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I haven’t taken a deep plunge into the indictment but enough where I understand why I see virtually no legal defense by his supporters. Years and years of trying to lock up whoever was the top democrat and here’s Trump being very guilty and stupidly so.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2023-08-22 7:41 PM. Reason: Changed title to avoid confusion between criminal indictments)

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Yeah, that's pretty much what I'd expect someone with a Trump-hating leftist ideology to say.
You keep telling yourself that.

The truth is, DOJ and FBI, on far more blatant examples of illegally stealing or retaining classified records, in the examples of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton (the latter of whom bleachbitted and destroyed over 30,000 federally subpoenaed records amid an FBI investigation !!
*AND* destroyed 7 cel phones with subpoenaed records) .
Bill Richardson (who smuggled out records in his pants), also destroying records.
John Kerry.
Joint Chiefs chairman Mike Millie, who ratted out military secrets to the Chinese, and promised to inform the Chinese if the U.S. was going to attack them. And he still wasn't even fired!
None of that warrants criminal indictment, or even a legitimate investigation.

But then --whiplash!!-- all of a sudden the FBI and DOJ MAKE UP new bogus charges to aggressively indict Trump. Just by the wildest coincidence, when he is by far surpassing every Republican primary candidate, and in recent polls beating Joe Biden by a good margin.

For those of us who aren't Democrat-Bolsheviks, this Trump indictment by FBI and DOJ is clearly election interference, and weaponizing of federal DOJ, FBI, intelligence and other federal agencies, to rig another election against Republicans.
Yet again.

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A DOJ (and subsidiary FBI) who donate an overwhelming 97% to Democrats, by the way.

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Hiding classified documents and lying and refusing to hand them over isn’t bogus. Trump deserves a fair trial but what I can tell from the evidence that’s a problem for him.

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Trump btw is the guy who regularly started his rallies with “lock her up” and pushed his Justice Department to go not only Clinton but also Biden. “Lock her up” became “lock him up”. Accusing the other side of what you’re actually doing sound familiar to you WB?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Hiding classified documents and lying and refusing to hand them over isn’t bogus. Trump deserves a fair trial but what I can tell from the evidence that’s a problem for him.

That might have the slightest credibility if DOJ and FBI had in over 30 years, pursued charges of espionage or top secret records violations against Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, on and on. Democrats (like their brethren in the 97% Democrat-donating FBI and DOJ) always seem to go completely free of investigation or prosecution, even in egregious cases of abuse and treason.
For example, Peter Strzok openly boasted he changed the wording of the statement James Comey wrote about Hillary Clinton's crimes eliminating the term "gross negligence" (which is a crime punishable by years in federal prison) to "extreme carelessness" (which is NOT a crime).
Strzok is a fanatic Democrat zealot.
Comey is a fanatic Democrat zealot.
And McCabe.
And Clinesmith.
I am he and he is me and we are all together. Against the Republicans.

By whatever illicit means. Which now includes "lawfare", the weaponization of the law against Republicans, burying them in groundless and frivolous lawsuits.
And conversely, protecting guilty as hell Democrats from any investigation or prosecution.

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Another treasonous example that occurs to me is during the post-1984 election period, where Reagan was negotiating a reduction of nuclear arms, and tensions, with the Soviet Union.

Ted Kennedy and the Democrats met secretly with the Russians, and encouraged them not to negotiate an agreement with the Reagan administration, that Democrats would give them a better deal later. Which endangered every American, and every human on the planet, just so Democrats in their mind could leverage some kind of short-term political advantage. To the detriment and destruction of the nation.

At every turn over decades, Democrats in political leadership position cynically think of only of how to leverage political power by the most vicious tactics available to them, NOT of the best interests of the American people. Whether they people in question are Democrat supporters who are white middle class, laborer working class, black, hispanic, gay, legal immigrants, illegal immigrants, whatever, Democrats look at them as disposable cannon fodder. Who will mindlessly vote Democrat NO MATTER WHAT the Democrat-Bolsheviks in power do.

It is an absolute fact that all these groups were better off under a Trump presidency than under any other presidency in 50 years, Democrat or Republican.
That is an absolute quantifiable fact. Lower unemployment, return of the industrial base to the United States that was previously offshored to southeast Asia (a feat Obama said Trump would have to "wave a magic wand to accomplish, but Trump did it), the highest ratio of home-ownership for blacks ever recorded, the lowest unemployment for blacks, hispanics, women and people under 25 ever recorded, re-built our military, re-negotiated trade agreements worldwide with virtually all our trading partners in the U.S. favor, secured the U.S. southern border and virtually stopped illegal immigration for the first time in over 40 years, vastly lowered the price of gas, and made the U.S. oil-independent and a net exporter of oil and natural gas for the first time in 71 years.
All of which Joe Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks were quick to destroy the moment they seized power in Jan 2021.

AGAIN: The ultimate goal of the Democrats, which many say openly, is to utterly destroy the Republican party ("to destroy it so completely it can never come back" --Jennifer Rubin, N Y Times) . To establish a Marxist/Socialist one-party system, to unleash authoritarian power over every aspect of Americans' lives, because y'know, our Constitutional republic is built on racist atrocities and inherently evil, so the sooner we abolish it and replace it with a Marxist/Socialist system the better, because it has no right to exist ( --Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar, Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren, on and on, pretty much the entire top shelf of the Democrat-Bolshevik party. )

They want to take away the children of Republican conservatives and have them raised by HHS appointed foster parents.
( --one of PBS's lead attorneys, who PBS initially tried to say was "misrepresented" by his video-recorded Project Veritas -interviewed remarks. And when that was blatantly untrue and didn't work, they reluctantly fired the attorney and gave lip service to not endording his ideology, despite that they did. )

Multiple other gay /trans / satanist / ultra-leftist Democrats (as revealed in their own publicly posted video statements, collected by the "libs of Tik-Tok"website, similarly expressed the idea that "We will take away your children" hijack them out from under you, indoctrinate them in your schools, and brainwash them to reject your ideology and turn on you.

