Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump watched the violence on Jan 6 and chose to only ask his special people to leave hours after it started and only after one of his people got shot. Any report I’ve read has republicans begging him to ask them to leave. There is no order that Trump signed ordering 20,000 troops either. Your guy lost and threw a tantrum that hasn’t ever ended. You talk of intimidation after seeing the gallows Trump’s special people built for his VP and heard the “hang Pence” chants in the Capitol. Just the tip of the iceberg of intimidation and death threats dolled out by maga land to those who get in Trump’s way. That includes not just elected officials, judges and lawyers but also every day people like election workers. You know this and you supported his thuggery and lies all the way.

You're a broken record, with no facts and nothing new to say.
It was completely false the first 1,000 times you said it. It will remain equally false the next billion times you say it. I've detailed the actual facts over and over and OVER, and you are apparently utterly immune to facts.

Kash Patel is a witness to Trump signing the executive order for 20,000 National Guard on January 6th, and there is plenty of other documentation and witnesses, including DC mayor Muriel Bowser's refusal of National Guard troops IN A WRITTEN LETTER. That is beyond deniability. You are making stuff up, as usual. That doesn't make the actual facts any less factual.

As I recall, Trump spoke from precisely 12 noon to 1:11 PM on the White House lawn on Jan 6th.
Trump said to his supporters "I know in a few minutes, you're all going to walk over to the Capitol and PEACEFULLY and patriotically let your voices he heard", in support of Republican House and Senate members, CONSTITUTIONALLY and LEGALLY and PEACEFULLY challenging the rigged 2020 electoral votes.

There was some violence and vandalism [ by FBI and Antifa false flag agents, *NOT* Trump supporters ] that began outside the Capitol, smashing windows and so forth, 30 minutes before Trump finished his speech, starting about 12:40 PM (Trump didn't finish his speech until 1:11 PM) . This emphasizes that it was not Trump supporters, because the ACTUAL supporters were still 45 minutes away on the White House lawn listening to Trump's speech, and would not have walked over to and arrived at the Capitol until about 1:55 PM.

Breach of the Capitol interior occurred around 2:30 PM.
Ashli Babbitt was shot by Capitol police Lt. Michael Byrd (for no reason) at approximately 2:45 PM.
Trump throughout the afternoon posted Twitter posts every 20 to 30 minutes, instructing protesters to "Remain PEACEFUL !"

Sometime around 3PM there was confirmation that Trump supporters (or false-flag FBI and Antifa, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters) had breached the Capitol.
And Trump released his video statement instructing protesters to go home and leave the Capitol at precisely 4:17 PM
( Biden --or more accurately his puppetmasters, posting on Twitter post in Biden's name--- released a post calling on Trump to instruct his supporters to go home, at precisely 4:06 PM. So obviously, Trump was already preparing his video statement to post on Twitter, while Team Biden made that post. And Trump's video was aired on the news networks immediately after it was posted on Twitter. )

So... you are being ridiculous, and nitpicking beyond belief about nothing. Trump throughout the day instructed his followers to be peaceful, and they were.

And for the billionth time, whether the time till his video statement telling people to go home was 45 minutes, or 1 hour, or 1 hour and 20 minutes, from the time his staff confirmed the breach had occurred, he STILL responded very soon after the breach and did all he could, in a very reasonable timeframe, allowing he time Trump needed to write and videotape and post a video statement for people to go home, doing his part at every stage, to prevent in advance with an executive order for National Guard (ignored by Bowser, Pelosi and Schumer), discourage violence repeaedly throughout the afternoon on social media, to stop the rioting and ell people to go home once he knew rioing occurred.

The only revisionists alleging to be "Republicans begging him to ask them to leave" that day are self-serving RINOs, who alleged this just to get positions as highly paid consultants on MSNBC, CNN, and The View. And that is proven by the highly paid positions they now hold at these networks. They are lying Judases, who have been paid way beyond their 30 pieces of silver.

And I see no evidence that the people waving Confederate flags and shouting "Hang Pence" were actual Trump supporters. As the FBI's own reports have made clear, the protest rally was filled with federal and Antifa false-flag agents DISGUISED AS Trump supporters, and these incidents were very inconsistent with the behavior of Tea Party or Trump supporters at any other rally over 8 years. There were undercover FBI agents surrounding the leaders of Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, giving them battle plans for violence, pushing them to do violence they NEVER would commit on their own, without FBI staging.
It reeks of being a Democrat-orchestrated false-flag operation, to slander and fragment Trump supporters.

Just as the Hillary Clinton campaign did, funding 2 violent operatives at a Trump rally in 2016. And these 2 thugs were stupid enough to brag about it to Project Veritas, who nationally broadcast the video of them and exposed them, boasting that they were paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign to do the violence, "through a double wall of deniability."

And again, the FBI's doing the exact same thing just months before, with the faked Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot. It was the exact same set-up.
And the wife-beating FBI supervisor who orchestrated the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping frame job, is the exact same guy FBI sent to supervise the January 6th FBI undercover set-up.

You are a liar, M E M. As I proved over and over, SOURCED AND LINKED ABOVE, Democrat/Leftist violence and intimidation is a thousand-fold in real and documented occurrences, of what you even try to even ALLEGE was done by Trump or Republicans.
Yours is the party of Antifa, BLM, open borders, Hamas terrorists, and ulimately, marxist revolution.

Your Democrat-Bolshevik party worships Marxists worldwide, and openly emulates their tactics of violence and intimidation. They worship and quote Marxist revolutionaries, as I've cited repeatedly. In the cases of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Barack and Michelle Obama, and virtually all of their staffers, They are Marxist revolutionaries THEMSELVES.
These are THEIR tactics, not those of Trump or Republicans.

So, in a nutshell, you're a fucking liar.
And I've sourced and linked the true facts over and over, proving that.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.