Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Lol, that describes you and maga land WB. Super conservatives like Liz Cheney are also being attacked and getting death threats for being disloyal to Trump. If a Trump lie is exposed you go after the ones that expose it.

Liz Cheney is a regular guest and panelist on MSNBC, THAT shows you EXACTLY how Republican-conservative she is (i.e., NOT AT ALL).
She is in the same market as Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace, and former RNC chair Michael Steele, all fakes capitalizing on being a "Republican" (i,.e., RINO) who makes a cottage industry out of attacking other Republicans. Making a in-demand high-paying market for themselves as pretty much nightly guests on CNN and MSNBC, as a Republican who attacks other Republicans.
Likewise the RINO fake-conservative "Lincoln Republicans" like Donny Deutch and Steve Schmitt, and more recent new RINO pundits Alyssa Farah, Cassidy Huchinson, and "Anonymous" author and rat Miles Taylor.

Going all the way back to John McCain, who pioneered becoming the liberal media's darling in 2001-2008 by branding himself the Republican who attacks other Republicans, and thus feeds Democrats' false narrative about Republicans. McCain was an early RINO agent who regularly traded favors with George Soros. It was McCain who co-sponsored the McCain/Feingold bill that re-structured campaign finance, forcing out other former decades-long major Democrat party donors, that allowed George Soros to swoop in and replace former major longtime Democrat party donors by lveraging them out, so that Soros was able to take over control of the Democrat party in 2004.
As the head of Soros-funded MoveOn.org bragged in an e-mail in 2004: "We've bought the Democrat party, we OWN it."

And the Democrat party has lurched further and further radical-Left every 2 years ever since, to the point their party is now openly Marxist-Bolshevik.
As fully displayed by the current puppetmasters in the Biden administraion, by A-O-C and her "squad", by Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Jamal Bowman, and pretty much the entire Democrat party leadership at this point..

A Democrat-Bolshevik party trying to establish one-party authoritarian rule over the United States, and intimidate and/or put in prison anyone, Republican, Democrat or Independent, who gets in their way.
Weaponizing FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies to spy on their opposition(James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page).
Weaponizing IRS (Lois Lerner and then-director Koskinen) to audit and crush leaders of the Tea Party movement.
And FBI and DOJ unleashing "lawfare" to bury their Republican opposition in bankrupting contrived legal charges and expenses, to intimidate them, to intimidate other politically active Republican campaign volunteers and large donors (for example Frank Vandersloot, and the owners of Gibson guitars, who were audited and shut down by federal agencies just for supporting the Republican party).

YOUR side are the Democrat-Bolshevik party.
Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, virtually ALL the people who served in their administrations, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren, Cory Booker, Cori Bush, A O-C and the entire Jihad Squad, and pretty much everyone else in the Democrat party, with the exception of Democrats like Tulsi Gabbad, Joe Lieberman, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and other non-communist / non-socialist moderates, who are clearly not welcome in the Democrat party.
The entire leadership of your party are Cultural Marxists, UNAPOLOGETICALLY, and they are vicious and unetheical, there is nothing they will not do to obtain power and stay in power. BOLSHEVIKS, to the core. They worship Saul Alinsky, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Xi Xinping, he Sandinistas, Hugo Chaves... and I can easily rattle off a dozen quotes of Democrat officials in the Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations who openly praised Marxist revoluionaries in tha list , WHILE IN OFFICE. And I've quoted them multiple times before.

There is NOTHING Trump or other Republicans have done that is insurrectionist or revolutionary. The "insurrectionist / white supremacist" stuff about Trump supporters is all made up false narrative. As I've said repeatedly, Trump HIMSELF authorized 20,000 National Guard troops to guard Washington Square and prevent any possible violence or "insurrection".
It was PELOSI and Schumer, and DC mayor Muriel Bowser who obstructed deployment of those troops.
ONLY BY OBSTRUCTING WHAT TRUMP AUTHORIZED was ANY rioting possible. Trump did not plan rioting, he did everything to prevent it.
Trump posted on social media at least every 30 minutes all afternoon for his supporters to: "Remain peaceful!".
And then when some protesters entered the capitol, after at most 90 minutes, Trump made and aired a video on social media instructing his supporters to go home, WHICH THEY IMMEDIATELY DID.