Former Bill Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich, publicly stated that former Trump administration officials should be forced to confess their crimes in televised show trials along the lines of those that occurred in the Soviet Union and in Communist China. Which again underscores the hate and fanaticism of the Democrat-Left, and their allegiance to authoritarian communist ideas, as are virtually everyone who worked in the Bill Clinton administration, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton's state department and the Clinton Foundation, or the current Biden administration,
ALL SHARE a worship of Communist/Leftist radicals like the Soviet Union, Communist China, Castro's Cuba, Hugo Chavez's Venezuela, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the genocidal Che Gueverra, domestic radical Saul Alinsky (who both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama openly worshipped and proselytized their ideology to others. )

These are the regimes and genocidal people these Democrat leaders admire and emulate. How can you, M E M, or any other Democrat deny that the genocidal Marxist fanaticism they worship is EXACTLY what they plan to replace our Constitutional republic with?
Many Democrats and grassroots leftists have said exactly this, in their own videotaped and written words.

Which by the way, perfectly duplicates the talking points of the Chinese Communist government, and the Russian government, in the ideological disinformation they spread in the United States and Europe, to try to undermine and overthrow our Western governments.

The talking points YOUR SIDE, the Democrat-Bolsheviks, eagerly buy into and spread. Since the Vietnam war era, these hostile foreign governments have even secretly funded these Marxist front groups, such as the Black Panthers, the Students for a Democratic Society (of which the Obamas and the Clintons were active members) , and more recently Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the Open Borders movements.
So un-American, they are funded by hostile foreign governments.

The violent insurrectionists who burn cities and tear down national monuments, that the Democrat party doesn't criticize and openly ENDORSES. ( --A O-C again, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS, on and on, not one Democrat condemns these attacks on our country.)

NANCY PELOSI: "I don't care about statues..."

KAMALA HARRIS (on Antifa and BLM burning cities and looting 600 cities) : "They're going to keep up the pressure right until election day. They're not going to stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop..."
Kamala Harris also paid to a fund to bail out violent BLM/Antifa rioters, so they could quickly get out of jail and do even more damage.

And still you support them, and try to label the Republican-conservative and Trump people who would stop them, as if THEY are the ones who are evil and corrupt.

wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall

How can I make you see the obvious, and make you reject the Bolshevik fanatics you so loyally support?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump btw is the guy who regularly started his rallies with “lock her up” and pushed his Justice Department to go not only Clinton but also Biden. “Lock her up” became “lock him up”. Accusing the other side of what you’re actually doing sound familiar to you WB?

Except Trump didn't actually do it, or even attempt to investigate or jail Hillary Clinton.

Whereas the Democrat-Bolsheviks are really going for blood.

A few years ago, I looked up all the Watergate burglars and officials involved in the break-in and cover-up. Some only did a few days in jail, or two weeks in jail, some 6 months, some did 2 years, and the longest was Gordon Liddy who did about 7 and 1/2 years of a 20 year sentence (because he refused to cooperate with investigators or rat on anyone, and was thus given the maximum sentence. And it was actually Jimmy Carter who early in his presidency pardoned Godon Liddy, because his sentence was so disproportionately long relative to others involved.
President Carter also pardoned Liddy, the last still in jail, to put an end to the Watergate chapter of U.S. history, and let the entire nation move on.
I figured that that averaged out, the Watergate criminals served out an average of about 18 months in jail.

Compare that to the malicious prosecutions of Trump and other officials, where in each case (Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, George Pappadapoulos, Jerome Corsi, and Trump himself, among others) where in each case the DOJ and FBI maliciously prosecuted and stacked on charges way disproportionate to the crime, effectively trying to make each one serve a life sentence in jail. That is as vicious as it gets, way out of proportion to anything they are accused of. Often just process crimes, made up perjury traps, deliberately manufactured by the FBI.
Is that right, M E M.
Is that fair?

That was rhetorical. No, it absolutely is not.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Again not seeing an actual defense for what Trump is being charged with. You know in the courtroom that is what Trump will have to actually present. And I don’t honestly see how he does it looking at the indictment. But out of curiosity do you still feel Clinton should have been locked up? Did it bother you when Trump joined in with the chants? Or when he tried to get the DOJ to help him overturn the election after he lost?

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Wondy won't listen to reason. Hell, I don't expect he listens to much of anything with substance from the text wall screeds he posts.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Except Trump didn't actually do it, or even attempt to investigate or jail Hillary Clinton.

Whereas the Democrat-Bolsheviks are really going for blood.

Seriously, this is the most poignant thing you have ever posted. It was never serious to you. It was all a fucking game until your guy went overboard. Now, fuck accountability. Balls to the wall illegality from our political overlords lest someone has to bear responsibility for shit behavior while the other side is in office. Fuck you. You are everything you claim everyone you don't like to be. You are a horrible person and need a better fucking hobby, you deluded fanboy of the cult of politics.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Again not seeing an actual defense for what Trump is being charged with. You know in the courtroom that is what Trump will have to actually present. And I don’t honestly see how he does it looking at the indictment. But out of curiosity do you still feel Clinton should have been locked up? Did it bother you when Trump joined in with the chants? Or when he tried to get the DOJ to help him overturn the election after he lost?

I think Hillary Clinton is absolutely guilty of financing the "Russia Dossier" (which is to say, her campaign giving millions of dollars directly to Russian intelligence agents, EXACTLY the "Russia collusion" her campaign falsely accused Donald Trump and agents of his campaign and administration of being involved in.

In retrospect, it may have been wise of Trump (in 2017-2020 as president) not to have ordered his A.G. and DOJ to investigate Hillary. But certainly, Trump should have ordered a bipartisan independent special investigation into the Russia Dossier and election interference.

And with it investigate the DNC's part in funding the Russia Dossier, investigate the Obama administration's knowledge and participation (particularly the 7 who participated in an Oval Office meeting of Obama himself, then-V.P. Biden, Clapper, Comey, and the others, who plotted to set up and destroy Michael Flynn), and in the plot to frame Trump and others in his administration and top officials of the FBI, DOJ and CIA for "Russia collusion".

