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Just because it doesn't reflect well on Joseph Biden, the candidate these social media companies want to win the election, they have banned it from their sites, and will delete or suspend accounts of anyone who tries to post the New York Post story.

Welcome to George Orwell's 1984.


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Tucker Carlson, Oct 14, 2020, Wednesday

Tucker Carlson's opening editorial makes clear how power has been abused, and how it is crushing our freedom in plain sight.

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    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Another detail of this story is that then computer repair shop notified the FBI of the Hunter Biden e-mails, the FBI picked up the laptop computer... and buried it.

Just as the FBI did when the Ukranian government informed the FBI, prior to Trump becoming president, and even after, with the Democrat-loyalist deep state that continued (and still continues) despite officially Trump/Republican leadership now. The corruption ignores the new leadership and continues to obstruct justice and protect itself and their corrupt brethren from prosecution.

Mike Pompeo was once quoted describing the State Department he runs as "Democrat-occupied territory". Meaning that there is only so much he can change in the State Department, because there are so many Democrat-loyalist partisans, leakers and obstructionists in his department, undermining his and President Trump's policies from within. Democrat-partisan bureaucrats who cannot easily be dislodged or fired, if at all. An army of Peter Strzoks.

Likewise in the FBI.
Likewise in DOJ.
Likewise in the U S Postal Service that is entrusted to safeguard 80 million mail-in ballots on November 3rd. That has already revealed hundreds of thousands of altered and suppressed mail-in ballots. And those are just the discovered suppressed ballots that we know of

Likewise in many other federal departments and agencies.

They work hand-in-glove with the Democrat party, and the billionaire oligarchs who profit from working with the Democrats.

Orwellian social media is just one powerful arm of a far larger authoritarian Democrat hydra-headed beast.

As is, quite obviously, the Democrat-weaponized FBI. That obstructs investigation and prosecution of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and anyone on Team Democrat.

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Another detail:
The evidence on the Hunter Biden's laptop computer only became exposed because: 1) The laptop computer was brought to a computer repair shop for service, and was left unclaimed for a long period of time, so that the computer shop owner took possession of the computer as compensation for a bill left unpaid by Biden. 2) When the shop owner looked at the e-mails, he notified the FBI... who took the computer and buried the evidence. 3) Only because the computer shop owner had the good sense to make a copy of the hard drive and eventually contact investigators OUTSIDE the FBI was this evidence ever exposed.

The Democrat-enforcement-branch FBI.

Aided now by the Democrat-enforcement-branch Facebook and Twitter.

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Ah one of Putin?s campaign donation for Trump this time around from the looks of it. Probably not going to be as effective this time around though.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Ah one of Putin's campaign donation for Trump this time around from the looks of it. Probably not going to be as effective this time around though.

I realize you're a partisan, M E M, but that was a truly factless and iddiotic response.

Granted, the evidence cited needs to be confirmed, which I assume the New York Post already did, although other sources need to independently confirm what the N Y Post already reported.

But Hunter Biden's laptop computer has tens of thousands of e-mails, and even the less compromising e-mails can confirm Hunter Biden's e-mail address, and the addresses of friends, family and business associates he communicated with in those e-mails.

And if you were going to fake communication by Hunter Biden, you'd create a few e-mails, just enough to make the allegation, not tens of thousands.

Plus apparently there are also lots of compromising photos of Hunter and his women, having sex and doing drugs. The photos certainly would confirm that it is, in fact, Hunter Biden, from his own photo-files.
One of the New York Post reporters on Tucker Carlson tonight mentioned that they published just one photo of Hunter Biden in bed, asleep with a crack pipe in his hand. She made the point that they could have published far more compromising photos, but published only enough to make the point, that Hunter Biden has a drug problem, and should have been unattrative to corporate employers, but for the fact that he was the son of Vice President Joseph Biden.

The point is also made that both Hunter Biden, and Joseph Biden himself, are subject to blackmail and extortion from the Russian and Chinese governments for their criminal actions, that could be leveraged for compromises of national security, and perhaps by extorted other criminal organizations or governments. That's definitely not someone who would make our nation safe if elected to the White House.

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US intelligence is aware that like in 2016 Russia is trying to help Trump win. Trump?s lawyer Rudy Giuliani has been seen cavorting with russian agents on a regular basis. It?s not shocking that he would be a willing delivery system for Russia. Sad and pathetic but not shocking.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
US intelligence is aware that like in 2016 Russia is trying to help Trump win. Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani has been seen cavorting with russian agents on a regular basis. It?s not shocking that he would be a willing delivery system for Russia. Sad and pathetic but not shocking.

