Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
To answer WB’s question, Bannon was prodding Trump to focus on Jan 6 and was reportedly in frequent contact with the WH that day. Sort of makes him an obvious person that they would want to question. WB knew that though but instead employs the smoke and mirrors that he accuse others of.

But even in CNN's above worst spin of it, Steve Bannon only encouraged Trump to organize a peaceful rally to draw media attention and public awareness to the issue of Biden's election fraud, that had been blocked out by media coverage. Bannon advised Trump this was a way to bypass the media, and force the media to cover a protest of over 100,000 Trump supporters in Washington DC voicing opposition to that election fraud, and forcing the media to cover Republican House/Senate debate of the issue.

It's a wild leap of an allegation beyond that to say that Trump "incited the violence". In point of fact, in the days and weeks leading up to January 6th, it was Trump who personally ordered 10,000 National Guard troops, to insure that things remained peaceful.
It was Pelosi and the Democrats who rescinded that order, and rescinded it multiple times, even when officers in charge on Jan 6th were on the phone begging for authorization to deploy those troops already ordered by Trump, at least 5 times on the day of January 6th, as I posted earlier.

It was Trump who in his 71 minute speech on January 6th, said "I know in a few minutes you're going to march over to the Capitol biling and PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support" for the Republican Senate and House members legally challenging the electoral vote finalization. Seeking to have V.P. Pence stop the electoral finalization, and begin 2 or 3 weeks of televised hearings of debate, of the evidence of election fraud during a prolonged joint session in those weeks on the House/Senate floor.

It was Trump who about every 30 minutes all through the afternoon of January 6th, sent out Twitter posts instructing his supporters to "remain peaceful". Trump at no point incited violence or instructed his supporters to commit violence. As I've said repeatedly, at least 40 of the 60 charged with vandalism or violence are either (Democrat-loyalist) "un-indicted co-conspirator" FBI agents sent to frame Trump supporters (agents who are all identifiable in photos on Jan 6th, but never arrested or charged by the FBI.)
And John Earle Sullivan's BLM/Antifa group, who ALSO disguised themselves as Trump supporters and committed violence, and tried to incite or frame Trump supporters.
John Earle Sullivan, who orchestrated the Ashli Babbitt shooting, is out on bail under house arrest, free to still spread his hate and stoke violence on social media.
But Trump, who did nothing wrong, and even ordered the 10,000 National Guard to prevent violence, a National Guard order that others (Democrats) obstructed, is banned from that same social media.

On Facebook and Twitter, the Ayatollah can deny the Holocaust and boast of planning to wipe Israel off the map.
On Twitter and Facebook, the Chinese government can boast that they are "liberating" Uyghur women by forcing abortions to prevent them from becoming mothers, and keeping 2 million Uyghurs in concentration camp slave conditions, murdering many, harvesting their organs.
On Twitter and Facebook, Black Lives Matter and Antifa can openly plot and coordinate their riots and violent attacks in cities nationwide across the U.S..... but OH, Trump is too dangerous to be permitted to have an account.
The world is upside down.

That is YOUR Democrat-Bolshevik smoke and mirrors propaganda exposed, M E M.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.