And to investigate Rep. Peter Schiff, and other Democrats in the House and Senate, for deliberately manipulating and selectively releasing documents, to knowingly create an APPEARANCE of guilt by Trump, to FALSELY scandalize and cripple his presidency, while these Democrat leaders ABSOLUTELY knew the evidence proved Trump and his staff innocent, way before those closed-hearing transcripts were finally released, first by DNI Richard Grenell, and then more completely by successor DNI John Ratcliffe.
Released transcripts that absolutely and unquestionably proved Trump's innocence
And absolutely proved the lies in the comments and testimony of Adam Schiff, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, and others, who all in CNN and MSNBC interviews said evidence showed Trump's guilt, but in closed hearing House testimony UNDER OATH said THE EXACT OPPOSITE, THAT THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OF TRUMP BEING GUILTY OF ANYTHING.
Period. The end.

That certainly warrants investigation and punishment. But in a way that is fully bipartisan and above board. My concern is, at this point the statute of limitations on many of these crimes has, or soon will, expire. And what Biden's A G Merrick Garland, his appointed hyper-partisan Democrat special prosecutor Jack Smith in the Trump case (who already has a history in the conviction of Republican governor Bob McDonnell overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in an 8-0 ruling (1 justice recused) for its malicious prosecution and witholding of exculpatory evidence), and the other deep-state loyal Democrat-appointed special investigator of Biden's illegally held classified records case , Robert Hur, which guarantees that Biden's vast possession of illegal records will be swept under the rug and forgotten.
Even as Trump is maliciously prosecuted on manufactured charges.

As usual, everything Democrats accuse Trump and the Republicans of (treason, partisanship, the weaponization of government, malicious prosecution) is exactly, EXACTLY what the Democrats are guilty of.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Wondy won't listen to reason. Hell, I don't expect he listens to much of anything with substance from the text wall screeds he posts.

Sorry that my citation of facts and reason destroys your lying narrative, and your malicious wish to undermine and destroy Trump on false evidence, and the one-sided hypocritical Democrat selective prosecution of Trump.
SEVEN YEARS and counting, of Democrat / deep state false accusations and manufactured scandals against Trump. There's no one else in American politics who has had to endure this kind of endless barrage of false accusations from a weaponized government.

Again: the most prominent legal and constitutional scholars, including Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, support what I am saying.
Not what you, in your unhinged Trump-hate cult, would like to believe.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Except Trump didn't actually do it, or even attempt to investigate or jail Hillary Clinton.

Whereas the Democrat-Bolsheviks are really going for blood.

Seriously, this is the most poignant thing you have ever posted. It was never serious to you. It was all a fucking game until your guy went overboard. Now, fuck accountability. Balls to the wall illegality from our political overlords lest someone has to bear responsibility for shit behavior while the other side is in office. Fuck you. You are everything you claim everyone you don't like to be. You are a horrible person and need a better fucking hobby, you deluded fanboy of the cult of politics.

My cited facts, your baseless and malicious insults.

Like a resident of Jonestown, eagerly drinking the Kool-Aid. And you're so deluded, there is absolutely no reasoning with you.

A Democrat-weaponized FBI and DOJ has been maliciously prosecuting Republicans since at least Senator Ted Stevens and Scooter Libby, and simultaneously giving a free pass and scuttling cases against Democrats like Lois Lerner and Hillary Clinton.
A fair FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton's e-mail unsecured server scandal, or of the plot by Democrats in the FBI, DOJ, Hillary Clinton campaign, Obama administration, and Biden administration to frame Trump, would pretty much bring down the entire Democrat federal infrastructure. FACT.

That is why from their perspective, Donald Trump absolutely has to be maliciously prosecuted and destroyed.
Would that you had the capacity to understand the facts right in front of you.

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Judicial Watch: Clinton Sock Drawer Audio Tape Case Exonerates Pres. Trump

One standard for Clinton and the Democrats, another for Donald Trump.

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I’m sure you’ve also read why Clinton was allowed to keep his own personal recordings with a historian under that law vs Trump taking government top secret documents and than lying and obstructing the efforts to retrieve them under the espionage law he’s been indicted for.

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Wondy, you are a deluded fuckbag. Give me Burisma tapes and I am absolutely on board with dragging Dementia Joe to court in shackles too. Yelling about tapes might exist means dick to me. Clinton on tape saying either one fucked over the National Archives or flashing classified material to others? Bury them under the fucking jail. But, until then, shut the fuck up you cynical douchebag. You have nothing but frothing invective and blind zealotry that covers your eyes to anything wrong done on your side. You are a braindead cultist asshole. Fuck off.

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Originally Posted by iggy
panic panic Wondy, you are a deluded fuckbag. Give me Burisma tapes and I am absolutely on board with dragging Dementia Joe to court in shackles too. Yelling about tapes might exist means dick to me. Clinton on tape saying either one fucked over the National Archives or flashing classified material to others? Bury them under the fucking jail. But, until then, shut the fuck up you cynical douchebag. You have nothing but frothing invective and blind zealotry that covers your eyes to anything wrong done on your side. You are a braindead cultist asshole. Fuck off. panic panic

No further response from me necessary.
You're an unhinged spiteful 6-year-old who somehow occasionally sneaks onto his mom's computer to post here.

There is OVERWHELMING evidence of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden's guilt, from the Hunter Biden laptop e-mail chains alone, and "10% to the Big Guy", and the e-mail overtures with Chinese, Russian and Ukraine officials. That a 97% Democrat-donating FBI has possessed and sat on SINCE DECEMBER 2019 !!
It is clear the FBI, or at least a large slice of the FBI, is on Team Democrat, and doing everything it can to suppress any investigation or prosecution of Democrat leaders. Despite OVERWHELMING evidence.
Instead, the FBI tries to intimidate and silence the computer shop owner who gave the FBI the laptop, tries to intimidate and silence a very reputable Tony Bobulinsky, while simultaneously maliciously prosecuting Trump and his advisors, on made-up-on-the-fly legal interpretations, and pure vitriol.

Making clear YOU are the "deluded fuckbag". With Tourette's Syndrome. Get help. Please.

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You believe in voter fraud in 2020 and ignore the evidence that differentiates Trump from Biden or Pence that is right in your face. I'm pretty sure posterity and the bots that trawl this forum are going to recognize who the delusional fuckbag is.