Again, M E M, what you're saying is so beyond ridiculous, so clearly lying Democrat party propaganda, that it is unworthy of a serious response.

As I've cited repeatedly, the Russians spent a total of about $200,000 to influence the 2016 election, none of the official FBI or Mueller or House or Senate reports cite any actual impact of the Russians' efforts on the election. Russia's interference efforts were not to help Trump win the election.
In the last two months, DNI Ratcliffe's releases of classified documents show that Brennan lied to the American public on television, and that the Russians were trying to help Hillary Clinton win, if anyone, not to help Trump as Brennan, Schiff and others try to allege. That Brennan and other House, Senate and Obama cabinet officials like Susan Rice lied when interviewed on CNN and MSNBC, but WHEN UNDER OATH IN TESTIMONY in closed-door hearings said the opposite, that there was no evidence Trump or his officials did anything wrong in their contacts with Russia, just standard business like any other incoming administration, establishing diplomatic relations.

And more importantly, the Russian goal with their election interference was to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2016 election. And the greatest proponent of that propaganda narrative casting doubt has been... the Democrat party and the liberal media. Congratulations.

And the Russians have attempted to interfere in every election since the Soviet Union came into existence. Revealed intelligence shows Barack Obama was informed of the election interference and did absolutely nothing to stop it, because he thout it would help Hillary win.

And no other president has put more punishing sanctions on Russia that Donald J. Trump.
No one has built up our military more than Trump.
No one has cut more devastatingly into Russia's oil and gas profits, weakening their ability to wage war, than Trump.

And relative to Russia, no other country poses a greater threat to the U.S. militarily or in terms of potential election interference than China. They have exponentially more technology, money and resources to attack the United States than Russia.
China, the threat your party tries to pretend doesn't exist.

China, the nation that clearly already owns and exploits Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden, that they have already, since 2014 forward, bought the loyalty of with tens of millions of dollars in treasonous sweetheart deals and payoffs. Trump rightly says if Biden were elected president, China would own this country. A bought and paid for and easily extortion-manipulated Biden would make that very easy.

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Rudy?s ?Russian Agent? Pal teases second laptop with Hunter Biden

Sort of right there in broad daylight who is working with active Russian agents.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Rudy's "Russian Agent" Pal teases second laptop with Hunter Biden

Sort of right there in broad daylight who is working with active Russian agents.

The Daily Beast is a well-known piece-of-shit far-Left partisan propaganda site, right up there with Vox, DailyKos, and MediaMatters. They can be counted on to sell whatever lying talking points the Democrat/Left is selling, to create a Bolshevik counter-narrative to bury the truth. As they are doing here.

Rudy Giuliani went to Ukraine to get the truth that had been buried by the Democrat/deep state FBI and DOJ.

FOR YEARS Ukranian officials have been reporting documents and other evidence to the FBI and DOJ, that Democrat operatives in DOJ and FBI have buried, uninvestigated. Giuliani went to Ukraine to speak with these sources directly, to actually investigate the evidence that FBI and DOJ have suppressed and prevented from being investigated.
What you and the propagandists at Daily Beast are offering is a counter-narrative, to prevent Giuliani's evidence from being believed.

Guiliani is a famous U.S. attorney who investigated and broke organized crime, and risked his life to do so. It is beyond outrageous and foul that you and the rest of the Democrat Bolsheviks would slander him, just as a counter-narrative to prevent his evidence from being believed.

Originally Posted by from the Daily Beast article
Bizarrely, even Giuliani's allegations against the younger Biden [son Hunter Biden] have pinballed all over the place, from {Giuliani's] initial claim that Hunter used access to his father to line his own pockets, to his very personal attacks on [Hunter's] admitted struggles with substance abuse, and perhaps most desperately his latest smear that Hunter Biden engaged in "disgusting sexual behavior".

The writer of this lying hit piece implies a lot, and makes clear her contempt for Giulinani, but never actually says anything coherently. The telltale sign that the article is just a gossipy hit piece for the Democrat Central Committee.

Here are the unfiltered facts about Hunter Biden:

Hunter Biden graduated from law school and immediately got jobs as a boardmember and executive at both MBNA and for Amtrack, both among the largest campaign donors to Joseph Biden for decades, during Joe Biden's time as senator in Delaware (clear pay-to-play). After about 7 years Biden left those high-paying gigs that his father Joe Biden set up, to begin a high-paying lobbyist position (from contacts made through father Joe Biden.)

