from some, and lack of interest from others, he recalled. “Ukraine is not on the top of the list, not even the middle,” he said.

Poroshenko’s allies are scrambling to figure out how to build a relationship with Trump, who is known for harboring and prosecuting grudges for years.

A delegation of Ukrainian parliamentarians allied with Poroshenko last month traveled to Washington partly to try to make inroads with the Trump transition team, but they were unable to secure a meeting, according to a Washington foreign policy operative familiar with the trip. And operatives in Washington and Kiev say that after the election, Poroshenko met in Kiev with top executives from the Washington lobbying firm BGR — including Ed Rogers and Lester Munson — about how to navigate the Trump regime.

Weeks later, BGR reported to the Department of Justice that the government of Ukraine would pay the firm $50,000 a month to “provide strategic public relations and government affairs counsel,” including “outreach to U.S. government officials, non-government organizations, members of the media and other individuals.”

Firm spokesman Jeffrey Birnbaum suggested that “pro-Putin oligarchs” were already trying to sow doubts about BGR’s work with Poroshenko. While the firm maintains close relationships with GOP congressional leaders, several of its principals were dismissive or sharply critical of Trump during the GOP primary, which could limit their effectiveness lobbying the new administration.

The Poroshenko regime’s standing with Trump is considered so dire that the president’s allies after the election actually reached out to make amends with — and even seek assistance from — Manafort, according to two operatives familiar with Ukraine’s efforts to make inroads with Trump.

Meanwhile, Poroshenko’s rivals are seeking to capitalize on his dicey relationship with Trump’s team. Some are pressuring him to replace Chaly, a close ally of Poroshenko’s who is being blamed by critics in Kiev and Washington for implementing — if not engineering — the country’s anti-Trump efforts, according to Ukrainian and U.S. politicians and operatives interviewed for this story. They say that several potential Poroshenko opponents have been through Washington since the election seeking audiences of their own with Trump allies, though most have failed to do do so.

“None of the Ukrainians have any access to Trump — they are all desperate to get it, and are willing to pay big for it,” said one American consultant whose company recently met in Washington with Yuriy Boyko, a former vice prime minister under Yanukovych. Boyko, who like Yanukovych has a pro-Russian worldview, is considering a presidential campaign of his own, and his representatives offered “to pay a shit-ton of money” to get access to Trump and his inaugural events, according to the consultant.

The consultant turned down the work, explaining, “It sounded shady, and we don’t want to get in the middle of that kind of stuff.”

I know it's long, but it's there if you want it. A lot of interesting details. Although it's from Jan 2017, just before Trump was inaugurated.
James Clapper turned out to be one of the Deep State conspirators.
Michael Isikoff is a liberal reporter (connected to David Corn and Slate) whose "article" on the Russia Dossier was used by Comey, McCabe and others at FBI/DOJ to falsify "confirming" external evidence, to falsify envidence to FISA judges for >>>four<<< falsely obtained FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page, and through monitoring Page, to spy on the entire Trump organization. The fact that that the FISA judges have never come forward to object, to express outrage that they issued warrants based on falsified evidence (a federal crime), for these FISA judges to not rescind the warrants and throw out the evidence as fruit of the poisoned tree, inclines me to believe they are Hillary 2016 voters, and are loyal soldiers of the Deep State as well.

But this was the beginning of the story starting to unravel, despite the liberal media's best efforts to silence it.

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An aspect I hadn't thought of until I read John Solomon's article, is that when Joseph Biden got Shokin fired in March 2016, is that it wasn't just about protecting his son and their joint Burisma Holdings profits, but also ending an investigation of the Bidens to eliminate possible scandal for Hillary Clinton during the most important months of the 2016 campaign.

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Schiff committee's reported contact with whistleblower a 'gift' to Trump, Tom Bevan says

President Trump may consider reported contact between the Ukraine whistleblower and Rep. Adam Schiff's, D-Calif., House Intelligence Committee as free reign to disparage the impeachment inquiry, according to Tom Bevan.
Schiff also appears to have not been completely forthright about said contact with the whistleblower in the past, the Real Clear Politics co-founder claimed Wednesday on "Special Report."