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BTW, again...I'm cool with charges being brought against Hunter. He, at best, is in a very grey area legally. There is still a whole bunch of dots between his deals and Joe that you guys are just insinuating the crap out of rather than connect. Need the tapes, the disappearing oligarchs, and all the other stuff you guys swear is out there but can't produce. I got Trump on tape being reckless with defense intelligence. Fuck you.

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[Linked Image from]

Oh I’m sure it only applies to their leader. What happened to personal responsibility? Trump is where he’s at because he lied and refused to hand over what wasn’t his. This wasn’t something the DOJ sprung on him. I see no republicans arguing that every President has a right to take whatever Top Secret files they want.

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Donnie Bone Spurs is now blaming Donatello, Raphael and the rest of the gang for his problems in life...

This entire mess seems too bizarre to be real. He has to be trolling at this point, at least I hope so.

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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Originally Posted by iggy
BTW, again...I'm cool with charges being brought against Hunter. He, at best, is in a very grey area legally. There is still a whole bunch of dots between his deals and Joe that you guys are just insinuating the crap out of rather than connect. Need the tapes, the disappearing oligarchs, and all the other stuff you guys swear is out there but can't produce. I got Trump on tape being reckless with defense intelligence. Fuck you.

The Hunter Biden laptop e-mails aren't "unconnected dots', they are a signed confession laying out every detail, with a time stamp.
And corroborated by a highly reputable Tony Bobulinskyt, by Devon Archer, and by others who participated in these e-mail chains.
The tapes and the oligarchs testifying would just be the icing on an already elaborately made legal cake.

Oh. And the financial records Rep. Comer has obtained from Ukraine, Romania, Kazakhstan, Russia and China, with more that clearly exists to be piled on later to further make the case.
Oh. And the whitstleblowers from FBI, IRS and other agencies talking to Republicans, about how from FBI, DOJ, IRS and every other agency, evidence against the Bidens is being suppressed and slow-walked to protect them. Right there in your face, if you would only look.

You stupid, spiteful pinhead.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
[Linked Image from]

Oh I’m sure it only applies to their leader. What happened to personal responsibility? Trump is where he’s at because he lied and refused to hand over what wasn’t his. This wasn’t something the DOJ sprung on him. I see no republicans arguing that every President has a right to take whatever Top Secret files they want.

A few boxes of Trump memorabilia, mostly newspaper clippings and photos, nothing clearly documented to be classified.

And even if there WERE classified files among his records, Trump as president had the ability to de-classify them.
And he did exactly so with all the Russia collusion documents, in his last 2 months in office, but Democrat Bolsheviks in the DOJ, FBI and State department stonewalled and delayed the order to declassify them until Trump was no longer president, and then they never obeyed his order to declassify after that, for purely partisan weaponization reasons. And to protect themselves from exposure and prosecution for their crimes.

Trump NEVER handled the documents himself as he left the White House. Others (both his staff, FBI, NARA records people and other federal agencies, and lawyers, packed the boxes and sent them to Mar A Lago.
NOT TRUMP HIMSELF. Do you understand that ?!?

The records were kept in secure locked wings of Mar A Lago after that, and Trump and his lawyers were in constant communication with the Biden-voting FBI and NARA-archivist-Democrats EVERY DAY.
And the grounds were further guarded by Secret Service at all times, as secure as if they were boxed and stored at the White House.

With any other former President or Vice President, FBI would have just contacted the former President or former VP's lawyers, arranged a time to take the records, and that would have been the end of it. No legal charges, no indictment, nothing.
And the cases of Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush, Barack Obama, Hillary Rodent Clinton, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, Joe Biden, Mike Pence and others such as Bill Richardson and Sandy Berger, the evidence of that point is clearly made. No convictions, no charges, despite egregious carelessness with classified documents left unguarded.
And in Hillary's case, destruction of tens of thousands of FBI-SUBPOENAED documents, bleach-bitted 20 times each, to make sure every last bit of self-incriminating evidence she destroyed was completely gone.
In the case of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation, hiding an abundance of crimes.

In the case of Barack Obama, the documents Trump kept are speculated to have proven that Obama, Biden, Hillary, Susan Rice, James Comey, John Brennan and others committed crimes in setting up the Iran Nuclear Deal. Records that would have been destroyed by the Democrat-Bolsheviks if Trump had not taken them when leaving the White House.

Records that also demonstrate these 7 top Oval Office Democrats' shared crime on Jan 5 2021, in together orchestrating the framing of Michael Flynn.

And the further crimes (in 2015-2016, and probably Obama's entire 8 years) of unmasking names of Trump officials, and God knows who else, to use FBI and CIA to do electronic surveillance and spy on them.
And to plot for over 5 years (2015-2020, and ongoing) to stage an intelligence community coup to either cripple or remove Trump as a candidate, and then to remove Trump as president, for daring to be elected. Who by the way, WAS THE CHOICE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in the 2016 election, despite the best attempts of Democrat-Bolshevik FBI, CIA and other deep state agents to rig that election as well.
Democrats just didn't anticipate how popular Trump was, and didn't rig the election enough to win in 2016. Trump is speculated to have kept records of these things, that he either de-classified or at least had the presidential power to, and to keep, just as every other recent president has. The difference is, Trump alone kept those records secure, while the others demonstrated a contempt for securing their classified records.
Pence never had any authorization to have classified records. NO CHARGES.
Bill Clinton, and classified records in his sock drawer.

Biden never had any authorization to possess classified records, and he kept them in a carelessly unsecured garage. AMONG AT LEAST FIVE other locations. At the U-Penn Biden Manchurian candidate presidential records center, Biden IN THAT ONE LOCATION ALONE had over 1,850 boxes of records.
Trump had less than 100 boxes at Mar A Lago.

In Biden's case, FBI just called Biden's lawyers, and gave them a few weeks to go though all the records, some of which classified records Biden has had since 1972, and NEVER had a legal right to possess. Let alone those in his unsecured garage. Or the over 1,850 boxes at the U-Penn center that is funded by over $20 million from the Chinese, and no doubt Chinese record keepers have stolen all that classified information. But Biden and his lawyers were given weeks to examine the records and report back to the FBI after cleaning them up, scout's honor, no criminal charges.
As contrasted with Trump, where his records were in locked rooms with Secret Service guarding them, no secrets given to the Chinese or Iranians, is raided by FBI agents brandishing AR-15's in a massive show of state force.
Hey, no double standard. None at all...