When Joe Biden was selected as Vice President, Hunter Biden stepped down from his lobbyist position for appearances sake, because it would have been an obvious conflict of interest. (Despite that his entire previous career had been a conflict of interest, profiting from his father's position, political supporters and contacts.)
Just after election, in 2009 Hunter Biden started an investment company with Devon Archer and Christopher Heinz (then-secretary of state John Kerry's step-son, son of billionaire Theresa Heinz Kerry) again operating on a visible pay-to-play scheme based on the influence of their highly positioned fathers. Their "holdings company" Rosemont Seneca was so visibly criminal that it was a much-talked-about concern in the U.S. State Department, asit was a clear conflict of interest, and a political liability just waiting to be exposed.
Chris Heinz got out of the partnershipquickly, because he saw the very visible liability of being part of it.
Devon Archer was convicted in Manhattan Federal Court for fraud. The person who two days ago confirmed Hunter Biden's incriminating laptop e-mails as authentic is another partner who went to jail for the firm's illegality, while favored sons Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz went unprosecuted because of their highly connected fathers. Hunter Biden's laptop and its 25,000 e-mails and compromising photos is not a prop or a Russian conspiracy, it is confirmed at this point as authentic. Incriminatingly so.

Further, Hunter Biden married his first wife in 1993 and has 3 children with her. They separated in 2015 and finalized their divorce in 2017. His wife Kathleen stated in divorce papers in 2017 that Hunter Biden spent "extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations)." So he was for a long time screwing other women on the side, and extravagantly spending money on them.
When his brother Beau Biden died (while Hunter was still married to his first wife) he began a sexual affair with his brother's widow. Simultaneous to that he was still bedding his wife, and involved with other hookers and strippers. He re-married in 2019, and soon after, one of the strippers he'd prior been sexually involved with publicly sued him for child support, for a child Hunter Biden conceived with her in 2018. He denied being the father for 2 years, until a court-ordered paternity test proved Hunter Biden was for certain the father. His new wife must be thrilled. So, 3 children by his first wife, 1 more by his 2018 stripper fling, and 1 more by his 2019 second wife. Five children total.

Pleas point out to me what part of this is NOT "disgusting sexual behavior". Those are the facts.

In addition, in 2013 Hunter Biden (after his father's influence got him into the U.S. Navy reserves as a 2nd Lieutenant reserve officer, despite that he was 43 and beyond the age for military recruitment admission) Hunter Biden was almost immediately expelled just 1 month later when he failed a drug test, testing positive for cocaine.

Plus many other incidents involving drugs. The New York Post story shows a photo Hunter Biden curled up in bed asleep still clutching a crack pipe in his hand. The above proves absolutely beyond question proves the absolute truth of Rudy Giuliani's "very personal attacks". Which in truth are not personal attacks, but just objectively stating the facts about the remarkably parasitic life of Hunter Biden.

It was at this point, right after Hunter Biden was thrown out of the military for drug addiciton, that Hunter began his partnership with Rosemont Seneca and Burisma Holdings, and was offered $1.5 billion in funds from the Chinese Communist Party's Bank of China for Hunter to invest, for which Hunter's estimated matriculation payout is somewhere between 20 and 30 million dollars.
That's y'know, in addition to the $3.5 million paid to Hunter Biden by the former mayor of Moscow's wife Elena Baturina (with Russian intelligence and Russian Mafia ties, a payout under Senate investigation), and the $10 million a year paid to Hunter and his partners for "introductions" they provided communist-party-owned energy companies and other Chinese state corporations to Vice President Biden and other U.S. high-level officials. Although I've seen no news reports observe this, Rosemont Seneca's pay-to-play arrangement selling government access has remarkable similarities to the Clinton Foundation's selling access to Hillary Clinton's state department.

All carefully omitted facts from the lying hit-piece you posted M E M.

I shit on the integrity of the Democrat party, and on the liberal media liars who fly cover for them. And on their deep state operatives in FBI, DOJ, CIA, and State Department, who sweep it all under the rug.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man

So neither the FBI or USA Today can corroborate anything, but they're going with a narrative of "possible" Russian disinformation...

More anonymous sources who won't go on the record, and the other typical liberal media lying narrative language:
"debunked" (no, it isn't)
"conspiracy theories" (if it has corroborated facts, it's not just a conspiracy theory)... the usual buzz words the Orwellian Newspeak liberal media uses to try and discredit any proven facts that hurt the Democrat insurrection the liberal media so zealously defends, like the reliable Ministry of Truth propagandists they are.

Once again, the Democrat/deep state FBI and DOJ are ignoring the clear facts in front of them, facts that incriminate the Bidens, and slow walking and burying investigation of facts that hurt the Democrat political machine, and the Democrat media and deep state are desperately trying to generate any whiff of an incriminating narrative that will hurt Trump and the Republicans.