"This is a gift to Trump," he said.

"As everybody's racing to try and frame the narrative, this is a gift to Donald Trump in the sense that he can now muddy the waters and say 'look, this was a setup -- this was a fraud -- this is a hoax'."
Already, the president has called the impeachment inquiry over his transcribed phone call with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky a "hoax" and earlier Wednesday called Schiff a "fraud."

spokesman for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., had acknowledged for the first time on Wednesday that the whistleblower alleging misconduct in the White House had reached out to Schiff's panel before filing a complaint -- prompting President Trump, in an extraordinary afternoon news conference at the White House, to accuse Schiff directly of helping write the document.

Schiff had previously claimed in a televised interview that "we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower." A Schiff spokesperson seemingly narrowed that claim late Wednesday, telling Fox News that Schiff himself "does not know the identity of the whistleblower, and has not met with or spoken with the whistleblower or their counsel" for any reason.

"It shows that Schiff is a fraud. ... I think it's a scandal that he knew before," Trump said, as Finnish President Sauli Niinisto stood at an adjacent podium. "I'd go a step further. I'd say he probably helped write it. ... That's a big story. He knew long before, and he helped write it too. It's a scam."

On "Special Report," Bevan called the report "valuable" and also discussed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's apparent reticence to schedule a formal floor vote on impeachment.
He said Pelosi, D-Calif., has afforded herself maximum flexibility in that without the vote, her committees can issue subpoenas but the minority -- Republicans -- cannot petition for them.
On the flip side, he said, Republicans can tag the inquiry as mostly political because the San Francisco lawmaker [Pelosi] has not taken the formal step of making it a "serious inquiry."

Schiff alleged that if the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) had not informed him of the whistleblower complaint, Schiff would not have known about it.
That turns out to be another lie, and a big one.

That the whistleblower first came to Schiff's office for advice on how to construct and submit the complaint, and Schiff or his office told them who to obtain as legal counsel, and as it continues to unwind, how to construct the allegation for maximum damage on Trump.

This is an outrageous cartoon of actual legality, that urinates on rule of law. There are already calls for Schiff's resignation from the Judiciary committee, and to resign his House seat as well. As the extent of his dishonesty unfolds, I expect those calls to grow. He is a participant of the coup against Trump, which makes laughable the notion that he can sit as a neutral judge of the whistleblower evidence as head of the House Judicial Committee. He is a participant, and a partisan.

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I understand why you want to focus on that type of stuff instead of Trump asking a foreign government a favor of trying to dig up dirt on his political rival but the phone call transcript that was released was damming. The texts I read from the diplomats make clear that Trump was tying aid on the condition of Zelensky investigating Biden. I think republicans in office are going to have a hard time if they try to justify Trump's criminal ways on this one.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I understand why you want to focus on that type of stuff instead of Trump asking a foreign government a favor of trying to dig up dirt on his political rival but the phone call transcript that was released was damming. The texts I read from the diplomats make clear that Trump was tying aid on the condition of Zelensky investigating Biden. I think republicans in office are going to have a hard time if they try to justify Trump's criminal ways on this one.

Can you truly be that willfully ignorant, M E M?
WAY before this allegation was ever revealed, your party has been seeking to undo the election result from at least the moment Trump won the election.
And the irregularities and suspicious twistings of the rules (the whistleblower report changes made just before they were used the very first time to accuse Trump, and no one is explaining or taking credit for how those rule changes occurred, and filed by an unnamed CIA agent inside the White House spying on the president in an agency that isn't supposed to spy on U.S. citizens, but he is, the president no less, and filing a whistleblower report that was clearly assembled by a think-tank of far-left lawyers by some Soros-funded group, clearly not written by the CIA agent his/her self. And an agent who clearly is a Hillary Clinton voter and a supporter of one of the 2020 Democrats, with a clear animus toward President Trump. On and on, the suspicious irregularities. This is so clearly a set-up to launch another coup, to depose Trump by illicit means, under the merest pseudo-appearance of legality.