Iggy hyperventilates about how :
"Oooohh, it's somehow DIFFERENT with all these other presidents and non-presidents. You're just too simple minded and unwilling to read CNN and MSNBC's Bolshevik-party-line talking points of why it makes sense for ALL these others who never had the authority to have these documents in the first place, but Trump DID have the right. But somehow, if you would only read the Bolsehvik contrived talking points, you would understand that Trump is evil and wrong. Despite that Trump's opponents are all America-hating authoritarian lunatics, and despite them, Trump is actually trying to restore our constitutional republic. If only you would read the Bolshevik propaganda, it would all make sense !!"


Only if you've been drinking the Kool-Aid.
Which you clearly have.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
BTW, again...I'm cool with charges being brought against Hunter. He, at best, is in a very grey area legally. There is still a whole bunch of dots between his deals and Joe that you guys are just insinuating the crap out of rather than connect. Need the tapes, the disappearing oligarchs, and all the other stuff you guys swear is out there but can't produce. I got Trump on tape being reckless with defense intelligence. Fuck you.

The Hunter Biden laptop e-mails aren't "unconnected dots', they are a signed confession laying out every detail, with a time stamp.
And corroborated by a highly reputable Tony Bobulinskyt, by Devon Archer, and by others who participated in these e-mail chains.
The tapes and the oligarchs testifying would just be the icing on an already elaborately made legal cake.

Oh. And the financial records Rep. Comer has obtained from Ukraine, Romania, Kazakhstan, Russia and China, with more that clearly exists to be piled on later to further make the case.
Oh. And the whitstleblowers from FBI, IRS and other agencies talking to Republicans, about how from FBI, DOJ, IRS and every other agency, evidence against the Bidens is being suppressed and slow-walked to protect them. Right there in your face, if you would only look.

You stupid, spiteful pinhead.

Keep trying, bruh, but you're in a cult.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
BTW, again...I'm cool with charges being brought against Hunter. He, at best, is in a very grey area legally. There is still a whole bunch of dots between his deals and Joe that you guys are just insinuating the crap out of rather than connect. Need the tapes, the disappearing oligarchs, and all the other stuff you guys swear is out there but can't produce. I got Trump on tape being reckless with defense intelligence. Fuck you.

The Hunter Biden laptop e-mails aren't "unconnected dots', they are a signed confession laying out every detail, with a time stamp.
And corroborated by a highly reputable Tony Bobulinskyt, by Devon Archer, and by others who participated in these e-mail chains.
The tapes and the oligarchs testifying would just be the icing on an already elaborately made legal cake.

Oh. And the financial records Rep. Comer has obtained from Ukraine, Romania, Kazakhstan, Russia and China, with more that clearly exists to be piled on later to further make the case.
Oh. And the whitstleblowers from FBI, IRS and other agencies talking to Republicans, about how from FBI, DOJ, IRS and every other agency, evidence against the Bidens is being suppressed and slow-walked to protect them. Right there in your face, if you would only look.

You stupid, spiteful pinhead.

Keep trying, bruh, but you're in a cult.

Like I cited repeatedly, YOU'RE the cult member who suicidally trusts the political and media sources who habitually lie about everything, FOR YEARS, with no end in sight.


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Group trying to disbar lawyers who worked on Trump’s post-election lawsuits

Pure Bolshevism, to the core, from the Democratt-Left.

Alan Dershowitz identified it as McCarthyism from the Left, and said this "The 65 Project" group of hard-Left cancel culture lawyers is the most un-American group he has encountered, in 50 years of practicing law.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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If the lawyers acted unethically don’t they deserve being disbarred? From someone who supports getting rid of any gop elected official that was unwilling to help Trump in his failed attempt to steal the election how do you see it as Bolshevism and what you support as being anything better? Trump after he lost the election tried to get his DOJ to help him stay in power. Just say it was rigged and for Georgia it was find him enough votes to win. You’re not fooling anyone WB.

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Btw regarding your earlier post above that, unlike the others Trump fought the attempts to the documents. We know this because it was reported on as it happened. This wasn’t something that was sprung on him out of nowhere. Furthermore according to the indictment he lied and had documents moved in an effort to keep them. Some of his ex lawyers are witnesses. Do you understand why?

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

That certainly warrants investigation and punishment. But in a way that is fully bipartisan and above board. My concern is, at this point the statute of limitations on many of these crimes has, or soon will, expire. And what Biden's A G Merrick Garland, his appointed hyper-partisan Democrat special prosecutor Jack Smith in the Trump case (who already has a history in the conviction of Republican governor Bob McDonnell overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in a 9-0 ruling for its malicious prosecution and witholding of exculpatory evidence), and the other deep-state loyal Democrat-appointed special investigator of Biden's illegally held classified records case , Robert Hur, which guarantees that Biden's vast possession of illegal records will be swept under the rug and forgotten.
Even as Trump is maliciously prosecuted on manufactured charges.

As usual, everything Democrats accuse Trump and the Republicans of (treason, partisanship, the weaponization of government, malicious prosecution) is exactly, EXACTLY what the Democrats are guilty of.

A small correction: In the case of Jack Smith's conviction being overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, it was actually 8-0 with 1 judge recusing themself, not 9-0.
But in any case, a unanimous Supreme Court decision in overturning the conviction, due to egregious misconduct by Jack Smith. Only a hyper-partisan attorney general, with no respect for the law would appoint Jack Smith, with his clear partisan bias and ethical misconduct, to oversee a case involving the former president of the United States, and the current 2024 presidential frontrunner. It reeks of partisan bias, lack of ethics, and election interference.

And ruthless bolshevism.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
If the lawyers acted unethically don’t they deserve being disbarred? From someone who supports getting rid of any gop elected official that was unwilling to help Trump in his failed attempt to steal the election how do you see it as Bolshevism and what you support as being anything better? Trump after he lost the election tried to get his DOJ to help him stay in power. Just say it was rigged and for Georgia it was find him enough votes to win. You’re not fooling anyone WB.

