
Why don't you MORE HONESTLY post the multiple videos of OTHER doors to the Capitol, where the Capitol police officers themselves held the doors open, ON VIDEO, and welcomed Trump supporters in, so they could later accuse them of "insurrection" and "Storming the Capitol" , when in truth they just walked in, invited.

AGAIN, out of over 100,000 protestors, only about 600 entered the Capitol. And of those 600, only about 50 committed anything resembling violence, including smashing windows, urinating a desk, and stealing a posium, some letters and other personal items.

OUT THIS WEEK: The FBI has said that no one has been accused of insurrection. NOT ONE PERSON CHARGED WITH INSURRECTION.

And again, of that 50 violent offenders, from the FBI's own investigation, there are at least 20 "un-indicted co-conspirators" (i.,e. FBI undercover agents) including one who shared a hotel room with the head of Oath Keepers at the rally, and who gave the battle plan to Oath Keepers. Meaning if anything happened, it was undercover agents who planned it, not the Oath Keepers themselves. Entrapment, a frame, a set-up.

Add to that about 10 to 20 BLM/Antifa led by John Earle Sullivan, were dressed up as Trump supporters, and ON VIDEOTAPE openly boasted they were disguised as Trump supporters, that they were going to get Trump supporters blamed for violence, and hoped to trick some into following them into violence. It was John Earle Sullivan himself with some of his followers who DIRECTLY caused the shooting of Ashli Babbit, egging on the Trump supporters (if they were's all Sullivan's own BLM/Antifa group in Trump-supporter clothing) And he is filmed from 2 angles on the scene as it happened, and (posing as a journalist) stoking fear in the cop who shot Babbitt just before he shot her. Self-incriminatingly posted by John Earle Sullivan himself, all over Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

And when you add up the 20 "un-indicted co-conspirators" and the 15 or 20 fake Trump supporters and rioters in John Earle Sullivan's group, that means the overwhelming majority, if not ALL, of "insurrectionists" were NOT Trump supporters, but part of at least two separate conspirator groups to FRAME Trump supporters.

Likewise the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, where 3 of the 5 involved in the plot were FBI agents, and the one who proposed the plot was an FBI agent. Again: a set up, a frame, a lying narrative.
The same way the FBI set up and tried to frame Paul Manafort, George Papadapoulos, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Michael Flynn, Michael Caputo, K.T. McFarland and so forth. And when they could not be convicted, they manufactured a perjury trap so they could charge them and threaten them with something.

So again... according to Jill Sanborn, assistant director of counter-terrorism at the FBI, NO ONE is accused of "insurrection" , NOT ONE firearm was seized that day by police in or around the Capitol, or anywhere around Washington square. THERE WAS NO INSURRECTION. Period. There was some minor rioting by around 50 people, no building was burned, no stores were looted, no one was killed, and the worst thing that happened (the Ashli Babbitt shooting) was caused by John Earl Sullivan's BLM/Antifa group, and an anonymous trigger happy Capitol police officer.

AGAIN: In the initial 3 months, the FBI rounded up 290 Trump supporters, and 90% of them were only charged with "trespassing", no violent offenses.

So a month after that, to keep the lying Democrat narrative of an "insurrection" alive, they went out and arrested another 100 or so, more trespassers, no violent criminals, no armed militia, nothing. Just to keep the Democrt lying narrative alive.

Then when Bolshevik party judge Merrick Garland was appointed attorney general, he breathed new life into the false narrative and declared that "white supremacist insurrectionists" are the greatest threat to the country, and ordered ANOTHER false-narrative building expansion of the "investigation". More trespassers, no violent offenders, just enough to keep the false narrative alive.

Iggnoring the evidence that goes against that false narrative:

That's a police officer opening the gate and waving in the protestors to the Capitol.

Capitol Police allow the public into the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021


Trump Jan 6th supporters rally & protest staged? Capitol violence similar to 2019 Hong Kong students protests

...that emphasizes the similarities between the Chinese Communist Party and the U.S. Democrat/ Left in each's organized efforts to frame their political opposition.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.