Last night on Hannity I watched a 3-year montage of liberal-media news clips (courtesy of Media Research Center) that showed literally every single month since the election night 2016 Democrats and the liberal media have gleefully leaped on every half-baked contrivance as the basis for moving for impeachment of Trump. "This time for sure! No really, we really have him this time!" Well... No, not really.
EVERY single month, with news clips from each month, with different attempted contrivances every month. EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH.
There is less to rationalize an impeachment than there was to impeach Bill Clinton, and you know how that went for the Republicans.

As soon as Nancy Pelosi announced her little "inquiry to pursue possible impeachment", in that 3 days the Trump campaign raised 150 million dollars. In 3 days. Biden's campaign took 3 months to raise a sum close to that.

This is not "the law" or "justice", this is a Democrat Bolshevik party abusing their power to impeach the president based on nothing other than their having a House majority, just because they can, to impeach an innocent man, just to score a political victory. These Democrats are digging their own political graves. And further splintering the nation along political lines in the process.

It absolutely terrifies me that these maniacs could ever regain power. It would be the Frech Revolution and the Reign of Terror all over again. Your party is lawless, filled with hatred, and utterly insane.

Here's a roster of the Congreessmen supporting and opposing the impeachment vote.
I was disappointed to see not one Florida Democrat, including RINO convert Charlie Crist, opposed it. I will vote accordingly in November 2020.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Even it were true that democrats wanted to impeach Trump from day 1, that isn't a defense for Trump withholding aid while asking a foreign power to investigate his political rival. You nor the GOP would never tolerate a democrat president acting in such an obvious corrupt fashion like Trump did with another country.

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Its evident that foreign aid was used to ensure Trump's main biggest political rival was investigated by a foreign country.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Its evident that foreign aid was used to ensure Trump's main biggest political rival was investigated by a foreign country.

It's evident that Biden and his son did something majorly wrong, and the Democrat-compliant media and deep state are doing their damnedest to create a false narrative to damage or impeach Trump.

EVERYTHING that Trump is accused of doing is EXACTLY what Biden has done. And further, that Democrat Senators Menendez, Durbin and Leahy sent a clearly threatening letter to Ukraine that aid was directly dependent on their cooperation, even as they and other Democrats strain to allege Trump is guilty of doing so on pure conjecture, with no facts in evidence.

The infuriating part, for 3 years and counting, is that Demcorats falsely accuse Trump at every turn of wild stuff. And ironically, when their side is guilty of exactly those things, Democrat leadership and the lapdog liberal media consider it intolerable to consider investigating or even discussing the far more evident corruption and intimidation by Democrats.

I was watching Media Buzz this morning, and they cited that despite the incredible conflicts of interest by Adam Schiff this week (first, maaking up a false statement by Donald Trump of his conversation with the Ukranian president, then a few days later it was revealed that Sciff lied and said he didn't talk in advance to the whistleblower, when in fact his office was the first place the whistleblower talked to, that Schiff's office selected the anonymous person''s law office and helped him sculpt the whistleblower/leaker to do maximum damage to Trump). And that none of the liberal networks gave any coverage whatsoever to the story, only Fox covered it. That is some incredible selective omission.

Trump had 94% Republican voter support going into this, more than any other president, and this partisan smear job has only increased and galvanized his support. This is aalready blowing up in the Dems' faces. Independent voters as well see this is a hit job on the president.

It's a hail-Mary pass by the Democrats, knowing it's the only possibility they could win in 2020, and they've fumbled even this ball.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Despite an attempted media black-out on the truth, a few specks of light are shining through. Despite that most of the media only want to report a lying narrative that helps the Democrats and damages Trump. But the facts are slowly coming out regardless.

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The Democrats and deep state showed their hand early, on Jan 3 2017, even before Trump was inaugurated. With Sen. Chuck Schumer's saying the intelligence community bureaucrats have "six ways from Sunday to get back at you" if you resist them and don't follow the status quo corruption they thrive in.

Tucker Carlson: Trump refused to bow to intelligence agencies , 10-3-2019

And they've been orchestrating and lobbing bombs at Trump from the shadows of the FBI/CIA/DNI intelligence field ever since.
That this latest anonymous "whistleblower" attempt is just the latest incoming.

