Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Thank goodness these people were not in charge when we were fighting polio. It’s that type of thinking and week wills that helped the death toll be so big in the US. Grown men who couldn’t wear a mask to protect their loved ones are not real men in my book. Very happy that I have the vaccine that was being tested before “operation warp speed” was announced so assholes like that really aren’t a threat to me or my family when it comes to them spreading Covid.

Uh... as multiple medical experts succh as Dr. Scott Atlas, New York Times journalist Alex Berenson, and other doctors say daily on Fox News and other channels, the science at this point supports not wearing the masks for people who are immunized or outdoors. It also supports children not wearing masks at all, and supports children going back to school and not being schooled by internet, as they have virtually no risk of either contracting Covid, spreading Covid, or dying of Covid-19.

Further, the CDC's own web-page says that only 6% of Covid-19 deaths were caused by the disease itself, and were instead caused by one or more "co-morbidity" immune-compromised conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, cancer, or some other weakening condition.

A REMINDER FOR M E M: The purpose of the shut-down, which was only supposed to be for 2 or 3 weeks, was:

1) TO ALLOW HOSPITALS TO PREPARE, so they would not be overwhelmed as they were in Italy and Spain.

2) to PREPARE AND PROTECT THOSE MOST VULNERABLE, so they would not die. That is what states like Florida and Texas did, while states like New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan and California were killing thousands of grandmas who didn't need to die.

The purpose was not to make sure no one gets sick with Covid-19, even a mild case, the purpose was TO SAVE LIVES. At this point, everyone who is over 65 or immune-compromised has been vaccinated. And last I looked, about 35% of the country was fully vaccinated, and about 45% have had the first of two injections. The vulnerable are now vaccinated and protected, those less vulnerable can get on with their lives. Even those who are hospitalized now can be treated with multiple therapies to recover, that did not exist a year ago.
And your Democrat-Bolshevik party has probably caused thousands to die who didn't have to by obstructing early Hydroxychloroquine prescription, that would have prevented many patients from ever becoming severely ill or hospitalized. In at least 30 nations worldwide, they give out Hydroxychloroquine FOR FREE to the population, and have had far less deaths. A medicine that has been in wide use worldwide since 1944, that has been FDA approved since 1955, that has for decades been used to treat tens of millions for Malaria, Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease and other illnesses, that just because Trump recommended it, your party propagandized as "DANGEROUS!!!" That has caused thousands to die unnecessarily, who could have been saved with a $14.00 prescription.

"Polio" is not Covid-19.
Covid-19 is not SARS, MERS or Swine Flu.
Specific to THE SCIENCE of this particular Covid-19 strain, what Democrats are virtue-signalling with their repressive policies is not saving lives. (Even as they allow in 6,000 illegals a day into the country, who are completely untested for Covid-19 or any other disease, secretly shuttled by Democrat policy, UNREPORTED TO LOCAL OFFICIALS in those cities and states, to every corner of the 50 states, to spread Covid-19 that they scold the rest of us to wear a mask to avoid spreading! )

It's infuriating that Biden/Pelosi policy requires any U.S. citizen or LEGAL immigrant to get Covid-tested days in advance and proven Covid-free before they can travel on a plane. But they will allow any Covid-infected ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT to travel on that same plane, to anywhere in the country.

That is not science, M E M, that is virtue-signalling and authoritarian control, using a deliberately false narrative. A narrative that won't save one life. And those illegals WILL spread Covid-19, and will commit crimes against U.S. citizens. One estimate I read is that illegal immigrant criminals kill about 4,000 Americans (or legal immigrants) a year. Your insane party is the one killing and endangering people.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.