The real "insurrectionists" were "at least 20" false-flag undercover FBI agents in the crowd disguised as Trump supporters.
And at least 20 undercover DHS agents in the crowd disguised as Trump supporters.
And at least 10 DC Metro police officers undercover disguised as Trump supporters.
And at least 20 Black Lives Matter agitators from Salt Lake City disguised as Trump supporters (led by John Earle Sullivan, who seems to have orchestrated the Ashlee Babbitt shooting, and two members of his group were also in the room Babbitt was shot, who conveniently were there to photograph the shooting from 2 different angles, AND POSTED THE VIDEO ALL OVER THE INTERNET.

So... who are the instigators, M E M?

Who tried (unsuccessfully) on Jan 6th to incite the Trump supporter crowd to smash windows and do violence? YOUR SIDE, NOT TRUMP SUPPORTERS.
Rand Paul and Ted Cruz questioned FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism in Senate hearings under oath, asking: Were there undercover FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters among the crowd on January 6th?
"Senator, I can't answer that."
Did undercover FBI agents incite and stoke violence on Jan 6th?
"Senator, I can't answer that."
Did undercover FBI agents commit violence THEMSELVES on January 6th?
"Senator, I can't answer that."

Oh, and Sanborn grudgingly admitted that there WAS NOT ONE firearm seized on January 6th, anywhere in Washington Square.
How exactly do you have an insurrection without any firearms?!?
Even the FBI months after Jan 6th admitted they found no evidence of a planned organized insurrection. And yet you, M E M, LIAR, are still fronting that Bolshevik false narrative, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE.

And the partisan-Bolshevik "House Select Committee on January 6th", was so slanted and disinterested in cross examining the evidence during their hearings, not letting any ACTUAL Republican on the committee to ask questions or cross-examine, that when Republicans won control of the House after the Nov 2022 mid-term election, the Democrat-Bolsheviks on the committee immediately shredded 50% of their investigation documents. To prevent them from being exposed for the complete lies that they are, under what would have been the first legitimate cross-examination permitted. Rather than be exposed, Democrats shredded the documents.

Given that the FBI is 97% Democrat, given how RABIDLY anti-Republican and anti-Trump the entire FBI is (just look at text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, or "Vive le resistance" convicted FISA warrant evidence FBI forger Kevin Clinesmith, among many other FBI agents whose texts have been exposed), it is clear the answers to those questions asked are YES, YES, and YES.
And Jill Sanborn did not answer because she would be forced to either admit it, or set herself up for later perjury charges. And the truth WILL come out, Democrats can't stop it, it already partially has already.

Likewise FBI director Christopher Wray. He would not answer those questions.
Out of well over 100,000 Trump supporters PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY protesting on January 6th, there were only 600 who went inside the Capitol building that day, most of them welcomed inside (i.e., tricked) by Capitol police or undercover FBI agents disguised as police.
Of the 600 who went inside, only about 60 (caught on thousands of security cameras, many others vindicated by the same cameras Democrats are hiding the video of) committed any vandalism or violence.
And it is entirely possible that with 70 false-flag agents in the crowd, that virtually ALL but a handful of the vandalism and violence was committed by federal agents or Antifa, AND NOT by Trump supporters. Because that was precisely the plan. To frame and discredit Trump and his supporters.

Add to that the FBI-orchestrated Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot, where of the 15 involved in the kidnapping plot, and 12 of the 15 were undercover FBI agents. An FBI agent created the kidnapping plot, an undercover FBI agent provided the getaway/kidnapping van, it was entirely an FBI plan for the crime, and FBI just got a few dupes to agree to be a part of it, to feed FBI's "dangerous white racist insurrectionist Trump supporter" narrative . The case was so bad, it resulted in acquittal for the defendants.
And then the FBI supervisor of this fiasco, instead of being demoted or fired or prosecuted himself, was... sent to the Washington DC FBI office and put in charge of.... FBI surveillance on January 6th.
Did I mention this FBI supervisor in social media posts also hates Trump?
Did I mention he is a sex club swinger accused of domestic abuse by his wife?
Oh yeah. But Trump is an insurrectionist, and these Trump allegations are TOTALLY legitimate, Everything completely by the book and beyond reproach, oh yeah...

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.