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Did you read what the Trump appointed diplomats were texting? I know you would be screaming if Obama had tried something like this. I certainly could be wrong but I think what is already uncovered proves Trump was holding foreign aid to push a foreign government to try and find dirt on his biggest political rival. Trump screaming impeachment at any republican that doesn't try to protect his fat, lying, treasonous ass may become a regular occurrence as hard reality of what he's done forces the GOP to do more than push talking points.

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Support for impeachment continues to grow for Trump. Today he barred a diplomat for giving testimony. After reading the texts I can see why.

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Here's a lengthy Glenn Beck chalkboard breakdown of all the connections to the corruption in Ukraine and Obama/Hillary/The Democrats, from February 2014 forward, with a bit of Beck-style humor.

UKRAINE SCANDAL EXPLAINED: Chalkboard on DNC Collusion, Joe Biden, Soros, Trump & More

Back when Beck was on CNN Headline News (before he went to Fox in 2009-2010) Beck injected a lot of humor in this style into his serious commentary, more akin to Jon Stewart's show.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Support for impeachment continues to grow for Trump. Today he barred a diplomat for giving testimony. After reading the texts I can see why.

Are you unaware of the true facts, M E M?

The support for a Trump impeachment has gone down from a week ago, not up.

After another week with impeachment in the news, registered voters nationwide are still divided on impeaching and removing President Trump from office, with 45 percent saying he should be impeached and removed and 49 percent opposing the idea, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today. This compares to last week's poll, in which voters were evenly split on impeaching and removing the president 47 - 47 percent. In a poll released on September 25, before any major news about impeachment, voters were clearly against impeachment 37 - 57 percent.

While nearly half of voters do not currently back impeachment, a majority of voters do still approve 53 - 43 percent of the impeachment inquiry being conducted by the U.S. House of Representatives in order to determine whether or not to bring impeachment charges against the president. A week ago, voters approved of the inquiry 52 - 45 percent.

After another week with impeachment in the news, registered voters nationwide are still divided on impeaching and removing President Trump from office, with 45 percent saying he should be impeached and removed and 49 percent opposing the idea, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll released today. This compares to last week's poll, in which voters were evenly split on impeaching and removing the president 47 - 47 percent. In a poll released on September 25, before any major news about impeachment, voters were clearly against impeachment 37 - 57 percent.

While nearly half of voters do not currently back impeachment, a majority of voters do still approve 53 - 43 percent of the impeachment inquiry being conducted by the U.S. House of Representatives in order to determine whether or not to bring impeachment charges against the president. A week ago, voters approved of the inquiry 52 - 45 percent.

45% support an impeachment inquiry (not necessarily actual impeachment).
49% oppose it.

An overwhelming majority of both Republicans and independent voters oppose it. (When calling for actual impeachment, vs just an inquiry for potential impeachment.)

And I would lay money that a majority of Democrats support impeachment not because they think Trump is actually guilty of anything, but simply as a weapon to depose a Republican. And even if the Democrats, breaking every constitutional rule of fairness and process, were actually able to get the House majority vote needed to pass impeachment, that legislation would be dead on arrival as soon as it got to the Senate.

The Democrat actions in the House are unfair and don't even allow Republicans to summon witnesses for hearings, or otherwise investigate. And every week that goes by, as more details surface of the malicious abuse of the process on the Democrat side, voters are more aware of that.
The Democrat push for impeachment is waning in popularity, not rising, as the Democrats' partisan viciousness and unfairness in these "inquiry" pseudo-impeachment Democrat committee posturings, avoiding a push in the House for an actual investigation, become increasingly clear.

Without the lying propaganda and selective omission of the true facts by the liberal media, there would be no support for impeachment at all.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Steve Hilton: The truth about impeachment , Sunday, Oct 6, 2019

Steve Hilton a former advisor to David Cameron inthe British government, on last Sunday's The Next Revolution program, navigates through the lying narrative of the Democrats, and explains the omitted facts.