It's the 2013 IRS/Losis Lerner/Koskinin investigation all over again.

It's the burying of the Hillary Clinton e-mails and private server investigation all over again. While they simultaneously created the Trump "Russia collusion" narrative, that is now fully disproven. And the FBI and DOJ agents who knowingly falsified that evidence, hid exculpatory evidence that would have vindicated Trump, Carter Page, Michael Flynn and others immediately four years ago. And FBI and DOJ zealots who deliberately used falsified evidence to obtain four illegal FISA warrants. These FBI and DOJ agents should be in prison, but instead are left to run free and to generate yet another false narrative to hurt Trump and the Republicans in another election.

They did it in 2012, 2016 and 2018. And now the same evil is being done again in 2020. And the liberal media, rather than exposing the true facts, is the propaganda arm supporting that Bolshevik coup. If the Democrats win, we will become Venezuela. To a large degree we already have been,the Democrats have been consolidating that Bolshevik power since 2004, and are now chipping away at what's left of our Constitutional republic.

[Linked Image from]

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by from the article
?The emails, there are different types of emails,? Schweizer said. ?Many of the emails are the business partners discussing, without Hunter?s participation, what Hunter?s role is in all of this. What?s very clear, and we will have reporting on this at Breitbart, what?s very clear is Hunter brings no money to the table. But he is considered the avenue to the administration. There are emails that talk about how they are going to do business deals where they want to get union pension money and that Hunter is going to leverage the relationships that his dad has with public employee unions to get that money. So part of it is just kind of a feel for what is the Biden business model, and we kind of knew this in a way but here it?s very explicit that it is trading off the Biden name, the Biden connections, and the Biden access. The other way I would categorize this is geographical. The one we have already broke was a story related to China. There are other emails involving China. The private equity deal?the billion and a half dollar private equity deal?that we?ve reported on. There are emails concerning that, which we will bring out which are quite interesting. There are ones that pertain to Yelena Baturina, she?s the Moscow mayor?s ex-wife who we should add the U.S. State Department has implicated as being tied with Russian organized crime. We?re going to be able to show that that relationship is much deeper and much longer than previously known and that Hunter Biden and his business partners performed various services for her in terms of deals in the United States. And then there are other geographical areas covered. There are deals involving Kazakhstan. There are deals in other parts of the world. There are references to Hunter Biden?s dealings in the Middle East. So there?s quite a bit of material there?26,000 emails, some of them obviously are personal. We?re not going to disclose anything that is personal. It?s all going to be business-related, but we?ll be rolling it out in the days ahead.?

That ?underbelly? of how the Biden family?Schweizer calls them the ?Biden Five,? whereas President Donald Trump calls them the ?Biden Crime Family??operates is further exposed in these emails from Hunter Biden?s flipped former partner Bevan Cooney.

Not "Russian disinformation".
Not made up.
Factual evidence. Verified.
Bevan Cooney, a former partner of Hunter Biden, gave Breitbart his password and direct access to his 26,000 e-mails. So Facebook and Twitter can't as easily ban links to these reported facts, they cannot be alleged to be hacked or unconfirmed. Bevan Cooney himself gave Bretbart and Schweizer direct access to all his e-mail documents.
Proven fact.

This laptop was exposed late last Wednesday by New York Daily News (am I the only one alarmed that Facebook and Twitter blocked all links to the fourth largest newspaper in the United States? A newspaper started 250 years ago by Alexander Hamilton?) And by Friday the Biden laptop e-mail evidence was independently investigated and verified. But the mainstream media, in BIDEN 2020 protection mode, continue to selectively ignore the story, or at best try to dismiss it as a "conspiracy theory" or as "Russian disinformation", despite the clear evidence and the confirmation of its authenticity.

Early polls show Biden has taken at least a two-point drop in the polls, despite the Orwellian Newspeak media doing their best to cover it up.


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Early polls show Biden has taken at least a two-point drop in the polls, despite the Orwellian Newspeak media doing their best to cover it up.


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As they say in the Breitbart article, those are revelations separate fromt he originaal New York Post story firsation of Orwelt revealed Wednesday, October 14th. The story that Facebook and Twitter ban links to.

Here is that article, the one that caused Facebook and Twitter to do their best imitation of Orwell's 1984.


