Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You’re very well aware of Cheney’s very conservative voting record. This is like you watching law enforcement being vastly outnumbered being beaten and sprayed and trying to dismiss the violence on Jan 6 because the mob wasn’t armed with guns. Again I’m so glad Trump’s attempt to steal the election will be going to court. The lies and bullshit vs actual evidence.

Every sentence in that is false narrative, some of those with 2 or 3 lies clustered in the same sentence.

Liz Cheney is a well-known establishment-Republican globalist, one of the Republicans who SAYS one thing to her voters, and then does the exact opposite, for years. Your side less than 20 years ago was portraying her father Dick Cheney as Darth Vader, the ultimate evil. Liz Cheney being a neo-conservative globalist who believes in foreign wars and interventionism that betrays, bankrupts and endangers the United States, is NOT he same thing as being a conservative, or a Reagan-Conservative, or a Paleo-Conservative, or a Tea Party/Freedom Caucus conservative.
It became CRYSTAL clear that Liz Cheney was the exact opposite of an ACTUAL conservative when she betrayed the conservative base in Jan 2021, and tried to bury and slander the Trump conservative movement, and to politically gain from stepping on and over the body of Trump, to increase her own position in the Republican party. It didn't work. We despise her. And her constituents in ACTUAL conservative Wyoming voted her out of office in one of the most devastating and humiliating political defeats of any Republican House incumbent in history.

And now Liz Cheney is a regular guest on MSNBC with Nicolle Wallace and Joe Scarborough and the like (other fake former RINO Republicans who make a leftist media business of being a Republican who attacks the Republican party).
THAT is how "conservative" and trustworthy she is.
As in, NOT conservative or trustworthy at all.

Originally Posted by M E M
This is like you watching law enforcement being vastly outnumbered being beaten and sprayed and trying to dismiss the violence on Jan 6 because the mob wasn’t armed with guns.

More fake narrative. All the Capitol police you praise are clearly Democrat partisans, and even were reading in House hearings from a script they CLEARLY DIDN'T WRITE, and CLEARLY COULD NOT EVEN PRONOUNCE THE SCRIPTED WORDS, that SOMEONE ELSE CLEARLY WROTE, that I posted about here the day they appeared in House hearings. They used all the Democrat party's controlled narrative buzz words: "extreme", "right wing" , "insurrection", that were clearly not a neutral police officer's objective testimony of the facts.

As I ALSO pointed out at the time, each of these officers, long before Jan 6th, had made clear in their social media posts they are creatures of the Democrat /Left, who hated Republicans, who despised Trump and could not restrain their clear hatred of Trump and his supporters. The black officer (Harry Dunn) had posted, in addition to his Trump-hate texts and photos, his deep support for Black Lives Matter.
For YEARS before Jan 6th ever happened.
So when he alleges he was attacked, or that a crowd of multiple Trump supporters were all screaming "nigger" at him over and over, I frankly don't believe a word of it. ESPECIALLY when, amid a crowd of thousands, with dozens of cel-phone cameras wihin ear-shot shooting video, NOT ONE video has ever surfaced that can confirm his lying incendiary allegation.
But leftists like you claim to believe it, because it feeds your lying Democrat-Bolshevik narrative.

And then there's officer Michael Fanone, who opnly said in a videotaped interview : "The Republican party needs to be carved out like a cancer."
Oh yeah. Completely neutral, just an officer reporting the facts in Jan 6 hearings. NOT AT ALL a hyperpartisan Democrat agent.
And just by osmosis and pure coincidence, JUST HAPPENS to have become a highly paid pundit appearing regularly on CNN.
Another partisan tool who feeds the Democrats' orchestrated false narrative.

BOTTOM LINE: There WAS NO "INSURRECTION", and your side knew it from the beginning, and suppressed the video evidence that it was actually overwhelmingly peaceful.
( House Speaker Mike Johnson just authorized TODAY that ALL the 14,000 hours of suppressed Capitol security video, suppressed for 3 years now, be released IMMEDIATELY. There goes the last fumes of credibility for your Democrat party's lying narrative. DONE. OVER. GONE.)[/b]

The initial first Capitol security video released already by Tucker Carlson in April (that the Democrat-Bolshevik deep state had him fired for) shows hundreds of overwhelmingly peaceful Trump protesters standing around, taking selfies, passively walking around sightseeing, NOT rioting or involved in "insurrection".
Even the FBI admitted early on that there is NO EVIDENCE, NONE of any organized insurrection on Jan 6th.
It is a lie, it is a Democrat false narrative invented for political purposes. PERIOD.