This is yet another ruse by the Democrats, to de-legitimize and depose Trump, or (Plan B) to sacrifice Biden while taking Trump out to get rid of both of them. But the Democrats' and liberal media's collaborative lying narrative is already crumbling.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Support for impeachment continues to grow for Trump. Today he barred a diplomat for giving testimony. After reading the texts I can see why.

Are you unaware of the true factss, M E M?

The support for a Trump impeachment has gone down from a week ago, not up.

After another week with impeachment in the news, registered voters nationwide are still divided on impeaching and removing President Trump from office, with 45 percent saying he should be impeached and removed and 49 percent opposing the idea, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll released today. This compares to last week's poll, in which voters were evenly split on impeaching and removing the president 47 - 47 percent. In a poll released on September 25, before any major news about impeachment, voters were clearly against impeachment 37 - 57 percent.

While nearly half of voters do not currently back impeachment, a majority of voters do still approve 53 - 43 percent of the impeachment inquiry being conducted by the U.S. House of Representatives in order to determine whether or not to bring impeachment charges against the president. A week ago, voters approved of the inquiry 52 - 45 percent.

After another week with impeachment in the news, registered voters nationwide are still divided on impeaching and removing President Trump from office, with 45 percent saying he should be impeached and removed and 49 percent opposing the idea, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll released today. This compares to last week's poll, in which voters were evenly split on impeaching and removing the president 47 - 47 percent. In a poll released on September 25, before any major news about impeachment, voters were clearly against impeachment 37 - 57 percent.

While nearly half of voters do not currently back impeachment, a majority of voters do still approve 53 - 43 percent of the impeachment inquiry being conducted by the U.S. House of Representatives in order to determine whether or not to bring impeachment charges against the president. A week ago, voters approved of the inquiry 52 - 45 percent.

45% support an impeachment inquiry (not necessarily actual impeachment).
49% oppose it.

An overwhelming majority of both Republicans and independent voters oppose it. (When calling for actual impeachment, vs just an inquiry for potential impeachment.)

And I would lay money that a majority of Democrats support impeachment not because they think Trump is actually guilty of anything, but simply as a weapon to depose a Republican. And even if the Democrats, breaking every constitutional rule of fairness and process, were actually able to get the House majority vote needed to pass impeachment, that legislation would be dead on arrival as soon as it got to the Senate.

The Democrat actions in the House are unfair and don't even allow Republicans to summon witnesses for hearings, or otherwise investigate. And every week that goes by, as more details surface of the malicious abuse of the process on the Democrat side, voters are more aware of that.
The Democrat push for impeachment is waning in popularity, not rising, as the Democrats' partisan viciousness and unfairness in these "inquiry" pseudo-impeachment Democrat committee posturings, avoiding a push in the House for an actual investigation, become increasingly clear.

Without the lying propaganda and selective omission of the true facts by the liberal media, there would be no support for impeachment at all.

Actually the poll you cite shows 53 percent support an impeachment inquiry not 45 percent. That 45 percent is already for impeachment. The House has a constitutional right to have this impeachment inquiry. Trump abused his office by asking a foreign government for the favor of investigating his political rival. Would you honestly be okay if Obama had done that? I don't think so but if you have an argument otherwise please share.

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In other impeachment news Trump gave up any pretense of cooperation with the inquiry and is blocking witnesses from speaking. That's what guilty people do when the facts are not on their side. I would have thought he would have wanted his big donor testify today though but apparently even that guy was seen as doing damage.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
In other impeachment news Trump gave up any pretense of cooperation with the inquiry and is blocking witnesses from speaking. That's what guilty people do when the facts are not on their side. I would have thought he would have wanted his big donor testify today though but apparently even that guy was seen as doing damage.

You didn't read it correctly. It shows support for impeachment went down from 47% from a week ago, to 45%.

It shows that public support for a House inquiry to explore what the facts are has gone up from 52% to 53%.
The problem is that despite the facts are exonerating Trump and showing the Democrats' deceitful tactics, 90% of the media are selectively omitting those facts and propagandizing against Trump and for the Democrats.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
In other impeachment news Trump gave up any pretense of cooperation with the inquiry and is blocking witnesses from speaking. That's what guilty people do when the facts are not on their side. I would have thought he would have wanted his big donor testify today though but apparently even that guy was seen as doing damage.