But they DIDN'T do anything unethical in defending Trump, they just did their job, giving Trump legal representation and a fair trial.

They are just university law schools and state bar associations that are Democrat-majority, and abusing that power to harass and intimidate lawyers who defend Trump.

And as both Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley have said --two of the most highly acclaimed legal scholars in the country, both of whom are self-identified liberals as well-- it is downright un-American to intimidate and silence legal counsel and deny them Constitutional representation.
Alan Dershowitz calls it liberal McCarthyism, the push to silence and destroy anyone who sides with or even legally represents Trump.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
If the lawyers acted unethically don’t they deserve being disbarred? From someone who supports getting rid of any gop elected official that was unwilling to help Trump in his failed attempt to steal the election how do you see it as Bolshevism and what you support as being anything better? Trump after he lost the election tried to get his DOJ to help him stay in power. Just say it was rigged and for Georgia it was find him enough votes to win. You’re not fooling anyone WB.

But they DIDN'T do anything unethical in defending Trump, they just did their job, giving Trump representation and a fair trial.

It's just law bars that are Democrat-majority abusing their power to harass and intimidate lawyers who defend Trump.

And as both Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley have said --two of the most highly acclaimed legal scholars in the country, both of whom are self-identified liberals as well-- it is downright un-American to intimidate and silence legal counsel and deny them Constitutional representation.
Alan Dershowitz calls it liberal McCarthyism, the push to silence and destroy anyone who sides with or even legally represents Trump.

And by way, Trump didn't make any attempt to "STEAL" the 2020 election. He followed the Constitutional legal options he had, to challenge the BLATANTLY Democrat-rigged election. And your party and the overwhelmingly Democrat-Bolshevik media helped propagandize the false narrative that Trump "tried to steal the election, TO COVER UP THAT IT WAS THE DEMOCRATS WHO ACTUALLY SUCCESSFULLY STOLE THE ELECTION.

And your Democrat-Bolshevik party's tactics intimidated state and federal legislators and judges and the U.S. Supreme Court from rightly and lawfully overturning it. (Although justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito wanted to hear the case, but John Roberts wouldn't let the full U.S. Supreme Court hear it.)

We've been over this a billion times, and I've extensively linked evidence to prove that is the true situation.

And not just in one way, but in multiple ways, the Democrats rigged the election. From FBI getting the Hunter Biden laptop in December 2019 and burying it.
To former FBI agents such as James Baker using their new executive positions at Facebook, Twiiter, Google and other tech media giants to block sharing of the New York Post story on the Hunter Biden laptop from being viewed or shared (that ALONE in every poll shows rigged the election, 15% of Democrats say they would not have voted for Biden if they had known about the Hunter Biden laptop evidence)
And 51 Democrat/Deep Sate intelligence officials signing off on a letter , falsely saying (with not having even ;looked at Hunter Biden's laptop contents) that it "looks like Russia disinformation". KNOWING that narraive was unrue, KNOWING it was part of a propaganda campaign to help Biden win he election.

The election was also rigged by tens of thousands of people msteriously rising from the dead to vote Democrat.
And by Dominion voting machine rigging.
And by more people mysteriously voting Democrat in many counties than there were actual registered voters,.

And vote rigging evidenced by the VIDEOTAPED security camera footage of illegal votes brought into voting centers in Atlanta and Detroit.

Not to mention Trump was winning in every contested state up until 3 AM election night, at which point Republican vote observers were sent home, and Democrats from 3 AM to 8 AM counted votes all night completely unobserved, and --lo and behold!-- the voting mysteriously across 6 states took a dramatic and overwhelming turn in favor off Biden.

Not to mention that every other election (and I've followed every election closely since 1976) was decided the night of the election. In a blowout election like Reagan in 1980 and 1984, he results were called well before 10 PM.
In the case of a close election, one candidate was declared the winner by 2 or 3 on the morning.
Trump in 2016 was declared winner at about 3:40 AM.
And certainly by the morning-edition newspaper, the final count was known.

In 2020, the voting dragged on FOR WEEKS. Very suspicious.
In Venezuela (who also use Dominion voting machines) what they do all night is count the votes to see how far ahead the opponent is, so they can manufacture the votes to make their guy win by a narrow margin. That is EXACTLY what was done in the 2020 election. And because Trump won by the largest margin of any incumbent in U.S. election history in 2020, it took Democrats days and weeks to manufacture enough fake ballots to rig a narrow Biden victory.
Oddly, blacks in most parts of the country didn't vote the same way as blacks in a few key battleground regions, in a few key states, where against the pattern everywhere else nationwide, blacks voted in disproportionate overwhelming numbers for Biden.

Multiple streams of election fraud. All that, and more. I've posted links from many sources.

Col. Phil Waldron.
Mollie Hemingway.
Hearings [Youtube-linked] in every battleground state by Trump's lawyers and by technical authorities like Col. Phil Waldron and other white collar crime cyber/forensics experts. Tech business owners. Mathemeticians who showed the statistical impossibility of how uniform the voting was across all 50 states, that they saw as evidence voting was rigged by a computer algorithm in every state.

Would that you were interested in the facts. But all you care about is that your party, by whatever MULTIPLE illicit means, rigged a win.
From which Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks are trying to establish a one-party authoritarian government, and smash and imprison their political opponents. You are cheering the destruction of our Constitutional republic.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Btw regarding your earlier post above that, unlike the others Trump fought the attempts to the documents. We know this because it was reported on as it happened. This wasn’t something that was sprung on him out of nowhere. Furthermore according to the indictment he lied and had documents moved in an effort to keep them. Some of his ex lawyers are witnesses. Do you understand why?