And with "at least" 20 undercover FBI dressed as Trump supporters, at least 20 DHS in the crowd disguised as Trump supporters, at least 20 BLM (led by John Earle Sullivan, who just happened to be there to videotape the Ashlee Babbitt shooting --videotaping it from 2 angles, on 2 different cameras!! -- and on video Sullivan is seen panicking the officers right before the shooting, disguised as a reporter.)
And another at least 10 DC Metro officers undercover in the crowd DISGUISED as Trump supporters.
What little violence occurred that day is clearly a false flag operation, that both FBI assistant director Jill Sanborn, and FBI director Christopher Wray, BOTH refused to confirm or deny under oath in Senate testimony, that their undercover FBI agents were in the crowd, that their agents incited the crowd, and their undercover FBI agents participated in, or led violence or vandalism that day, in a ploy to get the crowd of Trump supporters to follow.
And hat the FBI supervisor of the undercover agents is another who rabidly posts his hate of Trump on social media, and led the sting operation fiasco to frame "white supremacists" who were allegedly going to kidnap Michigan Democrat governor Gretchen Whitmer. Except that 12 of the 15 involved were FBI undercover agents, who created the plan, and provided the getaway van to do the kidnapping. So it was a purely FBI plan, that they duped a few guys to go along with. and instead of being fired, the FBI supervisor was sent to Washington DC, to supervise FBI security on January 6th. What's wrong with this picture?
An FBI rogue supervisor who just led a false-flag sting operation... was right after sent to Washington DC, to lead what looks like another false flag operation against then-president Donald Trump and his supporters.

As I've said repeatedly, police in DC who watch demonstrations by thousands in rallies every day in Washington square, estimated the Trump supporter crowd at "well over 100,000" that day.
And of those, only 600 (verified by video) went inside the Capitol in any way.
And of those, only about 60 were involved in any kind of vandalism or violence at the Capitol.
And I would lay money that VIRTUALLY ALL of the violent incidents were done by undercover federal agents or Antifa, DISGUISED as Trump supporters, and NOT by actual Trump supporters.

Except for a handful of dupes, like the guy who stole Pelosi's podium.
Or the guy tricked by agents into posing for a photo at a desk in Pelosi's outer office.
Or the now-proven completely innocent "Quanon Shaman" guy.
Who all spent months in jail over nothing.

There are MANY people who could have been identified by facial recognition technology on Jan 6th --the same geo-fencing used on the peaceful Trump-supporting real estate agents and small business owners and grandmas--- technology that will NEVER be used to identify the Antifa and Federal agents who stoked violence and smashed windows... because that would be inconvenient to the Democrat-Bolshevik official narrative.
FBI, IN ADVANCE of Jan 6th, set up a geo-fence to record the cel phone signal and identity of every Trump supporter who went near or inside the Capitol that day,, for the 97% Democrat FBI to round up later for their Trump "insurrection" narrative.
And yet there are dozens of FBI undercover "un-indicted co-conspirators" who will never be identified, despite their equally identifiable phones or photos there.

That FBI set up a geo-fence in advance is a dead giveaway that this was a planned and orchestrated plot in advance by federal agents.
Agents provacateur., not a Trump-supporter "insurrection". To set up and entrap innocent Trump supporters.
This was the Democrats "burning of the Reichstag" moment, to consolidate absolute power, and intimidate anyone who would oppose them after a Democrat-rigged election. To sweep away any remaining Republican opposition. And then purge all branches of government who even posted support of Trump on social media, or refused to get a Covid vaccination.
Democrats' Reichstag moment.

Much has been revealed in the last 3 years. And more suppressed evidence surfaces every week.

Originally Posted by M E M
Again I’m so glad Trump’s attempt to steal the election will be going to court. The lies and bullshit vs actual evidence.

Trump didn't attempt to "steal" the election. At every point, he employed attorneys to LEGALLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY dispute the 2020 election, an election that THE DEMOCRATS rigged.
And everywhere that the evidence is permitted to be heard and reviewed, evidence of election tampering has been on display. And more being revealed constantly over the last 3 years.
Just look at all the links and articles I've posted, that you like to pretend don't exist:
  • Twittergate,
  • the Hunter Biden laptop suppression,
  • DHS working with a least 2 universities to label any news helptul to Trump's 2020 re-election as "disinformation".
  • That in ALL the battleground states, up til 3 AM on election night, Trump was winning by a good margin, until Democrats tricked Republican vote observers into going home, and then with only Democrats present, they cheated all night, and lo and behold, all of a sudden the voting pattern changed and there was a huge spike in votes for Biden, in all the key (Democrat-election-controlled) cities Biden needed to barely, narrowly, "win".

Yes, it was absolutely a rigged election, but it was THE DEMOCRATS who rigged it.
And only with deceit and intimidation by Democrats was that rigged election prevented from being exposed. But it could not be hidden forever.
With "actual evidence" and whistleblowers constantly surfacing, of Democrat-authoritarian election rigging, exposed a bit more every day.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.