Trump (in the form of a letter from white house attorney Pat Cippolone, has said until Democrats follow the law and give Trump and the Republicans the same rights and subpoena power to call witnesses, the White House will not cooperate.
Because as it stands, the Democratss have set up a Soviet-style kangaroo court. Rep Jim Jorndan (R-OH) used that exact phrase.

Democrats, by not doing an actual inquiry and call for a vote for impeachment, sets it up so Democrats can call control investigation and call witnesses for testimony, but the Republicans cannot! Is that fair? Until that changes, Trump and the Republicans are absolutely right not to participate or cooperate. That is NOT how impeachment went with Richard Nixon, or how it went with Bill Clinton. Both these previous presidents had a right to defend themselves.

Lauraa Igrhaham covered it well last night, along with well known lawyers Joe Digenova and Rudy Giuliani:

The Ingraham Angle 10/9/19 [2AM] | Breaking Fox News October 9, 2019

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Another more recent poll from Fox News:

Showing that many want Trump impeached for other reasons, and that even among Democrats, many don't think the Ukranian phone call warrants impeachment.

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Tucker Carlson had another exceptional show last night. His opening editorial discusses the hypocrisy of the Democrats on sexual predators that they protect among their own, like Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Hearvey Weinstein, and how both Hillary Clinton, the broader DNC and NBC protected Harvey Weinstein, and suppressed the truth about Weinstein, and Ronan Farrow who did good journalism on Weinstein was completely unable to report that story for NBC as they covered for Weinstein, on Hillary Clinton's orders, and Farrow had to go to another publication to report it, where it won a pulitzer prize.

About mid way into the show, Carlson intviewed an actual whistleblower, John Kiriakou, a former CIA agent who gave the first on-the-record statement about waterboarding Al Qaida prisoners, for which he was ostracized, and spent about 3 years in federal prison, for his courage coming forward. CNN and MSNBC called him a "CIA leaker" and not a whisleblower.
And when he was in federal prison, it was not country club prison in 2012-2014, it was in general population, despite what he was promised. Interesting also that it was Mueller, Comey, and even Peter Strzok who turned the screws on him.
And the current so called "whistle-blower"'s lawyer, Zaid, is heavily connected to the CIA and even still has a security clearance. In Kiriakou's words, is anything but an iconoclastic whistleblower. Just another cog in the deep state machine, very well connected, that further proves this is just part of a larger plot aagaainst Trump. As if all the other irregularities didn't already make that clear, such as a CIA leadership change to the whistleblower report right before it was used on Trump, but no one takes credit for the change.

Then more on the Bidens in Ukraine and elsewhere, in more corrupt financial dealings, likewise protected by the Democrat political machine.

Tucker Carlson Tonight, October 9, 2019

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At some point I think you have to place the blame on Trump. Nobody forced him to call Ukrain and ask them as a favor to investigate his biggest political rival while withholding for aid money. If that was a rough transcript of Obama doing that you and Tucker would be screaming Impeach in unison with a ton of other partisans. Please correct me though if I'm wrong.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
At some point I think you have to place the blame on Trump. Nobody forced him to call Ukrain and ask them as a favor to investigate his biggest political rival while withholding for aid money. If that was a rough transcript of Obama doing that you and Tucker would be screaming Impeach in unison with a ton of other partisans. Please correct me though if I'm wrong.

Jesus God!

Trump almost immediately released the ENTIRE TRANSCRIPT of the call he made to the president of Ukraine! I've posted links above to both the transcript, and to the whistleblower's letter! Beyond Democrat malicious and deliberate misrepresentation, WHAT IS THERE FOR TRUMP TO HAVE ALLEGEDLY HIDDEN?
No other president has ever been as willing to not hide behind presidential privelege, to be availaable for interviews and press conferences.
As contrasted with Joseph Biden who hid for close to a week and wouldn't answer questions. Hunter Biden has been the subject of controversy for over 3 weeks now, and has NEVER come forward for a single press conference or interview, no one even knows where he is! Where is the curiosity of Democrats and the liberal Newspeak media about THAT?!?