In other words, everything the Dems have been alleging for 4 years Trump and his administration are guilty of, the Democrats themselves are guilty of.
Where the allegations against Trump are PROVEN four years later to have been maliciously made up and fabricated.
While the treasonous and corrupt actions of the Democrats, from the Hillary Clinton Campaign to Fusion GPS, to Perkins-Coie law firm, to former MI-6 spy Christopher Steele, to Bruce and Nellie Ohr (Bruce Ohr just fired a few days ago) to their fellow deep state agents in the DOJ and FBI, to the corrupt falsified FISA warrants, to their fellow propagaandist conspirators in the liberal media who helped leak and spread the false narrative, have all been exposed by their own self-incriminating e-mails and texts. It took almost 4 years for this long-existing and suppressed evidence to be revealed, but they are now exposed, just in time, before the election.

The accusers have become the accused.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
As they say in the Breitbart article, those are revelations separate fromt he originaal New York Post story firsation of Orwelt revealed Wednesday, October 14th. The story that Facebook and Twitter ban links to.

Here is that article, the one that caused Facebook and Twitter to do their best imitation of Orwell's 1984.


In other words, everything the Dems have been alleging for 4 years Trump and his administration are guilty of, the Democrats themselves are guilty of.
Where the allegations against Trump are four years later PROVEN to have been maliciously made up and fabricated.

While the treasonous and corrupt actions of the Democrats, from the Hillary Clinton Campaign to Fusion GPS, to the Perkins-Coie law firm, to former MI-6 spy Christopher Steele, to Bruce and Nellie Ohr (Bruce Ohr was just fired a few days ago) to their fellow deep state agents in the DOJ and FBI, to the corrupt falsified FISA warrants, to their fellow propagandist conspirators in the liberal media who helped leak and spread the false narrative.

All have all been exposed by their own self-incriminating e-mails and texts. It took almost 4 years for this long-existing and suppressed evidence to be revealed, but they are now exposed, just in time, right before the election.

The accusers have become the accused.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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When the Hunter Biden story was confirmed on Friday, all three of Fox's prime-time shows had great coverage and guests explaining the new developments, in some ways more clearly and concisely than the print articles themselves:

Tucker Carlson, Oct 16 2020, Friday

Hannity, Oct 16 2020, Friday

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Rudy Giuliani interviewed on Fox's morning show, explaining how he learned about Hunter Biden's laptop, how he came to obtain the hard drive and e-mails on it, and how he vetted and authenticated that the laptop was indeed Hunter Biden's.
Giuliani: Hunter Biden's Emails

Incredible irony: 1) The Biden campaign in unison with the Orwellian Newspeak liberal media sells the narrative that the emails are "Russian disinformation", and yet
2)simultaneously has one of their lawyers send a letter to Giuliani demanding "that you return Hunter Biden's hard drive."

Well, which is it? If it's Hunter Biden's property that need to be returned, how can it be Russian disinformation that originate from the Russians?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man

Tucker Carlson directly addressed the USA Today hit piece that's part of a contrived liberal counter narrative, designed to shut down all political dissent, even among liberal reporters who might ask Joe Biden inconvenient questions.

Tucker Carlson, 1--19-2020, Monday

Does it really not give you the slightest pause that Facebook and Twitter and Google shut down all links and discussion of the New York Post expose of Hunter Biden enriching himself by selling the U.S. out to the Chinese and other nations, blocked on social media so that it could not even be shared or debated whether its cited facts are confirmed or not? It's several days later, the facts are confirmed by several others in the e-mail chans, and yet Facebook and Twitter are still blocking them.
Again, a Biden victory = Orwell's 1984.

Where you can't even have a public debate and discussion of what the facts are. Where even liberal media reporters are being silenced. As is all social media access to the New York Post, the nation's fourth largest newspaper, founded by Alexander Hamilton, no less.

Why are you not frozen to the marrow by this authoritarian lockdown as I am, as it is clearly a precursor of what a Biden presidency would be like. Look at what (in the above link) Robert Reich and others have planned if Biden wins, a "Truth Commission" (the Orwellian Ministry of Truth rose by any other name) to weed out all dissenters who supported and voted for Trump in 2020, targeted for payback and public confessions of repentance. How nuts are you to support this?

These people have the fanaticism and hatred of the Bolshevik or Maoist revolutions, and many in your party openly praise and these regimes and others like it, such as Castro's Cuba, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and the authoritariaan seizure of the news media by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela (I've posted video of these cultural Marxist Democrats multiple times in the past, such as Cass Sunstein, Anita Dunn, Van Jones, Ron Bloom, Bernie Sanders, and no doiubt the squad members as well. Bill and Hillary Clinton, and the Obamas are unquestionably cultural marxists, so one could probably dig up quotes of them as well praising authoritarian marxisst takeover. At the very least they share enthusiasm for a Saul Alinsky approach of political deceit to get their Bolshevik trojan horse inside the gate.
Many of the Antifa and BLM protestor mobs nationwide are carrying effigy severed heads and guillotines, clearly evoking the French Revolution, with fanatic hate rhetoric and violence to match. These people as well are clearly advocating violence and even murder. Again: Why don't you believe them, or condemn their clear intentions?