As I said, Trump was in contact with the FBI and NARA records people every day by phone or in person. And by all accounts, it was a very friendly relationship on both sides. Trump complied with every request.
AT ANY TIME they could have come to Mar A Lago and taken the records, no arrest warrants, no raids, no indictments .
And in the cases of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Mike Pence and Joe Biden, there were far more egregious violations where the FBI **DID NOT** make raids or file indictments, and that clearly proves the bias against Trump by the 97% Democrat-donating DOJ and FBI made up of Peter Strzoks, Lisa Pages, Andrew McCabes, Bill Priestaps, James Bakers, James Comeys, and Kevin Clinesmiths.
In the case of each of these Democrats and Republicans with top secret records, there was far greater justification for raids, indictments, and prosecution.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, looking at the internal FBI text messages, the FBI and DOJ's 97% ratio of donating Democrat, their history of rigging cases against Republicans and scuttling cases against Democrats like Hillary Clinton or Lois Lerner, that you will EVER convince me this isn't evidence of blatant and overwhelming partisan FBI bias.
[Linked Image from]

( FBI lawyers in group text, immediately after Trump elected in Nov 2016 : )
[Linked Image from]
[Linked Image from]
And the next generation of Democrat/Deep State Bolsheviks, under A.G. Merrick Garland and FBI director Christopher Wray, who share the same rabid Democrat-zealot bias.

There it is, plain as day, so obvious, and you insultingly pretend that bias doesn't clearly exist. As if they are being fair to Trump. In the Manhattan case, in the Mar A Lago case, in the Atlanta Raffensperger phone call case, in each case DOJ and FBI, state attorney generals, district attorneys, and U.S. attorneys, Democrat-Bolshevik lawyers all, have to re-write the law, make up new conflations, federalize local cases that are not their jurisdiction, as has never been done before, to MAKE UP ways to indict Trump.

And they know it will not be successful, that these cases will be thrown out in court or at worst reversed on appeal. But they are gambling that the scandal will shave off just a few percentage points of Trump's 2024 election support, and they will say ANYTHING, do ANYTHING, break any laws and legal ethics, to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

That is what this is all about.

And the FBI and other federal agencies are really getting ugly now, because if Trump is re-elected with the greater knowledge that he didn't have 4 years ago of what they've been doing (FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, leadership of the Obama and Biden administrations, Hillary Clinton and all her aides) under a new Trump presidency this will all be exposed and prosecuted, and their Deep State /Democrat Bolshevik power will be gone.
And they will not only lose power, but for the first time in their lives face prosecution for the incredible hubris with which they have abused power, for at least 25 years.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
If the lawyers acted unethically don’t they deserve being disbarred? From someone who supports getting rid of any gop elected official that was unwilling to help Trump in his failed attempt to steal the election how do you see it as Bolshevism and what you support as being anything better? Trump after he lost the election tried to get his DOJ to help him stay in power. Just say it was rigged and for Georgia it was find him enough votes to win. You’re not fooling anyone WB.

But they DIDN'T do anything unethical in defending Trump, they just did their job, giving Trump representation and a fair trial.

It's just law bars that are Democrat-majority abusing their power to harass and intimidate lawyers who defend Trump.

And as both Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley have said --two of the most highly acclaimed legal scholars in the country, both of whom are self-identified liberals as well-- it is downright un-American to intimidate and silence legal counsel and deny them Constitutional representation.
Alan Dershowitz calls it liberal McCarthyism, the push to silence and destroy anyone who sides with or even legally represents Trump.

Again you actively support getting rid of any republicans that were not going along with Trump’s attempt to steal the election. This includes Trump’s attempt to have the DOJ call the election corrupt and calls to various state GOP officials in his attempt to pressure them to just find enough votes for him to win. You are guilty of exactly what you accuse the other side of doing. You have made it patently clear you don’t mind abuses of power as long as it’s for Trump. That said I wouldn’t hold it against any Trump lawyer that was just doing their job and working within the legal ethical bounds.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Btw regarding your earlier post above that, unlike the others Trump fought the attempts to the documents. We know this because it was reported on as it happened. This wasn’t something that was sprung on him out of nowhere. Furthermore according to the indictment he lied and had documents moved in an effort to keep them. Some of his ex lawyers are witnesses. Do you understand why?

As I said, Trump was in contact with the FBI and NARA records people every day by phone or in person. And by all accounts, it was a very frindly relationship on both sides. Trump complied with every request.
AT ANY TIME they could have come to Mar A Lago and taken the records, no arrest warrants, no raids, no indictments .
And in the cases of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Mike Pence and Joe Biden, there were far more egregious violations where the FBI *DID NOT* file raids or indictments, and that clearly proves the bias against Trump by the 97% Democrat-donating FBI made up of Peter Strzoks, Lisa Pages, Andrew McCabes, Bill Priestaps, James Bakers, James Comeys, and Kevin Clinesmiths, there was far greater justification for raids, indictments, and prosecution.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, looking at their internal FBI messages, the FBI and DOJ's 97% ratio of donating Democrat, their history of rigging cases against Republicans and scuttling cases against Democrats like Hillary Clinton or Lois Lerner, that you will EVER convince me this isn't evidence of blatant and overwhelming partisan FBI bias.

There it is, plain as day, so obvious, and you insultingly pretend that bias doesn't clearly exist. As if they are being fair to Trump. In the Manhattan case, in the Mar A Lago case, in the Atlanta phone call case, they have to re-write the law, make up new conflations, federalize local cases that are not their jurisdiction, as has never been done before, to MAKE UP ways to indict Trump.
And they know it will not be successful, that these cases will be thrown out in court or at worst reversed on appeal. But they are gambling that the scandal will shave off just a few percentage points of Trump's election support, and they will say ANYTHING, do ANYTHING, break any laws and legal ethics, to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

That is what this is all about.

And the FBI and other federal agencies are really getting ugly now, because if Trump is re-elected with the greater knowledge that he didn't have 4 years ago of what they've been doing (FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, leadership of the Obama and Biden administrations, of Hillary Clinton and all her aides) under a new Trump presidency this will all be exposed and prosecuted, and their Deep State /Democrat Bolshevik power will be gone.
And they will not only lose power, but for the first time in their lives face prosecution for the incredible hubris with which they have abused power, for at least 25 years.