The only ambiguous phrase in the Trump/Ukraine phone call is where Trump during the call said to the Ukranian president "Hey, do me a favor...", which is a phrase Trump commonly uses with colleagues, and even (as only reported on Fox News of the major networks) has used that many times to audiences at his rallies. But there is absolutely no evidence of a "quid pro quo" arrangement or threats or intimidation of the Ukranian president.
While Trump had withheld some aid to Ukraine, the Ukrainian president was completely unaware of the delay in aid, and only became aware of it 30 days after their conversation, >>AFTER<< the aid was already resumed, and it was delayed to assure that it was not being used for corrupt purposes, not for any negotiating leverage with Ukraaine for Biden records. If Trump had been trying to intimidate or Leverage Zelenskyy in their TRANSCRIBED AND RELEASED conversation, it would have been in the released notes of the call.

In point of fact, the Ukranian government has for the last 3 years attempted to report information and documents on Biden/Burisma and 2016 election meddling to (pro Obama/pro-Hillary Deep State) FBI and DOJ, and the Ukranians in those years have been completely ignored by FBI and DOJ who corruptly avoid investigating what the Ukranians have freely offered FBI and DOJ, FOR YEARS.
Far from the intimidation and leverage that Democrats falsely allege Trump has used to pry those records from Ukraine. What is clearly in the text is Trump saying you can send us those records again, and under new FBI/DOJ management those records will not be ignored as they were in the past.

And finally, it was made crystal clear, CRYSTAL, by the Ukranian president Zelenskyy, REPEATEDLY, that the call between Trump and Zelenskyy was very friendly and with no threats or intimidation. And the released transcription of their conversation certainly backs that up.

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Trump said do me a favor because he was completely asking for one. He specifically asks Zelensky to investigate his biggest political rival. Like I said you would never tolerate that from a democratic president. Zelensky may not have known it was being delayed by Trump himself but he certainly knew the aid hadn't arrived yet. And you ignore that there isn't just Trump asking a foreign government to specifically investigate his political rival. There are also diplomats texting about quid pro quo's. Trump has his personal lawyer down there. And now it's okay not to ignore the House's legal and oversight duties? Trump crossed line just by asking a foreign government to investigate a political rival but it looks like there's even worse corruption yet to be exposed.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump said do me a favor because he was completely asking for one. He specifically asks Zelensky to investigate his biggest political rival. Like I said you would never tolerate that from a democratic president. Zelensky may not have known it was being delayed by Trump himself but he certainly knew the aid hadn't arrived yet. And you ignore that there isn't just Trump asking a foreign government to specifically investigate his political rival. There are also diplomats texting about quid pro quo's. Trump has his personal lawyer down there. And now it's okay not to ignore the House's legal and oversight duties? Trump crossed line just by asking a foreign government to investigate a political rival but it looks like there's even worse corruption yet to be exposed.

Wild speculation.

And while speculating, you ignore:
* the transcribed Trump/Zelenskyy phone conversation that showed no intimidation ,
* the multiple media interviews with Zelenskyy where he clearly said there was no intimidation by Trump,
* and Zelenskyy's complete unawareness that U.S. aid was temporarily witheld that Zelensly had no knowledge of. If intimidation were intended by Trump, there wouldd have been mention of it in their phone conversation. It was not mentioned. For a witholding of aid to be intimidating, Zelenskyy would have to be aware it was witheld.
For you to allege intimidation, you have to COMPLETELY IGNORE THE ACTUAL RECORD, and make up a false script of what Trump said, as Adam Schiff did in House hearings (for which unethical lies he should be removed as chair of the intel committee).

You also ignore the obvious intimidation of the Ukranians, both by then-VP Biden and his son.
And also (as I cited and linked above) the intimidating letter to the Ukranians by Senators Menendez, Leahy and Durbin, where they made clear their threats to the Ukranian government. No speculation needed, it's right there in plain view.

These you ignore, while slandering Trump, based on nothing. You cling to the tiniest whiff of unlikely possibility regarding Trump, while giving a total free pass to Biden and to these Democrat senators, and to PROVEN liar Adam Schiff.

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