This is no longer the Democrat party of FDR, JFK and LBJ. There's absolutely no mistaking the rhetoric of virtually all the Democrat leadership, that they are thirsty for Trump/Republican blood, with an openly stated craving for and stoking of violence and riots against your Republican opposition (Maxine Waters, Corey Booker, Hillary Clinton, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, to name a few frequently soundbyted examples).
And the passive endorsement of all the other Democrat leaders, who won't condemn violent attacks on conservatives. Because Democrats' Machiavellian brains think it aids them politically.

And the best scenario LITE-version of your party's Boshevik revolution is Democrat shredding of the Constitution with a Biden victory:
[] Packing the U S Supreme Court
[] Adding Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico as states, just to pack the Senate as well.
[] And then ending the filibuster to crush all debate, even with the Republican party as a permanent minority with these changes.

Add to that an open borders policy, welcoming millions of new illegals, and even repatriating already deported illegals back to the U.S., even including return of criminals, sex traffickers and criminal drug gang members.
FREE HEALTH CARE for illegals!
And to expand Dems' chaos policies from the cities out to the suburbs as well.
These are the things the Democrats have said they want to do, why would we not believe this is what they would do? And how could any sane person, even a Democrat, support these things?

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Tucker Carlson, Oct 19 2020, Monday: "The Left gets ready for a post-Trump world"

Predictably, leftist-controlled Youtube deleted the previous link I posted above of the complete program.

Robert Reich proposes to set up "Truth Commissions" (an Orwellian Ministry of Truth) to harass and punish Trump supporters and funders, and extort confessions out of them for their alleged crimes. For four years we've seen this theme among Democrats, both at the leadership level and at the grass roots. That it's not enough to defeat Trump and his followers, but a burning need to lash back at them, to punish them, to violently attack them, and ultimately to kill them.
As I've cited repeatedly, over Trump's four yearss, there are an average 2 attacks daily on Trump supporters nationwide. And in the last 2 months, several murders of Trump supporters nationwide. These Bolshevik maniacs threaten violence, and they follow through, with actual violence all too regularly, and with increasing frequency.
and now we have Reich's calls to subject them to Stalinist trials if the Democrats take power. Reich is not some far left powerless fringe guy, by the way, he was cabinet secretary of Health and Human Services in Bill Clinton's White House. This is from the corrupt core of the "centrist" Democrats, not just the far left Bernie Sanders/Elizabet Warren Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez wing.

Welcome to Orwell's 1984. If we allow them to take power.

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I think social media unlike the pos of shitstain in the WH are trying to be responsible with a manufactured October surprise. I?ve seen Biden?s taxes. Trump doesn?t dare show his. Rudy has been paling around with an active Russian agent and we know how far Trump will go to gin up a scandal. I?m just disappointed with Trump?s base. All that hate and fear enabling Trump to tear this country down won?t go away with a Biden win.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think social media unlike the pos of shitstain in the WH are trying to be responsible with a manufactured October surprise. I've seen Biden's taxes. Trump doesn't dare show his. Rudy has beenn [palling] around with an active Russian agent and we know how far Trump will go to gin up a scandal. I'm just disappointed with Trump's base. All that hate and fear enabling Trump to tear this country down won't go away with a Biden win.

Again, you only diminish yourself with such vicious and personally insulting slanders on President Trump.

Trump's taxes are confidential until the IRS finishes their investigation to permit releasing them. The Democrat-controlled IRS is stonewalling, to continue to provide Democrats with a talking point using them, to continue using their unknown status as a weapon to attack Trump.

Rudy Giuliani is among the most respected U.S. attorneys, who risked his life to convict Mafia bosses, and your insulting his integrity without the slightest evidence is offensive. Giuliani went to Ukraine and spoke directly with Ukranian nationals who has repeatedly submitted evidence to the FBI and DOJ for at least 3 years, and that evidence was buried by deep-state/Democrat loyalists to protect Obama and Hillary.
Since FBI and DOJ hid the evidence, Giuliani had to personally visit Ukraine to investigate and interview Ukranian officials, some of whom are afraid for their lives of the corrupt Democrats who hid the evidence for so long. Giuliani has posted the evidence he's found on his website, and the mainstream media just ignores it and keeps on selling their lying Newspeak version of the facts, to fly cover for Biden and the Democrats.