I don’t know how you can say by all accounts it was going well. Part of the evidence is some of Trump’s own lawyers with details of how he was trying to keep the classified documents from being taken. Using a lawyer to facilitate a crime isn’t always protected under attorney client privilege smile And yes no doubt if Trump was able to get back in I’m sure he would be getting all the Trump loyalists in that he could. Republicans and Independents can mull that over as we head towards the 2024 election.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Btw regarding your earlier post above that, unlike the others Trump fought the attempts to the documents. We know this because it was reported on as it happened. This wasn’t something that was sprung on him out of nowhere. Furthermore according to the indictment he lied and had documents moved in an effort to keep them. Some of his ex lawyers are witnesses. Do you understand why?

As I said, Trump was in contact with the FBI and NARA records people every day by phone or in person. And by all accounts, it was a very frindly relationship on both sides. Trump complied with every request.
AT ANY TIME they could have come to Mar A Lago and taken the records, no arrest warrants, no raids, no indictments .
And in the cases of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Mike Pence and Joe Biden, there were far more egregious violations where the FBI *DID NOT* file raids or indictments, and that clearly proves the bias against Trump by the 97% Democrat-donating FBI made up of Peter Strzoks, Lisa Pages, Andrew McCabes, Bill Priestaps, James Bakers, James Comeys, and Kevin Clinesmiths, there was far greater justification for raids, indictments, and prosecution.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, looking at their internal FBI messages, the FBI and DOJ's 97% ratio of donating Democrat, their history of rigging cases against Republicans and scuttling cases against Democrats like Hillary Clinton or Lois Lerner, that you will EVER convince me this isn't evidence of blatant and overwhelming partisan FBI bias.

There it is, plain as day, so obvious, and you insultingly pretend that bias doesn't clearly exist. As if they are being fair to Trump. In the Manhattan case, in the Mar A Lago case, in the Atlanta phone call case, they have to re-write the law, make up new conflations, federalize local cases that are not their jurisdiction, as has never been done before, to MAKE UP ways to indict Trump.
And they know it will not be successful, that these cases will be thrown out in court or at worst reversed on appeal. But they are gambling that the scandal will shave off just a few percentage points of Trump's election support, and they will say ANYTHING, do ANYTHING, break any laws and legal ethics, to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

That is what this is all about.

And the FBI and other federal agencies are really getting ugly now, because if Trump is re-elected with the greater knowledge that he didn't have 4 years ago of what they've been doing (FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, leadership of the Obama and Biden administrations, of Hillary Clinton and all her aides) under a new Trump presidency this will all be exposed and prosecuted, and their Deep State /Democrat Bolshevik power will be gone.
And they will not only lose power, but for the first time in their lives face prosecution for the incredible hubris with which they have abused power, for at least 25 years.

I don’t know how you can say by all accounts it was going well. Part of the evidence is some of Trump’s own lawyers with details of how he was trying to keep the classified documents from being taken. Using a lawyer to facilitate a crime isn’t always protected under attorney client privilege smile And yes no doubt if Trump was able to get back in I’m sure he would be getting all the Trump loyalists in that he could. Republicans and Independents can mull that over as we head towards the 2024 election.

You ALMOST told the truth there.

They violated Trump's constitutional rights to executive privelege with his presidential advisors, and violated Trump's attorney-client privilege by shaking down his lawyers and threatening them with prosecution if they wouldn't violate the attorney-client privelege and testify against Trump. They have multiple times invaded Trump's homes and offices on fishing expeditions to find anything, ANYTHING they can use against Trump.

But they have found nothing, and therefore are pursuing indictments in multiple states as a "Plan B" to take him out, that even the best legal scholars, including Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley who both identify as liberals and not Trump supporters, but EVEN THEY say these cases against Trump are contrived and violate constitutional rights, and twist the law into corrupt authoritarian pretzels in a desperate attempt to indict Trump with something. That all these cases against Trump are doomed to fail, and even the lawyers filing them know it, but their only true intent is to smear Trump and shave a few percentage points off his national support, in a desperate bid to lower Trump's popularity just enough to rig the 2024 election.

It is outrageously unfair for FBI and Democrat-Bolshevik U.S. attorneys and local district attorneys to (at the clear bidding of Biden and his puppetmasters in the White House) charge a former president and Biden's current opposition for 2024 on the most specious and unlawful of charges.
It is clearly not about any real crimes, it is just about "get Trump" and damaging him politically, and intimidating his supporters. Each new indictment is just further proof of the absurd use of federal power, to persecute an innocent man, so his Democrat-Bolshevik opposition can win. And each new indictment actually galvanizes Trump's support.

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I'm sure a look through the wayback machine will show you shitting on Turley during the Bush/Obama eras, but--here you are--sucking him off in the present because he now says what you want to hear. You're in a cult.

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brutally Kamphausened
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brutally Kamphausened
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Originally Posted by iggy
I'm sure a look through the wayback machine will show you shitting on Turley during the Bush/Obama eras, but--here you are--sucking him off in the present because he now says what you want to hear. You're in a cult.

I'll bet your mom used to wash your mouth out with soap a lot.
What a vulgar, unpleasant person you are. Your parents must be so proud. rolleyes

Actually, Whomod and a few others used to quote Turley and Dershowitz in Iraq war topics, citing the Patriot Act, and aspects of the Iraq War such as waterboarding prisoners, or indefinite incarceration in Guantanamo Bay as unconstitutional.
On the Patriot Act, I agreed, that it was an unnecessary new set of laws, that the existing laws if they were enforced should have been enough, that the Patriot Act was unneccesary.
I don't recall ever attacking either of Dershowitz or Turley, even though I disagreed with some of their views. They were, regardless of my disagreement, among the most respected constitution and legal scholars in the country.

But it is nice that they see things my way on the Trump issues, and on abuse of federal agencies to target Trump and Republicans.

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Says the guy whose presence here is based on vitriolic hatred for those different from him...

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Fair Play!
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And are they really on the same page as you WB? Most legal experts I’ve read including the ones that conservatives favor seem to agree Trump is in trouble on this indictment. Even if he was targeted as you allege that still doesn’t make the crime go away plus the lying and obstruction to the investigators. A long time ago it would have surprised me that the supposed party of law and order would be okay with that but yeah I get it that loyalty to Trump above all else reigns supreme but outside in the real world in a court room that being above the law entitlement isn’t an actual legal defense.

Fair play!
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