Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
And as I've said, every audit and re-count permitted (in New Hampshire, in Arizona, in Montana, in Georgia, in Pennsylvania, in Michigan, in Wisconsin) has shown irregularities and fraud on a massive scale that cannot be explained. As I just pointed out linking Peter Navarro's two "Navarro Reports" on the election, he cites about 50 pages of sourced evidence that there are hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes, that far exceed Biden's margin of victory in every state.
Your side is obstructing audit of the election, and slandering anyone who asks for those audits, because they know they will lose if the votes are fully examined.

Funny you should mention obstruction considering how hard Arizona Senate Republicans are fighting the release of documentation regarding said audit.

And, no, they haven't. You just want to believe that. You won't dare ask yourself why they wouldn't fight tooth-and-nail sitting on all this proof of fraud to be the patriots you believe them to be and remove an illegitimate government from power. No. They just bitch about it and how bad Joe is for four years. This is what you you accept as reality. They know and have evidence and do nothing but send fundraiser emails. And, those are your fucking patriots? Really?

I use emotion because you rejected real facts and reality long ago.



They haven't released the full results of the Maricopa County AZ audit because, after several months of a very thorough and impeccable audit, they are still just as meticulously reviewing and organizing their final report, that they plan to release within the next month.
Against your insult-laden hissy fit, you didn't begin here with logic or facts, you instantly lowered yourself to namecalling, you presented no facts, just your usual profanity-laden tantrum and insults, and then pretending you previously presented facts, you went on to a second round of namecalling and insults.

Both the Democrats and the Republicans do fundraising based on controversial issues like the contested election, Obamacare, Tech-media bias, etc. But because you're an unhinged Democrat partisan, you one-sidedly pretend Democrats don't fundraise the exact same way.

It does disappoint me that a good percentage of Republicans are RINOs who are in it for themselves and not standing up for their conservative voters and the issues that matter. I mentioned that previously, citing the book OBAMANOMICS by Tim Carney, as well as numerous other sources who have exposed that lobby influence, in both parties.

And I've been very clear that people like Mitch McConnell, justice John Roberts, Lindsey Graham, William Barr, Kevin McCarthy, Jeff Sessions, and many other Republicans, while at times making a stand for conservative issues, are unreliable conservatives who sell out and disappoint their constituents as often as they come through. And that is a trait among a large slice of Republicans that goes back to at least 2010, that I have been openly critical here of, for just as long.
There clearly are a percentage of Republicans who are in it to become rich on lobby money and exploit the people who trust them.

Or in the case of many U.S. and state-level House and Senate members, and judges all the way up to the Supreme Court, were either intimidated, are Democrat-appointed partisans, or many of both parties more concerned with keeping their position than doing the right thing. AS I PREVIOUSLY CITED AND LINKED, CHAPTER AND VERSE. Cited with specific example by me,
As contrasted with you, who hurls insults and just repeats factless Democrat / liberal media narratives.
And you ignore the Democrats who have clearly sold out and enriched themselves with lobbyist money and corrupt inside deals, such as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Dianne Feinstein and many others. Republicans you freely criticize for this, but the Democrats who do it you pretend don't exist. And yes, many Republicans sell out, but you ignore that many of them don't. And if there is a chance to save the country, it is with the Republicans. The Democrats are corrupt, and completely disloyal to the country, completely taken over by a Bolshevik mentality and hatred.

That's why you stand out as a piece of shit liar, because if you really cared about conservatism, and actually supported Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul as you pretend to, you would be a hardline supporter of Donald Trump, and guys like Ron DeSantis, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, and many others who have courageously stood against incredible opposition and would not be intimidated away from doing the right thing. In Rand Paul's case, he has been physically attacked twice, the first time inflicted with permanent injuries.
I've been very clear for over 10 years exactly who I do and don't support, and why.
You hurl slanderous insults, while never making your ideology or who you support at all clear.

Apparently you're very content with Joe Biden and his Bolshevik army bankrupting our country, destroying our military, flooding our country with criminal and disease-ridden illegal immigrants, Democrats crushing our government's federal checks and balances, to over-ride our election system and install their one-party totalitarian socialist system for the next 50 or 100 years.

Apparently you're okay with Democrats attacking Trump supporters in the streets nationwide an average of once a day, and the rhetoric of Democrat leaders cheering that on.

Apparently you're okay with Democrat leaders colluding with the Russians and the Chinese to overthrow our government, and Democrat leaders openly fantasizing about killing all Republicans and/or putting them in concentration camps. Apparently you're perfectly okay with hundreds of Trump supporters from January 6th being imprisoned for no good reason, who did nothing other than "trespass" inside the Capitol building, treated as if they were terrorists and violent insurrectionists by a 97% Democrat FBI, just to feed a Democrat / liberal-media narrative.
Even as they simultaneously let violent Antifa and BLM radicals free who ACTUALLY DID violently attack bystanders and police.

Apparently you're also perfectly OK with the Biden government doing nothing to stop or protect us from over 6,000 illegals a day pouring into our country completely unscreened, among them drug cartel members, human traffickers, murderers, rapists and other violent criminals, as well as thousands carrying Covid-19 (unscreened!!) and many other diseases into the country. And using taxpayer money to buy them new cel phones and bus and airline tickets, to spread their disease and crime to every city and town in the nation.

But yeah, I'M the "batshit crazy"because I see these things reported, and want them stopped. rolleyes
Democrat Bolshevik thugs tearing down statues of Washington and Lincoln, destroying our election system, bankrupting our country, Critical Race Theory, CRAZY that I would oppose these things.

What a lack of objectivity I have to not see these as a nation-endangering threat. The rhetoric coming out of the Democrat party is on a par with the hatred and violence openly advocated by the Leninist revolution, the Maoist revolution, and the Jacobinists of the French Revolution. As I cited at the time , BLM and Antifa were marching in the streets of cities last summer with guillotines and effigy heads of their political opposition, open about their violent intentions.
And in their relentless attacks on Trump supporters for the last 5 years. It's clearly not just rhetoric. They mean it.
Many of them caught on camera by Project Veritas. Democrats in high positions in the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, and in campaigns for other Democrat House and Senate candidates, and Rother Democrat presidential campaigns. And Democrat political strategists who work for them, who called Rep. Scalise's shooting at the Republican baseball game "a good start". Or the Obama officials who said on social media when Trump was announced to have Covid-19 : "Good. I hope he dies". There were over 1 million "likes" on Facebook for the news that Trump was ill, to the point that Facebook and Twitter had to put up notices telling people not to make further mean comments. )Probably only because they were giving ammunition and prroof of their malevolence to Conservative mediaa to report.) And other Democrats posting similar advocacy of violence who were appointed to Biden administration positions, to DOJ positions, to high-level Border Patrol, DHS and intelligence agency positions. Who clearly fantasized about using federal agencies to persecute Republican conservatives. And now they run those agencies.

You portray me as crazy, but I'm citing facts. Fuckhead.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.