The "hate and fear" is completely on the Democrat side, while Trump has been prolifically enacting unifying national policy that benefits Americans of every racial and economic group, with the lowest blue-collar wage earners seeing the greatest ratio of economic growth. While the Democrat side spreads lies and fear, alleging Trump is going to hurt them, to take away Americans' freedom and to "benefit only the rich" (ironicaly, exactly what Democrats have done for 30 years!) .
"Hate" by Trump?!?

Democrats have unleashed widespread violence nationwide on Trump supporters and on other innocent Americans, with Antifa and BLM riots. Literally, many people just walking by or driving near a protest in their cars are grabbed and beaten, and dozens killed nationwide.

It is Democrats who simultaneously want to 1) take away police protection, and 2) take away guns that Americans need even more now to protect themselves. Democrat/leftist attacks on Trump supporters occur an average of twice a day nationwide.

68% of Republicans who support Trump are afraid to put a Trump 2020 sign in their yard, and those who have been courageous enough to do so have received threats that the Left will come for them after the election, with messages like "I hope you have fire insurance".
Going back to 2016, one neighbor I spoke to had put 3 signs in his yard and had each of them stolen by less than peaceful Democrats.
Democrats ARE the hate and intolerance . It's incredible that Democrats try to front the narrative that it is Trump and his supporters who are filled with hate and violence. It's pretty clear that Democrats will attack Trump supporters for things as insignificant as wearing a MAGA hat. They've attacked even many kids! Multiple exaamples on Youtube, recorded on video! Democrat Antifa/BLM members have killed at least 3 Trump supporters in the just last 2 months.

Trump is, once again, the most accomplished first-term president since at least FDR. He has made campaign promises, and kept promises like no other president of my lifetime. He has created the best economy in over 50 years, and the lowest unemployment for blacks, hispanics, women and people under 25 in U.S. history, the lowest and best statistics ever recorded.

and updated since his first year:

Again, Trump's first-year accomplishments surpassed those of even Ronald Reagan (64% his first year, Reagan 53%) :

And while we've had a huge hit to our economy in 2020 due to Covid-19, we have come out of it with the least economic damage of any nation in the world, and the lowest deaths per 100,000 people of any nation in the world. Despite the liberal-media propaganda that covers up those facts. Wealth in other nations is moving their investment capital to the U.S., the brightest and best showing their confidence that Trump, not other nations, is leading with the best response to Covid-19, moving their cash to the one nation worldwide that is economically recovering the fastest.

Even Germany, that previously had lower death numbers, is currently seeing a new surge of cases far surpassing the U.S., as is the rest of Europe. And European governments are pushing for yet another round economically destructive lockdowns, despite that science now proves this is the wrong approach, and actually costs even more lives, in addition to the economic destruction it results in. People in nations across Europe likewisee angrily protest these punishing lockdowns. Something that CNN and MSNBC will never report. The U.S. only has a higher numbers of cases because it is larger than most European nations combined. But measuring the ratio of cases per 100,000, the U.S.death ratios are lower.

Also, of the deaths that the U.S., the deaths we've had are overwhelmingly in Democrat-governed states, that enacted bad policies. Particularly New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Oregon, Washington and California. Gov. Andrew Cuomo in particular is responsible for killing a lot of grandmas that didn't need to die. Trump provided Cuomo with ventilator machines and emergency field hospitals, gave Cuomo incredible resources that neither a President Obama, Hillary, or Biden would NEVER have been able to provide Cuomo, that Cuomo completely squandered and left unused, as he sent the infected elderly back to nursing homes to spreat a wildfire of cases throughout nursing homes. That could have been sent to the unused field hospitals, if New York had a competent governor.

And then Cuomo changed the laws and counting rules to hide elderly deaths as "hospital deaths" and changed the law to prevent himself from being held accountable.
And then Cuomo wrote a book and ran a victory lap, bragging about his alleged great handling of the Covid-19 crisis ! The guy who needlessly killed 33,000 grandmas, mismanaging resources, that Trump had given him the resources to save! What incredible irony. Cuomo, who say the highest ratio of deaths per 100,000 of ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET, bar none!
Yeah, great leadership. rolleyes

And as far as "Trump ginning up a scandal", Joe Biden and Hunter Biden did that all by themselves, despite the Democrat-enforcer FBI and DOJ doing their damnedest to bury evidence on the laptop hard-drive Hunter Biden so conveniently provided. The FBI has had that computer for a year, and yet provided no evidence during the House hearings, during Trump's outrageously unneccessary impeachment or in the months since. FBI director Christopher Wray should have been fired the day the existence of that hard-drive's contents were confirmed (October 16th), and every agent involved in investigating/burrying it should be fired.

