Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Out of curiosity, where do you trump voters draw the line on overturning the election? Do you support the lawsuit that would effectively give a VP the power to decide who won? Do you also think it’s a good idea for house and senate republicans to contest the election on Jan 6th? Does it matter if the allegations of fraud are never proven?

I love how you try to make the president's legal and Constitutional options sound illegal. They ARE President Trump's legal options, that he has every right to pursue to the full extent of the law. Amazing how the treasonous Democrats illegally used the CIA, FBI, the FISA court and paid foreign agents (Fusion GPS, Perkins-Coie law firm, former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele, and a web of informants of his that included at least 2 known Russian intelligence agents, deliberately feeding Steele false information on Trump to undermine public confidence in our election system.
(That the Hillary Clinton and DNC PAID Russian agents CASH for, ACTUAL "Russia collusion")

For 4 years Democrats called Trump "illegitimate", refused to attend his inauguration, rioted in the streets, fabricated evidence for investigations they knew had no legitimate basis, where FBI and DOJ agents submitted deliberately false evidence to a federal FISA court, FISA warrants used to spy on the entire Trump campaign, and probably gave the information in their recordings of campaign strategy as opposition research to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Despite knowing there was no evidence in Aprril-May of 2017, the FBI and Mueller ivestigators deliberately prolonged the unwarranted investigations past the Nov 2018 mid-term and well into June-July of 2019, so as to manipulate the 2018 election as well. Democrats would probably not have a House majority now if not for that prolonged smear of the Republicans.

And then when the prolonged Mueller investigation had nothing and had to end in 2019, and the Mueller hearings destroyed what was left of his personal reputation, the CIA internally (no one knows who created the memo to change it, no one knows when Gina Haspel signed it) created a change in whistleblower rules so an anonymous CIA and/or NSC member could write an anonymous accusation against the president, to manufacture YET ANOTHER attempt to impeach president Trump. That alone should have warranted Gina Haspel's firing (that and the fact she was John Brennan's hand-picked replacement. Especially after the impeachment ended in February 2020, she and her closest aides (all Brennan people) should have been fired immediately.

Likewise, the whole time the impeachment was going on from Oct 2019-Feb 2020, the FBI was sitting on a laptop of incriminating evidence against Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, and the inner workings of THEIR "collusion", corruption and bullying influence on Ukraine.
EXACTLY what Trump was accused of doing!
The moment that was discovered, and really for 2 years of stonewalling before that, FBI director Christopher Wray should have been fired. For a long time before that, but at the latest, the day that Hunter Biden laptop was revealed, and that the FBI had been hiding it since Dec 2019, Christopher Wray and a lot of other FBI heads should have rolled.

And back to V P Pence, the powers Pence would exert were first exercised by Thomas Jefferson after the 1800 election, where as then-VP, the election ended in a tie, and then the House elected Jefferson president over Burr, after if I recall 36 ballots.
With similar contested elections in 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016, where a candidate won the electoral vote but not the popular vote.
And 1960, where Kennedy, the mafia, and Johnson rigged elections in Illinois and in Texas. I don't think many, if any, even contest that anymore.

I love how your side bitches and moans for 4 years, and uses every unlawful dirty trick in the book to overturn or cripple Trump's presidency. For 4 years! And then the Democrats have the audacity to say after 8 weeks, and really beginning the first week after, on Nov 7th, "Well, Trump and the Republicans should just give up, it's just unpatriotic and dividing the country."
And the last week or so, CNN is even fronting the lying talking point: "It's SEDITIONIST !"

No actually, what you evil bastards have been doing for FOUR YEARS is seditionist. China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, Al Qaida, ISIS, and the Mexican drug cartels must be laughing and slapping each other high-fives at the prospect of Biden becoming president. But the American people are terrified, and they know the election was stolen from them, that their safety in a dangerous world is now threatened. Even many who wanted Biden to win know that the numbers just don't add up. And because they don't add up, Democrats are fighting like hell to prevent a legitimate recount and full investigation. Democrats know they have plenty to hide.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.