
Ted Cruz grills FBI assistant director Jill Sanborn, about FBI agents on January 6 2021 rally

That pretty much destroys the "Trump supporter insurrection/ domestic terrorist threat" narrative, with a single 2-minute series of questions.
It makes clear the sleazy way the FBI framed Trump supporters, to falsely label them as "domestic terrorists", where she absolutely refused to answer, in a way that looks like Jill Sanborn exercising her First Amendment right to not incriminate herself and her agency for crimes.

  • CRUZ: "Did FBI agents or informats actively participate in the January 6th events, yes or no?"
    SANBORN: "Sir, uh, I can't answer that..."

    CRUZ: "Did any FBI agents or informants commit crimes of violence on Jan 6?"
    SANBORN : "I can't answer that sir."

    CRUZ: "Did any FBI agents or informants encourage or incite crimes of violence on January 6th?"
    SANBORN: "Sir, I can't answer that."

That's it.
Game over. GAME OVER.

In recent months it's been proven there was no armed insurrection, that FBI or other law enforcement did not find or confiscate a single firearm on Jan 6th.
FBI has confirmed there was no organized violence, just a few random acts that could more accurately be described as some minor rioting, not any evidence to support a national insurrection narrative.
We've seen that the leader of Oath Keepers shared a hotel room with an FBI undercover agent, and it was this agent that gave the battle plan to Oath Keepers for Jan 6th.

That there were "at least 20" un-indicted co conspirator undercover FBI agents (as exposed by Revolver News, from the FBI's own investigative reports of Jan 6th) , who were in the crowd, and in the videotaped examples of Ray Epps and others, were trying to stoke the protesters to violence that they had no interest in committing.
That when these "at least 20" agents were exposed by Revolver News, the FBI suddenly wiped their wanted photos from the FBI website, and never pursued or arrested them.
While simultaneously and with incredible irony, jailing grandmas who only walked inside the Capitol that day, maliciously imprisoning them in harsh conditions for over a year in jail and counting, in isolation with no lawyer or trial, while the ACTUAL inciters and violent offenders are hidden and protected by the FBI.

And now Jill Sanborn is asked directly if these were FBI agents who were already previously established to be present, were in fact participants and EVEN THE PLANNERS AND INSTIGATORS OF THE VIOLENCE , and she evasively refuses to answer, in a way that is basically an admission of guilt by the FBI.

The 97% Hillary Clinton-donating DOJ/FBI was weaponized to frame Trump and his supporters for violence that FBI agents themselves planned and orchestrated, to frame Trump and his supporters.

Game over.
The "right wing terrorist/insurrection" narrative is dead.
And the over-reach of an oppressive Democrat-loyalist Deep State FBI who ACTUALLY planned and executed it at every stage, is fully exposed.


[Linked Image from]

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.