But now we know: Hunter Biden used his father's V P position to get millions in foreign contracts with the Ukranians, Russians, Rumanians and Chinese. And those are just the ones we know of so far. We also know (from Hunter Biden's own words in e-mails) that he set aside 10% of his corrupt profits for "the big guy" (Joe Biden).
and may have had to give "pop" (Joe Biden) as much as 50% of his earnings from cushy jobs he was appointed to for over 30 years ONLY because he is Joe Biden's son. Right out of college, a six-figure board member on the boards of MBNA and Amtrak (two large Joe Biden campaign donors and legislative beneficiaries). After that, Hunter Biden went on to be a highly paid lobbyist. Quitting the lobbyist gig only long enough for 2008 election appearances, suspending his corrupt benefit from Joe Biden's senate office position. And once Biden was Obama's inaugurated V P, he went right back to corrupt lobbying and formed the Rosemont Seneca investment firm, for much higher stakes: international economic treason, and compromising U.S. national security.

And that last point is ultimately what all the fuss is about. More than anything, it demonstrates, above all Biden's other flaws, why he should never be president.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think social media unlike the pos of shitstain in the WH are trying to be responsible with a manufactured October surprise. I?ve seen Biden?s taxes. Trump doesn?t dare show his. Rudy has been paling around with an active Russian agent and we know how far Trump will go to gin up a scandal. I?m just disappointed with Trump?s base. All that hate and fear enabling Trump to tear this country down won?t go away with a Biden win.

I don't think it's too much to ask to want the MSM and Big Tech to just treat both candidates more or less consistently. Trump doesn't disclose his taxes? Okay, and he gets blasted in the media for it more or less consistently. Biden stonewalls questions about Ukrainian influence? The largely shrugs its shoulders and even tries to get the story buried (corollary: IF Biden is involved in some sort of Ukrainian payoff, that wouldn't show up on his taxes unless he's the stupidest crooked politician who ever lived. Therefore reference to his taxes in this context is a bit of hand wave). Big tech goes for far as to ban people from discussing it, on the completely false premise that they don't allow discussion of stories based on illegally obtained information.

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I suspect if Biden had a personal lawyer trotting around with Russian operatives like Trump has Rudy doing you would see some consistency. The problem here is Biden doesn?t have fixers. Everyone around him doesn?t have to sign NDA?s. He doesn?t tell white supremacy groups to ?stand by?. You know the list goes on. I think you want false equivalence. The scary thing is after 4 years Trump is down to being unhappy with all his fixers. Barr might be replaced because he didn?t throw Biden in jail. I couldn?t have imagined your party making that possible. I do now. As for taxes I actually think Trump is hiding his foreign shenanigans there. Sorry but like Hillary?s emails some stories just don?t go away.

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You?re moving the goalposts. I was talking specifically about media behavior toward the two candidates not candidate behavior

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The two things are related though. Trump declared war on our free and independent press. It suits his needs to try to burn it down. If we had a normal responsible leader instead of a sociopath the stuff with Rudy Giuliani working with Russian operatives wouldn?t have happened. It says a lot not just about Trump but also his supporters that this is all okay with them.

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Certain.....websites...are becoming a mine field right now.

Someone in the know is apparently posting all of the material from The Big Guy's son's laptop on a Chinese social media site (that will not be named) and promising to leak over 10,000 images over the next week. The ones already distributed thusfar......well. They'd prolly get you thrown in jail just for stumbling across them in certain quarters.

Suffice it to say, the Biden family is proven to be easily blackmailed.

........Oh, and its rampant with incest.

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I was a bit confused about one of the revealed texts by Hunter Biden, where he taked about his siter being angry that Hunter communicated naked on some Skype-like video communication with his 14 year old neice (on Facetime?), but it seemed to possibly imply Hunter had a deeper sexual contact with his neice than that.
We already know beyond question that Hunter Biden had a prolonged sexual affair with his brother Beau Biden's widow (while Hunter was simultaneously still married to his first wife, and also while knocking up an Arkansas stripper, who he then spent two years denying child support, until a court ordered paternity test proved he is the father). And with who knows how many other strippers, prostiutes and other women. Classy guy.

And then there's the fact that Joe Biden is really creepy in his approach not only toward women, both also toward little girls.
And even toward female secret service agents, and toward the wives and girlfriends of male agents, to the point that theey try to keep them away from Biden.

"Creepy Uncle Joe" and his female accusers topic (and video)

But I'm sure that this is all... perfectly normal....

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